• Sun. Mar 9th, 2025


…bringing our past into the future

History of Warren County, Chapter 23


Dec 6, 2008



One Hundred and Eighty-second of the Line, Otherwise the Twenty-first Cavalry – Its Warren County Contingent – Serves a Six Months’ Term – Reorganized to Serve for Three Years – For Four Months Renders Gallant Service as an Infantry Regiment of the Fifth Corps – Its Battles – Remounted and Assigned to Gregg’s Division – Subsequent Marches and Engagements – Names, etc., of the Warren County Men – One Hundred and Ninety-third Regiment – Part of Company I Recruited in Warren County – Regiment Serves One Hundred Days – Two Hundred and Eleventh Regiment – Term One Year – Contains a Full Warren County Company – In Virginia – Makes a Brilliant Record – Roster of Company G – Captain James’s Independent Company – An Account of Its Services – Names of Members – Captain Baldwin’s Company of Militia of 1862 – List of members.


ABOUT the 1st of July, 1863, a small detachment of volunteers, who had enlisted for a term of six months in the cavalry service, left the town of Warren for the regimental rendezvous under the command of Captain Jacob J. Dennison. These men subsequently composed the greater portion of Company M, of the Twenty-first Cavalry, of which Captain Dennison became the commander. The companies of the regiment were equipped and mounted at Camp Couch, near Harrisburg, and were thence sent to camp of instruction near Chambersburg. On the 23d of August the regiment was ordered to Harrisburg, whence a detachment, consisting of Companies C, E, K, H, L, and M, was sent for duty to Pottsville and Scranton, and Company B to Gettysburg. The remaining five companies, under command of Colonel Boyd, proceeded to Harper’s Ferry, and during the fall and winter were engaged in arduous duty in the department of the Shenandoah.

In January, 1864, authority was given to reorganize the regiment for three years’ service, and about the 1st of February its scattered ranks were concentrated at camp, near Chambersburg, where the troops who did not choose to re-enlist were mustered out of service; the remainder were mustered for the long term, and its depleted ranks were filled with new recruits. About the middle of May the regiment was ordered to Washington, where, upon its arrival, it was dismounted, armed and equipped as infantry, and sent by transport to join the Army of the Potomac. It arrived at the front on the 1st of June, and was assigned to the Second Brigade, First Division of the Fifth Corps, where it was associated with the Sixty-second Pennsylvania, and Twenty-second and Twenty-third Massachusetts, commanded by Colonel Sweitzer. The army was then in front of Cold Harbor, and at noon of the 2d the regiment was sent to the left of the Fifth Corps, where it was ordered to throw up breastworks. These were hardly completed before the enemy opened upon it by a flank fire from his artillery, from which Lieutenant Richard Waters was instantly killed. On the following morning it was ordered a half mile to the right, to the support of a battery, and at seven A.M. the enemy brought his twenty-four pounders into play, killing two men and three horses belonging to the battery. The regiment was subsequently ordered to the front line, and in reaching it was obliged to pass over a grain field, which was raked by the enemy’s infantry and artillery fire. The advance across this was gallantly made, but with a loss of eight killed and nineteen wounded. A galling fire was kept up during the entire day from behind the breastworks, and, notwithstanding it had this protection, it suffered considerable additional loss, the entire number being eleven killed and forty-six wounded.

On the 18th of June the regiment was again engaged in front of Petersburg. “We were marched,” says a member of the regiment, “over the field where the Second Corps had been engaged the day before, and the ground was covered with dead. We came to a halt in a woods, where we were ordered to lie down. The rebels then commenced to shell us. We lost a great many men, killed and wounded. We were ordered to go forward and charge across a large field, and came to the Petersburg and Suffolk Railroad. Here we halted and kept up a brisk fire with the rebels, who were behind their works in front of us about half a mile. In the evening we were ordered to charge a large rebel fort. We fixed bayonets and went up the hill on a yell, while the rebels opened upon us a perfect hail-storm of iron and lead from their muskets and from sixteen pieces of artillery. If Cold Harbor was hard, the fight of the 18th was harder. We charged to the brow of the second hill, and the rebel fort lay directly in front of us, at a distance of about one hundred and fifty yards. Here we found that we could go no further. He who went beyond this went to his grave. Four times were our colors shot down, and four times were they raised again. Finding that we could do no more we halted and formed, and while some carried rails and built works, others kept up a heavy fire on the fort, which effectually silenced their artillery. After forming a line of works we lay behind them, keeping up a fire with the rebels until morning, when we were relieved and taken to the rear.” In this engagement the loss was eleven killed, seventy-nine wounded, and one missing, among the wounded being many officers; and the command of the regiment consequently devolved upon Major Knowles.

