• Fri. Mar 28th, 2025


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Lancaster Intelligencer, 1848 Issues


Jan 16, 2009

Lancaster Intelligencer

January 4, 1848

The common-pleas judges have appointed HENRY HALDERMAN, ESQ., of Conoy township, the Revenue Commissioner for Lancaster county, under the act of April 29, 1844.  Mr. Halderman is one of our most intelligent and worthy citizens, and is peculiarly well qualified for the discharge of this delicate and important trust.

Married on Thursday the 30th ult., by Rev. E. Y. Buchanan, Mr. Jesse Hauck to Miss Sarah Shultz, all of Paradise.

Died in Soudersburg, at the house of his grandfather, Leonard Kessler, on the 29th ult., DAVID HENRY, son of John R. TROUT, of Paradise, in the 7th year of his age.

Died at his residence at Plane No. 2, Washington township, Cambria county, on the 28th ult., Major Frederick Fick, aged about 34 years.

Died in Columbia, on Monday morning, Dec. 27, Mrs. Catharine Agnes Ziegler, wife of Francis Ziegler, aged 21 years, 4 months and 8 days.

January 11, 1848

Died on Monday the 3d instant, John Hindman, in the 63d year of his age.

Died in this city, on Tuesday last, Mrs. Anna Landis, wife of Jesse Landis, Esq., in the very bloom of her life, having been married but three weeks previous to her death!

Died at his residence, near Columbia, on the morning of the 6th inst., Jacob Strickler, Esq., in the ?th year of his age. (might be 60th)

Married on the 21st ult. by the Rev. Mr. Keenan, Mr. John Hensler, to Miss Eliza Wallace, all of this city.

Married on Wednesday, the 22d ult., by the Rev. Sam’l McNair, John Baughman to Isabella Knox, all of Georgetown, Lancaster county.

Married on the fifth day evening last, by Friend’s ceremony, James Wickersham, of Marietta, Lancaster county, to Emmarine I., daughter of the late Isaac Taylor, of East Marlborough, Chester county.

Married at York, on the 23d ult., by the Rev. J. France, Mr. J. Lindemuth, of this city, to Miss E. Hoffman, of York.

Married in this city on Thursday 6th inst., by Michael Carpenter, Mayor, Mr. Thomas A. Wilson to Miss Hannah Windle, of East Brandywine, Chester co.

Married on the 30th ult., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Mr. Joseph Engles, to Miss Mary Mehaffey, both of Martin.

Married on the 4th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Mr. Samuel -man, of East Lampeter, to Miss Elizabeth Frey, of Manheim township.

Married on the 4th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Mr. John Hoffman to Miss Esther Herr, both of Strasburg.

January 18, 1848

A poor inoffensive man named Joseph Peterman, well known in Lancaster, and subject to fits of insanity, met an untimely and horrible death on Tuesday evening last.  He had wandered some distance from the city, to the lime kiln of a Mr. Landis, and the night being very cold, he stopped to warm himself.  It is supposed that he rested on the top of the kiln, and after the fuel was consumed, it fell in, literally burying the unfortunate man in fire.  When discovered he was burnt to a perfect crisp.

Married on the 15th instant, by Michael Carpenter, Esq., Mayor, Chalkley Coates to Mary Ann Walton, of West Fallowfield, Chester county.

Married on the 6th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Joseph Dellinger, of West Hempfield, to Sarah Kendrick, of Conestoga.

Married on the 6th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Christian Becker, of Manor, to Mary Hostetter, of Lancaster twp.

Married on the 11th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Henry S. Herr to Mary Eshbach, both of Lancaster township.

Married at Fairview, Dec. 29th, by the Rev. Wallace, his youngest daughter Rachel Annie, to William, second son of John Robinson, both of Pequa Valley.

Married at Fawn Grove, York county, Pa., on the 4th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Owens, Jacob S. Huber, of this city, to Ann Heaps, of the former place.

Married on the 28th ult., by the Rev. William Cooper, Peter Pritz, of Manheim, to Barbara Brubaker, of Halifax, Dauphin county.

Married on the 23d of December, 1847, by the Rev. H. Habliston, Mr. Isaac Flawd of Rapho, to Miss Fanny Mayer of Penn township.

Married by the Rev. H. Habliston, on the 13th inst., Mr. Henry Ritter to Mrs. Susannah Heckman, all of the borough of Manheim.

Died  Mr. Benjamin F. Kendig, on 1st of November, of dropsy.  His death occurred at the National Bridge, in Mexico.  The deceased was aged 24 years, 1 month and 18 days, and was a much respected son of Adam Kendig, Esq., of Conestoga township, Lancaster county.  He was a member of Capt. Doland’s company, attached to the District and Maryland volunteer batallion, and marched from Baltimore for Mexico in July last.  In announcing the melancholy news of his death, Capt. Dolan pays him a warm and affectionate tribute.  He says:  “It seemed to me more like losing a friend than a soldier under my command.  He had rendered himself near and dear to me by his good qualities and excellent behavior, and was much beloved by all his fellow-soldiers.”  

Died on the 2d inst., near Litiz, Elizabeth, wife of the Rev. Christian Longenecker, in her 54th year.

Died on the 24th utl., Andrew Garber, of West Hempfield township, in his 56th year.

Died in the borough of Manheim, on the 27th ult., Catharine Rudisill, in her 64th year.

Died in the borough of Manheim, on the 27th ult., Lewis White, in his 65th year.

Died on the 5th inst., Anne Elibabeth Unkle, aged ?years, 10 months, and 26 days.

January 25, 1848

Died on the 22d instant, after a lingering illness of nearly four months, Mr. Jacob Forney, a much respected citizen of Lancaster, in the 54th year of his age.
In the death of Mr. Forney his family has sustained an irreparable loss, and society a useful member.  Though moving in the sphere of an humble citizen, his influence, through his active sympathy and generosity of heart, was widely felt in his immediate neighborhood, and whenever a kind word and the exercise of charitable feelings were needed.  Though his means were limited, no man more willingly contributed  the “Widows mite,” or answered the appeals of suffering and want more readily than he.
As a husband and a father his loss is indeed irreparable, stimulating as he did those entrusted to his guardianship to lives of Virtue, Order, and Usefulness.  Though the part he sustained among us, was humble and unobtrusive, his life nevertheless furnishes examples of practical benevolence and upright deportment, worthy of the imitation of all.
As he lived – ever yielding submissively to the dispensations of the Almighty – he died firmly relying upon the promises of his Redeemer passing away calmly and serenely to “that bourne from whence no traveler returns.”

Died on the morning of the 21st inst., at 3 o’clock, Mr. Christopher Brenner, of Lancaster township, this county, in the 51st year of his age.

Died on the 21st. inst., Sarah Caroline Werntz, daughter of Mr. Daniel Werntz.

Died on the morning of the 21st inst., Mrs. Mary Ann Burns, in the 50th year of her age.

February 1, 1848

Married on the 25th ult., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, Mr. John Harnish, to Miss Fanny Warfel, both of Conestoga township.

Married on the 25th ult., by the Rev. H. Habliston, Mr. Hiram Kendig of the city of Lancaster, to Miss Ann Elizabeth Fetter of the borough of Manheim.

Married on the 27th ult., by the Rev. H. Habliston, Mr. Isaac Buch of Ephrata, to Miss Elizabeth Mengel of the borough of Manheim.

Married at Harristown, on Tuesday the 25th ult., by Rev. E. Y. Buchanan, Mr. Adam Beam of Soudersburg, to Miss Hetty Ann Shaeffer of Harristown.

Married on the 27th ult., by the Rev. Mr. Wagner, Mr. Benjamin Buchwalter of Conestoga to Miss Ann Kendig of Conestoga Centre.

Married in the city of Philadelphia, on the 2d ult., by the Rev. A. D. Gillette, Mr. Joseph A. Kauffman, of that and formerly of this city, to Miss Martha A. Reese, of East Fallowfield, Chester county.

Married on the 20th ult., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Mr. Daniel Harman to Miss Sarah Weidler, both of Upper Leacock.

Married on the 20th ult., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Mr. Jacob Miller of Manheim twp., to Miss Esther K. Diffenbach, of East Lampeter.

Married on the 13th ult., by the Rev. J. Miller, Mr. Nelson Wolfkill, of Reamstown, to Miss Mary Fritch, of Cocalico, Lancaster county.

Married on Tuesday evening, the 11th ult., by the Rev. P. J. Timlow, Mr. Wm. M. Slaymaker to Miss Catharine M. Eckert, daughter of Peter J. Eckert, all of Paradise township.

Died on Thursday evening last, at 10 o’clock, Mrs. Elizabeth Shindle, consort of Mr. Peter Shindle, of this city, in the 87th year of her age.

Died on the 17th ult., Mrs. Barbara Herr, wife of Mr. Abrm. Herr, of East Lampeter, aged 70 years.

Died on Sunday the 23rd ult., George Lewis, son of Jacob and Margaret Snyder, of this city, aged 1 year, 2 months and 28 days.

Died in Penn township, on the 21st ult., Mr. Joseph Cassel, aged 75 years, 3 months and 1 day.

Died on Friday week, in Earl township, Mr. John Winger, aged about 23 years.

Died on Friday a week, in Rehrersburg, Berks county, of whooping cough, Susan Louisa, a lovely and interesting daughter of Cyrus G. and Susanna Stoever, aged 1 year, 6 months and 19 days.

February 8, 1848

Married on the 3d inst., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, Mr. Henry Eckman to Miss Susanna Eckman, both of Strasburg township.

Married on the 1st inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Mr. David Shreiner to Miss Sarah Reed, both of Manheim twp.

Married on the 9th ult., by the Rev. C. Weiler, Mr. Samuel Rudy to Miss Mary Mead, both of Earl.

Married on the 13th ult., by the Rev. C. Weiler, Mr. Aaron Gockley, of East Cacalico, to Miss Cassy Killian of Ephrata.

Married on the 13th ult., by the Rev. C. Weiler, Mr. Christian Killian, of West Cocalico, to Miss Elizabeth Bucher of Ephrata.

Married on Jan. 30th, by Mr. G. F. Bahnson, Mr. John Hartman to Miss Sarah Yeagly, both of this city.

Died on the 31st ult., Mr. Aaron Trager, in the 33d year of his age. The deceased was a much respected citizen of Litiz, and highly esteemed by all who knew him.  In the community in which he resided, he had many warm and true friends; as a husband and father, he was kind and affectionate; and, although moving in the sphere of an humble citizen, his course in this life is worthy of the emulation of the best of us.  For nearly a year he had been suffering with a painful disease, which he bore with the greatest fortitude and philosophy.  Mr. T. was well known in this city, and was a son-in-law of Mathias Zahm, Esq.

Died on the 14th of January, at his residence in Harlord Co., Md., Mr. Lemuel Sappington, aged 58 years, formerly of Bridgeport, Lancaster county.

Died in Lancaster township, on the 18th ult., John Bausman, Jr., 39 years, 3 months and 29 days.

Died on Jan. 26th , at the residence of his father in Manheim township, Mr. Isaac Buch, age 22 years, 11 months.

February 15, 1848

Died on Sunday evening, at 8 o’clock, Mary Christiana, daughter of Dr. G. B. Kerloot, in the 4th year of her age.  The friends of her family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, at 4 o’clock, this afternoon, from the residence of her father, in South Queen Street, without further notice.

Died on the 8th ult., at the Strasburg Academy, Lancaster county, Pa., Mr. Thomas J. Wilkins, of New Jersey, in the 23d year of his age.

February 22, 1848

Married on the 10th inst., by the Rev. Wm. Urie, Jacob Reaser to Mary Treage, both of Lancaster county.

Married on the 10th inst., by the Rev. Wm. Urie, George Twining to Anna Catharine Eberman, both of this city.

Married on the 15th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Henry Lytel to Elizabeth Buckwalter, both of Leacock.

Married on the 10th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Owen, Robert A Kimburg to Ellen Brown, both of Columbia.

Married on the 13th inst., by the Rev. Dr. McDowell, Henry J. Mifflin, of Philadelphia, to Elizabeth L., eldest daughter of Abraham Herr, of this county.

Married on the 30th ult., by the Rev. C. Weiler, William Mellinger to Maria Rinehold, both of Warwick.

Married on the 6th inst., by the Rev. C. Weiler, David Kemper, of Ephrata, to Margaret Bentz, eldest daughter of C. Bentz, Esq., of Elizabeth township.

Married on the 2d inst., by the Rev. J. B. Saxton, Charles J. Rakestraw to Catharine Beam, all of Soudersburg.

Married on the 30th ult., by the Rev. William Gerhart, Abraham Gass, of West Donegal, to Barbara Kreiter, of Bainbridge.

Married on the 6th inst., by the Rev. William Gerhart, Henry B. Painter, of Mountjoy, to Mary Anne Patterson, of Elizabethtown.

Married on the 10th inst., by the Rev. William Gerhart, Benjamin Hottenstein, to Susanna Shiffler, both of the vicinity of Elizabethtown.

Married on the 10th inst., by the Rev. William Gerhart, Samuel Springer to Elizabeth Cristen, both of Middletown.

Married on the 8th inst., by the Rev. J. McNair, John P. Kilburn, of Strasburg, to Catharine Higgins, of Paradise.

