• Tue. Jan 21st, 2025


…bringing our past into the future

Abstracts of General Loan Office Martgages


Jan 2, 2009
13 APRIL, 1723 TO 20 FEBRUARY, 1723/4.

Contributed by Mrs. William M. Mervine.

    This Indenture made the first day of May in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and twenty three Between Richard Hough of Makefield Township in the County of Bucks and province of Pennilvania Yeoman of the one part And Samuel Carpenter Jeremiah Langhorne William ffishborun and Nathaniel Newlin Gen’ Trustees of the General Loan Office of the Province of Pensilvania of the other part Whereas in and by an Act of Assembly of sd  Province lately made and provided intituled An Act for the Emitting and making Current ffifteen thousand Pounds in Bills of Credit They the said Trustees or any three of them are Authorized and Impowered to lett out the Value of Eleven Thousand Pounds of the sd Bills upon Loan at the Interest of five Cent Antim for the Term of Eight Years from the Date of sd Bills The Trustees to take a Security by way of Mortgage in at least double the value of Lands and Ground Rents lying in this province and in at least three times the Value in Houses within the Province As in and by the same Act amongst divers other Powers Authorities Matters and Things therein contained Relation being thereunto more at large appears NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH That the sd Richard Hough for and in consideration of the Sum of One hundred pounds in Bills of Credit made Current by the sd Act to him let out upon Loan and in hand paid by the sd Samuel Carpenter Jeremiah Longhorne William ffishbourn and Nathaniel Newlin   The receipt whereof the sd Richard Hough doth hereby acknowledge hath Granted Bargained Sold Aliened Enfeoffed and Confirmed unto the sd Samuel Carpenter Jeremiah Longhorne William Fishbourn and Nathaniel Newlin  A Certain Tract or parcel of Land scituate lying and being in Makefield Township afd Beginning at a Poplar Tree standing by the River Delaware being a corner of Abel Janneys Land Then by the Same West thirty degrees South ffifty seven perches to an Oak Thence West twenty degrees South thirty perches to an Oak Thence West two Degrees South forty eight perches to a Black Oak Thence West Six Degrees South ffifty six perches to a fforked black Oak Thence West one Degree South One hundred and thirty perches to a Gum Tree Thence West five Degrees North twenty eighty perches to a White Oak Thence West two Degrees North Eighty nine perches to a Spanish Oak Thence West three Degrees South two hundred and twenty perches to an Oak Thence West three hundred Seventy two perches to a White Oak being another corner of Abel Janneys Land Thence by Thomas Janneys Land South five degrees East ffifty eight perches to a White Oak being a corner of Joshua Hoops Land Thence by the sd Hoops and Thomas Kirles Land East two Degrees North ffive hundred Sixty perches to a black Oak Thence East five degrees South Sixty two perches to a Black Oak being a corner of Peter Worrals Land Thence East one Degree South by the sd Worralls Land thirty six perches to a white Oak Thence East two Degrees South One hundred forty six perches to a black Oak Thence East Ninety perches to a small Hickery standing in the Road which leads from the ffalls of Delaware to the Plantations above being another corner of the sd Worralls Land Thence down the sd Road South Thirty four degrees East Sixty one perches to another small Hickery standing in the sd Road and in Andrew Elletts Line Thence East two Degrees North forty eight perches to a black Oak Thence East thirty Degrees North fforty four perches to a White Oak Thence East Thirty eight Degrees North One hundred forty five perches and a half to a post standing by the River Delaware being also a corner of the sd Elletts Land Then up the sd River viz North ffifty three Degrees West fforty nine perches North ffifty six Degrees West Twenty four perches North Sixty Degrees West Eleven Perches North ffifty six Degrees West Eleven perches to the first mentioned poplar the place of Beginning Containing ffour hundred and Sixteen Acres Together with all and singular the Building Improvements Rights Liberties Priviledges Hereditaments and Appurtenances thereto belonging And the Reversions and Remainders Rents and Profits thereof And all Writings and Evidences concerning the Same TO HAVE AND TO HOLD  the sd ffour hundred and Sixteen Acres of Land and premises hereby Granted with the Appurtenances Unto the sd Samuel Carpenter Jeremiah Langborne William ffishbourn and Nathaniel Newlin the Survivor and Survivors of them and his Heirs To the several and respective Ends Intents and Purposes mentioned and appointed in and by the sd recited Act and none Other Provided always That if the sd Richard Hough his Heirs Executors or Administers shall well and truly Pay Unto the Trustees of the General Loan Office aforesaid at the Place where the Same shall be kept for the time being the Sum of One hundred Pounds in like Bills of Credit as aforesd or current money of America with Interest for the Same as Settled by the sd Act and every part and parcel of the same Moneys both Principal and Interest in such parts and proportions at such days and times and in such manner as by the sd Act is directed and appointed That then and from thenceforth this p’sent Indenture and all the Estate hereby Granted shall cease and detrmine And the sd Richard Hough for himself his Heirs Execut’rs and Admin’ts doth Covenant Promise and Grant to and with the sd Samuel Carpenter Jeremiah Langhorne William ffishbourn and Nathaniel Newlin the Survivors and Survivor of them and his Heirs Executrs and Admints and every of them by these p’sent that he the sd Richard Hough his Heirs Executrs or Admints shall and will well and truly pay unto the sd Samuel Carpenter Jeremiah Langhorne William Fishbourne and Nathanial Newlin the Survivors or Survivor of them his Execut’rs or Admin’rs the Sum of One hundred Pounds in like Money as afores’d Together with Interest for the same at the Rate afores’d And in manner and form following That is to say Seventeen Pounds tenn Shillings part thereof on the first day of May which will be in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and twenty four Sixteen Pounds Seventeen Shillings and Six Pence more thereof on the first day of May which will be in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and twenty five Sixteen pounds five Shillings more thereof on the first day of May which will be in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and twenty seven ffifteen Pounds more thereof on the first day of May which will be in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and twenty eight ffourteen Pounds Seven Shillings and Six Pence More thereof on the first day of May which will be in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and Twenty nine.  Thirteen Pounds ffifteen Shillings more thereof on the first day of May which will be in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and Thirty and Thirteen Pounds One Shilling and Six Pence residue thereof on the first day of May which will be in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and Thirty one without any fraud or further delay IN WITNESS whereof the sd parties of these p’resents have interchangeably set their Hands and Seals hereunto Dated the day and Year first within written.
    Sealed and delivered in the
    P’sent of Joseph Ashton
    Cha Brockden

    The first day of May A. D. 1723 The within named Richard Hough acknowledged this Writing to be his Deed And desired the Same to be Recorded accordingly Witness my Hand the day and Year abovesd.
Rob Assheton.     Pp. 9-10.

Satisfied, April 5, 1728 by Mortgagor.

*Under the Act of 2 March, 1722-3, the General Assembly established a General Loan Office for the Province of Pennsylvania and ordered that bills of credit, paper money, be issued in the sum of eleven thousand pounds, and loaned to individuals, the same to be secured by first mortgages on real estate at five per cent interest per annum.  The maximum amount of loan to each individual was limited to one hundred pounds, the minimum, twelve pounds, ten shillings.  See Statutes at Large of Pennsylvania, Vol. Iii, J. 324.  The mortgages created were all in the form of the first one here above given.  Those recorded prior to page nine of volume one are now missing. – Ed.

May 1, 1723.  John Hough of Makefield Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., yeoman.  Land in Makefield Twp., bounded by River Delaware, Lands of Samuel Baker and the Mannor of Highlands; three hundred and forty acres and ninety perches.    pp. 10-11.

May 7, 1723.  John Walln of Ridley, Chester Co., Pa., yeo.  Land in Ridley, bounded by lands of Samuel Hall, Jonathan Hoods, William Smiths; 277 acres or thereabouts.  Satisfied July 8, 1724.                pp. 11-12.

April 13, 1723.  John Roelof Vanderwerf of Matachin, Phila. Co., Pa.  Land near Skipack Creek, Phila. Co., bounded by Peter Keiser, Jacob Miller, Harmanus Kustard [Kuster]; 99 ½ acres.  Satisfied May 3, 1731, John Roeloff Vanderwerf, by the hands of William Hudson.                p. 13.

April 30, 1723.  Joseph Edwards of Concord Twp., Chester Co., Pa., yeo.  Land partly in Concord Twp. and partly in Thornbury Twp., Chester Co., bounded by lands of Benjamin Mendinhall, Nicholas Piles, John Martin, Robert Pile, George Pearce, Richard Arnald; 319 acres.  Satisfied* Nov. 4, 1729            pp. 14-5.

* * * *Satisfied by Mortgagor unless otherwise stated.  To avoid repetition, the word satisfied will be omitted, and the date alone given at the end of abstract.  For the same reason the abbreviation of Pennsylvania is omitted after the respective Counties, it being understood that all mortgaged lands were within the Province.

