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Lebanon Advertiser, June 24, 1857


Dec 2, 2008

June 24, 1857

Berks County Horses. – His Excellency, the President of the United States, has recently purchased two fine carriage horses from George M. Lauman, Esq., of Reading.  The price paid for the span was $800.  This is the second pair of horses purchased by Mr. Buchanan in Berks county within the last few years.

Mr. William Urich, Esq., has purchased a house and lot of ground, in Myerston, from Samuel Behney, (brick maker) for $1375.

Married on the 11th inst., by the Rev. John Gring, Mr. Daniel Bordner (merchant) of Union township, to Miss Sarah, daughter of Jacob Weber, Esq., of Fredericksburg.

Married on the 18th inst., by the Rev. H. S. Miller, Andrew Heintzelman to Lucetta Kintzel, both of this borough.

Married on the 21st inst., by the Rev. F. W. Kremer, Mr. Jonas Geib to Miss Caroline Eby, both of South Lebanon township.

Died Edward T. Schuler a member of the Perseverance Engine and Hose Company.

The Reading Adler, of Tuesday, contains an account of a shocking accident, that occurred at the Saw Mill of Mr. Peter Mokel, on the Northkill creek, in Upper Bern township, on the 29th ult.  It appears that while engaged in sawing a log of timber, (the hands being absent at the time,) a child, aged 3 years, son of Rebecca Hoffman, who lived with Mr. Mokel, went into the mill and laid himself down on the log, unconscious of the impeding danger.  In a few minutes he was reached by the saw, and before help could be procured, or the family were aware of his danger, the child was almost severed in twain.  Mr. Mokel and son, who attended the mill, it is scarce necessary to add, were in no way to blame for this terrible occurrence.

Conestoga Pearls. – The Lancaster papers give an account of some pearls found in muscles taken from Conestoga creek, near that city, by Dr. W. B. Fahnestock, J. F. Reigart, and others.  One shell contained as many as eighty pearls, several of which were of the size of large peas.  The shells from which the pearls were taken exhibit the most beautiful tints, and are said to be equal in beauty to the finest specimens of the Oriental mother of pearl.  The finding of these gems has occasioned quite an excitement.

SOURCE:  Lebanon Advertiser  Contributed by Shirley Pierce

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