Married on the 10th inst., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, Daniel Breneman to Elizabeth Miller, both of Martic.

Married on the 10th inst., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, Samuel Stoneroad to Ann Mowber, both of Martic.

Married on the 10th inst., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, Jacob Dellinger, of East Hempfield, to Ann Muma, of West Hempfield.

Married on the 10th inst., by the Rev. J.J. Strine, John Eversol, of Conoy, to Ann Ruth, of Donegal.

Died on the 31st ult., in Urbana, Ohio, William Gallery, aged 33 years.

Died on Thursday, the 3d inst., Robert, infant son of Robert Atkinson, aged 18 months.

Died at Warwick, on the 2nd inst., Abraham Miller, in his 29th year.

Died on the 13th inst., Elizabeth Levevre, in the 72d year of her age.

Died on the 14th inst., in Philadelphia, Mrs. Hiestand, eldest daughter of Jacob Hoove, formerly of this county.

Died on the 7th inst., in West Earl township, John Wolf, aged 75 years.

Death of a Lancaster Volunteer. – A letter from Lieut. H. A. Hambright, dated the city of Mexico, November 28th, received here on the 11th inst., conveys to us the melancholy intelligence of the decease of his relative, John George Hambright, of this city, 1st sergeant of company A, 2d Pennsylvania regiment, under command of Capt. Loesher, now on duty in Mexico.  He died on the 12th of November, after a few days illness, in the 30th year of his age.

February 29, 1848

Married in Washington city, on the 17th instant, by Rev. Mr. Rubb, Gerald Smith, of New Orleans, to Miss Clara S. Morsell, daughter of B. K. Morsell, Esq., of the former city.

Married on the 10th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Owen, Mr. Peter A. K—burg, to Mrs. Elton Brown, both of Columbia.

Married on the 27th inst., by the Rev. D. Y. Heisler, Mr. Peter Hen-man to Miss Veronica K-haffer, both of the vicinity of Millersville.

DONEGAL FURNACE – The Columbia Spy says:  A young city is springing into existence, under the especial patronage of the Iron King, in the neighborhood of this new establishment, which is now in progress of construction.  The fact is that Marietta and Columbia, tired of running against each other, are running right into each other, and a few years will show that “mountains interposed,” will not be able to prevent our thriving villages from “mingling into one.”  Success to the iron links that are drawing us together.

March 7, 1848

Married on the 2d inst., by the Rev. E. Y. Buchanan, John A. Rogers, of Paradise, to Keziah McAllister, of Leacock township.

Married on the 29th ult., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, George Warfel to Elizabeth Good, both of Conestoga.

Married on the 2d inst., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, David Slaughter to Elizabeth Meltrum, both of West Hempfield.

Married on the 24th ult., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, John H. Dellinger, of Strasburg township, to Margaret Hershey, of Paradise township.

Married on the 27th ult., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Christopher S. Eshleman, of Manheim township, to Mary Catharine Kurtz, of this city.

Married on the 29th ult., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Frederick Nicholas to Elizabeth Denly, both of Manor.

Married on the 17th ult., by the Rev. J. C. Barnitz, John Plank to Mary Ann Diller, of East Earl.

Married on Tuesday, the 22d ult., by the Rev. Mr. Owen, George Boyd to Elizabeth Tyler.

Married on the 22d ult., by the Rev. Mr. Moony, William S. Gamber to Elizabeth Bechtel, both of this city.

Married on the 24th ult., by the Rev. John McNair, Henry Miller to Esther Broom, both of Martic.

Died on the 24th ult., at Litiz, Cleinentine L. Christ, in the 35th year of her age.

March 14, 1848

Married on the 7th instant, by the Rev. W. Goentner, William Giles, of Martic, to Mary Elizabeth Hess, of Conestoga township.

Married on the 2d instant, by the Rev. William Urie, Isaac Reese, of Paradise township, to Elizabeth J. Waid, of Leacock.

Married on the 2d instant, by the Rev. William Urie, Cyrus Garber, of Manheim, to Nancy Reese, of Lancaster city.

Married on the 2d instant, by the Rev. J. C. Baker, John Matter, to Susanna Shissler, both of Manheim.

Married on the 2d instant, by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Abraham G. Groff to Louisa Swope, both of Upper Leacock.

Married on the 5th instant, by the Rev. R. S. Wagner, William Harner to Mary Sinnet, all of Millersville.

Married on the 5th instant, by the Rev. R. S. Wagner, Abraham Kaufman to Catharine Bowers, all  of Millersville.

Married on the 9th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Mr. Francis B. McGuigan to Miss Susan Wikert, both of Strasburg twp.

Died in this city, on the 7th inst., William W. Pennel, Esq., in the 56th year of his age.

Died at Safe Harbor, on the 2d instant, John Herr, in the 50th year of his age.

Died in Allegheny county, on the 24th ult., John Latshaw, formerly of this city, in his 63d year.

Died on the 8th instant, of consumption, Mr. John Metzgar, of this city, aged 29 years, 7 months, 11 days.

March 28, 1848

FATAL AFFRAY.  We learn that on Sunday morning last two of the inmates of the Lancaster County poor-house, named Trego and Smith, became involved in a scuffle, when the former drew from his pocket a large Barlow-knife, with which he inflicted on the latter a series of stabs, from the effects of which he died before medical attendance could be procured from the city.  Both the belligerents were insane, and for this reason confined in the poor-house.  It is proper to state that the knife, with which the wound was inflicted, was clandestinely obtained by Trego, so that no blame can attach to the overseer.

Married on the 21st inst., by the Rev. Wm. Mooney, the Rev. Carlton Price, of Baltimore, to Miss Henrietta, daughter of Michael Carpenter, Mayor of this city.

Married on the 14th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Keyes, Mr. Daniel Heitshu to Miss Catharine Bier, both of this city.

Married on the 21st inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Mr. Jacob Rotharmel to Miss Margaret Fanny Lebkicher both of this city.

Married on the 23d inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Mr. Aaron Shollaw, of Rapho, to Miss Barbara Ann Kline, of E. Hempfield.

Married on the 23d inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Mr. Philip Stark, of Manheim twp., to Miss Susannah Zell, of Ephrata.

Married on the 23d inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Mr. Samuel Hertz of Berks co., to Miss Frances Watts, of this city.

Married in Harrisburg, on the 22d inst., Mr. John M’Calmont, of Clarion co., to Miss Elizabeth P. Stehley, of Harrisburg.

Married by the Rev. John Wallace of Pequea, Mr. Isaac Means to Miss Hannah Baxter, both of Salisbury township.

Married by the Rev. John Wallace of Pequea, Mr. Robert C. Cummingham of Indiana, to Miss Margaret Harshberger of Chester co.

Married by the Rev. John Wallace of Pequea, Mr. Adam Clarke to Miss Susanna Feliobom, both of Salisbury.

Married by the Rev. John Wallace of Pequea, Mr. Wm. Robison to Miss Rachael a. Wallace, both of Pequea.

Married by the Rev. John Wallace of Pequea, Mr. John Eby to Miss Caroline Weaver, both of Salisbury.

Married by the Rev. John Wallace of Pequea, Mr. Martin Bear, to Miss Louisa Hudson – the former of Leacock twp., the latter of Salisbury.

Married by the Rev. John Wallace of Pequea, Mr. John Shimp to Miss Mary Ellmer, both of Salisbury twp.

Married by the Rev. John Wallace of Pequea, Mr. John McCaskey to Mrs. Elizabeth Buffington, all of Salisbury twp.

Married by the Rev. John Wallace of Pequea, Mr. Christian Reeser to Miss Martha Plank, both of Salisbury township.

Married by the Rev. D. Hertz, at Ephrata, Mr. Henry Kilhafer, of Ephrata, to Miss Elizabeth Garman, of East Earl.

Died, Departed this life, on the 17th instant, at the residence of her husband, in Granville, near the city of Lancaster, Mrs. Alice McGrann, consort of Richard McCrann, Sen., in the 52d year of her age. – Her death has cast a profound gloom over the whole family, (particularly her bereaved husband,) which nothing but a kind Providence can remove.  The meek and humble habits of Mrs. McGrann, her humane, benevolent, and charitable disposition, endeared her to all who became acquainted with her.  She has left a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn her departure.

Died on the 14th inst., Emma, daughter of Aaron and Sarah L. Eshleman, aged 21 days.

Died on the 13th inst., Washington Newtown King, son of David and Margaret King, aged 3 years and 20 days.

Died on the 19h inst., in this city, of consumption, Andrew J. Porter, aged 19 years, 1 month and 11 days.

Died on the 21st inst., in this city, of consumption, Harriet Boeting, daughter of Jonathan Hinkle, dec’d., aged 44 years, 2 months, and 11 days.

Died on the 24th inst., in this city, David Huber, in the 49th year of his age.

Died on the 22d inst., in this city, Catharine Kauffman, aged 64 years.

Died on Thursday morning last, at the National House in this city, George Franciscus, in the 65th year of his age.

Died on the 13th inst., at the residence of her father, in Strasburg township, of scarlet fever, Lavinia, daughter of Benj. And Sarah Herr, aged 24 years.

Died on the 5th inst., at the residence of P. J. Eckert, Salome Carpenter, in the 88th year of her age.

Died on Friday, 3d inst., at Peach Bottom, York co., after a lingering illness of two years, Hugh M’Conkey, son of James M’Conkey, Esq., in the 29th year of his age.

Died on the morning of the 25th ult., in Rapho township, Elizabeth, wife of Christopher Shollow, in the 85th year of her age. – and

Died on the morning of the 28th ult., Christopher Shollaw, in the 85th year of his age.

Died in this city, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Geo. P. and Mary Ann Hambright, aged 2 years, 4 months and 3 days.

April 4, 1848

The real estate of THOMAS B. COLEMAN, has been appraised at four hundred and eighty-five thousand dollars.  It comprises Cornwall and Colebrook Furnaces, with the invaluable ore bank of Cornwall:  Castle Fin, Speedwell, Hopewell, and Spring Forges, with about thirty thousand acres of land, situated in the counties of Lebanon, Lancaster, Adams, Dauphin, and Berks.  The personal property of the estate is, we understand, equal in value, which will make a productive estate worth about a million of dollars.

Married on the 28th ult., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, Boulden Miller to Catharine Yeager, both of East Lampeter township.

Married on the 28th ult., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, Benjamin Eshleman to Catharine Harnish, both of Conestoga township.

Married on the 14th ult., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Reuben Manderback, of Berks county, to Mary Ann Metzgar, of this city.

Married on the 16th ult., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Miller Eckman, of Colerain township, to Elizabeth Eckman of Little Britain township.

Married at the Speedwell Mansion House, on the 2d inst., by the Rev. M. Flabliston, Solomon Seaft of Codorus township, York county, to Sarah Eby of Elizabeth township.

Married on the 2d inst., by the Rev. John C. Baker, John Henry Wetzel to Sarah Zell, both of this city.

Died on the 1st inst., George W. Frick, in the 31st year of his age.

Died on Wednesday last, of inflammation of the bowels, Alva Morris, an interesting child of Marcus D. Holbrook, Esq., of this city, aged 5 years and 4 months.

Died on the 27th ult., Mary C., relict of John R. Montgomery, aged 52 years.

Died in West Earl township, on the 16th ult., Andrew Wise, a soldier of the Revolution, aged 88 years, 4 months and 8 days.

Died in Manheim township, on the 24th ult., Fanny Graybill, aged 25 years, 10 months and 31 days.

Died in this city, on the 26th ult., at the residence of her brother-in-law, Lewis Sprecher, Maria Bear.

Died on the 17th ult., in Sadsbury township, Slater B. Kirk, in the 23d year of his age.

From the EASTON ARGUS,  of the 24th says: – An unfortunate accident occurred at the Lime Stone Quarries of Mr. Peter Uhler, in Williams township, last Tuesday morning.  a man named William Hawk was engaged in drilling a hole in a large stone to prepare it for a blast, and at the same time others were engaged at blasting in a neighboring quarry.  When a stone from a blast hit him and broke his leg.  Dr. C. C. Field was called in, who found it necessary to amputate his leg, which was done above the knee.  The poor fellow died about half an hour after the amputation.

APRIL 11, 1848

Sudden Death of Mr. Joseph Hoover, a much respected citizen of West Hempfield township, in this county, was on Thursday morning last in the act of disposing of a lot of cattle at Parksburg, in Chester county, he was struck down by apoplexy and instantly expired.  His remains were conveyed on the same day to his afflicted wife and children, whom he had left, full of health and hope, the day previous.  Truly, “in the midst of live we are in death.”

Married on the 6th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Jesse Engles, of Martic, to Sarah Ann Mehaffey, both of this city.

Married on the 6th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Henry Glessner to Catharine Greiner, both of this city.

Married on the 9th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, William Hathcote to Catharine Allison, both of Shrewsbury township, York county.

Married in West Earl township, on the 23th ult., by the Rev. Mr. Donner, Rev. Samuel Brown to Mrs. Lydia, widow of the late Adam Brown.

