• Fri. Mar 28th, 2025


…bringing our past into the future

Clearfield Republican, 1862 Issues


Jan 17, 2009

Clearfield Republican 1862

January 8, 1862

Married on Tuesday the 25th ult., by Daniel Goodlander, Esq., Mr Henry W. Korb to Miss Salome Hartsfelt, all of Brady tp.

Married in Luthersburg on the 1st instant, by Rev. J. W. Welden, Mr. H. B. Thompson of Curwensville to Miss Frank Segner of Luthersburg. [what is printed in the paper]

Died in Brady tp., on Saturday, Enos Shaffer, aged 28 years and 9 months.

Died in Union tp., on Saturday, Samuel son of Henry and Catharine Baily, aged about 9 years.

Wanted – Good eighteen inch Shingles in exchange for an excellent Rifle and a splendid new side-saddle.  Inquire of A. M. Hile.

Letters Testamentary on the estate of Catherine Curley late of Covington township, dec’d, have been granted to John Curley, Executor.

Letters of Administration have been granted to Mary Ann Shaw and Wm. L. Shaw on the estate of Robert C. Shaw, late of Goshen township, Clearfield county, dec’d.

Letters Testamentary given on the estate of Jacob Goss, late of Decatur township, dec’d to Henry Goss and Abram Gross, executors.

Letters of Administration have been granted to Isaac C. McCloskey, on the estate of N. A. McCloskey, late of Clearfield Co., dec’d.

Letters of Testamentary on the estate of Samuel W. Smith, late of Gulich township, deceased, have been granted to Jesse Goss and Debora Smith, executors.

January 15, 1862

In New Quarter. – Our Court is now in session in the new court house, which is in such state of completion as to afford every accommodation, not only for the court, but for all the county offices.  The structure is not less imposing in appearance than it is comfortable and convenient in the accommodation furnished to all parties interested.  It has cost a large sum of money – made so by the misfortunes of the country since it was projected – yet we doubt if there is a single tax payer of the county, who has had an opportunity of comparing the present condition of the public business with what it was formerly, will regret the additional expenses.  This court house together with its internal arrangements, is much superior to any of those in the surrounding counties, and is inferior to but few in the State.  Even Philadelphia would be proud of such accommodations for her courts.

The new Methodist Church, at Curwensville, will be Dedicated on Sunday the 26th instant.  Jackson Robinson, Jno. D. Thompson, J. R. Reed, Dan’l Livingston and H. P. Thompson, Building Committee.

Married on Dec. 15th, 1861, by S. K. Hegarty, Esq., Mr. John D. Hoover to Mrs. Mary H. Dillen, both of Beccaria township, Clearfield county.

Married on Wednesday the 1st instant, by S. K. Hegarty, Esq., Mr. Michael Braniff to Miss Elizabeth Bratton, both of Beccaria township, Clearfield county.

Married on the 7th inst., by Wm. Porter, Esq., at the residence of Wendlin Entres, Mr. Thos. Entres, of Brookville, to Miss Catharine Flocenstine, of this place.

Married on Saturday the 11th inst., at the residence of Wm. R. Dickinson, by John W. Wright, Esq., Mr. Robert Cowan to Miss Jennie Huntzbarger, both of Beccaria Mills.

Died in Bradford tp., on the 30th of December last, Mrs. Sarah, wife of Thomas Ross, leaving five children.

Died at his residence in Jordan township on Sunday last, Nicholas Schoening, at an advanced age.

Died at his residence in New Washington on the 9th inst., of heart disease, Joseph McMurray, Esq., in the 7? Year of his age. [print faded]
The deceased located in this county many years ago from Lycoming county, he was an active and exemplary member of the M. E. Church; and was one of our most respectable and useful citizens – having filled the office of County Commissioner, and died, as he had lived, universally esteemed by all his neighbors and acquaintances.

January 22, 1862
 Under Court News
Roads Confirmed NI. SI.

