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Lebanon Advertiser, August 5, 1857


Dec 2, 2008

August 5, 1857

Michael Cromer, of Mercersburg, Pa., one day last week, cut with a cradle, ten acres of wheat, in ten consecutive hours.  The work was done in a thoroughly workmanlike manner.  This is said to be the most extraordinary cradling ever done in this county, and in amount, is considerably beyond the average of reaping machines.

A little son of James Simmers, of this borough, aged about 6 years, was run over by a train of freight cars, on the North Lebanon Railroad, on Tuesday afternoon, and his legs so shockingly mangled, that death terminated his sufferings in a few hours.  He had hid on one of the cars for the purpose of obtaining a ride to the Basin.  Other cars were run up against the car he was on, causing a jar which threw him off on to the track, and a number of wheels passed over his legs, cutting them almost entirely off.  No particle of blame attaches to the employees of the road, as they did not know that he was on the car.  We are also informed that along this road, as well as at the Lebanon Valley Depot, the officials and hands are greatly annoyed by the number of little and big boys gathering about, and that it is almost impossible to drive them away.  Parents should not permit their children to go near the railroad, unless accompanied by some one capable of taking care of them.

On Monday of last week, as George Boltz, jr., was engaged on his father’s farm hauling home grain, the saddle horse on which he was sitting stumbled and fell, throwing Mr. B. under the wagon, the wheel of which passed over one of his legs crushing it in a shocking manner.  Dr. Treichler was promptly called in and the broken limb cared for, since which time the patient is as well as can be expected under the circumstances.

Married on the 12th ult., by Rev. Mr. Stein, Mr. Joshua Boeshor, of Union, to Miss Anna Gamber, of Swatara.

Married on the 19th ult., by Rev. Mr. Stein, Mr. Andrew Gretscher, of Jonestown, to Miss Maria Bausman, of Hanover.

Died on the morning of the 3d inst., in North Lebanon tp., Rev. Casper Light, aged about 53 years.

Died on the 18th ult., in North Lebanon township, Catharine, wife of Stephen Schilling, aged 26 years, 6 months and 13 days.

Died in this borough, on the 29th ult., Abraham, infant son of Peter and Civilia Schott, aged 2 years, 7 months and 29 days.

A hay-stack belonging to Mr. Behney, in North Lebanon township, about three miles northeast of this Borough, was struck by lightning on Friday evening, and burnt to the ground.  It contained about nine tons of hay, and the loss will probably amount to about $200.  The sky was illuminated for miles around.  The sparse population and isolated situation of the fire rendered all efforts to save the surrounding buildings very difficult, but fortunately the Perseverance fire company of this borough, was promptly on the spot and put their apparatus into service, which was followed by a heavy shower of rain, in which the firemen as well as their “masheen,” were completely “soaked.”

About 12 o’clock the same night, a smoke house belonging to Mr. Oberly, on the Schaefferstown road, about ½ mile from town, took fire and was destroyed, together with about fifty dollars worth of Beef, Port, and Soap.  The fire originated, as is supposed, by the high wind blowing about the hot ashes and coals left on a hearth where fire had been used the day before.

SOURCE:  Lebanon Advertiser  Contributed by Shirley Pierce

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