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Lancaster Intelligencer, 1849 Issues January through June


Jan 16, 2009

1849 Lancaster Intelligencer

January 2, 1849


The Honesdale Democrat give a long account of a riot at that place, about a week ago. A Protestant young man married a wife whose parents were Catholics. The wife dying, a dispute arose as to whether she should be buried in Protestant or Catholic ground. The husband insisted that she should be buried where he could rest by her side at his death. The parents expressed their fixed determination to have her interred in Catholic ground. Each party sought legal advice, which resulted in the decision that the husband had the right to direct where his wife should be buried. Matters were then compromised so that the Catholic service was allowed to be performed over the body at the house, and she was to be buried in the Protestant ground. But on the day of the funeral, just as the body was placed in the hearse, the father came forward and loudly claimed that the body should go to Catholic ground. Thereupon, a fearful riot ensued, in which a large number of people participated, and the coffin was tossed about carelessly. The Sheriff finally quelled the outbreak, and the interment took place in Protestant ground.

Married on the 26th ult., by the Rev. Wm. Urie, Samuel Reisinger, of Hellam township, to Elizabeth Ann Smith, of Manchester township, York county.

Married on the 28th, by the Rev. Wm. Urie, John Allen, of York county, to Sarah Row, of Lancaster county.

Married on the 28th, by the Rev. Wm. Urie, Jacob Gompff, of this city, to Susanna Kline, of Lancaster county.

Married on the 18th ult., by Mr. Alexander Ehrlich, late a Teacher of an Israelite Society in Germany, Jacob Ehrlich to Shannette Einstein, both of this city.

Married on the 21st ult., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Clement Ayres to Salome Wolf, both of Martic.

Married on the 21st ult., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Henry Bressler to Margaret Stouffer, both of Upper Leacock.

Married on the 14th ult., by the Rev. P. J. Timlow, John B. Hoar, of Salisbury, to Margaret Rock, of Paradise township.

Married on the 24th ult., by the Rev. P. J. Timlow, William Netherly to Sarah Jane Dougherty, all of Penningtonville.

Married on the 30th ult., by the Rev. Samuel Trumbauer, Philip Herman, of Caernarvon township, to Elizabeth Donnhauer, of Breacknock township.

Married on the 14th ult., by the Rev. Samuel Trumbauer, Henry Bushong, of East Lampeter, to Catharine Swope, of Upper Leacock.

Died in Schuylkill Haven, on the 21st ultimo, John Hughes, Esq., in the 68th year of his age. Mr. Hughes suffered for a long time from an attack of paralysis, which rendered him almost entirely helpless-so that his friends, for many months had given up all hope of his recovery. He was more than ordinarily intelligent, and until prostrated by disease, one of the most energetic business men in the county. His death will be deplored by a large circle of relatives and friends.

Died at Port Carbon, on Christmas morning, Elizabeth, consort of Solomon Shindle, Esq., and daughter of the late Conrad Fry, Esq., of Gratz, Dauphin county, aged 30 years. The earthly remains of this excellent lady were conveyed to Gratz, her native place, and there interred amid the lamentations of kindred and friends.

Died on the 26th ultimo, in the borough of Huntingdon, Pa. after a short illness, Thos. Montgomery, Esq., formerly of this city, aged about 60 years.

Died at the residence of her father, John Wiad, of this city, Rosina Baer, wife of Dr. E. S. Baer, aged about 25 years.

Died on Wednesday, the 20th ult., in Manor township, Barbara Seitz, aged 40 years, 10 months and 11 days.


On Wednesday night, of last week, Mr. Abram Weidler, employed as a watchman at the bridge, across the Little Conestoga Creek, about two miles west of this city, was killed by a train of cars. He was not discovered until Thursday morning, when he was found, dead, about thirty feet from the track with his right leg broken twice between the thigh and knee, both elbows dislocated, and a severe cut across the chin and lower part of the face. The manner in which the accident occurred, or whether the deceased was instantly killed, is not known. The cabin stands hard by the track of the road and the deceased, probably aroused by the eight o’clock train, suddenly opened the door and stepped out when he was struck by some portion of the train – had it been the engine, the engineer must have seen him, as Mr. W. had a lantern in his hand, which was dashed to atoms. The deceased was about 50 years old, very respectably connected, and much esteemed by all who knew him.

January 9, 1849

Married on the 31st ult., by the Rev. R. S. Wagner, E. J. Minnig, to Anna Brubaker, both of Eat Hempfield township.

Married on Wednesday evening, the 3d inst., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, Peter S. Clinger, M.D., to Leah M. Urban, both of Conestoga Centre.

Married on the 4th inst., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, Abraham Metz to Ann Warren, both of Strasburg.

Married on the 2d inst., by the Rev. Wm. Urie, William Burns to Mary Powell, both of Lancaster.

Married on the 3d inst., by the Rev. T. M. Boggs, Franklin Hinkle, M.D., of Marietta, to Anne M., daughter of John M. Whitehill, Esq., of East Donegal.

Married on the 2d inst., at Morgantown, Berks county, by Rev. James A. Woodward, Coleman J. Bull, of Churchtown, Lancaster county, to Anna F., daughter of Hon. Edward Davies, of the latter place.

Died in Paradise township, on the 23d ult., James H. Slaymaker, aged 42 years.

Died on the 1st inst., in Warwick township, Laura Aurelia, daughter of Charles H. and Olivia Kryder, aged 8 years, 3 months and 19 days.

Died on Wednesday, the 27th ult., in West Earl township, Christian Myer, (farmer) in the 57th year of his age.

Died in this city, on the 2nd inst., Emma, daughter of John and Maria Dorwart, aged 4 years, 8 months and 4 days.

Died at Intercourse, Lancaster county, on Wednesday morning, Henry M., infant son of John and Elizabeth Miller, aged 1 year, 6 months 25 days.

January 16, 1849

On Tuesday evening last, says the Pottsville Emporium, the house of Philip Steinbach, at Port Carbon, was entirely destroyed by fire, and horrible to relate, three of his children fell victims to the devouring element. Four children, it seems were left at home while the parents went to church, and when the fire was first discovered it had advanced so far that it was impossible to enter the house and rescue the little sufferers. The eldest child escaped and took refuge at a neighbor’s

A FAITHLESS SWAIN. – Miss M’Clelland, of Bedford, Penna., lately recovered damages to the amount of $3000 for a breach of promise of marriage from John Vandervert.


On Sunday last, says the Pottsville Emporium, our friends, Major Samuel M. Mills, and Mr. Daniel Glassmire, took a sleigh ride to the new town of Ashland, on the north side of the Broad Mountain, in Butler township, about twelve miles from Pottsville. When they reached Wasser’s Broad Mountain House, they met young Mr. Wasser, who agreed to accompany them to Ashland. He harnessed into a sleigh a fine young racing horse, (valued at $450 to $500,) and started after Messrs. Mills and Glassmire. In passing some sleds, young Wasser upset his sleigh, himself and his companion were thrown out, and his horse started to run. – Messrs. M. and G. were descending the mountain, when looking back, they saw Wasser’s horse coming on the full run behind them. They turned out and made way for the runaway; the horse passed them, and about 200 yards further down, came in contact with a drove of cattle coming to the Pottsville market. The poor brute threw himself with great violence on the head of a stout bull in the drove. Both horns of the bull entered the horse’s body, one in the breast in front of the shoulder, the other just behind the shoulder. One of the horns was taken off in the body, and the horse dropped dead instantly, in his death struggle knocking another ox of the drove insensible upon the ground, where he lay for some minutes as if killed by the violence of the shock. The poor horse was unharnessed as he lay, and his mangled carcass rolled over the steep mountain side, food for the wild beasts and birds of prey.

Married on Thursday evening, January 4th, by the Rev. C. W. Schaeffer, George Bergner to Catharine Uhler, both of Harrisburg.

Married on the 3d inst., by the Rev. R. Owen, John W. Strebig to Rebecca Sanders, both of Columbia.

Married on the 9th inst., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, John Montgomery to Delilah Hipple, both of Safe Harbor.

Married on the 11th inst., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, Christian Hershey to Rebecca, daughter of Henry Hinkle, both of the borough of Columbia.

Married in Columbia, on the 2d instant, by the Rev. Mr. Owen, Adney H. Reynolds, of Laurenceville, Tioga county, Pa., to Anna E., daughter of Henry Haines, of Maytown, Lancaster county, Pa.

Married on Thursday evening, the 11th, by the Rev. Dr. Harris, A. H. Slaymaker, of Williamstown, to F. M., daughter of W. D. Slaymaker, Esq., of Newtown.