On the 22d the regiment was again engaged on the Jerusalem plank road, losing two killed and three wounded. Early in July the Sixty-second Regiment was mustered out of service by reason of expiration of its term, and the Ninety-first Pennsylvania was assigned to the brigade, to the command of which Colonel E.M. Gregory succeeded. The regiment remained for some time in heavy works near the Ninth Corps line, where it was subjected to a vigorous shelling. On the 30th of July, upon the occasion of exploding the mine, it was under fire and sustained some loss; but no advantage was gained, and the routine of duty behind the works was resumed. On the 18th of August a descent was made upon the Weldon Railroad, in which the Twenty-first participated, and was engaged in destroying the track when the enemy attacked; but by the timely arrival of a portion of the Ninth Corps he was repulsed, and the portion of the road possessed was held. The loss in the regiment was one killed and twenty-seven wounded.

Early in September the Twenty-first was brigaded with the One Hundred and Eighty-seventh Pennsylvania, Major Knowles commanding. About the middle of the month, upon the withdrawal of the last-named regiment from the front, the Twenty-first was transferred to the First Brigade, General Sickles in command, where it was associated with the One Hundred and Ninety-eighth Pennsylvania. On the 30th the brigade joined in a movement to the left, and at Poplar Spring Church came upon the enemy’s works, which were triumphantly carried, with a loss in the Twenty-first of sixteen killed and wounded. On the following day the regiment was attacked while lying upon the ground, in a large open field, but held its position without serious loss. For its gallantry in this engagement it received a complimentary order from General Griffin, in command of the division. With this battle closed the connection of the regiment with the infantry arm of the service.

On the 5th of October the Twenty-first was sent to City Point, where it was equipped and mounted, and ordered to the division commanded by General D. McM. Gregg, in which it was assigned to the First Brigade, composed of the First Maine, Sixth and Thirteenth Ohio, Second New York, and Twenty-first Pennsylvania, commanded by Colonel C.H. Smith. On the 27th of October the regiment was in a sharp engagement at the Boydton Plank Road, where the division went to the support of the Second Corps, which was hard pressed. The fighting was severe, and the Union forces were obliged to retire, the cavalry holding the line until the infantry and artillery were well out of the way, and then cutting its way out after nightfall. The Twenty-first lost three killed, thirty-three wounded, and eighteen missing, among the wounded being Captain George F. Cooke, of Warren county. On the 1st of December the division proceeded to Stony Creek Station, destroying the station and rebel supplies. The regiment was of the rear guard on the return march, and sustained some loss. On the 4th, Company E was detailed for duty at headquarters of the Sixth Corps, with which it remained until near the close of its service. On the 6th the regiment was again in motion upon the Bellefield raid, and on the 10th was engaged, losing two killed, five wounded, and one lieutenant, John A. Devers, a prisoner. In the mean time Major Knowles was promoted to colonel, and Captain Richard Ryckman to major.

On the 5th of February, 1865, a heavy force of the Union army moved across Hatcher’s Run, for the purpose of opening the way to the left, and extending the lines towards the South Side Railroad. It was met by the enemy, and heavy fighting ensued, but the Union forces held the ground. Gregg’s Cavalry co-operated, and moved on to Dinwiddie Court House, meeting some opposition, but having no serious fighting. Colonel Knowles had command of the brigade in this expedition. During the winter the Twenty-first was recruited to the full maximum strength, and on the 1st of March was transferred to the Second Brigade of the Second Division, which was composed of the Second, Fourth, Eighth, Sixteenth and Twenty-first Pennsylvania Regiments, commanded by General J. Irvin Gregg. The dismounted men of the Twenty-first, comprising nearly half its entire strength, were ordered to City Point, under command of Captain James Mickley, and with the dismounted men of the brigade, participated, under command of Major Oldham, of the Eighth Pennsylvania, in the final assault upon the defenses of Petersburg.

