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…bringing our past into the future

History of Warren County, Chapter 48


Dec 7, 2008



GLADE township, lying northeast of the center of Warren county, is an irregular tract, bounded north by Pine Grove and Elk townships, east by Allegheny River, separating it from Kinzua, south by the same stream, separating it from Kinzua and Mead, and west by Conewango Creek, separating it from Conewango township. This township has in past years produced to its inhabitants and others considerable wealth from the abundance of its timber, and in the future, as to some extent it has in the near past, it may be productive of oil in great quantities, but as a farming town, it is destined to no very brilliant achievements, except by the most stupendous labors of the population, and generous fertilization. Much of the soil, in which an average clay predominates, is reasonably productive, but the surface of the country is so rocky and broken as to be almost inaccessible to the plow. Nevertheless a few tracts which have been improved, are doing well. The name Glade was first applied to the stream now known as Glade Run, probably from the surrounding scenery, etc., and upon the organization of the township, on the 8th of March, 1844, it was extended to the entire territory comprised within the township limits.

Early Settlements. – Undoubtedly the first permanent settler within the present boundaries of Glade was James Shipman, who emigrated hither previous to 1800, cleared land embracing the present farm of Guy C. Irvine, and built and occupied a plank house. The plank were sawn at Morrison’s mill just over the river in Mead. Previous to 1817 Shipman removed to what is still known, after him, as Shipman’s Eddy, still in Glade, on land which had been for a short time previously occupied by a blacksmith named John Morrison. His first farm, now the Irvine place, was next occupied by Levi Leonard, who remained there a few years, went down the river to Conewango township, where he froze to death about 1830. Meantime Shipman continued at the Eddy until his death about 1838 or 1839. He was a man of extraordinary stature, and was seemingly well fitted for the toils of a pioneer. He had a large family, and his three sons, William, James, jr., and Matthew, lived near him. Matthew, who remained there longer than the others, died ten or twelve years ago, and left a daughter, now Mrs. John Eddy.

After Levi Leonard left the Irvine lot, Josiah Hook was taken into the deserted house, and left to the ravages of the small-pox, which had “gat hold on him.” After his death the house was burned. The property remained then in the hands of Jacob Hook, of whom Andrew Irvine bought it in 1835, and removed to it in the following year.

Jacob Hook owned all the land along the creek, including the entire site of Glade City, before 1816, though he lived at his saw-mill across the river in Mead. This mill, which had five saws, was one of the largest mills on the Allegheny River at that day. In 1819 he built the large barn now standing on the farm of Guy C. Irvine. He died at Pittsburgh in 1827, while there on business. At that time he was one of the most extensive of the lumbermen in the entire State. He owned also a quarter interest in the old Pittsburgh bridge. He was a brother of Orren Hook, who will be mentioned in a later page. The family came from New Hampshire. He was a bachelor, and at the time of his death was in the prime of life. Another brother, Moses, owned his mill after his death, and later still transferred it to Orren Hook, who in turn operated it until it went down. The property is now known as Wardwell’s, and it is the center of quite an oil field.

A short time prior to 1816, too, David Jackson lived in Glade, but in 1822 removed to Warren, where he soon built the Mansion House. His farm in Glade included the property now designated as the Frank Hook farm. David Jackson lived in Warren county until his death, a little more than twenty years ago. John King, father of J.H. King, now of Warren, was with David Jackson in Glade from 1817 to 1822, under a separate lease, on the farm now owned by Thomas Struthers.

It was in 1818 that one Thomas Murphy came up the river from Pittsburgh in a keel boat with a load of flour, and went up the Conewango, through Pine Grove, to Jamestown, and across Chautauqua Lake to Mayville, after which he returned by the same route to Pittsburgh with a load of salt. This was one of the first trips ever taken for mercantile purposes along this route and in this manner. Murphy now lives near Pittsburgh.