Married on the 2d inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Jacob L. Gross to Hannah Bowman, both of Ephrata.

Married on the 2d inst., Christian Hertzler, of Manor, to Elizabeth Haverstick, of Lancaster township.

Married on the 4th inst., Benjamin Diffenbach to Barbara Lefever, both of East Lampeter township.

Married on the 4th inst., Christian Kendig to Elizabeth Urban, both of Conestoga township.

Married on the 9th inst., John K. Long to Elizabeth Miller, both of East Hempfield township.

Married on the 14th inst., Israel Kautz, of this city, to Margaret Dehaven, of Norristown.

Died on the 1st instant, Daniel Kane, aged 77 years, a citizen of West Earl township.

From the Springfiled, Ill. Register.

Died on Wednesday evening, in this city, of consumption, Adam Henry Diller, son of Gen. Adam Diller, of Philadelphia, in the 30th year of his age.

Never have the uncertainties and disappointments of this life been more forcibly brought to our minds, than in the death of the above estimable and talented young gentleman. A little more than six weeks since, in company with some relatives, he arrived in this city, with the intention of remaining among us, and devoting himself to the profession of the law, of which he was a bright and shining member. But while bright hopes and joyous anticipations soon to be realized fell like a gleam of sunshine around him – a dark cloud had settled upon his path – the angel of death had marked him for his own. When coming up the Illinois river, he was attacked with bleeding at the lungs – similar attacks followed after reaching here, which resulted in a violent and rapid consumption.

Died in this city, Miss Sarah Strenge, in the 23d year of her age.

Mark Connell, was appointed by the last Will and Testament of Daniel Kane, late of West Earl township. As Executor.

January 23, 1849

Married on the 16th inst., by Ald. John Apple, Abraham Harnish, of Lancaster county, to Lydia Moor, of Bucks county, Pa.

Married on the 18th inst., by the Rev. J. Strine, John H. Mayer to Mary Ann Kling, both of Conestoga township.

Married on the 16th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Abner Miller, of Conestoga, to Susan Shenk, of Lancaster township.

The consecration of the new Church recently erected in this place by the Evangelical Lutheran Congregation under the pastoral charge of Rev. B. Keller, occurred on the 31st ult. Gettysburg.

Died at his residence, near Chesnut Level, Lancaster county, Pa., on Sabbath morning, January 7th, Robert Clark, in the 77th year of his age, – a ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church of that place, he died as he had lived, having on the breast-plate of faith and love, and for a helmet the hope of salvation.

January 30, 1849

Married on the 9th ult., by the Rev. E. H. Hoffheins, Philip Fisher, to Elizabeth Redsecker, all of Elizabethtown.

Married on the 9th inst., Joseph Foltz, of Marietta, to Eliza Gillman, of Maytown.

Married on the 25th inst., Benjamin H. Lehman, of Conoy, to Leah Seids, recently of York county.

Died in this city, on the 24th inst., Thomas Rogers, in the 60th year of his age.

Died on the 25th inst., John Leonard, sr., aged 59 years, 10 months and 20 days.

Died on the 26th inst., John Fritz, aged 70 years and 26 days. (age might be 76 years)

February 7, 1849

Fatal Railroad Accident.

A shocking accident occurred on the Railroad near the “Bird-in-hand,” about 4 miles below this city, on Wednesday evening last. The axle of the locomotive broke, whilst the cars were at full speed, causing the train to run over the Engineer and Fireman, killing them instantly. The name of the former was Henry Murray, the latter George Wolf, both residents of Columbia. The former has left a family. The bodies were taken to Columbia and there interred – that of Mr. Murray with the honors of Odd Fellowship, of which fraternity he was a worthy member.


Col. John W. Geary, of Ebensburg, Cambria county, Pa. who so distinguished himself in the Mexican war as the colonel of the second regiment of Pennsylvania volunteers, has been appointed Postmaster at San Francisco, California. No more deserving man could have been appointed.

Married on Tuesday, 31st ultimo, by the Rev. C. H. Carter, Daniel Lagan, of this city, to Rosanna, daughter of P. Fitzpatrick, Esq., of Philadelphia.

Married on the 30th Jan., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, Mr. Joel Wenger, of West Earl, to Miss Annie M. Swarr, of East Hempfield twp.

Married on the 30th ultimo, at Harrisburg, by Rev. J. F. Mesick, Adam Konigmacher to Eliza Royer, both of Ephrata.

Married on Tuesday, the 30th ult., by the Rev. E. Y. Buchanan, Benom Quaintance of Churchtown, to Mary Elizabeth Dorsey of Leacock township.

Married on the 1st inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, John Johns to Ann Vaughan, both of East Hempfield.

Married on the 1st inst., Jesse Sellers, of West Hempfield, to Rosina Sholl, of East Hempfield.

Married on the 1st inst., Abraham Harr, of Hart, to Ann Byerly, of Upper Leacock.

Died at Easton, on the 30th ultimo, aged 50 or 59 years, Rev. John P. Hecht, for many years an eloquent and distinguished Preacher in the Lutheran Church.

Died in this city, on Friday, 2d inst., after a short illness, Henry Kendig, Esq.

Died on the 2d inst., at the residence of her husband, “Wheatland,” in Harford county, Md., Mrs. Kate M. Pannell, aged 31 years, 11 months and 9 days.

February 13, 1849

Married on the 25th ult., by the Rev. Mr. Keyes, George Aument, to Sarah Schwinehard, both of Drumore.

Married in Philadelphia, on the evening of the 1st inst., by the Rev. O. Douglass, John H. Smith, of Bainbridge, to Susanna, eldest daughter of John Wiley, of East Donegal, Lancaster county.

Married on January 25th, by the Rev. E. W. Reinecke, John Hanes, of Donegal township, to Leah Hoffmaster, of East Hempfield.

Died in this city, on the 3d inst., Dennis Kelly, aged 49 years, 7 days.

Died in this city, on the 5th inst., Catharine Burckher, aged 83 years, 9 months, 10 days.

Died on the 7th, Elizabeth, wife of Samuel Beates, of this city, and the daughter of the late C. Brenner, Esq.

Died on the 5th inst., Mary Elizabeth, only child of Henry and Mary Kendig, aged 2 years, 4 months, 7 days.

Died on the 1st inst., of Black Jaundice, Nathan C. Scholfield, of this city.

Died in Intercourse, Leacock township, on the 13th ult., Ann, wife of David Robison, aged 70 years, 10 months and 9 days.

Died in Intercourse, Leacock township, on the 25th ult., John Seldomridge, sr., aged 66 years, 10 months and 17 days.

Died in Intercourse, Leacock township, on the 29th ult., David Robison, aged 73 years, 10 months and 12 days.

Died in Intercourse, Leacock township, on the 31st ult., Ann, wife of Washington Brenner, aged 29 years and 4 months.

Died in Intercourse, Leacock township, on the 6th inst., Jacob Eckert, sr., aged 77 years, 8 months and 19 days.

Died on Monday morning, Mary Magdalena, wife of the late Jacob Rupp.

Died on the 23rd ult., Mrs. Esther Raub, wife of J. Miller Raub, of Leesburg, in the 23rd year of her age.

Died on the 9th inst., in this city, Peter Shindel, in the 89th year of his age. Another revolutionary hero gone. The deceased was one of the oldest and most respected citizens of Lancaster; and in the calm and unclouded twilight of his declining years, he enjoyed the esteem and confidence of a large circle of friends. In the great struggle for Independence, he was among those stern and unyielding patriots who poured out their life’s blood to achieve the inestimable boon which we now enjoy. At the battle of Brandywine he bore a conspicuous and prominent part, and in many skirmishes he won the approbation of his commander, by his prowess and bravery.

Apart for all this, and in private life, he was ever regarded with respect by all who came in contact with him. Beneath a cold and stern exterior he concealed the warmest sympathies and the most generous feelings. He lived to a ripe old age, and, in his last moments, retained the full possession of his faculties.

February 20, 1849

Married in South Whitehall, Lehigh county, on Tuesday last, by Rev. Mr. Dubbs, Mr. John Snyder, to Miss Susan, daughter of Rev. Jeremiah Shindel, of the same township.

Married in this city, on Thursday, 15th instant, by Mayor Carpenter, Granville B. Wicks to Margaret S. White, both of Little Britain township.

Married on Thursday, the 18th ultimo, by the Rev. S. McNair, James Edwards to Lydia Rinear, all of Strasburg.

