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…bringing our past into the future

Clearfield Republican, 1861 Issues


Jan 14, 2009

Clearfield Republican

January 9, 1861

Married on the 27th December, 1860, by Rev. J. T. Cole, Mr. Philip C. Shafner and Miss Rebecca J. Owens, both of Lawrence township.

Married on the 23d of December, by the Rev. J. R. Focht, Mr. Thomas Long and Miss Rachel Bloom, both of Pike township.

Married on the 30th of December, by the Rev. J. R. Focht, Mr. Amos Bloom, of Pike township, and Miss Rebecca McCracken, of Ferguson township.

Married on the 25th December, by D. S. Moore, Esq., Mr. Christian Straw and Miss Julia McCracken, both of Ferguson township.

Married on the 27th December, by Amos Hile, Esq., Mr. H. T. Robinson and Margaret Kelly, all of Lumber City.

Married on the 27th December, at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. John A. Nuner, Mr. James Printz, of Lewistown, and Miss Catharine, youngest daughter of J. F. W. Schnars, Esq., of Clearfield county.

Married on the 26th December, by R. Shaw, Esq., Mr. George Owens and Miss Margaret McMullen, both of Lawrence township.

Died in Bell township, on the 22d of December, 1860, of a long and painful disease of the lungs, Mrs. Margery, wife of David Bell, and daughter of Joseph and Rebecca Hoover, aged 34 years 4 months, and 22 days.

Dedication – By Divine permission, the new M. E. Church of New Washington, will be dedicated, Sunday, January 27th.

January 16, 1861

Married in Lumber City on Tuesday, the 8th instant, by Isaac Lemon, Esq., Mr. C. G. Miller and Miss Ann Smouse, both of Bell tp.

Married on the 13th inst., by J. H. Jones, Esq., Mr. Levi Burgle to Miss Jemima Sences, both of Graham township.

Died in Tyrone Borough, on the 24th of December last, Mr. William H. Henderson, aged 39 years, 5 months and 18 days.

January 23, 1861

Married on the 18th of October, 1860, by Rev. J. R. Focht, Mr. John Owens, of Pike township, and Mrs. Levina Griffith, of New Millport.

Married by Rev. J. R. Focht, on the 22d of January, 1861, Mr. George H. Hail and Miss Sarah Heisey, both of Lawrence township.

My wife Barbara having left my bed and board without any just or provocation, I hereby caution all persons against harboring or trusting her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting.  Deitrick Cole.

January 30, 1861

Leg Broken. – On Friday last, Reuben Winslow, Esq., of Benezette township, Elk county, whilst engaged in superintending the hauling of some timber, had his leg broken immediately above the ankle.  Dr. Early was called in to attend to him, and at last account Mr. Winslow was doing very well.

Married on the 20th inst., by M. A. Frank, Esq., Mr. Apgar Bloom, of Pike township, to Miss Eliza M. Geaham, of Lawrence township.

Died in Luthersburg, on Thursday, the 24th inst., Austin I., infant son of Michael and Catharier Breon, aged 9 months and 11 days.

Died in Lawrence township, on the 10th inst., of Diptheria, Lorenzo Dow, son of William and Albina Mapes, aged 3 years 6 months and 2? Days.

Died at his residence near Mount Pleasant, on Thursday, 24th inst., Mr. John Weld, Esq.

Died on the 28th inst., Mary A., daughter of Samuel and Eliza Shaffaer, aged [1 or 4] years3 months and 3 days.

Died in Beccaria township, on the 28th instant, John Dillion; aged abut 60 years.

February 6, 1861

Fires. – Our county has been scourged considerably by fire during the past week.
On Wednesday last, the saw-mill of B. Yingling, Esq., of Burnside township, and a considerable quantity of lumber, were totally destroyed.  The amount of loss we did not ascertain.
    On the same day, the stone house in the upper end of Curwensville, known as the England house, and occupied by Mr. William Bard, was burned to the ground.  Some little of Mr. Bard’s furniture, which was in the lower story, was saved; but all the clothing of his family, be-clothing, a great part of his furniture, and some grain that was stored away in a spare room, were destroyed.  The house was the property of Gen. Patten, and was insured.
    On Thursday evening, the residence of Hon. G. R. Barrett, in this borough, was discovered to be on fire.  Before the alarm was fairly given the whole roof was in flames; but by the exertion of our citizens, the fire was checked before communicating itself to any other buildings, and in fact before even burning the lower story of the house.  The damage done to the furniture in removing what was in the lower stories, and what was destroyed in the upper one, is considerable; but we believe both the house and the furniture are covered by insurance.
    Judge Barrett had a fine house burned about one year ago near Luthersburg, on which there was no insurance.

Horrible Death. – Sometime during Monday afternoon, as Mr. Daniel Ogden was laboring in his coal bank, about one mile south of our town, the roof of the mine gave way, and a mass of rock weighing near two tons fell upon him, crushing him, as is supposed, instantly to death.  Nothing was known of the accident by any one until late in the evening of the same day, when his not coming home to supper, induced the family to look after him.  He was found crushed to the ground in the same position he occupied while digging coal.  He was a son of Matthew Ogden, one of the pioneers of our county, was about 56 years of age, and leaves a large family to mourn his loss.

Accident. – As Mr. John Patchin was returning home from Clearfield, on last Friday, his horse became frightened on the hill beyond Lumber City, and starting to run, threw Mr. Patchin out, and injured him severely.

February 13, 1861

Married in Philipsburg, on the 10th instant, by  —- Hancock, Esq., Mr. James Cooper, of Clearfield, to Miss Sarah Daugherty, of Lawrence township.

Badly Frozen. – Two men, whose name we did not learn, left this place on Thursday last about noon, to walk to St. Mary’s.  The day was excessively cold, and after going some distance beyond John Shaw’s Sr., on the old Sinnemahoning road, were obliged to return to Mr. Shaw’s, who brought them back to the Paradise House, in Lawrence township.  Their limbs were badly frozen, and they are now lying at Mr. Odgen’s in a critical situation.  One of them is from Harrisburg, and the other from Philadelphia.

February 20, 1861

Married at the home of the bride, at Smith’s Mills, Pa., on the 13th instant, by Rev. Hy. S. Mendenhall, William A. Nevling, Esq., to Miss Mary E. Fox.

Leg broken. As a couple of men were wrestling at a log camp on Clearfield Creek, one day last week, one of them, a German, was thrown so hard as to break his leg.

The late rise of water in the river and its tributaries, has caused considerable damaged to our lumbermen, and to private property.  The bridge across Clearfield Creek, east of town, was carried away by the ice; and the pier under the bridge on the same stream, on the old turnpike, was also carried away, but it has since been repaired so as not to impede the crossing of the same.  The ice in the river has formed a gorge above Curwensville, four miles in length – destroying nearly all the fences on the farms along the river.

