• Thu. Mar 27th, 2025


…bringing our past into the future

Potter County, Chapter 28, Biographical Sketches


Oct 22, 2008




C.E. BAKER, farmer, P.O. Ulysses, is a representative of one of the early families in this part of Pennsylvania. He was born in Shippen township, Tioga Co., Penn., in 1846, a son of Hollister Baker. He is by occupation a farmer, and now owns one of the best farms in Ulysses township, Potter county. He is a public-spirited, enterprising man, and has always taken an interest in the public affairs of the township. In politics he was formerly a Republican, but now casts his suffrage with the Prohibition party. He was married, in 1871, to Nancy G., daughter of Moses and Julia (Crum) Hackett, granddaughter of John and Ruth (Baker) Hackett, and great-granddaughter of Gideon and Lydia (Griswold) Baker. They have one son, Cleon V. Mrs. Baker’ s grandfather, John Hackett, came with his family to Potter county, from Broome county, N.Y., in 1826, and settled on the farm now owned by Mr. A.S. Burt. He also owned the land which is the present site of the town of Lewisville. Mrs. Baker’s father died March 9, 1879, and her mother April 11, 1876. In 1886 the descendants down to the sixth generation, assembled at the old Hackett homestead to celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of the marriage of Gideon Baker and Lydia Griswold, who were married at Lebanon, N.H., August 24, 1786. The only child of this pair present was Mrs. Rhoda Harvey, of Bingham township. The descendants of this family are scattered over twelve states of the Union, and also in Canada, and number up into the hundreds. Several are residents of Potter county, and are worthy descendants of this pioneer family.

HENRY BARTLETT, farmer, P.O. Ulysses, a son of John and Hannah (Davis) Bartlett, natives of England, was born in Wiltshire, England, October 14, 1840. He received a practical business education in the public schools of his native country, and remained upon the home farm with his parents during his boyhood days, having charge of his father’s horses. In November, 1861, he married Miss. Mary Bates, of England, and they are the parents of seven children, all of whom reside at home. Mr. Bartlett learned the trade of brewing in England, but engaged principally in farming until 1874, when he came to America, going to Addison, N.Y., where he engaged in market gardening for three years. In 1879 he came to Ulysses township, Potter Co., Penn., purchasing a farm, where he has since found a pleasant home. Mr. Bartlett has held the office of township assessor for two years. He is actively engaged in lumbering, and is one of the progressive workers in the township.

EDWARD BORST, lumber dealer, P.O. Ulysses, son of Henry J. Borst, was born at Erwin, Steuben Co., N.Y., in 1840. In 1861 he engaged in business as lumberman at Erwin, residing there until 1885. He then moved to Mills, Harrison township, Potter Co., Penn., where he purchased the old Lawrence mills, which he operated two years; then sold and purchased at Lewisville what is known as the Perry Brigham property, where he has a mill with a capacity of about 3,000,000 feet of lumber annually. Mr. Borst was married in 1861 to Georgiana D. Taggart, and they have five children: Adelbert J., Sidney H., Flora M., Edward and George Harvey. Mr. Borst is a member of Montour Lodge, No. 168, F. & A.M., and of Corning Chapter, No. 190, R.A.M. In politics he affiliates with the Democratic party.

PERRY BRIGHAM, P.O. Ulysses, was born in Cortland county, N.Y., in 183 7, a son of Hiram and Louisa Brigham. February 18, 1839, his parents moved to Potter county, Penn., and settled in Ulysses township, where his father bought a timber farm and a mill, and engaged in both farming and lumbering until 1868, when he moved to Tioga county, where he died. The mother now makes her home with her son Perry. Of a family of three children but two are living, John and Perry. One son, Collins, was a soldier in the war of the Rebellion, and while in the army contracted measles, which resulted in his death. Perry Brigham made his home with his parents until his majority. He learned the blacksmith’s trade in his youth, and in 1860 located at Lewisville, where he worked at his trade until 1865, when he bought a farm in Ulysses township, on which he lived nine years. He then returned to Lewisville. He, with three partners, built a mill in Lewisville in 1872, subsequently becoming sole owner. He has twice suffered the loss of his mill by fire, his present mill being the third he has built on the same site. In 1885 he bought the first carload of pipes for water-works, nearly all of which he put in during the summer. In September, 1887, his company became incorporated, and the town is now supplied with an abundance of pure water, which is chiefly used for domestic purposes, but is also used in time of fire. Mr. Brigham is a public-spirited, enterprising man, and devotes considerable time and means to the promotion of the interests of his town. In addition to his milling interests he conducted the Lyman House, Lewisville from 1875 to 1882. He was married, in 1863, to Elizabeth C. Monroe. Mrs. Brigham died in May, 1885, leaving five children: Ione, Charles M., Ann L., Bert and Grace. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and a lady whose life was one of self sacrifice for the good of others. Mr. Brigham has held the office of justice of the peace for ten years, and has held other local positions.

W.F. BURT, farmer, P.O. Ulysses, was born in Cortland county, N.Y., June 20, 1819, the third son of nine children born to Anson S. and Betsy (Blackman) Burt, natives of Massachusetts, who came to Ulysses township in 1832. Mr. Burt spent his boyhood days with his parents on the home farm. He married, in January, 1842, Miss Caroline Rathbun, a daughter of John and Betsey (Fisher) Rathbun. Miss Fisher was a descendant of Chief Justice Sylvester, of England. Mr. Burt, after his marriage, purchased the farm in Ulysses township, where he now resides. In 1859 he was elected sheriff of Potter county, in which capacity he served for three years.

WOOLSEY BURTIS, merchant, Lewisville, a son of Solomon and Rebecca (Rosa) Burtis, was born in Sullivan county, N.Y., in 1822. May 6, 1836, his parents came to White’s Corners, Harrison township, Potter Co., Penn., where his father engaged in farming and blacksmithing. In 1861 his father died, and his mother made her home with Woolsey until her decease. Their children were Jacob (deceased), John (now of Minnesota) and Woolsey. Woolsey Burtis remained with his parents at the homestead, and cared for them during their lifetime, succeeding his father in the ownership of the farm. In 1865 he removed to Lewisville, and has since been engaged in the mercantile business. He was married in 1844 to Mary J. Potter, and they have had two children: Celia (the late Mrs. F. M. Johnson, of Nebraska) and Sarah (now Mrs. George W. Bennett, of Ulysses). Mr. Burtis is a member of Lewisville Lodge, No. 556, F. & A.M. He united with the Republican party in 1856, which he supported until 1888, and now votes with the Prohibition party. In 1862 he was elected treasurer of the county, and served one term of three years; later was elected associate judge, and served one term. While in Harrison township he held all the township offices. Mr. Burtis is now living with his third wife, formerly Mrs. Sarah Taggart, daughter of Burrill Lyman.

GEORGE W. CARPENTER, farmer, P.O. Newfield, son of Theodore and Charity Carpenter, was born in Tompkins county, N.Y., March 1, 1825. Theodore Carpenter was born December 18, 1800, and Charity Carpenter, May 11, 1806; they were married in Tompkins county February 1, 1824, and removed to Bingham township, Potter Co., Penn., in October of the same year. At that time the country was a dense wilderness, and they located in the woods and cleared a farm, which they made their home till death. Their children were George W., Alva, Betsy, Harriet, Michael, Louisa, Theodore, Esther, Julia and John. Mr. Carpenter died July 31, 1859, and his widow June 11, 1865. George W. Carpenter made his home with his parents until 1846, when he located on and began improving the farm where he now lives, which his father had previously purchased. September 29, 1850, he married Lucinda, daughter of Willis Young, and they have had five children: Willis, Charles, Julia (deceased), Angeline and Theodore. In March, 1865, Mr. Carpenter enlisted in Company A, Ninety-ninth Pennsylvania Volunteers. He received injuries at the battle of Hatcher’s run, but remained in the service until the close of the war, when he returned home and resumed his former vocation, which he still continues. In politics Mr. Carpenter is a Democrat.

D.J. CHAPPEL, merchant, Lewisville, a son of John and Mercy (Williams) Chappel, was born in Cincinnatus, Cortland Co., N.Y., and came to Potter county, Penn., in 1843, with his parents, who located in Pike township, where they both died, the father in May, 1862, and the mother in 1869, leaving a family of four children, viz.: Maria (now deceased), D. J., E.W. and Henrietta (Mrs. H.R. Burgess, of Belmont). D.J. Chappel made his home with his parents until their decease. His first business venture for himself was at Lewisville, where he became a dealer in general merchandise. He later removed to Bingham township, and engaged in farming until 1863, when he returned to Lewisville and resumed his former business, which he continues. He enlisted March 1, 1862, in Company G, Fifty-third Pennsylvania Volunteers, but was discharged on account of disability September 18 following. He is a member of O.A. Lewis Post, No. 279, G.A.R. In politics he is an active Republican, but is not an office-seeker. Mr. Chappel was married, in 1858, to Anna M. Gridley, and they have one child, John.

D.C. CHASE, dealer in merchandise, Lewisville, son of John H. Chase, was born at Middleburg, Tioga Co., Penn., in 1857. He was reared in Allegany county, N.Y., and educated at the Mansfield State Normal School. After leaving school he located at Spring Mills, and became associated with W. Leonard (firm name being Leonard & Chase) as jobbers in cheese, for a period of five years. He then removed to a farm in Bingham township, Potter Co., Penn., where he remained two years; thence to Lewisville, where he formed a partnership with George H. Cobb the firm name being Cobb & Chase, dealers in general merchandise, and also proprietors of the Ulysses horse sale stables. In 1881 Mr. Chase married Mary M. Robbins, of Spring Mills, Allegany Co., N.Y., and they have one child, Laura. In 1888 Mr. Chase invested heavily in hemlock timber land in Potter county, Penn., another evidence of his great business enterprise. He is a Republican in politics.