Married on the 1st inst., in Lebanon, by the Rev. Mr. Wagner, Henry Schaak, of South Lebanon, to Caroline, daughter of Hon. John Shindle, of Lebanon.

Married on the 15th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, David Stouffer, of Manheim twp., to Anna Miller, of East Hempfield.

Married on the 15th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Henry Mouk to Mary Hershey, both of West Hempfield.

Married on the 15th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Enanuel Helman, of Mount Joy, to Sarah Dravinstodt of Rapho.

Died on the evening of the 17th instant, in this city, after a lingering illness, Mrs. Mary Ann H., wife of Wm. Wineowr, in the 26th year of her age.

WILL OF PETER MILLER. Peter Miller, of Easton, Pa., died, leaving about $300,000 worth of property, which by will he directed to be loaned to mechanics and farmers, and as it accumulated interest this too should be loaned out. No part of the property was ever to be sold, but the loaning was to be continued perpetually. If there should be no persons to loan, an asylum was to be built with the unemployed money. Last week the Court of Northampton decided against the validity of the will, and a nephew of the deceased falls heir to the property, as his nearest surviving relative.

February 27, 1849

Married on the 22d inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, John Bierley to Sarah Yoder, both of Lower Leacock.

Married on the 22d instant, by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Bair Shaeffer to Eliza Heiler, both of Upper Leacock.

Married on the 20th inst., at the residence of Christian Barr, Esq., in Conestoga township, by the Rev. J. J. Strine, Isaac Bear of Leacock, to Miss Ann Musser, of Conestoga township.

Married on the 22d inst., Jacob Eshleman to Mary Huber both of Martic township.

Died in Washington city, on the 20th instant, of scarlet fever, Mary, eldest daughter of John P. and Catharine Frazier, in the sixth year of her age. The deceased was an intelligent and lovely child, and her early departure is an irreparable bereavement to her afflicted parents.

Died in Philadelphia, on the 15th inst., of Consumption, Mrs. Katharine Juliet Durang, aged 44 years, consort of James S. Wallace, Esq., formerly of this borough. The deceased resided several years in Pottsville, where her cheerful, lively, agreeable manners, and kindness of heart, she won many friends who will sincerely mourn her death.- Pottsville Emporium.

Died at Syracuse (N.Y.) on Wednesday morning last, Major James D. Wallace, formerly of Harrisburg, father of James S. Wallace, Esq., of the Philadelphia Sun. Mr. W. had attained to the age of 74 years, and was universally beloved and respected.

Died on Monday, February 19th, at his residence in Raulinsville, Martic township, George S. Savery, formerly of Philadelphia, aged about 64 years.

March 6, 1849


Reading, Feb. 27, 1848.

Yesterday morning a great crowd of our citizens assembled at the Reading Depot to witness the departure for the land of promise, of as noble looking band of young men as can be found any where. They were all in good spirits, and left with the full determination to carry out the intention of the “Reading California Association” to the letter. They will sail from Philadelphia to-day or to-morrow, on board the schooner Newton, Capt. West, for Tampico, from there go to Mazatlan or San Blas on mules, where they will again embark on a vessel and sail to San Francisco. The following is a list of their names:

Allen Grosh, Hosea Grosh, Thomas Taylor, Charles Taylor, Andrew Taylor, Uriah Green, Henry Kerper, John Hahs, Samuel Klapp, Simon Seylert, Peter Rapp, Dr. W. G. Martin, Reuben Axe, William Zerbe, William Thos. Abbott, Robert Farrelly, Noland Witman, and Jonathan Flag. The vessel is equipped with every thing necessary for their accommodation, and the company with an ample stock of implements, provisions, clothing, &c. – Berks County Republican.

Sudden Death – Miss E. Catharine McArran, aged about 19 years, residing in Washington city, on Tuesday last, in ascending a pair of stairs, her mouth filled suddenly with blood, and on descending to the room where her mother was sitting, continued to eject blood until she expired. Previously she was apparently in good health. She was to have been married on the evening of the occurrence, to a gentleman residing in Philadelphia.

Married on the 27th ultimo, by the Rev. John McNair, Mr. Friend P. Cox of Philadelphia, to Miss Sallie A., daughter of John Michael, of this city.

Married on the 27th ult., by the Rev. Mr. Keyes, Jno. C. Skiles to Mary Elizabeth Kleiss, both of this city.

Married on the 4th ult., by the Rev. Mr. Keyes, Richard Ruth, of Reamstown, to Elizabeth Naughtan, of this city.

Married at Marietta, on the 28th, ult., by the Rev. George M. Clawges, William Frederick, of Marietta, to Mary Wolfe, of Columbia.

Died on Tuesday evening last, the 20th inst., in Reading, Penna., after a protracted illness, Mrs. Eliza Hubley, consort of Edward B. Hubley, Esq. She was the eldest daughter of the late Judge Spayd, and a grand-daughter of Governor Hiester.

Died in this city, at the residence of J. Fondersmith, on the 3d inst., Susan Reed, daughter of John and Elizabeth Reed, deceased, aged 23 years, 11 mo., and 6 days.

March 13, 1849

Married on the 8th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Joseph Eversole to Mary Hilcher, both of West Donegal.

Died on the 26th ult., after a lingering illness, Robert L. M’Allister, of Lower Chanceford, York county.

Died on the 5th inst., in this city, Amos, son of John Kuhns, aged 3 years and 3 months.

Died on the 6th inst., in this city, John Chambers, aged 33 years, 6 months and 8 days.

Died at Pittsburg, on the 1st instant, Margaret, wife of Dr. Josiah Ankrim, formerly of Chester county, Pa., in the 66th year of her age. [Baltimore Argus please copy.]


The Uniontown Genius of Liberty of the 23d ultimo says: A disease has prevailed for the last two or three weeks in the Northern section of this county, particularly in Tyrone township, of an unusually malignant and fatal character. The physicians of that neighborhood could not account for its appearance, and it differed so much from the common diseases of this part of the country that they were at a loss to know what to call it or how to treat it. It generally attacked those who were laboring under severe colds, and so violently, in several instances, as to cause death in a few hours, where medical aid could not at once be obtained. The first intimation, we are told, the patient had of the approach of the disease was an intensely painful sensation in one or more of the fingers which was directly afterwards felt in the toes and head and over the whole body, and always accompanied with cramp. There have been about sixty cases of the disease since it first appeared – twenty-two of which proved fatal. The last new case was on the 14th instant, and the patient, we are happy to say, is now convalescent. From the virulence of its attacks, as well as from some of the symptoms attending the disease, some were disposed to believe it to be Asiatic Cholera. Others, and among the number an intelligent physician, are opinion that it is Influenza, in a very malignant form. When we first heard of the prevalence of the disease, we did not believe it to be Cholera, nor do we now. Our physicians, however, will, no doubt, investigate it thoroughly, and the result of their labors may lead to a knowledge of its origin, character, and treatment.

March 20, 1849

Married on the 13th inst., by the Rev. John C. Baker, John L. Hershey, to Elizabeth Hadeley, both of E. Hempfield.

Married on the 15th inst., by the Rev. John C. Baker, Jacob Bernhart to Elizabeth Michael, both of this city.

Died in this city, Edward, son of Anthony Jennings, aged 1 year and 5 months.

Died in this city, on the 12th inst., of consumption, Elizabeth Patterson Conner, aged 35 years and 23 days.

Died on Wednesday, 7th instant, at his residence in Reading, John S. Heister, Esq., aged 75 years.

March 27, 1849

Henry Haldeman, Esq., a well-known Citizen of Bainbridge, Lancaster county, died at the residence of his brother, Jacob M. Haldeman, in Harrisburg, during the night of Thursday last. The deceased was present at the sittings of the Legislature on Thursday, and retired to be in his accustomed health at about 10 o’clock in the evening. Not arising to breakfast next morning, a messenger was sent to his chamber, when he was discovered in bed – cold and lifeless! Mr. Haldeman was a wealthy Iron-Master in this county, and much respected. He was the Democratic candidate for Congress in this district in 1846, and last year one of the candidates for Elector on the Cass and Butler ticket.

Married on the 20th inst., by the Rev. N. Keyes, George N. Meck to Martha Rauls, both of W. Lampeter.

Married on the 13th inst., by the Rev. J. M’Nair, Wm. Baker, of Clark county, Ohio, to Mary Emeline Fash, of York, Pa.

Married on the 15th inst., by the Rev. J. M’Nair, Benj. M’Laughlin to Julian Townsly, both of Salisbury twp.