March 6, 1861

Died on Sunday evening, March 3, of pneumonia, James W. Stranford, of Morris township, aged 29 years and 13 days.
In his death his family mourns the loss of an affectionate husband and father, the community a much esteemed and useful citizen.  Venango papers please copy.

March 13, 1861

Fatal accident. – An accident, resulting in the death of Mr. Gould Wilson, occurred in Huston township, on Friday last.  Mr. Wilson, in company with P. Hevener, Esq., and some others, was engaged in breaking logs loose from the bank, and rolling them into the Sinnemahoning creek, at the job of Hon. A. Irwin.  Their work was almost completed, when Mr. W. started a log at the lower part of the pile, which moved three others above it, and he, in endeavoring to get out of their way, slipped and fell upon the ice, the logs passing over him and crushing him instantly to death.  He was a son of Jesse Wilson, one of the oldest citizens of that section of our county; was about thirty-three years of age, and leaves a wife and two children to mourn his loss.

Seriously Injured. – Mr. Thomas H. Forcee, of Graham township, was seriously injured at Mother Moore’s landing, in Clinton county, last week, while assisting to land one of his rafts.  We understand that Mr. Forcee was on the raft, and in attempting to land, one of the lash-poles was caught by the rope and driven against his body with such force as to injure him severely.

Strange Accident. – One of the hands on Woodward’s drive on the Sinnemahoning, was seriously wounded in a singular manner, on Friday last.  The handspike with which he was prying logs flew out of his hands, striking him on the throat, and cutting it open immediately under the chin, so that the movements of the tongue can be seen through the wound.

The late freshet caused much damage to the Anderson Creek Navigation Company’s works.  One of their upper dams was swept away, causing an immense raise of water in the creek, sweeping away the bridge over the creek on the new turn pike near Moore’s mill, and the bridge at Bridgeport, on the Erie road. – A portion of the dam at the Woolen Factory, in Union township, was also washed away as well as a portion of the large dam above Curwensville.  It is doubtful whether the company will get any logs to market this spring.

We regret to learn that the barn of Thomas Daugherty, near Pennville, was totally destroyed by fire one day last week, together with about eight tons of hay, a sleigh and some grain.  The origin of the fire is unknown, unless it was caused by the rats.  Some of the family had left a lantern in the barn, in which there were some matches, and as usual, a tallow candle, and it is supposed that the matches were ignited by the rats, which was no doubt the cause of the fire.

Caution. – The public are hereby cautioned against harboring or trusting my two minor children, Aqilla and Jane Waln, as I am determined to pay no debts of their contracting from this date.  Isaiah Waln., Grampian Hills, March 1, 1861.

March 20, 1861

A letter from James M. Leonard, of Clearfield county, received by Wm. P. I. Painter, Esq., states that from the description of the body found floating in the river at this place several weeks since, and interred in the Muncy Cemetery, there is no doubt that it was the body of a man named (paper is folded where the name is printed), drowned at the Rolling Stone, on the 12th of December last.  He left a wife and one child. – Muncy Luminary.

A new Post Office called Madeira has been established at Alexander’s Fording, on Clearfield creek, and Charles J. Pusey has been appointed Post Master. Mails on Mondays and Fridays.  The office is supplied from Smith’s Mills.

Married on the 17th instant, by the Rev. James Clery, Peter A. Owens, of Lawrence tp., to Miss Sophia Barger, of Bradford township.

Died in Brady township on the 19th instant, Charlotte, relict of George Weaver, aged about years.(page torn on the edge)

Died in Bradford township, on the 19th instant, of diptheria, Martha Jane, daughter of Archibald and Nancy Stewart, aged 5 years, 10 months and 12 days.

Died in Lawrence township, on the 16th instant, at the residence of L. C. Cardon, Mrs. Elizabeth Rafebaugh, relict of Daniel Radebaugh, aged 73 years.

Died in Lawrence township, very suddenly, of assumption, on the 18th instant, Hannah A., wife of Richard Shaw, jr.,Esq., aged 32 years, ? months and 9 days. (page torn on the edge)

Died in Brady township, on the 13th instant, ? Anthony, Esq.,in the 71st year of his age.  (page torn on the edge)

Died in Brady township on the 13th instant, ——,oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Kendall, aged about 5 years. (page torn on the edge)

March 27, 1861

Fire. – On Wednesday last, a house in Pike township, belonging to Benj. Carr, and occupied by John Anderson, was entirely destroyed by fire.  No men being about at the time. None of the furniture was saved except what little Mrs. Anderson was able to carry out.  The amount of loss we did not ascertain.

Died in Brady township, on the 19th inst., William F., infant son of Joseph R. and Julia E. Arnold, aged 6 months and 17 days.

Died in Bradford township, on the 9th instant, Sarah S. Hoover, daughter of Wm. and Elizabeth Hoover, aged 3 years and 18 days.

April 3, 1861

Caution. – The public are hereby cautioned against harboring or trusting my wife Susannah, on my account, as I am determined to pay no debts of her contracting after this date. A. J. Hubler, Graham tp., April 3, 1861.

Died at the residence of her sister, in Clearfield borough, on the 28th ultimo, in the 43d year of her age, Miss Jane Brady, native of Drummart county, Armagh, Ireland.  Deceased died, as she lived, a strict member of the Catholic Church.

April 10, 1861

Horrible Affair. – A woman Killed by a Dog. – On the 28th ult., an old lady named Betsy Davis, residing in Ross township, Allegheny county, Pa., was found lying by her bedside in a dying condition, her left leg having been horribly lacerated by her own dog, as was supposed.  The flesh, from the knee to the ankle, had been literally torn up and eaten off, as it could nowhere be found in the room.  The body was badly scratched over the bowels and thighs, as if by the nails of a dog.  The old lady was raised and placed in bed, where she expired in about two hours.  It rarely happens, says the Pittsburg Gazette, that, a dog will attack and wound his master or keeper; but two instances have come under our observation in which the owners of dogs have been attacked and almost killed.

Married on the 4th inst., by the Rev. Samuel Coon, Mr. S. Jackson Horn to Miss Isabella Nelson, all of Brady township.

Married on the 4th inst., by the Rev. Samuel Coon, Mr. Mathias Hollopeter to Miss Eve Eliza Horn, all of Brady township.

Married on the 4th inst., by Wm. M’Kee, Esq., Mr. John Grey, formerly of Lycoming county, to Miss Georginna Haly, of Knox township.

Married on April 5th, by the Rev. John A. Nuner, Mr. John G. Heichal to Miss Elizabeth Schaeefer, all of Clearfield county.

April 17, 1861

Died this morning Rebecca, wife of Philip Shaffner, of Lawrence township, of dyptheria.

