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Month: December 2008

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  • History of Danville, Items of Yore

History of Danville, Items of Yore

Items of Yore The fort or block-house, nearest to Danville was at Washingtonville. It was erected at quite an early day on ground now partly owned by Joseph Hartman. .…

History of Danville, General Daniel Montgomery

General Daniel Montgomery General Daniel Montgomery was born in Chester county, Pennsylvania, and while yet a boy came to this place with his father, General William Montgomery. He was the…

History of Danville, Orchards

Orchards After some interesting general remarks, Mr. Frazer observes in relation to the early orchards of this locality. About 1785, some of the pioneers in Mahoning, then almost coextensive with…

Montour County, Reverend William B. Montgomery

Reverend William B. Montgomery About 1821, Mahoning, from having been on the frontier, and dependent, to some extent, for religious instruction on missionary labors, began to send missionaries abroad. Of…

History of Danville, Robert C. Grier

Robert C. Grier The venerable Justice Grier, late of the United States Supreme Court, died at his residence, No. 1428 Spruce street, Philadelphia, at the advanced age of seventy-six years,…

History of Danville, Indiantown

Indiantown In the lower portion ‘of Danville borough there is a lovely tract of level ground near the mouth of the Mahoning. This beautiful and picturesque locality with all its…

History of Danville, Christ’s Episcopal Church

Christ’s Episcopal Church On the 28th day of October, 1828, the corner-stone of the Protestant Episcopal church was laid in Danville. Previous to that period a number of early settlers…

History of Danville, Olden Habits and Customs

Olden Habits and Customs The habits and customs of the last generation, it is true, may have been less refined in some respects, but they were more wholesome and more…

History of Danville – Susquehanna Floods

Susquehanna Floods   There was an old tradition, or rather a prophecy, among the Indians that roamed about the Susquehanna, that great floods in this river occurred at regular intervals…

History of Danville, Fifty Years Ago

Fifty Years Ago The recollections of Mr. John Frazer, now of Cincinnati, are so interesting and so admirably detailed, that I copy them entire, exactly as written by himself, as…