Married on Marietta, on the 22d inst., by the Rev. Geo. M. Clawges, Henry Folckemmer, of York county, to Mrs. Jane Murphy, of Bainbridge, Lancaster county.

Married on the 20th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Jacob Shindel to Rebecca Shay, both of this city.

Died in the borough of Strasburg, a few weeks since, Asa Jones, (Innkeeper) in the 50th year of his age.

Died at his residence in Martic township, on the morning of the 17th instant, Mr. John Laird, one of the oldest and most respectable citizens of that township, aged 72 years – leaving a large number of friends and descendants to mourn his departure.

Died on the 21st inst., in this city, Anna Mary, daughter of Benjamin Finfrock, aged 2 years, 2 months and 21 days.

Died on the 19th inst., in this city, John Ninemeyer, aged 29 years.

Died on the 7th inst. in Reading, John S. Hiester, in the 75th year of his age.

Died at Bellevue, Lancaster county, on Friday, the 16th inst., Laetitia J., wife of Thomas Crawford, aged 56 years.

Died on the morning of the 12th instant, after a short illness, Jacob Bair, of Safe Harbor, son of John and Elizabeth Bair, late of Leacock township, aged 41 years, 5 months and 11 days.

Died on the 9th ult., at the Strasburg Academy, William A., son of the Rev. L. C. Rutter, of Chesnut Level, Lancaster county, in the 15th year of his age.

Died on the 20th instant, at the Strasburg Academy, Morgan Hormung, of Schuylkill Bend, Berks co., in the 22d year of his age.

April 3, 1849

Mr. Snell, of Bethlehem, has invented a new and ingenious machine for which he has obtained a patent. If forms ladies and gentleman’s gaiters, half gaiters and short boots without seams, at the same time producing any size required, in all their proportions, so as to fit with the greatest nicety and exactness. The machine will form any of the materials in general use; such as patent leather, call, kip, men’s morocco, split leather, or anything woolen. It dispenses with the knowledge of boot cutting and more than half the binding. Such is its simplicity that any person unacquainted with the business can use it. We are informed it will reduce patent leather boots to one third their usual cost. A full description of the machine will be given at some future time.


On Wednesday last we were visited with a severe hurricane, which seems to have extened very generally over the country as we perceive by the papers. In the afternoon a sudden whirlwind caught the new railroad bridge five miles above Harrisburg, and lifted six spans of it from the piers and hurled them into the Susquehanna. The cords and part of the timbers of three additional spans were piled on the spans blown away, at the time of the accident. The parts of the bridge blown down lodged on the islands in the neighborhood of our borough, and will nearly all be recovered. The accident we have no doubt is to be attributed to the fact that the arches were not in and the timbers had not been anchored down to the piers. The part of the bridge thus secured stands firm. The contractors and the company have taken immediate measures to replace the lost materials, and we understand that no delay in the opening of the road to Lewistown will be occasioned by this unforeseen calamity, provided the spring freshet subsides sufficiently to enable the superstructure of the bridge to be proceeded with in good season.

Married on the 27th ult., by Christian Hess, Esq., Abm. Diffenbach, of East Lampeter, to Mrs. Catharine Grubb, of West Lampeter.

Married on the 29th ult., by the Rev. J. C. M’Nair, W. H. Evans, of Little Britain township, to Mary E., daughter of A. J. Kuhns, Esq., of this city.

Married on the 29th, by the Rev. N. A. Keyes, Alexander Martin, of Ephrata, to Susan McConoughy, of Philadelphia.

Married on the 29th inst., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, Abm. Charles to Elizabeth Good, both of Conestoga twp.

Died on Wednesday afternoon last, at 4 o’clock, Mr. Daniel Fagan, of this city, aged 54 years.

Died in this city, on Tuesday last, Mary Winauer, widow of the late Geo. Winauer, in the 72d year of her age.

Died at his residence in Martic township, on the 17th ultimo, John Laird, one of the oldest and most respectable citizens of that township, aged 72 years, leaving a large number of friends to mourn his departure.

Died on the 25th ult., at Rohrerstown, Ellen Laning, daughter of Dr. John and Caroline Ream, aged 8 years and 5 days.

She was afflicted for nearly four months with a disease of the heart, enduring sometimes extreme pains, but all with a meek resignation which would have graced a Christian of maturer years, at last her Saviour took her from this world of pain, to dwell with him forever.

April 10, 1849

The body of Mr. John D. Colt, of Donaldsonville, Schuylkill county, Pa., who disappeared in December last while on a visit to Philadelphia, was found in the Delaware on Friday. His watch, money and papers were all found on his person, which circumstance removes the painful suspicion of his having been murdered.

SUICIDE – On Sunday last a week, a young woman named Hannah Gross, (with her child about 7 months old) was found near her residence in West Bradford township, about 1 ½ miles south of Downingtown, Pa. A razor was found with her, which she had doubtless used, first to cut the throat of the child and afterwards to commit suicide in the same manner. In one of her drawers, cambric for a winding sheet and other grave clothes, was found, from which there is no doubt the rash act had been premeditated.

Married on the 3d inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Isaac Snyder to Mrs. Mary Ann Miller, both of Columbia.

Married on the 5th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Jacob R. Everets to Harriet Rogers, both of this city.

Married on the 8th inst. by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Gottfried Bye to Caroline Geiger, both of this city.

Married on the 2d inst. by the Rev. Mr. Keyes, Simon T. Andrews of Grand-View, Edgar county, Ohio, to Ophelia C. Howe, of this city.

Died on Sunday morning last, after a short illness, Mrs. Mary Bomberger, wife of George H. Bomberger, of this city, aged 54 years. The deceased was endeared to a large circle of relatives and friends, by her Christian and benevolent life, and by the numerous qualities of head and heart that adorned her character. She was actively and usefully engaged in all the religious enterprises of the German Reformed church, and was esteemed and beloved by all who shared her acquaintance. “None knew her but to love her, none named her but to praise.”

The friends and acquaintances of the family are invited to attend her funeral from the residence of her husband in Centre Square, on to-morrow (Wednesday) afternoon, at 3 o’clock.

Died on Sunday afternoon last, in Philadelphia, after a brief illness, Mr. Joseph Howitt, formerly of this city.

The friends of the family are requested to attend the funeral of the deceased, from the residence of his son-in-law, Henry E. Wentz, to the Lutheran burial-ground, this afternoon, at 2 o’clock, without further notice.

Died on Sunday morning last, in this city, quite suddenly, Mrs. Elizabeth Turner. The funeral will take place from her residence in Church Alley, this afternoon, at 3 o’clock.

Died on the 2d instant, Henry, infant child of Henry and Rebecca Comfort, aged 1 year, 8 days.

Died on the 6th instant, Alice, daughter of Abraham and Catharine Ehrisman, aged 2 years, 23 days.

Died on the 6th instant, Maria, daughter of Charles and Maria Nauman, aged 8 months, 5 days.

A company of young men has been organized in York, Pa., who are to sail for California in the ship Andelusia from Baltimore in a few days. The following are the names of the gentlemen composing the “York California Association:”

R. C. Woodward, George B. Schmidt, Henry Hantz, George W. Rupp, George W. Klinefelter, Samuel Dick, Dr. Henry L. Smyser, Henry Holtzmeyer, W. C. Chapman, Alex. Wentz, Cornelius Harbaugh, Samuel A. Henry, Jacob Kent, Jonathan Stover, David O. Prince, Thomas King.

One of the company, (Dr. Smyser) is a competent assayer. His services in that capacity will doubtless prove highly valuable to the association.

April 17, 1849

We regret to learn that Mr. Jacobs, a resident of Lancaster county, on his route to California, fell overboard from the steamboat Kanzes, when nearing St. Charles, Mo., on the 24th ult., and was drowned. Mr. Jacobs was attached to the company comprising several gentlemen from Chambersburg, and the Sentinel of that place learns from one of them, that he was highly respected and esteemed by all its members.

Married at Marietta, on Wednesday, the 4th inst. by the Rev. G. M. Clawges, Washington Duke to Caroline Shaffer, both of Columbia.

Married on Tuesday, the 10th instant, by the Rev. E. Y. Buchanan, William L. Meguigan to Elizabeth Zell, both of Enterprise.

April 24, 1849

Death of Judge Fox. We regret to learn that John Fox, Esq., died at his residence in Doylestown, on Sunday morning last, a week. He was for many years a leading member of the Bar, and for several years the President Judge of that Judicial District. His age was about seventy.

Married on Tuesday, the 17th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Barton, Robert McCulloch to Frances S. Scott, all of Fulton township, this county.