DR. A.H. COBB, Lewisville, son of Horace and Diana (Huntington) Cobb, was born at Spring Mills, Allegany Co., N.Y., in 1843—the family comprising five sons and two daughters. There he was reared and educated, and in 1862 he enlisted in Company E, One Hundred and Thirtieth New York Volunteers, and was later transferred to the First New York Dragoons. He was mustered out of the service in 1865, having been in thirty-seven engagements. He returned to his former home, completed his education, and studied medicine with Dr. E.U. Eaton. He then attended medical lectures at Buffalo Medical College, and first began the practice of medicine in Ulysses, being associated with his former teacher as partner for a term of five years, when they dissolved, and Dr. Cobb located at Lewisville, where he is enjoying a very large and remunerative practice. He was married, in 1866, to Louise Raymond, daughter of Joel and Matilda Raymond, of North Bingham, Penn., and they have two children, D. Raymond and Aurelia L. The Doctor is a member of O.A. Lewis Post, No. 279, G.A.R.; was formerly a Republican in politics, but in 1880 joined the Prohibition party, of which he is still a member, and is also a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

GEORGE H. COBB, merchant, Lewisville, son of Horace Cobb, was born in Spring Mills, Allegany Co., N.Y., in 1850. His father died in 1865, and from that time he was obliged to rely on his own resources. He was employed at various occupations, attending school, teaching, farming, etc., until his marriage, after which he settled at Spring Mills and engaged in farming, until he went to the oil fields, and, being successful, returned to Lewisville, Potter county, and embarked in the grocery business. This he continued for four years, at which time he took as a partner P.O. Chase, and carried on a general merchandise business for four years, the firm being Cobb & Chase, and now speculating in hemlock lands; they are also engaged in buying and selling wool, and are proprietors of the Ulysses Horse Sale Stables. Mr. Cobb was married, in 1870, to Ruth, daughter of Joel Raymond, of Bingham township.

D.A. COREY, proprietor Hosley House, Lewisville, is a son of A.D. and Elmira (Stewart) Corey, and was born at Almond, Allegany Co., N.Y., in 1846. His grandfather, Ambrose Corey, located at Ulysses (now Lewisville), and was one of the first merchants of the place, continuing business there until his decease in 1862, his wife dying the following year. His children were A.D., Charles, Selina, B.S., Lydia and Mary. (deceased). A.D. Corey was born in 1823, and made his home at Almond until 1855, in which year he removed to Ulysses, where he worked at his trade, harness making, until after the breaking out of the Civil war. In 1862 he enlisted in Company G, Fifty-third Pennsylvania Volunteers, and was injured by the concussion of a shell, from the effects of which he has never recovered, which prevents his pursuing his former occupation. He is a member of O.A. Lewis Post, No. 279, G.A.R. In Hornellsville he married Elmira Stewart, and to them were born four children: D.A., two who died in infancy, and E.A., who is a resident of Lewisville, married and has two children. D.A. Corey made his home with his parents until 1870. He was engaged in the harness business until 1883, when he purchased the Hosley House, at Lewisville, which he has since conducted. He was married in 1866 to Antoinette Comstock, and their children are Arthur L., M.M., Gertie and Laura (who both died in infancy), and Willie, Carrie and Marion.

J.N. CROWELL, retired, P.O. Ulysses, son of David and Mary Crowell, was born in Otsego county, N.Y., in December, 1822. His father came to Potter county in 1838, and J. N. was employed in carrying mail from Jersey Shore, Penn., to Olean, N.Y., there being at that time only one house in sixty miles. There was an office at Lymansville, and the next was at Jersey Shore. In 1839 his father’ s family located in Ulysses township on the place now owned by Burton Lewis, it being then comparatively wild; lived there till 1851, when he removed to Sweden township, Penn., where he remained until his death in January, 1865; his widow died in 1872. Their children were Deborah, now Mrs. Nicholas Johnson, of Chenango; Afton; Angerona, now Mrs. E.A. Wagner; J.N.; A.B.; Adeline, now Mrs. Charles Armstrong, of Coudersport; Miranda and Amanda (twins), the former of whom, now deceased, was the wife of Henry Shafer, the latter now Mrs. Cornelius Searles; and David J. J.N. Crowell began his business life in 1845. He purchased a tract of wild land in Ulysses township and cleared a farm, upon which he lived until 1884, when he removed to his present residence at Lewisville. He married, in 1848, Julia, daughter of Abram Wagner, and they have four children: Charles R., Mary A. (Mrs. Fayette Lewis), F.A., and Ellen (Mrs. Philander H. Miller). Mr. Crowell enlisted during the Rebellion in Company G, Fifty-third Pennsylvania Volunteers. He was wounded at the battle of White Oak Swamps, captured and confined in Richmond prison and at Belle Isle five weeks, when he was exchanged, and served until the expiration of his term, returning to his home in March, 1865, having served three years. Mr. Crowell is a Republican, and has held various official positions in his township.

M.S. CRUM, farmer, P.O. Newfield, son of Clark and Eda Crum, was born in Ulysses township, Potter Co., Penn., in 1838. His parents came to Potter county March 2, 1831, and located on the place now owned by James Nixon, in Ulysses township. This was the fifth family to settle in Ulysses township, and Mr. Crum gained the reputation of being one of the most successful hunters in the county. He killed over 1,500 deer, and many panthers, catching two of the latter alive. He also killed twenty-one black bear, five large gray wolves, and wild cats and foxes almost without number. He paid for a farm of 350 acres from the proceeds of the game he sold. His children were Mrs. Deborah Jackson, Mrs. Abigail Johnson, James L. and M.S. The father died February 22, 1887, aged ninety years, and the mother in August, 1864. M.S. Crum was reared in his native township, and has always devoted his attention to agriculture. He lived on the old homestead until 1870, when he bought the farm he now owns. He was married January 1, 1862, to Hannah M., daughter of Willis Young. They have two children: Sarah (now Mrs. George Williams) and Addie. In politics Mr. Crum is a Democrat, and has held various township offices.

HENRY HATCH DENT (deceased) was a native of Charles county, Md., born February 11, 1815, a son of Dr. William Hatch Dent (who died when his son was two years of age) and Katherine (Brawner) Dent, a daughter of Henry Brawner. The parents of Dr. William Hatch Dent were Rev. Hatch Dent (who fought during the Revolutionary war, and afterward became a clergy man of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and first principal of the Maryland State School, at Charlotte Hall, St. Mary’ s county, Md.) and Judith (Posten) Dent, all natives of lower Maryland, of Charles and St. Mary’s counties. Henry Hatch Dent, the subject proper of this commemorative record, received a thorough education, and graduated from Yale College in 1836 or 1837, after which he studied law in Washington, D.C., under Francis S. Keys, author of “The Star Spangled Banner.” As a young man, he practiced law in the office of Felix Grundy, at that time attorney-general of the United States; then practiced in Washington until the death of his wife in 1849, during which time he was offered the judgeship of the criminal court there, which he declined. In

1850 Mr. Dent removed to St. Louis, Mo., and while claiming residence there, he spent a year in Philadelphia, attending to the partition suit between the heirs of William Bingham and John Adlum, which decided the title to much of the land in Potter and adjoining counties. In order that he might give personal attention to that part of the Adlum lands that had belonged to Mrs.Dent (who was a daughter of John Adlum), and to large tracts bought with his own funds, Mr. Dent came to Coudersport in 1853. Ten years afterward, in 1863, we find our subject residing in Brookland, Potter Co., Penn., where he remained until 1871, in December of which year he went to Baltimore for medical treatment, where he died November 19, 1872. Mr. Dent was married in September, 1841, to Ann Maria, daughter of John and Margaret Adlum (latter a native of Frederick, Md.), the ceremony being performed by his college and life-long friend, Rev. R.H. Wilmer, then a young priest in his first parish, now bishop of Alabama. John Adlum, father of Mrs. Dent, was born at York, Penn., and his commission as major, written on parchment, and signed by President John Quincy Adams, is still in the possession of his grandson, William Dent, of Brookland. Mr. L. Bird, now of Penfield, Clearfield Co., Penn., writes of Mr. Dent as follows:

“As a young surveyor, and at that time about the only one, I did work for Mr. Dent, and, from January, 1854, to March, 1888, I was in the position of a trusted business agent for Mr. Dent, and, therefore, well qualified to speak of his business character. His most excellent Christian mother was with him several years, assisting to care for his four young children. They are now Miss M.K. Dent, Mr. William Dent and Mrs. Thomas G. Hull, of Brookland, Penn., and Mrs. Rev. J. McBride Sterrett, of Faribault, Minn.

“Mr. Dent was the ‘soul of integrity’ in his business transactions, careful to give and receive the exact amounts. The property consisted of over 250 contracts for land in Tioga and Potter counties, and considerable unseated land in these counties, also some land a few miles from Bradford, in McKean county, besides a farm near Georgetown, D.C. No man who was trying to pay was ever pushed by him on these contracts. The contracts, as had been the custom of the ‘Bingham Estate,’ were very strict. Nearly all the money received from those contracts and from sale of land was expended in buying and improving property, and for living expenses in Potter county. Many a man still remembers his prompt payment of liberal wages.

“The private charities of himself and his mother need not be detailed, but I may mention a gift of a ‘town clock’ for the new court-house, costing him about $300. I well remember his pained expression when some men suggested that the present was made to gain popularity. Few men are found that have less of selfishness than he had.

“Mr. Dent was a Democrat, but his personal friends were in both parties, and, while fixed in his political opinions, he was friendly toward opponents, unless they assailed his personal integrity. His sympathies were with the South in the Civil war.

“Jefferson Davis and many of the Southern leaders were personal friends and associates. He regarded slavery (if an evil) as a necessary evil, and the duty of the white man to take good care of his slaves; and thought it better to let the States go than have the war. I was a radical Republican, but our personal and business relations were not disturbed. The immense ‘war taxes’ were a severe drain, for Mr. Dent owned considerable unseated land, and the interest-bearing contracts had been reduced and put into other land. Therefore, while owning considerable property, Mr. Dent did not have any income tax to pay. Some men now living remember that this fact was a sore spot with some who gave attention to the matter. Mr. Dent paid every dollar of taxes that the law required, and that without outside grumbling.

