• Thu. Jan 30th, 2025


…bringing our past into the future

Potter County, Chapter 9, Eulalia Township, Borough of Coudersport


Oct 22, 2008






EULALIA TOWNSHIP, named in honor of John Keating’s daughter is, marked bythe picturesque canon of the Allegheny, which flows in a general course from the northeast to the southwest, through this division. The walls of the valley, are mountains of Catskill, capped with Pocono sandstone or conglomerate. Immense masses of this conglomerate grouped here and there, a formidable group existing just east of the Coudersport limits. Almost within the limits the grey sandstone is developed, and also on the Homer road, while southeast is the brown sandstone with its rare, fossils. Up Dingman’s run, 7,000 or 8,000 feet, and, in fact, in all the valleys around Coudersport, great conglomerate boulders are scattered, while on the hill tops the remnants of coal beds may be found, particularly where the mines of 1839 were opened, but the bed does not average more than fourteen inches, while on the east side of Nelson run a trial shaft was put down, only to find a twelve- inch vein separated by flag rock from a three- inch vein, and, of course, unprofitable to work. On the hills west of Dingman’s run coal’ deposits have been found, but time has worn away, not only the tops of the old hills, but also the underlying rocks, the coal beds and some of the strata on which they rested.

Mr. Sherwood, in his geological report, says: “The topographical feature of most interest in the geology of northern Pennsylvania is exhibited in this township, namely: the drainage in opposite directions inward toward the anticlinal axis. This involves the striking phenomenon- nowhere better exhibited than here- of the branches of a stream all heading in broad anticlinal valleys, and breaking into a central mountain mass through gates, and flowing through the center of that mass in a common stream.” In the Coudersport neighborhood, glacial moraine material shows itself, and also some peculiar detachments of rock foreign to the district. Sherwood’s collections, on the road to Homer, one and three-quarter miles from Coudersport, on top of the mountain, in “Catskill grey,” comprise stigmaria? stem 18″ long, 2 1/2″ wide; plant stems, rugose; plant stems, slender, straight, rugose; stigmaria? impressions of long narrow stems, and lepidodendron.

In July, 1885, the Nelson oil well, five miles west by south of Coudersport, was drilled to a depth of 1,460 feet, when thirty- five feet of oil sand was struck, and another well drilled on Dingman’s run, both by Watson. In January, 1886, the 2,200-feet well at Coudersport was drilled. Joe Tait found oil in the most improbable places in McKean county, but when he came to Potter county, fortified with his former success, he was stranded, so to speak, among the unlucky crags, and found a well so dry that it blew dust in his face. He was not contented, and grappled with another well in 1881, which proved as profitless as any of the numerous failures which marked nearly every township in the county. Jim Chambers, for the Germania Oil Company, drilled one well about eight miles from Coudersport, in 1881. This company drilled about a half a dozen wells in various parts of the county without success. Olmsted station, No. 2, Tide Water Pipe Co., is located three miles south of Coudersport, thirty miles from the Rixford pump station. The tornado of March 20, 1834, won from the pen of Burrel Lyman seven verses descriptive of the storm, which were published in Hiram Payne’s Forester at Smethport. One verse, in particular, deals with the force of the hurricane at Lymansville thus:

The mill- pond, full forty rods it was thrown;
Large logs from their old beds were blown;
They were rolled to and fro like cobs on a floor,
Like the power of a god in the days of a Noah.

The population in 1880 was 554, while in November, 1888, there were 92 Republican, 68 Democrat, 1, Prohibition and 11 Union Labor votes cast, representing 860 inhabitants. The number of taxables in 1889 was 224, and the assessed valuation $195,318. The assessor’s statistics of 1889 give Coudersport 458 resident tax- payers, 150 horses, 4 oxen, 80 cows. Seated real estate was valued at $68,349, and moneys at interest $286,311. The population in 1880 was 677, while in November, 1888, there were 296 qualified voters (179 Republicans, 86 Democrats, 3 Prohibitionists and 28 Union Labor), representing a population of at least 1,480.

The officers elected in February, 1890, are as follows: Justice of the peace, Alva Taggart; supervisor, J.D. Earl; constable, Fred. Schadenberger; collector, L.R. Toombs; treasurer, Charles Benning; town clerk, Julius Colcord; auditor, T.B. Abbott; school directors, Henry Reeves, J.P. Lehman, Wm. Frink; overseer of the poor, George Shelden; judge of election, Sherman Baker; inspectors of election, F. Gage, Justice Mehring.

In 1810 a petition to open a road from Coudersport to Ceres was granted by the court of quarter sessions of Lycoming county, when John King, Sampson Crawford, Isaac Lyman, Wm. Ayers, Josiah Furman and John Lyman were appointed viewers. The return of this road, or report thereon, was made May 7, 1812. In September, 1811, a road from Lymansville, near Coudersport, southeast to Tioga county line, was authorized.

Eulalia township originally included within its boundaries the whole of the southern portion of the county, from which new townships were from time to time carved out, until the township was left in two disconnected parts (one of which the map-makers, without any authority, labeled Oleona), this part being as much a portion of Eulalia as the part which is marked Eulalia. At the time the legislation for the Coudersport graded school was obtained, leading citizens of Eulalia were consulted, and that part of the township marked Oleona was attached to Coudersport school district, with the understanding that the people of Eulalia should have the same privileges in the graded schools to be established as the people of Coudersport would have; and in accordance therewith many of the children of Eulalia have been educated in this school, and all of them attend whenever they wish to do so. In addition to this the directors erected a house prior to 1882, on the East fork, and supported a school there the proper number of months in each year. On December 5, 1810, the Lycoming court, in answer to a petition of residents of Potter county complaining of the inconveniences arising from being attached to Dunstable, established Eulalia township within the boundaries of Potter. The name was given in honor of a daughter of John Keating. In 1828 the Cartee House was made a polling- place. A pane of glass was taken from one of the windows, through which the tickets were passed. Mrs. M.A. Ross thinks that elections were held at the Cartee House prior to this date. There were but three families in Coudersport this year- the Hinckles, Timothy Ives’ and the Cartees.

William Bingham paid to the county and State, for taxes of 1834, the sum of $1,466.59 on unseated lands in Potter county. John H. Rose was his agent at that time. John Keating & Co. paid through their agent, O.A. Lewis, $467.10 State and county taxes on their lands in Eulalia township, $163.82 on lands in Roulette, $75.55 on lands in Sharon, $8.83 on lands in Sweden, and $135.81 on lands in Wharton; Robert and Jesse Waln paid $271.81 State, county and road tax on their lands in Eulalia for 1834; the De Neuvilles, $3.92, Vaux & Stewartson, $151.44; David Lewis, $46.72; Henry Drinkes, $22.24; Thomas Stewartson, $151.36; William Waln, $53.24; Dan. Knight, $8.41; F.R. Wharton, $19.74; Moses Levy, $149; George Kress, $11.22; Jane Humphrey, $68.50; Fred Bavissee, $9.21; A.B. Deschapelles, $6.96; Theo. Gouzaud, $13.36; Louis H. Doubigney, $13. 36; Peter Provencher, $6.67; John Cole, 68 cents; Nichtin Griffith, $29.39; Samuel Webb, $112.45; Jacob S. Waln, $29.69; Barney Duffy, $14.85; Brewster Freeman, $33.10; George Cleadin, $6.90; James Hopkins, $88.28; Robert E. Griffith, $37.08; Thomas I. Wharton, $23; Hannah M. Wharton, $16.70; J.R. Smith, $30; Ketland, Yard & Co., $22.26.

Eulalia township, in 1836- 37, claimed the following named resident tax- payers: Seth, George and John Taggart, Joshua Vincent, Betsy Van Etter, A. Woodcock, William, James and George Ayers, the colored freeman (Peter Asylum), Moses Strong’s saw- and grist- mills, Leonard Taggart, Alanson Andrews, David Brooks, Thomas and Isaac Bellows, Hezekiah Bentley, Thomas Booth, John L. Cartee, Strait & Benson’s saw- mill, L. Strong, Joseph Surong (blacksmith), L.D. Spafford, William Crosby, Reuben Clark, Nelson Clark (saw- mill), L.B. Cole, C. Chantabarger, Versal Dickinson (tavern, store, tan- yard), William and Josiah Earl, John Earl (merchant), Jason and John Wadsworth, Jonathan Edgecomb, Dr. D.N. Hunt, Denis Hall, B.F. Hoxsie, Hilyer & Boswick, F.B. Hamlin (freeman), T.J. Ives (merchant), B.H. Ives, B. Lull, C. Lyman,. P. Lyman, Ed. Lyman, Eben. McDougall, James and John Nelson, Jr., Cephas Lilas, Horace Nelson, H.A. Nelson (grist- mill), E. Prouty, C. Prouty, John Peal, H.I. Payne, Ezra Reynolds, George C. Reynolds, David Ross.

The first store built in Potter county was erected in 1826 at Lymansville by Dr. Harry Lyman. Noble lowland, father- in- law of A. Rounseville, of Coudersport, came from Lisle, Broome Co., N.Y., that year. His wife lived until the summer of 1887, dying at the home of her son, Perry lowland, near Lymansville. John Dingman* built his second grist- mill on the Turner place, about five miles below Coudersport, in 1828. He built his third grist- mill the following year on what is now the Benson place, above Lymansville. Henry Nelson died July 2, 1888. Sixty- eight years before, when he came to this section with his parents, there were only twenty- one families within the boundaries of Potter county. Some twelve or fifteen years prior to his death, farm work being too hard for his advancing years, he removed to Coudersport.

Ladona post-office (Lymansville) was established in December, 1889, with L.R. Toombs, postmaster.