Married on the 17th instant, by the Rev. R. S. Wagner, John Hershey to Mary Witmyer, both of Penn twp.

Married on the 17th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Benj. G. Groff, of Upper Leacock, to Nancy Pontions, of East Lampeter.

Married on the 19th inst., John Stauffer to Sarah Wells, both of Salisbury.

Married in Washington City, on the 17th inst., by Rev. S. Payne, D.D., Rector of St. John’s Church, R. K. Stone, M.D., to Margaret F., daughter of Thos. Ritchie, Esq., editor of the Union, all of that city.

Married on the 15th inst., by Rev. Mr. Heiner, George Wilson to Maria A., daughter of the late Ross Simpson, of Lancaster, Pa.

Died on the 13th instant, at Fitler’s Green, Elizabeth Hamilton, aged 72 years, 10 months and 20 days.

Died on the 15th inst., in this city, Emma Dorothea, youngest daughter of Dr. Baer, of Millerstown, aged 8 months and 1 day.

Died on Monday, the 23d instant, in this city, of croup, Silas McGlinn, youngest son of Henry and Christianna Young, in the eighth month of his age.

May 1, 1849

Charles Bird, of Philadelphia, died on Saturday. He was a hardware merchant, had attained the age of 71, and is supposed to have a fortune of three hundred thousand dollars.

Thomas A. Cooper, the eminent tragedian, died on Saturday last, at the residence of his son-in-law, Robert Tyler, in Bristol, Pa. He retired from his professions about fifteen years ago, since which time he has filled several political offices of trust with respectability and honor.


The Editor of the Easton Argus is indebted to Mr. Laubach, one of the intelligent representatives of Northampton county, from the recent legislature, for a list of all the representatives from that county from 1775 to the present time. The Editor speaks of the list as follows:

“The above list affords much food for reflection. How uncertain is the thread of human life, and how different the fate of public men! Of the 104 men who represented this venerable county in the legislative halls, 36 are now living and 69 are in their graves. One of our first representatives was Mr. George Taylor, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. His remains are interred in the burial ground of the Old Lutheran Church, no one knows the spot. No marble slab, not even a board, marks the resting place of his bones! Efforts have repeatedly been made to raise a monument to his memory, but patriotism appealed in vain. Mr. Allen was the founder of Allentown, and got to be very wealthy. Peter Kichline was a Colonel in the Revolution, and a brave soldier. – British tyranny had no fears for his bold heart; he lived and died a patriot. He was a man of much enterprise, and built the first mill erected in this region; the one now owned by Michael Butz, Esq. Mr. Jacob Arndt, too, shed his blood in defence of his country, and was the associate of Washington. John Mulhollen, although a prominent man in his time, became much reduced and was thrown into prison for debt. James Wilson, grandfather of the editor of this paper, was a true Republican, and a personal and political friend of Thos. Jefferson – an Irishman by birth, he was an American at heart.

“In their political predilections, most all of these 104 were uncompromising Republicans. Before the lines of party were strictly drawn, the Federalists occasionally slipped in a member, but they have not had one since the year 1791, a period of fifty-seven years. From present appearances it will be fifty-seven years more before they get another one.”

Married in this city, on Thursday, the 26th inst., by M. Carpenter, Mayor, George W. Harlin to Emma W. Brown, both of Little Britain township, of this county.

Married on the 26th inst., by M. Carpenter, Mayor, Oliver P. White, of Little Britain, to Sarah M. Paxton, late of Richmond, Indiana.

Married at the residence of Col. Jefferson Davis, in Mississippi, Hon. Richard Brodhead, late member of Congress from the Northampton district, Pa., to Miss Mary Jane Bradford, of the former State.

Married on Wednesday last, by the Rev. J. J. Strine, Joseph Morrison to Elizabeth Kunkel, both of Bart township.

Married on the 24th ult., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, John Seigrist, of East Lampeter, to Elizabeth Yonse, of West Hempfield.

Married on the 26th ult. by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Robert Snodgrass to Rachael Blackburn, both of Little Britain.

Died on the 14th ultimo, at New Providence, Susanna, eldest daughter of Jacob and Andrew Cremer, aged 16 years. (this is what was written in the newspaper)

Died on the 20th ultimo, in Martic twp., Mrs. Dolly, wife of John Harland, aged 30 years

Died on the 20th untimo, in Drumore twp., Susanna W., infant daughter of Samuel M. and Lucy A. G. Ramsey, aged 5 months and 8 days.

Died in this city, on the 26th ultimo, Alice G., an interesting daughter of Albert G. and Annie Helfenstein, aged 2 years, 14 months and 19 days.

Died on the 10th of April, in Drumore twp., Maria, wife of Sunders M’Cullough, in the 34th year of her age. The deceased is lamented by a large circle of sympathizing relatives and friends, who knew only to love her, and named her, but to praise.

Died at his residence, Fountain Dale, Adams county, (Pa.) on the 18th of April, after a severe illness, Joseph Baugher, aged 55 years, 4 months and 21 days. His remains were interred in the Lutherian Burying Ground, at Emmitsburg, (Md.) attended by a large concourse of relatives and friends. The section of country on which the deceased resided, is naturally barren and unproductive; and during the Winter, the poor, by whom it is principly occupied, frequently find difficulty in obtaining sufficient employment to procure the necessaries of life. In seasons like these, his hand was ever open to the needy, and he found pleasure in furnishing food and employment to the destitute. Nor was it only with their temporal requirements that he had to do. By his own unaided energies, and with his own means, a House of Worship was provided for those who from circumstances beyond their control, were deprived of these privileges. His decease has created a vacuum that will be difficult to fill, and his loss will be long and deeply regretted. His last moments were peaceful and serene.


No one that visits the seat of the National government from motives of curiosity or pleasure, should neglects to visit the Patent Office, one of the great attractions of the Federal city. The building is beautifully located at the junction of 8th and F streets, in a central and convenient part of the city, is composed of substantial granite, ornamented with sixteen massive columns of the same material, and is deservedly classed among the most superb and costly of the public edifices. The present Commissioner of Patents is the Hon. Edmund Burkes, formerly a representative in Congress from New Hampshire, and not unknown to fame as the author of the celebrated essays against the protective policy, signed “Bundelcund.”

The first story of the Patent Office is used as a depository for the models of machinery and inventions, for which letters patent have been granted to the constructors. Their name is legion, and they are all tastefully arranged in glass cases, which allow the largest license to the eye, but none to the touch. It is, however, well worth the time to look in upon these many specimens of mechanical skill, and the man who has the bump of “constructiveness” at all developed, here finds occasion for its amplest exercise. There is scarcely a piece of mechanism in use, that you do not meet here – from a needle to an anchor, from a mommoth steam-ship down to a common coffer-boiler. Who can estimate the wear and tear of mind, expended on these curious contrivances – who measure the midnight oil consumed in the arduous task of fitting this and that together! The wonder to an Editor is, that some ingenious Yankee has not discovered a method of inditing editorial by some sort of brain-saving machinery! We hear much in these days about organs, but there is none that possesses the faculty of discoursing editorial, as the Italian and Swiss “grinders” are wont to discourse music, by means of cranks and pedals.

In the basement is seen the celebrated sarcophagus offered by Commodore Elliott to Andrew Jackson, as a receptacle of his remains after death, but declined by the latter in a feeling and characteristic letter. The Old Hero had never himself seen the sarcophagus, as it was tendered to him after his return to the Hermitage. His repugnance to becoming its tenant, even after death, hence arose singly from that love of republican simplicity, which was the ruling passion of his life. Could he have looked upon it, however, as we have frequently, we feel confident he would have shrunk from it with increased horror. It is altogether the most repulsive and uninviting object in the undertaker line we have ever seen – a sort of “Marble Monster” in miniature. In declining the gift, however well intended by the donor, it may be truly said, that the Christian Patriot of the Hermitage, like Mary, “chose the better part.” How immeasurably more in consonance with his life, and his sublime and triumphant death, to prefer a quiet and unostentations burial by the side of his sainted wife, whom in life he loved with a devotion of which but few hearts are susceptible – than to be entombed, with mock grandeur, in a sepulcher designed for an Emperor or King – and such a sepulcher! The feeling that prompts us to associate ease and tranquility, and even comparative comfort, with the mouldering remains of those whom we prized on earth, and which induces us to tax our faculties for means to strip even the cold grave of its gloom, is a high and holy part of our nature – and whether it be called superstition or idolatry, or by whatever other epithet – it is far from reflecting discredit upon those who cherish it. We have always felt an inward gratification, therefore, that to this shapeless and forbidding structure does not belong the honor of enclosing the consecrated ashes of ANDREW JACKSON.