“His instructions to me were to pay all that were legally assessed, at same time adding, ‘bitter as it is to pay to support a war that I do not think is for the good of the country.’

“Mr. Dent was a polite, Christian gentleman, and while he had some few personal enemies, I could see that nearly all arose from the fact that, owing to the difference in early training and habits, he and some of the Coudersport people did not understand, each other, and I was glad to know from them and from him, in later years, that both recognized this fact, and gave each other credit for honest intentions.”

E.U. EATON, M.D., Lewisville, son of Charles Eaton, was born in Andover, Allegany Co., N.Y., in 1844, and was there reared and educated. He began the study of medicine with Dr. Crandall, of that place, attended lectures at Ann Arbor, Mich., in 1865—66—67, and subsequently at Buffalo Medical College, from which he graduated in 1884. He first began the practice of medicine at Lewisville in 1867, and now has a very large practice, being one of the most successful physicians in the county. He married, in October, 1868, Marcella R. Crandall, of Independence, N.Y., and they have two children, Nellie and Carrie. Dr. Eaton is a member of Lewisville Lodge, No. 556, F. & A.M. and of Ulysses Chapter, No. 269, R.A.M. In politics he supports the principles of the Republican party.

ANDREW J. EVANS, editor and proprietor of the Ulysses Sentinel, was born at West Union, Steuben Co., Penn., N.Y., October 30, 1857. His father was a mechanic, a stone mason, and moved about a great deal wherever he could find most employment at his trade. Shortly after the birth of the subject of these lines, his parents removed to Tompkins county, N.Y. While there the Civil war broke out, and his father enlisted in the army, leaving the mother to take care of six children, of which Andrew J. was next to the youngest. This she did as faithfully and devotedly as any of the thousands of other mothers who were doing the same self-sacrificing work at that period, so critical to the safety of the Union. After the war closed, the family moved back to Steuben county, and from there to Whitesville, N.Y., where the mother died when Andrew was twelve years old. A year later the father married again, and part of the family of eight children was quickly scattered, three children only being left at home. Soon after this the family moved to the backwoods of Potter county, Penn., where school privileges were very limited. Andrew was now old enough to appreciate the benefit of an education, and by dint of much study at home, with the aid of one term at select school, he was enabled to get a teacher’ s certificate. At eighteen he began to teach school, and, with intervals of attending school, followed the profession for twelve years. From the time he began to teach, he was practically independent of his father, and received no pecuniary assistance from him. He saved his earnings, and attended the Mansfield State Normal School, where he graduated in 1884. After this he was principal of the Lewisville graded school for three years, and in the spring of 1887 became a candidate for the office of county superintendent. His liberal views on the subject of religion, however, defeated him. On the first of January, 1888, Mr. Evans bought a half-interest in the Ulysses Sentinel, and the following September purchased his partner’ s interest in the same, and at present he is sole owner and proprietor. September 5, 1889, he was married to Miss Anna Evans, of Spring Mills, N.Y. Mr. Evans’ parents were S.A. Evans and Nancy (Somers), both native Americans and traceable back to English stock. Mrs. Evans’ parents were G.F. Evans and Lucinda (Murdock), also native Americans.

DANIEL FULLER, P. O. Ulysses, son of Thomas and Sally (Jincks) Fuller, was born in Wyoming county, N.Y., in 1831. In 1839 his parents removed to Ulysses township, Potter Co., Penn., near Gold, where they purchased a farm, and here his father lived and died, after which Mrs. Fuller made her home with Daniel, until her decease. Their children were Nathan, now a resident of Michigan; Mrs. Huldah Gallup, of McKean county; Hannah, now Mrs. Norman Rodgers, of Nebraska, and Daniel. Daniel Fuller made his home with his parents until twelve years of age, after which he engaged in various occupations, and learned the carpenter and goldsmith trades. October 16, 1861, in answer to his country’s call for men, he enlisted in Company G, Fifty-third Pennsylvania Volunteers, and September 17, 1862, was wounded at the battle of Antietam. The Irish brigade were in advance and had made several charges to drive the rebels from an adjacent corn field, and the Fifty-third was held in reserve with orders to lie down. He, with other men lying close to the ground in the second line of battle, heard a cheer in front, and, having curiosity to know its occasion, raised himself on his hands when a shell hit both arms, necessitating their amputation, the first operation being performed on the field, and the next on the 5th of October. He was of course discharged and returned to his former home, and was made a pensioner, receiving the highest amount then paid, $8 per month. Wholly incapacitated from performing any kind of manual labor, the future to him held not much of promise. However, on the presentation of his case to some of his personal friends, and receiving assurances of their willingness to loan their services to secure an increase of pension, he was induced to visit the city of Washington, to present his case in person. His friends and neighbors learning that a little financial assistance would not be unacceptable, gave an oyster supper, which netted $163, and this money, so kindly given, enabled him to make the contemplated trip, and when he appeared before the committee on pensions, and before the House, he secured in July, 1864, the first increase of pension given to those who lost both hands or both eyes, $25 per month, and to those who lost both legs $20. During his trip he was of course accompanied by a friend, and received continually assurances of sympathy and respect, in substantial form. Before the war he became acquainted with Mrs. Sophia F. Scott, and they were married after his return in 1863. They have one son, Charles A., now a farmer of Allegheny township. They are members of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Fuller is a member of O.A. Lewis Post, G.A.R. He is a Republican in politics, and has held several township offices.

W.J. GROVER, merchant and farmer, P.O. Newfield. A.M. Grover, the father of this gentleman, is a native of Johnsburg, Warren Co., N.Y., born in 1814. In 1842 he married Sabra Dunkley, and in 1853 they moved to Potter county, Penn., locating on the farm now owned by Alva Carpenter, and two years later they purchased a portion of the farm now in, possession of their son, W.J.; then, in 1885, they bought the T.A. Galutia farm, still owned by them, though they reside at Newfield. They are the parents of the following named children: Phebe L., Myron S. (deceased), W.J., Roxie M., Nettie A. and John J., the last two having been born in Potter county. Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Grover having been among the early settlers of Potter county, and their means being then limited, they naturally had an active share in the hardships experienced in the pioneer lives of the settlers in the forests of Potter county. W.J. Grover, whose name heads this sketch, was born in Johnsburg, Warren county, N.Y., May 10, 1847, and came with his parents to Potter county in 1853. At the time of the battle of Gettysburg, and during the excitement when there was an urgent call for militia troops, young Grover, against the will of his parents, enlisted in the militia, but through their influence at the time he did not proceed to the front. In February, 1864, he again enlisted, this time at Coudersport, in the Forty-sixth Regiment P.V.I., under Lieut. Rees, but was prohibited from going with his regiment by his parents. However, on March 31, same year, by the assistance of his fellow-comrades, he succeeded in enlisting in Company H, Fifty-third Regiment P.V.I., in which he served his country till the close of the war, being discharged June 30, 1865. After the war he returned to the pursuits of peace, and settled down to a farming and commercial life. Mr. Grover has been three times married: First in 1875, to Eugenie L., daughter of Alva Carpenter, and she dying February 22, 1879, he married, in 1880, Mrs. Sarah A. Presho, daughter of Seth Conable; this wife died October 30, 1882, leaving one child, Willie M., and in 1883 our subject married Miss Nellie M., daughter of William and Irena Knapp, by which union there is also one child, Sarah Eugenie. Mr. Grover is a member of O.A. Lewis Post, No. 279, G.A.R.; in politics he is a Republican, has served his township as supervisor and overseer of the poor six years, and has held various township offices. He owns a farm of 400 acres, and is the founder of and the only merchant in Newfield, the manufacturing concerns of which place he was mainly instrumental in establishing.

ALBERT L. HERVEY, farmer, P.O. Ulysses, son of Joseph and Rhoda (Baker) Hervey, was born in Triangle, Broome Co., N.Y., in 1830. His father was a native of Berkshire, Mass., and his mother of Lebanon, N.H. Each with their parents removed to Broome county, where they were married in 1824. They located at Triangle, where they remained until their removal to Bingham township, Potter Co. Penn., in 1847, where the father died in 1876. The mother survives, and makes her home with her children. They had a family of four sons: Jerome (of Bingham township, on the old homestead), Albert L., A.B. (of Canton, N.Y., and now president of the Universalist Theological College, and J.E. (of Westfield, Penn.). In August, 1862, Albert L. Hervey entered as a private in Company K, One Hundred and Forty-ninth Pennsylvania Volunteers. He was wounded at Gettysburg, losing the thumb and forefinger of his left hand, but remained in the field. In April, 1864, he was made second lieutenant, and was mustered out of the service in June, 1805. He then returned to his old home in Bingham township, and in 1874 purchased the farm he now owns in Ulysses township, erected fine farm buildings, and is now recognized as one of the able and successful agriculturists of the county. He has also been largely engaged in raising stock, and has one of the best dairy farms of the county. He is a member of Lewisville Lodge, No. 550, F. & A.M., Ulysses Chapter, No. 269, R.A.M., and of O.A. Lewis Post, No. 279, G.A.R. In politics he is a Republican. In 1871 he was elected treasurer of the county, serving one term of two years, and has been honored officially in various ways in his township. He was married in 1855 to Sarah E., daughter of Jason Spender, of Triangle, N.Y., and to them have been born two children: William W. (now a merchant of Havana, N.Y.) and Mark S. (now a book-keeper in W. K. Jones’ Bank of Coudersport).