“On the 29th of March” says Major Bell, “the cavalry corps moved out on the left flank of the army, the Eighth Pennsylvania having the advance. By some mistake this regiment mistook the road, which left the Twenty-first in advance, and gave it the honor of making the first charge in the campaign, striking the rebels near Dinwiddie Court House, carrying their barricades and capturing some prisoners, from whom important information, pertaining to the rebel cavalry under Fitzhugh Lee, was obtained. The Twenty-first was not in the fight of the 31st, which well-nigh proved a disaster, it having been detailed to hold a bridge over Stony Creek. When it was discovered that the cavalry line was unable to hold its ground, Colonel Forsythe, of Sheridan’s staff ordered the Twenty-first to throw up a line of works across the road, in rear of the court-house, and said, with emphasis, ‘This must be held at all hazards until morning, when the Fifth Corps will be up.’ Fortunately the rebels did not follow up their advantage, and the regiment was undisturbed during the night. The Second Brigade was only partially engaged at Five Forks, it being posted to prevent any flanking attacks on the left. On the 5th of April the Second Division struck the rebel wagon train and captured a battery, destroyed two hundred wagons, and brought in some nine hundred mules. The First Brigade made the captures, while the Second and Third did most of the fighting. Out of two hundred and thirty-four engaged, the Twenty-first lost ninety-eight in killed, wounded, and missing in less than half an hour. On the next day the regiment was in the fight at Sailor’s Creek, capturing a number of prisoners. On the 7th the brigade had a sharp, and in a measure disastrous, fight at Farmville, in which General Gregg was captured, and the regiment sustained some loss, mostly prisoners. At daylight on the 9th the brigade, under Colonel Young, of the Fourth, was thrown across the main road to Lynchburg, upon which the rebel army was retreating, and had some sharp work, contesting the ground in front while Rosser’s Rebel Cavalry hung upon its rear. Finally, the Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth corps came up, and the division turned upon Rosser, who was driven nearly a mile, when he made a determined stand, and preparations were made to charge him in force. The Third Brigade had the center, and the Twenty-first led on the main Lynchburg road. At the sound of the bugle the regiment dashed forward, driving in the rebel skirmish line; but by the time his main force was reached, it was discovered that the regiment was entirely unsupported, and fearfully exposed to capture. A precipitate retreat was made, in which some prisoners were lost. On its way back it was greeted with the glad tidings that Lee had surrendered, the other brigades having received the intelligence just as the Twenty-first went forward.”

From Appomattox Court House the command marched back to Burkesville, and shortly after to Petersburg. It had been but a few days in camp when Sheridan moved with his entire cavalry corps for North Carolina. Upon his arrival at the Dan River, learning that General Johnston had surrendered, he turned back, and retired again to Petersburg. Thereafter the brigade of which the regiment formed part was sent to Lynchburg, and a detachment to Danville, where provost duty was performed until about the middle of June, when the Twenty-first was concentrated at Lynchburg. Here on the 8th day of July it was mustered out of service.

As will be noticed, the active duty of the regiment really commenced on the first day of June, 1864, at Cold Harbor, and virtually ended on the 9th of April, 1865, at Appomattox Court House, a period of a little more than ten months. In that time it had three field officers severely wounded, one staff officer slightly wounded; one died of disease, and one was discharged to accept promotion in the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania. Of the line officers, four were killed in battle or mortally wounded, ten were wounded, and four were captured. Of the enlisted men, one hundred and forty-seven were killed in battle or died of disease, and two hundred and fifty-three were wounded.

The following list embraces the names of the Warren county men who joined the regiment for a term of six months, in July, 1863. Those shown as transferred were men who, after serving six months, re-enlisted to serve in the same regiment for a term of three years:


First Lieutenant George F. Cooke, transferred to Company H February 20, 1864; promoted to captain Company H May 11, 1864; wounded at Boydton Plank Road; mustered out with company July 8, 1865.

Second Lieutenant Warren M. Foster, mustered out with company February 20, 1864.

First Sergeant Albert R. Griffith, mustered out with company February 20, 1864.

Quartermaster-Sergeant Calvin B. Starrett, mustered out with company February 20, 1864.

Commissary-Sergeant Robert A. Falconer, mustered out with company February 20, 1864.

Sergeant Henry S. Thomas, mustered out with company February 20, 1864.

Sergeant John A. Akin, mustered out with company February 20, 1864.

Sergeant William M. Gibson, mustered out with company February 20, 1864.

Sergeant William T. Allison, transferred to company E January 26, 1864; mustered out as sergeant July 8, 1865.

Sergeant Charles E. Pettis, transferred to Company E January 26, 1864; promoted to second lieutenant Company C September 1, 1864; to first lieutenant April 5, 1865; mustered out with company July 8, 1865.

Corporal Romyan Horner, mustered out with company February 20, 1864.

Corporal Mason S. Cogswell, mustered out with company February 20, 1864.

Corporal Augustus N. Jones, mustered out with company February 20, 1864.

Corporal Reuben Barrett, mustered out with company February 20, 1864.

Corporal Henry Gates, mustered out with company February 20, 1864.

Corporal Luman White, mustered out with company February 20, 1864.

Corporal Levi Hare, mustered out with company February 20, 1864.

Corporal Oscar F. Bowers, transferred to Company E January 26, 1864; died October 28 of wounds received at Boydton Plank Road October 27, 1864.

Bugler George F. Lidy, mustered out with company February 20, 1864.

Blacksmith Matthias Amann, mustered out with company February 20, 1864.

Farrier James Dunn, mustered out with company February 20, 1864.


Smith N. Brown, mustered out with company February 20, 1864.

James Bump, mustered out with company February 20, 1864.

