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Lehigh Register, JULY 19, 1849


Nov 1, 2008

LEHIGH REGISTER,  Allentown, Lehigh County, Pa

JULY 19, 1849

    From the Easton Argus we learn, that the Supreme Court has confirmed the decision of Judge Jones, setting aside the will of the late Peter Miller.  By this decision, some of the most valuable property in the Borough of Easton and some of the finest farms in that rich agricultural region, will fall in the hands of Peter Miller’s nephew, who is a sensible, industrious man, and at present in moderate circumstances.  The whole estate is estimated at $350,000.  We understand that part of the will bequeathing legacies to several private individuals, and $10,000 in equal share to the Lutheran and German Reformed benevolent societies, the interest of which is to be expended in the purchase of fuel, clothing, &c., for the poor of Easton, during the winter seasons, do not fall, but will be faithfully carried out.  This immense estate comprises a number of town lots in the heart of the town, suitable for buildings and improvements of any kind.

Married on Sunday last by the Rev. Mr. Yeager, Mr. Aaron Marsdeller, of Northampton, to Miss Leah Lazarus, of South Whitehall
Married on the 5th of July, by the Rev. William B. Kemmerer, Mr. Charles Hillegas, to Miss Mary A. Flick, both of Springfield.

Died on the 6th of July, in Upper Saucon, Maria, Consort of Mr. Solomon Yingling, aged 44 years.
Died on the 14th of July, in Hanover, Franklin John, infant son of Nathan and Lovina Frederick, aged 8 months.
Died on the 10th instant, of cholera infantum, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of John R. and Elizabeth Hansell, aged 5 months.
Died on Friday the 6th inst., in South Whitehall, after a short but very painful illness which she bore with Christian resignation, Maria wife of Thomas Hoffman, and daughter of Jonathan and Sarah Mertz, in the 23 year of her age.

Contributed by Shirley Pierce

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