H.J. Olmstead, writing in 1889 on the question of constitutional prohibition, gives a few points relating to the township and borough of a historical character. He says: “My acquaintance with Coudersport and vicinity commenced in 1848, forty- one years ago this last March. At that time there were three licensed hotels; all the stores in town, sold liquor except one. In one place was a rectifying establishment, and that one establishment prepared more whisky at that time for consumption in this county than all that is used in the county at this time. I do not hesitate to emphasize this. Then the population of Coudersport and vicinity was not more than one- fourth what it is now, possibly not that. And within the limits of the township of Eulalia (perhaps a little beyond the limits in some direction) there were twelve to fifteen confirmed inebriates at the time.”

In July, 1876, the Enterprise published a story connected with a well- known family, which, like the foregoing reminiscence of forty years ago, is too interesting to omit: “Seth Taggart, the well- to- do farmer whose death we recorded last week, a short time ago requested Mr. Colcord, his son- in- law, to take a pick and shovel and dig in a certain part of the cellar, and without telling him the purpose. Mr. Colcord did as requested, but, after excavating a considerable space, found nothing. He was then directed to another place. After digging in the second place as directed he came upon a black and partially decayed package, and to his utter astonishment found it to contain coin. It was then removed, washed and cleaned and found to be just $1,000 in gold and silver. It seems this was deposited by Mrs. Taggart, who has been dead nearly nine years, long years ago for her daughters, and Mr. Taggart, with religious reverence, left it undisturbed for years. Her wish was carried out, and the coin was there divided. Little did these daughters dream that mother earth was the ‘safe deposit bank’ of their long, ago deceased parent. A portion of the coin we have seen, and none bears date later than 1854, and one piece is dated 1782, the year the war of the Revolution closed, and without doubt is among the few coins to be found of that date, now near one hundred years old. Some of this money, it is understood, was placed in a like strange deposit under the old house forty or fifty years ago, and removed to its recent resting place when the family removed from the old to the new house. The pieces we saw, although of great age, now that the mold of years is washed away, seem as bright as the coin of 1876.”



The survey of Coudersport was begun in 1807. In King’s survey notes, he states: “Left home to commence surveying and lodged at 14 1/2 mile tree 22d of the 7th mo. 1807. On 23rd went to where our provisions were left and built a camp, it being rainy we proceeded no further. 24th, went down the Allegheny to the Forks, and began to build a camp at Coudersport. 25th, finished the camp. 26th, went for remainder of our provisions and. marked the road to the camp. 27th, split a number of stakes for the corners of lots in the town and altered some of the lines of the town. 28th, began to measure and stake out the lots of the town.” On the 18th of the eighth month of 1807 the survey was completed, the Indians went home and the surveying tools were taken to Ceres by Sampson Crawford. It appears that Thomas Lightfoot had made a survey here prior to this, in 1805, and that there was a small island in the river in 1807.

The deed by John Keating & Co. to the trustees of Coudersport (recorded p. 94, Vol. A Deeds, dated June 3, 1808), conveys two- thirds of the lots in Coudersport, then surveyed, two public squares, one for court- house and one for academy, together with 150 acres adjoining the town site to the county. He also donated $500 for the erection of a school building, and asked that the name he had given the location, in honor of a friend, Judge Couder, should be retained. In 1822 John Dingman and John Lyman contracted to clear the public square. In April, 1823, Isaac Lyman was granted $27 for clearing land at Coudersport, and in June $10 for clearing town plat. Peter Knickerbocker continued the clearing in 1824. In 1835 the first court- house was erected. In 1849 work on the present court- house was begun by Contractor Bell (who completed the McKean county court- house in 1847—48), and the building was completed in 1851. Eli Rees had the contract for carpenter work, which he completed in 1852. June 26, 1888, remodeling was commenced, and the work finished in May, 1889, Architect Hall and’ Commissioner Wilber being the superintendents. The moneys then appropriated amounted to $17,000, to which liberal additions were made to complete the work. The following reminiscences of the early days of Coudersport are contributed by Mrs. Mary A. Ross, for sixty- five years a resident of the borough:

“John L. Cartee (Cartier), my stepfather, came to Potter county from Massachusetts in June, 1824, for the purpose of selecting a home, locating same year in Coudersport, where he bought for $16, a village square, whereon the jail now stands. Here, in the fall of the same year, he commenced to build a house, but scarcity of lumber, and the early setting in of cold weather, compelled him to discontinue operations. The county commissioners had cleared three or four squares, which they leased to Mr. Cartee, who sowed them to wheat. In the spring of 1825 he moved his family, consisting of wife, stepdaughter and little son, together with two hired men, and on May 10 they reached Coudersport, a desolate looking place, no house or building of any kind, except a small commissioners’ office, which had been erected the year before.

“On what is now called the south side, the Keatings had a few acres cleared with a barn erected thereon, and apart from this clearing the place was a dense wilderness, our nearest neighbor being nearly a mile west of us. The Eulalia Keating Farm, as it was called until recently, is a body of land’ on the south bank of the Allegheny river; a portion of the village known as the South Side, and containing nearly one- half of the population of the whole town, is built on this farm, and on lands belonging to the Ross estate on the eastern part of this division of the village.

“Ere we reached Coudersport we stopped for a short time at Lymansville, a thriving village founded by Isaac Lyman, who located at the place in 1809. His daughter, Eulalia was the first white girl born in Potter county. Isaac Lyman had the then best house in the county, and John Keating and his general agent, John King, used to make it their stopping place on their annual visits, and the county elections were held there for a long time. Mr. Lyman died in 1827. In September, 1825, the elections were held at the residence of John L. Cartee, and in 1826 (and many years thereafter) John Keating and his agent made Mr. Cartee’s house their headquarters in this section.

“But to return to my original narrative of the Cartee family. We had a late dinner with Cephas Nelson (son- in- law of Isaac Lyman), who had been in the county about eight years, and we reached Coudersport late in the afternoon, and set about arranging for our first night in our wilderness home, which at that time consisted of a cluster of board tents erected in the course of a few hours, and a shanty built the previous fall. There were plenty of boards and shingles on hand, but scantling, joists and rafters had to be hewed out of logs and small timber. In ten days we moved into the addition erected by the side of the large frame. We had to cook out of doors; but Mrs. Cartee being a Yankee woman could not get along without an oven, so soon after a stone oven was built, and then a fireplace, although there was neither brick nor lime nearer than a distance of from forty to sixty miles.

“Our neighbors west of us, John Peet and family came to Potter county from New Jersey in 1811, and settled about a mile below Coudersport, then a dense wilderness. Two miles north of Coudersport there were two or three families. Daniel Clark, an Eastern man, settled with his family on a farm owned and still occupied by his son Nelson, and died in 1829. Two miles west there was another prominent family- the Taggarts. ‘Squire’ Taggart located in. Potter county in about 1817, four sons and three daughters coming with him. In 1825 he had a large farm well cleared, and some of his sons and daughters settled around him.

“Mr. Cartee soon began making arrangements for erecting a grist- mill, succeeding in constructing a dam across the Allegheny river, and in 1826 he erected a frame building for the mill. In the fall of the same year a flood carried away the dam, and the mill was never completed. One of the millstones brought from Jersey Shore for the proposed industry is now in Mrs. Ross’ grounds. Mr. Cartee was public spirited, but, trying to do more than he could accomplish, he became discouraged and dissatisfied with the country; so in 1838 or 1840 he went west, only occasionally revisiting the scenes of his pioneer labors; he died in the far west about 1863. Mrs. Cartee died at Coudersport in 1858, at my house.

“When we came to Coudersport in 1825, people could, if they were industrious, live comfortably. Bread was the hardest article of food to get. After the first two or three years, Mr. Cartee gave up raising wheat, but grew vegetables abundantly. Game was plentiful, and the river and creeks swarmed with trout. For many years much of the necessaries of life was brought from Jersey Shore, Lycoming county.

“In 1825, and for several years thereafter,. Moses Haney, a lad of eighteen or nineteen years of age, brought the mail once in two weeks on horseback from Jersey Shore, Lycoming county, through Coudersport, to Olean, N.Y., and back again through Coudersport, and from Ayers’ Hill, Potter county, through to Jersey Shore, then a dense wilderness, there being only one house in the entire distance. Letter postage was twenty- five cents.

“In 1825 Timothy Ives, the second inhabitant, was elected treasurer of Potter county vice Dr. Harry Lyman. Mr. Ives built a store for general merchandise, and a dwelling house in Coudersport the following year. In 1827 Michael Hinkle came to the place, built a house where he carried on blacksmithing. Mrs. Hinkle died early in the ensuing winter- the first death at Coudersport. In the fall of 1827 or 1828 Versal Dickinson put up a building and partly finished it for tavern purposes, where the Coudersport House now stands. Capt. Strong came about 1828, and in three or four years succeeded in clearing a few acres, erecting a grist- mill, a saw- mill and a comfortable dwelling house. Dennis Hall came with his family in the winter of 1829, and built his residence in following summer; he had some rooms plastered, the first in, the village; the building is still standing, occupied as a tenement house, and is the property of’ the Ives estate. Maj. McDougall came to Coudersport early in the thirties; he had a general store, and built several houses. Same year came also a family by the name of Bishop. Dr. Pratt, the first physician in the village, stayed a few months, and then left. Dr. Gifford, the next physician, died in 1834, and Dr. Hunt succeeded him, but remained only a short time.