By the time that Glade was formed the settlers had become quite numerous, and tax lists afford a good avenue of information concerning their names and property acquisitions. The following were among the most prominent of these early settlers:

John Allen came to the township about 1836, when he was already well advanced in years. He settled in Indian Hollow on the farm now owned and occupied by Jacob Sutter. His death probably took place soon after the formation of the town. His wife died on the same farm. No children are living in Glade now. William Goodrich, of Union, is a grandson of John Allen.

Previous to 1836 John S. Davis settled and cleared the farm now owned by Albert Kerberger, where he also engaged to some extent in the business of a carpenter. He removed at a later day to Illinois, where he died. His son, Jerome, is now a resident of Warren. James L., John N., and Ferdinand S. Davis were the other sons of John S. Davis, and lived with him: James L. improved the place now owned by L.A. Siggins.

Eliakim Davis settled, long prior to 1836, on the farm on Quaker Hill now owned by William Gebhardt. He went to Ohio soon after the year 1845.

David Cook, a farmer, settled about 1830 on the place now owned by Ross Kerr, near Cobham Park. He died, probably, as early as 1850. His son James now lives in Glade, and two other sons, Amariah and Norton, reside in Warren.

About 1836 William Culbertson settled at Big Bend, on the place now occupied by Randall Geer, and there, before a road had been opened to the farm, built the first tavern within the limits of Glade as now constituted. During the lumber seasons he had a good trade, especially in whisky, of which he sold large quantities. He died in Glade but a few years ago. In the earlier days of the township he was quite a prominent man. One brother, Isaac, now resides in Glade, and others of his relatives and descendants are scattered through the county. Alexander Culbertson, brother of William, died in Glade some thirty years ago or more, having passed a number of years on the farm opposite Kinzua, first cleared by John Strong.

Zachariah Eddy, jr., now a citizen of Warren, lived in 1845 on the Lacy farm, in Glade, just above the home of Guy C. Irvine. While in Glade Mr. Eddy was very active, energetic, and public spirited. He did not remain there long after 1850.

John S. Gilson, who lived in Glade at this time, and who died more than thirty years ago, was a hunter by trade and occupation. He lived at what is known as the Round Turn, where Willis’s Hotel now is. One son, Samuel, is now in Michigan, and another, Peter, is in Tiona.

Adam Harmon, still living in Glade, in 1845 had quite a clearing at the mouth of Hemlock Run. He has earned his competence by hard and honest labor, and is one of the worthiest citizens of the township, by common consent.

S.D. Hall settled on the place now owned by Ira Eggleston, and became by virtue of his activity and good sense one of the most prominent men in the township. He was frequently placed in positions of trust and responsibility. His death occurred about thirty years ago. Two of his sons, Milo and Oscar, and one daughter, Mrs. H.A. Jamieson, now reside in Warren.

Hugh Holt, an Englishman, lived on and owned the farm now the property of Philip Lenhart, in Hatchtown. He came to Glade as early as 1836, but did not immediately settle on the Lenhart farm. He was an industrious farmer and lumberman, and was constable of Glade township for a number of years. Not far from 1850 he removed to Conneaut, Ohio, where he still lives. Abel Holt, his brother, lived in the same neighborhood, and went to Richmond, Ohio, a few years after the removal of Hugh. William Holt, their father, who came to Glade as early as 1830, lived in the same vicinity, and became quite prominent. He died previous to 1850, and his son James now occupies the old homestead.

John Hackney, a Mohawk Dutchman, so called because he came of an old Dutch family in the Mohawk valley in New York, settled about the time that the township was formed on the farm now occupied by his son, Tanner Hackney, where he lived until his death, about 1858 or 1860. He was active, prominent, and influential in all matters pertaining to the welfare of his town, and was often made to serve in some official capacity. Although not a lumberman, he invested in land to some extent. He was a man of good character, and was a deacon in the Presbyterian Church. His daughter Sarah now resides in Warren.

Walter W. Hodges and Derrick Hodges, brothers, came from Yates or Tompkins county, N.Y., previous to 1840, and went back, it is thought, as early as 1845. The former owned land now owned by David Beaty, adjoining the Kerberger farm, by did not live there. Derrick lived at what is called Hodges’s Run, then in Glade, but now in Elk.

