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…bringing our past into the future

Clearfield Republican, 1860 Issues


Jan 6, 2009

The Clearfield Republican
April 4, 1860

* Note on some of the pages of the newspaper the ink has stained and copied the print onto the next page making it hard to read.  I have tried to make a accurate copy of the information, when in doubt please check the paper.

An Ancient Land Mark.
In cutting down a tree a few days ago on the farm of Mr. Daniel Bailey of Pike tp., his son, R. S. Bailey, found a notch in the body, which upon counting the growths was found to have been cut one hundred and four years ago.  This is perhaps the most ancient land mark yet discovered in this county and carries us back to the year following Braddocks defeat in the vicinity of Fort Duquesne, now Pittsburgh in the year 1753.

Fire. – A fire broke out in the woods in the vicinity of Hale’s mills in Decatur township on last Thursday, and the weather being windy it spread so rapidly that it soon reached the mills, which were for some time in great danger of being burnt down.  However through the exertions of the people in the vicinity who came promptly to the rescue they were preserved without having sustained any injury.

Death of a Revolutionary Soldier. – We were handed a communication in relation to the death of Ludwig Snyder of Burnside tp., this county, who died on the 23rd ult., at the advanced age of 113 years, too late for insertion this week.  We shall give it or its substance in our next issue.

Infanticide – Our community was thrown into a high state of excitement on last Friday morning, by the finding, by some boys, of the body of a male infant, in the river at the north west part of town, lying only a few feet from the shore.  The news spread rapidly and in a short time a number of people had assembled upon the spot.  After a Coroner’s jury had been summoned, by the justice of the Peace present, there being no coroner in commission in the County, a post mortem examination of the body was made, and it was given as the opinion of the Physicians who made it, that the infant had been born alive, and had come to its death by violence.  A most tedious and protracted inquiry was then made by the Jury, which resulted in the arrest and imprisonment of the suspected female. – With any further details of this melancholy affair, as we do not profess to publish a sensation paper, we do not intend for the present to deal.  A shocking crime has been committed in our midst, the perpetration of which every one must deeply deplore.  The guilt or innocence of those to whom is laid this heavy charge, will doubtless be determined by a court of Justice.  We have no comments to make.

Arrested – A young man named Baker, was arrested at or near Lumber City on last Wednesday charged with the larceny of some money.  He was brought to this place the same day and lodged in the County prison where he still remains.

Correction.  We published last week the marriage of Mr. John Rowls to Miss Doughman, we have since been informed that it should have been John A. Rowls.

Hand in Hand. – We see by the Gazette that the old court house in Williamsport, Lycoming county, is about being torn down to give place to a new, and more commodious edifice, adapted to the wants of the people, and the progress of the age.  We mention this fact as coincident with the demolition of the venerable pile which but lately reared it spire far above every structure in our borough, and of which now, not a vestage remains but a pile of bricks, because both buildings were planned and erected by the same architect and contractor, the late Mr. Collins.  The two buildings bore a striking remembrance to each other in their proportions and internal arrangement, and both were remarkable for the durability and excellence of the workmanship displayed in their construction.  Hand in hand, these relics of primitive days, depart from the places where they so long stood as temples of justice, to give place to more fashionable successors, which will in their turn share similar fates.  Just as the Old year give place to the new, which in time becomes the Old itself, and departs like its predecessor.  

Died in Boggs tp., Centre Co., on Friday the 16th day of March last, Lilly Elvy, daughter of Charles and Mary R. Larrimer, formerly of Oshkosh, Wis., now of this borough, aged 3 years and 4 months.

Died near Philipsburg, Wednesday morning, March 7th 1860, James Wilson, infant son of Russell D. and L. Anna Showalter, aged 8 months and 10 days.

Arrested for Robbery.  The Catalogue of criminals in our midst is receiving daily additions.  We mentioned in another place that a young man named Baker had been and committed to prison on a charge of highway robbery.  Last night about 11 o’clock, the Constable of Lumber City brought a young man named Lyons, and another whose name we did not learn, and lodged them in Jail, on a charge of being partners of Baker in the same transaction.  The party robbed, we understand, was a colored man named Cochran.  All three are now in custody.