WILLIAM T. LANE. The family of Lanes, from which the subject of this sketch is sprung, can be traced back in direct line to one John Lane, who came to America from Derbyshire, England, more than two hundred years ago, and settled at Killingsworth, Middlesex Co., Conn. Azel Lane, the seventh in the genealogical line, and the father of William T. Lane, was born in Killingsworth, Conn., September 2, 1793, and removed to Jacksonville, Tompkins Co., N.Y., about 1818, and there married Mrs. Asenath (Thompson) Smith, widow of Capt. Enos Smith, who died in the war of 1812; they were the parents of one child, Willett B. Smith, who was born in Jacksonville in 1808, and died in the Honeoye Valley in 1889. To the union of Azel and Asenath (Thompson) Smith Lane were born three children: Norman B., William Thompson, and a daughter who died in childhood. The father of these children had limited school advantages, but he made up in energy what he lacked in early education; he was a life-long student, and in his later years made the study of languages a specialty, and was enabled to speak several tongues, the knowledge of which he acquired by his own unaided efforts. He was a millwright by trade and a practical mechanic. He was also a man whose morals were stainless, and whose life was above reproach, and who, dying, left to his two sons the legacy of a name untarnished. He departed this life May 14, 1876, his wife having met her death several years before, the result of an accident.

William Thompson Lane was born in Chemung county, N.Y., near New Town (now Elmira), March 27, 1825. He came to the Honeoye Valley, Potter Co., Penn., about 1845, in company with his father and older brother Norman, now of Brockwayville, Jefferson Co., Penn. In June, 1846, he married Miss Sarah J. Mead, of Greenwood, N.Y., and to this union were born seven children, named as follows: Homer K. (druggist, Lewisville, Penn.), Mary S. (wife of E.S. Remington), Frances A. (wife of Dr. L.D. Rockwell, Union City, Penn.), George H. (deceased September 3, 1889), Helen A. (wife of F.S. Hover, Honeoye, Penn.), Wilbur F. and Charles A. (telegraph operator, Postal Line, Alma, N.Y.). After the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Lane they remained upon the farm which the husband had purchased upon coming to Potter county, and where he was engaged in lumbering and farming until the autumn of 1868, when they removed to Elk county, where Mr. Lane engaged more extensively in lumbering, for which business he possessed a particular aptitude. In this line he was successful, and; after a few years spent here, he returned to the farm, erected a fine, large house, and proceeded to improve and beautify the home place. In 1878 Mr. Lane was nominated by the Republican party for representative to the State legislature, but was defeated by the combined vote of the Democrat and Greenback parties. Mr. Lane is one of the few men who lives up to his conceptions of right, even though they conflict with his interest and convenience. He has always helped in every good word and work, and few men are held in higher esteem by those to whom he is thoroughly known. The church at Honeoye, Potter county, now being erected, owes much to his enterprise and enthusiasm. He is an ardent temperance man, and in this, as in any matter of conviction, never hesitates to speak and work for the right. This sketch would not be complete without a few words in regard to the wife of his youth, who has borne with him the burdens and heat of the day, and who has, in the highest sense of the word, been a helpmate unto him. Few women have so thoroughly fulfilled their mission as a wife and mother as she of whom we write. No labor was ever too great, no sacrifice too much for her to make, in order to give each child every advantage within her power. Nor has her kindness and self-sacrificing spirit been confined to her own home circle, no one in her vicinity ever needing aught within her power to give. Verily, she has walked the long pathway of her pilgrimage with feet shod with the sandals of the peace of God. Both Mr. and Mrs. Lane have been members of the Methodist Episcopal Church for many years.

HOMER K. LANE, druggist, Lewisville, was born in the town of Sharon, Potter Co., Penn., June 7, 1847, a son of William T. and Sarah J. (Mead) Lane. He was given the advantages of a good common-school education, finishing at an academy in Richburg, Allegany Co., N.Y. He was employed by his father, in Sharon, in the lumbering business until August, 1867, when both went to Blue Rock, Elk Co., Penn., where they were engaged in the same business until 1874, when the father returned to Sharon, where he still resides. Homer K., however, went to Brockwayville, Jefferson county, where he was engaged in general merchandising with Wellman Bros., until the fall of 1875, when he went to Union City, Erie county, where he purchased a drug store from R.W. Hazelton, and remained there until the fall of 1878, when he sold out to R.W. Wilkins, and in the spring of 1879 he came to Lewisville and bought a small stock of drugs from C.E. Hooley, and also a stock from Chappel Bros., renting the store from the latter firm. About 1885, his trade having been a thriving one, he erected the store building which he now occupies at Lewisville, and in which he keeps a large and well selected stock of drugs and medicines, fine perfumes, toilet articles, fancy goods, school and miscellaneous books, wall-paper and ceiling decorations, and is doing a very successful trade. September 27, 1869, Mr. Lane married Miss Hettie E. Huhn, of Brockwayville, Jefferson county, who bore him one son, August 3, 1870. November 21, 1872, Mrs. Lane died of consumption, and ten weeks later the son was carried away by lung trouble complicated with other disorders. December 22, 1875, Mr. Lane chose a second bride, Miss Carrie J. Eaton, of Andover, N.Y., and this union was blessed, March 13, 1880, by the birth of a daughter, Edith E. Mr. and Mrs. Lane are members of the Baptist Church. Mr. Lane is a member of Lodge, No. 556, F. & A.M., and Ulysses Chapter, No. 269, R.A.M.

SETH LEWIS, attorney at law, Lewisville, a son of William and Ruth A. (Bierce) Lewis, was born at Upper Lisle, Broome Co., N.Y., January 27, 1829. His parents came to Potter county, Penn., February 14, 1839, and located in what is now Lewisville. William Lewis made farming his business, which he continued until his death, September 26, 1866, his widow surviving until February 18, 1869. They reared a family of nine children: Crayton, Angeline, Louisa, Anna, Perry, Martha, Thomas, Seth and Burton. Seth Lewis came to Potter county with his parents, remaining with them until 1850. The following six years he devoted to agriculture, and also attended Alfred University. He then taught school two years, and in 1860 was elected county superintendent of schools, serving one term. In 1863 he enlisted in Company K, Thirty-seventh Pennsylvania Militia, and September 23 was mustered into Company A, Eighth United States Colored Troops, as second lieutenant. He was wounded in the left thigh at the battle of Olustee, Fla., February 20, 1864, and October 13, 1864, was wounded in the left hand near Richmond, Va. November 28, 1864, he was promoted to first lieutenant, and February 8, 1865, was made captain of Company C. He was present at the surrender of Gen. Robert E. Lee at Appomattox, and, on May 31, 1865, left Fortress Monroe for Texas, reaching Ringgold barracks July 31, when he returned to Brownsville, and was mustered out November 10, but was retained and paid until December 13, 1865. After his return home he studied law with Judge A.G. Olmsted, and was admitted to the bar in 1867. He first practiced at Union, West Va., but returned to Ulysses, where he is still engaged in the practice of his chosen profession. He was also editor of the Ulysses Sentinel from September, 1882, to January, 1888. He was married, January 30, 1851, to Sarah E., daughter of Adna A. and Rodentha Gridley. Their children were Charles H. (deceased), Mary Eloise (Mrs. George A. Farnsworth), Jessie Florence (who graduated from the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, at Lima, N.Y., June 20, 1889,) and Sarah Rodentha (deceased). Mr. Lewis is a charter member of Lewisville Lodge, No. 556, F. & A.M.,and has been its secretary since its organization. He is also a member of Ulysses Chapter, No. 269, R.A.M., and of O.A. Lewis Post, No. 279, G.A.R. He is an active worker in the ranks of the Republican party, and a radical tariff man. He was elected district attorney in 1869, and served four years. He was either a teacher, school director or superintendent from the age of twenty years to the beginning of the war, and subsequently, until the past twelve years, was school director.

CRAYTON LEWIS, the oldest son of William and Ruth A. Lewis, was born at Upper Lisle, Broome Co., N.Y., February 11, 1813. He was married March 3, 1835, to Caroline Hinman, and very soon after moved to Potter county, Penn. He settled on a piece of wild land now within the limits of the borough of Lewisville, and in a few years made it one of the finest farms in the vicinity. He had but a limited education, but he was an industrious reader, had a very retentive memory, and he soon became one of the most intelligent men of the locality. He was very benevolent, with tender sympathies and a keen sense of justice, and he early became an Abolitionist, but when the Republican party was formed, he joined it and remained through life a member. He early espoused the cause of temperance, and as early as 1843 he circulated a pledge and procured numerous signatures, starting a movement which resulted in the organization of Ulysses Division of the Sons of Temperance, in 1849, and of Lewisville Lodge of Good Templars, a few years later, of both of which organizations he was an active and honored member. To his labors, more than to the labors of any other man, is due the strong temperance sentiment which prevails in the northeastern part of Potter, and which has made Lewisville borough the stronghold of prohibition, this election district having given at the election June 18, 1889, 125 votes for the amendment and only seven votes against it. In August, 1857, Mr. Lewis was thrown from a buggy and received an injury in his head, from which he never fully recovered, and January 13, 1870, he was killed by falling in his barn. He reared five children, all of whom are living: Emily, now Mrs. T.E. Gridley, of Bingham, Penn.; John, living on the old homestead with his mother; Martin, a farmer of Ulysses, Penn.; Fayette, a surveyor and lumberman at Genesee Forks, Penn., and Carlos A., a merchant of Lewisville.