May 7, 1723.  Robert Thomas of Olethgo, Phila. Co., yeoman. Land in Phila. Co., part of reputed Mannor of Gilbert’s bounded by lands of Jonas Potts, Joseph Richardson and the Schuylkill River; 300 acres.  June 6, 1727.    pp. 15-6.

May 2, 1723.  Owen Richard of Phila. Co.  Land near Manatawney, Phila. Co., bounded by lands of Gershom Mott, John Shier, Governor Penn, Jonn Justice and Monocosey Hills; 300 acres.  Satisfied Oct. 8, 1729.    p. 17.

May 1, 1723.  John Houlton of New Garden, Chester Co., yeoman.  Land in said Co., bounded by lands of ffrancis Hobson, Michael Lightfoot, and vacant land of the Mannor;  200 acres.  May 8, 1729.    p. 18.

May 7, 1723.  Jacob Taylor of Edgemond Twp., Chester Co., carpenter.  Land in Edgemond Twp., bounded by lands of Benjamin Wait, Ralph Lewis and road leading through said Twp.;  83 acres.  July 4, 1730.    p. 19.

May 1, 1723.  Enoch Pearson of Buckingham Twp., Bucks Co., yeoman.  Land in Buckingham Twp., bounded by lands of Nathaiel Bye, John Scarborough; 100 acres; also tract, bounded by lands of John Scarborough, Nathaniel Bye, James Streater; 200 acres.  May 6, 1731.    pp. 20-1

May 1, 1723.  John Atkinson of Makefield Twp., Bucks Co., yeo.  Land in Makefield Twp., bounded by that of William Smith;  200 acres.  June 2, 1731.        pp. 21-3.

May 21, 1723.  Joseph Willy of New Garden Twp., Chester Co., yeo.  Land in New Garden Twp., bounded by lands of Thomas Garnet, Michael Lightfoot, William Tanner, John Sharp, Mary Rowland;  290 acres.  May 5, 1731.   p. 23.

May 21, 1721.  Joseph Hutton of New Garden Twp., Chester Co., yeoman.  Land in New Garden Twp., bounded by lands of John Miller, James Starr, Gawen Miller and the London Company’s land;  250 acres.  May 6, 1731.     p. 24.

May 21, 1723.  Richard Carver of Abington Twp., Phila. Co., yeoman.  Land in said Co., bounded by that of Francis Searl and —–Moore;  300 acres.  Feby. 7, 1729/30.    
pp. 25-6.

May 21, 1723.  John Read of Phila., carpenter.  Land between 3rd and 4th Streets from Delaware, bounded by High Street, lands late of William Bolding and Samuel Carpenter and George Fox.  Satisfied by Sarah Read the Relict and Executrix of the Mortgagor.
p. 27.

May 22, 1723.  James Starr of Chester Co., yeoman.  Land in Chester Co., bounded by lands of John Miller, Joseph Hatton, Michael Lightfoot, ffrancis Hobson;  350 acres.   Oct. 31, 1730.      p. 28.

May 7, 1723.  Ebenezer Large of Phila., shopkeeper.  Piece of ground in Phila., bounded by High Street, and lands of Jacob Isaacs Van Bebber and Joseph Harrison.  May 28, 1731.  p. 29.

April 30, 1723.  Joseph Darlington of Chester Co., cooper.  Land in Caln Twp., Chester Co., bounded by land of George Claypoole and John Davis;  250 acres.  May 8, 1731.  pp. 30-1.

May 7, 1723.  William Clayton Jr., of Chichester Twp., Chester Co., yeoman.  Land in Chichester Twp., bounded by Chischester Road, Naman’s Creek and lands of William Chandler and Jeremiah Collett;  195 acres.  Nov. 18, 1730.  pp. 31-2.

April 30, 1723.  Jacob Hibbs of Byberry Twp., Phila. Co., yeoman.  Land in Byberry Twp., bounded by lands of William Walton, Thomas Walmsley, William Carver, William Hammer [Homer?] and Joseph Hibbs;  190 acres.  April 8, 1731, Joseph Vanpalt for Jacob Hibbs.      p. 33.

April 24, 1723.  Benjamin Vining of Phila., Merchant.  Lot of land in said City, bounded by lot late of Thomas Barker now occupied by Hugh Cordry, by Front Street and lot late of Enoch Flower since occupied by Joseph Keirle also by lot of Henry Badcock.  March 10, 1730/1.   p. 34.

May 7, 1723.  Joseph Bond of Bristol Twp., Bucks Co., yeoman.  Land in Bristol Twp., bounded by Neshaminy Road and lands of Henry Tomlinson, Jeoffry Pollard, William Fishbourn and Otters Creek;  123 acres.  Oct. 27, 1729(?).   pp. 35-6.

May 1, 1723.  David Henry of Manahatoney [Manatawney], Phila. Co., yeoman.  Land in or near Mahanatoney, bounded by lands of Andrew Robeson, Matthias Holsten, Hans Stolt;  250 acres.  Oct. 7, 1729.   p. 37.

April 30, 1723.  Samuel Harriot of Phila., mariner.  Lot of ground in said City, bounded by High Street, Laetitia Lane or Court, ground late of Joseph Redman, decd., now occupied by Robert Asheton and lot late of Joseph Yard.  May 1, 1724.  p. 38.

May 7, 1723.  James Sill of Edgemond, Chester Co., sawyer.  Land in Edgemond, bounded by Ridley Creek, lands of Joseph Baker, Samuel Bishop, Samuel Lewis;  80 acres.  Oct. 14, 1729.   p. 39.

May 1, 1723.  Henry Nelson of Middletown, Buck co., yeoman.  Land in Middletown, bounded by Newtown Twp., land of Thomas Musgrave decd., Longshore’s land and Neshaminy Creek;  450 acres.  Oct. 15, 1729.  pp. 41-1.

April 30, 1723.  John Collet of Byberry Twp., Phila. Co., yeoman.  Land in Byberry Twp., bounded by lands of John Hart, Nicholas Moore, Andrew Griscomb;  320 acres.  April 29, 1724.   p. 42.

May 7, 1723.  John Wood, Jr. of Phila., yeoman.  Land in Plymouth Twp., bounded by lands of Thomas Owen and David Meredith;  224 acres.  Feby. 7, 1727/8.  p. 43.

May 1, 1723.  Thomas Reece of Newtown Twp., Chester Co., yeoman.  Land in Newtown Twp., bounded by Crum Creek, lands of Lewis Reece, William Lewis, Thomas Massy decd., and Adam Roads;  325 acres.  April 22, 1724.  pp. 44-5.

May 7, 1723.  Daniel Worthington of Whiteland Twp., Chester Co., yeoman.  Land in said Co., bounded by lands of David Meredith, William Lingard, William Smith;  424 acres.  May 7, 1724.   pp. 45-6.

April 30, 1723.  John Lidyard of Mooreland Twp., Phila. Co., yeoman.  Land in Mooreland Twp., bounded by Mooreland Mannor and lands of Joseph Paul, John Cadwalader, David Marple, decd.;  105 acres.  May 7, 1730.  p. 47

April 25, 1723.  John Willis of Thornberry Twp., Chester Co., smith.  Land part in Thornbury Twp., and part in Birmingham Twp., bounded by lands of John Willis Jr., Philip Taylor, Jonathan Thatcher, John Bennet, William Radley;  224 acres.  Sept. 20, 1781.  pp. 48-9.

May 1, 1723.  Joseph Ashton of Dublin Twp., Phila. Co., yeoman.  Land in Dublin Twp., bounded by lands of Silas Crispin decd., Abel Morgan decd., and Joseph Fisher;  130 acres.  May 6, 1724.  p. 50.

April 30, 1723.  Nicholas Fred of Birmingham, Chester Co., yeoman.  Land in Birmingham, bounded by lands of William Brainton [Brinton] decd., Joseph Phipps, Francis Chads decd., George Lashly;  246 acres.  Aug. 9, 1731.  p. 51.

May 15, 1723.  Anthony Duchee of Phila., glover.  Lot of land in Phila., bounded by Front Street, lots of Francis Richardson, Nicholas Gateau and Humphrey Morrey decd.  April 16, 1729.  pp. 52-3.

May 8, 1723.  Jacob Wright of Birmingham Twp., Chester Co., blacksmith.  Land in Chester Col., bounded by lands of David Davis, William Hudson, Richard Collet, John Yearsley, John Davis and Brandywine Creek;  415 acres.  April 23, 1729.   p. 54

May 1, 1723.  John Cawley of Middletown Twp., Bucks Co., yeoman.  Land in Middletown Twp., bounded by Core Creek, Great Run, and lands of Thomas Musgrave, John Hough, George Hulme, Joseph Wildman, John Wildman, John Croasdale;  191 acres.  Nov. 19, 1729.   pp. 55-6.