“C.S. Jones, a prominent merchant and resident of Coudersport for over forty years, had been associate judge, a member of the legislature, and from its first organization a deacon of the Presbyterian Church; he died in March, 1879.**

“In 1834- 35 the first court- house was’ built, and the first court was held in September, 1835, Judge Eldred or Judge Herrick being the first president judge to officiate in the county, with Timothy Ives as one of the associate judges. Previous to this, from 1826 or 1827 Potter county was attached to McKean, and before that period to Lycoming, court being held at Williamsport, about seventy- five miles distant. About the time of holding courts at Coudersport, lawyers began to settle here, among them being Crosby W. Ellis, L.F. Maynard, Arch. McDougall, F.B. Hamlin and others, all long since gone. About the year 1839 John S. Mann, a lawyer, came to the place, and here lived until his death in 1879. A brother, Hon. Joseph Mann, lived in Potter county forty years or more, and in Coudersport twenty or twenty-five years; he was associate judge at one time, and died in 1885 or 1886, leaving a large estate to his only daughter, Mrs. P.A. Stebbins. The Olmsteds, three brothers, came late in the forties, and became very successful, prominent men in their several vocations.

“The county commissioners moved their office in 1835, and the old office was used for several years as a school- house, and a new building was erected for the district school in 1842- 43. At present there is a fine brick building for the graded school. After 1835, when the first court- house was built, it was not only used for courts of justice, but for many religious purposes, for lectures, political meetings, conventions, etc., and so continued to be used occasionally until the new court- house and earlier churches were built.

“In 1852- 53 the present court- house was erected, the builder being Mr. Bell; in 1888- 89 it was rebuilt at more than the original cost.

“In 1831 a Mr. Babcock, from the Smethport Methodist circuit, came to Coudersport on missionary work, continuing through the summer, and, when Conference met, itinerant ministers were sent here.

“The first church built in Coudersport was a Presbyterian house of worship, in about 1850, erected mainly through the persevering energy of the pastor, Rev. David Brown, who had been with the people several ears. The first Presbyterian clergyman, in the place was Rev. Mr. Bliss, who came here in 1832, remaining, however, only a few months.

“The Protestant Episcopalians commenced as early as 1842- 43, when they formed a small communion of members under the pastorate of Rev. Mr. Pratt, but he soon became discouraged and left. One or two other attempts were made to support a clergyman, but failed after a short trial. Rev. William Marshall, the present rector, has been here some seven or eight years, during which time the congregation have succeeded in building a stone church. Other church organizations in Coudersport were formed later, and the Episcopal, Lutheran and Catholic Church buildings have been put up within the past ten years.”

The first post- office in this district was at Lymansville, Isaac Lyman being first postmaster. Later Cephas Nelson filled the office for several terms. The post- office at Coudersport is said to have been established May 14, 1818, with Isaac Lyman, postmaster, who held the office until April 21, 1827. His successors were appointed and served as follows: Timothy Ives, Jr., from April 1, 1827, to July 1, 1832. William McCall, from July 1, 1832, to September 1, 1832. Dennis Hall, from September 1, 1832, to October 1, 1834. Isaac Strait, from October 1, 1834, to January 1, 1836. Benajah H. Ives, from January 1, 1836, to January 1, 1838. Samuel Haven, from January 1, 1838, to April 1, 1839. Wales C. Butterworth, from April 1, 1839, to April 1, 1840. A.H. Butterworth, from April 1, 1840, to June 30, 1841. William McDougall, from June 30, 1841, to March 20, 1845. Charles B. Cotter, from March 20, 1845, to January 5, 1849. William T. Jones, from January 5, 1849, to July 5, 1849. Frank L. Jones, from July 5, 1849, to November 1, 1850. Abiather Rounseville, from November 1, 1850, to April 18, 1853. John M. Judd, from April 18, 1853, to September 9, 1859. Samuel Haven, from September 9, 1859, to March 13, 1861. Lewis Mann, from March 13, 1861, to September 9, 1861. John S. Mann, from September 9, 1861, to January 4, 1866. Don C. Larrabee, from January 4, 1866; to August 29, 1866. Eli O. Rees, from August 29, 1866, to March 29, 1869. M.S. Thompson, from March 29, 1869, to March 15, 1887. Edward N. Stebbins was appointed March 15, 1887, and is the present incumbent. In March, 1883, Coudersport was created a presidential office.

In 1838 the county was startled by the suicide of John Rose, who was a clerk in the Bingham estate office. Daniel Cobb was at that time the agent of the Binghams. The suicide was committed by shooting, in a barn belonging to Timothy Ives. This barn is still standing in Coudersport, on the north side of Third street, near the river, directly opposite the barn of H.J. Olmsted.

In 1828 Versal Dickinson taught one of the first schools in Coudersport. The legislature appropriated $2,000 toward the building of an academy at Coudersport in 1838. John Snow was the contractor who erected the building upon the side hill west of West street, between Fifth and Sixth streets. The first term of school was held in this academy in September, 1840, Prof. Maxwell being principal. A school was taught in Coudersport in 1838, by Charles Taylor, of Smethport, but could not have been taught in the academy building. Land had been given for school purposes (one square) as early as 1807, by John Keating, together with $500 in money. The grant was accepted by an act of the assembly. The district school building was at the corner of West and Fourth streets. At this time a great deal of the ground upon which Coudersport now stands, west of Main street, was a swamp, composed of pools of water, willows and bogs. Many people, not much past the middle age, can remember poling their rafts, constructed of loose boards, where the residences of Z.J. Thompson, R.L. Nichols and D.C. Larrabee now stand. The old district school- house is now the property of Hon. A.G. Olmsted, and used as a tenant house. As late as 1841 there were but five or six dwelling- houses in the borough. There could have been, certainly, no more in 1838, at the time the academy was built, as there had been no fires to destroy the place.

Mrs. Mary T. Kent came to Coudersport from Delaware county, N.Y. in 1843; she taught a select school in 1845; taught the district school for eighteen months; made an extended visit to her old home in New York State; returning to Coudersport in 1852, she has since resided here. In

1868 she was appointed agent of the H.H. Dent property in Coudersport, and has retained that position until the present. Mrs. Kent is a well- informed woman, of much more than ordinary ability. Her mind is exceedingly clear upon the happenings in the county during her life here, not only of a minor nature, but also of those things which have acted the part of important factors in the growth of the county and State, political and otherwise. Mrs. Kent is still an active woman, with a step as springy as many maidens, although her locks are white with the rime of age.

In the pages devoted to borough elections the names of school directors are given. The cost of the new school building, according to a report prepared in April, 1888, by C.L. Peck, W.F. Junge and A.B. Mann, was $12,452. 22. O.H. Crosby is president and A.B. Mann secretary of the school board, while the teachers are John C. Silsely, principal; Miss Jennie Thomas, preceptress; Miss Lettie Palmer, grammar department; Miss Jennie White, A primary; Miss Belle Haskell, B primary; Miss Rosa Crane, C primary; Mrs. C.L. Peck, music. The present principal succeeded Mr. Walter T. Palmer.

The Coudersport Library Association was organized in 1840, by a few women, who at first held sewing circles to raise money for the purpose of buying books. Several years ago a literary society was formed in connection with this association, since when it has been called the “Coudersport Library and Literary Association.” The literary society has not held meetings for many years. Miss C.A. Metzger has the library at her ladies’ furnishing store, in Coudersport, and has been the librarian for a long time. This was the only circulating library save Sunday- school libraries, in the county until quite recently. One was started as a private enterprise at Galeton about a year ago, but has, been recently sold out. During the last summer M.S. Thompson & Co. started a circulating library at their drug and book store in Coudersport, this is still in active life. H.H. Dent, late of Brookland, Penn., was president of the board of trustees of the Coudersport Academy, and took much interest in its welfare. On January 18, 1854, he presented to each of the students a fine volume.

Abiather Rounseville came to Coudersport, in 1841, the place at that time being merely a huddle of five or six houses besides the court- house and jail. Mr. Rounseville describes Coudersport at this time as one of the worst places he ever saw for its dimensions. At the old Hickory House a daily orgy of drunkenness was enacted, and fighting was of almost daily occurrence. One of the first things he did after his arrival at the county seat of Potter was to assist in arresting a local pugilist, who was full of liquor at the time. The capture was finally affected by throwing a noose over the arms of the bully, and several men dragging at the end of the rope, drawing their prisoner through the mud face down, so that it was necessary to relieve the prisoner’s nose and mouth of the mud with a, chip. Soon after he came he took the job of making a cell in the crazy old jail which would hold a prisoner. He built this cell of two- inch maple planks thickly bolted. Two prisoners, however, escaped from it by the use of tools. He was for many years a commissioner of State roads in this section. He was at this time an “Old- line Whig” in politics. He speculated in land and securities, but his trade was that of carpenter and joiner. Mr. Rounseville has the keystone of the first court- house of Potter county, under the porch of his East street residence.

Archibald F. Jones’ late residence was built in 1841, and at the time was looked upon as one of the finest residences in the county.