January 18, 1860

The work on the new Court House is progressing finely, the workmen having put down the joice for the second floor.  We have not doubt when the building is finished every citizen of our county will feel proud of it.

A Strange Movement.  On Saturday night last, about one o’clock, a man was observed in the out lot of W. A. Wallace Esq., attempting to catch his horse, information was soon lodged with Sheriff Miller, who started in pursuit in the direction of Philipsburg, continuing his route until daylight he observed that there were no fresh tracks upon the road, whereupon he turned back, when some four miles east of town he discovered a fresh track which he followed a short distance along a by road when the horse was found without saddle or bridle.  There is no doubt an attempt was made to steal the horse, but the Sheriff being overheard pursuing by the scoundrel he abandoned the Horse, after taking off the bridle.

Serious Accident
On Saturday evening last, while Drs. Loraine and Hartswick were in the act of emptying a Demijohn filled with Sulphuric acid, it bursted and the contents scattered in every direction seriously burning H. B. Swoope and a little son of Mr. Richards, with considerable damage to the clothing of the bystanders.
Dr. Loraine however met with a serious loss besides losing the Acid, he lost half of his unmentionables, in addition to being seriously burnt on his limbs.  A number of persons were standing around at the time and the only wonder is, how they escaped as well as they did.

Married on Sunday July 1st, 1860, by P. W. Hays, Esq., Mr. George Dillo, of Luthersburg, Clearfield Co., Pa. to Miss Sophia (?). Wilson, of Elk Co, Pa.

Died in Curwensville on the 12th inst., Sophia Edith only daughter of Isaac B., and Elmire H. Segner, aged 2 years 1 month and 15 days.

Died on the 3rd day of July in Lawrence Tp., G. Phillip son of Henry and Rosanna Guslich, aged 2 months and 21 days.

July 25, 1860

Married in Tyrone City, on the 19th inst., by Samuel Jones, Esq., Mr. William Ball of Ansonville, to Miss Caroline Hiller, of Glenn Hope, both of Clearfield county.

Died in Ferguson Tp., on Sunday the 22d inst., Thomas Owens, aged about 42 years.

Fire. We learn that the steam sawmill belonging to Joseph S. Hyde, Esq., near Ridgeway, was burned on Sunday night last together with eight hundred thousand feet of sawed lumber, and about two hundred and fifty raw logs.  It is supposed that one of the hands committed the act, who left about that time, but was arrested at Warren when he was about taking the cars for Erie, and brought back to Ridgeway and committed to jail.

August 1, 1860

Married on Sunday July 1st, 1860, by Wm. A. Reed, Esq., Mr. Richard Rowels, jr., to Miss Phebe  A. Jordan both of Woodward tp., Clearfield co., Pa.

Married on Thursday the 26th ult., by D. S. Moore, Esq., Mr. Wm. Henry of Ferguson tp., to Miss Martha P. Garretson, of Lumber City, Clearfield Co., Pa.

August 8, 1860

On Monday last John Cathcart of Knox tp., was lodged in our jail charged with having shot his wife on Saturday last, the wife lived about 6 hours, the ball having entered her left breast, and lodged against the backbone.

On Wednesday last Augustin Rimbley of Girard township, had his leg broken while felling a tree, which flew back – struck his leg and broke it about half way between the ankle and knee.  Dr. Potter was immediately summoned who gave it the proper treatment, and the man is doing well.  

Married on the 5th August by Lever Flegal, Esq., Mr. Wm. S. Smiley to Miss Sarah E. Bogle both of Brady tp.

Married on Thursday last by F. F. Coutriet, Jr., Esq., Mr. Levi Laird to Miss Margaret Barr all of Girard Township.

Died on Sunday night, the 25th inst., Lewis W. Smith, aged 5 years, 2 months, and 22 days.

Died on Monday, August 6th, Forest W. Smith, aged 3 years and 4 months, both sons of A. M. and Catharine F. Smith of Clearfield Borough.