May 21, 1723.  Christopher Thompson of Phila., bricklayer.  Lot of ground in Phila. bounded by lands of James Thomas decd., Timothy Stephenson, Thomas Peart and Second Street.  15 July, 1726.   pp. 56-7.

May 22, 1723.  Jeremiah Collet of Chichester, Chester Co., gentlemen.  Land in Chichester Twp., bounded by lands of Cicily Baldwin, Roger Jackson, John Grub, Jonah Sandeland and woodland in said Twp., 14 ½ acres.  July 3, 1731.   pp. 57-8.

May 22, 1723.  John Harrison of Phila., carpenter.  Piece of land in Phila. bounded by Second Street and lots late of Richard Tregeny decd., now occupied by Thomas Miller and Charles Read, decd., Aug. 31, 1731.   p. 59.

May 21, 1873.  Mathew Houlgate of Rocksbury Twp., Phila. Co., miller.  Land in Rocksbury Twp., bounded by Schuylkill River, Germantown, and lands of Richard Vicers and Philip Thelmain;  200 acres.   p. 60.

May 8, 1723.  Hugh Durborow of Phila., shopkeeper.  Lot of land in the said city.  Satisfied Sept. 7, 1731, by Peter Evans, Esq.   p. 61.

May 21, 1723.  Joseph Pidgoen of Phila., merchant.  Lot of land in Shakamaxun Phila. Co., bounded by Gunner’s Creek, the land late of Thomas Coats and that of Francis Rawle and Anthony Palmer;  106 acres.  Sept. 24, 1729.   pp. 62-3.

May 15, 1723.  Jonathan Hunter of Edgemond Twp., Chester Co., tanner.  Land in Edgemond Twp., bounded by lands of John Bristow, Thomas Rou, Thomas Coeburn, Richard Marsh;  500 acres.   pp. 63-4.

May 22, 1723.  John Flower of Chester Co., weaver.  Land in Chichester Twp., bounded by Delaware River, Chichester Road and the land of Timothy Adkin, William Clayton;  4 acres, 60 sq. pr.   Oct. 8, 1729.   p. 65.

May 23, 1723.  Philip Syng of Phila., silversmith.  Land in Phila., bounded by Delaware Front Street, King Street, the lands of Andrew Lock, Philip Richards and the Delaware River.  June 27, 1728, mortgagor per Jno. Bayley.

April 30, 1723.  William Chancellor of Phila., sail maker.  Land in said city, bounded by Second Street, land of James Steel and that of John Redman, decd. Nov. 6, 1729.   p. 37.

May 21, 1723.  William Morris of Chester Co., yeoman.  One tract in Willis Twp., bounded by land late of Francis Yarnall, Indian’s land and Ridley Creek; 152 acres.  Other tract in Edgemond Twp., Chester Co., bounded by Ridley Creek, land late of John Edge, land late of Richard Adams, tract above mentioned; 35 ½ acres.   Oct. 8, 1729.   pp. 68-9.

May 15, 1723.  Francis Rawle of Northern Liberties, Phila., gentleman.  Land in Phila., bounded by land of Joseph Pidgeon and Second Street.  June 1, 1731, by William Rawle.  p. 69.

May 22, 1723.  Thomas Crispin of Dublin Twp., Phila. Co., yeoman.  Land in Dublin Twp., bounded by Moor Land, the land of Robert Turner, and that of Silas Crispin decd.;  100 acres.   April 8, 1724.   p. 71.

May 22, 1723.  George Coats of Phila., sadler.  Land in Kennet Twp., Chester Co., bounded by lands of Moses Harlan, Deborah Clark, John Cox, John Heald;  400 acres.  May 6, 1731.   p. 72

May 31, 1723.  Daniel Jones of Merion Twp., Phila. Co., tailor.  Land in Merion Twp., bounded by that of Gaynor Roberts;  25 acres.  May 31, 1729.   pp. 73-4.

May 21, 1723.  Miles Strickland of Abington Twp., Phila. Co., weaver.  Land in Abington, bounded by the lands of James Helton, Peter Taylor, Isaac Waterman, John McVeaugh, John Paul, Edmond McVeaugh, and McCollester’s land;  100 acres.  May 5, 1731.

May 21, 1723.  Michael Lightfoot of New Garden, Chester Co., yeoman.  Land in New Garden, bounded by lands of James Star, John Miller, Thomas Garnet, John Willy and Francis Hobson;  300 acres.  Oct. 8, 1729.   p. 76.

April 24, 1723.  Peter Dicks of Upper Providence Twp., Chester Co., yeoman.  Land in Upper Providence Twp., bounded by lands of Thomas Butterfield, Peter Taylor, William Beckingham and Ridley Creek;  170 acres.  Dec. 5, 1730.   p. 77.

May 7, 1723.  Anthony Palmer of Shakamaxun, Phila. Co., gentleman.  Land in Shakamaxun Twp., bounded by lands of John Tonk, Peter Nelson, Robert Turner;  103 acres.  May 21, 1730.   p. 78.

May 22, 1723.  Moses Star of New Garden, Chester Co., yeoman.  Land in New Garden, bounded by lands of Joseph Hutton, Gawen Miller, Francis Hobson, James Star, James Miller, William Miller;  150 acres.  Aug. 10, 1731.   p. 79.

May 22, 1723.  Richard Wansell of Dublin Twp., Phila. Co., yeoman.  Land in Dublin Twp., bounded by lands of George Burson, Thomas Clark, Edmond Wells, James Ayr, and the school house;  100 acres.  Apr. 29, 1724.   p. 80.

May 15, 1723.  Peter Jonason of Kingsess in Phila. Co., yeoman.  Land in Phila. Co., bounded by lands of Peter Yocum, Stephen Jackson, William Smith;  100 acres.  Oct. 15, 1729.   p. 81.

May 15, 1723.  John Bayly of Phila., cordwainer.  Land in Phila., bounded by lands of Thomas Marl, late Patrick Robinson’s now Reece Peters, late John Goodson’s now Reece Peters, Henry Flowers, Richard Hall and John Brown decd.;  May 7, 1725.   pp. 82-3.

May 22, 1723.  Benjamin Paschal of Phila., merchant.  Land on east side of King Street Phila., bounded by lands of George Guest and the Delaware River.  Aug. 14, 1730 by Mary Paschall, admx of Benjamin paschal, decd.  Pp. 83-4.

June 5, 1723.  Thomas Peters Jr. of Phila., cordwainer.  Land in Phila., bounded by Chestnut Street, and the lands of William Mason, John Harrison, William Lingard.  Mar. 9, 1729/30.   pp. 84-5.

June 5, 1723.  Charles Brockden of Phila.,  gentleman.  Land in Moyamensing Twp., bounded by Hollander Creek, and the lands of Christopher Swanson;  35 acres.  May (51, 1724.   pp. 85-6.  [it says May 51 in the transcription abstract]

June 5, 1723.  Samuel Stretch of Phila., watchmaker.  Land in Phila., bounded by lands of Thomas Chalkley, John Smart, Richard Warder and Second Street.  March 16, 1731, by Peter Stretch.    pp. 86-7.

June 5, 1723.  Samuel Hastings of Phila., shipwright.  Land in Phila., bounded by Vine Street, Delaware River, Delaware Front Street and land of John Simcock.  Pp. 87-8.

May 7, 1723.  Joseph Baker of Edgemond Twp., Chester Co., yeoman.  Land in Edgemond, bounded by lands of Ephraim Jackson, Philip Yarnall, Evan Howell, William Bostock;  200 acres.  June 1, 1731.   pp. 88-9.

June 5, 1723.  James Lowns of Phila., yeoman.  Land in Passyunk, Phila. Co., bounded by land late that of Matthias Holston, now Theodorus Lord, Thomas Masters and Peter Cock;  101 acres.  July 1, 1730.   pp. 89-90.

June 8, 1723.  Benjamin Wright of Bristol Twp., Bucks Co., yeoman.  Land in Bristol Twp., bounded by Pond Street, Market Street and land of George White;  112 ½ perches.  March 8, 1732.   pp. 90-1.

May 23, 1723.  William Mason of Phila., turner.  Lot in Phila., bounded by Chestnut Street, lots of John Harrison and Thomas Peters;  Second lot, bounded by Second Street, widow Arrowsmith, Daniel England, lots of Daniel Flower.  Sept. 9, 1727.   pp. 91-2.

May 15, 1723.  Thomas Eldrige of Caln Twp., Chester Co., cordwainer.  Land in Caln Twp., bounded by that of George Claypoole, William Branson;  500 acres.  May 22, 1729.   pp. 92-3.

June 7, 1723.  Samuel Preston of Phila., Merchant. Lot in Phila., bounded by lot formerly of Mary Maltby now of George Emlen, Chestnut Street, High Street, and lot of William Hudson.  Nov. 25, 1729.   p. 93.

