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…bringing our past into the future

What’s New Archive


Jul 1, 2008

What’s New at PA-Roots 

8 August 2008 – PA-Roots is pleased to announce the creation of the Clinton County Genealogy Project.

7 June 2008 – PA-Roots is pleased to announce that we are now hosting the Fulton County PAGenWeb website.

17 March 2008 – PA-Roots is pleased to announce that we are now hosting the Berks and Montgomery County PAGenWeb websites.

11 March 2008 – PA-Roots is pleased to announce that we are now hosting the Ashland County Ohio USGenWeb website.

7 March 2008 – PA-Roots is pleased to announce that we are now hosting the Beaver County Genealogy Project website.

1 September 2007 – PA-Roots is pleased to announce that we are now hosting the Venango County PA  and the Coshocton County OH USGenWeb websites.

5 July 2007 – PA-Roots is pleased to announce the creation of the Maryland History and Genealogy Project.

2 July 2007 – PA-Roots is pleased to announce the creation of a resource page for Washington DC.

1 July 2007 – PA-Roots is pleased to announce the creation of New York Roots – a website highlighting all the resources that we have on-line for the state of New York.

22 June 2007 – PA-Roots is pleased to announce the creation of Genealogy Resource pages for each of the Pennsylvania counties.  This addition will make it easier for researchers to located county specific resources.

February 2007 – PA-Roots is pleased to announce the creation of a Biographical and Historical Book Library.

23 October 2006 – PA-Roots is pleased to announce that it is now the hosting provider for the US Biography Project.

7 February 2006 – PA-Roots is pleased to announce the inaugural issue of the Friends of PA-Roots Newsletter a monthly (more or less) newsletter designed to keep the visitors and friends of PA-Roots informed about what is happening with PA-Roots.  We will be providing helpful information on how to utilize PA-Roots  as well as resources to assist you in your research.

Update – 6 January 2006 – PA-Roots is pleased to announce the completion of an upgrade to the Data Board system.  The new system is faster and allows full searches across all postings.

Update – 20 March 2005 – PA-Roots is pleased to announce the addition of county wide search pages for the Data Boards.  The search page will permit the user to search all the records for a particular county without having to open each individual Data Board.

Update – 19 March 2005 –  PA-Roots is pleased to announce the addition of the full assortment of Data Boards for each of the Pennsylvania Counties.  This will allow researchers to share more data.


Update – The week of January 23, 2005 all websites hosted on the pa-roots.com domain will be unavailable for a period of about 24 hours for maintenance.


Beginning on Monday August 23, 2004 PA-Roots has experienced a catastrophic hard drive failure and two hackings.  Each of these occurrences has resulted in the server having to be cleaned and all the operating software reinstalled.  The management of PA-Roots is extremely sorry for the inconvenience this has caused the account holders and users of our system.

We have located a new hosting provider and desire to move to them.  The startup cost is approximately $200.  If you can help by making a donation to PA-Roots we would be extremely grateful.  You can use the Amazon Honor System box above to make a donation to PA-Roots.  It is a secure system.  If you don’t have a credit card or don’t wish to use a credit card you can still make a donation my sending a check or money order by contacting me at nate@pa-roots.com


Thank you to all how contributed. Sufficient funds were received to order the new server.  On September 16, 2004 we moved to the new server.  We’re still in the process of restoring all the websites and other domains.  We so appreciate your patience during this time.  We were assured that the new server is secure and is behind a firewall.  The likelihood of being hacked again has been significantly reduced.

If you would like to make a contribution to PA-Roots it would be greatly appreciated.  All funds received will be used to pay for the ongoing costs associated with maintaining the server.

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