Serious Accident
On Sunday last Mr. Daniel Welch, Miss Margarie Welch and Miss Rebecca Reed, started in a Buggy to go to Bloomington to church, when near the place the Horse took fright and ran away throwing the whole three out of the buggy.  Miss Welch had one of her arms broken, and Miss Reed was very much injured in her back, so much that at last accounts she was not able to set or stand.  Mr. Welch however is not seriously injured.

August 15, 1860

Tall Timothy.  Mr. James Bailey of Lawrence tp., brought to our office the other day three stocks of Timothy, each measuring six feet and six inches.  Beat this if you can.  It was raised on his farm, about two miles from town.

Married on Thursday, August 9th, at Whitmore, Beccaria tp., by J. W. Wright, Esq., Mr. George Haslet to Miss Sarah E. Washburn.

August 22, 1860

Married at the Presbyterian Parsonage in Clearfield, on the 18th inst., by the Rev. J. M. Galloway, Mr. Leander Denning to Miss Eliza Jane Ralston both of Morris tp.

Died on Wednesday, July 25th, in Pike tp., after a lingering illness, Birdie, son of D. P. and Maria McClure, aged 1 year and 11 months.

August 29, 1860

The brick work of the new Court House is now nearly completed to the square, and it is the intention of the contractor to have it under roof by the first of October next.

A Sudden Death.
On Thursday last considerable excitement was raised in our town – to the effect that a man was lying dead in the Turnpike about one and a half miles east of town.  A number of persons proceeded to the place where the man was found.  It was soon ascertained that the vital spark had fled, and that he must have fell down in his tracks, he was immediately brought to town, an Inquest was held by M. A. Frank, Esq., which rendered a verdict that he died from a visitation of Providence.  During the setting of the Inquest, the body was identified by several persons as that of a man named Frederick Schindel, who kept Bar at Mrs. Ward’s in Tyrone.  On Friday he was decently buried in the cemetery east of town.

A Bold Robbery
On Saturday about 4 o’clock p.m., the dwelling house of Jason Kirk near Lumber City was entered by an unknown man, and $1080 stolen out of a chest – eighty dollars being in silver and the balance in Gold.
    Mr.Kirk was not at home at the time; the scoundrel, adopted a stratagem to make sure work, he first went and turned a lot of cattle into the cornfield, and then went to the House, and told them that the cattle were in the corn!  A boy and a girl – being all that were about the house at the time, started with full speed for the cornfield, and in their absence the thief broke open three chests, in one of which he found the money.
    A reward of two hundred dollars is offered for the apprehension of the robber.

Married at the residence of the brides Mother, in Beccaria township, by the Rev. Thomas Van Scyoc, Mr. Wm. Lightner to Miss Clara Davis all of Beccaria.

Died in New Millport, Aug. 5th, Josephine daughter of George and Hannah Bloom, aged 2 years 2 months and 18 days.

Died in New Millport, Aug. 20th, Wilmer, son of John and Sarah Toot, aged 3 years, 4 months and 3 days.

Died in Jordan township, Aug. 12th inst., after a short but severe illness, David, third son of the late Frederick Shoening, in the 14th year of his age.  

Died on Thursday last, Robert a brother, and second son of said Frederick Shoening, of Consumption, in the 17th year of his age.  The deceased was also a boy of promise and highly esteemed.

Caution.  All persons are hereby caution against harbouring, hiring or trusting, my son Jacob on my account, as I am determined to pay no debts of his contracting after the 28th day of July last, and will prosecute all persons for his wages that may hire or employ him.  Henry Zillox.

September 5, 1860

Married on Sunday last, by Lever, Flegal, Esq., Mr. Henry Pentz to Miss Elizabeth Hollowpeter, both of Union tp., Clearfield co., Pa.

Died at Mount Calm, in Lawrence township, Wednesday the 22d day of Aug., of putrid sore throat, Mary Jane, daughter of A. C. and Martha Jane Tate, aged 6 years, 6 mo. and 9 days.

September 12, 1860

We learn that on Monday the 3d inst., Mr. Abbott of Huston tp., in this county while gathering blackberries came upon a den of rattle snakes, upon which he succeeded in killing 56 of quite a large size.

