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…bringing our past into the future

History of Warren County, Chapter 27


Dec 6, 2008



A Description of Warren’s First Printer and Publisher – The Conewango Emigrant – Its First Editor – Interesting Details – The Warren Gazette – Its Editors, Publishers, etc. – Voice of the People – The Union – Warren Bulletin – Democratic Advocate – Warren Standard – Warren Ledger – People’s Monitor – Warren Mail – Youngsville Express – Tidioute Publications – Warren Mirror – Clarendon Record – Evening Paragraph – Sugar Grove News – Bear Lake Record.

EARLY in the summer of 1824 a stranger, unheralded and alone, made his advent into the sparsely built up, yet ambitious little town of Warren (composed as it then was only of log cabins and low frame buildings scattered here and there), and announced to the somewhat astonished inhabitants that he was a printer by occupation, and that it was his purpose to establish a newspaper in their midst. His appearance was exceptional, to say the least, and, since he attained fame, but not riches, as the first printer and publisher to locate in the county, deserves a brief description. A native of the North of Ireland, or in other words a Scotch-Irishman, and apparently about thirty years of age, his erect, well-proportioned figure of more than medium size was clad in a threadbare suit, of which a long swallow-tailed coat and home-made pants (cut with an eye to keeping the bottoms out of the mud, unless the mud were six inches in depth), were the most conspicuous garments. A heavy growth of red, or carroty-colored, hair curled outward beneath the narrow brim of a hat long worn, while upon his face deep, thickly-pitted marks of the ravages of small-pox, and a profusion of freckles disputed for possession. Of his eyes, so changable were their hue, none could determine their color, but all were unanimous in the opinion that they ever had an appealing look, as if continually asking for help. Need we add, his name was Richard Hill, a former resident of Mercer county, Pa.

The nearest printing establishments were then at Franklin and Meadville, and about the only newspapers in circulation here were the Venango Democrat, issued at Franklin, and the Herald and Crawford Messenger, printed at Meadville. Therefore, although to this time no one in Warren had hardly thought of starting a newspaper, Hill’s proposition was well received, and, after a brief discussion of the project, his forbidding appearance was overlooked by the desire of having a home printing-office put in operation as soon as possible. The few business men of the place enlisted themselves in the enterprise and succeeded in procuring some two hundred subscribers. Soon after, Hill brought on his family, and a press* which bore marks of antiquity, and moved into the house built by Robert Arthur, then in an unfinished state. There he went to work. His rickety press was made to keep its place so that he could use it by spiking one end of a plank on each corner, and the other end to the joist above.

The first number of Hill’s paper, the Conewango Emigrant, was dated July 24, 1824. In form and size it was a folio of twelve by eighteen inches. It was Jacksonian in its political tendencies, but treated John Quincy Adams with fairness. Among other things, the initial number contained an account of the trial of Jacob Hook at the previous June term of the Warren County Court, taken from the New York Censor. The paper on which it was printed was made before the art of taking the color from blue rags was brought into use, and consequently partook deeply of that color. Andrew W. Morrison was announced as the editor, and the prospectus shown in soliciting subscriptions, as well as the first address to the Emigrant’s patrons, were from his pen.

As he (Morrison) was the one who advised Hill to locate in Warren, he also deserves a passing notice. Morrison had been a sojourner in this country of pine woods and buckwheat cakes some years previously, and taught a district school at the “Dam,” now Russellburg, as early as the winter of 1816-17. He was a fellow countryman of Hill’s, though in no other way at all similar. He was then a young man of genteel appearance, pleasing in his manners, and of winning address. At the close of his school he had an exhibition – the first school exhibition in fact to take place in the county. There being no large room at the “Dam,” except Captain Slone’s bar-room, this then grand affair came off in an upper room of Daniel Jackson’s tavern in the town of Warren. Morrison taught a good school and conducted himself with the strictest propriety while teaching. But after he had received pay for his services as a teacher, he proceeded to Warren and indulged heavily in what he probably had not been unused to before, strong drink. During this carousal he was seen one day mounted on an Indian pony behind a young squaw of the Seneca tribe, bare headed and in his shirt sleeves, riding back and forth from Dunn’s and Jackson’s taverns, ordering whiskey to be brought out to treat himself and the squaw each time that he stopped. After spending a week or more in debauchery, his money became exhausted and he started down the river. From that time no more was heard of Morrison at Warren until his name appeared upon Hill’s prospectus as the proposed editor of the Conewango Emigrant.