Dorastus Hatch, from whom is derived the name of Hatchtown, was here quite early, and cleared, owned, and occupied the farm in Hatchtown now owned by James H. Eddy, where he remained until his death, but a few years ago. He was there as early as 1820. He had served ably as a soldier of the War of 1812, and showed himself to be a man of worth in war and in peace. He owned a small saw-mill, and engaged quite successfully in the lumber trade. He had a large family of sons and daughters. Of them all, Joseph now lives in Chautauqua county, N.Y., Erastus is in Kentucky, and one daughter is in California.

Francis Hook came from New Hampshire to Warren, and thence, about 1836, settled in what is therefore called Hooktown, where he remained until his death, more than ten years ago. He was a good business man, a farmer, horse dealer, speculator in land, etc. He built the first iron abutment under the bridge across Conewango Creek.

Orren Hook, uncle to the last mentioned, was a conspicuous figure among the speculators in land and lumber in this part of Warren county for many years. As early as 1834 he owned no less than 900 acres of land in Glade, including Glade City, and to the present farm of John McWilliams. In 1836 he lived just below the dam, on the farm now owned by Thomas Struthers. In 1837 he went to Hook’s Mills in Kinzua township, though in a few years he returned to Glade. On his return he built a hotel in Glade Run, called the “Glade Run House,” and about 1856 built a large dwel1ing house near the site of the present railroad station, where he died but twelve or fifteen years ago. He was a man of almost unlimited personal resources of mind and body, and besides his prominence in business, was an active and influential public citizen. In 1851 he was elected county commissioner, which position he filled to the perfect satisfaction of his constituents. A number of his children survive, among them being Clinton Hook, at Glade Station, and Mrs. Irvin Mead. Two sons, Frank and Orren, were killed in the last war.

Andrew Irvine bought 394 acres of land of Orren Hook in 1834, which included the farm now owned by his son, Guy C. Irvine, and in 1835 built the brick portion of the house which is still standing on the farm. In 1836 he removed into it from Bradford county, when Guy C. Irvine was in his thirteenth year, he being a native of Towanda, in Bradford county. Andrew Irvine was born near Watsontown, Pa., and emigrated to Bradford county in 1813 or 1814. He was a tanner and currier by trade, and followed that business in Towanda, and in some measure here in connection with farming and lumbering on the river. He was a prominent and useful business man, and always took an active and vigorous part in the matters relating to the wellbeing of the township. He died at his home in Glade in 1853, and was followed by his widow about 1866. His eldest daughter, Jane D., died there in June, 1886; Mary F. died in 1876; B. Franklin died in Tununangwant, N.Y. more than ten years ago. Guy C. and Thomas now reside in Glade, and a daughter, Catherine Parker, lives in Bradford.

Philip Lenhart, the father of his namesake now living in Conewango, lived on the farm on the creek now owned by Thomas Struthers, and built a brewery there about the year 1846, the only brewery that ever blessed the surface of the township. He was a prominent farmer and lumberman. He died a few years ago in Conewango township, where his son Philip now has a brewery. He has left numerous children in the county, all of whom are accounted respectable and worthy.

James McAffee, father of Mrs. Andrew Irvine, was a native of Northumberland county, served as a major in the War of 1812, at Erie, Buffalo, and other points. During his stay in Glade he lived with Andrew Irvine, and died about 1855.

Hugh Main, a Scotchman and a farmer, lived on the farm now owned by S. J. Page on Glade Run, near Cobham Park. He came thither as early as 1828 or 1830. He afterward kept a meat-market and general store in Warren, and removed thence to Red Wing, Minn., where he died thirty years ago. He was remarkable for his quiet and unobtrusive industry and economy.

Barney Owen was an old settler in the northwestern part of the township, on the farm now owned by his nephew, Orrin Jones. He died there about 1875 or 1876. He was of a quiet and retiring disposition, provident and good-natured, and is spoken of as a “nice old man.” He left no children.