Obituary of Alexander Gwin, Esq.,
The sudden and unlooked for demise of this estimable gentleman will long be mourned by his many friends and acquaintances.  It was my good fortune to know him intimately and thoroughly, and I can truly say, that a more noble spirit never animated human clay.  He was not exempt from the common failings of erring human nature; he had his faults, but they were not crimes.  His errors were against himself.
    Mr. Gwin was educated at Dickinson College, Carlisle, where he graduated with marked distinction, after which he returned to his native town, Huntingdon, Pa., and commenced the study of the law.  In this pursuit he fully sustained the high character for talents which he had acquired at College.  His examination, preparatory to his admission to the bar, gave evidence of a vigorous intellect and attention to study.  As a Lawyer, he had the confidence of all the gentlemen of the profession, and never failed to vindicate with ability and fidelity, the cause of his client.  One of our most learned and eloquent Judges, speaking of Mr. Gwin’s effort before the jury, in a complicated case, pronounced it “one of the most powerful speeches he had ever heard.”
    At the October election in 1845, Mr. G. was elected a member of the House of Representatives for his native county of Huntingdon.  I, believe he refrained the whole session from making a speech.  In the Committee room, however, he labored with great industry, and by the exhibition of his integrity and ability, so secured the confidence of his colleagues, that they in almost every instance approved and acted on his suggestion.  He was uncommonly diffident – ever willing to be a listener, and in no case was ever known to volunteer a remark.  As a politician, he was firm, constant, and undeviating.  In principle, radical – in practice, consistent.  As a writer, he ranked among the ablest in this State.
    But he is gone!  In the midsummer of life he passed away.  Those who knew him best will most mourn his departure.  Like all others who act from principles, he had his enemies – bitter persecuting enemies, whose opposition served only to unfold his true excellence.  The grave now covers his faults – and his virtues are enshrined in the hearts of many friends.  He leaves behind him a devoted, noble wife, and several children, who mingle their tears and their grief. May that consolation, which “the world can neither give nor take away,” be abundantly administered to them in this their hour of sorrowful trial!

Died on the 31st ult., Henry Wentz, infant son of James M. and Catharine M. Pennell, of Harford county, Maryland, aged 10 months.

Died on the 3d inst., in this city, Catharine Foster, in the 74th year of her age.

Died on the 5th inst., at Neffsville, Jonathan Sprecher, son of Philip Sprecher, aged 31 years.

Died on the 23d ult., Adaline, daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Ackerman, aged 1 year and 3 days.

Died on the 25th ult, in Baltimore, Md., Mary Ellen, daughter of Charles and Sophia Getz, aged 3 years and 8 months.

Died on the 30th ult., Helen Mary, twin daughter of Barton B. and Catharine C. Martin, of Millerstown, aged 2 years, 4 months and 16 days.

Died on the 27th ult., David Musselman, of East Hempfield township, in the 51st year of his age.

April 18, 1848

Died last night at 12 o’clock, after an illness of six weeks, James Buchanan, only child of Edwin W. and Elizabeth E. Hutter, aged 3 years and 6 months.
The funeral will take place from the residence of our brother-in-law, W. O. Hickok, Esq., in Harrisburg, on to-morrow (Wednesday) afternoon, at 4 o’clock.  The friends of the family in that place are respectfully invited to attend.

The Bradford Reporter of Wednesday last contains the following melancholy announcement, than which no event within our recollection has given us more heartfelt regret.  We sincerely sympathise with Mr. Wilmot and his estimable lady in this their hour of trial.  May a kind Heaven grant them fortitude to bear up against a calamity so terrible.  The Reporter says, that “CLARENCE, a son of Hon. David Wilmot, aged about eleven years, came to his death on Monday evening last. By eating of the Wild Parsnip.  He was attending Misses Robbs’ school at Athens, and in company with another lad, in the fields, ate of the root, which caused his death after much suffering, in about two hours.  The other lad was not so badly poisoned, and is expected to survive.  This sad and distressing bereavement falls with more severity upon his parents, from both of whom he was absent, coming as it does without a single warning of the dreadful calamity which had befallen them.

Married on Thursday evening the 6th inst., by the Rev. F. Habliston, Jacob Arndt, to Nancy Jones, both of the borough of Manheim.

Married on the 13th inst., at Huber’s hotel, by B. S. Wagner, James Reed of Sadsbury to Catharine Hull of Salisbury.

Married on Thursday morning, the 13th inst., by the Rev. Samuel Bowman, Harmany A. Smith, to Angelica R., daughter of the late Jacob Eicholtz, both of this city.

Married on the 13th inst., by the Rev. John C. Baker, George W. Wheeler, formerly of Harford county, Maryland to Mary Johnson, of Manor.

Married in Philadelphia, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. J. F. Berg, J. Jacob Sprenger, of this city, to Catharine Leidy, of Philadelphia city.

Married on Tuesday morning, the 11th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Keyes, John R. Russel, of Canal, Fulton, O., to Anna Elizabeth, daughter of John Zimmerman, of this city.

Died on the 4th inst., in West Earl township, James Vogan, aged 64 years and 8 days.

Died on the 2d inst., at Litiz, Elizabeth Treager, in the 68th year of her age.

Died in Manheim township, on the 5th inst., Esther, consort of Jacob Hunsecker, in her 30th year.

Died in Millerstown, on the 30th ult., Helen Mary, twin daughter of Barton B. Martin, aged 2 years.

CAUTION.  Whereas, my wife Jane, without just cause or provocation, has left my bed and board; I hereby caution all persons not to give her credit on my account, as I have resolved to pay no debts that she may contract.  Thos. Frew, Leacock township.

April 25, 1848

Married on the 23d inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Cornelius Donnelly, to Mrs. Hannah Eliza Sturmfels, both of this city.

Died on the 15th inst., at the residence of his step father, Hiram Erb, in Elizabeth township, after an illness of a few days, ANDREW L. BEAR, aged eighteen years, eight months, less on day.  It was his fortune in life to possess that mild and innocent frankness, which always accompanies the lofty and cultivated mind, and which gained him a large circle of warm friends and acquaintances, to mourn his early departure.

Died on Saturday, 15th instant, at the residence of George D. M’Illvaine, in Salisbury township, MR. WILLIAM D. STAUFFER, of consumption, in the 43d year of his age.

Died in this city, on Wednesday evening last, Catharine Steitz, widow of the late Peter Steitz, aged 81 years, 3 months, and 22 days.

Died on Sunday last, Mrs. Weaver, wife of William Weaver, of Manheim twp., in the 44th year of her age.

Died on the 25th ult., David Bear, Sr., of Earl twp., in the 82d year of his age.

Died on Saturday last, in Elizabeth twp., Abraham Bear, in his 18th year.

Died in Manor twp., Benjamin Herr, aged 71 years, 4 months, and 29 days.

A black fellow was arrested, a few days since, in Tredyffrin township, Chester co., under the following circumstances: – He called at the house of Mr. Samuel Beaver, a farmer, and, as it is reported, demanded his breakfast.  Mr. B. was in the fields, and there were only females about the house – his wife and daughters.  Not liking the appearance of the fellow they declined to accommodate him, and becoming alarmed, sent to the fields for Mr. Beaver, who shortly after arrived.  An altercation arose, and Mr. B. ordered him from the premises, and attempted to force him off, which the black fellow resisted.  In the scuffle, Mr. Beaver called for his gun, and discharged it at the black man.  The shot with which the gun was loaded, struck him in the breast, but without a very serious injury.  Mr. Beaver had the intruder arrested and taken to prison, to await a trial for assault and battery.  The black man was a stranger in the neighborhood, and stated that he was in search of employment.

May 2, 1848

Died on the 27th ult., Philip Reitzel, Esq., in the 52d year of his age.
The deceased was a man of a warm, true heart – a kind friend – a good citizen – and devoted to the poor and the needy.  He died mourned by a large circle of acquaintances, and by hosts of friends.

Died on the evening of the 18th ult., at his residence, at Windsor Forge, Lancaster county, Mr. Robert Jenkins, Esq., (brother of William Jenkins, Esq., of this city) in the 79th year of his age.
Forty years ago, Mr. Jenkins represented the Lancaster district in the State Legislature and in the Congress of the United States, and was a highly respected, intelligent, and useful citizen.

Died on Saturday evening, 22d ultimo. In the town of Lebanon, Mary, infant daughter of Levi Kline, Esq., aged 1 year, 3 months, and 15 days.

Died on Friday last, after a protracted illness, Mrs. Ann Duchman, widow of Jacob Duchman, in the 72d year of her age.

The Corner Stone of a new Lutheran Church, in Ephrata township, on the road from Downington to Ephrata, near Hinkletown, will be laid on May 7, 1848.  there will be English and German preaching.  The public is respectfully invited to attend.
Henry Bard, John Bitzer, Zaccheus Killian, Curtis Fry, The Building Committee.

May 9, 1848

NEW LUTHERAN CHURCH. – The Corner Stone of the new Lutheran Church, now building in this place, under the pastoral charge of Rev. B. Keller, was laid on Wednesday last, in the presence of a large number of spectators.  The services were conducted in English and German, by Rev. Dr. Schmucker, Rev. S. Harkey, Rev. S. Sprecher, Rev. Prof. Baugher, Rev. Dr. Krauth, and the Pastor, officiating.  A collection was taken up at the close of the exercises, which proved quite liberal. – Gettysburg Complier, May 1.

The Corner Stone of the Union Bethel Church, to be erected in Hinkletown, Lancaster county, will be laid, with appropriate exercises, on Sunday the 28th day of May, instant.  The public is respectfully invited to attend .
John Stamm, Isaac Winters, M.D., John Winkel, John Winters, M.D., Building Committee.

Married on the 25th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Potts, Miss Martha Conrod, of West Hempfield township, to Mr. Charles N. Benson, of Manheim twp.

Married on the 2nd inst., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, Mr. Jacob Farmer, to Miss Fanny Strickler, both of Rapho.

Married on the 4th inst., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, Mr. Jacob Huber, of Martic, to Miss Annie Shenk, of Conestoga twp.

Married on the 27th ult., by the Rev. H. Tullidge, Mr. Hadley Brown, to Miss Susan Gibbs, both of Chester county.

Married on Thursday, the 4th instant, by the Rev. E. Y. Buchanan, Mr. Joseph Shickly, of Leacock twp., to Miss Mary Ann McCulley of Soudersburg.

Married on the 7th instant, by the Rev. John C. Baker, Mr. George Rees, to Miss Elizabeth Peish, both of this city.

Died on Wednesday morning, 3d instant, at his residence in Drumore township, Hugh M’Cullough, in the 78th year of his age.  The deceased was one of the most respectable citizens of Lancaster county, and a highly useful member of society.

Died on the 4th instant, in this city, of Consumption, Mrs. Fanny Drepperd, wife of John Drepperd, aged 36 years, 3 months and 20 days.

Died on the 6th instant, in this city of puerperal fever, Mrs. Elizabeth Hensel, wife of S. Theodore Hensel, aged 25 years, 10 months and 15 days.

Died on the 7th instant, in this city, of puerperal fever. Mrs. Ann Maria Eckert, daughter of John Wedmeyer, aged 23 years, 1 month and 21 days.

HORRIBLE CATASTROPHE.  – We are again called upon to record another of those dreadful accidents which are of such frequent occurrence on the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad.  Yesterday morning, about ten o’clock, a small English engine, used on the road since its commencement, exploded its boiler on the road, about a mile above the city, killing the engineer, Mr. William Nagle, of this city, and the fireman, Mr. Christopher Gaffney, of Pottstown, and wounding, most shockingly, Geo. Leader, who is not expected to survive. Isaac Leader, his brother, was badly scalded, and Daniel Kelly, Bernard Hollenbach, slightly injured.  One of the men on the engine, was pitched on the embankment, and rose uninjured, and another was picked up, dead, in an adjoining grain field.
    The engine has been used in drawing a train of stone, and was brought from Pottstown yesterday morning, by a fireman, who had exhausted the water, and when the engineer took charge of it, he took in a new supply which caused the explosion.  It exploded downwards, leaving the engine on its wheels, but scattering the frame-work in all directions.  Had the explosion taken an upward course, not a man would have escaped. – Berks Co. Free Press, May 2.

FOREST COUNTY. – The bill to erect parts of Clarion, Jefferson and Warren, into a new county to be called “Forest,” passed both houses of the Legislature, and we presume is a law.  We have not seen the bill and therefore cannot give the boundary line, but believe that a very small portion is taken from this county.
    We learn that Hon. James L. Gillis, Gen. Levi G. Clover, and James W. Guthrie, Esq., are the commissioners elected.
    Forest will make a good county.  Besides iron ore, and coal there is an abundance of timber, such as walnut, cherry, maple, pine &c., which will find an easy outlet to market by the Clarion river that passes through the county.  The land generally is tillable and produces well.
    Mr. Blood, who is known by the title of the “Forest King,” is a gentleman deserving of much praise for the active part he has taken tohave the county organized.  Many years ago, at the sacrifice of friends, health, and money, he sought out and settled in this lonely abode, prompted only to endure the hardships and privations incident to the first settlers, by his own wise conception of what the future would bring forth, even a new county.  His location is said to be a beautiful one and his is now surrounded with neighbors, whose labor has turned the wilderness into a fruitful field. – Clarion Democrat.

May 16, 1848

Married on the 4th inst., by the Rev. Wm. Urie, William Johnson to Catharine Styer, both of Drumore township.

Married on the 4th inst., by the Rev. Wm. Urie, John Shenk of Drumore township, to Ann Maria Neall, of Strasburg township.

