Name Year Location Page Cabel Jesse 1830 WAYNE TWP 209 Cady Samuel 1830 CLARION TWP 227 Cain Sarah 1830 WAYNE TWP 209 Calberson Samuel 1830 BUFFALO TWP 271 Caldwell James 1830 BUFFALO TWP 266 Caldwell John 1830 TOBY TWP 234 Caldwell John 1830 TOBY TWP 239 Calhoun John, Esq. 1830 WAYNE TWP 208 Calhoun Sarah 1830 KITTANNING TWP 196 Calhouse Noah 1830 KITTANNING TWP 197 Callan Thomas 1830 PERRY TWP 241 Callans Hugh 1830 TOBY TWP 234 Callon David 1830 BUFFALO TWP 265 Callon John 1830 CLARION TWP 228 Campbell David 1830 BUFFALO TWP 265 Campbell Esther 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 183 Campbell Hugh 1830 KITTANNING BOROUGH 201 Campbell James 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 179 Campbell James 1830 BUFFALO TWP 261 Campbell Jane 1830 SUGARCREEK TWP 255 Campbell John 1830 KITTANNING TWP 198 Campbell Joseph 1830 BUFFALO TWP 264 Campbell Margaret 1830 WAYNE TWP 206 Campbell Nathaniel 1830 BUFFALO TWP 263 Campbell Pherson 1830 BUFFALO TWP 262 Campbell Rev. James 1830 KITTANNING BOROUGH 203 Campbell Stewart 1830 REDBANK TWP 213 Campbell William 1830 SUGARCREEK TWP 255 Cane Isaac 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 187 Cannon Ann 1830 REDBANK TWP 218 Caple Daniel 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 180 Carnahan James 1830 TOBY TWP 236 Carnahan Rebecca 1830 TOBY TWP 232 Carnahan Thomas 1830 TOBY TWP 237 Carnahan William 1830 SUGARCREEK TWP 252 Carpenter Ocly 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 189 Carr James 1830 SUGARCREEK TWP 255 Carr John 1830 REDBANK TWP 212 Carson John 1830 TOBY TWP 239 Cartwright William 1830 PERRY TWP 244 Caruh Jacob 1830 BUFFALO TWP 269 Carver Elizabeth 1830 KITTANNING BOROUGH 203 Casper Joshua 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 184 Cathcart John 1830 REDBANK TWP 213 Cathcart Robert 1830 REDBANK TWP 214 Catheart James 1830 REDBANK TWP 214 Cathers Rachel 1830 CLARION TWP 226 Cathus Robert 1830 CLARION TWP 224 Cauviner Christopher 1830 PLUMCREEK TWP 170 Chambers James 1830 REDBANK TWP 212 Chambers Margaret 1830 BUFFALO TWP 260 Charlton Hannah 1830 KITTANNING TWP 196 Christman Fredrick 1830 SUGARCREEK TWP 250 Christman Henry 1830 SUGARCREEK TWP 250 Christman John 1830 SUGARCREEK TWP 250 Christman John 1830 SUGARCREEK TWP 251 Christman John 1830 TOBY TWP 240 Christman John, Jr. 1830 SUGARCREEK TWP 250 Cisney Catharine 1830 PLUMCREEK TWP 166 Clark Alexander 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 176 Clark Alexander, Esq. 1830 PLUMCREEK TWP 165 Clark Bartlet B. 1830 PERRY TWP 243 Clark John 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 186 Clark John 1830 BUFFALO TWP 269 Clark Joseph 1830 BUFFALO TWP 273 Clark Noah 1830 PLUMCREEK TWP 165 Clark Samuel 1830 BUFFALO TWP 260 Clark William 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 187 Clark William 1830 BUFFALO TWP 260 Clark William T. 1830 PLUMCREEK TWP 164 Clawson John 1830 KITTANNING BOROUGH 201 Claypole David 1830 BUFFALO TWP 261 Claypole George, Jr. 1830 BUFFALO TWP 260 Claypole George, Sr. 1830 BUFFALO TWP 260 Claypole Hesekiah 1830 BUFFALO TWP 263 Claypole James 1830 BUFFALO TWP 263 Claypole James 1830 SUGARCREEK TWP 255 Claypole John 1830 BUFFALO TWP 261 Claypole Joseph 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 184 Claypole Samule 1830 BUFFALO TWP 261 Clever Daniel 1830 WAYNE TWP 205 Clever Henry 1830 WAYNE TWP 206 Clever Joseph 1830 WAYNE TWP 206 Clever Michael 1830 WAYNE TWP 206 Clinger George 1830 REDBANK TWP 214 Clinger John 1830 CLARION TWP 220 Cliver Catharine 1830 BUFFALO TWP 259 Clover Gamaliel 1830 CLARION TWP 227 Clover James 1830 REDBANK TWP 214 Clover John R. 1830 CLARION