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…bringing our past into the future

14 September 2008 Newsletter


Oct 21, 2008

Friends of PA-Roots Newsletter

September 14, 2008

This issue we will be talking about ongoing projects, how to become a
Subscriber, the new county websites, our new brochures and some of our
completed projects.

**Ongoing Projects

A team of Digitizers has been entering: “Pennsylvania Marriages from
1885-1891,” “Snyder County Pioneers,” “History of Beaver County, Pa.,”
“History of Bedford, Somerset and Fulton Cos., Pa.”–(Somerset Co. section),
Naturalizations in Beaver Co., Pa., “History and Roster of the Tenth
Pennsylvania Infantry of U.S. Volunteers (Philippines),” Ledger of Common
Pleas Court of Bedford County, Pa., 1842-1844,” and many other projects. Do
you have any to suggest?

**New Websites

Nate has created some new county websites, subsequent to our decision to
withdraw from PAGenWeb. This in no way changes our policies or direction in
the genealogy fraternity–it simply gives us more choices as to how we
present our information. The new county websites that have been created are:
Clarion (We’ve created this website to bring together all the Clarion County
resources that are hosted on PA-Roots into one location.)
Beaver http://www.pa-roots.com/~beaver/news.php

Somerset http://www.pa-roots.com/~somerset/news.php


When you visit, you will see thatthey are in a different format from what you may be used to seeing, but wefind them easier to update and much more user-friendly. You will be asked to register, but that simply helps us keep down the spammers! If you would like a “walk-through” of how to get started using these new pages, we’ll be gladto help.

**Subscribers’ Club

PA-Roots would not be this successful without the countless individuals who
are regular contributors of data to PA-Roots. As a way of thanking them, we
have developed the Subscribers’ Club. Since PA-Roots is funded by banner
advertisements on the main pages and also on the DataBoards, they appear
prominently. Subscriber Club members have the banner ads turned off, so they
won’t see them on the DataBoards. This is particularly helpful when we are
entering data because the “turnover” of the pages becomes quicker.

Would you like to join the Subscribers’ Club? Here are the requirements:
Contribute at least 300 entries (postings) during the year (we can help you
find data!), -OR- donate usable data, such as cemetery records to be posted
by others, -OR- make a small financial donation to support our ongoing work
($20 is the suggested donation which you can make at Amazon.com through a
link at http://www.pa-roots.com/index.html )


We have created some tri-fold brochures to explain our project to your club,
history center or genealogy library. If you would be willing to distribute
these at your next meeting or convention, contact Carol Eddleman at
bedford@pa-roots.net and she will arrange to have them mailed out to you.
Or, you can download and print them yourself by going to the home page
http://www.pa-roots.com/index.html looking under “What’s New at PA-Roots”
and clicking on “Printable PA-Roots Brochure.”

**Completed Projects

We recently finished entering all the public executions in the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania up until the 1950s. These were entered in the Death Records
DataBoards under the county which the execution was done. (I was relieved to
see that none of my missing ancestors were listed! CCE)

Untold numbers of cemeteries and other new data have been entered at the
Westmoreland County Genealogy Project. The three-volume history of
Westmoreland County, too!


Volunteers–join our “Digitizers” (all that is required is a small amount of
time, whenever you feel you can spare it); host a county you are especially
interested in.

Materials–obituary scrapbooks, church records, funeral home records,
cemetery transcriptions, military records, old newspapers (pre-1933), other
sources you find interesting

Original copies are not necessary. We will happily work from copies of the
originals–either photocopies or scans.

**Contact Us

Nathan P. Zipfel, President and Director of Technology


Carol C. Eddleman, Director of Data Acquisition


About Author

By admin

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