Married on the 4th inst., by the Rev. Wm. Urie, Henry Eckman to Ann Hoker, both of Lancaster.

Married on the 28th ult., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, Benjamin Eshleman to Catharine Harnish, both of Conestoga township.

Married on the 28th ult., Boulden Miller to Catharine Yeacer, both of Eat Lampeter township.

Married on the 11th inst., by the Rev. John C. Baker, Mr. Cyrus Blair, of East Lampeter, to Miss Ann Rebecca Powel, of this city.

Died at his residence in Elizabethtown, Lancaster county, Mr. Peter Sheaffer, aged 97 years, 3 months and ?days.  he was buried Wednesday, May 10th, with military honors.  A procession composed of an immense concourse of citizens and friends was formed, which marched through the several streets of the borough to the Lutheran Cemetery, where the interment took place.
Mr. Sheaffer was born February 2, 1751, in what was then Philadelphia county, now include in Montgomery.  From thence his father removed to what is now Mahontongo, Schuylkill county, where he was massacred by the Conestoga Indians.  The sister of the deceased, about 1756, was taken captive by the savages. Peter, the son, came to the ten wild and solitary village of Elizabethtown, about 1768, where he has ever since resided.  He served three tours of duty during the Revolutionary war, under Washington, and participated in the battle of Brandywine.  He died, lamented and respected, by all who knew him.

Died yesterday morning, very suddenly, at her residence in Leacock twp., Mrs. Catharine Weidler, wife of Dr. Isaac C. Weidler, in the 42d year of her age.  The funeral will take place on to-morrow (Wednesday) morning at 9 o’clock.

Died on Saturday, the 13th instant, at Intercourse, of croup, Ambrose W., infant son of Leonard and Ann Eliza Snyder, aged two years, six months and fifteen days.

Died on the 1st instant, at his residence in Myerstown, Lebanon county, Jacob Stambaugh, aged 80 years, 5 months and 26 days,

Died on the 6th inst., Ann Smith, wife of Arnold Smith of this city.

Died on the 6th inst., Mary, wife of John Funk, of this city.

Died on the 12th last, George Winnower,of this city, aged 79 years and 2 days.

The Philadelphia train of cars, on Tuesday afternoon last, when near Reading, ran over three children that were playing about the track.  One was instantly killed, another so severely injured that recovery is deemed almost hopeless.  The third fortunately escaped unhurt.  They were all the children of a Mr. Young.

May 23, 1848

Married in Lancaster, on Thursday the 18th instant, by the Rev. E. Y. Buchanan, Washington Baker, Esq., to Miss Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Elliott T. Lane, Esq., deceased.

Married at Lebanon, on the 16th inst., Dr. D. B. Marshall, to Miss Eliza H., daughter of Dr. John W. Gloninger.

Married on the 9th inst., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, Mr. Henry G. Stoner, to Miss Elizabeth G. Mullin, both of Petersburg.

Married on the 9th inst., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, Mr. John Herchelroth, of the borough of Manheim, to Miss Barbara Gantz, of Penn twp.

Married on the 21st. inst., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, Mr. Lehman Danzgier, to Miss Cadilla Scheif, both of this city.

Married on Thursday last, by the Rev. J. J. Strine, Mr. George Shaffner, to Mrs. Elizabeth Hart, both of Ephrata township, this county.

Married on the evening of the 11th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Rodenbaugh, Mr. Isaac S. McCamant, of this county, to Miss Mary Ann McPherson, of Montgomery county, this State.

Married on the 4th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Frederick, Mr. John Young, of the borough of Manheim, to Miss Catharine Ober, of Penn twp.

Married on the 11th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Mr. Cyrus Blair, of East Lampeter, to Miss Ann Rebecca Powel, of this city.

Died at Harrisburg, on the 11th instant, Patrick McMillin, aged 62 years.  The deceased was for many Messenger to the Governor and Canal Commissioners, and enjoyed the confidence and esteem of all who knew him.  The place made vacant by his death cannot be filled by one more faithful as an officer, or more beloved as an associate.

Died on Sunday last, Mrs. Eliza Ann Brackbill, of East Lampeter twp., aged 40 years, 6 months and 9 days.

Died on the 8th inst., in the borough of Manheim, Mr. Jacob Boyer, in the 65th year of his age.

Died on the 8th inst., Mrs. Catharine Lehman, wife of Mr. John Lehman, in the 63th year of her age.

Died in this city, on the 10th inst., Elizabeth, daughter of Luther and Elizabeth Richards, aged about 21 months.

Died on the 7th inst., in Warwick township, Mr. Daniel Kline, in his 87th year.

Died on Friday last, at Mountville, Miss Mary Klugh, daughter of Mr. Jacob Klugh, in her 21st year.

Died at Millerstown, on the 9th inst., Abraham, son of Abraham and Ann Bausman, aged 1 year, 3 mo. and 9 days.

May 30, 1848

Married on the 18th inst., by R. Spear, Esq., Peter Kling to Mary Nixon, all of Columbia.

Married on the 21st inst., by Rev. J. C. Baker, Lehmann Danzgier, to Cadilla Schiff, both of this city.

Died on Friday morning, 26th inst., Laura Ann, only child of Dr. A. S. and Eliza Ann (B or R)are, of Upper Leacock township, aged 1 year, 7 mo. and 5 days.

Died at Lititz, this county, on Monday evening last, Sophia Augusta Grosh, wife of Col. A. P. Grosh, and daughter of Christiran H. Rauch, Esq., in the 26th year of her age.

Died on Tuesday week, Elizabeth Furdney, wife of Jacob Furdney, of this city, aged 78 years, 2 mo. and 7 days.

Died on the 11th inst., in Earl township, John Lightner, Esq., in his 70th year.

Died on Thursday, the 11th inst., at his father’s residence, Plane No. ?, A. P. R. R., Cambria county, Pa., James R-el, aged 31 yrs, 9 mo. and 24 days. (newspaper print light)

June 6, 1848

Married on the 21st ult., by Rev. J. C. Barnitz, Samuel Hoffort, to Mary Ann Kiehl, of Vogansville.

Married on the 28th ult., by the same, Benjamin Zentmyer, to Caroline Sands, of Warwick.

Married on the 30th ult., by Rev. Mr. Owen, Henry R. Hamaker, to Ann Elizabeth Zeigler, all of the borough of Columbia.

Married on the 29th ult., by R. Spear, Esq., John Colfert, to Mrs. Christiana Colverin, both of the borough of Columbia.

Married on the 1st inst., by R. Spear, Esq., John Wilson, to Elenor Berry, both of the borough of Columbia.

Married on the 1st inst., by R. Spear, Esq., John Dougherty, to Elizabeth Gross, both of Marietta.

Married on the 1st inst., at the Litiz Inn, by Rev. H. Habliston, Dr. Joseph S. Thome, to Sarah Brown, both of Londonderry twp, Lebanon county.

Married on the 1st inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, John Baker to Elizabeth Shirk, both of this city.

Married on the 30th ult., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Andrew C. Flinn, of Wilmington, to Ann Elizabeth Kieffer, daughter of Christian Kieffer, Esq., of this city.

Married on the 11th inst., by the Rev. W. Urie, Jacob Schaffer to Mary Baum, both of the city of Reading.

Married on the 21st May, by the Rev. Emanuel Trumbauer, Henry Sheilby, of Upper Leacock twp., to Maria Zook, of Manheim twp.

Married on the 25th May, by the Rev. Emanuel Trumbauer, William Simmons, to Margaret Ann Lightner, both of U. Leacock twp.

Died on the 29th ult., suddenly, in Leacock township, Mary consort of Jacob Eckert, Sen., aged 72 years, 3 months and 22 days.

Died in Columbia, on Wednesday last, Daniel Miller, aged about 47 years.

Died on the 3d day of October last, at Tampico, in Mexico of yellow fever, in the 30th year of his age, John Lloyd (late of Columbia) a member of Company B, 2d Regiment, Illinois Volunteers.

From the correspondence of the Public Ledger, we derive the following particulars of an awful calamity that has befallen the citizens of Allentown, the capital of Lehigh county, in this State.  In the brief space of two hours, the fairest and most flourishing partion of the town, comprising immense Stores, Hotels, Workshops, Post Office, Odd Fellows’ Hall, and elegant private residences, has been reduced to a heap of promiscuous ruins.  As this is our native town, our long cherished home, and we recognize among the sufferers the names of near relatives and friends, we need not say that the news of their sore visitation has filled us with deep regret.  Most heartily and sincerely do we sympathise with the unfortunate sufferers.  We trust, too, that a general movement will not be wanting throughout the State, to make up in part their overwhelming loss from the overflowing coffers of the more prosperous.  It would really seem that poor Allentown is doomed to perpetual misfortune.  Once has many of its citizens been severe sufferers by terrible floods in the river Lehigh – then their business was laid prostrate by the failure of the Northampton Bank, which brought poverty to the doors of hundreds – and now, worse than all, their town is swept by a consuming fire !  Truly, their lot is a hard one!
Form the Correspondence of the Public Ledger.   Allentown, June 1st, 1848.

The most beautiful and active part of our town lies in ashes.  Fire, that awful calamity, has visited our peaceful town, wreaked its vengeance on its very heart and left it in a deplorable condition.  The fire broke out in a frame stable near the centre of the town, at about 3 o’clock this afternoon, there being a strong southeasterly wind, spread with awful rapidity in that direction, and raging most vehemently until 6 o’clock, when the following buildings were already laid in ruins:
    The splendid new Odd Fellows’ Hall (which was nearly ready for dedication,) occupied by Weiss and Lochman’s shoe and variety store, Keck’s tailoring establishment, and H. Nagle’s oyster cellar, Grim and Renninger’s store, Selfridge and Wilson’s store, James Trexler’s Hotel, Yeager and Weidner’s store, Joseph Weiss’ jewelry store, Thomas Gingkinger’s tin and stove store, Gangwer’s millinery shop and residence, Thos. Newhart’s tailoring establishment, Dr. Donnosky’s drug store, Mertz & Weaver’s store, Wagner & Hoover’s store, Ed. Newhart’s hardware store, the Post-Office, Geo. Lucas shoe store, Nathan Hersh’s clothing store, Mrs. Brown’s millinery, J. Q. Cole’s cedar ware establishment, J. F. Ruhe’s tobacco store, Reuben Rice’s chair manufactory, Charles Scholl’s tailor shop, together with the following private residences:  Daniel Keiper’s, Mr. Keiper’s, Peter Hoover’s and granary, Joshua Hains’, Mrs. Heckman’s, Dr. C. H. Martin’s, Joseph F. Newhart’s, Mrs. Catharine Groff’s, Dresher & Woodring’s, and Mr. Moyer’s.  these are all the buildings destroyed as far as I was able to ascertain.  A large number of stables and out houses were also burned down.  The progress of the fire was arrested at about six o’clock.  Had the wind, after the fire was raging for some time, not taken a more southern direction, the greater part of the town would probably have been burned down.  The loss is immense.  The fired spread so rapidly that but very little of the store goods and other moveables were saved.  The loss must at least be about $250,000.  The stable where the fire originated is supposed to have been set on fire by boys, playing in it with cigars and fire-crackers.
    About one third of the property destroyed, I understand, is covered by insurance.
    Upwards of 40 families have been thrown out of their homes.

June 13, 1848

The Allentown Sufferers
A meeting for the relief of the sufferers by the Allentown Fire is advertised to be held in the Court House in this city, This Evening.  We trust this initiatory step for holding collections in this City and County may lead to a successful effort in behalf of the sufferers.  The hearts of this community have ever been attuned to responsive agreement with the calls of Benevolence, and will not we are sure, prove cold and unconcerned in this instance.  The extent of the calamity, and the pressing necessities of the sufferers, may be realized to some extent from the following statement.
Fellow Citizens:  – A dire calamity has befallen us; one which no human prudence could foresee, nor human power and energy avert.  A fire, originating in an obscure corner of our town, driven onward by a strong and steady gale of wind, has swept through the centre of our prosperous and beautiful place, and left it a mass of blackened walls and smouldering ruins.  From the height of prosperity, have all within its range been suddenly prostrated to comparative want and wretchedness – the labor of many years, in three short hours completely destroyed, while many, very many, have been stript of every thing except their trust in God, and their strong reliance on the benevolence of their less unfortunate fellow citizens at home and abroad.
    From the best estimates that have been made, we ascertain the actual loss to be an amount equal to one fourth of the assessed value of all the real and personal property in our town, which contains nearly four thousand inhabitants.  To replace this we do not even hope- to restore the sufferers to the position which they occupied before this calamity, we deem impracticable; but we do hope by the aid of those who can “feel for other’s woes” to lift from the ruins amidst which they now sit, helpless and almost hopeless, many of those who have lost their all, and enable them to begin the world again with renewed confidence in God and their fellow man.  To our fellow citizens we appeal for that assistance which you can so easily afford, which will relieve so much suffering here, which our grateful hearts will never forget, and which Heaven will not fail to reward.
    Permit us to suggest to you to request the editors to accompany any notice they may take of the fire, with this circular, and adopt such other measures as in your opinion will enable your fellow citizens most easily to remit to the proper officers of our finance committee whatever they may feel disposed to contribute in aid of the sufferers.
John S. Gibons, M. Hannum, R. E. Wright, J. D. Stiles, C. S. Bush, Committee on Address.