David O. Babbitt, mustered out with company February 20, 1864.

William C. Baker, transferred to Company E February 20, 1864; mustered out with company July 8, 1865.

William A. Billings, transferred to Company H February 20, 1864.

Dana L. Bean, transferred to Company E January 26, 1864; mustered out with company July 8, 1865.

Marion H. Baker, transferred to Company E February 20, 1864; died at City Point, Va., June 26, of wounds received at Petersburg June 19, 1864.

Thomas A. Blanchard, transferred to Company E January 26, 1864; promoted to sergeant February 20, 1864; to commissary-sergeant September 1, 1864; commissioned first lieutenant June 9, 1865, not mustered; mustered out as commissary-sergeant July 8, 1865.

Joseph Caughlin, mustered out with company February 20, 1864.

John Caughlin, mustered out with company February 20, 1864.

Henry L. Chapel, transferred to Company E January 26, 1864; mustered out with company July 8, 1865.

Samuel Eicles, mustered out with company February 20, 1864.

Peter Fertig, transferred to Company E January 26, 1864; promoted to sergeant June 30, 1864; mustered out with company July 8, 1865.

Winfield Harris, mustered out with company February 20, 1864.

James W. Hinton, transferred to Company E January 26, 1864; mustered out with company July 8, 1865.

Asa L. Phillips, mustered out with company February 20, 1864.

Joseph Pentz, mustered out with company February 20, 1864.

De Forest Pratt, transferred to Company E January 26, 1864; died June 20 of wounds received at Bethesda Church, Va., June 2, 1864.

George W. Roper, mustered out with company February 20, 1864.

Adelbert Reeves, transferred to Company I February 20, 1864.

Charles J. Samuelson, mustered out with company February 20, 1864.

George W. Steele, mustered out with company February 20, 1864.

Elijah Shepard, mustered out with company February 20, 1864.

James Smith, mustered out with company February 20, 1864.

John Z. Walling, mustered out with company February 20, 1864.

Harmon Way, transferred to Company I February 20, 1864; killed at Boydton Plank Road, Va., October 27, 1864.

Charles R. Youngs, mustered out with company February 20, 1864.


This regiment was recruited in compliance with the call of Governor Curtin, to serve for one hundred days, upon the occasion of the raid made by the rebel cavalryman, Harry Gilmore, upon the railroads leading into Baltimore, in July, 1864. Company E was from Lawrence county, and a part of company I from Warren. The remaining companies were recruited at Pittsburgh, and were from Allegheny county. They rendezvoused at Camp Howe, near Pittsburgh, where a regimental organization was effected on the 19th of July, with the following field officers: John B. Clark, colonel; James W. Ballentine, lieutenant-colonel; Horatio K. Tyler, major.

Soon after its organization it proceeded to Baltimore, and for two weeks was encamped at Mankin’s Woods, where it formed part of a brigade commanded by Colonel Nagle, and was thoroughly drilled. On the 10th of August Company B was ordered to Wilmington, Del., for the performance of provost duty, and Colonel Clark was directed to station the remaining companies to guard the bridges on the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad, with headquarters at Havre-de-Grace, which was promptly executed. About three weeks after this disposition had been made, Colonel Clark was ordered to turn over his command to Lieutenant-Colonel Ballentine, and proceed with Companies A, F, D, and I to Wilmington, and take command of the district. This he proceeded to do, and placing the companies which he had taken with him in camp, made details from them daily, for various service, as the exigencies of his duty as commandant of the district required. This disposition remained unchanged until after the expiration of the term of service, when the command assembled at Baltimore, and thence proceeded to Pittsburgh, where on the 9th of November it was mustered out of service. Before leaving the field, however, Captain McMunn, of Company A, secured the re-enlistment of a considerable number of men from the several companies to serve during the war, who, upon their arrival at Baltimore, were distributed according to their preferences among cavalry and infantry regiments then serving at the front.

Of the Warren county men who served in Company I, Captain George J. Whitney is the only one whose name has been ascertained.


This command was composed of men recruited for a term of one year in the counties of Crawford, Jefferson, McKean, Mercer, Erie, Warren, and Westmoreland. Thus Company A in Crawford, B in Jefferson, C in McKean and Jefferson, D in Mercer, F in Erie, G in Warren, and E, H, I, and K in Westmoreland. The companies assembled at Camp Reynolds, near Pittsburgh, where, on the 16th of September, 1864, a regimental organization was effected, with the following field officers: James H. Trimble, colonel; Levi A. Dodd, lieutenant-colonel; Augustus A. Mechling, major.

