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1815 Tax List, Bart Township, Lancaster County


Feb 27, 2014

Lancaster County 
Bart Township, 1815 Tax List


The following is the direct tax for Bart township, Lancaster county, Pa. for the
year of 1815 

Land owners taxed on property, homes, barns etc… on the land.
Included here will be the land owner and the names of persons with adjoining
property. If your Ancestor is found further check of these records could tell you
the size of their home, if it was one or two story, sometimes if it was stone or log
, size of property, size and building material of barns and other out buildings. and
lastly the amount of properties worth. This will include Non – residents owning
property in this township. They are listed in separate list after residents (please
note this person script made it hard to tell R from N when it was the last letter of
the name so names like Millen may be Miller, also many i’s were not dotted and were
hard to tell from e’s)

I will give one example of what the full tax form said in complete. Between
….. ……. is the spaces which were to be filled in.

List of lands, lots of ground, with their improvements and dwelling houses owned
by…..Robert Patterson….on the 1st day of April 1815, lying and being within the
6th collection district of Pennsylvania, viz. In….Bart….township, Lancaster
county One farm, situate adjoining the lands of……Samuel Ferguson, Solomon Hemor,
and others……. containing ……One hundred and six ……acres and
………………..perches; having theron
……one….dwellinghouse….of….Log…..of…..two….Stor..ies… …twenty
eight…..feet in length, by …..twenty .four……feet in depth; ….one….barn
of …. log thirty feet by twenty …….. Valued at ……..Eleven hundred

BARR, Martin Sr. Land adjoining Chistian BARR, Willliam HENDERSON and others 
120 acres, 1 stone distillery

BARTHOLOMEW, Mathew Land adjoining John WAGGONER, and others, 180 acres

BOWERS, David Land adjoining Samuel FERGUSON and others, 140 acres

BARR, Chistian Land adjoining Robert RUSK, and others, 477 acres

BARR, Michal Land adjoining Peter SIDES, John GROFF, and others, 50 acres

BAUGHMAN, Samuel Land adjoining George J. BAUGHMAN and others 75 acres

BREADY, Alexander Land adjoining Thomas McCLURE and others, 1 acre

BARR, Abrm Land adjoining Christian BARR, Jacob GROFF and others 150 acres

BROOKS, Washington Land adjoining Rudolph PENNEGAN, John McCALLA and others 58

BARR, Jacob *** Land adjoining Jacob GROFF miller, John BARR, and others, 38 

BAXTER, James Land adjoining John BAUGHMAN, Francis McKNIGHT and others,3 lots
George Town 1 1/2 acres with Smith Shop

BROWN, William Land adjoining Richard McCORD and others 150 acres

BAUGHMAN, John Land adjoining James BAXTER, Widow HALL, and others 151 acres

BAUGHMAN, George ,waggon maker, Land adjoining Solomon HEMOR, and others, 90
acres, 1 lot George town 1 acre containing Waggon makers shop

BAUGHMAN, George Land adjoining Samuel BAUGHMAN, and others, 68 acres

CALWELL, James , esq. Land adjoining John CAUGHEY, John BAXTER, and others,122
acres, 1 sawmill

CAUGHEY, John Land adjoining James CALWELL, Sam’l WORK, and others, 350 acres

COULTER, John Land adjoining Robert BISLEY, Wm KEAR, and others, 220 acres

CUNKLE, Henry Land adjoining William CUNKLE, Joseph HUTCHINSON, and others ,
102 acres

CUNKLE, William Land adjoining Henry CUNKLE, Daniel ECKMAN, and others 102
acres, 1 – other tract adjoining Jacob GROFF, and others, 60 acres

DAVIS, Walter Land adjoining Richard McCORD, Moses ROSS, and others, 150 acres

DOWNING, Samuel &
BAILEY, Francis Land adjoining Joseph HUTCHINSON and Peter SHIRTS and others
200 acres

DONNELLY, Hugh – merchant- 1 lot George town 1 acre

ECKMAN, Daniel Land adjoining Wm CUNKLE, Henry ECKMAN, and others 170 acres

ECKMAN, Martin & Henry Land adjoining Daniel ECKMAN, Chistian BARR, and others 
200 acres

EATON, John Land adjoining Michal LINGERFIELD, Arthur McKUSUK and others 30 acres