C.A. LEWIS, merchant, Lewisville, son of Crayton and Caroline (Hinman) Lewis, was born in Ulysses township, Potter Co., Penn., in 1850. His parents came from Broome county, N.Y., and were among the pioneers of Ulysses township, being the third family to settle there, locating on the farm now owned by his mother. Their nearest mill at that time was at Jersey Shore, a distance of sixty-five miles, and Crayton Lewis on one of his trips thither camped out with a yoke of oxen. Having broken his ox yoke when beyond the reach of any assistance, and having no tools except an ax, with this he cut a beech stick of the proper length, and, as there had to be openings made for the bows, he split it and bound it with withes, and went on his way. At one time his family and the neighbors were short of provisions, but he had a small patch of ground sown to buckwheat, which he worked during the day, chopping in the woods by moonlight. One day when they had not a mouthful of food in the house, except milk to drink, and were eagerly awaiting the ripening of the buckwheat and potatoes, as his wife stood at the door watching him at work, an idea, all at once, occurred to her. Selecting some buckwheat from the unripe crop, she picked a lot of it, dried it by the fireplace pounded and sifted it, and having fully prepared it, blew the horn, as usual, for dinner. On her husband’s coming to the house, he was rejoiced and surprised to find a meal prepared from his own crop. This old pioneer unfortunately met with an accident, which resulted fatally; his widow still lives on the old homestead. Their children were Emily (Mrs. Thomas Gridley), John, Martin, Fayette and C.A. The last named was reared in his native township, and during his youth was variously employed, but in 1873, locating at Lewisville, he here embarked in general mercantile business. He was married April 23, 1874, to Kate Cushing, and they have two children: Irving C. and Archie C. Mr. Lewis is a member of Lewisville Lodge, No. 556, F. & A.M. In politics he is a Republican, and has served as school director, auditor, and in minor offices of trust.

CORNELIUS H. LOUCKS, P.O. Ulysses, son of Cornelius and Naomi Loucks, was born in Cortland county, N.Y., in 1831. His parents came to Hector Township, Potter Co., Penn., and located on the farm now owned by Clarence Stiles, where the father was a lumberman and farmer, and where they both died. Their children were Mary J. (Mrs. Russel Potter, of Skaneateles, N.Y.), Cornelius H., Mehitabel (deceased), Betsy (deceased), Steven L. (who enlisted and died in the army, aged twenty-six years) and William J. Cornelius H. Loucks remained with his parents until 1853, when he married Arty C. Calkins, and located on the farm adjoining the old homestead, where they remained several years. In 1864 he enlisted in Company G, Fifty-third Pennsylvania Volunteers, and on Friday, March 31, 1865, in battle in front of Petersburg, Va., he received a wound in the left shoulder joint which necessitated the amputation of his arm. He was discharged June 12, 1865, and returned to his old home, subsequently removing to Lewisville, where he now lives. His wife died, leaving four children: Frank (since deceased), Darius, James and John, and March 26, 1883, he married Mrs. Louisa V. Stout, daughter of James J. Stewart. Mrs. Loucks is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Loucks is a member of O.A. Lewis Post, No. 279, G.A.R; in politics he is a Republican, has been supervisor of Hector township, and has held various offices in his township.

GEORGE MERRILL, contractor and builder, Lewisville, son of Erastus and Elizabeth (Ayer) Merrill, was born in Ulysses Township, Potter Co., Penn., in 1838. His parents were natives of Vermont, and each, with parents removed to Broome county, N.Y., where they married, and in February, 1838, located in Ulysses township, Potter county, where the father of our subject was a farmer until his decease in 1884. The mother still has her residence on the old homestead with her daughter, Mrs. Caleb Gridley. Their children were Warren (who died when nineteen years of age), Obediah, Harriet (deceased), George Lyman, Esther (Mrs. Gridley) and Henry (deceased). George was married in 1864 to Amelia Kidney, of Wyoming county, after which he located in Lewisville, where he is a contractor and builder. Their children were Henry (who died when eleven years of age), Herbert and Maud. Mrs. Merrill is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics Mr. Merrill affiliates with the Prohibition party, having formerly been identified with the Republican party. He has held various township offices.

O.A. NELSON, merchant, Lewisville, son of Henry and Speedy (Clark) Nelson, was born in 1845, near Colesburg, on the place now owned by F.A. Nelson, in Allegheny township, Potter Co., Penn. He made his home with his parents until 1864, when he traveled for several years, and engaged in various occupations. In 1875 he married Ellen M., daughter of A.F. and Juliette (Grove) Raymond, and located at Gold, on her father’s farm, where they remained a year. He then worked at his trade (carpenter and joiner), and was also in the stock business, until his removal to Ceres, where he embarked in the mercantile business. Later he moved to Lymansville, where he was engaged in selling wagons, buggies and harness, afterward locating for a time in Austin. In November, 1887, he moved to Lewisville, where he is engaged in the clothing and gents furnishing goods business, the firm name being Nelson & Presho. In politics Mr. Nelson is a Democrat.

MRS. KATE STEARNS PARKER, P.O. Ulysses, daughter of Anson S. and Betsy (Blackman) Burt (now deceased), was born in Cortland county, N.Y., in 1829. Her maternal grandfather, James Blackman, was a native of Pittsfield, Mass., where he married Elizabeth Andrews, and came to Potter county, Penn., in 1834, locating in Ulysses township, where they lived the rest of their lives. Their children were Betsy, Sally, Anson, Dennis and Laura (the late Mrs. Edmund Alvord). Anson S. Burt was a native of Pittsfield, Mass., where he married, and in the spring of 1832 located in Ulysses township, Potter county, about a mile east of the village, where he bought a hundred-acre farm, which at that time was wild land, he being obliged to cut his own roads. His children were Laura (deceased), Sally (Mrs. William Canfield, of Willett, Cortland Co., N.Y.), James T., William F., Betsy (the late Mrs. Charles Monroe), T.W., and Kate S., who married Thomas Parker in 1846, a prosperous farmer of Ulysses township. Mr. Parker died July 26, 1883.

W.B. PERKINS, farmer, P.O. Newfield, son of William M. and Marissa M. (Dean) Perkins, was born August 28, 1861, in Ulysses township, Potter Co., Penn., on the farm he now owns. His father was a native of Andover, Allegany Co., N.Y., and his mother of Potter county, Penn. After their marriage they located at Independence, Allegany Co., N.Y., but sold and removed in the spring of 1850 to the farm now owned by W.B.; in the spring of 1886 his father removed to Sweden township. Mrs. Perkins died in the spring of 1862, leaving three children: Luther L., Manson B. and W.B. Mr. Perkins afterward married Fannie Gloss, their children being Arthur and Rosa. W.B. made his home with his parents until 1877, when he went to Deerfield, Tioga county. Determined to secure an education, he worked for $13 per month, and when his father learned of his laudable efforts in that direction, he cheerfully loaned him $800, which enabled him to complete his education at the State Normal School at Lock Haven, and from which he graduated in 1883. While at the State Normal School he joined the Baptist Church, and, becoming interested in Sabbath-school work, was made its superintendent, and at the county convention, or picnic, each superintendent was supposed and expected to deliver a speech; his was so elaborate, and so far beyond what had been expected, that he soon received urgent invitations to attend their theological seminary, at Lewisburg, Union Co., Penn., and after repeated solicitation accepted, remaining a year, when a change in his religious views induced him to sever his association with that institution. After leaving school he located on the old homestead, and engaged in business as a farmer and dairyman. He continued the dairy until the close of the summer of 1888, when he sold his cows and invested the proceeds in horses. Mr. Perkins married Mary A. Bigony, and they have a family of four children: Guy S., Marissa D., Sally B. and Samuel B. Mr. Perkins is a member of Lewisville Lodge, No. 556, F. & A.M., and Ulysses Chapter, No. 269, R.A.M. He is a Democrat in politics, and has held various official positions in the township.

A.F. RAYMOND, merchant and farmer, P.O. Gold, was born in Tompkins county, N.Y., November 3, 1825. In 1836 his parents moved to Potter county, Penn., and settled in Allegheny township, where his father bought a tract of wild land. He remained at home until after his marriage, and then bought a part of the old homestead, where he has since lived. He has a good home, and attends to the cultivation of his farm, at the same time carrying on a general merchandise business in Gold. He was married in 1850 to Miss Juliet Grover of Bingham township and they have five children: Frank A., of Gold; Ellen, wife of Oscar Nelson, of Ulysses; Fred H., of Ceres; Kate L., wife of Wilton Elliott, and Matilda. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond are members of the Baptist Church. He is a member of Gold Lodge, No. 658, E.A.U.

AMOS RAYMOND, P.O. Gold, son of Daniel and Amanda (Freeland) Raymond, was born in Tioga county, N.Y., September 24, 1821, and with his parents came to Potter county, Penn., in March, 1836. They located in Allegheny township, at that time a wilderness and cleared a farm, the nearest marked tree being at what is now Ford Nelson’s, in Allegheny township, and there was no wagon road within three miles. They were compelled to go to Williamsport for corn, which at that time was worth $3.50 per bushel, in Potter county, and suffered all the other privations incident to the settlement of a new country. Their children were Lucinda, Amos, Daniel, Asa, Alvira, Perces, David, Joseph, Mary and Betsy. Amos made his home with his parents until his marriage, when he located in Allegheny township, but now resides on the farm he owns in Ulysses township, which he has carried on for some time. He has also devoted some time to contracting, was a merchant for several years, and also for several years was proprietor of a hotel at Raymond’s Corners. He was married, March 31, 1842, to Rhoda Daniels, and they had six children: Harriet Lovina, Alice Lavina, Asa A., Miriam J. (who died in 1852), Josephine B. and Sarah J. Mrs. Rhoda Raymond departed this life November 26, 1876, and Amos Raymond, on March 15, 1878, married Miriam Daniels. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond are members of the Baptist Church. In politics he is a Democrat, and has held various official positions in the township.

HENRY T. REYNOLDS, P.O. Ulysses, son of Foster Reynolds, was born in Hebron township, Potter Co., Penn., in 1834. His father was a native of Rensselaer county, N.Y., where he married Fannie Potter, removed to Hebron township in 1831, and engaged in farming. He built two mills, one water and one steam power. They reared a family of five children: Steven P., William C., Henry T., Sarah and Celestia. The parents, with two daughters, are now residing in Jefferson county, Kansas. Henry T. Reynolds received his education in the Potter county schools, remaining with his parents until his majority. After his marriage he located on the farm he now owns in Ulysses township, and engaged in agriculture. He was married in 1857 to Margaret Weidrick, and they have four children: Willard E., Nellie E. (now Mrs. Henry Francis), Nettie F. (now Mrs. Arthur Bice) and Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds are members of the Episcopal Church. He is a member of Lewisville Lodge, No. 556, F. & A.M., Ulysses Chapter, No. 269, R.A.M. In politics he is an active Republican. He was elected sheriff in 1868, serving three years. In 1887 he was elected associate judge, and is now serving his term of five years. He has always been prominent in local politics. August 16, 1862, he enlisted in the defense of his country in Company K, One Hundred and Forty-ninth Pennsylvania Volunteers, or Second Regiment of Bucktails; sixteen days later he was promoted to second lieutenant, and May 1, 1863, was made first lieutenant. He was wounded three times at the battle of Gettysburg, and was captured; March 13, 1864, he was discharged on account of disability, and returned to his home in Ulysses township. He now lives in Lewisville. He is a charter member of O.A. Lewis Post, No. 279, G.A.R., of which he is adjutant.