Soon after its organization it moved to the front, and on the 20th was placed in the intrenchments at Bermuda Hundred, where it was incorporated with a provisional brigade in the Army of the James. It had scarcely reached its position when it was ordered to mount the parapets, in full view of, and in point blank range of, the enemy’s guns. The sudden appearance of the long lines of men upon the sand-bags, of which the works were constructed, attracted his attention, and he immediately opened upon them with his batteries. Two men of Company F were instantly killed by a shell. The object of thus exposing the command was to divert attention from the storming party, which was about to move upon Fort Harrison and which gallantly carried that work.

The picket line, which the regiment was required to hold, extended from the James River on the right, opposite Dutch Gap, through a dense pine wood to an open space where was the regimental encampment. This space, a fourth of a mile in width, had been cleared of timber by converting it into an impenetrable slashing, over which an unobstructed view of the enemy was obtained. The line after leaving the river was nearly straight until it reached this slashing, where it made an abrupt bend, leaving the apex of the angle close to the enemy’s line. At this point many rebel deserters came into the Union lines. So common had this practice become that it was proving a serious drain upon the rebel strength; so much so that General Pickett, who was in command, determined to stop it. The most friendly relations had existed between the opposing picket lines, the men frequently meeting for social conference and barter. But on the night of the 17th of November, quietly massing a picked body of men, the rebel leader suddenly burst upon the Union pickets, and before they could rally, or supports could come to their aid, captured fifty-four of their number, seized this projecting angle, and before morning had built a redoubt and so strengthened his lines that General Grant, after a careful survey of the ground, deemed it inexpedient to attempt to retake it. This was the end of the truce on the part of the pickets, hostilities never ceasing afterwards for an instant; and so long as the regiment remained on that line the men were obliged to hug the breastworks, or lie close in the bomb-proofs.

On the 27th of November the Two Hundred and Eleventh, with other Pennsylvania regiments with which it had been brigaded, was relieved by a brigade of colored troops, and was ordered to join the Army of the Potomac on the south side of the Appomattox. These regiments were subsequently organized into a division which became the Third of the Ninth Corps, to the command of which General Hartranft was assigned, the Two Hundred and Eleventh, Two Hundred and Fifth, and Two Hundred and Seventh, under command of Colonel Matthews, forming the Second Brigade. During the winter the regiment was thoroughly drilled, and made occasional expeditions with other troops of the corps, but without becoming engaged, though a considerable amount of fortifying was done in the movement upon Hatcher’s Run, and the troops were there held in momentary expectation of bloody work.

Before the opening of the spring campaign Colonel Trimble resigned, and was succeeded by Lieutenant-Colonel Dodd. The camp of the regiment was located midway between Fort Howard and Fort Alexander Hays, on the Army Line Railroad, to the extreme left of the division, which was posted in rear of, and acted as a support to, the Ninth Corps line. At the moment when this line was broken at Fort Steadman, at early dawn on the morning of the 25th of March, 1865, and the fort and a considerable portion of the line was captured, the Two Hundred and Eleventh was resting in its camp, nearly four miles away. The colonel and major were absent, and the lieutenant-colonel was sick in hospital. The command consequently devolved on Captain William A. Coulter. It was quickly summoned to the scene of disaster, and, marching rapidly, reached division headquarters at half-past six A.M. With little delay it was led, by order of General Hartranft, to the high open ground about Meade Station, just in rear of Fort Steadman, where it was formed and awaited the order to charge. The other regiments of the division, which were all nearer the scene of conflict than this, had been gathered in, and having checked the enemy’s advance, were holding him at bay. A strong line had been formed around the fatal break, and the best possible disposition of the division for strength and efficiency had been made.

General Hartranft felt satisfied that the enemy could make no further advance, and that by a united assault his division could retake the captured works. His plan of attack was most ingenious. He already had five of his regiments posted in the immediate front, advantageously formed for a dash upon the enemy, who was swarming upon the fort, the covered ways, and the bomb-proofs. The Two Hundred and Eleventh was a mile away, but on high, open ground. It was a large regiment, and if put in motion drawn out in line, would instantly attract the attention of the foe, and, as he believed, would draw the fire of his artillery upon it. His other regiments, thus relieved from peril, could rush upon and overpower him. He accordingly sent word to their commanders to hold themselves in readiness to charge in fifteen minutes, and the signal to start should be the forward movement of the Two Hundred and Eleventh, which was in full view of them all. The general determined to lead this regiment in person, and, though he expected that it would be sacrificed by the fire which the enemy could instantly bring to bear upon it, he was ready to share its perils, in order that his division might be victorious. The regiment was formed with nearly six hundred muskets in line, and put in motion. In the most perfect order it moved forward; but, contrary to the expectation of Hartranft, the enemy, at sight of the advance of this single regiment, instead of turning all his guns upon it, began to waver, and when the combined forces of the division rushed forward, he had little heart to offer opposition, and the fort, guns, small arms, and many prisoners were speedily taken. At the moment when all the plans had been perfected, and the columns were upon the point of moving, General Hartranft received an order from General Parke, in command of the corps, not to attempt to retake the fort until reinforcements from the Sixth Corps, which were on their way to his support, should arrive. But the order to move had already gone forth, and it could not be safely recalled. He therefore decided that it was better to disregard than to obey orders, and when the moment came, dashed forward with his men, winning an easy victory.