Letter From Washington Territory.
[the writer of the following letter is a native of this place, and his numerous relatives and friends will no doubt be pleased to hear from him.]
Snake River, Washington Territory,
Jan. 21st, 1861.
Mr. O. B. Welch
    Dear cousin: – It is with great pleasure I take this opportunity to pen a few lines, and at the same time ask to be excused for not doing so long ago.  I believe it is the first I have written to you since I left Clearfield.  I am confident that I have yet the first to receive from you.  It is a great wrong that friends – especially relatives – do not correspond more frequently.
    Travel is very slack here, times dull, and I am very lonesome, being alone in an Indian country.  I suppose you would like to know where I am, what I am doing, and  what brought me here.  I will give you a short sketch of my wanderings.  Though old to me, it may be new to you.  When I left Clearfield I intended to visit some of the Western States and cities, and then go down the Mississippi to New Orleans, and thence take a sea voyage, as I had a great inclination to see the world.  I left Clearfield in the fall of 1855, went to Pittsburgh, Erie, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridge, Canada, Detroit and Chicago, and many other places, and at last reached the Mississippi river at Rock Island. But, alas, the great Father of Waters was covered from shore to shore with ice for miles and miles above and below.  This put me all aback.  I knew not what to do.  But my business here (at Rock Island) was to look up an uncle, my father’s brother, Hugh Fullerton.  I inquired of many, but no one could give me any information.  In strolling about to relieve my mind I fetched up at the river and concluded to step over to Davenport.  In stopping at a half-way station, or saloon on the ice, (a place where passengers who choose can step in and leave their quarters,) I learned that my uncle lived at Hampton, ten miles above Rock Island, which place I reached next day, and remained there till spring – giving up my sea voyage.  Two years later I left Hampton for Ogle county, on the arrival of my brother Camden.  I stopped in Ogle and De Kalb counties almost two years, when the Pike’s Peak Gold excitement broke out.  Like thousands of others, I started for the new Eldorado.  I can only give you, at present, a very short sketch of my travels on the Plains.  It was a very rainy day in April, 1859, when I took leave of my friends in Ogle county.  I spent a week in Hampton, when my partner and wagon arrived.  Though the roads were bad, we made our way through to Council Bluff, on the Missouri river, in three weeks.  Here we bought six months’ supply of provisions, and crossed over into Nebraska.  We got along very well until we began to meet the emigration pouring back the other way, with these beautifully illustrated mottoes painted upon their wagon covers, “Pike’s Peak a humbug,” “Home, sweet home.” &c., &c.,  This rather lowered our sails a little; but concluding to go and see for ourselves, we kept up the north of the Platte river to Fort Kearney, intending to cross over, meeting every day from seventy-five to one hundred wagons on the back track.  Every camping place was a scene of destruction.  Provisions and mining tools were dumped out and left at the mercy of the wild beasts, rather than be permitted to obstruct their homeward flight.
    There was no ferry on the Platte, and the water had raised so that we could not ford it with safety, and we traveled  up to Fort Larrimis, the last crossing on the way to the new gold fields, and only seventy miles distant, or 500 miles from the Missouri river.  The golden news being still below par, we concluded to lie over a day or two and take a buffalo hunt and make up our minds as to what we had best do.  This great metropolis, or Can-city, was in uproar from end to end.  It is the great starting point East, West and South – parties dividing – some going home – some to the Peak, and others to California and Oregon; partners dividing their teams, making carts out of their wagons, some throwing out, others loading up for long journeys.  Auctioneers’ voices were heard in all directions, selling wagons, teams, &c.  In case of law-suits, officers were appointed, juries sat in the brush, free of charge, where damages were claimed lawfully by the plaintiff – the loser’s team, or wagon, if he had either, was put up and knocked off to the highest bidder, and the claim satisfied.  Many a poor fellow was left there without a dollar in his pocket.
    After considerable consultation as to our future exploits, our little party very agreeably settled up all standing bills and divided into three parts – one for home – one for Cherry Ridge (Pike’s Peak) – the other for California, to which I united.  We took down our canvases, while others were still pouring in, pitching their tents and keeping up a continual hum up and down the river.  The gold question was being expounded by male and female – the latter bouncing about in their hoops as if promenading Broadway.  The thousands of cattle, horses, mules, wagons, &c., in that vicinity and adjoining valley, and the large trains continually arriving and departing, gave the place the appearance of an old settlement.  But I must be more brief.  It would take me a month to write all I saw, heard, and experienced.
    Our load being heavy, we sat part of our provisions aside, though we needed them before we got through.  We soon struck what is called the Black Hills – over them, and we are climbing the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains.  Day after day, trudging along beneath a burning sun, shaded by nothing except clouds of mosquitoes, all claiming kindred.  Having, no fan, I was compelled to carry a brush made of twigs to fight my way, or be smothered with a coat or blanket wrapped around my head.  These sufferings can be better imagined than described.  We worked on day after day, and week after week, until we reached the junction of the California and Oregon roads.  Here was another mass meeting.  Parties hare went through the dividing operation more practically.  After resting our stock a few days we drove up to the turning post, exchanged compliments, good wishes, &c., and separated, perhaps forever.
    I and my partner, Mr. Hoffman, took the Oregon road.  The Indians on this road are troublesome, though the only harm they done us was to steal five horses and a few cattle.  We made up a train of twenty wagons, or 104 persons, men, women and children.  We run short of provisions before we got through, and were put on short allowance for a long spell.  We then overtook a government train of soldiers, (the only train ahead of us on this road,) going from Salt Lake to Oregon.  They helped us some, but were short themselves.  It was then we thought of what we had thrown away on the Plains.  We lived on fish and water, and a short allowance of bread, until we got near enough to send an express through, when the government sent provisions to our relief.
    There were some emigrants attacked on this road towards the last of the travel.  Some were wounded, but none killed.  It is reported that ten wagons were attacked, and all the emigrants killed.  There were more killed on other roads.  Soldiers were stationed on this road this summer until they thought the emigration over, but after they left the Indians attacked a train and killed between 35 and 40 persons.  The soldiers went out and recovered 12 person – two women, four men and six children.  The Indians stole all their horses, cattle and provisions.  The survivors had to eat the dead bodies of their late companions, or perish.  They even had to make clothes, or mats, by weaving long grass.  It is supposed there are several children still in the hands of the Indians.  It is the Snake and Banact Indians that are doing this.  They will be apt to be chased out next summer.
    But to close this long narrative, I will just say that after landing in Walla Walla Valley, Washington Territory, we made a final separation.  Some went to Oregon and some stopped here.  We were just four months on the way – others were six months.  Two weeks later I hired to run a ferry boat on the Snake river at $50 per month, and am still at the same.  I had a pretty hard time of it in the summer, but as I said at the beginning, travel is slack now, times dull, and being lonesome I thought I would devote an hour or so to giving you a sketch of my adventures.  This is a great place for raising stock, but no agricultural or farming country.  It is too dry to produce grain except close along the small streams.  Low, wet land produces large crops, and beats the world for vegetables.  There are many gold excitements in this country, but they do not amount to much – except to break up poor folks.  No more at present, but remain yours truly.
Montgomery Fullerton.