The second floor of the building is occupied by the magnificent cabinet of the National Institute, and is as perfect a curiosity shop as can be found in the U. States. Three or four hours spent here – or even so many days, if one has them to spare – is time profitably invested. In New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore or Boston, such a place would be the constant resort of thousands. The Exploring Expedition itself, not to mention the voluntary contributions constantly pouring in from all parts of the world, has furnished sufficient material to occupy a volume of description. The war and house hold implements, costume and ornaments of the Fejee, Samoan, and Tonga islanders – the manufactures from New Zealand, Siam, China, Terra del Fuego, and East India – the hieroglyphical tablets from Central America – the minerals, geological specimens, corals, sponges &c., from the Sandwich Islands, New Holland, Brazil, Patagonia, Chili, Peru, Oregon, and California – the curious pieces of rock and earth from the icebergs near the Antarctic – the thousands and tens of thousands insects, quadrupeds, reptiles, fishes, skeletons, ornithological specimens in endless and beautiful diversity, and lusus natura – the innumerable specimens of wood and fruit, crustacea, sea and land shells, mummies, and human crania – the herbarium of the Exploring Expedition, comprising over ten thousand different species – all these serve to interest the spectator intensely, and to impress him strangely and strongly with the boundless power of Him, who is the Great Author of it all.

But, besides these curiosities, there are many relics of a purely national character, which to an American citizen are fraught with the highest interest. Here is, for example, exposed under a neat glass covering, the ORIGINAL DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, on which are preserved, with remarkable freshness, all the free and bold signatures of the illustrious men, who, in 1776, staked their lives, and fortunes, and sacred honor, on the great issue of Human Freedom. Here, too, are deposited the coat, vest, and breeches, worn by General Washington, when he resigned his commission at Annapolis in 1783, and the identical camp-chest which he carried with him during all the trying scenes of the revolution, containing even some of his cooking and eating utensils, such as pots, pans, knives, forks, cups, spoons, &c. We did not observe any rum-flask, which fact we record for the benefit of all good and true Sons of Temperance. In a glass-case, near by, you see the coat worn by General Jackson at the battle of New Orleans, with epaulettes, belt, &c. All these relics summon a crowd of associations to the mind, and carry it instinctively back to our stormy conflicts with Great Britain.

In another part of the hall the visiter discovers a Printing Press, venerable alike for its associations and its antiquity. It is the press, on which BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, with his own hands, worked off his newspaper, 125 years ago. It is of the old Ramage sort, but of much smaller size than is probably now used to print a newspaper in any town or village in the U. States. The bed of it would scarcely accommodate a form one-fourth the size of the Intelligencer, and even this was worked with a “double pull.” The main-screw is not any thicker than the wrist of a delicate lady, and the whole structure is supported by two upright posts, which, if entrusted with a modern form, would unquestionably result in a crash and – pi. The front of the press is ornamented with a plank or board, extending from about the centre to the top, which served the lightning tamer as a place for distributing the ink upon his buckshin balls, as they knew nothing of rollers in those days. A thick coat of hardened printer’s ink still bids black defiance to the ravages of time. That the Managers of the Institute regard this ancient relic with a kind of parental solicitude is evidenced by the erection of a handsome glass house over it – a sort of admonition to the profession, perhaps, not to indulge too freely in the polite exercise of flinging stones. The press is mounted with a handsomely executed brass plate, which contains the following inscription:

“Dr. Franklin’s Remarks relative to This Press when he came to England, as agent of the Massachusetts, in the year 1768. The Doctor, at this time, visited the printing office of Mr. Watts, of Wild street, Lincoln Inn Fields, and going up to this particular press, (afterwards in the possession of Messrs. Cox & Son, of Great Queen street, of whom it was purchased,) thus addressed the men who were working at it: “Come my friends, we will drink together – it is now forty years since I worked, like you, at this press, as a Journeyman Printer.” – The Doctor then sent for a gallon of porter, and he drank with them: “Success to Printing.” From the above it will appear that it is 108 years since Dr. Franklin worked at this identical press. June 1833.”

“Presented by Messrs. Harris & Sons, Printers’ Brokers, London, to John B. Murray, Esq., New York, November, 1841.”

May 8, 1849

Married at West Harwich, Mass., on the 19th ultimo, James Berry, Esq., of South Dennis, to Mrs. Hannah Kelley, of Dorchester. Mr. Berry was married in 1822 to the above named Mrs. Kelley, and about five years afterwards he was divorced from her, she having previously married a Mr. Greenwood. Since his divorce, Mr. B. has been married twice and buried both wives. He has now married his first love. Is the present Mrs. Berry his first or fourth wife?

Married on the 24th ult., by the Rev. John L. Grant, Mr. Jacob A. Shindle, of Lancaster, to Miss Charlotte B. Du Bois, of Philadelphia.

Married on the 19th ultimo, by the Rev. G. F. Bahnson, George Haughman, to Mrs. Sarah Pearson, all of this city.

Married on the 1st instant, by the Rev. G. F. Bahnson, Henry Leonard to Mary Kautz, all of this city.

Married on the 3d instant, by the Rev. J. C. Baker, S. T. Hensel, to Susan E. Eberman, all of this city.

Married on the 3d instant, by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Hirsch Locb to Mary Fife, both of this city.

Died in the Borough of Columbia, on the 27th ultimo, Ann Gohn, wife of George Gohn, in the 34th year of her age.

Died on the 6th instant, in this city, of Consumption, Francis Protzman. Funeral to take place this afternoon at 2 o’clock from his dwelling in Manor st.

Died at Saint Peters, (Falls of St. Anthony) Minesota Territory, on the 20th of April last, of lung fever, James Porter Steele, son of Capt. John Steele, of this county, in the 23d year of his age. He left his home in this county, about a year since, and settled in the far west, and in the spring time of life has been cut off suddenly, and called from earth to the world of spirits. He was amiable, generous and kind in his manner and disposition, and beloved by his acquaintances and friends. His afflicted relatives will mourn the loss of one so deeply attached to them by the ties of love and affection.

May 15, 1849

Married on Tuesday evening, the 8th inst., by the Rev. S. McNair, David Longenecker, of Baltimore Co., Md., to Ann, daughter of Jacob Bachman, Esq., of Lancaster Co., Pa.

Married on the 8th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, John B. Christ, of Millerstown, to Elizabeth Leibly, of this city.

Married on the 9th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Elisha Magaw to Margaret Magaw, both of Baltimore county, Md.

Married on the 10th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, William Rapp to Elizabeth Hildebrandt, both of this city.

Married by the Rev. Mr. Wallace, of Pequea, Henry Coffrhode to Lydia Patton, all of Salisbury township, Lancaster county.

Married by the Rev. Mr. Wallace, Jesse Hanes to Frances M. Albright, both of Salisbury township.

Married on the 3d instant, by the Rev. J. L. Schock, R. Seidel, of Robeson, Berks county, to Maria Louisa, daughter of Henry Yundt, Esq., of Blue Ball, Lancaster county.

Died on the morning of the 9th instant, at his residence, in this city, after a brief illness, Mr. John Dougherty, (Contractor) aged 52 years, 6 months and 8 days. Mr. D. was among the most useful and respected citizens of Lancaster, and practiced in his life all the amiable graces and virtues of the good citizen and consistent Christian. His loss is deeply lamented by a numerous circle of relatives, neighbors and friends.

Died at Harrisburg, on the 4th inst., of Consumption, Mrs. Catharine, wife of Jacob Baab, of the Pennsylvania Stuats Zeitung, in the 43d year of her age. The deceased was justly beloved by all her acquaintances and friends, for the many excellent and exemplary traits of her character.

Died at his residence, in East Lampeter township, on Friday, the 4th instant, of Inflammation of the Bowels, John McSorley, sr. Mr. McSorley had attained to the age of more than threescore years and ten, and has left behind him a “good name” for every thing that is honest, honorable, generous, kind and good. He first drew breath in Ireland, and found his last resting place in the burial ground of Christ Church, Leacock, of which church he had long been a member.

Died in Portsmouth, Va., on Saturday, May 6, 1849, Margaret Amelia, daughter of James and Clementina M. Hindman, aged 4 months and 16 days.

Died at Petersburg, on the 8th inst., Miss Catharine Brighton, aged 16 years, 6 months and 6 days.

Died on the 9th instant, in this city, Hannah Hinkle, aged 73 yers, 1 month and 28 days.