Amariah Plumb, who died about fifteen years ago, was a cooper by occupation, and settled near Cobham Park prior to 1840. Before that time he lived for a time in Warren. He was several times married, and left a number of grandchildren here, though his children are all gone.

Davidson Russell was the first and a very early settler on the farm afterward owned and occupied by Hugh Holt, and now by Mr. Lenhart. He was a son of Robert Russell, of Pine Grove. About 1840 he went to Kiantone, N.Y., and thence at a later time to the West.

Thomas Struthers, of Warren, owned a part of what is called City Point as early as 1837.

John Strong cleared the farm afterward occupied by Alexander Culbertson, and lived there from 1832 or 1833 until his death, about 1845. He used to quarry stone on his place and dispose of it in Warren for hearths, headstones, sidewalks, etc. Several of his sons are now in Kinzua. He was a man of industrious and temperate habits, and was universally respected and liked.

William Snyder seems to have come from Yates county, N.Y., previous to 1830, and settled on the farm east of Cobham Park, now occupied by Peter M. Smith. In the decade of years intervening between 1850 and 1860 he died on the farm now occupied by John Cramer. Norman, John, Mrs. Abel Porter, Mrs. Hugh Holt, and Mrs. Johnson were his children. He was a bright minded man, a good farmer, a resolute Whig, and an enthusiastic Baptist. He was an old man at the time of his death. His family are all gone.

Daniel Nesmith settled about the time of the formation of the township, in the upper part of Hooktown, where he lived long and acquired a good property. He was a brother of Benjamin Nesmith, of Warren. Two sons, John and Homer, and one daughter, Rose, wife of Richard Orr, now live in Warren. Daniel Nesmith was well deemed a valuable citizen of Glade, and was to the Methodist persuasion what William Snyder was to the Baptist.

Samuel Storam, a mulatto, cleared a part of a hundred-acre tract, now included in the farm of Guy C. Irvine, as early as 1834. He came to this farm from Pine Grove. He and his wife died of small pox in 1854, on the farm owned by their son Samuel. Another son in Glade is Nelson, while a third, Henry, is in Pittsfield.

James Shipman, one of the three sons of James Shipman, sr., who has received mention, lived at Shipman’s Eddy, and as early as 1840 erected a hotel there for the accommodation of raftsmen. This he kept until his death, a few years later, when he was succeeded by Charles W.H. Verbeack, who married his widow. Shipman was extremely fond of hunting, and was a good “shot.”

Charles Whitcomb came as early, as 1838 to the place just below Glade Run, now occupied by Jacob Baldensperger. He went to Kinzua about 1853 or 1854, where he is yet living. His father, Paul, lived with him in Glade.

Joseph Dunn was a settler of about 1836 on the farm now occupied by his widow and two daughters, next south of Barney Owen. He was a good farmer, and died there about five years ago. His sons, Samuel, Daniel, and John, now live in Warren.

Rhodolphus Arnold had a log shoe-shop a short time near William Culbertson’s, and afterward near Hook’s mill in Mead township.

William Zeigler, a Pennsylvania Dutchman, cleared the farm now owned by Frederick Wentz, and lived thereon from 1838 or 1839 until about 1880, when he removed to Warren.