A road to lead from George Ogden’s to intersect the old roads near the farm of Henry Yoas in Brady tp.
A road to lead from Clark’s X Roads to intersect the Neeper road at or near Henry Marshall’s in Bloom tp.
A road to lead from Thomas Cleaver’s to Anderson’s creek in Bloom tp.
A road to lead from Samuel Zatman’s to intersect the road at or near R. M. Smiley’s in Brady tp.
A road to lead from Samuel Brower’s to a road in Huston township at a point between E. Burns’ and Dr. Hoyt’s in Huston township.
A road to lead from the line of Mary McLure’s and J. A. Caldwell’s land on public road to public road at or near Simon Thompson’s and J. H. Fleming’s line in Pike tp.
A road from new Millport to the top of the river hill in Ferguson tp.
The petition of the citizens of Union tp. to change the places of holding the general and township elections was also confirmed Ni. Si.

Roads Confirmed Absolutely.

A road from Henry Ream’s to, at or near John Smith’s on the turnpike in Bloom township.  Returned no road.
A road to lead from Geo. Thorn’s farm to intersect the turnpike leading from Clearfield to Curwensville, at or near Antes’ dam in Lawrence tp.
A road from John Smith’s in Bloom tp., to intersect the road leading from Henry Ream’s to the Cream Hill turnpike in Brady township.
A road from Moses Robison’s to Nevling’s Mill’s in Beccaria tp.
A road from Jacob Hummel’s to David Ream’s saw-mill in Brady tp.
A private road leading from Wm. Westover in Chest tp., to the N. W. corner of A. J. King’s farm on the public road near John F-y’s in Burnside township.
A road leading from the X Roads on the top of “Hog Back” to near Robins’ in Lawrence tp.
The order to view the township line between Goshen and Girard townships, was also confirmed absolutely.  The following inhabitants of Girard are, by this view attached to Goshen tp., Abm. Kyler, Joseph Kyler, Mordecai Livergood, John Nelson, Hezekiah Nelson, M. V. Catherman, and Neil Green.

Road Petitions
To review, vacate and supply a private road leading from Francis Hugueny’s to a point on the plant road in Girard tp.- Viewers, Peter Lamm, John Briel and Francis Coutriet.
To review the public road leading from Glen Hope to Maderia.  Viewers, H. B. Wright, George Bloom and George Shoff.
To vacate a road leading from Hubler’s land to near Wm. Smeal’s in Graham tp., known as the Big Run road.  Viewers, Peter Lamm, Jeremiah Hoover and J. P. Nelson
To review, change and vacate the road leading from J. B. Nogea’s to the Catholic Church in Penn township.  Viewers, T. Moore, David T. Sharp and Thos Daugherty.
To review the road leading from John Holt’s on the turnpike, to C. Emeigh’s along the east side of Valentine Flegal’s land in Graham township. Viewers C. J. Allport, John Turner and Levi Hubler.
To view a road from a point on Danver’s Road near the Catholic Church to A. J. Murphey’s improvement in Penn tp.  Viewers, T. Moore, J. H. Rowles and Thomas Rafferty.
To view a road from Henry Wingert’s in Brady township, to Andersons Creek in Bloom township.  Viewers Thomas Ross, James Thompson and S. Westley Horn.
To view a road from the Deer Creek road near Thomas Forcee’s in Graham tp., to a point on the road near Bratton Richard’s.  Viewers, Peter Lamm, Jacob Hubler and A. C. Dale.
To view a road from John Smith’s in Bloom township, to Henry Wingert’s in Brady township.  Viewers T. Ross, Jas. Thompson, and S. W. Horn.
To view a private road to lead from the public road near W. T. Thorpe’s to Camp Smith in Bell township.  Viewers, Thos. Moore, William T. Gilbert and David Bell.
A remonstrance against the confirmation of the road viewed from James McMurray’s to the Cherry Tree in Burnside township.
A petition was also presented praying for the formation of a new township out of parts of Bell and Brady. Viewers, Thomas Ross, Jas. B. Graham and Wm. Bigler.

A Man Trap. – We have been requested to warn the public of the dangerous condition of the bridge across Clearfield creek two miles east of this place.  Last spring the main structure was carried away by the high water.  It was then temporarily repaired, but not with the expectation that heavily laden teams would attempt to cross it.  The danger was not regarded, however, and so far no accident has happened.  We are told that the stone work of the pier has given way – to what extent cannot be known when the water is high, as at present.  That it is really dangerous; we have not a doubt, and feel that it is a duty we owe to the public to apprise them of the fact.