Married in Philadelphia, on the 8th instant, by the Rev. Thompson, George S. M’Clelland, of Leacock township, Susanna, daughter of Henry Kinser, Esq., of Paradise twp., both of Lancaster county.

Married in New Holland, on the 8th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Barnitz, Christopher Lowrey, to Leah Fellowhaum, of East Earl township.

Married on the 8th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Edward Hess, to Mary Ann Lewis, both of Safe Harbour.

Married on the 8th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Moses C. Eberly, of Cumberland county, to Elizabeth Brenneman, of Manor.

Married on the 11th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Levi Rinear, of Strasburg, to Anna Martin, of East Lampeter.

Married on the 11th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Frederick Brimmer, to Christian Peish, both of this city.

Died in Earl twp., on the 29th May, ult., Mary, wife of Samuel Showalter, and daughter of Henry and Nancy Musser, in her 27th year.

June 20, 1848

As the season when families resort to Watering Places, for health and recreation, is close at hand, we direct attention to the card of the proprietor of the Bedford Springs, contained in our advertising columns.  The reputation of these remarkable mineral fountains is increasing from year to year, and we trust that Pennsylvanians, instead of hastening to such over-crowed places as Saratoga and Warrenton, will be content to patronize an establishment, nearer to home, and which, for the active healing properties of the water, mountainous situation, purity of air, and healthiness of region is unsurpassed by any watering place on the American continent.
    The springs are situated about a mile and a half from the beautiful town of Bedford, in a charming and romantic valley.  They were first discovered in 1804, by a mechanic of the town of Bedford, when fishing for trout in the stream running near the mineral fountain, whose attention was arrested by the beauty and singularity of the waters, of which he drank freely.  The operated as a purgative and sudorific.  This man had been distressed for many years with rheumatic pains and ulcers.
On the ensuing night, he was much less disturbed with pains and slept more tranquilly than ususal.  This unexpected relief induced him to drink of the waters daily, and bathe his limbs in the running fountains.  A few weeks found him fully restored.  This, we learn, was the “experience” of the first discoverer of these springs, more than forty years ago.
    Since then their fame has been gradually extending.  We still fear, however, that their rare virtues are not sufficiently appreciated by many of our citizens, who travel to far greater distances, realizing none of the comforts that would await them so much nearer home.  We know, indeed, of no place, where the valetudinarian, seeking from the munificent hand of Nature the restoration of his shattered health, will be more likely to find his highest hopes realized than by a short sojourn at Bedford.  The experience of hundreds has attested, that the mineral fountains at this place are possessed of powers sufficient to vanquish the most formidable phalanx of maladies -whilst the mazy forests, rugged landscapes, salubrious breezes, and agreeable society, contribute to impart vigor to the body and cheerfulness to the mind, which before were sinking under the wasting influences of disease and despondency.  Who can withhold his grateful admiration of that liberal provision which Nature’s God has here supplied to remedy the physical evils which afflict his creatures!  Invalid, go and try.

This new county was fully organized for judicial purposes on the first Monday of this month, Judge Anthony presiding.  This county was set off from Lycoming in 1847.  it has about eight hundred voters – one licensed tavern, and any quantity of beach trees and democrats!

Married on the 13th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Samuel Arnold, to Harriet Erb, both of Penn twp.

Married on the 13th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, William Chambers, of Mantua village, to Sarah Lavers, of West Philadelphia.

Married on the 15th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Andrew Back, to Elizabeth Brown, both of Manheim twp.

Married on the 11th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Frederick Brimmer, to Christiana Peish, both of this city.

Married in Strasburg, on the 30th ult., by the Rev. Bissey, Philip Ritz, to Eveline Pickel, all of Lancaster county.

Married on the 13th instant, by the Rev. William Urie, James Cross to Harriet Stamm, both of Lancaster.

Married on the 13th inst., by the Rev. H. Habliston, John Colm, to Ann Smith, both of the borough of Manheim.

Married on the 14th inst., by the Rev. William Barns, Chester Robinson, of Wellsborough, Tioga county, to Mary E. Barger, of Columbia.

Died on the 6th inst., Alice Louisa, daughter of David and Margaret King, aged 13 months and 20 days.

Died in Columbia, on the 20th ult., Daniel Miller, aged about 47 years.

June 27, 1848

DISTRESSING ACCIDENT – A more melancholy casualty than the following has seldom come to our notice.  On Wednesday last, an interesting little son of Mr. Charles M. Howell, residing in East Orange street, aged about two years, unobserved by his nurse, clambered to the top of the railing of the balcony at the second story of the house, and losing his balance, fell to the brick pavement beneath, alighting on his face.  The unfortunate little sufferer survived the accident only a few hours, when he resigned his innocent spirit to his Heavenly Father.  We deeply sympathise with the afflicted parents in this sore bereavement.

Allentown, Pa.  the last number  of the Allentown Democrat says _ For the information of all who may feel any interest in the matter, we would state that the Odd Fellows’ Hall Association of this place, resign all claims upon any moneys that may be raised by collection among the citizens for the relief of the sufferers of the late fire.  No part of said fund, therefore, will be appropriated to the re-building of the Hall, or to the restoration of the stock to its original value.

Married on the 22d inst., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, Henry Concklin, to Mary Richardson, both of West Hempfield twp.

Married on Thursday, June 22d, 1848, at the Washington Hotel, Columbia, by the Rev. R. Owen, Samuel Miller of the Chestnut Street House, Philadelphia, to Eliza Sener, of Lancaster city.

Died at his residence in Cattawissa, Columbia county, on Saturday, 17th instant, of Consumption, Owen D. Leib, M.D., formerly of Pottsville, aged 31 years.  Dr. Leib represented the District composed of Columbia and Luzerne counties in the last Congress of the U. States, and while at Washington contracted the disease which has consigned him to the tomb, in the prime of life, and when his friends were fondly anticipating for him an honorable and useful career.
On the following Monday the body was brought to Pottsville and followed to its final resting place in the Pottsville Cemetery, by a large concourse of relatives and friends, and his brethren of the I.O.of Odd Fellows.

Died at Milton, on Thursday last, Mr. Washington Hammond, son of the late Gen. R. H. Hammond, in the 23d year of his age.

Died at New Orleans, on Sunday morning, 11th inst., aged 23 years, Mrs. Deliah, wife of Thomas F. Jenkins, formerly of Lancaster county.

Died on Saturday last, in Columbia, Gideon Wien, in the 17th year of his age.

Died on the 12th inst., at Safe Harbor, Lancaster co., of inflammation of the lungs, Bostwick Badger, pilot on the Susquehanna river, aged about 62.

Died on the 18th inst., Mrs. Sarah McGinnis, wife of the late John McGinnis, aged 49 years, 3 months 7 days.

Died on Thursday morning last, George Messersmith, an old and respectable inhabitant of this city.

Died on Tuesday morning last, in the city of Reading, Susan B. Mayer, relict of the late Christopher Mayer, Esq., of this city, in the 84th year of her age.

Died on Tuesday morning, Mrs. Susan Reigart.

From the St. Louis Union, Wednesday, June 14.
Some time in February or March last, a person by the name of George G. Gamber, came to this city from Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, and put up at the Walton House.  Subsequently he visited Springfield, Illinois, with the view of establishing a distillery there.  In April he returned to this city, and again put up at the Walton House, where he remained until the 21st of May.  On that day, he suddenly and unaccountably disappeared, leaving his baggage, consisting of several trunks, in his room.  At first Mr. Walton supposed that he had gone to Springfield and made no particular enquiry about him.  A day or two since, however, a person from that place visited St. Louis to make enquiries respecting the missing man, who had not been heard of there since April.
    Mr. Walton has made diligent enquiry within a day or two, but can learn nothing further respecting him.  On examination of his trunks, it appears that he had an abundance of clothing.  There are several very fine cloth suits – indeed a complete wardrobe.  Business papers of value to the owner are also among his effects.  When he left his hotel, he was dressed in a suit of blue cloth, black fur hat, &c., and was known to have some money in his possession.  A few days previous to his disappearance, he had quite a considerable sum.
    In view of the forgoing circumstances, it is much feared the missing man has met with foul play, or has committed suicide.  The day before he disappeared, it was noticed that he labored under a depression of spirits.
    Mr. Gamber was about thirty-five years of age, about five feet, eight inches in statue, rather sparely built, with dark complexion and black hair, and had lost his upper teeth.  It is thought he has a brother residing in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania.
[Note. – Mr. Gamber, mentioned in the above article, was well known in this city.  His connexions are among the most respectable citizens of this county.  They will doubtless take immediate steps for the recovery of their missing relative.]

July 4, 1848

Lancaster Union Cemetery – We understand that the lots of this depository of the dead, so beautifully located near the basin, fronting East King Street, are being taken up very rapidly.  Those who are still desirous of purchasing, will be shewn the plot and view of the ground, by making application to either Hon. E. Schaeffer or Mr. John S. Gable, Lancaster city.

The new Church on the Rabbit Hill, in Warwick Township, Lancaster county, will be consecrated on Sunday forenoon, the 16th of July, 1848.  All persons, friendly to the word of God, are invited to attend at the time and place of these services.  Hucksters prohibited.

Married on Thursday last, by the Rev. J. J.Strine, John Shumacker, to Elizabeth Engel, both of West Lampeter township.

Died at the residence of his mother, in the village of Ephrata, on Thursday, the 15th instant, Martin Bollinger, aged 23 years.

Died on the 28th ult., Mary Ellen, daughter of John H. and Ann S. Duchman, aged 19 months.

July 11, 1848

Married in Columbia, on the 15th ult., by the Rev. William Barns, William Myers, to Ann c. Markley, both of Columbia.

Married on the 29th ult., by the Rev. William Barns, John Spring to Magdalen Beaverson, both of Columbia.

Married on the 4th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Daniel Erhart, to Elizabeth Baker, both of Rapho.

Married on the 6th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, William Hess, of Penningtonville, Chester county, to Sarah Worell, of Salisbury twp., Lancaster co.

Died on the morning of the 8th inst., in Philadelphia, after a lingering illness, which she bore with Christian fortitude, Mrs. Caroline R Orrick, in the 53d year of her age, wife of Samuel D. Orrick, and daughter of the late George Ross, Esq., of Lancaster, Penna.

Died on the 16th of April last, on board the ship Gloriana, bound from Calcutta to London, in the 36th year of her age, Mrs. Christianna M. Scott, wife of Rev. James L. Scott, Missionary at Futtehgurh, in Northern India, and daughter of the late Rev. W. F. Houston, of Columbia.

Died on the 8th inst., in this city, Mrs. Mary Shrum, aged 69 years, 6 months and 27 days.

Died on the 2d inst., Ernest P. son of David S. Kieffer, aged 15 months and 1 day.

Died on the 3d inst., in this city, of the effects of a drink of cold water taken when overheated, Mary E. Shultz, aged 17 years, 10 months and 10 days.

Died on the 3d inst., in West Hempfield, Peter Musser, aged 70 years,

Died in Upper Leacock twp., in this county on the 2d inst., Abraham Johns, son of the late Daniel Johns, in the 24th year of his age.

July 18, 1848

Married at New Holland, on the 4th inst., by Rev. J. C. Barnitz, David Hauner, to Lydia Weaver of East Earl.

Married on the 9th inst., by Rev. J. C. Barnitz, SAMUEL PARSON to CATHARINE BRIMMER of New Holland.

Married on the 11th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, JOHN C. WILLIAMS, to MARY M. WILSON, both of Wrightsville, York county.

Married on the 12th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, JAMES MAGLOCHLIN, to ELIZABETH MYERS, both of Chester county.

Married on the 14th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, HIRAM URBAN, to LOUISA SHINDEL, both of this city.

Married on the 2d inst., by the Rev. Mr. Farquharson, N. L. ATWOOD, of York, to JANE R. WAY of Howard, Centre county.

Died on the 2d instant, at the residence of her brother, mark Connell, in West Earl township, MRS. MARY MOORHEAD, relict of William Moorhead, aged about 62 years.  Mrs. M. was a lady of most exemplary virtue, much respected and esteemed by all her acquaintances, and died, as she had lived, in the hope of a blissful immortality, through the atonement of the Saviour.

Died on the 6th inst., in Manor, ABRAHAM, youngest son of Jacob BRENNER, aged 7 years, 7 months and 13 days.

Died on the morning of the 4th of July, MARY CRAWFORD, of Belleview, and daughter of the late Col. James Crawford, in her 74th year.

Died on the 12th inst., in this city, AMANDA, daughter of Peter BRUNER, aged 10 years, 8 mo. and 10 days.

Died on the 9th inst., in this city, LEVI KNIGHT, aged about 25 years.

Died on the 9th inst., in this city, ANN MARIA, wife of Henry SNYDER, aged 37 years.

July 25, 1848

Married on the 20th inst., by the Rev. J. J. Strine,  MR. SEBASTIAN MILLER to MISS MARGARET MILLER, both from Columbia.

Married on the 16th ult., by the Rev. John Wallace, MR. J. B. SWARTZWELDER, of Reading, Pa., to MISS MARGARET E. daughter of John LEAMON, Esq., of Soudersburg, Lancaster county.

Died on the 19th inst. DAVID LONGENECKER, in the 70th year of his age, an old and respectable citizen of Lancaster.