TWP 220 Clover John, Sr. 1830 CLARION TWP 227 Clover Peter 1830 CLARION TWP 223 Clover Peter, Jr. 1830 CLARION TWP 226 Clover Philip, Jr. 1830 CLARION TWP 220 Clover Philip, Sr. 1830 CLARION TWP 226 Clugh John 1830 CLARION TWP 225 Clugh William 1830 CLARION TWP 228 Clugston John 1830 KITTANNING BOROUGH 202 Cobit John 1830 CLARION TWP 229 Cochran Catharine 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 177 Cochran David 1830 CLARION TWP 222 Cochran James 1830 CLARION TWP 220 Cochran James 1830 KITTANNING TWP 195 Cochran John 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 178 Cochran John 1830 CLARION TWP 222 Cochran Samuel 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 173 Cochran Samuel 1830 WAYNE TWP 207 Cochran William, Jr. 1830 WAYNE TWP 207 Cochran William, Sr. 1830 CLARION TWP 222 Cochran William, Sr. 1830 WAYNE TWP 207 Coder George 1830 CLARION TWP 221 Cogley James 1830 WAYNE TWP 206 Cogley John 1830 KITTANNING TWP 198 Cogley Joseph 1830 BUFFALO TWP 262 Colbert Isaac 1830 SUGARCREEK TWP 248 Coleman Charles 1830 WAYNE TWP 209 Coleman Charles, Sr. 1830 WAYNE TWP 209 Coleman John 1830 WAYNE TWP 208 Coleman Samuel 1830 WAYNE TWP 208 Coler Peter 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 174 Colp Martin 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 185 Colvin Anthony O. 1830 PLUMCREEK TWP 163 Colwell Alexaner 1830 KITTANNING BOROUGH 201 Commordinner Peter 1830 WAYNE TWP 205 Conger John 1830 REDBANK TWP 212 Congleton John 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 184 Conly John 1830 SUGARCREEK TWP 246 Connelly John 1830 CLARION TWP 222 Connelly Michael 1830 PERRY TWP 244 Connelly Thomas 1830 REDBANK TWP 219 Conner John 1830 TOBY TWP 239 Conner Magdeline 1830 TOBY TWP 238 Conner Matthew 1830 BUFFALO TWP 263 Conner William 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 176 Conser Jacob 1830 CLARION TWP 226 Cook George 1830 KITTANNING TWP 190 Cook Henry 1830 TOBY TWP 235 Cook John 1830 KITTANNING TWP 190 Cookston Jesse 1830 CLARION TWP 225 Coon John 1830 REDBANK TWP 210 Cooper William 1830 TOBY TWP 232 Copel Samuel 1830 REDBANK TWP 217 Corbit Edward 1830 CLARION TWP 231 Corbit Isaac 1830 CLARION TWP 225 Corbit John C., Esq. 1830 CLARION TWP 227 Corbit Paul C. 1830 CLARION TWP 223 Corbit Philip 1830 CLARION TWP 222 Corbit Robert 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 187 Corbit Samuel T. 1830 CLARION TWP 226 Corbit William 1830 CLARION TWP 227 Corbit William, Jr. 1830 CLARION TWP 227 Core Rev. John 1830 CLARION TWP 228 Cornman George 1830 BUFFALO TWP 265 Cornnian Abraham 1830 BUFFALO TWP 264 Couch Benjamin 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 172 Couch Jesse 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 173 Couch Joseph 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 172 Couch Samuel 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 172 Coufer Fredrick 1830 BUFFALO TWP 259 Coulter Robert 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 187 Coulter Samuel 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 174 Coulter William, Esq. 1830 PLUMCREEK TWP 167 Coursen Henry 1830 REDBANK TWP 216 Coursen Isaac 1830 CLARION TWP 230 Coursen John 1830 REDBANK TWP 216 Courson Abraham 1830 REDBANK TWP 216 Cousins Isaac 1830 TOBY TWP 231 Cowdy John 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 174 Cowin Jane 1830 SUGARCREEK TWP 254 Cown John 1830 SUGARCREEK TWP 255 Cown John, Jr. 1830 SUGARCREEK TWP 255 Cown William 1830 SUGARCREEK TWP 255 Coyle William T. 1830 BUFFALO TWP 271 Craft Isaac 1830 PLUMCREEK TWP 167 Craig James 1830 SUGARCREEK TWP 252 Craig James 1830 TOBY TWP 233 Craig John 1830 BUFFALO TWP 