April 24, 1861

Married on Thursday the 18th inst., by Daniel Goodlander, Esq., Mr. Geo. C. Kirk, to Miss M. E. Hamilton, all of Brady township.

Married on the 17th inst., by J. H. Jones, Esq., Mr. Elias W. Hale, to Miss Sophia Atherton, both of Phillipsburg, Center County, Pa.

Died in this place on the 16th inst., of Diptheris, Harry son of Thomas and Agnes McCullough, aged 6 years 6 months and 19 days.

Died on the 20th inst., also of Diptheria, Ada May, daughter of Thomas and Agnes McCullough, aged 4 years 8 months and 23 days.

Died at the residence of her father, in Lawrence township, April 16th, of Diptheria, Rebecca Jane Shaffner, wife of Philip Shaffner, aged 18 years, 6 months and 1 day.

Died at her residence, in Ferguson township, this county, Mrs. Elenor Campbell, second wife of Mr. John Campbell, aged 52 years 3 months and 19 days.

Died on the 30th of Jan’y last, of Diptheria, Samuel Jackson, son of Samuel and Eliza Shaffer, of Lawrence township, aged 7 years and 29 days.

Died on the 4th of February, last, of Diptheria, Mary Amelia, daughter of Samuel and Eliza Shaffer, aged 4 years 3 months and 11 days.

Aid to Volunteers.
The following patriotic communication from a number of our absent lumbermen and others, was received last nigh:
Marietts, Lanc. Co., Pa., April 21, 1861.
To the people of Clearfield county:
    The undersigned, your fellow-citizens, being unavoidably absent from their homes, and not doubting for a moment, that their cherished county will furnish her full quota of the military called for by the President of the United States, to maintain and defend the Government in this hour of peril, take this, the earliest opportunity to pledge themselves to each other, and to the public, for the payment of the respective sums set opposite our names, for the maintenance of the families of such patriotic citizens of the county as may volunteer or be enrolled in the service of their county, during the period of their absence.
William Irwin, of Curwensville, $1000.
Jonathan Boynton, of Clearfield, 500.
John Patton, of Curwensville, 500.
James T. Leonard, of Clearfield, 300.
William Bigler, of Clearfield, 150.
Reed & Weaver, of Clearfield, 150.
G. R. Barrett, of Clearfield, 150.
G. H. Lytle, of Lumber City, 150.
J. P. Nelson, of Graham tp., 50.
An adjourned meeting of the citizens was held in front of the Armory last night, at which $1170 was promptly added to the above, and a number of volunteer’s names enrolled.

May 1, 1861

Awful Catastrophe!
We learn by the Venango Spectator, that a dreadful explosion has taken place in the oil regions, at which eleven persons were burned to death, and about twenty dangerously injured.
    The fire burned for 70 hours when the men succeeded in putting it out.  It is supposed that at least 1,400 barrels of oil were consumed, and the well is now yielding twenty barrels per hour.
    On Wednesday the 17th ult., an explosion and fire occurred at the well of Little & Merrick, the melancholy results of which have thrown a gloom over our entire community.  This well is on the Buchanan farm, on Oil creek, 3 miles from the mouth and about 10 miles from the Borough.  About 5 o’clock the workmen employed at the well struck a very heavy vein of oil which instantly commenced flowing over the conductor at the top of the well.  The immense force of the gas threw out the oil in unprecedented quantity; generally estimated at the rate of 100 barrels per hour.  The report of such an unusually heavy strike drew to the well a number of spectators from the various wells in the vicinity.  At about 6 P.M. while the derrick and space around the well, was filled with a crowd of persons looking at the gushing stream of oil, a sheet of fire, sudden as lightning, enveloped the building on all sides, followed instantaneously by an explosion, which sounded to those at a distance like the report of a heavy piece of artillery.  Of the entire crowd, numbering some 150 persons, all were more or less stunned or prostrated.  The oil immediately saturated the clothing of the unfortunates, and as they returned to consciousness they ran wild with horror, living masses of flame – deprived of the power to save themselves, and beyond the reach of aid from others.  Every effort was made by those who were uninjured or slightly hurt, to rescue and assist others.  All the people in the immediate neighborhood were soon on the spot lending their aid, and many lives were saved by heroic exertions.  Several were, no doubt instantly killed.  To those who witnessed the fearful scene it is a wonder that any one within the building escaped.
    The flow of oil was not checked by the explosion, but continued in a stream of about four inches in diameter, spreading over the ground and being ignited as it fell – adding a dense smoke and sheets of flame to the horrors of the scene.  At the top of the jet of oil a steady intense white flame rose to the height of 30 or 40 feet with shoots of fire above that, to the height of 100 feet.  About one hundred barrels, which had just been filled, were soon burst by the heat and added their contents to increase the fire.  The oil in the vats also burst out and with that from the barrels, and the immense quantity gushing from the well, ran in ditches or covered the surface to a considerable extent.  All was one mass of flame and within this fiery circle were some thirty human beings, frantic with misery and terror, or laying in death, a prey to the devouring flames.

Died at Curwensville, on Saturday last, of Appolplexy, Ignatius Thompson, Esq., in the 77th year of his age.
The deceased was born in Huntingdon county, in the year 1784, and settled on “The Ridges” in 1810. He was one of the earliest settlers of our county, and contributed as much towards its improvement as any man in it.  He was remarkable through life for an unvarying cheerfulness of disposition – a kindly humor which hardly any offence could change.  He manifested a childlike disposition towards all.  An humble opinion of himself, he was always animated with a fund of hope, which upheld him in many a trying hour during the last years of his life, having had previous attacks of that disease of which he died.  And this hope became his solace and strength, as he felt the approach of death.  He was an honest man, and well can it be said he had no enemy, and was an enemy of none.  May he rest in peace.

Died in Philadelphia, after an illness of many months, on Sunday last, Miss Bertha, daughter of Josiah W., and Pascalina Smith, aged 22 years, 6 months and one day.

Arm Broken. – Thomas Fife, of Lawrence township, had his arm broken while alighting from the cars at Lewistown, on Wednesday last.  The crowd being very great in the cars and on the platform, he was forced off the latter, and in the fall the accident occurred.  He was also somewhat injured in the other parts of his body.

May 8, 1861

Died at the residence of her husband, on Clearfield Creek, on the 21st ultimo, of typhoid fever, Agnes, consort of William B. Alexander, sen., in the 75 year of her age.
The deceased was one of the earliest pioneers of the county, having resided on the place on which she died fifty two years.  She emigrated with her husband from Kishacoquillas valley, Mifflin county, and crossed the Mountain by way of Tryone Gap, on an Indian path, to the valley of the Clearfield Creek, where they settled, so that her hardships and privations must have been many.  But a cheerful and happy spirit bore her above them all.  She was a tender mother, a dutiful wife; and to know her as a neighbor, was to respect her.  She died in the full hope and confidence of a glorious immortality, which takes away the sting of sorrow and comforts her friends, who are man.   W.B.A.   Lewistown papers please copy.