It seems that during the years intervening from 1817, he had read law in Mercer county, been admitted to the bar, and married a wife. It was now his purpose to come here with Hill, edit the Emigrant and practice law. He was admitted to practice in the courts of Warren county September 2, 1824, which indicates about the time of his arrival, for it is remembered that he did not come until after Hill had been here for several weeks. Prudently, as it would seem, he left his wife in Mercer county. As a law practitioner, however, he met with but little success. Thereupon, for old acquaintance sake, Lansing Wetmore, esq., the prothonotary, who had met him years before while he was teaching at the “Dam,” gave him employment in his office. But it was all to no purpose, for though Morrison wrote fluently a beautiful hand, the fell destroyer – intemperance – had done its work; he could not resist the temptation of drinking. Hence, after a stay of only a few months he again disappeared, and was never more seen in Warren.

After Morrison’s departure Hill applied to A, B, and C, for assistance in the editorial department. Although a pretty good type-setter, and showing some taste in his selections from books and exchanges, he could scarcely write a sentence grammatically, or one that would convey a distinct idea of what he wished to explain or illustrate. He worked on in dirt and poverty nearly two years, finally changing the name of his paper to that of the Warren Courier. It was of no use, however, for matters were drawing to a crisis. Of a jealous disposition, he would without any just cause turn against and abuse his best friends. He would publish any thing for money, and for a very small sum too. No matter how scurrilous, if a communication was accompanied with a dollar, or the promise of it, it would appear in his columns. Among other articles of this character was one in the form of an advertisement, signed by “Naper Tandy.” Naper said that he had commenced the business of tanning in Sugar Grove township, about two miles north of John I. Willson’s tavern (which would be about a mile north of the State line), where he was ready to tan all kinds of hides on the shortest notice – especially carroty-colored hides from Hibernia’s Isle. He directed Hill to insert three times and send his bill. This, with like abusive notices, together with his own editorial work, when he could get no one else to write, brought his paper into contempt and ridicule. As a result it ceased to exist; died of starvation in fact in less than two years from the date of its establishment. Hill then returned to Mercer county, taking his venerable press (which may have been historic, the veritable Franklin instrument of torture) and other material along.

Foreseeing the inevitable fate of the Emigrant, and deeming it important for the character and welfare of the county that a reputable newspaper should be published in it, Archibald Tanner and Lansing Wetmore purchased a new press and other requisite material, engaged Morgan Bates to attend to the mechanical part of the work, and about the time Hill’s paper ceased to exist, the Warren Gazette made its appearance. The first number of the Gazette published by Morgan Bates, for Tanner & Wetmore, proprietors, was dated February 18, 1826. It continued under their control about three years – the last number being issued March 4, 1829 – the day that Andrew Jackson took his seat as president of the United States. Thomas Clemons, who was the publisher at this time, thus quaintly announced the event: “This day John Q. Adams and I are both tipped overboard – ‘How we apples swim.’”

Bates had removed to Jamestown, N.Y., in the spring of 1828, where he published the Chautauqua Republican, which was established to promote the election of Jackson, and had a large circulation in Warren county. The Gazette supported Adams, and Mr. Clemons, who had been an assistant in the office under Bates, continued its publication after the departure of the latter, until it passed out of the hands of Tanner & Wetmore. We will here explain, also, that the junior member of the firm (Wetmore) officiated as editor-in-chief during the three years of their proprietorship.