FERRY, Patrick Land adjoining Andrew BARKLEY, John WITHERS, and others 66 acres

FERGUSON, John -weaver- 1 lot George town 1 acre

FINSTINOR, Fredrick & Adam Land adjoining John WITHERS and others 150 acres

FORBES, Boyd Land adjoining Thomas McCLURE, Widow McCLURE and others 199 acres

FERGUSON, Sam’l Land adjoining Robert PATTERSON and others 83 acres

FREE, Samuel Land adjoining Solomon HEMOR and others 104 acres

FOGAL, George Land adjoining Simon GHOST and others 66 acres

GROFF, Jacob -miller- Land adjoining Abrm BARR, Peter SIDES, and others,140
acres, 1 mill

GHOST, Simon Land adjoining Francis McKNIGHT, Henry PICKLE and others 103 acres

GREER, ( or Green ) Joseph Land adjoining Michal LINGERFIELD, and others 72 

HANE, (or Hare ) Abrm Land adjoining John WITHERS and others 100 acres

HAR, David Land adjoining Henry HAR, Michal BARR and others 75 acres, 1 – smith

HOOVER, Christian Land adjoining Peter SIDES and others 51 acres 1-lot adjoining
Henry King 75 acres no improvements

HARLET, John Land adjoining Samuel FREE, Henery BRENAMAN and others, 50 acres

HARE, Henry Land adjoining Martin BARR, David HARE , HARE and others 75 acres

HAWK, Jacob Land adjoining Abrm BARR, Christian BARR and others 6 acres

HUTCHINSON, Joseph Land adjoining Henry CUNKLE, John KIDD, and others 200 acres,
1 – hatters shop

HEMOR, Solomon Land adjoining Peter PICKLE, Samuel FREE and others 148 acres

HEMOR, William Land adjoining Solomon HEMOR and others 5 acres

JINKINS, Ralph Land adjoining Solomon HEMOR, and others 7 acres

JINKINS, David Land adjoining George ROCKEY, Rudolph PENEGAN and others 3 acres

JOHNSTON,William Land adjoining Andrew BARCKLEY and others 6 acres

KING, Henry Land adjoining Chistian HOOVER, Tobias GRYDER and others 95 acres

KIDD, John Land adjoining Joseph HUTCHINSON, John PAXTON and others 47 acres

KISEN, George Land adjoining George DUFFIELD and others 37 acres

KINCAID, John Land adjoining Adam PICKLE, KNOX and others 100 acres

LINGERFIELD, Michal Land adjoining Adam PICKLE, Joseph GREER and others 30 acres

McCLURE, Elizabeth Land adjoining Samuel DOWNING, and others 145 acres

McCLURE, John Land adjoining Wm RAMSEY, Nathan THOMPSON and others 18 acres 1 –
Tract adjoining Peter PICKLE, Natan THOMPSON and others, 130 acres

McCORD, Abner Land adjoining John & Chistian STOPHER and others 20 acres

McKNIGHT, Francis Land adjoining James BAXTER, John MILLER and others 100 acres

MANAGHEN, James 1-lot George town 1 acre

McCLURE, Thomas Land adjoining Elizabeth McCLURE, Thos HOOD and others 135 
acres 1 – ? Carding machine house

MILLER, (or MILLEN ) John Land adjoining Francis McKNIGHT and others 33 acres

McCLURE, John -Honey Hill- Land adjoining Jacob BARR and others 70 acres

MANAGHEN, James 1- lot George Town 1 acre

McCORD, Richard Land adjoining Walter DAVIS, Wm BROWN and others 110 acres

McCREADY, Achibald Land adjoining Peter PICKLE, Solomon HEMOR and others 100 

McKUSICK, Aurther Land adjoining Samuel FERGUSON and others 30 acres

McCURDY, Daniel Land adjoining Abrm LEMON, John NEFF and others 8 acres

MYERS, John Land adjoining Henry KING, Jacob TINGLINGER and others 55 acres

McQUE, Daniel Land adjoining George HISON and others 1 acres

McCAFFERY, James Land adjoining James CALWELL, John COULTER and others 70 acres

NOLE, George Land adjoining Mathew BARTHOLOMEW, and others 5 acres

OATMAN, George Land adjoining James WATT, William CLARK and others 146 acres

PICKLE, Peter Land adjoining Solomon Hemor, John McCLURE and others 150 acres

PICKLE, Adam Land adjoining John KINCAID, Michal LINGERFIELD and others 18 acres

PAXTON, James 1 – unimproved lot George town 70 perches

PICKLE, Henry Land adjoining John EARHART, Simon GHOST and others 150 acres

PENEGAN, Rudolph Land adjoining ROCKEY , FURGUSON and others 99 acres

PATTERSON, Robert Land adjoining Samuel FURGUSON, Solomon HEMOR and others 106

PAXTON, John Land adjoining Sam’l WORK, and others situated on the waters of
the Octrara Creek , 112 acres, 1-sawmill 1- greist mill 1 – other farm in Bart
township adjoining Samuel DOWNING and others 80 acres