Died on the 19th inst., in this city, WILLIAM C. HULL, in the 60th year of his age.

August 1, 1848

Married on Tuesday morning July 25th, by the Rev. Wm. Urie, HENRY C. WENTZ, merchant of this city, to MARGARET E., daughter of Joseph HOWETT, Esq., all of this place.

Married on the 27  ult., by R. S. Wagner, MR. BENJAMIN B. BURGESS, to MISS ANN CONLY, both of Martic.

Married on the 27th ult., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, MR. SAMUEL GARBER, of Manheim twp., to MISS BARBARA A. NAGLE, of East Earl.

Married on the 27th ult., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, REUBEN WHITE  to SUSANNA WIKES, both of Strasburg township.

Married at Litiz, on Tuesday last, by the Rev. Julius S. Bechler, SAMUEL H. MILLER, merchant, to HARRIET WEIDMAN, both of Brickersville, in this county.

Married on the 20th ult., by the Rev. Wm. Barns, JOHN H. LIGHTHIZER to MARTHA RICHTER, both of Columbia.

Died on Sunday morning last, JAMES T. ARMSTRONG, only son of Arthur Armstrong, Esq., in the 20th year of his age.
His friends and those of the family are respectfully invited to attend his funeral from the residence of his father, East Orange street, this morning at 10 o’clock.

Died on Friday a week, COL. JOHN PARKS, a much respected citizen of Marietta, aged 40 years.

Died in Columbia, on the 17th instant, much lamented by all her friends and acquaintances, MRS. PHEBE W., wife of William ATKINS, Esq., in the 48th year of her age.

Died on the 21st ult., ADAM STARK, of Warwick twp., this county, in the 25th year of his age.

Died on the 21st ult., HETTY, daughter of Samson and Elizabeth RESH, age 3 months 27 days.

Died in Manor township, on Friday morning, the 21st inst., CAROLINE, daughter of Frederick and Sarah STONER, aged 2 years, 3 months and 2 days.

August 8, 1848

Married on the 1st inst., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, THOS. HARVEY, of Little Britain, to CATHARINE HEINEY, of Conestoga township.

Married on the 3d inst., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, JACOB EVERSOLE, to ANNIE EVERSOLE, both of West Donegal twp.

Married on the 25th ult., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, SAMUEL HENNIBERGER, of Rapho, toMISS SUSANNA KELLY, of Mt. Joy township.

Married on the 1st inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, JOSEPH SHINDLE, to MISS ESTHER ESHLEMAN, of W. Hempfield.

Married at Philadelphia, on the 26th ult., by the Rev. Charles Brown, URIAH LERU, to LYDIA NEFF, both of this county.

Married on the 3d inst., by the Rev. R. S. Wagnor, JOHN LENHARDT to MAGDALENE STEINER, all of Millersville.

Died in this city, on the 3d inst., WILLIAM F. FBERMAN, a resident of this place, in the 46th year of his age, after a long protracted illness, which he bore with Christian fortitude.  

Died in Columbia, on the 26th ult., NATHANIEL HUNICH, in the 22d year of his age.

Died on the 28th ult., MRS. MARY ANN JEFFERIES, daughter of Emanuel Van Kanan, of this city, in the 26th year of her age.

Died in Dickinson township, Cumberland county, on Thursday of last week, after a lingering illness.  THOMAS BROWN WOODBURN, only son of Samuel Woodburn, Esq., in the 14th year of his age.

August 15, 1848

Married on Tuesday last, GUNDAKER OFFNER, to MARY DICKSON, both of the Post Office Department, of this city.

Married on the 10th inst., by Rev. N. A. Keyes, JACOB GOOD, to MARY HOWE, both of Salisbury twp.

Married on the 9th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, MICHAEL KERN to SOPHIA SHAUB, both of this city.

Married on the 19th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, JACOB KEPPERLING, of Manheim township, to ANNA SWEITZER, of East Hempfield.

Married on the 19th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, WILLIAM R. SCOTT to ANNA MATILDA JONES, both of this city.

Died in Columbia, on the 4th inst., ALICE P. TEMPLE, in the 25th year of her age.

Died on the 8th inst., MRS. MARY SIMPSON, aged 81 years.

Died on the 10th inst., in this city, JANE SEIBERT, in the 78th year of her age.

Died Thursday morning, the 9th inst., at his father’s residence in this city, C. F. STEINMAN.

August 22, 1848

Died in this city, on the 13th inst., MRS. JANE YOUNG, wife of William Young, aged 44 years.

Died in New Holland, on the 13th inst., MRS. MARY HULL, aged about 50 years.

Died in New Holland, on the 12th inst., JOHN RANK, aged about 38 years.

Died in Litiz, on the 7th inst., ABRAHAM FREDERICK KISSEL, in his 77th year.

Married on the 8th instant, by the Rev. Mr. M’Nair, JOHN G. OFFNER, to MARY R.,  daughter of Mrs. Mary DICKSON, all of this city.

Married on Tuesday evening, 15th inst., in Washington city, by Rev. J. L. Elliott, WILLIAM FLINN, of Pittsburg, Pa., and CAROLINE ELLIOTT, of Washington city.

Married on the 17th inst., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, BENJAMIN F. KLINE, to MISS MARY ANN SHAUMAN, both of Manor.

Married by the Rev. J. J. Strine, CHRISTIAN EVERSOLE, of Conoy, to MARY RUTH of West Donegal twp.

Married on the 17th inst., by the Rev. R. S. Wagner, HENRY KRAMER of Manheim township, to MARY LAUSCH, of Penn township.

Married on the 17th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, SAM’L HEMPHILL, to HARRIET PICKEL, both of Chester co.

Married on the 8th inst., by the Rev. Dr. J. Miller, F. A. MUHLENBURG, JR., of this city, to CATHARINE ANN, daughter of the late Maj. Peter MUHLENBURG, of Reading.

Married in this city, on Thursday last, by M. Carpenter, Mayor, WILLIAM RICHARDSON, to  SARAH A. WEAVER, both of Lower Chanceford.

August 29, 1848

Married on the 24th inst., by the Rev. R. S. Wagner, MR. EMANUEL SHOENBERGER,  of East Hempfield twp., to CATHARINE KEIL, of Rapho.

Married on Thursday, the 24th instant, in Philadelphia, by Friends’ ceremony, CHARLES WISTAR MORRIS, of Safe Harbor, Lancaster county, to FRANCES ELEANOR, eldest daughter of David C. SKERRETT, M.D., of the former place.

Married on the 22d inst., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, JOSEPH STILINGER to MARY ANN STIBGEN, both of West Hempfield township.

Married on the 24th instant, by the Rev. J. J. Strine, MARTIN GROFF to CHRISTIANN TEMPLETON, both of Lampeter twp.

Married on the 17th instant, by the Rev. Wm. D. Potts,  V.D.M., GEORGE W. STEFFNER, of Mt. Joy, to MARY FOUGLE, formerly of Bethlehem, Pa.

Married on the 27th inst., by Rev. S. Trumbauer, JOHN MAST, to MARIA TROSTER, both of Earl.

Married on the 16th instant, by the Rev. S. Trumbauer, WILLIAM WEISS to ANNA GERMAN, both of Ephrata.

Married on the 6th inst., by Rev. C. Weiler, BENJAMIN GRIFFY to ELIZABETH LOCKHART, both of this county.

Married on the 24th inst., in Strasburg, by Rev. J. Bissey, SAMUEL GROCE, to REBECCA CALLEHAN, both of Colerain township.

Married on the 15th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, HENRY SHOEMAKER  to ELIZABETH ROTE, both of Penn twp.

Married on the 17th instant, by the Rev. J. C. Baker, DAVID M. SNAVELY,  of Fairview twp., York county, to  ELLEN KAUFFMAN, of West Hempfield.

Married on the 17th instant, by the Rev. J. C. Baker, DAVID NEIMAND, of Rapho, to CATHARINE HARNISH, of Mt. Joy twp.

Married in Columbia, on the 20th inst., by the Rev. W. Barns, ROBERT PETTIT, to JANE YOUNG, both of that Borough.

Died on Friday morning, the 18th inst., MR. PETER CROSS, of the borough of Manheim, this county, in the 67th year of his age.

Died on Saturday morning, the 19th instant, MARY ELIZABETH, daughter of Rudolph and Elizabeth KAUFFMAN, of Bridgeport, near this city, aged 1 year, 1 month and 12 days.

Died in Marietta, on the 17th inst., CHRISTIANA CONN, widow of Mr. Henry Conn, in the 84th year of her age.  She, with her late husband, were the first settlers in Marietta.

Died on Sunday, the 20th inst., in Manheim township, JACOB LANDIS, SR., aged about 70 years.

Died on the 8th of August, ROBERT PATTERSON, a highly respected citizen of Bart township, aged 83 years.

Died in Columbia, on the 21st inst., EDMUND W., son of J. F. CRIAG, aged 11 months and 14 days.

September 5, 1848

Married in this city, on the 31st ult., by Michael Carpenter, Mayor, JOHN L. SHOWALTER,  to HANNAH JANE HATTON, both of Martic twp.

Married on the 24th ult., by the Rev. R. S. Wagner, MR. EMANUEL SCHONEBERGER, of East Hempfield, to CATHARINE HEIL, of Rapho twp.

Married on the 22d ult., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, JOHN LARUE, to ELIZABETH MILLER, both of Manor twp.

Married on the 29th ult., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, ABRAHAM MILLER, of Martic, to CATHARINE BRENNEMAN, of Conestoga.

Married on the 26th ult., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, THOS. WHITE, to MARY SICKEL, both of West Hempfield.

Married on the 26th ult., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, JOSEPH VANDYKE, JR., to ELIZABETH CRAMER, both of Martic.

Died at Millerville, this county, on the 24th ult., A. F. LAUDENSCHLEGER, aged 57 years, 8 mo, and 25 d.

Died on the 31st ult., in this city, MARGARET, daughter of Jacob and Sophia KILLINGER, in the 3d year of her age.

Died on the 11th of March last, in Madison county, Ohio, MRS. ANN JANE LYNCH, wife of Thos. Lynch, sr., formerly of this city, aged 58 years.

Died on the 27th ult., at his residence in Drumore twp., SENECA PARRY, in the 35th year of his age.

Died at the residence of her Son-in-law, in E. Hempfield township, MRS. SHERTZER, wife of Jno. Shertzer.

Died in this city, on Wednesday evening last, DR. P. S. VAN PATTEN  (Dentist) in the 37th year of his age.

September 12, 1848

Married on Sunday, 3d inst., by the Rev. Dr. Gilbert, W. P. N. FITZGERALD, of Washington, D.C., to ELIZA W., daughter of Estwick EVANS, Esq., of Phila.

Married on the 7th instant, by the Rev. William Urie, JACOB FLICK, to MARY ANN FRICK, both of this city.

Married on the 7th instant, by the Rev. William Urie, LEVI REAMSNYDER, of West Earl, to ELIZA GROSS, of this city.

Married on the 7th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, JNO. MAY to ANN E. SILVIUS, both of this city.

Married on the 7th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, JOSEPH SEIPEL to JEMIMA RALSTON, both of Drumore.

Married on the 10th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, THOMSON BOWMAN to CHRISTIAN CATHARINE HAMP, both of this city.

Died at his residence, in Whitemarsh, Montgomery county, on Monday, the 4th instant, Gen. HENRY SCHEETZ, in the 85th year of his age.  General Scheetz has passed a long and useful life in his native valley, and has filled many offices of trust and honor with the approbation of his fellow-citizens.  He has passed away full of years and honors-calmly and peacefully.

Died on the 29th ult., at his residence in Marietta, after a short but severe illness, which he bore with Christian fortitude and resignation, HENRY GOCHNAEUR, aged 64 years, 4 months and 11days.

Died on Saturday last, in the borough of Lebanon, of dropsy, MR. SAMUEL SHINDEL, one of the most respected citizens of that place, aged 50 years.  On Monday last, his remains were interred, followed to their last resting place by a numerous concourse of mourning relatives and friends.

September 19, 1848

Married on the 17th inst., by the Rev. John C. Baker, HENRY BUTLER, of Martic, to CLARA TAYLOR, of this city.

Died at Cleveland, Ohio, on the 11th instant, ELIZABETH A., wife of the Rev. Alexander VARIAN, and daughter of the late William P. Atlee, Esq., of this city.

September 26, 1848

Married on the 19th inst., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, ABNER HAVERSTICK, of Lancaster township, to HENRIETTA FISHER, of East Hempfield twp.

Married on Tuesday last, at New Holland, by the Rev. Mr. Barnitz, HENRY LIVERGOOD to MARGARET OBER, both of this city.

Died by accident, on Sunday evening last, JOHN HERR, residing near Lampeter Square, this county, in the 41st year of his age.

Died on the 30th ult., in East Hempfield, HENRY MILLER, SR., aged 70 years, 2 months and 7 days.

October 3, 1848

Married on the 26th ult., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, ALEXANDER KING, of this city, to FRANCES LINGERFIELD, of Byerstown.

Married on the 28th ult., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, JOHN W. SMITH to SUSANNAH STIEF, both of Ephrata.

Married on the 28th ult., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, REUBEN K. SWARR, to CATHARINE H. SCHLOTT, both of East Hempfield township.

