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Lebanon Advertiser, November 4, 1857


Dec 2, 2008

November 4, 1857

Man Drowned. – Suspicious. – A man named Hugh McCune, the keeper of a boarding house on the line of the Lebanon Valley Railroad, was drowned in the lock of the Union Canal, near  Hummelstown, on Monday evening of last week, under circumstances warranting the belief that he met with foul play.  He left the shanty in the afternoon for the purpose of obtaining provisions at Hummelstown, intending to return in the evening.  About 9 o’clock a noise was heard in the vicinity of the lock, and upon the persons looking who heard it, nothing could be seen.  Shortly after, however, the noise was repeated, and then a man was observed on the opposite side of the canal, who sung out that a man was drowned.  After searching in the lock for half an hour, McCunes dead body was drawn out.  The stranger was arrested, but nothing could be proven against him.  McCune has resided five or six years in Harrisburg, and leaves a wife and 3 children.

Fire. – On Saturday evening, about 5 ½ o’clock, a stable belonging to Mr. Conrad H. Borgner, in North Lebanon borough, was discovered to be on fire.  The neighbors rushed to the rescue, but too late to save any of the contents, among which were two fine and valuable cows.  By the time the engines reached the scene, the entire building was enveloped in flames.  The adjoining and surrounding buildings were saved by the timely application of water.  The entire loss is about $500, two-thirds of which is insured in the Lebanon Mutual Insurance Company of Jonestown.  The fire is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary.

A man named Jos. Poore, was found in an out-of-the-way place, in Union township, about two weeks ago, having died from intemperance and exposure.

Married on the 1st ult., by Rev. John Strine, Moses Sherk, of North Annville township, to Miss Maria Magdalena Kohr, of Bethel township.

Married on the 10th ult., by the same, Mr. George Glick, of Jackson, to Miss Maria Ann Yoder, of N. Lebanon.

Married on the 25th ult., by the Rev. J. S. Reinecke, of Litiz, Mr. John Oswald to Miss Mary Ann Hornberger, both of this place.

Married on the 19th ult., by Joseph Coover, Esq., Mr. John Wagner to Miss Amanda Helder, all of Jackson township.

Married on the 22d ult., by C. P. Miller, Esq., Mr. Jacob Xander, of East Hanover, to Miss Mary Koons, of Union tp.

Married on the 20th August, by Rev. J. Y. Ashton, Daniel McKinney to Anna Miller, both of North Lebanon.

Married on the 1st September, by Rev. J. Y. Ashton, Mr. Samuel Shiner to Miss Susan Honafius, both of North Lebanon.

Married on the 29th ult., by Rev. J. Y. Ashton, Mr. John E. Smith to Miss Catharine Kiscadden, both of Cornwall.

Married on the 29th ult., by the Rev. F. W. Kremer, Mr. John A. Bowman, of Cornwall tp., to Miss Mary Hoffer, of S. Annville tp., this county.

Married by the Rev. H. S. Miller, Mr. John H. Fritz to Miss Malinda Burkhart, both of Rahrersburg.

Married by the Rev. H. S. Miller, Mr. Absalom Webber, of Schuylkill Haven, to Mrs. Susan M. Stoever, of Lebanon.

Died on the 2d ult., in Jonestown, Maria Geistweit, wife of Jacob Geistweit, aged 68 years, 8 months and 22 days.

Died on the 7th ult., in Jonestown, Anna Lehman, wife of John Lehman, aged 75 years, 2 months and 20 days.

Died on the 13th ult., in Union township, Jacob, son of Frederick Hassler, aged 1 year, 1 month and 13 days.

Died on the 25th ult., of Typhus Fever, at the residence of John Graybill, near Shaefferstown, Moses Long, son of Henry Long, of Dayton, Ohio, aged 44 years.

Died in Lebanon, on the 26th ult., Andrew James, son of James and Mary Ann Young, aged 10 months and 14 days.

Died in Lebanon on the 28th ult., Caroline Emma, daughter of John and Elizabeth Hipp, aged 7 months and 18 days.

Died on the 30th ult., in this borough, Mrs. Mary O., wife of Jacob Schwartz, aged 54 years.

Died on the 17th ult., in this borough, Mrs. Catharine Gray, aged 75 years and 1 day.

SOURCE:  Lebanon Advertiser  Contributed by Shirley Pierce

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