May 15, 1861

Fire. On Monday morning the house of Dr. B. F. Akley, in Grahamton, was discovered to be on fire.  It originated in the back kitchen, where the stove pipe goes through the ceiling.  By the energetic efforts of the citizens the fire was extinguished.  The back building was almost entirely destroyed.  Loss about one hundred dollars.

Married on Tuesday, the 7th instant, at the residence of the bride’s father, by D. S. Moore, Esq., Mr. Quentin Armstrong, of Armstrong county, to Sarah C., daughter of Arthur Bell, Esq., of Bell tp., Clearfield county.

Died on the 25th of April, at Wiccacon Mills, N. C., by disease of the heart, at the residence of his father, in the 22d year of his age, Manning Stevenson, Jr., formerly of this County.

May 22, 1861

Married in this City, on the 27th ult., by the Rev. G. Skinner, Mr. Francis J. Rowe, late Editor of the Dodgeville Advocate to Miss Elizabeth Nancolas of this City.
The Printers of course, were remembered in the distribution of Cake; and Frank and his fair bride have the best wished of the Craft for their future prosperity. – Mineral Point Inteligencer, Wisconsin.

Died on Wednesday the 18th inst., of apoplexy, Mary, wife of George Shultz, of Decatur tp. In the 46th year of her age.

May 29, 1861

Married on the 15 or 16th inst., by Rev. J. M. Galloway, at the residence of John McMurry, in Jordan township, Mr. Cortez Bell to Miss Matilds Hagerty.

Married on 20th inst., by R. Shaw, Esq., Mr. John Cisney to Mrs. Abegail Kesler of Jefferson co.

Married on 21st instant, by Rev. John A. Nuner, Mr. Christian Brown to Miss Nancy J. Eiselman, all of Clearfield county.

Married on the 18th inst., by Rev. S. Coon Vernon, Mr. John W. Paully, to Miss Mary Matilda Thompson, all of Brady township.

Died in this place on Thursday last, Mrs. Catharine, wife of Jacob Moore, aged about 22 years.

Accident. – On Monday last a man named Andrew Heckthorn, formerly of Lawrence county, met with an accident which caused his death in a few hours.  He was engaged upon Summerville’s saw mill in Eldred township, and while attempting to adjust a band on one of the wheels, his foot was caught in the pitman and drawn in until his leg was completely smashed and broken to the thigh.  Dr.s Heichhold and Allison were sent for, who amputated the leg, but the unfortunate man died in a few minutes afterwards.  The deceased was a widower but leaves no family. – Brookville Jeffersonian.

June 5, 1861

Arson. – On Saturday last, a woman named Bridget McCardle, was lodged in Jail by Constable Shoening, of Jordan township, charged with burning the Barn of Peter Bloom, in Ansonville, on Friday night last.  She has with her a babe eleven months old.  The burning of the barn was undoubtedly the work of an incendiary but it is the province of the Court of Oyer and Terminer, to ascertain who that incendiary was, and punish the guilty-party.

A Run Off.  On Saturday evening last, a four horse team belonging to a man from Indiana county, while standing untied in front of the Mansion House, took leave of absence from their driver by starting down Market Street at a breakneck pace, turning down Fourth to Locust, up Locust to Second, and up Second some distance, when they were finally brought to a halt by the wagon coming in contact with a shade tree in front of the Registers office.
    Fortunately, but little harm was done to either horses, or wagon and “nobody hurt”, although it be reported that several “Ma’s,” were engaged for some time after, in looking up and washing little faces, to see if they were “all in.”

Married on the 24th ult., by Rev. J. M. Halloway, at the Susquehanna House, in Curwensville, Mr. Edward Hammond of Brownsville,  ?, to Miss Rebecca Red, of Howardville, Centre county.

Married on the 30th ult., by William Porter, Esq., Mr. Charles Macumber to Miss Caroline Ross.

Married on the 24th ult., by William Porter, Esq., Mr. Simon Cath—, to Sarah Sholm, both of Morris Township, Clearfield county. (paper folded making it hard to read)

Died in this place on Friday last, after an illness of several months, George D. Lansch, aged — years, 6 months and 27 days. The deceased, at the time of his death, was perhaps the oldest resident of our town.  He was born in Berks county, Penna., Oct. 3d, 1801.  When he was five years of age his parents moved to Rockingham county, Va., where he lived till November, 1821, when he came to this place.  In 1823, he married Miss Margaret Collins, daughter of the late Robert Collins, who was the parents of 11 children – 3 sons and 8 daughters – 10 of whom are now living.  The place in which he breathed his last  – known as —- Hotel —has been occupied by himself —— successively for 33 years.  He was —–to the citizens of this and the advailing counties, who will deeply regret his loss.  His remains were followed to the grave on —day last by a large concourse of people, and after —– to an impressive sermon by Rev. Mr.—-.
(paper is folded along the edge making it hard to read)

June 12, 1861

Married on the 21st ultimo by the Rev. Joseph S. Lee, Mr. Samuel B. Atkins, to Miss Mary C. Wright, all of Glen Hope, Clearfield Co.

Died at Black Earth Dane county, Wis., on the 10th day of May last, Mary, wife of George —ly, formerly of this county.  The deceased was in good health 24 hours before her death. (last name might be Early)

June 19, 1861

SEC. 1.  Be it Ordained by the Burgess and Town Council of the Borough of New Washington, and it is hereby ordained by authority of the same,
That from and after the passage of this ordinance, any person or person riding, driving or leading any horse, mare or gelding, or leading or driving any mule, ox, cow, or other cattle, on the foot-walks, on being thereof legally convicted in the form prescribed for profane swearing, shall pay a fine not exceeding ten dollars for the use of the borough.
Sec. 2.  Any person or person exhibiting any play, show, mountebank, juggler, or any other exhibition, shall pay a tax not exceeding ten dollars as a license to exhibit the same, and the further sum of twenty cents for said license – the tax to be for the use of the borough.  And it is hereby made the duty of the Burgess to grant such license, if he thinks necessary, on the payment of the required tax, and any person or persons neglecting or refusing to pay said tax, shall not exhibit under the penalty of twenty dollars, to be recovered in like manner as a fine for Sabbath breaking, and shall be dispersed as an unlawful assemblage.
Sec. 3.  Any obstruction in the highway, or any nuisance or offensive matter found on the streets or walks in front of, or in a lot or lots, the person or persons leaving the same shall be notified by the High Constable, verbally or otherwise, to remove the same within twenty-four hours; and on neglecting or refusing to remove the same in the time specified the High Constable shall remove the same at the expense of the person or persons leaving the same – the expense of which shall be collected according to the general borough law.  This section to apply to alleys as well as streets.   Adopted June 3, 1861.
Joseph H. Breth, Burgess.