Great activity all along the Union lines was soon after inaugurated, and on the night of the 30th preparations were made by the division to assault. It was, however, deferred until the morning of the 2d of April. At a little before midnight of the 1st the regiment moved to the camp of the Two Hundred and Seventh, where it remained until half-past three of the following morning. It then moved to the front, passing around the right of Fort Sedgwick, and was formed with the brigade in column by regiments, the left resting on the Jerusalem Plank Road, the First Brigade standing in like formation just in the rear. A strong force of pioneers was detailed from the leading brigade, well provided with axes and spades, all under command of Lieutenant Alexander of the Two Hundred and Eleventh. When all was in readiness, the word to advance was given. The pioneers, closely followed by the division in close column, and joined on the right and left by other troops of the corps, went forward, and a few moments later the heavy blows of the ax-men upon the well-adjusted abatis and chevaux-de-frise were heard. The work of destruction was scarcely begun, however, when a fearful discharge of grape and canister was brought to bear upon them, before which the stoutest heart might quail. But closing up where their ranks were swept away, they soon broke the obstructions, and, assisted by the ready hands of the troops which followed, made an ample opening for the advance of the column. With a rush, the ground in front of the rebel works was passed over, and pushing up the steep and slippery sides of the forts, the troops were soon in complete possession, the enemy either captives or in full retreat, and the rebel main line of works, from a short distance beyond the Jerusalem Plank Road on the left to a point four hundred yards to its right, was triumphantly carried and held by the division. The guns were immediately turned upon the foe, and with his own ammunition, death and destruction was dealt upon him. Though not without a fierce struggle was the ground held, for the enemy, intent on regaining his lost position, made repeated charges. But hastily throwing up lunets for the protection of the gunners, and rifle-pits for the infantry, the division succeeded in repulsing every assault. But this signal victory was not gained without great loss. Of the Two Hundred and Eleventh, four officers and seventeen enlisted men were killed, four officers and eighty-nine men wounded, and twenty-one missing; an aggregate of one hundred and thirty-five. Few more desperate assaults, and none more successful, were delivered during the war than this.

During the following night the enemy quietly withdrew from the front, and evacuating the city under cover of darkness, retreated rapidly. The division entered on the following morning with little opposition. The Two Hundred and Eleventh was immediately ordered forward to the Appomattox, to picket the river bank. The railroad bridge and foot bridge were both found on fire. By vigorous efforts the former was saved and part of the latter. Towards noon the regiment marched back to camp. The remainder of its history is quickly told, for hostile operations were now at an end. It followed along the South Side Railroad in charge of trains until it reached Nottoway Court House, where news was received of the surrender of Lee’s army, and where it remained until the 20th, and then proceeded via City Point to Alexandria. Here it encamped, and here, on the 2d of June, it was mustered out of service.

The members of Company G, the Warren county company, were as follows: We will here explain, however, that there are no muster-out rolls of this and several other companies of the regiment on file at the adjutant-general’s office of the State, consequently the record of the individual members cannot be shown.