Caution. – I hereby caution all persons from harboring or trusting my wife Hannah Jane on my account, as she has left my bed and board without just cause or provocation, and I am determined not to pay any debts of her contracting after the date of the 10th of January, 1862.  Samuel E. Snyder, New Washington.

Letters of Administration have been granted to Elias Shaffer, on the estate of Enos Shaffer, late of Brady township, deceased.

January 29, 1862

Married on the 23d inst., by James R. Caldwell, Esq., Mr. Lewis McCracken to Miss Doreas Lewis, both of Ferguson township.

Died on Friday last, in this place, William G., son of Thomas J. and Agnes McCullough, aged 16 months and 24 days.

February 5, 1862

Married on the 2d instant, by W. A. Read, Esq., Mr. John Stone of Boggs township, to Miss Rachel J. Lumadoe of Lawrence township.

Married on Thursday the 30th ult., by James B. Caldwell, Esq., Mr. Joseph H. Rowls of Lawrence tp., to Miss Ruth E. Hickok, of Pike township.

Death by Scalding. – We learn that a little child of Jacob S. Cole, of Curwensville, aged some 18 months, was so severely scalded on Saturday, by the upsetting of a bucket of hot water, that it died on Sunday.

Collar-Bone Broken. – On Saturday last, George, youngest son of Judge Barrett, was pitched out of a sleigh whilst under good headway, and escaped with a slight contusion of the collar bone.

February 12, 1862

Married on the 28th ultimo, by the Rev. Mr. Price, at the residence of the bride’s uncle in Jersey Shore, Pa., Mr. William H. Wilhelm, of Clearfield county, to Miss Annie A. Hetherlin, of the former place.

Married on the 6th inst., by Rev. T. D. Gotwalt, Mr. James McClinsey to Miss Catharine M. Spencer, both of Penn township.

February 19, 1862

Married on the 17th inst., by the Rev. J. M. Galloway, Mr. A. Hurford, of Haysville, Allegheny county, to Mrs. M. E. Leonard, of this place.

Married on the 13th inst., by Daniel Goodlander, Esq., Mr. Reuben B. Bonsall, of Brady tp., to Miss Ann Maria Cleaver, of Bloom tp.

Died at this residence in Jordan township on the 12th inst., James McNeal, sen., aged about 86 years.  The deceased was among the early settlers in this county.

Died on the 14th inst., at her residence in Pike township, Mrs. Sarah Dunlap, in the 81st year of her age.

Supbeoena in Divorce.
Theresa Cambridge by her next friend vs. John Cambridge.
Testimony of this case is  to take place at Clearfield in the office of Larrimer & Test, on Saturday the 8th March, 1862.

February 26, 1862

James Glenn, a member of the Raftsman Rangers, who was wounded at Drainsville, had his leg amputated on Wednesday last, and is doing as well as can be expected under the circumstances.

Michael Ritler, a member of the Washington Cadets, died at Washington on Wednesday last of pneumonia.  He was buried in the regimental burying ground.

Nathanial Hyatt, aged 84 years, and old citizen of Elk county, was killed last week by the falling of a tree.[age is either 84 or 81]

March 5, 1862

On Sunday night, 23d ult., a frame house near Heckscherville, Schuylkill county, Pa., and occupied by a Mr. Thomas Connell, was destroyed by fire.  Mr. Connell, his wife, four of their children, a male boarder and a servant girl, eight persons, perished in the flames.

Married on the 18th of February last, in Washington, D.C., by Rev. Dr. Butler, Lieut. Lorenzo Lorain, of the U. S. Army, to Miss Fanny, daughter of Wm. J. McDonald, Esq., Principal Clerk of the United States Senate.

Died on Thursday, the 20th ult., Amy, daughter of William and Hannah Price, of Pike township, aged 16 years.

Fatal Accident. – William Ralston, aged about 19 years, son of Thos. Ralston, of Boggs tp., lost his life on Thursday last, by the falling of a tree.  The accident happened about ten o’clock in the morning, and he expired that night.  He was much esteemed by his acquaintances.

