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Lehigh Register, Feb 8, 1849


Nov 1, 2008

LEHIGH REGISTER,  Allentown, Lehigh County, Pa

FEB 8, 1849

Proceedings of Court
Court met on the 29th ultimo at the usual hour.  In the Quarter Sessions we learn there was but little business.  Two bills only were found and these were settled by the parties without trial.  In the Common Pleas though a large number of cases were set down for trial but few of them were reached.  We give below an outline of what was done.
Benjamin Jarrett vs. George Beisel.  This was an appeal from the Register’s court to try the validity of the will of Catharine Jarrett.  The defence set up was, that at the time of making the will the testatrix was not of sound mind and disposing memory, and that she had been unduly influenced by those to whom most of her estate was bequeathed by the will.  Verdict of the jury in favor of plaintiff, thus sustaining the will.  The charge of the Court in this case was a very clear and able exposition of the Law as to the degree if imbecility of mind and the weight of improper influence were, necessary to invalidate a will.
Paul Miller vs. John G. Goundie. – this was an action to recover the amount of a sealed note, given in part of consideration for the Brewery now owned by defendant.  The defence was that the consideration of the note had failed in part, inasmuch as the Northampton Water Company had recovered a part of land alleged to have been sold to defendant with the brewery.  This question brought up most of the evidence so often gone over in the case of the Water Company against Goundie.  Owing to the unexpected absence of a material witness the plaintiff took a non suit, and thus the case terminated for the present.
George Wenner vs. Ashael Beach. – this was an action on case, for words spoken by defendant, tending to injure the plaintiff in his business as a merchant.  Verdict for plaintiff $100 damages besides costs.
Christian Ortt vs. Thomas Schuler. – This was an action for damages, aileged to have been sustained by defendant diverting the water of a stream flowing the premises of both parties from its natural course, thus injuring the plaintiff, whose farm was below defendants, in his right to the use of the water.  Verdict for defendant.  Most of the jurors in this case had been upon the ground to view the premises.
Henry Mest vs. Daniel and Henry Yeager. – This was an action of defendants to recover the purchase money of certain real estate, sold to defendants in November, 1846.  Plaintiff had agreed to make defendants a good title on the first of April, 1847, at which time the purchase maoney was to be paid.  On the second of April, 1847, the parties met and defendants tendered the purchase money and demanded a title clear of incumbrances.  This the plaintiff it appears was unable to give, owing to there being a number of judgments covering the premises in question, and which were at that time unsatisfied.  On the 27th of the same month the plaintiff tendered releases of these judgments and also a deed for the property, and demanded the purchase money from defendants, who then refused to take the property.  Verdict for defendants certifying the sum of $62.50, due them from the plaintiff.
In the matter of the sale of the Real Estate of Peter Huber.  The Sheriff’s Sale made on the 17th January was set aside.
We are also informed the Sheriff’s sale of the Worman’s Spring property made before the last Court was set aside.  And that the sale made by the Administrator de bonis non, of the same property, was confirmed.

Married. On the 28th of January, by the Rev. Mr. Yeager, Mr. Daniel Friederich, to Miss Sarah A. Eisenhard, both of Lower Macungy.
Married. On the 6th of February, by the Rev. Mr. Getman, Mr. Solomon Wetzel, to Miss Hariet Rise, both of Lower Macungy.
Married. By the Rev. Mr. Schindel, Mr. Charles Mohr, of Lower Macungy, to Miss Ann Steininger, of South Whitehall.
Married by the same, on the same day, Mr. Reuben German, to Miss Leah Hausman, both of Heidelberg.
Married on the 25th of January, by the Rev. Mr. Hess, Mr. Jonas Dotterer, to Miss Sarah Schlicher, both of Upper Saucon.
Married on the 28th of Jan., by the same, Mr. William Boyer, of Riegelsville, Bucks county, to Miss Mary Ann Roth, of Lower Saucon, Northampton county.
Married, on the 23d of January, by the Rev. Mr. Dubs, Mr. David Mickley, to Miss Mary Frantz, both of North Whitehall.
Married on the 28th of January, by the same, Mr. John De Long, of Lowhill, to Miss Lydia Schneider, of Heidelberg.
Married. On the same day, by the same, Mr. Erastus E. Rhoades, of South Whitehall, to Miss Lydia Leh, of North Whitehall.
Married, on the same day, by the same, Mr. Moses Diehl, to Miss Mary Guth, of S. Whitehall.

Died. On the 26th of January, in Hanover, Maria Kramer, aged 15 years.
Died on the 3d of February, in Hanover, Elizabeth, infant daughter of James and Lavina Borger, aged 2 years.
Died on the 31st of January, in Upper Saucon, Matilda, daugher of Solomon Reinbold, aged 8 years, 3 months and 1 day.
Died on the 4th of February, in Salisburg, Sarahann Elizabeth, daughter of Sam. Funk, aged 10 months.
Died on the 24th of January, in Washington, Sophia, daughter of Stephen and Solome Hunsicker, aged 9 months.
Died on the 1st of February, in Allentown, of inflammation of the brain, Mary Charlotta, infant daughter of Ephriam and Matilda Diefenderfer, aged 6 months.
Died on the 26th of January, in South Whitehall, of fits, Cassi Wilson, aged 2 years.
Died on the 29th of January, in Cacungy, of fever, Jemima, consort of Mr. Thos. Huber, aged 20 years.
Died on the 1st of February, in Salisburg, of croup, Margaretta Laudenschlager, aged about 74 years.
Died at Bethlehem, Pa., on the 24th ult., Miss Adelaide Louisa Pietch, in the 29th year of her age.
Died on the 23 Jan. in Macungy, Mr. George Steininger, aged 63 years.
Died on the 12th ult. in Upper Saucon, of consumption, George Peffer, aged 21 years.
Died on the 17th ult. in Upper Milford, Levina, wife of Joseph Miller, aged 27 years.

Notice is hereby given, the undersigned John Wagner & Rebecca Wagner have taken out letters of Administration of the estate of William W. Wagner, dec’d., late of the borough of Allentown, Lehigh County.

Contributed by Shirley Pierce

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