QUIGG, James Montgomery 1 – Lot George Town , main street, 1acre

ROCKEY, George Land adjoining Rudolph PENEGAN, Henry PICKLE and others 120
acres, 1 – distilling house

ROSS, Mosses Land adjoining Richard McCORD, John COOPER and others 100 acres

RITZ, Simon Land adjoining James BAXTER and others 68acres 1 -lot George Town
adjoining Main Street 1 acre

RUSK, Rob’t Land adjoining Christian BARR and others 101 acres

RAMSEY, William Land adjoining John McCLURE, Boyd FORBES and others 13acres

ROCKEY & FURGUSON Land adjoining George DUFFIELD,George ROCKEY and others 100

ROWE, Francis Land adjoining Michal WITHERS and others 30 acres

RAMSEY, Nancy Land adjoining Patrick FERRY, Henry ECKMAN and others 4 acres

SILIMON, Samuel Land adjoining Henry BRENAMAN and others 65 acres

SIDES, Peter Land adjoining Jacob GROFF miller, John WITHERS and others 150 acres

TROUT, John Land adjoining Simon GHOST, James BAXTER and others 32 acres

THOMPSON, Nathan Land adjoining Wm RAMSEY, Samuel DOWNING and others 500 acres

WAGGONER, Widow Land adjoining George DUFFIELD, Henry BERUKBILL and others 100
acres, 1- other lot Adjoining Michal LINGERFIELD, no improvements 11 acres 1 – other
lot Adjoining George DUFFIELD, no improvements 10 acres 3 lots George Town unimproved

WORK, Samuel Land adjoining John PAXTON, John CAUGHEY and others 126 acres 1 –
Cooper Shop and Stillhouse 1 unimproved lot George Town

WATT, James Land adjoining John COULTER, George OATMAN and others 170 acres

WITHERS, John Land adjoining Abrm HARE, Jacob GROFF, John BRACKBILL, John HARE,
Daniel ECKMAN, and others 290 acres

WARFIELD, Jacob , heirs Land adjoining and others 180 acres

Non Residents

BARKMAN, John 2 – lots George Town

BRENAMAN, Henry Land adjoining Samuel SILIMON and others 100 acres

BOYLEN, John Land adjoining Mosses ROSS, Wm CLARK and others 40 acres

BARR, Abrm Land adjoining Mine Hill ,15 acres

BAILEY, Alex’r 2 – Lots George Town

BRUBAUCH & BOMBARGER, Land adjoining John PAXTON, And’r BARKLEY and others 175

BOON, William & John 2 – Lots George Town

BAILEY, Thomas 1 – Lot George Town

BRACKBILL, John Land adjoining Jacob GROFF miller, John WITHERS and others 80 

BRECKBILL, Henry Land adjoining George ROCKEY, John WAGGONER and others 44 acres

BRINTON, Wm Land adjoining Walter DAVIS, Mosses ROSS and others 150 acres

BARR, Jacob Land adjoining ———— and others 5 acres

COOPER, John Land adjoining Mosses ROSS and others 100 acres

GRYDER, John Land adjoining Tobias GRYDER, and others 80 acres

GRYDER, Tobias Land adjoining Henry KING, Peter YORLEY and others 100 acres

EBBY, Daniel Land adjoining Thaomas HOOD and others 7 acres

EVERLY, Michal Land adjoining John PAXTON and others 80 acres

ECKHART, George esq. Land adjoining George DUFFIELD, John KINCAID and others 
100 acres