Assault. – We are informed that an altercation took place one day last week between a Mr. Conway and a Mr. Edmonson, both citizens of Karthaus township, in which an axe and a handspike were used, resulting in the breaking of both arms of Mr. Edmonson, one of them in two places.

March 12, 1862

Married on the 2d inst., by the Rev. A. J. Bender, Mr. Amos H. Sunderland to Miss Amelia C. Lee, all of this county.

Married on the 4th inst., by the Rev. A. J. Bender, at the Parsonage of New Washington, Mr. Joseph Hutton to Miss Susannah Horton, all of this county.

Died on Friday evening last, the 7th inst., at the residence of her father, John Moore, sr., near this place, Margaret A. E. Moore, in the twenty-third year of her age.

Died on Friday last, James, son of Maj. V. B. Holt of Bradford township, aged 9 or 10 years.

March 19, 1862

Married on the 13th instant, by Wm. Porter, Esq., Mr. Joseph Woods to Miss Martha Macumber, both of Lawrence township.

Married on the 3rd instant, by Wm. Porter, Esq., Mr. Jacob Moore, of Clearfield, to Miss Mary (Slimmer)?, of Brady township.

Married on the 27th ult., by the Rev. C. A. Limberg, Mr. Christian Muller, of Brady township, to Miss Nancy Brubaker, of Union township.

Married on the 1st inst., by the Rev. C. A. Limberg, Mr. George Aurunt to Miss Lementine Ziegler, both of Brady township.

Married on the 13th instant, by J. R. Caldwell, Esq., Mr. Peter Owens, of Pike township, to Miss Sarah R. Cathcart, of Know township.

Married on the ? inst., by Wm. McKee, Esq., Mr. Robert Hunter to Miss Sarah McCracken, all of Knox township. [date could be 11th or 14th, not sure hard to read]

March 26, 1862

Married on Sunday the 16th inst., by Daniel Goodlander, Esq., Mr. H. F. Flickinger to Miss Martha E. Dorning, all of Brady tp.

Died at his residence adjoining this borough on Monday last, at twenty minutes past 1 o’clock, p.m. William Merrell, Esq., in the 56th year of his age.
The deceased was one of our most respectable citizens, and the sad announcement of his sudden death will startle his many friends thro’-out the county.  Having lived here for more than a quarter of a century, he has been suddenly, and perhaps (in consideration of his example) prematurely called to his reward.  A mild and unobtrusive man, he paraded not his virtues before the public; but every act of his life was a fit exponent of his virtue.  As a public functionary, (having been elected County Commissioner in 1859,) he discharged his duties with that exactness and that impartiality which should ever characterize the man to whom the people have confided an important trust.  As a Christian, and a member of the Presbyterian Church – whose brethren, in consideration of his piety, had made, him an Elder – he enjoyed their most unlimited confidence, and when approaching the Dark Valley, he was cheered by that Light which the living in life hope for, and the dying in death so joyfully realize. Stricken down in the midst of his usefulness – called away from loved ones – it is another illustration of the painful though beautiful truth, that, “Leaves have their time to fall, And flowers to wither by the north wind’s breath; But thou! Thou hast all seasons for thine own, O, Death!”

Died on the 14th instant, of Consumption, at the residence of her father near Curwensville, Jane D. Cleaver, aged 26 years 8 months and 8 days.  She was a member of the Society of Friends, called Orthodox.  She was a gentle and retiring disposition – an affectionate sister, and a loving and obedient daughter, she bore her protracted illness with much patience and resignation, after imparting words of comfort and consolation to those around her.  A few weeks before her Divine Master called her home, she was frequently engaged in prayer, frequently manifesting a desire to be released from this world of pain and sorrow; but she would immediately exclaim “His will, not mine, be done.”  She exported her parents, brothers and sisters to prepare to meet her in that mansion she soon was to enter.  As she approached nearer home her way seemed to grow brighter, and she was enabled to clap her glad hands and praise him who had delivered her from her tribulations.  May our end be as hers – so full of peace and so resigned to his Holy Will.

April 2, 1862

Married on the 25th ult., by J. R. Caldwell, Esq., John W. High to Miss Harriet L. Hunter, both of Knox township, this county.

