James Addams Beaver
148th Pennsylvania Volunteers
BEAVER, the Honorable James Addams, a gallant soldier, statesman, jurist and Christian citizen of Bellefonte, Centre County, is another from that galaxy of great men that noble Bellefonte--the proud home of governors and distinguished men--has produced, thir names and deeds casting an illustrious halo o'er a finished century.
Although born near Millerstown, Perry County, Pennsylvania, it remained for General Beaver to lay the foundation for his successes in life in Bellefonte. He has descended on his paternal side from one of the most forceful, industrious and successful families in Pennsylvania. A distinguished characteristic of he Beaver family through generations is courage, integrity, thrift and industry, and they have figured gallantly in all the wars which have been fought in this continent for over a century and a half. In speaking of the remarkable traits of the Beavers, a gentleman of prominence said that he "was well acquainted with the uncles of ex-Governor Beaver, and in all his intercourse with men he found them to be more successful and having a better knowledge of business than any men he knew." Honorable Thomas Beaver, an uncle of the subject of this sketch, now deceased, and who resided at Danville, Pennsylvania, for many years during his life, attained a position among the most prosperous merchants and iron manufacturers of the United States. While Governor Beaver inherited valuable traits from his father's side, he is also indebted for much of his force, courage and industry to his mother. She was one of God's noble women, wise, generous, industrious, a devout Christian, and was loved and respected by every one that knew her. Those who knew her from childhood regard her as a most remarkable woman. Her kind, sweet and generous disposition won the affection and confidence of every one. One who for several years resided near her home speaks in the highest terms of the respect, confidence and esteem she enjoyed among her neighbors and friends. It was these influences, coupled with his activity, energy and prominence, that have been the means of elevating this illustrious gentleman to the position of high honor and influence he occupies today.
George Beaver, the original founder of the family in this country, arrived here from Germany about the year 1740. Tradition says of him that "he was a man of fine physique, marvelous endurance, strong mind and untiring industry." He devoted himself with characteristic energy to agricultural pursuits. His eldest son, George, was among the first to shoulder a musket in the war of Independence, serving in the 4th Pennsylvania Battalion, commanded by Col. Anthony Wayne. This son, after the close of hostilities, married Catherine Kieffer, the sister of an army comrade, and from this union came Peter Beaver, the grandfather of the subject of this sketch. He was born in Franklin county, Pennsylvania, received a good average education for the time, and when of age set up in business for himself as a tanner in Lebanon county. He soon abandoned this occupation, however, and although he afterward engaged in different mercantile pursuits, seems to have devoted much of time to religious work, and he acquired considerable distinction as a local preacher of the Methodist denomination. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel Gilbert, who had seen some service in the Revolutionary army, and by her had a large family. All of the six sons were at some period of their lives engaged in general merchandising in Millerstown, on the Juniata. Jacob married Ann Eliza Addams, whose father, Abraham Addams, had come from Berks to Perry county about 1811. Two sons and two daughters were born to them, and, of these, James Addams Beaver is their third child and first son. The father died in 1840, and the widow in 1844 married the Rev. S. H. McDonald, of Millerstown, and removed with him and her family to Belleville, Mifflin county. Here James began his education at the district school, but not being possessed of a robust constitution, the years 1850-51-52 he spent at home, preparing under the guidance of his stepfather, who was a fine classical scholar, for an academic course.
In the latter part of 1852 he was entered at the Pine Grove Academy, and in a remarkably short time successfully passed examination for admission to the junior class of Jefferson College at Cannonsburg, Pennsylvania, of which he was the youngest member. In 1856 he was graduated from this institution with good standing in a large class. Some years afterward the Rev. James A> Reid, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Springfield, Illinois, in a historical sketch of his class, said: "James A. Beaver, better known in college days as 'Jim Beaver,' was a little bit of an enthusiastic fellow, full of fun and pun and pluck and frolic, who never did anything bad, but always look glad. James has been growing bigger and bigger ever since he was born. His usual modesty has prevented him from giving me anything from his own pen, but his war record is so creditable to himself and so well known that there is no trouble in getting at the facts. Gen. Beaver is an active and devoted member of the Presbyterian Church, and as enthusiastic a general in the Sabbath-school work of the State as he was in the army of his country." Here we may add that in 1888 General Beaver was elected by the Presbytery of Huntingdon to represent it in the Centennial meeting of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of the United States of America. He was appointed, by the moderator of the Assembly, vice-moderator, and as such presided at several meetings of the Assembly, being the first layman in the history of the church who ever occupied that position.
(Source: Commemorative Biographical Record)
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