October 10, 1848

Married by the Rev. E. H. Hoffheins, on the 26th ult., CAPT. E.D. ROATH of Maytown, to SUSAN R. HIPPLE of East Donegal township, Lancaster county, Pa.

Married at the residence of Benjamin Hess, in Conestoga township, on Thursday last, by the Rev. J. J. Strine, AMOS K. MYLIN to MARTHA ANN HESS both of Conestoga township.

Married on Thursday last, by the Rev. J. J. Strine, LEVI SENSENICH  to MARY ANN STOUFFER, both of Earl township.

Married in this city, on Thursday, the 5th inst., by M. Carpenter, Mayor, WILLIAM P. HAINES of Fulton, to MARY KIRK of Little Britain township.

Married on the 3d inst., JOSEPH HESS  to ELIZABETH WEIDLER, both of Warwick, Lancaster county.

Married on the 8th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, JOHN SILVIUS,  to JULIANN KULP,     both of this city.

Married in Baltimore, on the 1st inst., by Rev. R. De Charms, F. J. KRAMPH to MARY ROBINSON,    both of this city.

Died on Wednesday morning, 4th instant, of dysentery, JAMES COOPER, a much respected citizen of Upper Leacock, aged about 50 years.

Died on the 27th ult., in Earl township, MRS. BARBARA SENVENIG, after a long and painful illness, aged 81 years.

Died on the 27th ult., in Earl twp., BARBARA, daughter of Joseph and Eve STAUFFER, after a short illness, aged 14 years and 6 months.

October 17, 1848

Church Consecration.  The Mount Airy Church, situate one mile north Springville, in Salisbury township, Lancaster county, will be dedicated to the service of the Almighty God, on Sunday, November 12.

Married at Churchtown, Lancaster county, on Tuesday evening, October 10th, by the Rev. Samuel T. Carpenter, JAMES H. BALL, Esq., of West Chester, to MARY AUGUSTA, daughter of the late John SHEAFF, Esq., of the former place.

Married on the 1st inst., by the Rev. H. Habliston, REUBEN WEAVER to MARY HERR, both of Rapho township.

Married at Marietta, on Wednesday evening, October 7, by the Rev. Geo. M. Clawges, JOHN GRAMM to MARY ANN BROWN, of Marietta, daughter of Dr. Brown, of Lancaster county.

Married on the 5th inst., by the Rev. W. Mooney, EMANUEL FISHER to CATHARINE EVANS, both of Lancaster township.

Married on the 10th inst., by the Rev. W. Mooney, EMANUEL KAUTZ,  to SARAH FENIFRUCK, both of this city.

Married on the 12th inst., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, CHRISTIAN HESS, jr., to MARY CHARLES, both of Conestoga township.

Married by the Rev. J. J. Strine, ABRAHAM BURKHOLDER, to HENRIETTA HESS, both of Conestoga township.

Married on the 12th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Keyes, JOHN SMITH, of Chester county, to CHRISTIANNA KELLER, of this city.

Married on Tuesday evening, 10th inst., by the Rev. S. Bowman, L. F. HIENER, Esq., to ANNA R. ROGERS, all of this city.

Married on the 12th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, JOHN RUTTER to MARGARET SWIGERT, both of East Earl.

Married on the 12th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, HENRY WITMER to MARY BALSNER, both of Penn.

Married on the 15th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, ABRAHAM K. BRUBAKER, of East Lampeter, to LEAH SHENK, of Manor.

Married on the 15th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, GEORGE KAUFFELT to SARAH OBERDORFF, both of Wrightsville.

Died on Monday, the 11th inst., at “Little Cottage,” near Cleveland, MRS. ELIZABETH A. VARIAN, wife of the Rev. Alexander Varian, Rector of Grace Church, Cleveland, Ohio, and eldest daughter of the late William P. Atlee, Esq., of Lancaster, Penna., in the 47th year of her age.

Died on the 9th inst., at Harrisburg, SARAH McDONALD, youngest daughter of Robert McDonald, dec’d. of this city, aged 19 years and 6 months.

Died in Earl twp., on the 27th ult., BARBARA, daughter of Joseph and Eve STAUFFER, in her 15th year.

Died in this city, on Wednesday night last, HENRIETTA LOUISA, daughter of P. G. and Eliza EBERMAN, after a lingering illness, in her 19th year.

October 24, 1848

Married on the 17th inst., by the Rev. Wm. Hunter, G.S. GEAR of East Earl, to SUSUANNAH BROOKS of Lancaster city.

Married on the 19th inst., by the Rev. W. Mooney, PETER HALL  to CHRISTIANA HITZ, both of this city.

Married on the 19th inst., by the Rev. Wm. McFadden, HENRY SMITH to BARBARA MILLER, both of Martic.

Married on the 19th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Keyes, JACOB CARRIGAN  to ANN McGLAUGHLIN, both of Martic.

Married on the 10th inst., by the Rev. T. S. Johnson, T. P. FRANTZ,  to SUSAN C. GUTELIUS, both of Lebanon.

Married on the 9th inst., by the Rev. F. A. M. Keller, JOHN D. SEARFOSS, of Lebanon, to MARY B. GOODMAN, of Reading.

Married on the 19th instant, by the Rev. John C. Baker, JACOB H. REIST, of Penn twp., to MATILDA FRY, of Warwick.

Married on the 19th instant, JACOB WAECHTER, of Elizabeth, to CATHARINE LUTZ, of Cocalico township.

Married on the 19th instant, ABRAHAM GOCHLEY to HANNAH LUTZ, both of East Cocalico township.

Married on the 19th instant, HENRY FISHER  to ELIZABETH FLOOD, both of this city.

Died on the 20th inst., ANNA MARIA, wife of Michael HAMBRIGHT, aged 71 years.

Died on the 16th instant, CATHARINE, wife of Henry ROTH, in the 42d year of her age.

Died on the 17th inst., CATHARINE, wife of Jacob KING, in the 33d year of her age.

Died on the 18th instant, THOMAS K., son of Henry BAUMGARDNER, aged 2 years, 8 months and 6 days.

Married on the 19th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Keyes, JACOB CORRIGAN to ANN McLAUGHLIN, both of Martic twp.

Died on the 15th inst., in Strasburg township, LATETIA B., wife of Benjamin MUSSER, M.D., and daughter of Jacob Neff, jr., of Strasburg township, in the 24th year of her age.

An accident of the most painful character, which seems to us purely the result of carelessness, as, indeed such occurrences usually are, – took place in this city of Tuesday evening last, at the residence of MR. HENRY BAUMGARDNER.  The following are the particulars:  After the lamps were lighted in the evening, the servant-girl, an adult, was about replenishing them with camphene, while still burning – the blaze was communicated to the can, causing it to explode, and throws its contents in all directions, covering the maid and a little son of Mr. B’s, in his third year, the only persons in the room, with flame.  By the assistance of a neighbor, the flames were extinguished; but not until the child was so severely burned that it died after a few hours of intense suffering.  The maid, altho’ in a very critical condition, may possible recover.

October 31, 1848

Married on the 24th inst., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, JACOB WERTZ, of West Hempfield, to MARY METZGAR, of East Hempfield.

Married on the 26th inst., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, JOS. S. BRUBAKER, to MARIA MOORE, both of Rapho township.

Married on the 10th inst., by Rev. J. Oswald, of York, Pa., LEVI SMITH to SOPHIA LOCHER, both of this city.

Married in Wrightsville, on the 22d inst., by Rev. J. J. Graff, HANSON KRIDLER, to ELIZABETH THOMPSON, both of Wrightsville.

Married on the 4th inst., at Warrentown, Fauquier county, Va., by Rev. George H. Norton, S. S. FAHNESTOCK, (U.S. Army) to CAROLINE JENNING, of that place.

Married on the 26th inst., NATHANIEL MILLER, of West Lampeter, to MARY WIKER, of Strasburg twp.

Died on the 24th inst., in Columbia, CHARLES ODELL, aged 60 years, 2 months and 6 days.

Died on the 14th inst., in the borough of Litiz, CHARLES F. REDSECKER, in the 29th year of his age.

Died on the 28th inst., FREDERICK NAGLE, aged 70 years, 1 month and 16 days.

Died on Wednesday last, of Hooping Cough, HANNAH JOSEPHINE, an interesting child of Jacob B. AMWAKE, Esq., of this city, aged 1 year.

Died in this city, on the 25th inst., ALBERT COLUMBUS, son of John and Mary KUHNS, aged 2 years and 23 days.

Died on the 15th inst., in Strasburg township, LATETIA B., wife of Benjamin MUSSER, M.D., and daughter of Jacob Neff, jr., of Straburg township, in the 24th year of her age.

Nov. 6, 1848

Married in Clinton, N. C., on the 24th ult., by the Rev. M. C. Conoley, WILLIAM RUSSELL, late of Oxford, Chester county, Pa., to ROSA ROBINSON, of Clinton, North Carolina.

Married on the 2d inst., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, CHRISTIAN OBERHOLTZER, to ELIZABETH WITMER, both of Mt. Joy township.

Died on Wednesday, the 1st inst., of apoplexy, BENJ. F. KEFFER, aged 31 years, 4 months and 28 days.

November 14, 1848

FATAL ACCIDENT. – on Monday evening, 23d ult., says the Pottstown Ledger, an interesting daughter of Samuel Hunsberger, came to an untimely death in a very afflicting manner.  Mr. Hunsberger owns an oil and grist mill on Pigeon creek, in East Covertry township, Chester county, and was at work in the mill at the time the accident happened.  The child was sent to call the father to supper; while in the mill, she unfortunately approached too near the machinery, her clothes were caught by the rapidly revolving bevel wheels of the mill, and her body, in an instant, was drawn within their power.  Before the agonized father could extricate his suffering child from her perilous situation, he was horribly crushed, and died soon after.

Married on the 22d ult., by the Rev. R. S. Wagner, GEO. J. WILLIAMS, to ELIZA KOLB,  both of Petersburg.

Married on the 5th inst., by the Rev. R. S. Wagner, CHARLES RUSSELL, to REBECCA STEHMY, both of Petersburg.

Married on the 9th inst., by Rev. J. C. Baker, ANDREW H. KAUFFMAN to FANNY CULBERTSON, both of East Hempfield.

Married on the 9th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, ABNER PEOPLES to MARTHA HESS, both of Martic.

Married on the 9th inst., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, LEMUEL S. GARBER, of West Hempfield, to ELISABETH H. MELLINGER, of Manor township.

Married by the Rev. J. J. Strine, MICHAEL JOHNS, of Conestoga, to ANN GOSS, of Lancaster township.

Died on the 30th October, THOMAS J. HAINES, of May town, former Collector of Tolls, aged 47 years, 7 months and 13 days.

Died on Wednesday, the 1st inst., of apoplexy, BENJ. F. KEFFER, aged 31 years, 4 months and 28 days.

Died in this city, on November 4th, JOHN FINEFROCK, aged 62 years.

Died in this city, on Monday, the 6th inst., EDWARD STEVENS,  son of Joseph W. and Eliza CLARK, aged 3 years, 1 month and 8 days. – a child of precocious intellect, and of amiable and interesting manners.  Perhaps few children of his age were so generally observed, and so generally beloved as this little boy.

Died in Drumore township, on Thursday morning, November 2d, of Consumption, HANNAH A., wife of C. M. JOHNSTON, in the 36th year of her age.

Died on the 22d ult., MARGARET ELIZABETH, infant child of Samuel and Jane REDSECKER, of Elizabethtown, aged 1 year and 7 months.

November 21, 1848

Married in this city, on Monday, the 13th inst., by M. Carpenter, Mayor, FELIX URBAN, of Conestoga, to LEAH BACK, of Lampeter township.

Married on Thursday, the 16th inst., by M. Carpenter, Mayor, FRANKLIN BROWN to ELLEN WOODLAND, of Fulton township.

Married on the 7th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Grier, JACOB M. STRICKLER, of Fairview, Lancaster county to CREACY, daughter of Col. George CRANE, of White Hill, Lycoming county, Pa.

Married on the 14th inst., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, JACOB F. BRUBAKER, of Elizabeth township, to ELIZABETH HEINHEY, of Penn.

Married on the 9th, by the Rev. J. J. Strine, SAMUEL S. GA-HER, of West Hempfield, to ELIZABETH H. MELLINGER, of Manor township.

Married on the 9th, by the Rev. J. J. Strine, JOSEPH GOOD, to MARY GARBER, both of Rapho.

Married at New Holland, on the 14th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Barnitz, JOHN DILLER, to ELIZABETH MARROW, both of Earl township.

Married on the 14th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Bowman, D. G. ESHLEMAN, Esq., Attorney at Law, and Representative elect, to CAROLINE O. CARPENTER, all of this city.

Married on the 16th inst., by the Rev. Wm. Urie, GEORGE W. SMITHSON, to MARGARET BOYD, both of Martic.

Married on the 14th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, BENJAMIN DENDLINGER, of East Lampeter, to CATHARINE HARNISH, of West Lampeter.

Married on the 14th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, E. H. ZERCHER, of East Lampeter, to MARIA BRUBAKER, of Martic.

Married on the 14th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, C. E. HOSTETTER, to MARIA R. HAVERSTICK, both of Conestoga.

Married on the 16th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, GEORGE WEAVER, of West Donegal, to MARY M’CLENNEGAN, of Dauphin county.

