• Fri. Mar 28th, 2025


…bringing our past into the future

1 March 2006 Newsletter


Oct 21, 2008
Friends of PA-Roots Newsletter
Vol 1, No 2, 1 March 2006, (c) 2006 PA-Roots

Copyright 2006, PA-Roots

Editor(s): Nathan Zipfel
Carol Eddleman

· About the "Friends of PA-Roots Newsletter"
· Latest News from PA-Roots
· Digitizers
· Research tools
· Letters to the editor
· Reprint Policy
· Subscription Information

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About the "Friends of PA-Roots Newsletter"

The "Friends of PA-Roots Newsletter" was created to keep the visitors and
friends of PA-Roots informed about what is happening with PA-Roots.
We are providing helpful information on how to utilize PA-Roots
and resources to assist you in your research.

We are pleased that you have utilized the services of PA-Roots in
the quest for information on your family history. Our goal is to provide
resources and tools to assist researchers such as you.

If you don't want to be included in our periodic mailings of this newsletter,
un-subscription information is included at the end of this issue.

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Latest News from PA-Roots

3 February 2006 - PA-Roots has acquired a copy of "History of the Counties
of McKean, Elk, Cameron and Potter, Pennsylvania" published
by J.H. Beers & Co in 1890. The Digitizer Team has finished
extracting the biographies for Potter county and are well
on their way with the Cameron County biographies, posting
them to the corresponding county Biography DataBoards.

9 February 2006 - PA-Roots has acquired 6,026 death notices extracted from several
Westmoreland county newspapers beginning in the 1860s until
about 1899. Due the work of a tremendous group of volunteers
they have been transcribed and posted at:
< http://www.pa-roots.org/data/list.php?841 >

9 February 2006 - PA-Roots has acquired a court docket that recorded the cases
brought before the Justices of the Peace in Rural Valley,
Armstrong County from about 1886 through 1905. We are beginning
to transcribe them. The cases present an interesting picture of
the social life of that area everything from murder to public
profanity and everything in between. This project will take a
while to complete due to the condition of the book and the
handwriting. The extracts are being posted at:
< http://www.pa-roots.org/data/list.php?59 >

15 February 2006 - The transcription of the 2,900 obituaries copied from the
"Morning Call" newspaper, Allentown, Pennsylvania for the years of
1895 and 1896 is now complete. A special thanks to Sue Jones
for donating them and to Martha Sargent and Terry Ruth for
helping us post them. Visit the link below to read through them.
< http://www.pa-roots.org/data/list.php?504 >

19 February 2006 - Laura N. Mallett has joined the Board of Directors as the
Treasurer for PA-Roots. We appreciate her willingness
to serve.

22 February 2006 - A new webpage has been created to serve as a bibliography of
most of our biographical and historical volumes currently being
used for transcription to our various Pennsylvania counties.
Some of this information is held at the DataBoards and some is on
the county pages. Links are provided to take you to the location
where possible. You can find this new resource at:
< http://www.pa-roots.com/history.html >

25 February 2006 - A new logo was designed and implemented across the project,
updating the look and streamlining the image of PA-Roots.
The new motto, "...bringing the past into the future" also was
added. New "buttons" for links which appear for PA-Roots
on other pages are being added, also.

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PA-Roots has a dedicated Digitizer Team: Joan Christopher, Terry
Ruth, Martha Sargent, Lila Baier, Sharon Ashcraft, Sheryl Kelso,
Christine Wilt, Nan, Millie Mowrey, Abbie Paip-Ebert, Sharon Sheldon,
Barbara Lorensen, Diane Swartz, Jo Nelson and contributions from Geri
Brennan and Annie Whiteman, and others working with Carol Eddleman on
digitizing records throughout Pennsylvania. Some of the projects are
small bits and pieces of data while others are large collections of
data such as cemetery records for Bucks county, where there are now
over 26,600 individual cemetery records posted on-line. We greatly
appreciate each member of the team, who live all over the U. S., but
are each interested in Pennsylvania history.

Do you have time to help with a transcription project? If so, you can
contact Carol Eddleman on the Help Desk
< http://www.pa-roots.org/data/list.php?880 >
She will help you get started and even provide you with data, if needed.
It's fun and easy.

* * * * *

Research Tools

Have you ever spent time search maps trying to figure out which county
a town or other location is located in? If so you might want to try
out our Location Finder tool. We've obtained the database from the
United States Geologic Survey with over 49,000 locations included.
You can click on the county name and be taken to the PAGenWeb Project
county website.
< http://www.pa-roots.com/location.html >

Have you ever been annoyed while researching on the internet by clicking
on a link with promising data to aid your research only to find that the
webpage no longer exists? It can be very frustrating. A solution to
help you with that is the "WayBack Machine" at Archive.org. Copy the URL
for the page that is missing and then go to http://www.archive.org/ and
paste the URL in the search box and go "Way Back" to retrieve the page
if it was archived.

* * * * *

Data Boards

Never before in history has this particular assortment of data been available
under a single index. Each and every item added to the files increases the
power of the system to find a key to someone's heritage. The Data Boards are
the place to post your Queries or to submit Obituaries, Birth Records, Deeds,
Wills, etc… There are currently over 328,275 records available to assist in
your research. Over 17,600 records were added during the month of February.
Visit the Data Board page < http://www.pa-roots.org/data/ > to see the
available resources.

How busy is PA-Roots?

To give you an idea of how much traffic PA-Roots receives, during the month of
February we had over 4 million unique page hits!

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Letters to the Editor

We'd love to hear from you. Please send your comments to nzipfel@pa-roots.com

I grew up in Clearfield County, however, most of my ancestors came from
Armstrong County. I have spent hours studying your site while researching
my Smith, Schreckongost, Gould, Rupp, Thomas, and Rumbaugh roots. I want
to thank you for the wealth of information and the organized, professional
manner in which it was presented. - Diana

When it was decided to change the PA ROOTS format - I must say I was somewhat
upset -- maybe I don't like change -- but anyway I found in just this short
time that the site is much more exiting -- very easy to follow -- and well
laid out -- much better than before -- my congratulations -- Jerry

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Reprint Policy

Permission to reprint articles from the "Friends of PA-Roots Newsletter" is granted unless
otherwise indicated for an individual article. Reprints may only be used for non-commercial,
educational purposes. The following must be included with any reprints:
"Published by PA-Roots in the 'Friends of PA-Roots Newsletter', Vol 1, No 2, 1 March 2006
PA-Roots http://www.pa-roots.com/"

Back Issues of the "Friends of PA-Roots Newsletter" are available from the archive located at
< http://www.pa-roots.com/newsletter/ >

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Subscription Information

To UNSUBSCRIBE from the "Friends of PA-Roots Newsletter", send an e-mail to the following address

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