Bates was a genial, good-hearted fellow, always ready for a frolic, generous to a fault, and impulsive. Money never burdened his pockets a great while at a time. Lacking discretion, however, he would say and do things which frequently brought him into trouble. As the editor, and ostensible proprietor of a then large newspaper (the Chautauqua Republican), he seemed to feel the importance of his new position, and to look back on his situation in the Gazette office with disdain. In a political way he commenced upon the Gazette people, through his paper, in manner and language which was considered indecorous, and was told so. This brought forth from him a prompt and rather insolent reply. Thus began a war of words (common among editors during those days, however,) which was continued for many weeks, when such epithets as scoundrel, liar, knave, etc., were pretty freely indulged in. The last article in the Gazette was answered by the service of a writ for slander. The suit was continued from term to term until after the election, when it was withdrawn by Bates at his own costs. He also embraced the opportunity at that time, or soon afterward, of resuming friendly relations with his old friends of the Gazette. After leaving Jamestown he experienced a variety of fortunes, some prosperous and some adverse. In 1835 he was foreman in the office of the New Yorker, the first paper published by Horace Greeley. He afterwards published the Detroit Advertiser, in company with that prince of early editors, Dawson, of the Rochester Democrat. They published the Advertiser during the time the Whigs were in power, and did the printing for the State. He visited Warren at about that time and displayed a large amount of Michigan State scrip, which he had received in pay for State printing. He was afterwards a commission merchant in Detroit. The last heard of him he was on his way to California by way of Cape Horn.

In March, 1829, the Gazette establishment was transferred to the proprietorship of Parker C. and Samuel A. Purviance. The former was a printer, the latter a lawyer. They published it about a year together, when Samuel A. withdrew. It was continued by Parker C. for some months after, when, like its predecessor, it suspended for want of support. Both Parker C. and Samuel A. Purviance were men of talent, particularly the latter, and the paper while under their management was conducted with signal ability. Both returned to Butler county, where Samuel attained a high standing at the bar. The course they pursued in politics, for they were zealous, untiring Whig partisans, caused the Democratic party to start a paper of their own.

Accordingly, in November, 1829, the first number of the Voice of the People was issued by Thomas Clemons and William A. Olney. It continued under their control about two years, when Clemons withdrew. Thereafter Olney kept up its publication until his death, which occurred in October, 1835. After Olney’s demise Charles B. Cotter assumed control, but he proved to be rather a weak brother of the “art preservative,” and after a few more weeks or months of tribulation its voice was hushed forever.

About 1830 J.B. Hyde, jr., began the publication of a paper termed The Union. It advocated the cause of anti-Masonry. Mr. Hyde was a young man of fair talents, quiet and retiring in his manners, and honorable in his dealings. He published the paper about two years, when he died, a victim to close confinement and intense application to business.

The first number of the Warren Bulletin, the successor of the Voice of the People as a Democratic organ, was issued May 11, 1836, by Norris W. Goodrich. It was moderately Democratic – usually candid and respectful in its treatment of political opponents. It was continued about three years, when Goodrich, having concluded to apply himself to the practice of law, ceased his labors as a newspaper man and retired. He was admitted to the bar in 1840, and subsequently became a well-known attorney in McKean county. Goodrich’s paper was immediately succeeded, from the same office, by the Democratic Advocate, edited by a certain Quincy Adams Johnson, a pretentious fellow who brought good certificates but poor qualifications. He continued the paper about eight months, grossly imposed on his party friends, got badly in debt, and finally left both paper and debts to take care of themselves. The Advocate was continued during the exciting campaign of 1840 by Mr. J.B. Wilson, of Cincinnati, procured for that purpose, who left soon after the presidential election. Thomas Clemons, who always stood in readiness to lend a helping hand in case of a Democratic emergency, then took charge of it as editor, and continued its publication until some time in 1842, when he transferred his interests to S.J. Goodrich and T.T. Wilson. In the spring of 1843 Wilson withdrew and left Goodrich sole proprietor. He continued its publication about a year and then sold half his interest to J.Y. James, and the Advocate was continued in charge of James & Goodrich a few months, when the latter transferred the balance of his interest to J.D. James. Under the pilotage of J.Y. and J.D. James, the Democratic Advocate was continued during the years 1845-46 and until March of 1847, when it ran aground, and the office and material passed again into the hands of S.J. Goodrich. He changed its name to the Warren Standard, which commenced in May, 1847, and was continued until March 6, 1849, when the office and all materials were burned in the conflagration which destroyed the old “Exchange Row.” Books and everything were lost, and no insurance.