Died on the 14th inst., in this city, MARY MYERS,  aged 96 years, 6 months and 2 days.  Mrs. M. was the oldest person in Lancaster city.  She was a native of Pottstown, Montgomery county, and her maiden name was Barton.  She retained her reasoning faculties to the last, and died in the fall triumph of the Christian faith.

Died on the 14th inst., ANNA DEBORAH, daughter of J. RATHFON, aged 4 months and 9 days.

Died on the 16th inst., FREDERICK SEBASTIAN, son of W. KALE, aged 13 months and 9 days.

Died on the 18th inst., of consumption, HETTY ELIZABETH, daughter of Samuel KILLIAN, aged 17 years and 5 days.

Died very suddenly, on the 8th inst., ISAAC FELLENBAUM, of Earl township, this county, in the 63d year of his age.

Died in Cincinnati, 22d ult., MARY STEVENS, daughter of Samuel S. and Louisa Carpenter, aged 15 mo., and 7 days.

Died in the city of Baltimore, on the 7th of November, inst., HENRY D. EAGLE, aged about 35 years, formerly residing in the borough of Columbia, in this county.

November 28, 1848

On Wednesday last, 22d instant, at the residence of his brother-in-law, James H. Campbell, Esq., in the borough of Pottsville, ELLIS LEWIS, jr., son of the Hon. Ellis Lewis, of this city.  The deceased had been indisposed for a few days; previous, but was considered convalescent up to Wednesday morning, when he complained of a delirious sensation, sank gently upon his pillows and expired. The unexpected and melancholy intelligence was transmitted by telegraph to the esteemed father of the deceased in this city, who was at the time engaged in the discharge of his duties as President Judge of the courts of this county, and whose deep affliction elicited a spontaneous and heartfelt expression of sympathy from the members of the bar and our entire community.
    The deceased was in the 19th year of his age, and was beloved by an extensive circle of acquaintance for his many and excellent qualities, both of head and heart. The Pottsville Emporium,  where the deceased had been prosecuting his law-studies since March last, says that “he possessed a high order of intellect, and by his mild, gentle, and amiable deportment had won the esteem of all his acquaintance.”  The interment took place on Friday afternoon last, in the Episcopal burial ground, in this city.

Married on the 21st instant, by the Rev. J. C. Baker, I. C. BAKER, of East Lampeter, to ELIZABETH FROELICH of Strasburg.

Married on the 21st instant, by the Rev. J. C. Baker, LEVIS LANDIS, of East Lampeter, to MARY BUCKWALTER, of Upper Leacock.

Married on the 21st instant, by the Rev. J. C. Baker, RUDOLPH R. HAVERSTICK, of Conestoga, to FANNY S. ESHBACH    , of Lancaster township.

Married at Columbia, on Tuesday, the 21st instant, by the Rev. Mr. Owens, GEORGE CHARLES FRANCISCUS, to SALLY B., daughter of Charles N. WRIGHT, Esq.

Married on the 23d instant, MR. JOHN ECKERT, to MRS. CATHARINE EAGLES, both of this city.

Died on the 17th instant, at his residence in Earl twp., MR. JOSEPH NOTT, aged 26 years, 2 months, and 17 days.

Died in this city, on the 24th ult., CALVIN DANIEL ERNESTI, youngest son of I. D. and Caroline K. RUPP, aged 3 years, 10 months and 13 days.

Died in this city, on the 18th inst., SARAH ELIZABETH, daughter of John and Margaret KALE, aged 8 years and 19 days.

Died in Honesdale, JASON TORREY, Esq., in the 77th year of his age.

December 5, 1848

SHOCKING ACCIDENT – A little boy, about 13 years of age, son of Mr. James Callio, of Carlisle, Pa., was run over by a train of burden cars, which were passing through that town on Friday morning last, and so badly injured as to require the amputation of one of his legs.  He was standing on the track with his back toward the approaching train, but being very deaf did not hear it coming, on the alarm given by the engineer, and was consequently knocked down and run over, before the train could be stopped.

Married on the 28th ult., by Rev. J. C. Baker, GEORGE LONG to RACHAEL STAHL, both of Leacock.

Married on the 28th ult., HIRAM T. SLOUGH to ISABELLA DAVIDSON, both of East Earl.

Married on the 28th ult., LEVI SENSENICH, to MARIA L. STILLWELL, both of East Earl.

Married on the 28th ult., CORNELIUS STILLWELL of East Earl, to REBECCA MOYER of Berks county.

Married on the 28th ult., JOSEPH HAYS of West Lampeter, to LEAH STAM, of East Lampeter.

Married on the 28th ult., BENJAMIN BEAR, of East Hempfield, to ELIZABETH MUSSER, of West Hempfield.

Married on the 30th ult., JACOB S. HILCHER, of West Donegal, to MARTHA LONG, of East Donegal.

Married on the 30th ult., ADAM DITLOW, to SARAH M’INTIRE, both of this city.

Married on the evening of the 23d ult., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, SAMUEL SEABELD, to ELISABETH TRUMMENS, both of Annville, Lebanon county.

Married on the 23d ult., by Rev. J. J. Strine, JACOB BAKER,  of Penn township, to MARTHA STEHMAN, of Warwick township.

Married by the Rev. J. J. Strine, JOHN G. KELLER to MARTHA STEHMAN BOMBERGER, both of Penn township.

Died on Saturday last a week, WILLIAM WASHINGTON STEELE, Esq., one of the most venerable and respected citizens of Drumore township, Lancaster county.  The deceased was born on the 4th of July, 1776, and consequently lived to the green old age of seventy-two and upwards.  He has left behind him a large circle of relatives and friends.

Died on the 23d ult., MARY F., daughter of Dr. Levi HUD, aged 11 years, 3 months and 24 days.

Died on the 20th ult., in Warwick township, JOHN ADAMS, in the 60th year of his age.

Died on the 20th ult., at Litiz, ANDREW FERDINAND PAULI, aged 23 years.

Died on Saturday last, at Litiz, MRS. RAUCH, wife of Chr’n B. Rauch, Esq.

December 12, 1848

Suicide – Mr. LOT M. IRVIN, an extensive iron manufacturer of Mercer county, Pa., formerly of Cumberland county, and brother of Gen. James Irvin of Centre county, committed suicide by hanging, on Wednesday last.  No cause assigned for the act.

Married on the 5th inst., by the Rev. R. S. Wagner, PHILIP HOTTENSTEIN, to ELIZA SCHAEFFER, both of East Hempfield.

Married on the 5th inst., by the Rev. E. H. Hoffheins, JOHN L. KEFFER,  to SARAH KITCH, both of this city.

Married on the 7th inst., by the Rev. E. H. Hoffheins, JAMES KEENER, to FANNY MARKLEY, both of Londonderry township, Dauphin county, Pa.

Married on the 28th ult., by the Rev. E. H. Hoffheins, JACOB SHELLEY,  of Mountjoy, to ELIZABETH ANN GROLL, of Elizabethtown, Lancaster county.

Married on the 12th October, by the Rev. E. H. Hoffheins, JACOB FENSTERMACHER, to LOUISA MILLER,  all of Elizabethtown, this county.

Married in Columbia, on the 7th ult., by the Rev. Mr. Owens, DAVID C. LOCHER, of Pottsville, formerly of this city, to CLEMENTINE M., daughter of the late Robert EVANS, Esq.

Married on the 7th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Keyes, GEORGE GUNDAKER to SOPHIA LIVELY, both of this city.

Married on the 5th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, JOHN KLING to SUSANNAH SHREINER, both of Penn twp.

Married on the 5th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, HENRY ERWIN to ELIZABETH CASSEL, both of Upper Leacock.

Married on the 5th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, HENRY THORN, to CATHARINE KRIPPS, both of East Donegal.

Married on the 5th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker,     PETER A. HERSHEY, of Salisbury, to ANNA LANDIS, of East Lampeter.

Married on the 5th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, JOHN S. BOYD to SARAH CRUM, both of Middletown, Dauphin co.

Married on the 5th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, DANIEL LEHMAN to ELIZABETH GOHN, both of York county.

Married on the 7th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, SAMUEL LEFEVRE, of East Lampeter, to ELIZABETH ESPENSHADE, of Lower Leacock.

Married on the 7th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, JOHN FELLER to MARIA FRANKFORD, both of this city.

Married on the 7th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, JOHN WILSON, of Chester county, to MARY ANN FLOOD, of this city.

Married on the 7th inst., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, CHRISTIAN GINGRICH, of East Hempfield, to FANNY STOUFFER, of West Hempfield.

Died on the 28th ult., JACOB MYER,  (Pumpmaker) of Upper Leacock township, this county, in the 80th year of his age.

Died at Ephrata, on the 20th ult., JACOB ANGUS, a soldier of the revolution, aged 92 years, and 6 mo.

Died on the 29th ult., very suddenly, MRS. ELIZABETH, wife of Adam HALLACHER, of this city.

Died on the 6th inst., FRAZER SHERTZ, son of Christian Shertz, of this city, aged 23 years.

Died in this city on the 30th ult., SAMUEL S., youngest son of Christian CAMPBELL, aged 4 years, and 8 mo.

Died on the 6th inst., in West Hempfield twp., MRS. SUSAN COLEMAN, aged 19 years, 10 months and 8 days.

Died in Philadelphia, on the 1st inst., CHARLOTTE RUTTER, in the 44th year of her age.

December 19, 1848

Married on the 12th instant, by Rev. J. C. Baker, JOHN HAUENSTEIN, to FANNY STUNDRODT, both of Penn twp.

Married on the 12th instant, HENRY KELLER, of Rapho, to ELIZABETH HOFFMAN, of Mountjoy township.

Married on the 14th instant, JOHN STAUFFER, to CATHARINE BRESSLER, both of Upper Leacock.

Married on the 14th instant, SAMUEL B. COX, of this city, to CAROLINE DEISLEY, of East Earl.

Married on the 14th instant, SAMUEL LEWIS to MARY JANE SAVERY, both of Martic.

Married on the 14th instant, JOHN MUSSER, of East Hempfield, to CATHARINE NISSLEY, of Rapho.

Married on the 5th instant, by the Rev. Wm. Mooney, JACOB HAMAKER to JANE JOHNSON, both of Mt. Joy.

Married on the 14th inst., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, ADAM BRUBAKER, of Strasburg, to SUSAN SNAVELY, of Drumore township.

Married by the Rev. J. J. Strine, JACOB L. ESHLEMAN, of Mountjoy, to ADALINE SHELLY, of Rapho township.

Married on the 12th inst., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, JOHN G. HORNER, to BARBARA GRAYBILL, both of East Donegal twp.

Married in this city, by the Rev. Dr. Cooper, B. F. SHENK, to MISS CATHARINE CHRIST, both of this city.

Died on the 11th inst., in this city, ANN ELIZABETH WINNOWER, daughter of Sam’l Ruth, aged 21 years and 16 days.

Died on the 14th inst., MARY ANN, daughter of Henry and Margaret METZGER, aged 9 months and 17 days.

Died on the 24th ult., MARY ANN CRESSWELL, daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth Cresswell, aged 12 years, 2 months and 4 days.

Died on Friday evening last, in Salisbury township, WIDOW DILLER BAKER, aged about 60 years.

December 26, 1848

John Lyle, of Bart township, committed suicide on the 7th inst.  Pecuniary embarrassment supposed to have been the cause.

Married on Tuesday, the 19th instant, by the Rev. E. Y. Buchanan, SYLVESTER KENNEDY, of Salisbury twp., to MARTHA ANN, eldest daughter of Henry KINZER, Esq., of Paradise township.

Married on Thursday, the 21st instant, by the Rev. E. Y. Buchanan, BENJAMIN F. HUNSECKER to SARAH OVERLY, both of Harristown.

Married November 9, at Newry, WILLIAM BERGEN,  a veteran soldier, 85 years old, to MARGARET DOWN, also an ancient follower of the camp, and no novice in the field of Hymen, this being her fifth engagement. The fair bride was ten years younger than the groom, but both had lost an eye, the old boy his right at Salamanca, the bride her left at Vinegar Hill.

Married on the 19th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, JAS. ADAIR to SUSANNAH BATDORE, both of Warwick twp.

Married on the 19th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, BENJAMIN STEHMAN, of East Hempfield, to ANN BUCKWALTER,  of Manheim township.

Married on the 21st inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, GEORGE H. LOCHER, (formerly of Washington co, Md.,) to MARY LOCHER, of this city.

Married on the 30th ult., by the Rev. S. McNair, JOHN S. BROWN to SARAH HELM, all of Bart.

Married on the 12th inst., by the Rev. S. McNair, JOHN McNAIR to BARBARA BEHAR.

Died at her residence in Salisbury township, on Friday, the 15th instant, in the 64th year of her age, MRS. ABIGAIL A., relict of F. Diller BAKER, Esq.

Died in this city, on Saturday morning the 17th inst., ADAM LEONIDAS RUTH, aged 24 years, 9 months and 2 days.

Died on the 12th inst., in the borough of Manheim, HARRIET SPIES, wife of Jacob Spies, aged 32 years, 7 months and 27 days.

Died on the 13th inst., in Penn twp., MRS. REIST, wife of Peter Reist, aged 40 years, 3 months and 7 days.

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