Died on Saturday, Sept., 8th Virginia, daughter of Z. C. and Elizabeth McCullough aged 2 years.

Died on Saturday, Sept., 8th Frank son of George and —- Shultz, aged about 3 years.

September 19, 1860

Married on the 16th of Sept., at the Catholic Church in this place, by the Rev. J. D. Cody, Mr. John Owens of the county Queen, Ireland, to Miss Margaret Killian of the county Roscommon, Ireland.

Died at Luthersburg, on Tuesday, Sept. 11th of consumption, Mrs. Elizabeth Reed wife of William Reed aged 33 years – formerly of Lamar, Clinton county, Pa.

Died in Lawrence tp., on Thursday, Sept. 19th, of diptheria, Elvy E. daughter of Jacob, and Eliza Gulich, aged 1 year and 7 months.

Died at New Washington, on the 10th inst., with Consumption, Sophia Stevenson, in the fifty seventh year of her age.  The deceased united with the M. E. Church, at the age of sixteen.

A new Post Office has been established in Bloom Township called “Forest,” and James Bloom, Esq., appointed Post Master.  The location is on the Erie Turnpike, midway between Curwensville and Luthersburg.  This is a decided advantage to our Bloom tp., friends, heretofore they have had to go six or seven miles to a Post Office.

September 26, 1860

Serious Accident.  On Friday last while O. B. Merrell and Robert Carmon were in the act of covering the new house of J. W. Smith, in our borough, with tin, the latter in attempting to reach for a pair of shears slipped and fell from the roof of the house, a distance of about twenty-five feet.
    His injuries are serious, and at this writing it is not yet known whether he will survive them or not.

Fire. On Sunday morning last at about three o’clock, the stable of Samuel Clark, in Curwensville, was consumed by fire, together with four horses, gears and about two ton of hay.  Loss about six hundred dollars.

On Saturday last, Mr. Hollowpeter and his wife, while crossing the Clearfield creek bridge, the horse took fright and run the buggy over the side of the bridge, the whole doing over, the buggy turning upside down, seriously injuring Mrs. Hollowpeter on her head and side.  She is now in a critical situation.  Mr. Hollowpeter received no serious injury.

Married in Glen Hope, on the 12th inst., by Rev. H. S. Mendenhall, Mr. Edward Detor, to Miss Esther Jane Nichol.

Married on Monday evening last, at the house of the Brides Father, by the Rev. A. M’Leod, Mr. Oscar B. Merrell to Miss Candis Nichols.

Died in Janesville, on the 26th ult., Mrs. Hile, aged — years.

Died in Glen Hope, on the 12th inst., an infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John Robison.

Died in Karthaus township, on Friday the 21st inst., Mary Louisa, daughter of Roland F. and Emilie Kanady, aged 2 years 9 months and 16 days.

October 3, 1860

Married at the Parsonage, Marion, Iowa, on the 27th of August.  Mr. William Cook to Miss Catharine Irvin, both of Cedar co., Iowa., the latter being formerly a resident of this place.  Long may they live to enjoy the blessings of matrimony.

Died in Curwensville, after a severe illness on the 28th ult., Mrs. Eliza Welch, aged 52 years.

Died in Curwensville, after a lingering illness, Mrs. Elizabeth Hoek, aged 43 years and 6 months.

Died in Pike township, on the 29th ult. Mrs. Ann Price, at the advanced age of 83 years.

Died on Saturday morning, September 29th, Mrs. Catharine Rebecca Reed, aged 29 years.

October 10, 1860

Married on Sunday last by Daniel Goodlander Esq., Mr. Newton Bailey of Pike tp., to Miss Viola L. Ellinger, both of Bloom tp.

Married on Tuesday the 2nd inst., in Philadelphia, by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Wood, Mr. Miles Kratzer of Clearfield to Miss Marie Constant, of Pemberton, N. J.

Died on Tuesday Oct. 2d, Abram Reams of Lawrence tp., in the 66th year of his age.

