• Wed. Mar 12th, 2025


…bringing our past into the future

Lebanon Advertiser, November 18, 1857


Dec 2, 2008

November 18, 1857

WOMAN STARVED TO DEATH IN PROVIDENCE.  – Among the deaths in this city last week, was that of a female in the Sixth Ward, about forty years of age, whose physician’s certificate states that the cause of her death was ‘want of nourishment.’  What a record for a city where the friends of foreign missions were so sumptuously entertained a few weeks ago. – Prov. Post, Nov. 10.

Married on the 22d ult., by Rev. Jacob Reinhold, David Zug, of Lebanon county, to Elizabeth Meyer, of Berks county.

Married on the 29th ult., by Rev. John Stein, Jacob Heilman, to Maria Brown, both of Jonestown.

Married on the 1st inst., by Rev. John Stein, Reuben Shitzholtz, to Sarah Spangler, both of Myerstown.

Married on the 8th inst., by Rev. John Stein, Allen Weigley, of Myerstown, to Anna Elizabeth English, of Jonestown.

Married on the 29th ult., by Rev. J. E. Heister, Mr.Joseph Kreider, of South Annville, to Miss Leah Moyer, of North Annville.

Married on the 5th inst., by Rev. J. E. Heister, John Nye, of Palmyra, to Miss Mary E. Wolfersberger, of Derry township, Dauphin county.

Married on the 12th inst., by Rev. J. E. Heister, Mr. John H. Wolfersberger, of Campbellstown, to Miss Catharine Bachman, of South Annville.

Married on the 12th inst., by Rev. J. E. Heister, Mr. Peter Pickel, of South Annville, to Miss Elizabeth Becker, of Lancaster county.

Died on the 31st ult., in Bellview, Mary Ann Forry, wife of Michael Forry, dec’d., and daughter of Abraham Raiguel, aged 67 years, 7 mo., 18 days.

Died on the 6th inst., in East Hanover, Mrs. Maria Boltz, widow of George Boltz, dec’d., aged 85 years.

Died on the 9th inst., in Myerstown, Mrs. Rebecca Lehman, wife of William Lehman, aged 33 years, 10 months and 9 days.

Died on the 6th inst., in Jackson, Mr. George Maurer, aged 79 years and 29 days.

Died on the 7th inst., in Myerstown, Mrs. Eva Giesy, aged 78 years, 8 months and 19 days.

SOURCE:  Lebanon Advertiser  Contributed by Shirley Pierce

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