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Lehigh Register, Feb 1, 1849


Nov 1, 2008

LEHIGH REGISTER,  Allentown, Lehigh County, Pa

FEB 1, 1849

Married on the 21st inst., by Rev. C. G. Herman, Mr. Charles J. Wink, lately one of the editors of the “Geist der Zeit,” to Miss Eliza Esser, both of Kutztown.

Died. On the 19th in Macungy township, Jefferson John Jacob Gagenbach, aged about 8 months.
Died at Bethlehem, Pa., on the 20th ult. of the croup, Isabel, youngest daughter of W. K. and Catharine C. Huffnagle, aged 1 year and 9 months.
Died at Bethlehem, on the 15th ult., Mrs. Anna M., wife of Charles Kafka, aged 74 years.
Died, at Bethlehem, on the 17th ultima, Mrs. Anna L., wife of Charles D. Bishop, in the 60th year of her age.
Died, at Philadelphia, on the 23th ult., after a protracted illness, Mrs. Abalona Hause, wife of Mr. Reuben Hause, formerly from Allentown, Lehigh county.
Died. In this Borough, on Sunday last, the 28th of January, of consumption, in the 27th year of his age, William W. Wagner, of the firm of Wagner & Huber of this place.  On the following Tuesday his remains were deposited in their resting place, followed by a large concourse of relatives and friends.  The Rev. Messrs. Dubs, Schindel and German, officiating.  The society of Odd Fellows, of which he was a valuable member, attended the funeral numerously.  He leaves a bereaved wife and one child to mourn his early loss.  Peace to his ashes.

Contributed by Shirley Pierce

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