Captain, Arial D. Frank; first lieutenant, David B. Peck; first sergeant, William D. Johnson; sergeants, Joel R. Gardner, Perry L. Brooks, William A. Stewart, William Weld; corporals, William Jewell, Henry S. Thomas, wounded at Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865, discharged by general order May 23, 1865; Hall A. Turrell, William A. Younie, Dwight W. Buel, Aaron M. Jones, Daniel P. Porter, John Russell; privates, J.P. Aylesworth, Thomas Allen, George W. Allen, James F. Aikley, Charles C. Abbott, Cyrus Arters, William A. Billings, George A. Baker, John C. Brailey, William W. Briggs, Allen S. Briggs, J.L. Burroughs, John O. Baker, Levi F. Brown, wounded at Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865; Jared F. Bartlett, wounded at Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865; Reuben Barrett, David Bump, Joseph F. Babcock, wounded at Fort Steadman March 25, 1865; William Chandler, George W. Cooke, George W. Cogswell, Thomas Cooper, Green Clark, jr., John P. Enos, wounded at Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865; Levi L. Everett, Samuel H. Fisher, wounded at Petersburg, Va., April, 2, 1865; Delos Franklin, wounded at Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865; Darius Fulkerson, Thomas Fulkerson, George Fox, David W. Gibson, Arthur W. Gregg, wounded at Fort Steadman, Va., March 25, 1865; William Gibson, John C. Hatton, A.T. Hackney, Jonathan Hall, Nelson B. Herrick, Darius D. Hamlin, John R. Howard, Calvin Johnson, George Jones, Levi Jones, Lorenzo Kastator, died April 16 of wounds received at Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865; John Knupp, George A. Lanning, Robert Love, John P. Lawson, Ludewick Loveland, James Mair, James Mathers, Samuel Mentell, Orrin D. Madison, Eugene McKinney, Andrew H. McLane, Edward J. McKee, Alonzo Nesmith, Henry Pilling, Andrew J. Parker, James O. Parmlee, Joseph H. Reynolds, Seth W. Rowley, Asa Rounds, wounded at Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865; Thaddeus Reig, Ferdinand W. Sterrett, wounded at Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865; Frank Stephenson, Melvin Sharp, Marshall Stanton, Samuel Smith, James A. Smith, James F.B. Shattuck, wounded at Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865, died, date unknown; Mortimer Stanford, Myron Sturdevant, Thomas Strickland, James M. Tabor, George E. Tuttle, Samuel Vredenburg, wounded at Petersburg, April 2, 1865; Jefferson P. Vansile, T.J. Widdifield, Charles A. Waters, wounded at Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865; Martin T. Wetmore, wounded at Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865; Anson R. Whitney, Squire Weld, Franklin C. Wade, wounded at Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865; Augustus B. Wade, George W. Weaver.


This company was recruited in Warren county, in the summer of 1862, for the One Hundred and Forty-fifth Regiment; but before reaching the camp of this regiment at Erie, the requisite number of companies had been accepted. It was accordingly mustered into service as an independent company, under Captain DeWitt C. James, on the 4th of September, and immediately proceeded to Harrisburg. It was promptly armed, and sent forward into the Cumberland Valley with a provisional battalion, the rebel army being at this time in Maryland, and threatening an invasion of the State. While the battle of Antietam was in progress on the 10th and 17th, the company was posted on picket across the valley near the State line, where it remained some ten days, picking up during that time one hundred and fifty rebel stragglers. Towards the close of the month it returned to Harrisburg, where Captain James was made provost marshal of the city, and the company was employed in provost duty, under the direction of Captain W.B. Lane, chief mustering and recruiting officer, being chiefly engaged in arresting deserters in the counties of Dauphin, Lebanon, Lancaster, Cumberland, Franklin, and Fulton. On the 2d of February, 1863, Second Lieutenant Eben N. Ford was mortally wounded while attempting to arrest a deserter in Fulton county, Pa.

On the 20th of March the company was transferred to Washington, D.C., where it performed provost duty until the 13th of May, when it was sent to Alexandria, under command of Lieutenant George W. McPherson, and was attached to Independent Battery H, Captain Borrowe. When the rebel General Early made his demonstration upon Washington in July, 1864, this company was ordered to the front, and posted on the picket line. In September, 1864, it was relieved from duty with the battery, and was assigned to guard duty at the military prisons in Alexandria. While engaged in this service about ten thousand persons, who had been arrested as deserters, were conducted to the front by this single company. In March, 1865, Captain James was appointed an additional paymaster, and was confirmed by the Senate on the 6th of April, his commission dating April 14, being the last one signed by President Lincoln. The company was mustered out of service at Harrisburg on the 20th of July, 1865. Its members were as follows:

Captains, De Witt C. James, resigned March 1, 1865; Sylvester H. Davis, mustered out with company. First lieutenants, Sylvester H. Davis, promoted to captain; George W. McPherson, mustered out with company. Second lieutenants, Eben N. Ford, died at McConnellsburg, Pa., February 13, of wounds received in attempting to arrest a deserter February 2, 1863; Amos E. Goodrich, mustered out with company. First sergeants, Robert Illingsworth, mustered out with company; Stacy W. Cogswell, discharged June 7, 1865; Morris W. Gibbs, promoted to second lieutenant, Independent Battery H, Pennsylvania Artillery, July 22, 1864. Sergeants, James Maloney, Joseph Longsdorff, John Landers, Hiram P. Belknap, James H. Cole, Rasselas D. Moore, S.E. Orr, promoted to second lieutenant, United States Signal Corps, October 6, 1864. Corporals, George C. White, John Goheen, Oliver W. Yundt, Jerome Davis, Jacob W. Tomes, William K. Harmon, John W. Flatt, Leroy S. Strong, Lewis J. Kinnear, John E. Lyle, Amariah Cook, Lewis Hidecker. Privates, John W. Amlong, Delos M. Ackley, Lorenzo D. Allen, William H. Burger, David I. Ball, Philip Biglar, James Brown, William Bell, jr., Orange C. Babcock, Merritt Babcock, Edwin R. Bumpus, James Black, John Clark, Peter Campbell, James H. Carr, John Conners, John Carr, Thomas Covell, George Currie, James Coulter, Patrick Dillon, John Fitzeimmings, Samuel Filer, Oscar Fox, Nelson O. Fenton, Wallace L. Filer, Samuel Golden, William Godfrey, John W. Groover, Ira A. Goodrich, Lester Graham, Charles Hotelling, Richard C. Hunter, Clarence C. Hull, William H. Harrison, George W. Hoffman, William Irvine, George Joy, Henry T. Jones, Charles Keenan, William Kennedy, C.S. Kirkpatrick, Alexander Kitchen, William Kline, Isaac F. Loveless, Richard Logan, Thomas Lay, William Littlefield, Daniel Lash, Loren Labree, George Loffenberger, John W. Lytle, Matthias E. Lesser, George W. Lucket, Joseph D. Magee, John Murphy, Sylvanus Martin, Lyman Martin, John W. Mead, Cyrus Moore, George C. Morrison, William H. Morrison, Jacob Morrison, Samuel Maffett, Owen Mix, John Merchant, Michael McFarland, Robert McCutcheon, William McKinney, Isaac McCurdy, William McKee, Walter S. Page, William H. Pickett, Augustus Patterson, George W. Rider, Samuel E. Rider, Peter Staub, Edward Sanders, Irvine Siggins, Miles Swartzwalter, Henry Sanborn, Jacob Shuler, Lewis Sterling, John Sweeting, William R. Sweeting, James S. Smeadley, Calvin Stoddard, Alonzo Stevenson, Jacob Trushel, Robert Till, Samuel P. Walker, George W. Winfield, William H. York, William Zibble.


During the excitement attendant upon the rebel invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania in 1862, and 1863, great numbers of Pennsylvanians were called out for short terms of service. They were termed militia or emergency men, though mustered into the service of the general government. One of these companies was recruited in Warren, county. Its members (who were mustered into service August 28, 1862, and discharged June 5, 1863) were as follows:

Captain, Charles E. Baldwin; first lieutenant, Jacob J. Dennison; second lieutenant, Julius L. Burroughs (discharged February 22, 1863); first sergeant, Walter Scott; sergeants Melvin P. Sharp, Simeon Trim, Orrin L. Davis, George A. Parkeson; corporals, Charles Whaley, Ezra King, Thomas W. Allison, James A. Morton, Isaac Gordon, Myron R. Wickwire, Charles B. Hamlin, Conrad Rowland; musicians, John B. Kelley, German L. Kelley; privates, John A. Akin, James Broderick, Whitman Burdick, Plympton Babcock, Jerome T. Babcock, William Bartlett, Perry L. Brooks, Odell Baker, Charles S. Black, Timothy Brown, James F. Brander (died at Harrisburg, Pa., December 28, 1862), Albert Belden, Willard Clark, William B. Campbell, William Chase, John Dunham, Bradford Darling, James Elderkin, Oliver C. Elderkin, Abram P. Eddington, Richard A. Follett, Joseph D. Gray, William A. Gordon, Jonathan N. Gordon, George W. Gordon, Zacheus E.D. Greeley, Dennis Greene, Benjamin Hutchinson, Franklin P. Hull, John H. Hayes, James H. Hewet, James Hayes, George F. Hall, Loren L. Hills, Henry Holmes, Charles Hinsdale, Grant Johnson, Charles J. Johnson, Christopher C. Kelts, William H. King, John Lawson, John A. Luce, George A. Lanning, James H. Lobdell, John W. Montegue, jr., Gilbert D. Mandeville, Joseph C. Montegue, Gifford F. Mandeville, Willard Moffit, Luther R. McDowell, Ira Nichols, Thomas Oviat, Lucius Perkins, William Pierce, Amos Peck, James Phillis, Michael Roland, Solomon A. Robinson, Murray Raymond, William Robinson, Stephen Ragan, Aaron Randall, Silas S. Robinson (died at Harrisburg, Pa., January 18, 1863), William A. Stewart, William F. Stewart, Alonzo R. Scott, Charles O. Smith, Nathaniel Sweet, Andrew Smith, William H. Stewart, Henry Smith, Warren W. Spencer, Hugh W. Sample, William Sharp (died at Harrisburg, Pa., October 24, 1862), Jeremiah G. Titcomb, Elphanan W. Tubbs, Ezra Tubbs, Job Whipple, Ashbel H. Whilden, Charles H. Whilden, Carlton F. Waid, Erastus B. Whaley, Martin T. Wetmore.

SOURCE: Page(s) 238-252, History of Warren County, J.S. Schenck & W.S. Rann, Syracuse, New York: D. Mason, 1887

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