The resident tax- payers of Coudersport in 1848 were: C. Aylesworth (millwright), A. Aldrich (mason), A.T. Aldrich (blacksmith), S.E. Alvord (a single freeman), George Ayers, A.H. Butterworth (shoemaker), W.C. Butterworth (attorney), L. Bell, Jr. (wheelwright), G.A. Barclay, D.R. Bennett, L.M. Benson (attorney), Isaac Benson (attorney), E.W. Bishop, Daniel Clark, Seclinda Cartee, C.B. Cotter (said to be the first newspaper publisher here), John Crittenden, L.B. Cole, I.R.C. Coe (tailor), N.L. Dike, Dan. Dewey. William Dikeman, Versal Dickinson, D.F. Ellsworth (assessed $50 for a gold watch), Amos French, W.C. Gray (blacksmith), D.T. Hall, Haskin & Smith (merchants), John M. Hamilton (agent for Bingham estate), Lysander Herring (shoemaker), James Hawley, Samuel Haven (prothonotary), William Haven, C.B. Haven, L.M. Howard, Noble lowland, Edward F. Jones (cabinetmaker), F.L. & C.S. Jones, E.A. Jones, C.S. Jones (artist), A.F. Jones, W.T. Jones & Brother (merchants), Timothy Ives, Jr., Horace Leet, Joseph Mann, John S. Mann (attorney, agent for Keating estate), W.G. MeLelland, John Mann, W.W. McDougall (printer), William McDougall, R.W. Niles, L.F. Maynard (attorney), Maynard & Knox (attorneys), H.J. Olmsted, J.M. Packer (printer), C.R. Pradt and N.H. Peck (joiners), David Ross (tanner), Sobieski Ross (surveyor), C.D. Rogers (harness-maker), Jacob and John B. Reckhow, Benjamin Rennells (blacksmith), John Reckhow (wheelwright), A. Rounseville (joiner), D.W. Spencer, H.L. Simons, F.H. Smith, C.W. Strong (cabinet- maker), G.M. Smith (assessed $25 for a silver watch), A.W. Smith (teacher), Isaac Thompson, Samuel Thompson, Nathan Woodcock, James William Casey (joiner, was assessed $75 for a gold watch), Woodcock & Strait, Miles White (sheriff), Brown and A.G. Olmsted.


Municipal Matters.– The borough of Coudersport was chartered by an act of legislature in 1848. The first record of an election of officers is dated February 18, 1848. Isaac Benson received 32 votes for burgess, and was elected. For councilmen, L.F. Maynard received 31 votes; W.T. Jones, 14; N.L. Dike, 29; W.C. Butterworth, 16; W.G. McClelland, 12; C.B. Cotter, 12; Amos French, 4; John S. Mann, 3; Horace Leet, 1; C.D. Rogers, 2, and Samuel Haven 1. For justice of the peace, George A. Barclay received 23 votes, Versal Dickinson, 18, and D.F. Ellsworth, 14. L.M. Howard was elected constable, and A.H. Butterworth street commissioner.

In 1849 Isaac Benson was re- elected burgess, with Jones, Butterworth, Hamilton and Reckhow councilmen; John S. Mann, W.W. McDougall, J.W. Smith, H.J. Olmsted, I. Benson. and Abel Aldrich school directors. In 1850 David Ross was chosen burgess; L.B. Cole, justice of the peace; C.S. Jones, A.F. Jones and J.M. Hamilton, councilmen, and W.C. Butterworth and D.F. Ellsworth, school directors. Miles White was elected justice in 1851; Berak Niles, burgess; William Crosby, I. Benson, Ch. Jones, N.L. Dike and W.S. Raymond, school directors; J.W. Smith, C.. Ellis, Lucas Cushing, J.M. Hamilton, Nathan Woodcock and J.M. Packer, councilmen. In 1852 L.B. Cole was chosen burgess; F.B. McNamara, Amos French, Sobieski Ross and C.B. Pradt, school directors; Eli Bees, Benjamin Rennells, J.W. Smith and L.F. Minard being among the councilmen.

The office of burgess has been filled as follows, since 1852: John M. Hamilton, 1853; Thomas B. Tyler, 1854; Frank L. Jones, 1855; Isaac Benson, 1856; A.F. Jones, 1857, decided by drawing lots with J. Ives; D.F. Glassmire, 1858; G.B. Overton, 1859; A.G. Olmsted, 1860; F.W. Knox, 1861; John S. Mann, 1862- 63- 65; Collins Smith, 1864; D.C. Larrabee, 1866- 67- 68- 78; Benjamin Rennells, 1869; Joseph Mann, 1870- 71- 72- 73; P.A. Stebbins, Jr., 1874- 75; Charles S. Jones, 1876- 77; A.F. Jones, 1879; W.K. Jones, 1880; F.W. Knox, 1881- 82- 83- 86; J.W. Allen, 1884; David White, 1885; N.J. Peck, 1887; M.S. Thompson, 1888- 89. The vote cast for burgess in 1888, was 170 for M.S. Thompson and 69 for John B. Groves. Mr. Thompson was elected in 1889 without opposition, as were nearly all the other officers, only 78 voters polling.

Councilmen.- F.W. Knox, 1853; A.F. Jones, 1853- 74; Ben. Rennells, 1853- 66- 72; Eli Rees, 1853- 57; Collins Smith, 1854- 67; H.J. Olmsted, 1854- 78; D.F. Ellsworth, 1854; William Crosby, 1854; A.G. Olmsted, 1855; S.M. Mills, 1855; Jacob Reckhow, 1855; Cyrenus S. Jones, 1855- 70; Lewis Mann, 1856- 61; J.M. Hamilton, 1856- 58; N. Schoomaker, 1856– 60; D.F. Glassmire, 1857- 59- 62- 64- 81; D.W. Spencer, 1857; W.H. Metzger, 1857- 59; Z.J. Thompson, 1857- 62- 67- 75; D. Ross, 1858; G.B. Overton, 1858; A.B. Goodsell, 1858; S.D. Kelly, 1859; George Manley, 1860- 61- 63; S.P. Minar, 1863; W.B. Gordnier, 1864; C.H. Warriner, 1864; C.H. Armstrong, 1865- 68- 73- 79; L.A. Ensworth, 1865; M.W. McAlarney, 1865- 67; P.A. Stebbins, Jr., 1866; N.H. Goodsell, 1868- 74- 85; Charles Beissmann, 1869- 72- 78; James Pearsall, 1869; Charles Kernan, 1870- 77; A.B. Mann, 1873; John S. Ross, 1875; John Ormerod, 1876; O.H. Crosby, 1876- 79; D.Y. Stevens, 1877; Earle Cram, 1878; Abram Jones (vacancy), 1879- 80; M.L. Gridley, 1880; P.A. Stebbins, 1880- 83; D.C. Larrabee, 1881; Isaac Benson, 1882; Charles Armstrong, 1882; H.A. Scoville, 1885; Charles S. Jones, 1883; James L. Knox, 1884; W.K. Jones, 1884; J.R. Groves, 1886; W.B. Bees, 1886; E.J. Fickler, 1887; P.E. Kendig, 1887; John Denhoff, 1888; Watson T. Dike, 1888; W.W. Thompson, 1889; A.S. Olmsted, 1889. The officers elected in February, 1890, are: Burgess, P.A. Stebbins; councilmen, O.E. Armstrong, C.D. Keihle; school directors, A.B. Mann, C.C. Breunle; high constable, W.H. Rounseville; collector, Ed Gillon; constable, Ed Gillon; overseer of the poor, E.G. Crane; auditors, Harry Snyder, T.J. Gilbert; judge of election, H.A. Scoville; inspectors of election, D.W. VanWegen, Patrick Gorman.

School Directors.—Eli Rees, 1853; C.W. Ellis, 1853; W.C. Butterworth, 1853; A. Rounseville, 1853- 56- 57- 59- 62- 65- 68- 70- 74- 77; A.G. Olmsted, 1854- 57; P.A. Stebbins, 1854; J. Reckhow, 1854; J.M. Hamilton, 1854- 63- 66; S.P. Goodsell, 1856; D.B. Brown, 1856- 59; N. Schoomaker, 1857; C. Smith, 1857; J.S. Mann, 1858- 60- 68- 72; Ben. Rennells, 1858; Z.J. Thompson, 1858- 61- 62- 65- 69- 78; Jacob Jenkins, 1858; C.S. Jones, 1860—64; J.B. Smith, 1860; G.C. Manley, 1861; A.F. Jones, 1861- 67; A.S. Armstrong, 1862; H.J. Olmsted, 1862- 64- 67- 76- 79; O.H. Crosby, 1863- 66- 69– 81- 84- 87; E. Starkweather, 1864; P.A. Stebbins, Jr., 1873- 88; D.C. Larrabee, 1869- 73- 76- 79- 85; W.B. Gordnier, 1870- 74- 77- 80; W. Shear, 1872- 75- 80; C.A. Doerner, 1875- 78; A.B. Mann, 1881- 84- 87;W.H. Rounseville, 1882; C.L. Peck, 1882- 85- 88; O.A. Stebbins, 1883; W.F. Young, 1883- 86- 89; J.W. Allen, 1886- 89.

Justices.- Lewis B. Cole, 1855- 60- 65- 75- 80; Lucas Cushing 1856- 61- 67- 72; J.C. Davidson, 1874; John Ormerod, 1877; O.J. Rees, 1878; Miles White, 1882- 87; Daniel Baker, 1883; John R. Groves, 1888- 89; Z.J. Thompson, 1888- 89.

Water Company.- The Citizens’ Water Company was originated by A.G. Olmsted, F.W. Knox and R.L. Nichols. Early in 1882 the company bought five acres of land on Dent’s run, northwest of the town, north of the Niles road, and right of way through Miss Kate Dent’s land, for $1,000. William Bassett built the dam, sixty feet long, and twelve feet high, and cleans pool, for the contract sum of $175. A four- inch main was laid from the reservoir to Main street, this being the size of mains throughout the town. The first purchase was sixty tons of this pipe (2,240 pounds to the ton), costing $46 per ton. The first fire plug was tested at Coudersport, April 20, 1885, the hydrant with two others being placed by the water company.

Fire Company.- The first fire company was organized in May, 1885, with P.A. Stebbins, president; C.L. Peck, secretary; J.L. Knox, treasurer; W.K. Jones, engineer; B.A. McClure and W.I. Lewis, assistant engineers. In April, 1889, the following named officers were elected: President, A.B. Mann; treasurer, J.L.. Knox; secretary, Charles Nelson; chief engineer, W.K.