ESLEMAN, Jacob Land adjoining Solomon HEMOR, Sam’l FREE and others 200 acres

ECKART, Peter Land adjoining Widow McCLURE and others 7 acres

EBBY, Jacob Land adjoining Widow McCLURE and others 11 acres

FISHER, Christian Land adjoining Mine Hill , 80 acres

FRITZ, Jacob Land adjoining Mine Hill , 100 acres

GROFF, Abrm Land adjoining Mine Hill , 60 acres

GROFF, John Land adjoining Peter SIDES and others 25 acres

GROFF, John Sr. Land adjoining Henry BRENAMAN and others 25 acres

GROFF, John Land adjoining Joseph HUTCHINSON, and others 90 acres

GINN, William Land adjoining John PAXTON, Sam’l WORK and others 130 acres

GROFF & ESHLEMAN Land adjoining —- and others 5 acres

GROFF, Martin Land adjoining Mine Hill, 20 acres

GROFF, Jacob Land adjoining John WITHERS, Joseph HUTCHINSON and others 200 acres

HERSH, Benjamin Land adjoining Mine Hill, 100 acres

HILLEN, John Land adjoining Mine Hill, 37 acres

HARE, John Esq. Land adjoining Mine Hill, acres

HOUSER, Christian Land adjoining ——— and others 150 acres

HEMOR & BARR Land adjoining John WITHERS, Jacob GROFF and others 100 acres

HARE, Joseph Land adjoining Mine Hill, 70 acres

HARE, David Land Adjoining Jacob GROFF miller, BRACKBILL 100 acres

HOWERY, John Land adjoining Mine Hill 30 acres

HARE, Adam & Tobias Land adjoining Patrick FERRY and others 140 acres

HARE, John Land adjoining Mine Hill 100 acres acres

HARHMAN, Jacob Land adjoining Jacob BARR, Henry BRENAMAN and others 22 acres

KNOTT, Wm 1- lot George Town 1 acre

KERNS, Henry Land adjoining George ROCKEY and others 10 acres

KING, John Land adjoining Wm CLARK, George OATMAN and others 15 acres

KERNS, Jacob Land adjoining Jacob ROCKEY and others 35 acres

KNOX, James Land adjoining John KINCAID and others 34 acres

KING, John Land adjoining ——– and others 89 acres

KENDICK, Henry Land adjoining — and others 100 acres

LEMON, Abrm Land adjoining John WITHERS, Jacob FRITZ and others 40 acres

LEFEVER, Daniel Land adjoining Jacob HARPMAN, John NEFF and others 20 acres

LIGHTNER, John Land adjoining Rudolph PENEGAN and others 6 acres

LAP & KING Land adjoining Wm SLAYMAKER and others 10 acres

MILLER & BARR Land adjoining Samuel DOWNING, Nathan THOMPSON and others 180 acres

MILLER, Henry Land adjoining ———— and others 5 acres

McCAFFERY, Patrick Land adjoining George OATMAN and others 90 acres

MITTS, Henry Land adjoining Mine Hill, 100 acres

NEFF, John & Jacob Land adjoining Daniel McCRUDY and others 80 acres

PENEGAN, Peter Land adjoining Henry BRENAMAN and others 7 acres

ROCKEY, Jacob Land adjoining Henry PICKLE and others 40 acres

ROYER, John & Abrm Land adjoining and others 90 acres

SWISHER, Bennin 1 – lot George Town

SHOOP, John 2 acres

STOUTSBURG, the heirs of Land adjoining Mine Hill 100 acres

SHUK, Abraham 60 acres

SANDOE, Land adjoining ————- and others 20 acres

SLAYMAKER, Wm Land adjoining Samuel DOWNING, James McCAFFEY and others 250 acres

SHIRTS, James MILLER, John PAXTON Land adjoining and others 200 acres

STEPHEN, John & Christian Land adjoining Simon GHOST, Samuel Baughman and others
108 acres

TANLINGER, Joseph Land adjoining Mine Hill 6 acres

TINGLINGAN, Joseph Land adjoining —– and others 10 acres

TINGLINGER, John Land adjoining heirs of WARFIELDS and others 10 acres

TINGLINGER, Jacob Land adjoining Mine Hill, 6 acres

WITHERS, John Land adjoining Mine Hill 158 acres

WEAVER, Jacob &
HOUSER, Christian Land adjoining Wm SLAYMAKER, Wm BRINTON and others 200 acres

WEAVER, Jacob Land adjoining George OATMAN, William SLAYMAKER and others 10

WATSON, Samuel Land adjoining Widow McCLURE and others 12 acres, unimproved

YOSTY, Peter & Co. Land adjoining Tobias GRYDER, John WITHERS and others 200 


Submitted courtesy of Southern Lancaster County Historical Society, P.O. Box 33,
Quarryville, Pa, 17566 or e-mail to SLCHS@aol.com Typed by Marie Malark

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