Died in Brady tp., on the 5th instant, Philip Allman, aged 91 years.
This aged man upon learning of the murder of his son Godfrey in 1848 by another son (Lawrence) immediately set out from Germany for this country being then in his 80th year and arrived in Clearfield Town a few days before Lawrence was taken to a western Penitentiary, and the only wish of his life has been to live to see his erring son restored again, but he became blind two years ago, which was very mortifying to him knowing he could never see his son face to face.
Despairing of being gratified in this, he gave himself up not long ago – willing to depart and be at rest.
Lawrence has one year yet to serve, when his time of imprisonment will expire having been sentenced for 12 years at Sept., Term 1849.

Sad Accident. – On Thursday last, as the team of Wilson Hoover, residing near this place, was returning from Ringgold with a load of plank and some furniture, upon which were seated two of his children, whilst, descending a hill, the plank slipped forward, striking the horses’ heels and starting them to run, the wagon striking a stump, turned over, throwing the bed upon the driver and the little boy, whilst the daughter a young lady of 10 years, held on to the lines, and was dragged through the woods and brush for a considerable distance, receiving very severe injury though no bones were broken.  The driver escaped with some injuries about the legs, whilst the little boy had a leg broken, and was otherwise injured. – They are all, we are glad to learn, in a fair way of recovery.  Mr. Hoover was present, but not on the wagon at the time.

The Presidental Election to be held 5th day of November next, between the hours of eight o’clock in the morning and seven o’clock in the evening will be held at the following places:
At the house of Samuel M. Smith for the township of Beccaria,
At the house of Aseph Ellis, for the township of Bell,
At the house of James Bloom, Sr., for the township of Bloom,
At the house of Edward Albert for the township of Boggs.
At the house of William Hoover for the township of Bradford.
At the public house of R. W. Moore, for Brady township,
At the house of John Young for the township of Burnside.
At the school house near Simon Rorabaugh’s for the township of Chest.
At the Court House for the Borough of Clearfield.
At the house of Jacob Maurer for the township of Covington.
At the house of Isaac Bloom, jr., for the Borough of Curwensville.
At Centre school house for the township of Decatur.
At the house of Thomas B. Davis for the township of Ferguson.
At the house of John F. Bundy for the township of Fox.
At Congress Hill school house for the township of Girard.
At the public school house for the township of Goshen.
At the house of Jacob Hubler for the township of Graham.
At the school house in Janesville for the township of Gulich.
At the house of Jesse Wilson for the township of Huston.
At the school house in Ansonville for the township of Jordan.
At the house of B D Hall & Co., for the township of Karthaus.
At the Turkey Hill school house for the township of Knox.
At the Court House in the Borough of Clearfield for Lawrence township.
At the public school house for the Borough of Lumber City.
At the house formerly occupied by Thomas Kyler, for Morris township.
At the public school house for the Borough of New Washington.
At the house of Samuel Smith for the township of Penn.
At the house of Isaac Bloom, jr., in the Borough of Curwensville for Pike township.
At the house of R. W. Moore for the township of Union.
At the house of John Whiteside for the township of Woodward.

October 17, 1860

Married on Thursday the 11th inst., by Richard Shaw, Jr., Mr. John (Butler or Buller, print dark) to Miss Mariah Conklin, both of Lawrence township.

Married on the 4th, inst., by Chas. Sloan, Esq., Mr. John Livingston of Decatur tp., to Miss Margery Ann Peters, of Morris township.

Died this morning about 8 o’clock of Diptheria, Herbert, so of John and Lenora Adams, aged about 4 years.

Died on Sunday night last of dyptheria, Miss —-, daughter of Matthew Tate of Goshen township.

Died on Thursday night last, of diptheria, Maria Jane Wallace of Lawrence township, aged 14 years.

October 24, 1860

We learn that the Public School House near Robert Owens’ in Lawrence township, was consumed by fire last night, which was, no doubt, the work of an incendiary.  This is the second time the School House in that locality has been destroyed by fire.

Married on the 16 instant by the Rev. J. R. -cht, Mr. Lorenzo Bloom, to Miss Margaret M’Gehan, both of Jordan township, Clearfield county, Pa.