E.A. WAGNER, retired, P.O. Ulysses, son of Abram Wagner, was born in Oneida county, N.Y., in 1826. His parents removed to Steuben county, N.Y., and thence to Ulysses township, Potter Co., Penn., in 1842, locating on the farm now owned by Frank Wagner. They located in the woods and cleared a farm, which they made their home until the father’ s death in 1876; the mother died in 1879. Their children were born in the following order: Mrs. Lorenzo Drake, Andrew J., Frances M., Edward A., Mrs. J.N. Crowell, Mrs. J.T. Burt, Mrs. J.A. Brown, Gratton H., James B., Mrs. A.G. Stewart, Mrs. C.T. Halleck and Mrs. L. Dean, all having homes of their own. E.A. Wagner has from youth followed agricultural pursuits. His first location was in Ulysses township, on the farm now owned by Charles Crowell; then at Kibbyville, in 1851, where he lived until 1871, when he removed to the borough of Lewisville, where he has since lived, and having secured a competency, has retired from active life. Politically he is a Republican. He has been a member of the council two terms; street commissioner, school director, nine years, and township assessor. His wife, to whom he was married in 1849, was formerly Miss Angerona Crowell, daughter of David Crowell.


A.W. ANDREWS, farmer, P.O. Andrews Settlement, son of Levi and Polly (Porter) Andrews, was born in Spring Mills, Allegany Co., N.Y., in 1824. His parents removed to Bingham township, Potter Co., Penn., in 1825, where they remained until 1833, when, with household goods loaded on a wagon, and drawn by three yoke of oxen, they proceeded on their way to what is now Andrews Settlement, named in honor of Levi Andrews. When about a mile from Ellisburg, the snow being knee deep, and it being springtime and just in the midst of a freshet, they discovered a bridge had been washed away, but by chopping a tree, which fortunately fell across the stream, they were enabled to cross, the oxen swimming the creek. Having a cow and calf, Mr. Andrews carried the calf over in his arms, and the cow followed through the creek; they had to walk about a mile through water knee-deep to reach a stopping place, and, it is superfluous to add, were in an exhausted condition. This but feebly illustrates the adventurous career of pioneers in this county. They eventually reached their destination, locating in the woods and clearing a farm. They had a family of ten children: Chester; Cloe; Lawson; Maria, afterward Mrs. Timothy Ives, of Coudersport; Louisa, now Mrs. Isaac Frink, of Hebron township; Lowata, wife of Bartell Dickinson, of Ellisburg; Sally, now Mrs. Samuel Newell, of McKean county; Orren; Susan, now Mrs. Benjamin S. McConnell, of Canisteo, Steuben Co., N.Y., and A.W. Louisa, Sally, Susan and A.W. are the only ones living. The father died in March, 1861; the mother had died of cancer on February 10, 1844. A.W. Andrews made his home with his parents until their death. In 1859 he located on the farm he now owns in Andrews Settlement, where he has since devoted his attention to agriculture and the lumber interest. While a boy, Mr. Andrews chopped cord-wood in the winter time in his stocking feet, heated boards or slabs being brought to him upon which to stand; he has hunted cows barefooted, and been pricked with nettles until actually compelled to stand in the mud, the only method of relief. But notwithstanding all these experiences, he has been successful, and now owns a fine farm with good buildings, and is the possessor of a competency. He was married, in 1859, to Martha N. Scoville, of Harrison township, and to them have been born six children: Luman F., Roscoe, Florence (now Mrs. Clinton Olmsted, of Emporium), Fred and Frank (twins) and Arch. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews are members of the Presbyterian Church. He is an active supporter of the Democratic party.

REV. EDWARD D. CARR, P.O. Raymond, is a son of George and Nancy (Griswold) Carr. E.D. Carr was born in Dryden, Tompkins Co., N.Y., December 29, 1819. His parents were married August 22, 1813, and removed to Almond, Allegany Co., N.Y., in 1835, remaining until about 1857, when they came to Hector township, Potter Co., Penn., where they purchased a farm and built a residence. The mother died about 1878, in North Almond; Allegany Co., N.Y., and the father April 13, 1870, in Hector township, Potter Co., Penn. Their children were Mariett (born March 28, 1815), Syble A. (born December 10, 1816), Susan (born December 12, 1818, now deceased), Edward D. (born December 29, 1819), Stutely H. (born January 11, 1822), George S. (born December 23, 1823, now dead), and G.N. (born August 15, 1826). Edward D. made his home with his parents until manhood. He first located in West Almond, but later removed to Hector township, where he was a local preacher. He, however, changed his residence to Knoxville, for the purpose of affording his children better educational advantages. In 1862 he enlisted as a private in Company G, One Hundred and Forty-ninth Pennsylvania Volunteers, and was mustered out in April, 1865. He returned to his home, but soon after removed to Wellsville, N.Y., where he remained eleven years; thence moved to Spring Mills, N.Y., thence to Kansas, and finally returned to Potter county, purchased the farm he now owns, and has since been engaged in farming. While in Kansas he was for five years engaged in the ministry, and organized seven churches. He was married, December 11, 1845, to L.S. Schoonover, and their children are Lenora M. (now Mrs. George Presho), Mary A. (who died at the age of five years), Emma Lucine (now Mrs. Robert Allison), George Norman and Edward Augustus. His son and daughter, Edward A. and Emma L., belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mrs. George Presho belongs to the Presbyterian, and George Norman to no church.

WILLIAM CURRIER, proprietor of a saw- and grist-mill, Andrews Settlement, is a son of Daniel and Martha (Gilliland) Currier, and was born in Andrews Settlement in 1863, on the place now owned by his parents. Daniel Currier was born in Cattaraugus county, N.Y.,and Martha (Gilliland) Currier in the town of Cuba, Allegany county, same State. His parents came to Potter county in 1849, and located in Hebron township, where his father worked in a lumber-mill until their removal to Elk county, in 1853. In 1859 they returned to Potter county, and located where they now have their home. Their children are Mary J. (now Mrs. C. Tucker) James (both born in Hebron, Potter Co., Penn.) and William. James was married to Kate Bishop, daughter of Squire Bishop, of Andrews Settlement. William, whose name heads this brief sketch, was born and reared on the old homestead, and was given a good common school education. Since reaching manhood he has been engaged in the lumber business, and built a steam saw- and grist-mill, shingle- and planing-mill, which he operated and eventually removed it to the present place of business. The saw-mill has a capacity of 10,000 feet per day, and the shingle-mill is capable of turning out 10,000 shingles per day. He was married to Hattie Carpenter, of Angelica, on December 18, 1889. Mr. Currier is a prosperous young man, and is the owner of one of the principal business enterprises of his township.

WILLIAM H. MATTESON, merchant, Andrews Settlement, son of Elias Matteson, was born in Whitesville, Allegany Co., N.Y., in 1841. He was reared and educated in his native county, also in Yates and Ontario counties, and in 1863 enlisted in Company G, Eighteenth New York Volunteers. He was mustered out in the same year and re-enlisted in the Fiftieth New York Engineers, and remained in the service until the close of the war in 1865. He then returned home, and soon after located in Allegheny township, Potter Co., Penn., where he engaged in farming, which he continued until 1885, when he removed to Raymond’s Corners and embarked in the mercantile business, and in October, 1887, came to Andrews Settlement, where he has since conducted a general mercantile store. In 1866 he married Nettie, daughter of Marcus Wildman, of Allegheny township. Their children are Fannie Maud (now Mrs. Samuel Hancock, of Ellisburg) and Merton W. Both Mr. and Mrs. Matteson are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a member of Coudersport Post, G.A.R; is an active supporter of the Republican party, and was elected county commissioner in 1884, serving one term, and has held various official positions in the township.

GEORGE NELSON, farmer, P.O. Colesburg, son of Silas and Cynthia (Felt) Nelson, was born in Hebron, Washington Co., N.Y., in 1816. His parents located at Lymansville, Potter Co., Penn., about 1822, and engaged in farming. Their children were Horace, George, Ira, Cephas, Leroy, Lucinda (Mrs. Jack Brown, of Millport) and Sarah (Mrs. J.R. Miller, of Sweden township). Mrs. Nelson died in 1832, and Mr. Nelson for his second wife married Mary A. Bellows. Their children were Cynthia, L., Darwin, Kilborn (deceased), Caroline, Louise Etta, Philena, Dora Cass and Lester. Mr. Nelson was a soldier in the war of 1812, and in October, 1818, received an injury from which he never fully recovered; he died about 1868, and Mrs. Nelson died in 1888. George made his home with his parents until 1839, when he married Abigail Cannon, and located on the farm he now owns in Allegheny township, where he built the first saw-mill (water power) in that part of the county. To Mr. and Mrs. Nelson have been born three children: Helen M. (now Mrs. Samuel W. Copeland, of Dolonga, Ga.), Eli H. and Adolphus I. The last named enlisted in Company G, Fifty-third Pennsylvania Volunteers, and was killed at the battle of Antietam. Mr. Nelson is a supporter of the Democratic party, and has held various official positions in the township.