Died on the 10th instant, in this city, Maria Anderson, aged 40 years, 1 month and 28 days.

Died at Willow Street, Hiram Huber, son of Levi Huber, aged 10 years, less 3 days.

Died at Intercourse, on Friday, the 4th inst., Isaac Miller, son of George H. and Catharine Skiles, aged 3 years and 10 months.

Died on the 9th inst., near Strasburg, Jacob Baughman, aged about 67 years.

Died on the 9th inst., in this city, William, son of John S. and Catharine Jones, aged 10 months and 19 days.

The Lutheran Bergstrasse Church, in Ephrata township, Lancaster county, 1 mile West from Hinkletown, and about 2 miles East from Dunkertown, is to be Consecrated on the 27th and 28th of May. There will be preaching in the English and German language to commence on each day at the hour of 10 o’clock. By order of the Committee. John B. Bitzer, Zaccheus Killian, Henry Bard, Curtis Fry.

May 22, 1849

Married on the 7th inst., in Reading, by the Rev. F. A. M. Keller, Col. John C. Myer, Jr., editor of the Berks County Press, to Evelina B. Yerger.

Married in this city, on the 15th instant, by the Rev. J. M’Carter, Henry Hess to Elizabeth M. Clemson, both of Salisbury township, this county.

Married on the 26th April, by the Rev. J. M’Carter, T. K. White to Susan J. Smith, both of Stasburg, this county.

Married on the 17th instant, by the Rev. J. M’Carter, Henry Keneagy to Sarah Ann Rowe, all of Paradise.

Married on the 3d instant, by the Rev. J. Kennady, John Thomas, of Lebanon, to Maria Shaw, of Phil’a.

Married at York (Pa) on the 3d instant, by the Rev. W. A. Good, Charles M. Erben, (Merchant) of this city, to Sarah E. Gartman, of York.

Married in Philadelphia, on the 14th instant, by Rev. W. H. Benade, Mr. Lawrence J. Demuth, of Lancaster, to Miss Antoinette F., daughter of Mr. Wm. Geisse, of Philadelphia.

Married on April 30th, by the Rev. J. J. Strine, William Johnston to Maria Anna Cross, both late of New London.

Married in the city of Reading, on the 1st instant, by Alderman Medary, Joseph Nagle to Christiana Herndesse, both of Lancaster.

Died on the 23d ult., in Paradise township, Mrs. Catharine Eckert, wife of George Eckert, dec’d, aged 72 years.

Died on the 6th instant, at Bainbridge, Alonzo, infant son of George and Mary Horn, aged 7 years.

Died in this city, on the 19th instant, of Consumption, Mary S., wife of John W. Baker, aged 60 years, 3 months and 5 days.

Died in this city, on the 14th instant, Mrs. Anna Nauman, wife of David Nauman, aged 37 years, 6 mo., and 7 days.


There is no place within our knowledge where the signs of improvement and prosperity are so manifest as in this ancient town. We paid it a flying visit a few days since, and were struck with the changes that have taken place in a few years, and the evidences everywhere apparent, of still further improvement. Besides her two cotton factories – one of which has been in operation about two years, and the other of which will commence in a few weeks – a third is intended to be erected, to be larger in dimensions than either; as we understood, to contain greater space than any similar building in the United States. Speaking of these factories, if any of our readers would like to see a correct representation of them without visiting Lancaster, they can refer to the new notes of the Lancaster Bank, where they will find correctly drawn these beautiful buildings. If such a view will not suit, then take the cars and visit the place – and David Longenecker, Esq., the intelligent manager of the Conestoga Mills, will take pleasure in showing you through them, and explaining everything connected with the complicated machinery used in these immense establishments. – When gas is introduced – a project for which is now on foot, and which we are assured will certainly succeed; when the new jail, which our townsman, Mr. Haviland is now erecting, is finished; when the third factory is raised – if indeed they do not do so before – then we think that our Reading friends – the great rivals of the Lancasterians – will admit that the spirit of improvement in Lancaster, if not surpassing the dwellers at the foot of Penn Mount, is not far behind them. Lancaster has the wealth and facilities to make it a manufacturing place; all that is wanting is the evidence that that is the way to promote her prosperity and interests. We think this is already furnished. Her cotton factory has been paying ten per cent. Per annum; and we have it from good authority that at their next semi-annual dividend it will be increased; certainly a sufficient inducement for her citizens to invest their money in the same kind of stock.

May 29, 1849


Pittsburg, May 21.

A difficulty took place in the German Presbyterian Church, at the commencement of the service, yesterday morning. much confusion prevailed, when Mr. Demler arose and told the minister, the Rev. Mr. Roehler, that he was usurping his place, and that he must immediately leave the premises. Mr. Himmer and others interfered for the purpose of restoring quiet, but the altercation grew fiercer, and a general fight ensued, in which both men and women belonging to the congregation participated, which resulted in the arrest and binding over of Messrs. Himmer and Demler for their appearance at Court, and to keep the peace in the meantime. It has been deemed prudent by the authorities to lock up the church until difficulty is finally settled. It appears that there is a division among the members of the church, and that this disgraceful affair originated in the attempt of the minority to keep possession of the keys of the church, against the expressed will of the majority.

Married on the 22d instant, by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Mr. Henry Beates, of Philadelphia, to Emily Augusta Baker, of this city.

Married on the 24th instant, by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Benj. Myers to Juliann Hagans, both of Strasburg twp.

Died on the 17th inst., of lung fever, Reese C. Himes, a much respected citizen of Salisbury township, Lancaster county.

Died on the 24th instant, in this city, Jacob, son of J. and Emma Ann Forrest, aged 4 years, 6 months and 26 days.

Died on the 25th instant, in this city, Anna, daughter of Henry and Ann Elizabeth Nagle, aged 2 years, 7 months and 18 days.

Died on the 8th instant, at Conestoga Centre, after an illness of two weeks, Mrs. Anna Buckwalter, wife of Benjamin Buckwalter, and daughter of Adam Kendig, aged 19 years, 5 months and 14 days. The deceased was highly beloved and respected, and it is a source of consolation to her surviving relatives and friends, that she died, as she had lived, in the full hope of a blissful immortality beyond the grave, through the merits of her crucified and risen Redeemer.

Died at the residence of his father, in Philadelphia, on Friday morning, the 18th instant, after an illness of only three days, Charles McElroy, eldest son of A. McElroy, Esq.

The deceased was taken with Typhoid Fever in connection with Erpsipelas of the tongue, causing the latter to swell so as to produce strangulation. He had not yet attained the age of sixteen, but had acquired a degree of proficiency in business matters such as to render him the hope of the latter and last days of his devoted parents. Amiable, active, affectionate, and intelligent, he was beloved by all who knew him; and by his exertions in the good cause of Temperance, of which he was an active member from early childhood, he was the means of doing much good to himself as well as to others. He was a child of the covenant, having early been consecrated to God in the ordiance of baptism, and though the stroke falls heavily upon his parents and friends, they are cheered by the reflection, that he died not without hope of that glorious immortality which is reserved for the saints on high.

June 5, 1849


At the recent term of the Lehigh county court, application was made by a portion of the citizens of Lowhill township, for the dismissal of the Board of School Directors, on the ground of their refusal to comply with the provisions of the law requiring them to proceed and establish Common Schools in that township. The Directors acted upon the absurd plea, that the Constitution provided merely for teaching the “poor” gratis, and that as the Common School Law furnished instruction to all alike, it was in contravention of the Constitution, and hence these would-be Solons took it into their heads to disobey it! Judge Jones delivered the opinion of the court, in which he eloquently vindicates, not only the constitutionality, but also the incalculable value and importance of a general system of education, and deprecates in terms of deserved censure the plea that would sink the “poor” into moral and social degradation. The court unhesitatingly vacated the places of the refractory directors, and appointed a new board in their stead, known to be in favor of upholding the laws. We record this decision with much pleasure.

Married on Wednesday morning, 30th ultimo, by Rev. J. M’Carter, Mr. William Meeser, of Philadelphia, to Miss Anna Samson, of this city.

Married in Philadelphia, on the 24th ultimo, by Rev. A. C. Thomas, Hon. Jacob Grosh, of Marietta, one of the Associate Judges of Lancaster county, to Mrs. Sarah Albright, of the city of Reading.

Died in Baltimore, on the 23d ult., Catharine, wife of Isaac C. Forney, in the 42d year of her age.

Died on Wednesday last, of Scarlet Fever, Susan Ann Baumgardner, a fine and interesting daughter of William and Mary Wright, aged 13 months and 12 days.