October 31, 1860

Married on the 2nd of October, by the Rev. Barns, Mr. Samuel Shimer, of Luthersburg, Clearfield county, to Miss Caroline Carver, of St. Clairsville, Bedford county, Pa.

Married on the 25th of October, by the Rev. James Johnson, Mr. Frederick Kohler, of Troutville, Clearfield county, to Miss Nancy Crawford, of the same place.

Married in Penn township, of the 11th instant, at the residence of the brides Father, by Friends Ceremony, Mr. Thomas W. Moore to Miss R. Jennie Hoover, both of Clearfield county, Pa.

Married on Sunday, the 28th instant, by D. S. Moore, Esq., Mr. Matthew Henry to Miss Mary E. Straw, both of Ferguson township, Clearfield county, Pa.

Died in Goshen township, September 26, of Diptheria, Archibald C., son of Wm. L. and Elizabeth Shaw, aged 11 years, 1 month, and 28 days.

Died in Goshen township, October 24, of —-, Emily Jane, daughter of Wm. L. and Elizabeth Shaw, aged 3 years, 3 months and 28 days.

Died in Lawrence township, Oct. 29, 1860, Charles Edward McMullin, son of N. K. and Hannah McMullin, aged 4 years, 11 months and 19 days.

November 7, 1860

We are sorry to learn that the tower of the new Court House is giving way cracking and crushing under its immense weight, Mr. Thorp, the contractor, is making preparations to take it down.  This will be a serious loss, and will no doubt delay the finishing of the house in the time stipulated by the contract.
We have heard no cause assigned for this “crushing” whether the workman, the architect, or both, are at fault we know not.

Married on Sunday the 28th ultimo, by Daniel Goodlander, Esq., Mr. Jacob Lines to Miss Sarah Carson, all of Brady township.

Married on Sunday November 4th, by Rev. C. C. A. Brandt, Mr. George A. Marshall to Miss Louisa Yoas, both of Brady township.

Married on Saturday, the 6th inst., by Rev. James Cleary, Mr. Wm. C. Wright, of Graham township to Miss Jane Soult, of Bradford township.

Died on Wednesday Oct. the 22d, of diptheria, Samuel J. son of Matthew and Jane Tate, of Goshen township, aged 2 years 5 months and 3 days.

Died on Thursday the 2d, of Diptheria, Rachel daughter of Mathew and Jane Tate of Goshen township, aged 4 years 4 months and 11 days.

Died in Lawrence township, on the 5th instant, wife of Ebenezer King, aged about 70 years.
Died on the 6th Ebenezer King, about the same age, both dying within 24 hours.

Died in Lawrence township on the 6th instant, Joseph Large (not sure about the last name, print had to read), aged about 32 years.

November 14, 1860

Married on Sunday, the 11th instant, by Daniel Goodlander, Esq., Mr. James B. Campbell and Miss Elmira Williams, all of Pike township.

November 21, 1860
At about nine o’clock on Sunday morning the 28th ult., the house of Mr. Lanson Root, at Puseyville, about four miles below Glen Hope, was burned to the ground.  It was a new house, but recently finished.  His family had been living in it but a short time.  Mr. Root being absent, his little boy, it is said took a bunch of matches into the cellar and set a heap of shavings on fire.  Thence the fire spread so rapidly that their friends could succeed in saving scarcely anything from the flames.

Married on the 15th instant, by Rev. J. H. Foeht, Mr. James H. West to Miss Mary J. L-t–, both of Clearfield borough. (ink from another page has stained this page so hard to read.

Married near -an-ville, on Saturday, the 10th instant, by John G. Cain, Esq., Mr. James Cowen-to M-Rachel Warrick. (ink from another page has stained this page so hard to read.)

Died in Winslow, Stephen County, Illinois, on the 30th of September last, John Stites, aged 56 years 9 months and 15 days.
The deceased removed from this county to Illinois in the spring of 1853.  He was elected Sheriff of this county in 1846, the duties of which he discharged with entire satisfaction to the people.  He had also previously served as County Commissioner, and held a commission from Governor Porter as Colonel of the Militia.