June 4, 1723.  Jonas Jones (als Nelson) of Kingsess, Phila., Co., cordwainer.  Land in Phila. Co., bounded by that of Robert Longshore and Mill Creek;  130 acres.  March 9, 1727/8.   pp. 94-5.

May 22, 1723.  Enoch Pearson of Marple, Chester Co., sadler.  Land in Marple; bounded by Crum Creek and lands of Jonathan Heacock, Thomas Pearson;  100 acres.  Nov. 26, 1728, Thomas West on behalf of the mortgagor.  pp. 95-6.

May 23, 1723.  William Robinson of Phila., sadler.  Lot in Phila., bounded by lot late that of Philip James, Delaware Front Street, and lot of Henry Flowers, late Philip Alford’s.  July 6, 1731, mortgagor by the hands of William Paschall.   p. 97.

June 5, 1723.  Edward Farmer of Phila., Co., gentleman.  Land in Phila., Co., bounded by lands of Matthew Perrin, Joseph Fisher, Nicholas Scull, Katherine Fisher, Thomas Rutter, Sr., and the Proprietor’s manor of Springfield;  150 acres.  P. 98.

June 8, 1723.  John Hall of Bristol, Bucks Co., cooper.  Land in Bristol, bounded by Mill Street, Mill Creek, lands late Richard Burge’s and those of John Abraham Denormandie, James Allen, Henry Tomlinson, Thomas Bill, Solomon Boom, Daniel Pegg, Josiah Langdale, Richard Mountain, and Neshamany Road; 6 ¼ acres.  Aug. 16, 1728.   p. 99.

June 2, 1723.  John Orton of Phila., Gunsmith.  Lot in Phila., bounded by that of John McComb’s, William Well’s and Front Street.  June 2, 1731.   p. 100.

June 5, 1723.  Thomas Iredell of Phila. Co., yeoman.  Land in Phila. Co., bounded by lands of Peter Davis, Joseph Fisher and late Samuel Carpenter’s;  200 acres.  June 5, 1730.   p. 101.

May 22, 1723.  Matthias Harvey, Thomas Harvey and Benjamin Harvey all of Bucks Co., yeoman.  Land in Makefield Twp., Bucks Co., bounded by Delaware River, lands of George Stone, late those of Joseph Miller;  1000 acres.  June 26,  1731, by Thomas Harvey.    p. 102.

May 23, 1723.  Thomas Stackhouse of Middletown, Bucks Co., yeoman.  Land in Bucks Co., bounded by lands of Ezra Crosedale, Joseph Growdon, Jeremiah Langhorne, Mary Baker, John Scarbrough, John Stackhuse and Neshaminah Creek;  505 acres.  Oct. 1, 1729.   pp. 103-4.

May 22, 1723.  Thomas Redman of Phila., bricklayer.  Land in Phila., bounded by Front Street, lot of Thomas Tress, Wm. Monington and King Street.  April 6, 1725.   pp. 104-5.

May 23, 1723.  Francis Gandouet of Phila., Practitioner in Physick.  Land in Bucks Co., bounded by that of Dunk Williams, John Abraham Denormandie, Joseph Growdon and Delaware River;  220 acres.  Oct. 8, 1729.   pp. 105-6.

June 5, 1723.  Elias Hugg of Phila., yeoman.  Land in Phila., bounded by Delaware Front Street, lands formerly John Haywood’s, now John Stacy’s, formerly Dennis Rochford’s now Henry Flower’s, and lands of Richard Crosby.  July 23, 1728.   pp. 106-7.

June 5, 1723.  Caleb Ransted of Phila., turner.  Land in Phila., bounded by High Street and lands of Daniel Harrison and Richard Hill.  June 9, 1726, Richard Warder in behalf of the mortgagor.  pp. 107-8.

June 6, 1723.  John Hough, Jr., of Solebury Twp., Bucks Co., yeoman.  Land in Solebury Twp., bounded by that of Thomas Carus, Nehemiah Blackshaw, Joseph Pike;  200 acres.  Oct. 8, 1729.   p. 109.

June 5, 1723.  George Hulme of Bucks Co., yeoman.  Land in Bucks Co., bounded by that of Jonathan Scaif, Robert Heaton;  200 acres.  Nov. 18, 1797.   p. 110.

May 23, 1723.  John McComb, Jr., of Phila., merchant.  Land in Phila., bounded by King Street, Delaware River and land late of Joseph Redman.  Nov. 1, 1731, by Solomon Good.  p. 111.

June 5, 1723.  William Bowell of Phila., Tallow Chandler.  Land in Phila., bounded by Delaware Front Street, King Street and land of Samuel Bulkley and Thomas Oldman.  Dec. 6, 1729.   p. 112.

June 5, 1723.  William Gray, of Phila., Baker.  Land in Phila., bounded by Morris’s Alley, lands of Alexander Beardsley and Edmund Du Casteel, and those late of Anthony Morris and late of John Budd.  Mar. 9, 1725-6.  pp. 113.

April 13, 1723.  Joseph Darlington of Chester Co., cooper.  Land in Caln Twp., Chester Co., bounded by lands of George Claypoole and John Davis;  250 acres.   Pp. 113-4.

May 23, 1723.  Joseph Kirkbridge of Bucks Co., gentleman.  Land in Falls Twp., Bucks Co., bounded by land of Richard Lundy, James Hill, Edward Smith, Thomas Atkinson and William Biles;  575 acres.  Apr. 29, 1731.   pp. 114-5.

June 6, 1723.  George Campion of Phila., Brewer.  Land in Phila., bounded by Front Street, lands late of Francis Plumsted and late of William Taylor.  July 8, 1730.  
pp. 115-6.

May 23, 1723.  Samuel Beaks of Bucks Co., yeoman.  Land in Bucks Co., bounded by Delaware River and land of William Biles and John Ackerman;  120 acres.  June 3, 1731.  pp. 116-7.

June 11, 1723.  Perse Power of Kennet Twp., Chester Co., Taylor.  Land in Kennett Twp., bounded by that of Thomas Fisher.  June 11, 1726.  pp. 117-8.

June 11, 1723.  Joseph Richardson of Phila. Co., yeoman. Land in Phila. Co., bounded by Perquiomink  Creek, Schuylkill River;  1000 acres.  May 6, 1731.  p. 118.

June 12, 1723.  William Corker Jr., of Phila., plasterer.  Land in Phila., bounded by Second Street, that of James Portue and Randal Janney.  Sept. 30, 1729.   p. 119.

June 12, 1723.  Thomas Coats of Phila., brickmaker. Land in Phila., bounded by Second Street and lands of Richard Hill, John Hastings and Thomas Bristow.  Sept. 9, 1727, John Coates in behalf of the mortgagor.  p. 120.

June 12, 1723.  John Gardiner of Blockley, Phila., Co., yeoman.  Land on west side of Schuylkill.  Land in Northern Liberties, bounded by the Schuylkill and land of Samuel Bradshaw;  9 acres.   2 ½  acres of swamp opposite; piece of land in Northern Liberties, bounded by that of John Eckley;  10 acres.  Land in Northern Liberties, bounded by that of John Bristow and Philip England;  25 acres.  50 acres in said Liberties, on west side of Schuylkill bounded by lands of Hertford Friends and Thomas Lloyd & Co.  June 1, 1731, by Peter Gardiner.   pp. 121-2.

June 14, 1723.  Caspar Hoodt of Phila., Taylor.  Land in Phila., bounded by Front Street and lands of William Fishbourn, William Drason and George Roche.  May 19, 1724.  
pp. 122-3.

June 12, 1723.  Bartholomew Longstretch of Bucks Co., yeoman.  Land in Bucks Co., bounded by lands of James Kirle, John Morris, John Hart;  526 acres.  June 23, 1731.  
pp. 123-4.

June 12, 1723.  William Harmer of Phila. Co., yeoman.  Land in Springfield, Phila. Co., bounded by that of Humphrey Morrey;  100 acres.  July 2, 1729.  pp. 124-5.

June 12, 1723.  John Evans of Uwchlan Twp., Chester Co., yeoman.  Land in Uwchlan Twp., bounded by lands of Jeremiah Jerman and David Cadwalader;  200 acres.  Nov. 11, 1729.  pp. 125-6.

June 12, 1723.  Nathaniel Poole of Phila., Shipwright.  Land in Phila., bounded by the Delaware River, Front Street and the lands of James Moore, Henry Johnson, John Jones and James Marle.  Oct. 7, 1729.  pp. 126-7.

June 12, 1723.  Jonathan Nutt of Falls Twp., Bucks Co., yeoman.  Land in Falls Twp., bounded by lands of Samuel Dark, Robert Lucas, Richard Hough, Henry Marjeram and Jeffry Hawkins;  210 acres.  Sept. 6, 1732.  pp. 127-8.