Jones; first assistant engineer, Clarence Kiehle; second assistant engineer, A.S. Olmsted.

Hook and Ladder Department.- President, N.J. Peck; secretary, Earnest Wentworth; foreman, W.C. Rennells; first, assistant foreman, E.B. Tracy; second assistant foreman, Daniel Monroe.

Hose Department.— President, D.E. Kendig; secretary, C.H. Nelson; foreman, M.L. Gridley; first assistant foreman, W.T. Dike; second assistant foreman, E.M. Gillon.


The Germans.- Thefirst Germans who settled about Coudersport came in 1854. Christian Breunle, Sr., being among the first to come. He had thought of going to Germania with the first colony there, but, not liking the terms of organization, he came, on to Coudersport, and settled upon the mountain south of the town, where he lived until his death, which happened a few years ago, a much respected citizen, leaving a large and respectable family. Mr. Fourness was among the original colony in 1854. Many others followed, so that at present the Germans living in and about Coudersport form a considerable community. They are frugal and economical, accumulating money and increasing in possessions. They are generally good citizens, and accommodating neighbors. In their dealings with the world at large they are honorable. There are some who cannot speak English, and do not try to; but the majority, from their constant mingling with the people, speak the language of the land fluently. A Lutheran Church was organized in 1886, by Rev. H.C. Grossman; the number of the membership reaching to nearly one hundred. This organization is in a prosperous condition. There are a number of Catholics among the Germans here, though the majority of them are of the Lutheran faith.


Early Events. – In 1852 the first brick house in the county was erected by Collins Smith, who built a brick store on the same lot, in Coudersport. This lot is now the property of Hon. Isaac Benson, the house being used by him as his residence until 1887, when it was torn down to make way for a residence of the modern style. In 1854 Sobieski Ross erected his house. Charles S. Jones, who died October 27, 1889, came with his brothers, Frank and Edwin, to Coudersport in 1847, and established a store where is now H.J. Olmsted’s residence. William T. Jones, who in 1842 opened a store near the corner of 5th and Main Streets, and in 1844 built a store where P.A. Stebbins & Bro.’s store now stands, died at Costello September 17, 1889. At that time goods were hauled from Dansville, N.Y., the nearest point on the Erie Canal.

On July 4, 1855, while celebrating the nation’s birthday at Coudersport, a canon, planted near where the Presbyterian Church now stands (this church being at this date on West street), bursted. By this accident E.D. Halbert had a leg so mangled that it was found necessary to amputate it. But we see by the People’s Journal, issue of August 16, 1855, that the unlucky man was so far recovered from his injury as to be able to ride out the day before (August 15). By the bursting of this cannon, a piece was hurled across West street, and sent crashing through the side of the house where C.A. Doerner now lives. A window now occupies the site of the damage.


Great Fire of 1880.- TheCoudersport fire, May 18, 1880, destroyed the business portion of the town, including the Glassmire House, H.J. Olmsted and Norton & Doane, hardware; N.M. Glassmire, sewing- machine office; M.S. Thompson & Co. and Dr. Amos French, drug stores; K.N. Stebbins, C.S. Jones and P.A. Stebbins & Bro., dry goods stores; Charles H. Armstrong, Edward Forster and Andrews & Olmsted, grocery stores; E.O. Rees, jewelry store; Pierce & Lovell and Charles Reissmann, furniture stores; D.F. Glassmire, Sr., dry goods; M.B. Gordnier, foundry; Z.J. Thompson, L.B. Cole, wagon shops; Dr. E.S. Mattison, office; Abram Jones, restaurant and bowling alley; Carl Zimmermann, meat market; W.W. Thompson, Potter Enterprise; A.C. Perkins, George Brehmer, blacksmith shops; I. Griesel, harness shop, Arch. F. Jones & Son, bankers; Olmsted & Larrabee, law office; Mrs. Samuel Havens, dwelling house; F.E. Neefe, wagon shop; Rose Anton, millinery; L.B. Cole & Son, insurance office; D.F. Glassmire, Jr., livery stable; Charles Beissmann, old dwelling house. The fence about court- house square and fine shade trees were burned, all entailing a loss of $140,000, while the insurance was about $75,000. In. December, 1880, M.S. Thompson’s new store took the place of the old building which stood there for almost fifty years before the fire. P.A. Stebbins, Jr., & Bro. had their new building completed about this time, on the site of their old frame, which, after almost a half century’s use, was the first to fall in the fire of 1880.

This great fire may be said to have ended the old town of Coudersport. As stated, the work of rebuilding was soon entered upon, and to-day two sides of the public square are covered with modern commercial buildings, while toward the depot the street is well built up.


Lumbering.- In1881 Benjamin Rennells purchased the hardwood, hemlock and small pine on the grounds south of where the Commercial Hotel, the depot and Catholic Church now stand, for $1,600, from the Keating estate. Out of this tract he took about 12,000 feet of pine, 1,300 cords of hemlock bark and about 2,000,000 feet of hemlock lumber, which was sawn at a mill that was built that year, about one- fourth mile south of the town, by Van Wegen, Quimby & Co. This mill was moved two miles down the river in 1886. P.A. Stebbins purchased about 200 acres of this and adjoining lands from the Keatings, except the square donated to the Catholic Church, and the town lots surveyed. The building of the Coudersport & Port Allegany Railroad played no small part in the drama of re- establishing the town, and introducing the new era of progress.


Churches.- JamesB. Roach, of the Tennessee Methodist Conference, was sent to Coudersport in 1823, his circuit extending 18 miles down the Allegheny river to Canoe Place; thence up the Allegheny portage 10 miles to the dividing ridge; thence to the Portage settlement, 14 miles down the Sinnemahoning portage to its confluence with the main creek, an unbroken wilderness of 24 miles, if we except the primitive houses of Hiram Sizer and Brewster Freeman, 6 miles up the portage. (Mr. Chadwick tells that the road was very Tough, with 27 fordings, some of them troublesome when the water was high, wild animals very abundant, and it was not uncommon to meet a pack of hungry wolves in close pursuit of a tired deer, or to find the carcass of a deer covered up in the leaves after a panther had killed and taken a meal out of it). From the portage 3 miles to the mouth of North creek, back 2 miles to the mouth of West creek; thence by bridle- path 7 miles up West creek to the mouth of Big run; thence by bridle-path over the mountains, 23 miles to the Jersey settlement, now Centreville- in all 30 miles by bridle- path, through an unbroken wilderness; thence 12 miles to Brockway’s settlement, near Bennett’s branch; thence 23 miles to the confluence of Bennett’s and Driftwood branches; thence 16 miles to the mouth of the Sinnemahoning; thence 15 miles to Young- woman’s Town (North Point); returning to Bennett’s and Driftwood branches, up the Driftwood 18 miles to Portage (Emporium) settlement; thence by North creek bridle- path 17 miles to Potatoe creek; thence 10 miles to Smethport; thence over the mountains 10 miles to Canoe Place, and thence to Coudersport, or 249 miles. James Hazen succeeded Roach on the circuit in 1824;Nathan Mills (succeeded by John Bowen) came in 1825. There were no appointments from 1826 to 1830, when John P. Kent came. In 1831 Samuel E. Babcock, and, in 1832, William Butt and Samuel Gregg were the circuit preachers. The circuit was extended to Farrandsville, on the Susquehanna, in 1833, with T.J. Jennings, B. Preston and Joseph Hallock, preachers. They were succeeded, in 1834, by J.H. Tackitt, S. Hill, Bryan Auren and Gazee Smith. John Dunning, of Erie Conference, had sole charge in 1835, but in 1836 L. Whipple and John Hanna assisted him. During this year the class of the old school- house at Smethport claimed 150 members, the revival of that year being the cause. This class at once entered on church- building, but, undertaking a house much larger than their subscriptions, the building could not then be finished, and many fell away from the church. The Rev. Burrows was the first presiding elder, and the first quarterly meeting of this denomination was held in Lymansville in 1832, and this year (1832) saw the regular organization of both the Presbyterian and Methodist Episcopal Churches. In 1839 Mr. Crandall came here, since which time the following named have had charge of the circuit.

In 1845- 46 Coudersport was detached from Smethport, and Rev. Horace Harris, the former circuit preacher, appointed preacher in charge of the new station. He was followed, in 1847, by E.B. Pratt; in 1848, by B. Williams; in 1849, by Joseph Latham, and in 1850, by W.B. Slaughter, then principal of academy. In 1851- 52 S.Y. Hammond was here, and presided at the dedication of the church, February 21, 1855. In 1852 J.B. Wentworth, principal of the academy, had charge, followed by J.H. Delamater in 1853; S.C. Smith, in 1854, and W.H. Shaw, in 1855. The preachers in and since 1857 were as follows: A.M. McIntyre, 1857; M.H. Rice, 1858; Charles Strong, 1860; H.H. Lyman (L.P.), 1861; J.J. Roberts, 1862; L.A. Stevens, 1864; T.S. Hartley, 1867; Edwin Wildman, 1868; C.B. Sparrow, 1869; E. Williams, 1810; O.M. Leggett, 1872; S. Milward, 1875; Elijah Wood, 1876; T.R. Stratton, 1879; Cornelius Dillenbeck, 1881; A.A. Craw, 1882; J.W. Wright, 1884, and Mr. Jervis, 1887- 89.