Cobham Park and its Authors. – As yet the family, which by peculiar distinction, is in some respects most worthy of mention, has not been named. George Ashworth Cobham, Sr., was born at St. Asaph, in Wales, on the 20th of January, 1803, and was the third son of Elijah Cobham, one of the merchant princes of Liverpool, England. Mr. Cobham practiced law for some years at Liverpool, and afterward removed to Fearns Hall, at Rosendale, near Manchester, which he rebuilt and occupied. In 1828 he married Catherine Cobham, the widow of his eldest brother, Henry Cobham, and daughter of John Gilmore Curry, M.D., of the same place. Henry Cobham had been accidentally killed by a gun-shot wound in July, 1825. The young couple continued to reside at Fearns Hall until 1832, when they went to France and resided at Paris and Havre. In the autumn of 1834 they emigrated to this country, and in the summer of 1835 settled on tract 5536 (1,000 acres) in Elk, afterward Glade township. Here he built a fine residence, which he called Cobham Park, and on which he continued to reside until his death, on the 6th of October, 1870. His wife preceded him, dying on the 27th of July, 1867, and he was buried beside her on the ground surrounding the residence. They had four children, Frederick Fearns Cobham, born at Fearns Hall, September 7th, 1831, died at Jamestown, Chautauqua county, N.Y., on the 21st of May, 1835; Georgina Catherine Cobham, born at Havre, France, on the 20th of March, 1834, and died at Cobham Park, August 7, 1882; Elizabeth Cobham, born at Cobham Park, April 11, 1837, and now residing on a part of the old farm; and Alice Cobham, born at Cobham Park, June 19, 1839, and now residing at Cobham Park.

Henry Cobham, born on the 24th of January, 1824, at London, England, was the eldest son of Henry Cobham, a barrister of Liverpool, who was descended in direct line from Lord Cobham, the martyr who was burned at the stake at Smithfield, in the reign of Henry V, at the instigation of Thomas Arundel, Archbishop of Canterbury, because he was one of the followers of Wicliffe, and assisted him in the publication of his translation of the Bible. The subject of this paragraph came to this country in 1834, with his step-father, George A. Cobham, and lived with him until 1866, aiding him with his labor and money (the rents of property he inherited from his father and other members of the family, and which he still owns) to purchase and improve the property in Glade township and to build Cobham Park. In 1860 he married Ann Hodges, eldest daughter of W.W. Hodges, but continued to live at Cobham Park until the residence was finished, when he removed to Warren and built the house which he now occupies. Soon after he was elected county surveyor and served two terms. He has two children, Kate C. Cobham, M.D., the eldest, now practicing medicine at Dayton, Ohio, and Henry, who is still living with his parents at Warren.

Brigadier-General George Ashworth Cobham. – George A. Cobham was the second son of Henry Cobham, the barrister of Liverpool mentioned in the preceding paragraph, and was born at Liverpool, December 5, 1825. He came to this country with his step-father, George A. Cobham, in 1834, and lived with him, helping to improve the farm and build the residence now known as Cobham Park, until a short time before the outbreak of the Rebellion. In 1861, in response to the president’s call for troops, he, in connection with Dr. E.M. Pierce, W.J. Alexander and others, raised a body of five hundred men, which, with a similar force from Erie county, constituted the One Hundred and Eleventh Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers. Cobham was appointed lieutenant-colonel, and Pierce captain of Company D, and Alexander, first lieutenant. Their first service was at Harper’s Ferry, where the One Hundred and Eleventh was posted on the Heights, and held them against the Confederates in pursuit of Banks. They distinguished themselves at Chancellorsville, and at Gettysburg, also. At the latter engagement Cobham commanded General Kane’s brigade, and from that time to the close of the war retained the command of a brigade, leading it at Resaca, Mission Ridge, Wauhatchie, Lookout Mountain, and what the boys called the grand skirmish, until he fell on the field of Peach Tree Creek, on the 20th of August, 1864. Soon after, he was breveted, by the War Department brigadier-general, to date from his death. When his remains were brought home, the citizens of Warren, in honor of his memory, gave him a public burial.

Early Mills, etc. – One of the earliest mills in the township of Glade was built by Robert Valentine at a very early date, and was purchased by Dorastus Hatch, at the time of that person’s settlement in town. Mr. Hatch kept the mill in operation while he lived, and his sons owned it until within a few years. Several years ago, while owned by William and Joseph Hatch, it ceased running.

The next mill was built by Andrew Merritt, on Allegheny River, about a mile above Big Bend, about 1840. Previous to 1850 it came into the hands of Orris Hall and Mr. Flagg, who kept it in operation for a number of years. It went down about thirty years ago, while in the possession of Stephen Morrison.

