• Wed. Mar 12th, 2025


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Kurtz Family Graveyard, Earl Township, Lancaster County


Dec 14, 2008
Kurtz Graveyard
Earl Township

The following is transcribed from William Frederic Worner, “Kurtz Graveyard, Earl Township,” Worner Collection, Lancaster County  Historical Society, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, volume 1, number 19, pages 128-133.


Hannah K., wife of John Binkley. Died April 26, 1837. Aged 46 years,  
10 months and 3 days.

Anthony Ellmaker. Died April 21, 1817. Aged 88 years.

Catharine Ellmaker. Died February 26, 1880, in the 97th year of her age.

Clara, daughter of George and Mary Ellmaker. Born May 5, 1807; died  
April 3, 1868. Aged 60 years, 10 months and 29 days.

Elizabeth Ellmaker. Died October 14, 1870. Aged 88 years.

Elizabeth, wife of Anthony Ellmaker. Died October 12, 1812. Aged 75  

Elmira, daughter of Anthony and Elizabeth Ellmaker. Aged 5 years.

Isaac N. Ellmaker. Died January 4, 1856. Aged 39 years.

Leonard Ellmaker. Died in the 62nd year of his age.

Mary, wife of George Ellmaker. Died December 28, 1863. Aged 77 years.

Samuel Ellmaker. Died in the 18th year of his age.

Maggie L., daughter of A. B. and B. A. Hoar. Died August 29, 1868.  
Aged 2 years, 4 months and 1 day.

Samuel N., son of A. B. and B. A. Hoar. Died July 25, 1862. Aged 1  
year, 1 month and 28 days.

Barbara, wife of Samuel Kurtz. Died April 17, 1862. Aged 90 years, 1  
month and 16 days.

Cora E., daughter of Abram R. and Lydia Kurtz. Died April 19, 1861.  
Aged 2 years and 5 months.

Ira M., son of Abram R. and Lydia Kurtz. Died April 25, 1867. Aged 1  
year, 10 months and 17 days.

Isaac Kurtz. Died September 6, 1798. Aged 3 years, 9 months and 6  
days. [Epitaph translated from the German.]

Leah, wife of Samuel Kurtz. Born November 6, 1809; died January 15,  
1881. Aged 71 years, 2 months and 9 days.

Levi M., son of Martin W. and Catharine A. Kurtz. Died September 25,  
1855. Aged 3 months and 25 days.

Samuel Kurtz. Died August 16, 1835. Aged 64 years, 3 [?] months and 15  
days. [Epitaph translated from the German.]

Samuel Kurtz. Died November 19, 1860. Aged 50 years, 2 months, and 22  

Susan, daughter of Samuel and Leah Kurtz. Died November 29, 1861. Aged  
20 years, 5 months and 2 days.


The Kurtz family graveyard is on the farm of Harrison E. Kling in Earl township, about two miles east of Rowland’s Reformed church [Latitude: 40.062858, Longitude: -76.074668]. The graveyard, 30 by 30 feet, is surrounded by a stone wall [since removed], four feet high, with a cement coping, but no entrance. (Obviously the coffins had to be lifted over the wall). The graveyard, which is about 600 feet north of “Peter’s Road,” receives no attention whatsoever and, naturally, is in a sadly neglected state. A wild cherry and several locust trees are growing in the enclosures, as well as blackberry brambles and weeds in profusion. At the time of our visit, April 27, 1935, there were twenty-two head stones and seventeen foot stones in position.

Contributed by Adam Boyd

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