November 28, 1860

Married in —– on Sunday the 28th of October inst., by ——–, Esq., Mr. David ? Jackson, to Miss Sarah Jane H——, all of Covington township. (print bad)

Died in Pike township of Dropsy, Margaret, wife of Adam Short, aged 64 years 9 months and 4 days.

December 5, 1860

Friday last in Brady township, George Shugart, while in the woods cutting some timber, was instantly killed, by the fall of a tree breaking his skull and one of his thigh bones.  He was about —years of age.  He leaves a wife and —-children to mourn his sudden death.  The family are however, in good circumstances.

December 12, 1860

Important Liquor Case. – At a recent term of Court in Lebanon county, Mr. Jacob Fink, keeper of a tavern at Annville, was mulcted in the sum of $254.35, damages, for selling liquor to a man of intemperate habits, a teamster named Jacob Garman, who afterwards, while under the effects of liquor, fell off his horse, and was run over by the wheels of his wagon and killed.  The suit was brought by Rebecca Garman, widow of the deceased, under the section of the law of 1854, which makes liquor sellers responsible for the consequences, when they sell liquor to persons of known intemperate habits, minors, insane persons, or to persons while drunk.

Married on the 9th instant, by the Rev. J. R. Focht, Mr. Samuel Bloom to Mrs. Jane Curry, both of Pike township.

Died in Burnside township, on Thursday the 6th inst., Mr. John Young, aged about 54 years. (date might be 5th, hard to read)

Died in Lawrence township, on Monday, the 10th inst., Clarisa wife of Dr. A. T. Schryver, aged -8 years. (age might be 88 years, print hard to read)

Died in Lawrence township, very suddenly, supposed to have been apoplexy, on the 11th instant, Susan Audrey, aged about 52 years.

Died near Curwensville, on Friday last, Margaret Holden, aged about 18 years.
The deceased was in good health on Monday previous.

December 19, 1860

Married on the 13th instant, by the Rev. J. M. Galloway, Mr. John A. Reed to Mrs. Phianna Condo.

Married in Union township, on the 9th instant, by D. Dressler, Esq., Mr. John H. Clouser to Miss Charlotte Weaver, formerly of Brady township.

Married on the 13yh, by D. Dressler, Esq., Mr. Enos Shafer, of Brady township, to Miss Esther Laborde, of Union township.

Married on the 9th instant, by S. P. Wilson, Esq., Mr. Solomon Curler to Miss Hannah Graham, both of Bradford township.

Man Drowned – On Wednesday the 12th inst., as the hands engaged in pilling timber at the Rolling Stone rafting ground in Graham tp., were at work, a stick started to roll into the water.  He clung to the stick until it arrived at the riffle immediately above the Little Stepping Stones, where it turned and threw him into the river, his body has not yet been recovered.  He leaves a family to mourn his loss.
His name was Wesley Toner.

December 26, 1860

Jugged. – A fellow named Frank Livingston, of Fox township, was lodged in jail last week, charged with vagrancy.  On hearing on a habias corpus, before Judge Moore, he was released having promised to do better in future.  Frank is a big, lazy lubberly looking fellow, and seems as though he could “whip his weight in wild cats.”  He took a parting glance at the bars of the prison, and “cut dirt” for Boone’s Mountain.

T. H. Forcee has been appointed Postmaster at Grahamton, in place of James B. Graham, resigned.

Died in Lawrence township, on the 22d instant, Mrs. Sarah, wife of Milton McBride, aged 55 years and 9 months.  Centre county papers please copy.

Died in Beccaria township, on the 8th of October last, Miss Sarah Dillon, aged about 22 years.

Died in Beccaria township, on the 11th instant, Hannah, wife of John Dillon; at an advanced age.

Died in Beccaria township, on the 21st instant, Mr. George Dillon; aged about 24 years.

Died in Lawrence township, on the 20th instant, of diptheria, Allen Barnhart, son of Isaac and Matilda Thompson, aged about 4 years.

Died in Luthersburg, on the 24th instant, Dr. James Dowling, of Brookville; aged about 50 years.

Died in Morris township, on the 20th instant, of diptheria, Abraham Kephart, aged 22 or 23 years.

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