• Wed. Mar 12th, 2025


…bringing our past into the future

Lebanon Advertiser, July 22, 1857


Dec 2, 2008

July 22, 1857

Charles Biehl, the young man who shot the son of Mr. John B. Snyder, in Bieber’s brick-yard at Kutztown, on Thursday last, was arrested on Saturday, and after a hearing before J. D. Wanner, Esq., committed to prison.  He will be tried at the August Court.  It is now said that the pistol was fired at random, and that the sad accident was the result of carelessness rather than premeditation.  The facts of the case will of course be thoroughly sifted at the trail.

Married on the 5th inst., by Rev. Mr. Kleinfelter, Mr. Levi McFearling, of North Lebanon tp., to Miss Eliza Spade, of Millcreek.

Married on the 31st of May, by the Rev. S. Yingling, Mr. Leonard Sailor to Miss Catharine Yeinst, all of North Annville.

Married on the 29th ult., by the Rev. S. Yingling, Mr. Christian Oberholtzer to Miss Elizabeth Bemerderfer, both of Londonderry.

Married on the 5th inst., by the Rev. S. Yingling, Mr. Jacob Stichler to Miss Mary Ann Reinter, both of East Hanover, Dauphin county.

Married on the 12th inst., by the Rev. J. E. Hiester, Mr. John H. Rudy to Miss Sarah Ann Ault, both of Annville.

Died on the 14th inst., in North Annville, Mrs. Elizabeth Boger, aged 70 years, 8 months and 6 days.

Died on the 14th April, in Richland county, Ohio, Mrs. Catharine, wife of Henry Strohm, formerly of South Lebanon, aged 74 years and 2 months.

Died on the 6th inst., in South Lebanon, Joseph Brubaker, aged 14 years and 2 days.

SOURCE:  Lebanon Advertiser  Contributed by Shirley Pierce

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