Goodrich, however, immediately rallied, purchased new material, took into partnership again T.T. Wilson, and on the first day of May, 1849, was issued the first number of the Warren Ledger. They conducted it together about two years, when Goodrich withdrew (he having received an appointment as collector of tolls on the Pennsylvania Canal, at Harrisburg), and it fell into the hands of Wilson alone. At the close of the fifth volume Wilson commended his two or three hundred paying subscribers, but complained bitterly of the four hundred who had failed to pay, many of them for the whole five years, during which the paper had never missed a week nor published a half sheet. On the 14th of March, 1854, S.J. Goodrich announced his return here; and from April 1 to August 8, of that year, the Ledger was carried on by Goodrich & Wilson, when the latter sold his interest to A.W. Stevens. It was then published by Goodrich & Stevens until February 13, 1855, when Goodrich sold his interest to Thomas Clemons, from which time it was conducted by Clemons & Stevens until March 11, 1856, when Stevens sold out to John Daily. Clemons & Daily commenced April 1, 1856, and continued together one year, when they transferred their interests to, or for the use of, D.W.C. James. Mr. James officiated as its editor and publisher from the spring of 1857 to November 30, 1860, when it passed into the hands of W.J. Clemons, who managed it alone until May 29, 1861, when Charles Dinsmoor became its associate editor. They carried it on until April 22, 1863, when Dinsmoor retired, and W.J. Clemons again conducted it alone until November 23, 1863, when he sold out to B.F. Morris, who, for more than twenty-two years, with the exception of a few months, was its sole responsible editor and publisher. On the 9th of November, 1871, J. Hamilton King, jr., purchased an interest in the paper and appeared as joint publisher until the time of his death, September 20, 1875, when his interest fell back into the hands of Mr. Morris. On the 5th of February, 1886, the Ledger was purchased by D.D. and F.E. Reed, who, to the present writing, have retained Mr. Morris as editor. During all the changes here noted the paper never suspended and never missed but very few regular issues.

From 1831, the year the Gazette ceased to exist, until 1838 no Whig paper was published in the county. In August of that year, however, a Whig organ, entitled the People’s Monitor, made its appearance under the management of M. Millington. He remained about eight months, but the income of the paper not being sufficient to maintain his extravagant ideas of dress and habits, he returned to Harrisburg, the victim, it is to be presumed, of disappointed hopes. The office and material then passed into the hands of Peleg S. Cole, who soon after took into partnership a young man named Woodward. The firm of Cole & Woodward continued about three years, when the latter retired and J.W. Weaver took his place, holding it, however, but a short period of time, when he withdrew, leaving Mr. Cole to continue alone until the Monitor ceased to be a mentor for the people, for want of support. This event happened during the year 1845.

There was then an interval during which no Whig paper was published until July 25, 1848, when the first number of the Allegheny Mail appeared. This paper was established by the efforts of a few leading Whigs, and was continued under the management of J. Warren Fletcher, its first editor, publisher, and proprietor, until March 7, 1849, when E. Cowan, a young man who had been connected with the office from the beginning, became its owner by purchase. On the 20th of November of the same year the name was changed to the Warren Mail, a title it has ever since retained. About July 21, 1852, Mr. Cowan took Lucius Rogers into partnership, and together they continued its publication until September 22, 1853, when Mr. Cowan dissolved his connection with the Mail, temporarily, as it will appear, and was superseded by L. Rogers and O.C. Bates. Mr. Cowan sought a larger field for his abilities as a journalist at Buffalo and Erie, but, it seems, found the fields somewhat barren. Meanwhile the Mail was managed by Rogers & Bates until June 29, 1854, when Mr. Cowan suddenly appeared again as co-editor with Rogers, and Mr. Bates as suddenly disappeared, without any explanation. The paper was then carried on by Cowan & Rogers until the 19th of August, 1854, when Mr. Rogers retired. Thereafter Mr. Cowan paddled his own canoe alone until June 1, 1874, when his son Willis became associated with him in the publication of the Mail, a business as well as a family relationship which still continues unbroken. The Warren Mail now enjoys the distinction of being the senior newspaper of the county, and has been known as an unswerving exponent of Republican principles since the formation of that party.

The Youngsville Express was established by John W. Mason June 30, 1849. Neutral in politics, its publication was continued until November, 1853, when it retired from view.