On one day last week, (we cannot tell precisely what day.) while Mr. David Bloom and his wife were absent from home, their son, aged about six years, obtained some matches and went to the barn.  In about ten minutes a column of smoke was seen, by a neighbor, wending its way upwards, and the alarm was raised immediately.  The whole building was so quickly fired that nothing could be accomplished in the way of extinguishing it.  Two horses, a wagon, sled, windmill, and a variety of other valuables were consumed.

More Snaix. – We understand that Mr. Zenas Ogden, of Lawrence tp., was bitten on the leg by a rattlesnake, on Monday.  He started for home immediately, but when about forty yards from the house of John Shaw, sr., he began to feel queer sensations, and raised a yell and brought assistance.  We do not know how he is progressing.

Vandalism. – It seem as though ominous times were upon us, and everything that is wrong and devilish seems to have its devotees.  We observe that an attempt has been made to rob the Corner Stone of the Lutheran Church, and that the design of a Lamb on a Tombstone in the Graveyard has been demolished by some one that must have neither feared God, nor regarded man.  And a neighbor informs us, that in erecting the Tombstones to the grave of his deceased wife he used lead in fastening them, but that the lead has been removed, and the Tombstones nearly thrown down.  Such Vandalism deserves the severest punishment that can be meted out under the Law, and we hop no effort will be spared by any good citizen, to bring the perpetrators of these acts of Vandalism to a sure and speed punishment.

Married in Curwensville on the 11th instant, by Levi Spiece, Esq., Mr. Charles Holes, to Miss Rebecca Jane Irwin, of Lawrence tp.

Married on the 16th inst., by the Rev. John A. Nuner, Mr. Isaac Midlam to Miss Matilda J. Loy, all of Centre county, Pa.

Caution. – All persons are hereby cautioned against harboring or trusting my wife Amelia E. on my account, as she has left me without just cause, and I shall pay no debts of her contracting.  C. C. Mitchell, Burnside tp.

June 26, 1861

Serious Accident. – Mr. Austin KCine of Woodward township, met with a serious accident which may perhaps result fatally.  On Tuesday of last week, Mr. Cline was engaged at the head of a yoke of oxen in unhitching them, when they made a sudden start, catching his body in the chain on the wagon to which they were attached, and dragged him the distance of about three hundred yards over stones, stumps, roots, breaking one of his legs, and tearing the flesh from both, from the ankle to the hip.  He is now in a precarious situation.

Married on the 18th inst., by the Rev. J. M. Galloway, Mr. A. W. Stambaugh, of Armstrong County, Pa.,  to Melissa E. daughter of J. B. Caldwell.

Married on the 20th, by the Rev. J. R. Focht, Mr. Jas. Cuples, of Mifflin county, to Mrs. Leeson Rex, of Ferguson tp. this county.

Died on Tuesday the 25th inst., after a lingering illness, Robert Butler, of Lawrence tp., a native of Ireland, aged about 47 years.

Man Drowned. – On last Sunday morning the hat of a man was found lying on the graded Railroad along T. F. Steiner’s Mill Dan in Decatur township, this county.  An examination of the marks on the ground, showed that some one had been scrambling around there, and had probably fallen into the dam.  A boat was procured and a search resulted, in the finding of a man whose name was Thos. Monaghan, a laborer on the Railroad in the employ of Messrs. Bidle & Edmensen.  He was an unmarried man, about thirty five years of age, and is believed to have fallen in on Saturday evening, as he was seen about 8 o’clock near this spot in a state of intoxication.  He has no relatives in this neighborhood.  He was taken to Tyrone to be buried.

July 3, 1861

Married on Thursday, June 27th, at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. T. Van Scoyoc, Mr. Christopher C. Shoff, to Miss Elizabeth C. Stitt, both of Beccaria tp.

Married on the 20th ult., by Amos Krise, Esq., Mr. R. E. Smith to Amelia Jane Nelson.

Died after three months illness of consumption, Hettie Maggie, daughter of D. & L. Litz, aged 1 year 5 months and 17 days.

July 10, 1861

Accident. – On Monday last, as Col. Geo. C. Passmore was engaged in shoeing a horse at his shop in this place, the horse suddenly wheeled, throwing Mr. P. against  the anvil with such force as to break one of his ribs.

Married on Tuesday, July 2d, by Isaac Lemon, Esq., Mr. William Elder to Miss Hannah Thompson, of Bell township.

July 17, 1861

Fatal Accident. – A man named Jacob Frantz, a citizen of Brady township, was killed on Tuesday the 9th inst., while cutting timber for a new barn.

July 24, 1861

Railroad Accident. – A few days ago Aaron Danworth, formerly of Penn township, this county, who is an employee on the Pennsylvania Railroad at Altoona, had his leg broken between the knee and ankle, while endeavoring to replace some cars on the track, in the yard at that place.  A rope with an iron hook on the end was used for the purpose, but by some means the hook gave way or became detached, and flew out of its place, striking Mr. D. on the leg, and producing an ugly flesh wound with the fracture.  Surgical aid was immediately summoned and Mr. D. is doing well.

August 7, 1861

Caution. – All persons are hereby cautioned against harboring, hiring or trusting my son JOHN, on my account, as I am determined to pay no debts of his contracting after this date.  Solomon Hammerslaugh, Decatur Township, July 29, 1861

Dissolution of Partnership.  The partnership existing between Summerfiled Flegal and Edward Flegal, of Pennsville, in the Blacksmithing business, was dissolved on the 31st day of July last, by mutual consent. The business will be continued by Summerfield Flegal, at the old stand.

Married on the 30th ult., by Rev. Dr. McLeod, at the residence of the late Ignatius Thompson, Esq., his daughter Esther, to Robert Cummings, Esq., of Centre county.

Died in Union township, on the 30th ult., Nicholas Doney, aged 73 years.

Died on Saturday last, —- son of Samuel Fullerton, of Lawrence township, aged about 14 years. [no mane given]

Died on Sunday last, in Pike township, Mason Garrison, well advanced in years.

Severe Accident. – Mr. Taylor Rowles of Lawrence tp., came to town yesterday morning, and whilst hitching his horse to a post, the animal took fright, and Mr. R’s thumb being caught in the hitching strap, tore it off at the second joint.

August 14, 1861

Married on the 4th by the Rev. John A. Nuner, Mr. Fred. G. Coffin to Mrs. Susan Schnarrs all of Clearfield county, Pa.

Died at her home, near Canton, Bradford county, Pa., on Wednesday, July 31st, Mrs. R. E. Palmer, wife of N. Palmer, of this county, and daughter of R. McMurray of New Washington.