FORD A. NELSON, P.O. Colesburg, son of Henry Nelson, was born in Allegheny township, Potter Co., Penn., in 1843. He made his home with his parents until about twenty-five years of age, after which he purchased the old Nelson homestead, where he has since lived, combining the lumber business with that of farming. He was married in 1869 to Bettie, daughter of John H. Heggie, of Allegheny township, and they have had two children: Ray H., who died at the age of eleven years and nine months, and Harry L., now a promising boy of eleven years. Mr. Nelson is a supporter of the Democratic party. In 1883 he was elected commissioner of Potter county, served one term of three years, and in 1886 received the nomination for treasurer, but was defeated by only forty-three votes. He is one of the enterprising men of Potter county.

JOHN PEET, farmer, P.O. Colesburg, son of John and Sarah (Morehouse) Peet, was born in Eulalia township, Potter Co., Penn., in 1819. His parents came to Potter county in 1811 and took up a tract of land, John Keating presenting him with fifty acres to induce him to locate here, the family being the fourth in the county, Isaac Lyman, Benjamin Burt and William Ayers being the other three. They endured all the hardships and privations peculiar to a new and almost unexplored country; their nearest grist-mill was at Jersey Shore, and it took about eighteen days to go and return. The nearest post-office was at Williamsport. The children of John and Sarah Peet were Mary, deceased wife of David Worden, of Iowa; William (deceased); Rhoda, deceased wife of Seth Taggart, of Eulalia township; Susan and Samuel (the first twins born in Potter county; Susan is now Mrs. William Worden of Iowa; Samuel is deceased); Abigail, the sixth child, was married to William Jackson, moved to Erie county and then died; John is the seventh; Sarah married David Colcord, moved to Cameron county, and there ended her days; and Jacob, the ninth child, is now a resident of Austin. The father died about 1858, and the mother about 1870. John Peet, Jr., made his home with his parents until 1843, when he married Rachel Van Wegen, daughter of Daniel Van Wegen, and to them three children have been born, Almira, now Mrs. Jacob Kimm, of Roulette; Horace and Orson, deceased. Horace married Pearl, daughter of John Abbey, of Port Allegany, and they had three children: Jennie, Clifton and John. Horace Peet died October 12, 1889. John Peet is a resident of Allegheny township, still living on the farm on which he settled after his marriage. He and his family are members of the Free Will Baptist Church.

DAVID L. RAYMOND, P.O. Raymonds, a son of Daniel and Amanda (Freeland) Raymond, was born in Tioga county, N.Y., in 1832, and with his parents came to Allegheny township, Potter Co., Penn., in 1837. They located on the farm which D.L. now owns, when that part of the township was a wilderness, and cut a road for three miles to enable them to draw lumber for building purposes. His father was a native of Massachusetts, where he married, and then removed to Tioga county, N.Y. Amos Raymond, grandfather of D.L., also came to Potter county in 1837, and made his home with Daniel, his son, until his decease, when ninety-six years of age, his wife having died previously. Daniel and Amanda Raymond reared a family of eleven children, viz.: Lucinda, now Mrs. George Benton, of Ellisburg; Amos; Asa F.; Daniel (deceased); Elvira, who married Spencer Preston, of Lansing, Mich., and died April 24, 1889; Alice L., the late Mrs. James Logue, of Wharton township; David L.; Joseph J.; Persis L., now Mrs. Calvin Rogers, of Allegheny township; Mary J., now Mrs. Willard Whitney, of Parma, Mich., and Betsy A., now Mrs. Thomas Gilliland, of Ellisburg. The mother is dead and the father now has his home with D.L., and is a smart, active old gentleman of ninety-six years. David L. was reared and received such educational advantages as a county sparsely settled and almost wholly undeveloped afforded. He made his home with his parents, and succeeded his father in the ownership of the old homestead, on which he has erected a desirable residence, and through life has engaged in agricultural and mercantile pursuits. In the war of the Rebellion he enlisted in Company K, One Hundred and Forty-ninth Pennsylvania Volunteers, but was discharged on account of disability. He next enlisted in the Fifteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry (Anderson’ s), and remained until the close of the war, after which he returned to his home and resumed his former business. He was married in 1853 to Martha F., daughter of John H. Heggie, of Allegheny township, and to them have been born two children: Ellen, married to C.H. Morley, of Ulysses, and died March 24, 1889, and Ida, now Mrs. F.J. Andrews, of Allegheny township. Mr. Raymond is a member of O.A. Lewis Post, G.A.R. He is a Republican in politics, and in 1883 was elected treasurer of the county, serving three years. He is one of the representative men of Potter county.

MINARD A. VELEY, merchant and farmer, P.O. Colesburgh, son of Minard and Abigail (Allen) Veley, was born in Broome county, N.Y., in 1843. His parents were natives of New Jersey, where they were married, and afterward removed to Broome county, N.Y. In 1847 they came to Lycoming county, Penn., where the mother died in 1881, and the father in September, 1883. Their children were Barney V., Jenet (now Mrs. Fred. Grasley, of Wisconsin), Emily (now Mrs. Herrick Packard, of Clinton county, Penn.), Minard A., Jane (the late Mrs. Sewell Lane), David H., Amos and George. Minard A. made his home with his parents until his marriage, when he located in Clinton county, Penn., and engaged in farming. In 1866 he removed to Potter county, and carried on farming in Roulette township; in 1867 removed to St. Mary’ s, Elk county, but in 1868 returned to Allegheny township, and purchased what was called the Peet farm; then, in 1884, he purchased the Sam Mills property, which is his present residence, and has since been engaged in farming and in the lumber business. He has a mill on his farm with a capacity of 8,000 feet daily; and he is also a dealer in general merchandise. In 1864 Mr. Veley married Malissa, daughter of Rev. Jonathan Phillips, of Clinton county, Penn. She died in 1866, leaving one son, Ambrose. In October, 1867, he married Charlotte, daughter of Elisha Burt, one of Potter county’s pioneers, and they have five children: William, Allen, Burt, Ida and Claude. Mr. and Mrs. Veley are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics he is a Republican, is a popular man in his township, and has filled most of the local offices. His son Ambrose is the postmaster at Colesburgh. He married Ella C. Carpenter, and they have one child, Richard.


SQUARE ESTES, farmer, P.O. Oswayo, was born September 16, 1843. His parents were George G. Estes, born in Massachusetts, September 7, 1800, and Polly Brizzee Estes, born near Albany, N.Y., October 25, 1807. The parents both moved to Broome county, N.Y., where they were married in the town of Colesville, Broome Co., N.Y., December 26, 1826. They moved to Sharon, Potter Co., Penn., in the spring of 1832, where the father kept one of the first schools in the township. George G. Estes died February 16, 1863. Square Estes was reared in Potter county, and received a practical business education at the district schools. He lived with his father and worked on the farm until August, 1864, when he enlisted in the defense of the Union during the war of the Rebellion, and served until the close, when he returned to his native home, and has since been engaged in farming. He is one of the prominent citizens of Hebron township, and has served fifteen years as justice of the peace. He is a member of Eulalia Lodge, No. 342, F. & A.M. Mr. Estes was married August 27, 1871, to Miss Clancy Pearsall, of Ceres, McKean county, and they have one son, John A.

L.F. GALE, farmer, P.O. Oswayo, is a native of the State of New York, born in the town of Scio, Allegany county, August 21, 1842, and is a son of Franklin and Almira Gale. When he was quite young his parents moved to Oswayo township, Potter Co., Penn., where he was reared, remaining at home until manhood, and assisting his father on the farm. He bought a farm in Hebron township in 1869, and has improved it, now having one of the best farms in the township. Mr. Gale was married May 28, 1865, to Miss Belinda Lord, of Oswayo. She died March 15, 1882, and November 12, 1888, he married Miss Frankie Robison, of Eldred, Penn., Mr. Gale has served his township in various official relations.

GEORGE N. HEAD, farmer and, lumberman, P.O. Oswayo, is a native of the town of Oswayo, Potter Co., Penn., born July 8,1856, a son of Charles Head. When he was sixteen years old he began to work for his own support, and has given his attention to farming and lumbering. He has been successful, and now has a fine residence in the village of Oswayo. Mr. Head was married July 8, 1876, to Miss Fannie Ellis, of Allegheny, Penn., and they have four children: Clarence Z., born April 8, 1877; Ella M., born October 16, 1882; Mary C., born March 10, 1886, and Musa S., born June 22, 1889.

CHARLES A. LAMBERTON, farmer, P.O. Oswayo, is a native of Potter county, Penn., born in Hebron township, a son of H.S. and Charlotte D. Lamberton, natives of the State of New York who came to Potter county in 1850, and had a family of three children: B. H., Charles A. and Ada M. (now the wife of Hervey Wakeley, of Clara, Penn.). The mother died March 3, 1887. The father owns a large farm, which is carried on by the sons, who care for their father. They have one of the best farms in the township, their residence and farm buildings are commodious and convenient, and they are among the enterprising young men of the township.

MORRIS LENT, farmer, P.O. Coudersport, son of Harry and Annie (Smith) Lent, was born in Bradford county, Penn., in 1832. His parents came to Potter county in the spring of 1835, located in Allegheny township, three miles from the nearest neighbor, and engaged in farming; in 1839 they moved into Eulalia township, where they spent the rest of their lives. They reared a family of eight children: Joseph, Jane (Mrs. VanWegen), Morris, Harriet (Mrs. Greenaman), William B., Augusta (deceased), Edmund and Hiram. Harry Lent died in 1866, and his widow in 1869. Morris Lent made his home with his parents until twenty-one years of age, when, in 1853, he married Catherine E. Van Gilder and located in Eulalia, but removed in 1866 to the farm he now owns in Hebron township. In 1864 he enlisted in Company I, Seventy-sixth Pennsylvania Volunteers, and was mustered out in 1865. Returning home he engaged in farming and the lumber business. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lent reared two children: Frank J. and Cora M. Of these, Frank J. married Minnie E. Rogers, who died, leaving one child, Clintie R.; Frank J. next married Libbie Bundy; Cora M. Lent, was married to James Graves, of Sweden township. Mr. Morris Lent has held various official positions in his township, and is a member of the G.A.R. When young he saw some very close times. In 1837 his father worked two days haying for one bushel of corn, but, living in the woods as the family did, they had plenty of venison for meat. Soon neighbors began to come in. Chapman Olmsted moved into the house with Mr. Lent’s, parents, and remained until they could build a log-house; then Nathaniel Reynolds did the same; Asa Reynolds did the same; Peter Shuts did the same; George Judd did the same; Woodard Reynolds boarded with the Lent family until he could build himself a log-house, and a man by the name of Ketcham came next, and then a schoolhouse was built.