259 Craig John, Esq. 1830 BUFFALO TWP 270 Craig Samuel 1830 CLARION TWP 221 Craig Samuel 1830 SUGARCREEK TWP 249 Craig Washington 1830 TOBY TWP 233 Craig William 1830 PLUMCREEK TWP 170 Crall John 1830 KITTANNING BOROUGH 201 Cramer George, Sr. 1830 KITTANNING TWP 197 Crate Philip 1830 CLARION TWP 220 Cravner Anthony 1830 BUFFALO TWP 262 Cravner George 1830 KITTANNING TWP 200 Cravner John 1830 KITTANNING TWP 200 Cravner Richard 1830 KITTANNING TWP 200 Crawford David 1830 KITTANNING BOROUGH 204 Crawford Ebenezer 1830 PERRY TWP 245 Crawford John 1830 SUGARCREEK TWP 248 Crawford John 1830 SUGARCREEK TWP 249 Crawford Joseph 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 180 Crawford Levi 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 187 Crawford Robert 1830 SUGARCREEK TWP 251 Crawford Stephen 1830 PERRY TWP 243 Cray Samuel 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 178 Cribbs John 1830 CLARION TWP 228 Crick Adam 1830 TOBY TWP 239 Croll William 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 173 Crooks James 1830 CLARION TWP 224 Crooks Robert 1830 CLARION TWP 224 Crosby Samuel 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 182 Cross Samuel 1830 TOBY TWP 238 Crow William 1830 PERRY TWP 241 Crow William 1830 TOBY TWP 233 Croyle David 1830 SUGARCREEK TWP 250 Croyle Jacob 1830 SUGARCREEK TWP 250 Crozier John 1830 SUGARCREEK TWP 246 Crozier John 1830 TOBY TWP 240 Crozier William 1830 SUGARCREEK TWP 246 Cruey James 1830 PLUMCREEK TWP 164 Cruthers Richard E. 1830 WAYNE TWP 204 Cubbs John 1830 REDBANK TWP 213 Cufness Robert 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 185 Cumins John 1830 CLARION TWP 229 Cunkle Michael 1830 PERRY TWP 241 Cunningham Adam 1830 SUGARCREEK TWP 249 Cunningham Andrew 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 172 Cunningham Andrew 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 178 Cunningham Elijah 1830 KITTANNING TWP 190 Cunningham Elisha 1830 KITTANNING TWP 190 Cunningham Henry 1830 KITTANNING TWP 198 Cunningham Isaac 1830 KITTANNING TWP 194 Cunningham John 1830 BUFFALO TWP 259 Cunningham John 1830 BUFFALO TWP 262 Cunningham William 1830 BUFFALO TWP 259 Cunningham William 1830 KITTANNING TWP 191 Curl Lot 1830 CLARION TWP 226 Curl William, Esq. 1830 CLARION TWP 230 Cussell John R. 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 182 Cussell Robert 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 182 Dally Crawford 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 178 Darby Hugh 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 176 Daring John A. 1830 PERRY TWP 245 Dasby William 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 184 Daugherty Andrew 1830 KITTANNING TWP 190 Daugherty Hugh 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 174 Daugherty John 1830 BUFFALO TWP 273 Daugherty Mordica 1830 KITTANNING TWP 191 Daugherty Samuel 1830 BUFFALO TWP 269 David George 1830 PLUMCREEK TWP 169 Davidson Samuel 1830 KITTANNING BOROUGH 202 Davies Willaim 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 178 Davis Alfred 1830 BUFFALO TWP 258 Davis Daniel 1830 KITTANNING TWP 197 Davis Elijah 1830 SUGARCREEK TWP 255 Davis Henry 1830 PLUMCREEK TWP 169 Davis Jacob 1830 KITTANNING TWP 193 Davis John 1830 KITTANNING TWP 197 Davis John 1830 SUGARCREEK TWP 250 Davis Joseph 1830 CLARION TWP 222 Davis Joseph 1830 KITTANNING TWP 198 Davis Margaret 1830 PLUMCREEK TWP 170 Davis Matters 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 174 Davis Michael 1830 SUGARCREEK TWP 250 Davis Nicholas 1830 PLUMCREEK TWP 169 Davis Samuel 1830 PLUMCREEK TWP 165 Davis Thomas 1830 PERRY TWP 242 Day David 1830 SUGARCREEK TWP 252 