The Presbyterian society built the first church edifice at Coudersport, in 1850, on the side- hill on West street south of the academy, where George Olmsted now resides. Rev. David Brown, who recently resided near Ceres, was the pastor at the time, and for some years before and after presided here. This is said to be the first church building in the county. The Presbyterian society was incorporated February 25, 1854, on petition of P.A. Stebbins, A.G. Olmsted, F.W. Knox, H.J. Olmsted, N.L. Dike, M.R. Gage, F.L. Jones, C.W. Ellis, D.F. Ellsworth, L.T. Maynard, Charles S. Jones, A.F. Jones, A.L. Bird, William H. Metzger and William Crosby, presented in December, 1853. The trustees elected in 1853 were William H. Metzger, C.S. Jones, H.L. Bird, O.H. Butterworth and W.W. McDougall. Rev. Mr. Crumrine has served this church for some time.

Christ Church, English Protestant Episcopal, was reorganized under act of incorporation of February 22, 1855, on April 18, 1881. The vestrymen then elected were Miles White, Isaac Benson, P.A. Stebbins, Jr., W.K. Jones, M.S. Thompson, Charles A. Stebbins, E.N. Stebbins, A.G. Olmsted, W.E. Womelsdorf, John S. Ross, James L. Knox and H.R. Whittaker, some of whom were members. On May 1, services were held in the Knights of Honor hall. In 1883 the question of building a house of worship was considered, work commenced, and the present house was opened November 9, 1884. Rev. William Marshall is rector.

The Baptist Church was erected upon the south side of the river, on Allegheny avenue over forty years ago. The chief promoter of the erection of this edifice was John M. Hamilton, who died here in 1887. Mr. Hamilton was a man of fine mental endowments and of good education; a strong supporter of liquor prohibition, and promoter of morality in general. Although somewhat eccentric, he was a good citizen, whose loss was felt. He was for a number of years a clerk in the land office of Fox & Ross.

The Allegheny River Baptist Association was organized in October, 1887, with A.D. Bush, of Coudersport, moderator; C.H. Dodd, clerk; D. Simpson, of Turtle Point, treasurer; A.N. Peck, of Coudersport, C.S.; and E.H. Hovey, of Annin creek, J. Jack, of Eldred, and the moderator, missionary committee; Annin creek, Coudersport, Port Allegany, Roulette and Turtle Point, regular Baptist Churches, were represented.

The Roman Catholic Church dates back to the “forties.” Among the early members, prior to 1858, were John Sullivan and son, Thomas Lenahan, James and M. Sullivan, John Ryan, Widow Scholard (now Mrs. Shannon. of Roulette), Patrick Carey, J.J. Carey, Calahan and Jerry McCarthy, Michael Fitzpatrick and several others, who are not remembered by Mark Gillon, who came that year. Rev. John L. Madigan, who then resided at Sartwell creek, in McKean county, visited the village occasionally, and also attended the church in Genesee township, taking in Bradford, Kane, Alton, Emporium and other old settlements, having been a resident priest at Coudersport during the building of the church, and, until succeeded by Father Flood, who is resident priest at Genesee. The congregation numbers 200. In May, 1883. it was resolved to erect a church building on the lands donated by the Keatings years ago. The plan adopted was that of the church at Port Allegany (which was dedicated August 26, that year). Not, however, until August 9, 1885, was the building dedicated by Bishop Mullen.

The Universalists of Coudersport were attended by Rev. L.F. Porter, in 1856.

St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church was organized, May 16, 1886, with seventy- one communicant members under the Rev. Grossman, the work of ingathering having been done mostly by the Rev. J. Sanders, of Ridgway, Penn. Services were held in a hall, and conducted in the German and English languages. After a pastorate of six months (April to November, 1886), Rev. Grossman resigned. The present incumbent, the Rev. E.J. Meissner took charge of the field, composed of Coudersport, Olmsted and Roulette, in May, 1887. A lot was purchased on Allegheny avenue, and September 18, 1887, the cornerstone was laid for a chapel; the neat edifice, semi- gothic in style, was dedicated the year following August 5, with solemn ceremonies, the pastor being assisted by the Rev. L.M.C. Weichsel, of Renovo, Penn.


Societies, Etc.- Eulalia Lodge; No. 342, A.Y.M., was chartered March 4, 1861, with Timothy Ives, master; B.S. Colwell, S.W.; Joseph Williams, J.W.; Samuel Havens, secretary; Dr. Joerg, treasurer; C.H. Warriner, J.C. Cavenaugh, G.W.G. Judd and D.C. Larrabee, unofficial members.

Prior to the fire of May 18, 1880, the room was in the Temperance hall. In September, 1880, work on the present building was begun, the site being formerly the location of C.S. Jones and F.E. Lyon’s store. On September 9, 1880, the cornerstone was placed, among the souvenirs enclosed being a copy of the Potter Pioneer, of February 4, 1848, and one of a small temperance journal published here in 1849. The past masters were D.C. Larrabee, William Shear, J.W. Allen, N.H. Goodsell, R.L. White, W.A. Crosby, O.H. Crosby, W.W. Thompson, C.A. Stebbins, W.K. Jones, N. Pinney, James L. Knox, Milton S. Winfield and Willis I. Lewis, the present master. W.W. Thompson is secretary. The officers for 1890 in the order of lodge rank are Harry A. Scoville, D.W. Van Wegen, S.A. Phillips, William W. Thompson, Benjamin Rennells, Rev. A.D. Bush, G.H. Grabe, A.R. Buck, C.L. Peck, L.R. Bliss, Levi S. Quimby and W.G. Wilber.

Coudersport Chapter, No. 263, R.A.M. was chartered Oct. 17, 1882, by D.D.G.H.P. Joseph Simonds, of Bradford. The first officers were L.W. Crawford, D.C. Larrabee, W.K. Jones, David White, W.W. Thompson, J.L. Knox, C.A. Stebbins, R.L. White, W.I. Lewis, A.S. Lyman and W.J. Brown. The numbers refer to Past High Priests to which the name of Peter A. McDonald must be added. In 1889 Burton A. McClure was H.P. with Willis I. Lewis, secretary. This chapter elected the following named officers December 4, 1889: Samuel A. Phillips, H.P.; N.H. Goodsell, K.; N.A. Pinney, scribe; W.J. Brown, treasurer, and James L. Knox, secretary.

A dispensation was issued in March, 1890, by the right eminent grand commander of Knights Templar of Pennsylvania, granting the right to certain Knights Templar here, to open a new çommandery here to be known as Potter Commandery, No. 69. This dispensation holds only until the first of May. The Grand Commandery of Pennsylvania will meet in May, when the members will apply for a charter which, if obtained, will put them upon a permanent footing. The present officers are W.K. Jones, eminent commander; James L. Knox, general; Willis I. Lewis, captain- general. There are twelve members, and over twenty petitions for membership were presented at first meeting.

Knights of Honor.- This society was organized May 6, 1879, with twenty charter members. First officers were: C.L. Peck, P.P.; M.L. Gridley, P.; J.L. Knox, V.P.; L.F. Andrews, Asst. P.; H.C. Olmsted, B.; F.J. Norton, F.R.; E.N. Stebbins, T.; W.W. Thompson, Chap.; W.R. Rees, G.; A.F. Hollenbeck, G.; W.C. Rennells, Sent.

Knights of the Maccabees, Coudersport Lodge, No. 49, was chartered November 11, 1887, with Harrington, J. Moran, M.J. Wolcott, William Schutt., W.H. Palmer, Frank Gordnier, F.M. Ashcraft, J. Ryan, W. Wilson, J. Griesel, Ora Nichols and Elmer Gaylord, officers in the respective positions from S.K.C. to S.K.P. D.B. Neefe was P.S.K.C. at time of organization.

Coudersport Lodge, No. 815, I.O.O.F., was chartered August 9, 1888, with H.C. Dornan, N.G.; E.H. Ashcraft, V.G.; K.R. Hodskin, secretary; A. Zacharias, A.S., and J.E. Forster, treasurer. The lodge grew into importance rapidly, and now has about one hundred members, the past vice- grand now presiding. The present officers are H. B. Whittaker, N. G.; Carl Breunle,

V.G.; H.T. Nelson, secretary; C.J. Marble, treasurer.

A.F. Jones Post, No. 20, G.A.R., was charted April 20, 1881. The muster roll contains the following names:


Adams, N.B., 136th N.Y.V.

Haskins, Leroy, 199th P.V.

Ayers, S.F., 46th P.V.

Havens, John P., 211th P.V.

Abbott, John, 58th P.V.

Haskins, Ira, 99th P.V.

Allen, Wesley, 188th N.Y.V.

Hewitt, Jefferson, 131st P.V.

Bassett. Byron,(5*)66th N.Y.V., 11th P.R.C.

R.O. Haynes, R.H., 16th P.C.

Boyer, G.W.,(5*)21st P.V.C.

Hurst, Thomas,(4*)106th P.V.

Buck, F., 3d B. 9th C., 1st P. Rifles, and hospital steward 207th P.V.

Hurlburt, Harvey,(4*)85th N.Y.V.


Hazen, Wm. H., 149th P.V.

Brine, W.S., 1st P. Art.

Haynes, B.A., 53d P.V.

Baker, Hiram, 187th P.V.

Hall, Philander, C., D, 7th P.C.

Bridges, Hiram, 141st N.Y.V.

Hall, M.E.,(4*)58th P.V.

Barrett, C.N.,(4*)46th P.V.

Hartwick, Adam, 17th P.C.

Barr, C.H.,D, 53d P.V.

Harrington, Thomas, U.S. Navy.

Boniwitz, Wm., 143d P.V.

Hoyt, Harvey, 164th N.Y.V.

Bundy, James, 48th P.V.

Haskins, Pardon, 99th P.V.

Bates Richard,(4*)2d N.Y.C.