Philadelphia, June 1.

The practice of setting away in different parts of the house, arsenic and other poisonous substances during the day-time, for the extermination of roaches and rats, especially where there are children, we think is an evil one. Yet go into almost any house where the family is infested with this sort of vermin, and you will either see it, or through your olfactory organ, you will discover that poison of some kind is in the house. This fact is, in many instances, the sole cause of the loss of lives among small children, as was the case yesterday morning. A very interesting little boy, about sixteen months old, named Richard Charles Poulteriner, – his parents residing in Fourth street above Thompson, Kensington, came to his death through the poison intended to exterminate the roaches. The cup containing the arsenic had been set inside of a closet, in Mr. Poulteriner’s house, and while the mother was absent a few moments up stairs, the little child crept to the cupboard or closet, and ate a considerable quantity of it on Wednesday afternoon. Shortly after, he was seized with violent spells of vomiting, which continued until yesterday morning, when he died. The family physician was summoned but all his efforts to save the little sufferer proved unavailing. – Pennsylvanian.


Reading, May 29, 1849.

We are deeply pained to record the death of Mr. Charles Shamberger, a boarder at the house of Charles Wissong, in 7th street, Reading, who was found dead on the pavement on Sunday morning last, having fallen from the roof while it is supposed he was in a somnambulic state. He slept in the upper story of the house, in company with another person, and during the night, without disturbing his sleeping companion, rose from the bed, passed out at the dormer window to the roof, and from thence slipped to the ground, the marks of his feet being distinctly visible on the shingles. He was instantly killed by the fall, as a dislocation of the neck was discovered by the Coroner, which proves conclusively that to no other cause can his death be attributed. The unfortunate man was a German, had been in this country only a year or two, and was daily at the passenger depot, awaiting the arrival of his family, a wife and three children, who are on their way to this city. He was a carpenter by trade, industrious in his habits, and to his family his sudden death will be a sad bereavment and an irreparable loss. An inquest was held by Dr. Witman, the Coroner. – Reading Press.

June 12, 1849

We know of no more delightful Summer Retreat in Pennsylvania, than the Moravian town of Litiz, situated about eight miles north of this city. Its healthy and salubrious location, its picturesque scenery, and the staid and orderly character of its citizens, render it altogether a most attractive place. The Femal Seminary and Boy’s Academy, so ably conducted by Rev. E. Fheauff and Mr. John Beck, impart to it a degree of peculiar interest. Among the recent improvements, the new Hotel, kept by Messrs. Shroder and Barr, deserves particular remembrance. This establishment has been much enlarged and thoroughly refitted so that the accommodations are now amply capacious to accommodate with private parlors and other comforts, a large number of visiters. A better conducted establishment there is not in any country town in the United States. An accommodation coach leaves this city for Litiz daily, on the arrival of the Southern train, at 4 o’clock in the afternoon, over a good turnpike road. Residents of the larger cities, desirous of enjoying the cheerful country air during the approaching hot summer months, can select no better place of resort in the Sate than Litiz. Let them come and try.

Married on Wednesday evening, 5th instant, by the Rev. Jacob William Diller, A.M., of Brooklyn, (N.Y.) Mr. Isaac Diller to Miss Anna M. Frey, both of the city of Lancaster.

Married on the 7th instant, by Rev. George D. Hertz, Henry Stouffer of East Lampeter, to Anna Schnader, of Upper Leacock, all of Lancaster county.

Married on the 5th of June, by Rev. George Gilbert, Jno. V. Eckert, to Elmira Zook, both of Intercourse, Leacock township, Lancaster county.

Married on the 10th instant, by Rev. J. C. Baker, Wm. Donnehy to Sarah Brown, both of this city.

Married on Sunday, the 3d instant, by Rev. J. M’Carter, Allen W. Weaver to Eliza Jane Powell, all of this city.

Married on Tuesday evening, the 6th inst., by the Rev. J. M’Carter, Thomas B. Iredale to Eliza J. Oster, all of this city.

Died in this city, on Sunday morning a week, after a severe illness, Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of L. Richards, Esq., in the 34th year of her age.

Died in Strasburg township, on Tuesday night, the 5th instant, Mr. Jacob Neff, senior, one of the oldest and most respectable citizens of that township, aged 89 years.

Died on the 1st instant, in this city, Christopher Columbus, the interesting eldest son of Jacob B. Amwake, Esq., aged 7 years, 9 months and 10 days.

June 19, 1849

An Unfortunate Lad. – The Carlisle Democrat mentions the death, by drowning, of a lad, named Charles Callio, aged 13 years, son of respectable parents in that place. A few years since he lost his hearing almost entirely by scarlet fever. Six months since he was run over by the cars, and one of his legs had to be amputated close to the thigh. His recovery was almost miraculous, but though maimed for life, he participated, as far as he could, in the active amusements of boyhood, until he has finally ended his melancholy career by being drowned. Poor boy!

Married on the 24th of May, in Fayette county, (Illinois) by the Rev. Mr. Gordon, M. G. Dale, Esq., of Greenville, (Illinois) son of Judge Dale, formerly of this city, to Miss Margaret M. Ewing, daughter of the late Gen. W. L. D. Ewing.

Married on the 12th instant, in Philadelphia, by Rev. Dr. Stevens, Henry A. Rowland, of Lancaster county, to Jane W. Heyl, of Philadelphia.

Married on the 12th instant, in Philadelphia, by Rev. Dr. Stevens, William M. Hiester, of Reading, to Julia A. Rowland, of Lancaster county.

Married on the 11th instant, by Rev. Mr. Walker, Mr. John D. Stiles, Esq., to Miss Mary Amanda daughter of John S. Gibons, Esq., all of Allentown.

Married in Washington city, on the 12th instant, by the Rev. G. W. Samson, W. H. Spangler, son of the late Col. M. H. Spangler, of York, to Miss Abbie B. Smith, daughter of William Smith, Esq., of West Durfield, New Hampshire.

Married on the 14th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Luke Suydan to Mary Edgeley, both of this city.

Died at West Point, (N.Y.) on the 13th instant, Isabel, daughter of Thomas B. Coleman, Esq., late of Lebanon county, Pa.

Died on the 4th of June, in Leacock township, James Lytle, (shoemaker) aged about 45 years.

Died in this city, on Saturday evening, after a long and painful illness, Mrs. Mary Jackson, in the 50th year of her age.

Died at Columbia, on the 15th instant, William S. Campbell, in the 47th year of his age.

Died in this city, on the 11th instant, Margaret, daughter of the late Jacob Freimeger, age 12 years, 1 month and 10 days.

Died in this city, on the 16th instant, Margaret Calosky, aged 59 years and 1 day.

June 26, 1849

We are pained to learn, that Mr. Christian Reeser, a citizen of Leacock township, Lancaster county, came to his death, on Wednesday last, in a melancholy manner. He was assisting in the raising of a waggonshed on the farm of Jacob Blank, when a portion of the timber gave way, and falling upon his head, caused death in the course of fifteen minutes. The deceased was a young man of much respectability and worth, had been married only about 18 months since, and his premature death is greatly lamented.

Sudden Death – On the evening of last Sunday a week, Mrs. Mary Hurst, wife of Henry Hurst, who had been on a visit to a sister at Intercourse, in this county, was about to return with her husband to their own residence, a few miles distant. They had proceeded but a short distance, when Mrs. Hurst was seized with hemorrhage of the lungs, and before she could be lifted out of the vehicle, he was a corpse. The deceased was in the 54th year of her age, and was highly respected by a large circle of friends and acquaintances.

Married on the 21st instant, by Rev. James M’Carter, Mr. Joseph Samson to Miss Mary E. Hoffman, both of this city.

Died at Intercourse, Lancaster county, on the 16th instant, after a lingering illness, Mr. John Beam, aged 66 years, 4 months and 25 days.

Died at Portsmouth, Va., on Thursday, June 14th, 1849, Amanda Elizabeth, daughter of James and Clementina Hindman, aged 6 months and 25 days.

Died in Pottsville, on Tuesday last, Ruphus McCammet, aged 22 years. His remains were taken to Churchtown, Lancaster county, for interment.

Died in this city, on the 10th inst., Christiana, daughter of Jacob Harmony, aged 2 years, 11 months and 10 days.

Died on the 19th inst., Susanna Caroline, daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth Zecher, aged 8 mo. 26 days.

Died on the 23d inst., Catharine Adelia, daughter of John and Catharine Bender, aged 3 years, 6 months and 14 days.

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