Day John 1830 BUFFALO TWP 259 Day Nicholas 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 179 Deemer Philip 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 173 Degroff James 1830 BUFFALO TWP 272 Delf George, Jr. 1830 REDBANK TWP 218 Delf Lewis 1830 REDBANK TWP 217 Dell Francis 1830 KITTANNING TWP 197 Dell John 1830 KITTANNING TWP 197 Dell William 1830 KITTANNING TWP 197 Delp George 1830 CLARION TWP 229 Delp Henry 1830 CLARION TWP 229 Delphey James 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 178 Demsey Charles 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 186 Devers William 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 171 Devin Hugh 1830 WAYNE TWP 208 Devine Eleanor 1830 PERRY TWP 245 Deviney William 1830 SUGARCREEK TWP 257 Devore George 1830 TOBY TWP 232 Dewalt Jacob 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 187 Dice John 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 175 Dickey Archibald 1830 KITTANNING BOROUGH 203 Dickey Archibald 1830 SUGARCREEK TWP 249 Dickey Matthew 1830 REDBANK TWP 218 Dickey Rev. John 1830 SUGARCREEK TWP 249 Dickey Robert 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 185 Dickey Samuel 1830 SUGARCREEK TWP 254 Dickey William 1830 SUGARCREEK TWP 255 Dickison Alexander 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 178 Dickison Samuel 1830 BUFFALO TWP 267 Digkey Samuel 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 186 Digroff Samuel 1830 BUFFALO TWP 272 Dill George 1830 WAYNE TWP 206 Dimond Philip 1830 BUFFALO TWP 268 Ditty James 1830 TOBY TWP 233 Diven Elizabeth 1830 WAYNE TWP 209 Dodson Thomas 1830 SUGARCREEK TWP 254 Dolf John 1830 REDBANK TWP 216 Domlson Andrew 1830 KITTANNING TWP 194 Donnelson John 1830 KITTANNING BOROUGH 203 Donnelson Thomas 1830 KITTANNING BOROUGH 203 Doophorn George 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 186 Doren Hugh 1830 KITTANNING TWP 197 Dormire Daniel 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 173 Dormire Jacob 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 172 Dormire Nicholas 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 171 Dormire Peter 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 172 Dormire Solomon 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 173 Dougherty James 1830 KITTANNING BOROUGH 201 Dougherty John 1830 BUFFALO TWP 269 Douglass James 1830 KITTANNING BOROUGH 203 Douze John 1830 BUFFALO TWP 262 Doverspike Henry 1830 REDBANK TWP 217 Doverspike Henry 1830 REDBANK TWP 218 Doverspike Lewis 1830 REDBANK TWP 214 Dovinspike John 1830 WAYNE TWP 209 Dowers James 1830 CLARION TWP 222 Downs Thomas 1830 CLARION TWP 221 Drain John 1830 REDBANK TWP 217 Drain Kinsy 1830 BUFFALO TWP 272 Drunmire Andrew, Jr. 1830 PLUMCREEK TWP 170 Duff Francis 1830 BUFFALO TWP 269 Duffy James 1830 BUFFALO TWP 266 Dugan Cornelius 1830 BUFFALO TWP 265 Duke Thomas 1830 WAYNE TWP 204 Dummers Joseph 1830 PLUMCREEK TWP 169 Duncan Alexander 1830 TOBY TWP 231 Duncan Andrew 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 174 Duncle Elizabeth 1830 PLUMCREEK TWP 162 Dunkle Henry 1830 TOBY TWP 234 Dunkle Jacob 1830 PERRY TWP 243 Dunlap John 1830 TOBY TWP 239 Dunlap William 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 177 Dunmire Andrew, Sr. 1830 PLUMCREEK TWP 169 Dunmire David 1830 KITTANNING TWP 196 Dunmire Jacob 1830 PLUMCREEK TWP 169 Dunn John 1830 BUFFALO TWP 271 Dunnel Timothy 1830 BUFFALO TWP 267 Duzel Reymond 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 176 Dyhamer George 1830 TOBY TWP 232 Contributed by Thomas L Nagy for use by the Armstrong County Genealogy Project (
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