June 11, 1723.  John Rutter of Phila., Smith.  Land in said City on South side of High Street, bounded by Fourth Street, and High Street;  Shop on north side of High Street bounded by High Street, Third Street and land of George Yard. Pp. 128-9.

June 12, 1723.  Ozmand Henbest of Phila. Co., yeoman.  Land in Kingsess, Phila. Co., bounded by lands of Thomas Paschall, Swan Yocum, John Yocum, Swan Jones, John Enochson, Mounce Yocum, Andrew Yocum, Robert Bonell and the Kings Road; 89 acres.  Sept. 4, 1731.  pp. 129-30.

June 12, 1723.  Nathan Gibson of Kingsess, Phila. Co., carpenter.  Land in Kingsess, bounded by lands of Mounce Yocum, Thomas Paschall, Swan Yocum, Peter Longacre and the Schuylkill River; 86 acres.  June 26, 1728.  p. 131.

June 11, 1723.  Jacob Engle of Phila. Co., yeoman.  Land in Phila. Co., bounded by lands of Adam Van ffosson and Abraham Farrington;  168 acres.  Aug. 10, 1731.  p. 132.

June 11, 1723.  Henry Tomlinson of the Borough of Bristol, Bucks Co., Cordwainer.  Lot in Bristol, bounded by lands of Samuel Carpenter, John Large, James Boyden, Daniel Pegg, John Baldwin, John Hall, Benjamin Collins, Thomas Bill, Michael Huff, Market Street, Mill Street and the Mill Race; 100 Acres. July 8, 1731.   p. 133.

June 4, 1723.  Charles Cox of Moyamensing, Phila. Co., yeoman. and Ann his wife.  Land in Moyamensing, bounded by lands of widow Stilley, Jacob Bakson, James Lowns, John Hannis, Andrew Hannis and William Hannis;  25 acres.  Mch. 11, 1729-30.  p. 134.

May 23, 1723.  Euclydus Longshore of Middletown, Bucks Co., Cordwainer.  Land in Middletown, bounded by Neshaminah Creek and lands of Henry Nelson, Thomas Musgrave, John Croasdale, and Joseph Wildman;  150 acres.  March 11, 1729/30.  p. 135.

June 12, 1723.  John Clifton of Phila., weaver.  Land in Phila., bounded by Third Street and lands of John Goodson, Margaret Tench deceased and Joseph Willcox.  May 14, 1729.  pp. 135-6.

June 18, 1723.  James Logan of Phila., Merchant.  Lot in Phila., bounded by Delaware Second Street and lots of Katherine Martin, Andrew Griscomb and William Carter.  8 Oct. 1730.  pp. 136-7.

June 18, 1723.  Thomas Broadgate of Phila., Tailor.  Land in Phila., bounded by Morris Alley and land of John Budd, Richard Hill and Alexander Beadsly.    p. 137.

June 17, 1723.  Thomas Janney of Makefield, Bucks Co., carpenter.  Land in Makefield, bounded by Newtown Twp., Overton’s land and Brook’s land and lands of John Hough and Joshua Hoopes;  440 acres.  Oct. 15, 1729.  p. 138.

June 18, 1723.  Thomas Thwaits of Middletown, Bucks Co., yeoman.  Land in Middletown, bounded by lands of Robert Heaton, Henry Johnson Vandike, John Lucas;  267 acres.  May 24, 1724.  p. 139.

June 19, 1723.  George Shoemaker of Phila., carter.  Land in Phila., bounded by Fourth Street, back of Chestnut Street lots and lands of Israel Pemberton, Thomas Rakestraw, Dennis Rochford.  Sept. 19, 1728.   p. 140.

June 19, 1723.  Thomas Marriot of Bristol, Bucks Co., Sadler.  Land in Bristol, bounded by lands of William Atkinson, Thomas Bill, James Allin, John Burgess, Joseph Burgess, Anthony Burton, Jacob Janney, Samuel Burges, David Palmer, Joseph Kirkbride, Edward Mayos, Joseph Chapman, Thomas Stackhouse, Samuel Carpenter and by Cedar Street, Ratclife Street, Walnut Street and the Delaware River;  42 ½ acres, 53 ½ perches.  June 25, 1731.   p. 141.

June 18, 1723.  Richard Clymer of Phila., blockmaker.  Land in Phila., bounded by King Street, the Delaware River, Front Street and land of Abraham Bickley and Benjamin Paschal.  Oct. 8, 1729.  p. 142.

June 19, 1723.  James Yeates of Bucks Co., yeoman.  Land in Newton Twp., bounded by lands of John Walley, Joseph Yeates and the Newton Creek;  100 acres.  Oct. 1, 1728.   p. 143.

June 19, 1723.  John Dawson of Solebury, Bucks Co., yeoman.  Land in Solebury, bounded by lands of Thomas Head, Henry Paxson, [Randa] Spakman and Joseph Pike;  120 acres.  Apr. 14, 1730.  p. 144.

June 18, 1723.  Richard Armit of Phila., tailor.  Land in Phila., bounded by Delaware Front Street, Morris Alley and lands formerly Thomas Hooton’s now of Alexander Paxton, and lands of Anthony Morris.  June 6, 1730.  pp. 144-5.

June 19, 1723.  Sampson Davis of Phila. Co., yeoman.  Land in Gilbert’s, Phila. Co., bounded by Perkeamink Creek; 148 acres.  Sept. 19, 1728.  p. 145.

June 18, 1723.  Robert Heaton, of Middletown, Bucks Co., yeoman.  Land in Bucks Co., bounded by lands of John Naylor, Thomas Harding, Samuel Allin, Christopher Weatherill, James Carter, Ralph Draycot and by Mill Creek;  340 acres.  Mch. 7, 1731.  p. 146.

June 18, 1723.  John Whitecar of Makefield, Bucks Co., yeoman.  Land in Makefield Twp., bounded by Manor of High Lands and lands of Richard Hough, John Baldwin, Ralph Miller and Thomas Stackhouse;  600 acres.  June 30, 1731.   p. 147.

June 19, 1723.  Henry Walmsley of Bucks Co., yeoman, and Mary, his wife.  Land in Bensalem Twp., Bucks Co., bounded by land of Joseph Growdon called Weskicketts.  Other land in Southampton Twp., bounded by lands of Joseph Tomlinson and John Naylor and Bensalem Twp., 220 acres.  Oct. 8, 1729.  pp. 147-8.

June 18, 1723.  Thomas Wyatt of Gwynedd, Phila. Co., yeoman.  Land in Gwynedd, bounded by lands of the widow Pugh, William Roberts and Robert Jones;  150 acres.  Nov. 3, 1731.  pp. 148-9.

June 18, 1723.  Hugh Jones of Chester Co., yeoman.  Land in Marple Twp., Chester Co., bounded by lands of David Morris, Jonathan Taylor, David Philip and Darby Creek;  225 acres.  March 11, 1726-7.   p. 149.

June 19, 1723.  Thomas Pearce of Phila. Co., yeoman.  Land in Gilbert’s bounded by land of William Lane and the Perquiomink Creek;  152 acres.  April 6, 1731.  p. 150.

June 18, 1723.  John Wade of Chester Twp., yeoman.  Land in Chester Twp., bounded by Delaware River, land of John Salkild, Chester Creek and Road leading to New Castle;  90 acres (excepting ½ acre in possession of Nathaniel Newlin, and 2 acres in possession of Jonathan Ogden and 1 ½ acres formerly in possession of Thomas England.)  May 7, 1729.  p. 151.

June 28, 1723.  Abraham Chapman, of Wrights Town, Bucks Co., yeoman.  Land in Wrightstown, bounded by lands of John Chapman, Zebulon Hastin and William Wilkinson;  176 acres.  June 4, 1731.  p. 152.

June 25, 1723.  Michael Coyle of Phila., Shipwright.  Land in Phila., bounded by Front Street, Dock Street and land of Edward Shippen.  Aug. 18, 1731.  p. 153.

June 25, 1723.  Thomas Potts of Germantown, Phila. Co., butcher.  Land in Germantown, bounded by lands of John Lentz, Isaac Van Center and Joseph Shippen and Bristol Township;  50 acres.  Sept. 7, 1726.  p. 154.

June 19, 1723.  Thomas Yeardley of Bucks Co., cooper.  Land in Bucks Co., bounded by Newton Land, the Delaware River and lands of Joseph Clowes and Reuben Pownal;  500 acres.  Nov. 11, 1729.  pp. 154-5.

June 19, 1723.  Thomas Pugh of Middletown, Bucks Co., Taylor.  Land in Middletown, bounded by lands of George Hulm, John Cawley, John Hough and James Sutton;  125 acres.  Nov. 18, 1729.  pp. 155-6.