In Tidioute, after the oil developments had made it pretentious, a number of newspapers, both dailies and weeklies, sprang into existence. The Tidioute Journal, Commercial, and Chronicle all had their birth and demise, and have now been succeeded by the Weekly News, published by Charles E. White, which seems to be established on a permanent basis.

The Warren Mirror was established as a Sunday paper October 1, 1882, by Walker Bros. It started as a folio, four columns to a page, of 9 by 14 inches in size; was enlarged to a quarto November 12, 1882. On the 16th of October, 1883, it passed into the hands of E. Walker, the present publisher and proprietor. May 11, 1884, it was enlarged to five columns to a page, size of page, 11-1/4 by 17-3/4 inches. A Saturday edition was first issued July 12, 1884, of the same size as the Sunday issue. Another enlargement to six columns to a page, and columns increased to 19-3/4 inches in length, took place February 14, 1885. The Daily Mirror, a folio, with pages the same size as the Saturday and Sunday editions, was first issued March 24, 1886.

The Clarendon Record was started in the spring of 1882, about the time the Cherry Grove oil field was opened. The first four numbers were published by Dr. D.P. Robbins, and printed at the Times office, Union City, Pa. Northrop & Thomas then purchased the business and moved their material to Clarendon from Bordell and Duke Centre. About three weeks afterward D.D. Reed purchased a half interest, and the paper was conducted by Northrop & Reed about one year. Mr. Reed then became connected with the Warren Sunday Mirror, and C.G. Thomas assumed the proprietorship of the Record. In the fall of 1884 the office was purchased by B.F. Morris, of the Warren Ledger, and for a period of about one year it was leased to Sanborn & Knight, who changed the name to the Clarendon Herald. In the fall of 1885 the entire outfit was moved to Warren and combined with the Ledger office. The paper was then reduced in size, and was sold, with the Ledger, to the Reed Bros.

The Evening Paragraph was founded at Warren, September 22, 1884, by E.L. Hempstead, F.W. Truesdell, and J.H. Kelly. On September 3, 1885, the Weekly Paragraph made its appearance. On the 28th of October following Messrs. Hempstead and Truesdell retired, when J.H. Kelley and T.F. Tuohy became the publishers and proprietors, and still continue as such.

The Sugar Grove News was established at Sugar Grove in December, 1884, by J. Warren Fletcher, a veteran journalist, the first editor and publisher of the Allegheny Mail, and appears to have gained a good foothold.

A copy of The Bear Lake Record, the latest Warren county claimant for journalistic favors, lies before us. It is No. 7 of vol. I, and dated December 16, 1886, which indicates, barring mishaps, that the first number was issued November 4, 1886, by J.H. and Frank Gardner, its publishers and proprietors.

Of the early newspapers published in Warren nearly all were printed on what was known as the Ramage** press. As a general thing, also, the early printing establishments, having originally been purchased by the leading men of either political party, and the use of them given to those who would publish a paper, but very little money, and few promises to pay, were passed from the ostensible buyer to the seller. Even then the publishers had a hard time of it until, say thirty years ago. Nevertheless, that the papers herein enumerated have been largely instrumental in promoting the growth, prosperity, intelligence, and respectability of town and country, must be obvious to all; and, with one or two exceptions, their editors and publishers, those who have toiled and struggled and spent their time and substance in maintaining them, deserve to be held in grateful remembrance.



* It is stated in a volume published many years ago, entitled the “History of Pennsylvania,” that the press used by Parker C. Purviance, who published the Warren Gazette in 1830, was the same which was used by Dr. Ben. Franklin, and on which the Continental money was struck. This is a mistake. The Purviance press was purchased by Archibald Tanner and Lansing Wetmore when nearly new. If the old Franklin press was ever brought into use within the limits of Warren county it was the one utilized by Hill.

** Adam Ramage, the inventor of the Ramage press, was born in Edinburgh, Scotland. He came to America in 1794, and soon after located in Philadelphia. He died in 1850.

SOURCE: Page(s) 276-284, History of Warren County, J.S. Schenck & W.S. Rann, Syracuse, New York: D. Mason, 1887

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