H.W. PRESS, farmer, P.O. East Hebron, was born at Shinglehouse, Penn., March 6, 1852. His father, John Press, was a native of England, and came to the United States, locating at Shinglehouse in 1848. He died in August, 1888, and his wife, Charlotte, died March 13, 1882, at the age of fifty-eight. Mr. Press was reared in his native township, and remained on the farm with his parents until April 2, 1882, when he moved to Oswayo and rented a hotel, which he conducted a year. He bought a farm in Hebron township to which he moved April 2, 1883, and has since devoted his attention to agriculture. Mr. Press was married, September 18, 1876, to Miss Rosa Hamilton, of Nunda, N.Y., and they have three children.

JOHN SCHOLLARD, merchant, East Hebron, was born in Coudersport, Penn., July 27, 1852, of Irish parentage. His father was born in the city of Limerick, Ireland, in 1787, and his mother was born in County Kerry. They were married in Maine in 1847, and afterward, moved to Coudersport, where the father died, in 1853. The mother then married, in 1860, Patrick Shannon, and they soon thereafter moved to a farm in Hebron township. John Schollard was reared and educated in Coudersport, and worked for his stepfather on the farm until after his marriage. In 1883 he bought a stock of merchandise of W.F. Lane, at East Hebron, and in 1885 purchased of Weston Brothers the business property where he is now located. Mr. Schollard is one of the most enterprising men of East Hebron,, and has built up a trade that is an honor to his business ability. He was married, March 20, 1879, to Miss C.A. Booth, and they have four children: Theodore E. B., Katie, Maggie and Hugh.

G.W. STILLMAN, farmer, P.O. Hebron, was born in Rensselaer county, N.Y., April 15, 1815, and is the son of George and Britty Stillman, both natives of Rensselaer county, N.Y., but who moved to Alfred, Allegany county, same state, when G.W. was an infant. When G.W. was seventeen years of age his parents moved to Potter county, Penn., being among the first settlers of Hebron township. He was reared a farmer, and now has one of the best farms in the township, his residence and farm buildings being commodious and conveniently arranged. January 1, 1838, Mr. Stillman married Miss Electa Greenman, who died January 23, 1859. June 1, 1862, Mr. Stillman married Miss Mary A. Greenman, a sister of his first wife. His daughter, Mary L. Stillman, was born February 21, 1841, and died June 2, 1881.

L.A. STILSON, P.O. Oswayo, was born in Woodhull, Steuben Co., N.Y., May 26, 1836, the second son of eleven children born to Calvin S. and Allie (Huff) Stilson, natives of New York State, who came to Oswayo township, Potter Co., Penn., in 1853. He spent his boyhood days with his parents on the farm, and May 12, 1860, he married Miss Louisa, a daughter of William M. and Minerva (Clark) Shattuck, of Oswayo township, who were among the first settlers of Oswayo township. Five children have blessed this union, viz.: William M., Arlie B., Minnie J., Walter L. and Freddie J. In 1865 Mr. Stilson purchased the farm where he now resides.

ISAAC WHITTUM, of East Hebron, was born in Somerset county, Penn., March 12, 1823. His parents being in limited circumstances, his educational advantages were very meager. When twelve years old, he went to work for a farmer, remaining with him for three years, and then was in the employment of a physician three years. He then worked in a shingle-mill until twenty-five years of age, when he entered the employ of the New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad Company. In 1859 he removed to Potter county, and September 8, 1861, enlisted in Company G, Sixty-fourth New York Infantry. June 30, 1862, in front of Richmond, he was sunstruck, and was left on the field for dead. He was captured at Savage Station, and was a prisoner nine weeks. At Chancellorsville, in 1863, he was struck by a shell, and his left ear was severed from his head. May 12, 1863, a bullet struck him in the-right eye, and the ball has never been removed, being still in his head. December 27, 1864, he was discharged from the service and returned to East Hebron, where he has since, lived, an honored veteran, who bears many scars received in the defense of his country’ s honor.


IRA FOSMER, farmer, P.O. Clara, is a native of Onondaga county, N.Y., born December 29, 1819. He attended the schools of his native county until thirteen years of age, and in 1832 his parents moved to Hinsdale, N.Y., and from there in 1833 to Potter county, Penn., settling on the farm in Clara township, where he now lives, which is one of the best farms in the township. Mr. Fosmer was married, January 8, 1846, to Miss Lydia Lyman, and they have five children: Foster, Flora, Freeman, Nettie and Jackson. Mr. Fosmer is a member of the Masonic fraternity, Macedonia Lodge, No. 258, at Bolivar, N.Y. He has held various official positions in his township, taking an active interest in public affairs. Garet Fosmer, father of Ira Fosmer, was born in the State of Connecticut, July 23, 1796, and died in Clara township, Potter Co., Penn., January 23, 1868. He married, in 1818, Miss Lovina Skelenger, of Onondaga county, N.Y. John Lyman, the father of Mrs. Lydia Fosmer, was born at Lake George, N.Y., July 7, 1789, and died in 1882 in Eulalia township, Potter Co., Penn., having lived the greater part of his life in Roulette township, and married for his first wife a Miss Lucretia Palmer.

FREDERICK D. WEIMER, farmer, P.O. Roulette, son of George and Eve Weimer, was born in Roulette township, Potter Co., Penn., August 12, 1832. His father was a native of France and came to America in 1836, locating in Roulette township, near the mouth of Fishing creek, just below the red school-house. The country was wild, and he had to clear his farm, and at that time had to go eighty miles to mill, the nearest being at Jersey Shore; being gone at one time longer than he had expected, his family were compelled to subsist on potatoes and salt. On this farm the parents made their home until death. They had a family of eighteen children, viz.: George, Eve (deceased), Michael (deceased), Mrs. Barbara Barr, Mrs. Margaret Manning, Mrs. Sally Jackson, Barnett (deceased), Martin (deceased), Frederick D., Mrs. Catherine Jackson (deceased), Mrs. Caroline D. Davison (deceased), William, Mrs. Dorcas Marsh, John V., Mrs. Julia A. Tompkins (deceased), Mrs. Luzerne Hazen (deceased), Catherine (a babe born in Europe and buried at sea) and Jacob (who died when a child). Frederick D. remained at home until he went to learn the blacksmith’s trade, after which he located in Roulette, and engaged in that business until 1875, when he removed to Clara township, where he purchased the farm he now owns and occupies. He has since then been a farmer, blacksmith, carpenter, mason, lumberman, etc., doing all kinds of work required on his farm. He married, in 1859, Anna, daughter of C. W. and Louisa Johnson, of Roulette, and their children were Ortenis and Don F. (both deceased), Ali and Ortenis. Mr. Weimer is a supporter of the Democratic party. He has been a school director nearly three-fourths of the time since old enough to be interested in educational matters.


ISRAEL BURT, farmer, P.O. Williston, a son of Benjamin and Mercy Burt, was born in Burtville, Potter Co., Penn., in 1816. He made his home with his parents until about 1837, when he began life for himself. In 1842 he married Delight Beckwith, and located at Burtville, where they remained ten years, he being engaged in the lumber business. In 1852 he removed to Pleasant Valley, to the farm he now owns, and where he has since lived. Their children are Lydia A. (Mrs. Elmer Deming), Ransom, Mary A. (Mrs. D.M. Manning), Etta (Mrs. Ernest Lampe), Asher, Olive (Mrs. David Hagar), Ormanda (Mrs. George Hackett) and Effie (Mrs. Luther Halbert). Mr. Burt is one of the few surviving pioneers of the county, and is highly esteemed by all who know him. Although not a politician, he has held various official positions in his township.

GEORGE WEIMER, farmer, P.O. Williston, son of George and Margaret (Lehman) Weimer, was born in Alsace, France (now Germany), November 27, 1816. In 1830 he came to America with his parents, who located at Roulette, Potter county, where they engaged in farming and spent the rest of their lives; their children were George and Eve. His father’ s second wife was Eve Wiederich, and their children were Michael, Barbara, Mrs. Margaret Manning, Mrs. Sally Jackson, William A., Frederick, John and Mrs. Dorcas Marsh. The subject of these lines made his home with his parents until nineteen years of age, when he began to work for farmers, and in 1836 bought a tract of wild land on which he located in 1842. This he cleared and improved, and now has one of the best farms in Pleasant Valley township. He was married in 1842, to Laura, daughter of Burrel Lyman. Their children are Sarah (Mrs. Roscoe Stearns), Otis, Willis, Ella (Mrs. Dr. Stearns, of Port Allegany, Penn.), Mary (Mrs. F. Robinson, of Liberty township, McKean county), Nellie (Mrs. Amos Palmer, also of Liberty township), Nettie (Mrs. Lewis Yentzer, of Roulette, Penn.), Lottie (Mrs. Miles Rice, also of Roulette), and Roscoe. Mrs. Weimer died in 1884. In politics Mr. Weimer is a Democrat. In 1836 he bought corn at $3 per bushel, which was brought on pack horses eighty miles from Jersey Shore, and paid for it in cutting wood at seventy-five cents per day.

Source: Page(s) 1228-1251 History of Counties of McKean, Elk and Forest, Pennsylvania. Chicago, J.H. Beers & Co., 1890.
Transcribed February 2006 by Carol Eddleman Published 2006 by PA-Roots

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