August 28, 1861  

Married on the 22d inst., by A. Breth, Esq., Mr. G. Washington Gallaher to Miss Elizabeth Hollison, all of New Washington.

September 4, 1861

Peter Ritner, a brother of ex-Gov. Riter, of Pa., and formerly a resident of Clearfield county, died in Cass county, Ind., on the 10th Aug., at the age of 67.

Died at his residence in Lumber City, on the 24th ult., Samuel Moore, aged 61 years.

Died on Friday last, suddenly, at his residence in Covington tp., Wm. Smith, aged about 60 years.

Caution. – My wife Sarah has left my bed and board without just cause or provocation I hereby caution all persons against harboring or trusting her on my account, as I am determined to pay no debts of her contracting after the 22nd day of August, A.D. 1861.  Jesse Wilson

September 11, 1861

Married in the borough of Indiana, by Rev. W. S. Emery, on 28th August, S. B. Row, Esq., to Miss Ellie B. Lanich, both of this place.

Died in Knox tp., on the 3d ult., Emer E. Rowles, son of H. F. & Sarah R. Rowles, aged 1years, 4mos, 1week, 3days.

September 18, 1861

Clearfield Cemetery.  All persons interested in the Clearfield Cemetery, are requested to assemble at the grounds on Thursday the 3rd of Oct. next, prepared to spend the day in redding up and repairing said grounds.  Ellis Irwin, Joh’n Boynton, and F. P. Hurxthal, Trustees.

Laying of a Corner Stone.
The Corner Stone of E. Lutheran Church at Bloomingville, Clearfield co., will be laid on Saturday, Sept. 28th, at 11 o’clock, A.M.
Assistance from abroad is expected.  The public is invited to attend.  J. R. Focht, Pastor.

Death of a Soldier.  The remains of Robert Livingston, a member of Captain Lorain’s Company, who died at Georgetown, D. C., on Friday the 13th inst., was brought to this place on Sunday morning last, and interred at 2 o’clock that afternoon.

Correction. – Some errors having occurred in the notice of the death of the late Wm. Smith of Covington tp., we are requested to say that he did not die suddenly but that he was palsied or paralyzed on the 22nd and died on the 29th August, retaining his senses until the last, and that he was aged 71 years.

Married on the 11th August last, by C. Howe, Esq., Mr. Alexander Small, of Maine, to Miss Levina Goss, of Decatur township.

Married on the 8th inst., by C. Howe, Esq., Mr. E. M. Peters to Miss Henrietta Smeal, all of Decatur township.

Married on the 12th inst., by Rev. J. M. Galloway, Richard Shaw, Esq., of Lawrence township, to Miss Henrietta B. Smith, of Clearfield.

Married on the 12th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father in Ferguson township, Mr. James Hile of Lumber city to Miss Mary Hannah Henry.

Died at St. Louis, Mo., on the 21st July last, John G. Lowrey, Esq., formerly of Bellefonte, aged 84 years.

September 25, 1861

Married September 12th, by Rev. S. Creighton, Mr. John H. Stewart, and Miss Annie W. Dale, all of Bradford township.

Died in Brady township, on the 18th inst., of sore throat, —- son of William and Jane Bechtol, aged 9 years.  Also on the 19th, —- daughter of the same, aged 4 years. [names not given]

Died at Muscatine, Iowa, recently, Jane, daughter of Hon. Benjamin and Maria Bonssall, of this county, aged 36 years.

Barn Burned. – We regret to learn that the barn of Peter Resinger in Brady tp., was totally destroyed by fire on the night of the 16th inst.  Mr. Resinger had all his crop, and nearly all his farming utensils destroyed.  The fire was undoubtedly the work of an incendiary.

October 2, 1861

Died in Pike township, on Wednesday last, Mrs. —–, wife of Patrick Mullen, aged about 70 years. [no name given]

The rain of last Thursday night and Friday caused an unprecedented rise in the West Branch and its tributaries.  The river, at this point, was at least a foot higher than it was at the great flood of 1847, and the destruction of property has been proportionally greater.  None of the river or Clearfield creek bridges, as far as heard from, were carried off, but nearly all of them have been more or less injured.  All the bridges on Anderson’s creek and Lick Run are reported as gone, and we presume the same may be said of Deer creek, Mosquito creek, &c., as they all have their sources in the same section.
    The loss sustained by our lumbermen is immense.  Not less than 500,000 shingles, it is said, were carried off from the vicinity of Curwensville alone, besides many boards, and several rafts of square timber.  No less than ten rafts are reported to have been carried off from the neighborhood of Lumber City.  The destruction of lumber is supposed to be still greater on Clearfield creek, and on the river below this, as a great many rafts were “tied up” at various points, and others left “sticking” in the river at the last flood.  Most of these would doubtless go adrift, and be totally lost to the owners.
    The damage to the crops, fences, &c., on the bottom lands, must also be severe, as the flood was completely over the banks in many places.
    The falling of the rain lasted just 24 hours, with scarcely a moment’s cessation – the water becoming interestingly high soon after the rain ceased on Friday evening – arousing many of our citizens from their slumbers to look after certain outside members of their families, such as horses, cows, pigs, poultry, &c.  The eastern part of our town was well covered with water, doing some injury to gardens, cellars, &c., but no further damage; whilst on the river front, part of the fence around the Upper Park was carried away and the buckwheat crop in the Lower Park badly sanded.
    We expect to hear disastrous news from the Sinnemahoning.
By later advices we learn that the bridge across Anderson’s Creek at Moore’s Mill is still standing.
    The bridge across Sandy, in Jefferson county is gone – no mail from the West since Thursday last.
    A gentleman intimates that full one fourth the buckwheat crop of this county is lost.
Our advices from the east prepare us for bad news.  The flood at Tyrone done much damage to the Tyrone and Clearfield railroad, and the Juniata was very high, but not obstructing the travel on the railroad.
    The Harrisburg papers announce that all the booms at Williamsport and Lock Haven were either taken out or cleaned out – that “forty miles of saw logs” and immense piles of sawed lumber passed Harrisburg on Sunday.
    We have no definite news from the West, but believe that the calamity has been equally great there.

October 14, 1861

SMASH UP. – A collision occurred at the Fair ground the other day, between a sulky and buggy, the former driven by T. J. McCullough, Esq., to which was attached a very spirited horse, which, after spilling out his master made tracks for town, completely demolishing the vehicle and injuring himself slightly.
    As the horse, with the wreck of the sulky attacked passed the residence of Judge Barrett, his little son was playing on the pavement with his “hobby horse”.  Seeing his danger, Mr. Etzweiler ran to his rescue, reaching him just in time to snatch him away, when the toy was taken up by the fragments and demolished.

Died on Tuesday the 2d inst., James Reed, aged 82 years.
Mr. Reed was among the first settlers of this county.