Hollenbeck, G.W., 76th P.V.

Bishop, E.M.,5th N.Y.V.

Jackson, Merrick, 46th P.V.

Baldwin, George, 149th P.V.

Johnston, James, 144th P.V.

Blodgett, Merrit, 171st P.V.

Jordan, Allen, 46th P.V.

Brine, Jesse, 77th P.V.

King, L.C.,(5*)161st and 68th N.Y.V.

Barnes, C.H., 189th N.Y.V.

Kline, Valentine,(5*)65th N.Y.V.

Butler, Chas. A., 86th N.Y.V.

Knowlton, Aaron, 149th P.V.

Boyer, Andrew, 34th N.Y.V.

Luckey, Emanuel, 46th P.V.

Babcock. Benj. F., 151st P.V.

Lamont, C.A., 46th P.V.

Butler, Wm. A., 46th P.V.

Larrabee, Cyrenus,(4*) 85th N.Y.V.

Card, Orrin M.,(5*)199th P.V.

Lewis, Almon,(4*)45th and 99th P.V.

Courtright, Orrin, 46th P.V.

Lent, Wm B., 149th P.V.

Colcord, Amos D.,***, 5th U.S.C.

Lane, R.B., 136th N.Y.Y.

Covey, John M.,***, 89th N.Y.V.

Lewis, George C., 5th N.Y.C.

Clinton, Geo., 171st P.V.

Lyman, A.S., 12th N.Y.C.

Colcord, Albert, 76th N.Y.V.

Lewis, Wm. H.H., 16th N.Y.H.A.

Cunningham, M.F., 168th P.V.

Lillie, Harrison, 143d N.Y.V.

Carr, E.D., 149th P.V.

Marble, C.J.,107th N.Y.V.

Chappel, F.H., 11th P.V.C.

Mann, R.L., 49th P.V.

Clark, Porter, 8th P.C.

Metzger, John, 186th and 207th P.V.

Calkins, D.J., lst P. Art.

Mattison, Wm. H., 18th N.Y.V. and 50th N.Y. Eng.

Clark, Thomas, 56th N.Y.V.


Cornell, Hiram, 149th P.V.

Mitchell, George W., 86th N.Y.V.

Calkins, John P., 4th N.Y.H.A.

Marsh, Miles, 53d P.V.

Coykendall, Philo H., 1st P.C.

Moore, W.W., 93d N.Y.V.

Duel, Henry L., 1st P. Rifles

Meyers, H.L., 93d and 50th P.V.

Dolway, John B., 100th N.Y.V.

Morris, John, 1st N.Y. Dragoons.

Dingman, Henry, 53d P.V.

Mattison, John,D, 48th P.V.

Davidson, J.B., 161st N.Y.V.

McNamara, F.B., 61st P.V.

Dingee, E., 53d P.V.

McKinney, Philander, 53d P.V.

Davenport, Fred., 89th N.Y.V.

McNeil, John T.(4*) 5th N.Y.C.

Davis, Leonard, 16th P.C.

Nesbit, John, 46th P.V.

Dingman, William, 46th P.V.

Norton, Seymour,(5*) 171st P.V.

Earl, John D., 53d P.V.

Owens, A.H.(4*) 199th P.V.

Everett, D.A., 1st P. Art.

O’Neil, Wm.,(4*) 69th N.Y.V.

Everett, D.D.,(4*) 171st P.V.

Pearsall, John B.,(5*) 11th Maryland.

Fox, George H., D, 51st P.V.

Pearsall, G.W.,(5*) 46th P.V.

Fournes, Edward, 76th P.V.

Presho, D.L.C., 149th P.V.

Foster, C.E., 1st P.C.

Palmatier, C.A., 46th P.V.

Fickler, E.J., 65th N.Y.V.

Quimby, L.S., 141st N.Y.V.

Freeland, Samuel, 42d P.V.

Rees, O.J., 46th and 171st P.V.

Frame, Arthur, 56th N.Y.V.

Rees, W.W., 99th P.V.

Gridley, M.L.,(5*)12th P.V.C.

Rennells, A.L., 149th P.V.

Grodevant W.M.,(5*)57th P.V.

Ruscher, C.H., 46th P.V.

Green, S.R., 46th P.V.

Reer, C.H., 9th Ind. V. and Invalid Corps.

Green, B.A., 58th P.V.

Roberts, John, 149th P.V.

Gordnier, John, 2d Iowa V.

Rossman, O.W., 46th P.V.

Green, Ephraim, 58th P.V.

Rhone, Wm. F. 178th P.V.

Grossman, H.C.(4*) 188th and 65th P.V.

Reed, Luther, 97th P.V.

Groves, John B., 5th P.C.

Reed, Albert, 53d P.V.

Hyde, Edson,(5*) 53d P.V.

Rennells, George W., 149th P.V.

Hosley, W.T.,(5*) 2d U.S.S.S.

Snyder, Hiram, 53d P.V.

Simmons, W.C., 76th N.Y.V.

Thompson, S., 102d N.Y.V.

Schauss, C., 41st N.Y.V.

Traver, Wm. H., 154th and 86th N.Y.V.

Stillman, A.R., 46th P.V.

Thompson, G.W., 12th N.V. Ind. Batt.

Sheldon, Chas., 93d P.V.

Van Ammon, Richard, 1st P.R.C.

Snyder, Jacob, 53d P.V.

Wallace, John L., 86th N.Y.V.

Staysa, I.C., 46th P.V.

Wallace, James, 85th N.Y.V.

Sinsabaugh, Thos, L., 46th P.V.

Whitman, L.D., 2d Mass. C.

Smock, Samuel, 160th and 78th N.Y.V.

Wright, Ernest. 141st N.Y.V.

Story, William, 102d N.Y.V.

Weimer, John V., 149th P.V.

Stickle, Andrew, 143d N.Y.V.

Whitney, E.A., 99th P.V.

Tuttle, George N.,(5*)1st P.L.A.

Weimer, Michael, 99th P.V.

Taylor, Edwin,(4*) 161st N.Y.V.

Williams, Allen E., 7th P.C.

Thomas, L.B., 86th N.Y.V.

Wright, John W., 175th P.V.

Tuttle, J.N., 46th P.V.

Willoughby, Elisha, 149th P.V.

Toombs, Lyman B., 126th N.Y.V.

Younglove, Geo. F., 46th P.V.


The commanders of the post are named as follows: C.J. Marble, John B. Pearsall, John M. Covey, A.S. Lyman and John B. Groves, in 1889. John P. Earl has been adjutant for some years, and I.C. Staysa, quartermaster. The post elected the following named officers in January, 1890: L.S. Quimby, C.; L.R. Toombs, S.V.C.; Ed. Fielder, J.V.C.; J.R. Groves, chaplain; Sydney Lyman, Q.M.; W.H. Grodevant, surgeon; John D. Earl, adjutant; E.M. Bishop, O. of G.; G.S. Baldwin, O. of G., and John Metzger, Q.M.S.

Amos D. Colcord Camp, No. 121, Sons of Veterans, was chartered July 1, 1887, with J.B. Colcord, W.J. Norton. J.S. Colcord, A.J. Quimby, E.H. Ashcraft, T.N. Quimby, M.J. Potter, W.M. Quimby, W.M. Staysa, E.N. Bridges, H.E. Taxbox, N.R. Buck, J.A. Quimby, C.W. Marble, Arthur Gordnier, Almond Bridges, John Colcord, Jesse Rogers, Burton Roberts, J. McCann, Burton Snyder, Wm. Snyder and Isaac Dingman, members.

A.F. Jones Woman’s Relief Corps, No. 72, was chartered July 4, 1887, with the following named members: Mesdames Charlotte E. Groves, Mary Lyman, Martha Bees, Helen Smock, Keziah Baker, Sarah Davis, Della Griesel, Vina Lilly, Sophia Viley, Louisa Marble, and Rose Bishop. Misses Sarah Lyman, Carrie Presho, Nellie Perkins, Matilda Deemer, Eda Doerner, Nealia Marble, Lettie Palmer, Mary Palmer, Kate Kernan, Inez Metzger, Nora Metzger, Florence Mattison, and Isabella Crane. The first officers were installed March 10, that year.

In 1849 the temperance movement came into notice, and the advocates of this virtue established a little newspaper here. In November, 1853, there were nine Good Templar lodges in the county. Like the greater number of such societies they disbanded, and others with a similar object were organized. Eulalia Division, Sons of Temperance, celebrated its eighteenth anniversary June 22, 1867, being a portion of the veteran reserve corps of temperance in the State. Forest Division of Sons of Temperance was organized’ March 25, 1887, with thirty-five charter members. List of officers: O.J. Rees, W.P.; Lettie Gordnier, W.A.; W.H. Rounseville, P.W.P.; J.E. Rounseville, R.S.; Carrie Presho, A.S.; L.R. Bliss, F.S.; P.W. Butterworth, T.; Rev. Bush, Chap.; Frank Gordnier, C.; Mary McCormic, A.C.; Ora Nichols, I.S.; Lewis Reissmann, O.S., and C.L. Peck, D.D.

The Coudersport Prohibitory Amendment Club was organized April 30, 1889, with Isaac Benson, president; J.W. Allen, vice- president, and C.L. Peck, secretary. The call for the meeting to organize was signed by eighty- three citizens.