June 25, 1723.  Daniel Harrison of Phila., carpenter and Judith his wife.  Land in Phila., bounded by Third Street and land of Joseph Harrison and Stephen Miller.  Oct. 14, 1726.  p. 156.

June 25, 1723.  Thomas Davids of Bucks Co., yeoman.  Land in Bucks Co., bounded by Southampton Land and lands of Thomas Potter, Thomas Walmsley and Arthur Cooke;  200 acres.  July 15, 1729.  pp. 157-8.

June 25, 1723.  Humphrey Morrey of Phila., distiller.  Land in Limerick Twp., Phila. Co., bounded by lands of William Penn and Joseph Pike;  500 acres.  Dec. 13, 1731.  pp. 158-9.

June 26, 1723.  John Budd of Phila., Gentleman.  Land in Chester Co., bounded by lands of Joseph Pike, Humphrey Morrey, Alexander Owen, Lewis Martin and Pickering’s Mines;  390 acres.  Land in Phila., bounded by Front Street, Dock Street and the lands of Stephen Simons and Anthony Morris.  Pp. 159-60.

June 25, 1723.  Paul Pennington of Middletown, Bucks Co., cordwainer.  Land in Phila. Co., bounded by land of Thomas Palmer, Thomas Duffield, Thomas Pennington and Nicholas Walln;  100 acres.  May 7, 1731.  p. 160.

June 28, 1723.  William Atkinson of Bristol, Bucks Co., Gentleman, and Margaret his wife.  Land in Bristol, bounded by lands of Samuel Carpenter and John Baldin, by Pond Street and Market Street.  Apr. 15, 1724.  p. 161.

June 28, 1728.  Francis White of Middletown, Bucks Co., yeoman.  Land in Bucks Co., bounded by lands of John White and Elizabeth White;  100 acres.  April 1, 1724.  p. 162.

June 26, 1723.  Theodorus Lord of Passyunck, Phila. Co., Merchant.  Land in Passyunck, bounded by the Schuylkill River and lands of Jonas Leadman, Richard Hill and Peter Cox;  100 acres.  Oct. 7, 1729.  p. 163.

June 19, 1723.  John Millner of Makefield, Bucks Co., yeoman.  Land in Makefield, bounded by lands of Samuel Baker and John Jackson and by the Delaware River;  291 acres.  Nov. 5, 1729.  p. 164.

June 13, 1723.  Edward Pleadwell of Phila., shopkeeper.  Land in Chester Co., bounded by the Road which divides Radnor and Newton Twps.; 300 acres.  Also land in Phila., bounded by High Street and land of John Durborow.  Jan. 12, 1729-30.  p. 165.

June 10, 1723.  Isaac Worrell, of Oxford Twp., Phila. Co., Millwright.  Land in Oxford Twp., bounded by lands of Robert Adams, Paul Wilmerton, Yeamans Gillingham, John Worrell, by Franklford Mill Creek, the Kings Road and Robert Adams’ Road; 17 ¾ acres.  Jan. 6, 1728-9.  pp. 165-6.

August 2, 1723.  William Fishbourn of Phila., Gentleman.  Land in Phila. (?), bounded by that of Samuel Carpenter and Henry Crumbly [Comly] Waddys land and the line dividing Phila. And Bucks Counties;  796 ½ acres.  2d. 3 mo. 1727.   pp. 166-7.

June 6, 1723.  Jacob Johnson and John Johnson, both of Newtown, Bucks Co., yeoman.  Land in Newtown, bounded by lands of Thomas Janney, John Hough Sr., Thomas Musgrove, Shedrach Wally, Thomas Ashton;  278 acres.  Nov. 4, 1729.  pp. 167-8.

June 12, 1723.  Arthur Jones of Phila. Co., Mason.  Land in Upper Merion, Phila. Co., bounded by lands of Rowland Ellis, John Williams, Morris Llewellin, Edward Griffith;  200 acres; April. 30, 1728.  pp. 168-9.

May 22, 1723.  Thomas Standaland of Bucks Co., yeoman.  Land in Bristol Twp., bounded by Delaware River and lands of William Bennett, Edward Doyle, Joseph Large;  150 acres.  Nov. 18, 1729.   pp. 169-170.

January 22, 1723.  Charles Read of Phila.  Lot in Phila., bounded by High Street, Front Street and lot of John Kaighn.   P. 171.

January 29, 1723.  John Wright of Chester Twp., Chester Co., merchant.  Land in Chester Twp., bounded by Delaware River and lands of Albert Hendrick, Thomas Bright, Jeremiah Carter, Jacob Roman;  221 acres, 70 pr.  Nov. 7, 1730.  p. 172.

January 29, 1723.  William ffishbourn of Phila. Pa., gentleman.  Land in Phila., bounded by Front Street, King Street and lands of Samuel Carpenter and Richard Hill.  Jan. 29, 1730.  p. 173.

January 27, 1723.  Thomas Coleman of Phila., Pa., cordwainer.  Land in Phila., bounded by lands of William ffishbourn and William Say, and by Second Street.  Feb. 6, 1733/4.  p. 174.

January 29, 1723.  Richard Sanders, of Phila., Pa., carpenter.  Land in Phila., bounded by Second Street and the lands of Henry Badcock, Samuel Powell and James Lownes.  Apr. 9, 1728.  p. 175.

January 29, 1723.  Evan Hugh of Eastown, Chester Co., yeoman.  Land in East Town, called Travelgwyn, bounded by lands of Llewelin David, William Shardlow, Edward Heigh and Joseph Woods;  100 acres.  Dec. 29, 1733.  pp. 176-7.

January 28, 1723.  Thomas Miller of Phila., Pa., victualer.  Land in Phila., bounded by lands of Elisha Gatchel and Isaac Norris and King Street and Front Street.  May 1, 1725.  pp. 177-8.

January 29, 1723.  Thomas James of Great Valley, Chester Co., yeoman.  Land in Great Valley, bounded by land of Thomas German;  607 acres.  P. 179.

January 30, 1723/4.  Samuel Carpenter of Phila., Pa., Gentleman.  Land in Phila., bounded by Sixth Street, Chestnut Street, Seventh Street and High Street.   p. 180

February 5, 1723/4.  Thomas Williamson of Edgemond, Chester Co., Pa., yeoman.  Land in Edgemond, bounded by Ridley Creek, the lands of Sarah Dole, Ralph Lewis, Francis Edwards and John Holston;  120 acres.  Nov. 4, 1729.  p. 181.

February 5, 1723/4.  John West of Upper Providence, Chester Co., cooper.  Land in Upper Providence, bounded by lands of Henry Miller and John Edge and by Ridley Creek;  40 acres.  P. 182.

February 5, 1723/4.  Robert Worthington of Shakamaxun, Phila. Co., yeoman.  Land in Shakamaxun, bounded by Delaware River, Kings Road, Gunner’s Creek, lands of Thos. Fairman, Isaac Norris and Samuel Carpenter.  191 ½ acres.  July 10, 1730.  p. 183

February 5, 1723/4.  Thomas Story of Newtown, Bucks Co., yeoman.  Land in Falls Twp., bounded by lands of Henry Margerum, John Siddal, Joseph Wood, William Darby, Samuel Dark;  155 acres.  P. 185.

February 5, 1723/4.  William Hollyday, of Chester Co., yeoman.  Land in New Garden, bounded by lands of Abraham Marshal, Simon Hadley, Thomas Jackson;  200 acres.  Sept. 30, 1729.  p. 186.

February 5, 1723/4.  Isaac Walton of Byberry Twp., Phila. Co., yeoman.  Land in Phila. Co., bounded by lands of Thomas Shute, Lassey Thompson, John Dorson, Peter Chamberlain, William Walker;  200 acres.  P. 187.

February 5, 1723/4.  Joseph Yates, of New Town, Bucks Co., yeoman.  Land in New Town, bounded by New Town Creek and lands of Daniel Doane and Henry Nelson;  100 acres.  June 3, 1730.  pp. 188-9.

February 5, 1723/4.  Joseph Pidgeon of Phila., merchant.  Lot in Phila., bounded by lots of William Wells and Thomas Atchele.  Apr. 7, 1736.  Received by the hands of William Fishbourn full Satisfaction for the within Mortgaged premises.  Pp. 189-90.

February 6, 1723/4.  John Heap, of Phila., saddletree-maker.  Lot in Phila., bounded by lots of John Webb, deceased, Samuel Nichols, deceased, Third Street, and the Baptist Meeting House.  Mch. 24, 1735/6.  pp. 193-4.

February 6, 1723/4.  Thomas Marple of Abington, Phila. Co., yeoman.  Land near Perkeysey, Bucks Co., bounded by lands of Jeremiah Langhorn and John Chapman;  200 acres.   P. 195.

February 6, 1723.  Cadwalader Jones of Gwynedd Twp., Phila. Co., yeoman.  Land in Gwynedd, bounded by lands of John Humphry, Robert Evans, Edward Roberts, Hugh Griffith, Owen ap Evans;  186 acres.  July 6, 1731.  p. 196.

