• Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025


…bringing our past into the future

Lebanon Advertiser, December 30, 1857


Dec 2, 2008

December 30, 1857

 Greensburg, in this State, according to the Democrat, much be a very queer place.  The coroner holds an inquest, and the doctors make post-mortem examinations, merely on suspicion of a man being dead.  The Democrat is responsible for the following story:  For some time back, whenever a man dies within six miles of Greensburg, there is a general rush, on the part of our justices of the peace, to be the first to reach him, to hold an inquest upon him.  Not less than three weeks have passed by since an Irishman went into a shanty, near town, in the afternoon, where liquor was sold.  After sitting by the stove for some time, he was invited to take a drink, which he did, and then resumed his seat.  Presently, he laid down by the stove and apparently fell asleep. There he lay for several hours, when, the night coming on, some persons attempted to wake him up, in order to have him leave to hunt quarters for the night. – This could not be done, and it was supposed that he was dead.  Immediately, word was dispatched to town, a justice of the peace was informed of the fact, a coroner’s jury was summoned, and being unable still to waken the man up, they set to work and cut him up to ascertain whether or not he was dead!  By the time the doctors got through with him, there remained no doubt on the minds of the jury of his death.  It is reported to us that in less than five hours from the time he laid down by the stove, he was effectually slaughtered.  One of the jury informs us that while the post-mortem examination was being carried on, the body was still warm and smoking. Sleepy individuals who are hard to wake up, when ones asleep, are hereby respectfully notified not to go to sleep near this town.  if this advice is not heeded, we shall not answer for the consequences.  Should they wake up and find themselves cut up into small pieces, and a dozen intelligent men speculating on the facts, they must not be astonished, or blame anybody but themselves.

Remarkable Endurance in a Pig. – We learn from the Reading Adler, that in removed a strawstack upon the farm of Nathaniel Kalbuch, in Penn township, on the 12th inst., an old sow and three pigs, that had been missed for eleven weeks were found under the straw.  The old sow was still living, and had nearly eaten up two of the pigs – the third one appeared to have been not long dead.  The old one weighed 200 pounds at the time she was missed; when found, she was nothing but hide and bones, and did not weigh more than about 50 pounds.  She was unable to eat at first, but after some lard had been forced down her throat, she appeared to gain strength, and began to take a little food.  Since then, she has been daily regaining her lost substance.  During the eleven weeks’ confinement, she had kept herself alive by eating the two pigs and by way of variety, straw.  She had eaten a hole in the straw large enough to turn around in.  The sow belonged to Mr. Nathaniel Kalbach, and the pigs to Mr. Nicholas Haag.

The recently elected County Treasurer of Berks county, William Runkle, Esq., died at his residence at Barnville, on Tuesday morning of last week, in the (55 or 65) year of his age.

Married by Rev. H. S. Miller, on the 24th inst., Peter Brenner to Eliza Lantz, both of Dauphin county.

Married on the 24th inst., by Rev. H. S. Miller, George W. Hoffman to Lucy Ann Reidel, both of N. Lebanon.

Died on the 19th inst., in Cornwall, Mr. Roger Boyl, aged about 82 years.

Died in North Annville, John Henry, infant son of John and Mary Fasnacht, aged 1 year and 4 days.

Died on the 23d inst., in this borough, Mr. Matthias Gilbert, aged 81 years,  3 months and 13 days.

SOURCE:  Lebanon Advertiser  Contributed by Shirley Pierce

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