The Women’s Christian Temperance Union (Coudersport) was organized August 29, 1879, with Mrs. G.A. Glassmire, president; Mrs. M.E. Stebbins, vice- president; Mrs. M.W. Mann, corresponding secretary; Mrs. E.W. Hamilton, recorder, and Mrs. Mary R. Jones, treasurer. Among the members named in the minutes were Mrs. C.E. Groves, Mrs. Burton Rees, Mrs. D.C. Larrabee, Mrs. Charles H. Armstrong, Miss E. Wright and Mrs. D.S. Haines. The official circle was unchanged in 1880, hut in 1881 Mrs. C.H. Armstrong was chosen president, Mrs. P.A. Stebbins, treasurer, and Mrs. D.C. Larrabee, recorder. . In 1883 Mrs. Mary Jones was elected president, and Mrs. R. Nichols, vice- president. In 1884 Mrs. Allen and Mrs. O.J. Rees filled the Offices just named, while Mrs. Nichols took the place of Mrs. Mann, Mrs. Stebbins being still recorder. There were no changes made in 1885 nor in 1886, but in 1887 Mrs. C.L. Peck was elected correspondent, and Mrs. C. Armstrong, librarian. The officers elected in September, 1888, were Mrs. J.R. Jones, president; Mesdames W.S. Lewis, C.H. Armstrong and W.A. Crosby, vice- presidents; M.E. Stebbins, recorder; C.L. Peck, corresponding secretary, and C.M. Thompson, treasurer. Mesdames M.W. Mann, Haskell and Carrie Bees formed the journal committee; Mesdames M.R. Jones, George Glassmire and C.H. Armstrong, workman committee; with Mesdames Rees, Lewis, Nichols, Stebbins, White, Mann and Larrabee, superintendents of the several departments into which the work of the union is divided. On January 6, 1890, the following named officers were chosen: President, Mrs. Louisa Marble; Sr. vice- president, Miss Sadie Lyman; Jr. vice-president, Mrs. Rose Bishop; treasurer, Mrs. Anna Staysa; secretary, Miss Nealia Marble; chaplain, Mrs. May Bell Mattison; conductor, Miss Susie Staysa; guard, Mrs. Della Griesel.

The Young Women’s Christian Temperance Union, of Coudersport, was organized in September, 1889, with Sarah Lyman, president; Nellie Perkins, vice- president; Jennie Crosby, recorder; Anna Boyer, correspondent, and Rose Armstrong, treasurer.

The W.C.T.U. of Potter county elected the following named officers in October, 1889: Mrs. Sarah M. Wells, Oswayo, president; Mrs. Vina Rees, Austin, vice- president; Mrs. M.A. Vincent, West Pike, secretary; Mrs. M.W. Mann, secretary, and Mrs. M.R. Jones, both of Coudersport, treasurer. Mrs. C.S. Rees, president of Costello Union, Mrs. Groves, with Mrs. Glass-mire, Mrs. M.J. Larrabee, of Coudersport, Mrs. W.W. Crittenden, of Oswayo, Mrs. Rees, Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Jennie Wood, of Roulette, Mrs. Eliza Foster and Mrs. M.A. Vincent, from West Pike, were present.

Forest Encampment No. 283, I.O.O.F., was organized August 30, 1889, with the following charter members: H.C. Dornan, C.P.; Adam Hartwick; M.A. Harvey; William Lent; George Gale; M.E. White; E.H. Ashcraft, S.W., now H.P.; O.S. Blackman; M.G. Watters; G.C. Rees; A.W. Burt; C.E. Peckham; B. Matteson; G.B. Rooth, H.P., now chief patriarch; Aaron Robbinson; N.J. Peck, treasurer; W.T. Dyke, now S.W.; H.T. Nelson; John Phelps; Jerry Gallager; M.J. Potter, scribe; Charles Neefe; F.F. Cutler; James Anderson; C.W. Marble; E. Griesel; C.A. Zacharias; John Denhoof, now J.W.; W.H. Sullivan; James O’Hara; E.C. Barnes; N.M. Glassmire; F.J. Lent; J.H. Miller; S.S. Baker; J.M. Kilbourne; G.W. Adams; J.H. Johnston; Byron Bassett; W.H. Chappel; P.L. Reedy; S.B. Haskins; G.B. Sharp; H.D.H. Snyder, J.W.; Henry Haskell; G.H. Doane; W.S. Gates; J. Perce; Pat Gorman; J.H. Freeman; C.J. Marble; E.M. Baker; E.E. Hubbard, scribe; P.J. Maloney; E. Lambert; W.B. Brightman; M.Z. Hurlburt; E. Bishop; I.C, Staysa; John E. Stives; G.W. Hayes; Peter Green; E. Welch.


Business.– The Bank of Coudersport was established by Archibald R. Jones & Son in 1873, but for some time prior to this a small banking business was transacted in connection with their mercantile house. In 1879, on the death of the senior owner, the business became the property of W.K. Jones, who, in connection with Judge Olmsted, owns the building. In January, 1881, this bank was entered by bank robbers, Cashier Doerner imprisoned in the vault, and $914.50 abstracted. N.A. Pinney was connected with the bank as book- keeper and teller, and W.W. Harvey as clerk.

In 1867 the insurance agency of A.B. Mann was opened in Coudersport. It is still in existence, and from it policies are issued throughout the county.

In 1850 the first cabinet shop in the county was established here by James Bassett, and in 1851 the first planing- mill and turning lathe. From that period to the present time many saw- mills have been put in operation, a few of which are still carried on.

Hammond’s tannery, on the J.W. Allen and C. Reissmann farms, was established in 1880 for the manufacture of sole leather. Francis Hammond, the owner, was superintendent and H.R. Whittaker was foreman. This is one of the great industries of Northern Pennsylvania. The principal buildings were erected about 100 feet apart to provide against lire, and the forty dwelling houses were erected on the same principle. The annual product is placed at 1,500,000 pounds, and the number of men employed in connection with the works is about 150.

The Keystone Flouring Mills, the property of the Dwight estate, W.B. Gordnier’s saw- mill, carding- mill and foundry, O.T. Ellison’s saw- mill, A. Rounseville’s and Nelson Goodsell’s planing- mills, Pearsall’s and Neefe’s wagon shops, the C.S. Jones tannery, and Allen & Millard’s ironing table and clothes- rack factory were in existence prior to 1889, and in this year the new factory west of the depot was completed. The works were purchased in February, 1890, by the Hoyt Bros., of New York. S. Burr continues in charge with Watson Dike in charge of store.

In the pioneer chapter of the general history, as well as in this chapter, reference is made to the hotels kept by Cartee, Dickinson and Ives. The old Glassmire house stood on the vacant corner southwest of the square, and another house (hotel) stood where the Vielly House now stands. The old Hickory House, which stood near where the jail is, was a two- story frame building. In 1869 the American Hotel, S.D. Kelly, proprietor, was burned. It stood upon the ground now occupied by the residence of Orson Crosby.

The Commercial House was built in 1882, and opened in September by James Turner. Early in 1883 the house became the property of Lyman Cobb, who leased to James Johnson; Fred. Davenport carried on the house later, until George Rogers became lessee in 1884. Maj. Sibert carried on the house until March, 1885, when L.S. Quimby purchased the building and furniture. He carried on the hotel until December, 1888, when A.R. Moore leased the house. At the close of 1889 Mr. Quimby returned as landlord, succeeding Mr. Moore. The Coudersport House was erected a number of years ago by Schoomaker, who carried on a store there for some years, when the building became untenanted; was again used as a store by H. Nelson until the building was purchased by Daniel Baker, who fitted the house for hotel purposes. The house has been carried on by D. Baker, Kelly & Brown, Erastus Lewis, Matt. Gridley, J.O. Edgecomb, John Covey and Nathaniel Glassmire, who purchased the house in 1887. In September, 1889, A.B. Crowell, of Ulysses, purchased the site of the old Coudersport Hotel, on the corner of Main and Second streets. He commenced work on a three-story brick building for a hotel, intended to be

first- class in all modern conveniences and appliances. On May 3, 1883, the work of construction on the Coudersport & Harrison Valley Telephone line was begun, and within a week was completed. The Coudersport & Port Allegany Telegraph line was put up in 1887 by the Coudersport & Port Allegany Railroad Company.

The business circle at the beginning of 1889 comprised the following: W.A. Shear, groceries; M.S. Thompson & Co., druggists; H.J. Olmsted & Sons, hardware; Raymond & Robinson, general store; Jones & Hodskin, general store; W.F. Junge, groceries; J.E. Forster, groceries; S. Deiches, clothing; G.H. Doane, hardware; P.A. Stebbins & Bro., general store; Charles Reissmann, furniture; Z.J. Thompson, groceries; N.K. Hollenbeck, millinery; K. Zimmerman, groceries; M.L. Gridley, flour and feed; French & Chase, druggists; C.H. Armstrong & Co., general store; C.H. Armstrong, jeweler; G.B. Chamberlain, variety store; William M. Metzger, one billiard and two pool tables; G.H. Grabe, furniture; John Schafer, groceries and bakery; C.W. Welton, one billiard and one pool table; A.J. Quimby, groceries; K.R. Hodskin, clothing; E.N. Stebbins, clothing; C.W. Niles, grocery and bakery; F. Hammond, general store; Thomas Lyon, groceries and oysters.

* In 1825, Mrs. Ross states, Dingman’s grist-mill stood near where is now the tannery. This was the grist grist- mill in the county. The saw- mill at Lymansville was an old institution at that time.

** Mrs. Ross also makes mention of several other pioneers, whose histories appear in their several. biographical sketches.- (Editor.)

*** Deceased.

(4*) Transferred or honorably discharged.

(5*) Charter members.

Source: Page(s) 1044-1070 History of Counties of McKean, Elk and Forest, Pennsylvania. Chicago, J.H. Beers & Co., 1890.
Transcribed March 2006 by Mary Bryant, Published 2006 by PA-Roots

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