February 6, 1723/4.  Joseph Evit of Phila., Joiner.  Land in Phila., bounded by Second St., Vine Street and lands of Samuel Hastings and Thomas Denton.  P. 197.

February 6, 1723/4.  Mirick Davies, of Phila., gentleman.  Land in Haverford Twp., bounded by Darby Creek, lands of Morris Llewelyn, David Lewis, John Bevan;  168 ½ acres, 4 pr.  June 3, 1730.  pp. 198-9.

February 6, 1723/4.  Aaron Goforth, the Elder, of Phila., carpenter.  Land in Phila., bounded by Sassafrax Street, and the lands of Isaac Norris, Samuel Spencer and William Bowlin.   Pp. 199-200.

February 6, 1723/4.  John Chads of Birmingham, Chester Co., yeoman.  Land in Birmingham, bounded by Brandywine Creek, and lands of Edward Bayly, Philip Roman, Edmond Butcher, Peter Dicks,  500 acres.   P. 201.

February 6, 1723/4.  Daniel Bradley of Phila., Sawyer.  Lot in Phila., bounded by Walnut Street and lots of Thomas Griffith, Joseph Claypoole and Richard Hill.   P. 202.

February 7, 1723/4.  Mordecai Howell of Phila., Gentleman.  Lot in Phila., bounded by Front Street and lots of John Walker, Joshua Tittery, deceased, and Thomas Bristow.   P. 203.

February 7, 1723/4.  John Hough of Bucks Co., yeoman.  Land in Bucks Co., bounded by lands of Thomas Janney, Jonathan Scaif;  250 acres.  Pp. 204-5.

February 7. 1723/4.  Joseph Kirkbride of Bucks Co., Gentleman.  Land in Falls Twp., bounded by lands of Richard Lundy, James Hill, Edward Smith, Thomas Atkinson and William Biles;  575 acres.  P. 206.

February 11, 1723/4.  John Cadwalader of Horsham, Phila. Co., yeoman.  Land in Horsham, bounded by Penapeka Creek and lands of Thomas Iredell, Samuel Carpenter, Peter Chamberlain, Thomas Palmer;  273 acres.  P. 207.

February 11, 1723/4.  Owen Humphrey of Phila., Innholder.  Lot in Phila., bounded by Third Street, Elbow Lane and lands of Joshua Carpenter and Jacob Herbin.  Aug. 11, 1738.  p. 208.

February 11, 1723/4.  Samuel Hastings of Phila., shipwright.  Land in Phila., bounded by Vine Street, Delaware River, Front Street and lots of John Simcock, Joseph Evit and Griffith Jones.  pp. 209-10.

February 11, 1723.  Richard Baker of Edgmont, Chester Co., yeoman.  Land in Edgemont, bounded by Ridley Creek and lands of Thomas Williamson, Simon Akors, Samuel Lewis, Joseph Baker and David Register;  170 acres.  Apr. 7, 1736.  pp. 210-11.

February 11, 1723/4.  Abraham Tyson of Abington, Phila. Co., yeoman.  Land in Abington, bounded by lands of Richard Carver, Robert ffletcher, William Johnson, John Tyson;  130 acres.   p. 212.

February 12, 1723/4.  Joseph Lupton of New Town, Bucks Co., weaver.  Land in New Town, bounded by New Town Creek; 50 acres.  Received of Nathaniel Donham for Joseph Lupton, full satisfaction.  Oct. 22, 1731.  p. 213.

February 12, 1723/4.  Daniel Pritchard of Phila. Co., tailor.  Land in Dublin Twp., Phil. Co., bounded by lands of Hans Lykins, Silas Crispin and the Penapecka Creek;  110 acres.  p. 214.

February 12, 1723/4.  Edward Parry of Moorland, Phila. Co., yeoman.  Land in Moorland, bounded by lands of Thomas Wood, Garret Winekoop, Joseph Hall, Anthony Yorkas;  200 acres.  March 18, 1729/30.  pp. 215-6.

February 12, 1723/4.  Thomas Parry of Mooreland, Phila. Co., yeoman.  Land in Mooreland, bounded by lands of Thomas Woods, Edward Parry, Garret Winecop, Thomas Walton, Henrich Buskirk, Harman Yerkes;  200 acres.  p. 217.

February 12, 1723/4.  John Addis of Bucks Co., Taner.  Land in Bucks Co., bounded by lands of William Roll, Jeremiah Dungan, Christopher Day, Gideon Freedom;  100 acres.  Nov. 5, 1729.  p. 218.

February 12, 1723/4.  Samuel Stackhouse of Makefield, Bucks Co., yeoman.  Land in Makefield, bounded by lands of Lancelot Gibson, Thomas Stackhouse, Ezra Croasdale and Manor land;  200 acres.  February 25, 1729/30.  p. 219.

February 15, 1723/4.  Samuel Powell of Bristol Twp., Phila. Co., yeoman.  Land in Bristol Twp., bounded by Germantown Line and lands of John Bowyer, Griffith Jones, John White;  139 acres.  April 30, 1736.  pp 220-2.

February 12, 1723/4.  Stephen Jenkins of Abington, Phila. Co., yeoman.  Land in Abington Twp., bounded by Susquehannah Road and lands of Malachi Jones, Rice Peters;  200 acres, 25 pr.  26 July, 1731.  pp. 221-2.

February 12, 1723/4.  Benjamin Town, of Bristol Twp., Bucks Co., yeoman.  Land in Bucks Co., bounded by Neshaminy Creek, land of John Clawson and Spencer’s land;  118 acres.  march 3, 1725/6.  p. 223.

February 12, 1723/4.  Richard Mitchell of Wrights Town, Bucks Co., carpenter.  Land in Wrights Town, bounded by Randal’s run and lands of John Wilkinson, Israel Pemberton, Jonathan Couper;  70 acres.  Sept. 6, 1735.  p. 224.

February 12, 1723/4.  Nicholas Penquite of Northampton, Bucks Co., yeoman.  Land in Bucks Co., bounded by Neshaminy Creek and land of Thomas Down;  200 acres.  Oct. 14, 1729.  p. 225.

February 12, 1723/4.  William Harmer, Jr., of Springfield, Phila. Co., yeoman.  Land in Springfield, bounded by lands of Christopher Ottenger and the North Wales Road;  95 acres.  June 6, 1730.  pp. 226-7.

February 12, 1723/4.  Peter Hatton of Concord, Chester Co., yeoman.  Land in Concord, bounded by lands of Robert Chamberlain, Nicholas Pyle and John Perkins and the Birmingham Road, 117 acres.  pp. 227-8.

February 12, 1723/4.  Joseph Shippen of Phila., merchant.  Lot in Phila., bounded by Schuylkill River and lots of Peter Boon, George Andres, Anthony Sadowsky;  another lot bounded by Walnut Street and lots of George Painter, deceased and James Bayly.  p. 229.

February 12, 1723/4.  Hugh Thomas of Blockley, Phila., Co., yeoman.  Land in Blockley, bounded by Proprietary’s land, Schuylkill River, and lands of Hugh Roberts, Clein John, David Merig;  125 acres.  pp. 230-1.

February 12, 1723/4.  John Penquite of Bucks Co.  Land in Wrights Town, Bucks Co., bounded by Neshaminy Creek and land of Roger Longworthy;  200 acres.  Feby. 23, 1733/4.  pp. 231-2.

February 12, 1723/4.  Jacob Minshall of Chester Co., yeoman.  Land in Chester Co., bounded by lands of Thomas Barnsby, George Lindley, Thomas Minshall, Daniel Smith, William Gregory, George Ashbridge, the Ridley Creek and Dismal Run;  500 acres.  p. 233.

February 11, 1723/4.  Joseph Bond of Bristol Twp., Bucks Co., gentleman.  Land in Bristol Twp., bounded by lands of Josiah Longdale, Adam Harker and the Delaware River;  129 acres.   Oct. 27, 1729.  p. 234.

February 11, 1723/4.  Joseph Townsend of Bristol Twp., Phila. Co., miller.  Land in Bristol Twp., bounded by lands of Samuel Carpenter, John Goodson and the Germantown line;  99 acres.  Sept. 8, 1731,  pp. 235-6.

February 11, 1723/4.  ffrancis Richardson of Phila., silversmith.  Lot in Phila., bounded by Chestnut Street and lots of Miles Harding, Samuel Powel, Daniel England.  pp. 236-7.

February 12, 1723/4.  Benjamin Godfrey of Phila., merchant.  Lots in Phila., bounded by Schuylkill River, Second Street from Schuylkill, lots of Thomas Lloyd, Schuylkill Front Street, lots of John Jones, Michael Jones;  also land near Phila., bounded by lots of Lancelot Lloyd and John Eckley, by Vine Street, Front Street and Second Street;  9 acres.  Feb. 7, 1729/30.  pp. 237-8.