October 23, 1861

SAD AND FATAL ACCIDENT. – Robert C. Shaw of Goshen township came to his death on last Friday morning from injuries received by being thrown from his horse on the Wednesday evening previous.  The deceased was attending the Fair at this place riding a spirited horse, and returning in the evening in company with Mr. Ellis R. Livergood, reached the residence of his neighbor, Matthew Tate, whose saddle he had borrowed, and in attempting to mount his horse after leaving the saddle, the spur struck the horse in the flank, causing him to kick and start at a full run down the hill, throwing Mr. S off with great violence, injuring him so severely that he never spoke afterwards, and breathed his last in about 36 hours.  The deceased was a most worthy citizen, about 58 years of age, and leaves a wife and seven children to mourn their sudden bereavement.

Married on Thursday the 10th instant, by Daniel Goodlander, Esq., Mr. M. Y. Rishel of Brady tp., to Miss Esther M. Booz of Union tp.

Married on Thursday the 10th instant, by the Rev. J. W. Welden, Mr. David M. Beams to Miss Lementine Beightol, all of Brady tp.

Married on Sunday, the 20th instant, by Lover Flegal, Esq., Mr. J. H. Lapold to Miss Elizabeth Soliday, all of Brady tp.

October 30, 1861

Fire. – We learn that the dwelling house of Nicholas Tubbs of Ferguson tp., took fire one night last week and was burned to the ground, and four of the youngest Children were burned to death.
    The oldest was about 12 years old.  The parents had gone to church about a mile and a half distant.  It is supposed the fire originated from the candle as no other fire was in the house at the time.

Married in Covington tp., on the 19th inst., by F. F. Coutriet, Esq., Mr. John E. Bistriouv, to Miss Catharine Pinckile of Burnside top, Centre Co.

Died very suddenly in Brady tp., on Monday the 21st instant, Philip Kriner, age bout 78 years.  York papers please copy.

Died on Thursday, the 24th inst., Samuel Fulton, Esq., aged -4 years.
The deceased was a native of Ireland, but reached this country when quite young, and emigrated to this county along with its first settlers.  No citizen was more universally respected. During the most active year of his life he followed the business of surveying, which gave him an extended acquaintance throughout this and the adjoining counties.
    Of that hardy class of men who braved the hardships and privations of life in the wilderness, and settled on the West Branch about the beginning of the present century, Mr. Fulton performed a conspicuous part.  Of a naturally free and jovial disposition, the grubbing or the chopping frolic; or the house or barn raising – with the good times afterwards – was always a dull affair without him; and many are the rich and lively anecdotes he used to relate of early times in Clearfield county.
    He was, it seems of much mind, a diligent reader, and possessed a memory that never let anything escape.
    Besides that of Surveyor he held several other responsible positions – Commissioner, Treasurer, Prothonotary, &c, before and soon after the regular organization of the county.

November 6, 1861

Married in Morris township on the 31st ult., by Samuel C. Thompson, Esq., Mr. James Dillen, to Miss Dinah L. Brown, all of Morris township.

Died in Knox township, on the 28th ult., of croup, Amos William, son of Isaac P. and Rachel Carson, aged 6 years.

November 13, 1861

Dead. – We regret to record the death of Wm. Leonard one of the earliest settlers of this county.  He died at his residence in Goshen township on Sunday last, aged 82 years.

Suicide. – Mrs. Liddell, wife of Thomas Liddell of this place, committed suicide on last Wednesday morning by cutting her throat with a razor.  Mrs. Liddell was visiting her father’s, Mr. Johnson, of Jordan township, and on the morning of the day mentioned in the absence of the other members of the family she laid her child in the cradle, and taking her father’s razor, gave herself two fatal cuts across the throat.  No cause is assigned, other than that of temporary aberration of mind.  She leaves but one child.

Died in Union township, on Thursday the 7th instant, —-son of David and Hannah Welty, aged about 3 years.

November 20, 1861

Died in Goshen township, on Sunday last, of disease of the lungs, Christina, wife of John F. Rote, aged 23 or 24 years.

Died at the residence of his son near this place, Martin Nichols, sen., aged 89 years and 2 days. The deceased retired to bed on last Monday evening in usual health, but on visiting his room yesterday morning his spirit had fled.  The deceased was, we believe, a native of the State of New York, but the greater part of his long and useful life was spent in this county.  He was a man of remarkable industry and energy, and of the strictest integrity and most exauplary habits, by practice as well as by precept.

November 27, 1861

Sheriff Miller informs us that some body has borrowed his bridle.  The Sheriff would like to borrow it back again for a short time, as he wishes to use it.

Married on Thursday the 21st inst., by W. A. Read, Esq., Mr. W. A. Dunlap of Pike township to Miss Louisa J. Rowles of Lawrence township.

December 4, 1861

A Hunter Taken Short. – We thought our Clearfield hunters were wide awake for all kinds of game, but it seems we were mistaken.  A few nights ago, a friend of ours having a taste for fresh venison, (as he has got it we think the printer should have been remembered) concluded to take his station in the forks of a hemlock o’er-looking a “deer lick.”  He had not occupied his position long before a stately buck made his appearance, looking as though he would like to receive a shot behind the fore-shoulder.  Our friend tried on the shot; the buck gave a bound and at the same time our friend bounded from his perch, knife in hand, to complete his work; but unfortunately for him “Mr. Buck” had not quite collapsed, and succeeded in getting our friend “S” in such a position against a tree as to compel him to cry for quarter and notified “Buck” that he was not ‘swoosh.”  “S’s” bellowing brought friends, who were near, to his aid, and who dispatched Mr. Buck.  We have no doubt some of our citizens have since feasted upon the fat haunches of the ‘Antlered” gentleman that, for a time, held our friend “S,” in du— vile.

Wanted. – The Printers want WOOD and COAL, to keep them from freezing, WHEAT, CORN, RYE, BUCKWHEAT, OATS and MEAT, as an antidote for starvation, and a little CHANGE mixed with the combustible matter, to enable us to buy clothes for our Children.

Died in Covington township, on the 23rd ult., Mrs. Catherine Curley, relic of John Curley, aged -5 years.

Died in Brady township, on the 26th ult., Isaac Dunlap aged -6 years.

December 11, 1861

Died in Pike township, on Monday last, Samuel Reed, aged 69 years.

December 18, 1861

Married on Thursday the 12th instant, by Wm. A. Bloom, Esq., Mr. Hosea Ereherd of Knox township to Miss Martha J. Bloom of Pike township.

Died in Beccaria township on Saturday the 7th instant, Mrs. Martha Steward wife of Joseph Steward, formerly of Centre county, aged 55 years 9 months and 16 days.  Centre papers please copy.

December 25, 1861

Died in Philadelphia, on the 19th, Wm. Freeston, son of John H. and Martha A. R., Bradley, aged 2 years 3 months and 2 days.

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