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…bringing our past into the future

Lehigh Register, DEC 13, 1849


Nov 1, 2008

LEHIGH REGISTER,  Allentown, Lehigh County, Pa

DEC 13, 1849

J. V. Hunter vs. Benj. Ludwig, Kline and Kichline. – This was a feigned issue, directed by the court to try the fact of payment or no payment of a mortgage in favor of plaintiff for $750, the amount of his wife’s interest in purport No. 1 of the real estate of her deceased father David Heimbach, and which had been sold by the Sheriff as the property of Adam Kline.  The plantiff had relied on the mortgage which had remained on record unsatisfied ever since 1839, and the defendants failing to prove anything, which looked like payment or satisfaction, the verdict was for plaintiff for the wife’s balance.

Abraham Handwerk vs. Peter Wert.   This was action brought to recover back money paid as plaintiff alledged in mistake to defendant.  It appeared to be an amicable voluntary settlement and payment by plaintiff in which no mistake was shown – the plaintiff having declared himself well satisfied with the arrangement a day or two after the payment, the Court and Jury thought that a man should “look before he leapt,” brought in a verdict for defendant.

Abraham Handwerk vs. H. Peter, Adm’r of Aaron Handwerk – This case depended on same principle, and was decided in the same way as the foregoing, and for the same reason.

Thos. Baker vs. Sam Smith – Assignment for bill due on contract for the erection of a house for defendant.  The defendant avers that the house was not well built, that the plastering had fallen off &c.  Verdict for Plaintiff.

Commonwealth vs. Jacob Best – This is a case of Filiation in which the defendant denied the claims of the “Little responsibility” upon him for its paternity.  But it was “no use,” the jury decided the question against him, and the court directed him to pay the usual sum for its support, and give security.

Commonwealth vs. Walter Smith – The defendant in this case was arraigned on a charge similar to that of the forgoing case, and made the same defence, but with better success.  The jury decided that the “pledge” was the property of another, and that the defendant though not chargable with this, was still guilty of a culpable intimacy with the prosecutrix, and the court sentenced him to pay a fine of ten dollars and costs of prosecution.

Commonwealth vs. Wm. Kepler – The defendant hired a horse from one of our Livery Establishments in town, and forgot to return it.  He was overtaken at the Spring House, Montgomery county.  The defendant was quite a youth, being not over 14 years of age, and from his appearance had abused himself, the kindness of his friends and gifts which nature had bestowed upon him.  He was sentenced to the House of Refuge, where he will have time to reflect on the past, and comtemplate the future, and as he grows older, will, it is hoped grow wiser and better.

Commonwealth vs. Aaron Druckemiller – The defendant was accused of stealing a small sum of money, and the jury found him guilty.  Sentence of the court, to confinement of one year in the Penitentiary.

Commonwealth vs. James Cameron – Selling liquor without license.  The evidence in the case did not bear out the charge against him, but it appeared that his better half had a little overstepped the bounds of gratuitous hospitality in this respect, and that James winked at it, or in other words did not forbid it.  James fined $35 and costs.

Married on the ninth of December, by the Rev. Mr. Yaeger, Mr. Edward J. Kuhns, of Cherryville, to Miss Rosannah Lerch, of Allen township, Northampton county.
Married on the ninth of December, by the Rev. Mr. Yaeger, Mr. Elias Trumbouer, to Miss Juliana Mill, both of Hanover.

Died on the 8th December, of old age, in this Borough, Martin Weiser, aged 84 years.

One Cent Reward!
Runaway from the subscriber residing in Hanover township, Lehigh county, on Tuesday night last, a boy named Henry Buss, an indentured apprentice to the Tailoring Business.  The above reward, but no charges will be paid if he is brought back.  Adam Sult.

Letters remaining in the Post Office at Mechanics Boro’, Lehigh County for the quarter ending September 30th,  1849
Samuel W. Managle, George Kaull, Thos McGlaughlin, Jason B. Blossom

Distressing Death.  – Mr. Mitchael Tice, residing about a mile below Myerstown, Lebanon county, while at work with the threshing machine on Thursday last, was caught in the machinery, and so severely injured as to cause his death on Friday morning.  He leaves a wife and 13 children.

Contributed by Shirley Pierce

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