February 11, 1723/4.  George Pownall of Soleburg, Bucks Co., yeoman.  Land in Solebury, bounded by Delaware River and lands of Randal Spakman, Ruben Paxson, Basilla Forster;  316 acres.  Mch. 17, 1729.  p. 239.

February 13, 1723/4.  Robert Assheton of Phila., gentleman.  Land near White Marsh, bounded by lands of Edward Farmer, Michael Thomas, Edward Hopton, Joseph Knight, Daniel Quare;  314 acres.  Dec. 24, 1726.  p. 240.

February 18, 1723/4.  Ebenezer Large of Phila., shopkeeper.  Land in Phila., bounded by lands of William Corker, Pentecost Teague, Ralph Jackson, Lionel Britten, Soloman Cresson, High Street, Second Street, and Strawberry Alley.   p. 241.

February 18, 1723/4.  George Emlen of Phila., Brewer.  Land in Phila., bounded by High Street, Chestnut Street, lands of William Clare, Joseph Ransted;  also land in Wiccacoe, Phila. Co., bounded by lands of William Tidmarshe, Stephen John, Martha Cox;  11 acres.  15th-10 mo., 1727.  p. 242.

February 18, 1723/4.  Sir William Keith, Baronet, Governor of the Province of Penna.  Land in Stretleton, Chester Co., bounded by lands of William Bradford;  1000 acres.  Aug. 6, 1731.  Received full satisfaction from the within Mortgagor by the hands of John Kyle.  p. 243.

February 18, 1723/4.  John Read of Phila., carpenter.  Lot in Phila., bounded by Third Street, Fourth Street, Chestnut Street, High Street and lots of William Boulding, Samuel Carpenter and George Fox.  Nov. 17, 1729.  pp. 244-5.

February 18, 1723/4.  Hannah Carpenter of Phila., widow.  Land in Chester Co., formerly called Pickerings Mines, bounded by lands of Joseph Willcox, Joseph Richards, William Sanders, John Jones;  340 acres.  Sept. 5, 1724.  p. 246.

February 18, 1723/4.  John Breintnal of Phila.  Lot in Phila., bounded by Chestnut Street and lands of Samuel Hudson, James Blanchard, Joseph Brientnall.  Nov. 14, 1729.  p. 247.

February 18, 1723/4.  Thomas Lewis of Radnor, Chester Co., yeoman.  Land in Radnor, bounded by lands of John Morgan and John South;  80 acres.  p. 248.

February 18, 1723/4.  Thomas Edwards of East Town, Chester Co., yeoman. Land in East Town, bounded by lands of Owen Hugh, Mordecai Moore, William Evan, Michael Jobson, Richard Evans, John David;  386 acres.  March 21, 1729/30.  p. 249.

February 19, 1723/4.  Richard Marple of Abington, Phila. Co., yeoman.  Land in Mooreland, bounded by lands of Walter Humphrey, William Roberts, Abraham Richards, John Baker;  10 acres.  p. 250.

February 19, 1723/4.  Armstrong Smith of Wickacoe,  Phila. Co., shipwright.  Land in Wickacoe, bounded by Delaware River and lands of Samuel Hackney, Philip John;  2 ½ acres.  May 13, 1734.  pp. 251-2.

February 19, 1723/4.  Nathaniel Poole of Phila., shipwright and Ann his wife.  Lot in Phila., bounded by Second Street and lots of John Mifflin, George Fitzwater, Thomas Chalkley.  8-8mo. 1729.  pp. 252-3.

February 19, 1723/4.  Peter Blaker of Bucks Co., yeoman.  Land in Southampton, Bucks Co., bounded by Neshaminy Creek, and lands of Anthony Tompkins, John Blaker;  350 acres.  May 9, 1734.  pp. 253-4.

February 19, 1723/4.  Evan Harry of Merion, Phila. Co., yeoman.  Land in Merion, bounded by lands of Edward Reece, John Roberts, Widow Evans, John Ravord;  107 acres.  Apr. 2, 1733/4.  p. 255.

February 19, 1723/4.  John Edge of Upper Providence, Chester Co., yeoman.  Land in Upper Providence, bounded by Crum Creek, Ridley Creek and lands of Henry Howard, John West, Henry Miller;  240 acres.  Received of William Hammans on behalf of the Mortgagor full satisfaction.  Feb. 14, 1728/9.  p. 256.

February 19, 1723/4.  Humphry Ellis of Haverford, Chester Co., yeoman.  Land in Haverford, bounded by Darby Creek, Bevans land and old Haverford Road;  170 acres.  May 21, 1728.  p. 257.

February 19, 1723/4.  John Yearsley of Chester Co., yeoman.  Land in Thornbury Twp., bounded by lands of Thomas Evanson, Richard Woodward, Philip Taylor, John Willis, Richard Collet, Barker and Company;  254 acres.  Also land in West Town, bounded by lands of Richard Evenson, David Lloyd, Joseph Hunt, Philip Taylor;  290 acres.  pp. 258-9.

February 19, 1723/4.  Thomas Moor of Chester Co., yeoman.  Land in Caln Twp., bounded by lands of Randal Spakman, Joseph Cloud, John Baldwin, John Moore, John Barker, Peter Taylor;  660 acres.  Nov. 19, 1729.  pp. 259-60.

February 19, 1723/4.  John Dark of Falls Twp., Bucks Co., yeoman.  Land in Bucks Co., bounded by lands of Charles Bile.  Another tract of land in Falls Twp., bounded by lands of William Paxson, Giles Lucas, Henry Paxson, William White;  335 acres.  Received from Sampson Carey by Mr. Langhorne full satisfaction.  Sept. 14, 1734.  p. 261.

February 19, 1723/4.  Aaron Goforth, Jr. of Phila., carpenter.  Land in Oxford Twp., Phila. Co., bounded by lands of Erick Keen, Gabriel Wilkinson and the Delaware River;  90 acres.  Oct. 6, 1731. p. 262.

February 19, 1723/4.  George Aston of Caln Twp., Chester Co., yeoman.  Land in Caln Twp., bounded by lands of Thomas Lindly, Joseph Cloud, Thomas Moore;  500 acres.  p. 263.

February 19, 1723/4.  Alexander Beal of Buckingham Twp., Bucks Co., yeoman.  Land in Buckingham Twp., bounded by lands of John Beal, Matthew Hough, John Reynal, Thomas Stevenson, Nathaniel Broomly;  200 acres.  Nov. 4, 1729.  pp. 264-5.

February 19, 1723/4.  Joseph Powell of Ridley Twp., Chester Co., yeoman.  Land in Ridley Twp., bounded by lands of Richard Crosby, Samuel Carpenter, Jacob Simcock, Crum Creek;  184 acres.  Received of James Crosby full satisfaction.  Apr. 9, 1751.  p. 266.

February 19, 1723/4.  Philip Padrick of Chester Co., cooper.  Land in Chichester Twp., bounded by King’s Road, Stony Run, Delaware River, lands of Philip Roman and Peter Boss;  60 acres.  p. 267.

February 19, 1723/4.  Thomas George of Kennet Twp., Chester Co., sawyer.  Land in Kennet Twp., bounded by lands of George Harlan, Thomas Chandler, and the Brandywine Creek;  106 acres.  Jan 24, 1729/30.  p. 268.

February 20, 1723/4.  Francis Edwards of Chester Co., carpenter.  Land in Edgemond, bounded by lands of James Kennerly, John Holsten;  100 acres.  p. 270.

February 13, 1723/4.  John Lycan of Phila. Co., yeoman.  Land in Phila. Co., bounded by Pennypack Creek and lands of Thomas Duffield, Thomas Shute, Isaac Walton, Emanuel Dunworth;  113 acres, 110 pr.  May 4, 1728.  p. 271.

February 13, 1723/4.  John Boss of Chichester, Chester Co., yeoman.  Land in Chichester, bounded by lands of Jeremiah Collet, James Brown, Walter Martin, James Mill, John Hulbert, Jonas Sandeland, widow Johnson and the Delaware River;  8 acres.  p. 270.

February 20, 1723/4.  Edward Thompson of Edgemond, Chester Co., weaver.  Land in Edgemond, bounded by lands of Francis Yarnall, John Kinsman, Evan Lewis (of New Town);  100 acres.   pp. 271-2.

February 20, 1723/4.  James Harker of Bucks Co., yeoman.  Land in Wrights Town, bounded by lands of Israel Pemberton, Benjamin Clark, Joseph Chapman and the Proprietary’s land.  Oct. 5, 1731.   pp. 272-3.

Contributed to the Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania by Mrs. William M. Mervine.

Publication of The Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; March 1917, Vol. VI, No 3, pp. 266-285.

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