James Eddy and Francis Hook built a saw-mill in Glade City on Conewango Creek about 1845. Orris Hail afterward owned it for many years. L.B. Hoffman now owns the property, though the mill fell into decay and disuse eight or ten years ago. The first tannery built in the township stood near this mill and was operated by the same power. It was built by John Reig about 1858, and ceased in 1876, though Mr. Reig still owns the site.

George A. Cobham and his two step-sons, Henry and George A. 2d, built a saw-mill on Hemlock Run in 1847, and operated it for ten years, when they sold it to Peter M. Smith. He owned it when it burned, about 1880, and rebuilt it. It is now silent from lack of timber.

About a mile above the Cobham Mill was a saw-mill, erected in 1855 by John Eaton, and afterward owned and operated by C.W.H. Verbeack and James Roy. It went down a number of years ago.

A Mr. McFarland built a saw-mill about 1857 some three miles above the Cobham Mill, which afterward came to the hands of James Roy, and was until recently operated.

The tannery of L.A. Robinson, which the present owner acquired in 1875, was built by ______ Newkirk at the mouth of Glade Run, its present site, about thirty years ago. Mr. Robinson has developed the business with most commendable enterprise, and made it one of the largest tanneries in Warren county. It is stated on good authority that Mr. Robinson pays $100,000 annually for hemlock bark, and that his weekly pay roll ranges from $1,200 to $1,500, inside the building.

There was no store in Glade township until long after the construction of the tannery by Newkirk. From 1852 or 1853, for a few years, Myron Waters and O.H. Hunter sold goods to the raftsmen during the seasons, but the near proximity of Warren has been a hindrance to the opening of a successful store in Glade until recently. There are now a number Among them are the following: N.C. Allen, groceries and general merchandise; Jacob Baldensperger, groceries, provisions, flour and feed, and meat market; J.W. Geer, general merchandise; Frank D. Jones, news-room, tobacco and cigars; S.S. Jordan, general merchandise; J.R. Mitchell, groceries, boots and shoes; and J.P. Trushel & Son, groceries.

Post-office. – There has never been a post-office in Glade. The mail is obtained at Warren.

Hotels. – The first tavern in town was the little concern of William Guibertson, already mentioned. The next one was that of James Shipman, Sr., at Shipman’s Eddy, who kept it for years and afterward was succeeded by Benjamin Nesmith. It was open as long as the raftsmen went down the river from that point in numbers sufficient to make it pay to accommodate them.

From about 1844 to about 1850 Solomon Hudson entertained guests in a slab shanty at Glade Run. At this time Orren Hook built a hotel of more dignity at Glade Run and named it the Glade Run Hotel. Jacob McCall, the first landlord, kept it two or three years. It burned ten or twelve years ago, and C.B. Willy built on the same site the present hotel two or three years ago. George Hertzel keeps it.

Schools and Churches. – The first school kept in the present limits of Glade township was built on Quaker Hill, of logs, about 1836. About that time, too, there was built a log school-house in the Hatch settlement. The Glade Run school-house was built about the year 1852 by subscription, Andrew Irvine, Orren Hook, John and Alexander McWilliams and others subscribing for the purpose. There are now seven schools in the township, including the Union Graded School in Glade City, which was built in 1877 and has four departments, and the school in Glade Run which has two departments. Thomas W. Arird is at present the principal of the Union School at Glade City.

As in all business respects, lumber and oil excepted, the proximity of so large a village as Warren has ever operated to prevent a large independent growth of business in Glade, so the same cause has prevented the formation of large churches here. Everybody who attended church in other days was content to go Warren, where a more numerous congregation could pay for better preaching. And thus the need of church work did not press itself upon the people of Glade in early days. About 1870 the United Brethren built a church in Hatchtown, in which they hold services at regular intervals. At Glade Run is a hail built by temperance reformers, which is used by all denominations at times for purposes of religious worship.

SOURCE: Page(s) 550-559, History of Warren County, J.S. Schenck & W.S. Rann, Syracuse, New York: D. Mason, 1887

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