Died in Brady township on Sunday last, Mrs. Christina Miles, widow of the late Obediah Miles of Centre county, in the 80th year of her age.

We regret to learn that the elegant new residence of J. H. Gearhart, of Bradford township, was entirely consumed by fire on last Friday.

Found Dead in the Road. – We learn that an Inquest was held by Justice Wm. McKee of Knox township, on Sunday the 23d ult., on the dead body of a woman found on Potts Run road about one mile from Clearfield Creek.  When the neighbors collected, the body was identified as that of a Mrs. Haley, aged about 52 years, who had been on a visit to the residence of John M. Chase, whence she left, in apparent good health, some four or five hours previous to being found.  No marks of violence were visible.  The verdict of the Jury was, that the deceased came to her death by some disease unknown to them.

April 9, 1862

Died at his late residence in Woodward township, on Monday the 31st ult., William Alexander, sen., aged 80 years and 3 days.
The deceased was born in Kishakoquillas Valley, Mifflin county, and emigrated to Clearfield creek, where he has resided ever since.  He was the father of eight sons and five daughters – two of the former are deceased, and the others all now residents of the county, and all married but one.  He was among our most worthy citizens – a kind and hospitable neighbor – upright in all his intercourse with all men – and to the day of his death he was an ardent and devoted advocate of these sound political principles, which, had they not been departed from, our country would now be at peace, and our people prosperous.

Died in this place, on Wednesday last, at the residence of his Son-in-law, David Litz, Thomas Haney, aged about 79 years.

Died in Morris township, on Sunday the 6th inst., O. P. Wilder, Esq., aged about 38 years.

April 16, 1862

Drowned. – We learn from the Clinton Democrat that Ellis Askey of this county, was drowned in the schute opposite Lock Haven, on Monday the 7th inst.  It seems that in order to get his raft into the schute it was necessary to “snub” when the rebound of the cable jerked him into the water at the suck of the schute.  He manfully struggled against the angry breakers until he reached the “big break” near the lower end; after which he was not seen.  Two of his sons were on the raft and were horrified witnesses of the father’s death-struggles.  The deceased was counted one of the best watermen on the river, and many are the wild adventures and hairbreadth escapes related to Ellis Askey.

April 23, 1862

Married on the 10th instant, by Amos Hile, Esq., Mr. Robert H. Owens to Miss Sarah June Moore, both of Ferguson township.

Married on the 15th inst., by Rev. J. M. Galloway, at the house of Mr. Wm. Morgan, Mr. James H. Morgan, of Gulich township, to Mrs. Sarah Dunlap of Pike township

A Card. – It affords me great pleasure to embrace this opportunity to publicly express my thanks to Hon. G. R. Barrett for procuring the body of my son – being the last of a family consisting of a wife and four children. – who died, in the hospital at Winchester, Va., on the 27th March last, and sending it home to be buried with the rest of my family.
S. Hammerschlag, Decatur township., April 21, 1862

Drowned. _ Henry Gleason, employed in floating logs on the Mushannon, was drowned at the mouth of the Creek on Friday last, leaving a wife and one child in Kylertown.

April 30, 1862

Married on the 3d inst., by Rev. S. Creighton, Mr. J. Gearhart and Miss Martha Rothrock, of Bradford township, Clearfield county.

Died in Curwensville, on Tuesday evening, 22d inst., Isaac Chambers, aged about 65 years.  The deceased, we believe, was a native of Centre county, and located in this county about the year 1826.

Died at his residence in Lumber city, on Saturday the 19th  inst., Thomas McCracken, aged about 40 years.

Died on the 19th inst., in Bradford township, Richard, son of Thomas and Maria J. Waple, aged one year and ten months.

Died in this place, on Sunday morning last, of Consumption, Thomas A. Wrigley, in the 31st year of his age.

Died in Covington township, on the 19th inst., R. H. Kuntze, aged 75 years, a native of the Dukedom of Schleswig.

Died in Covington township, on the 28th inst., —– son of John and Isabella Yothers, aged 13 months. [no name given]

Another Clearfield Soldier Dead. – A member of the Lochiel Cavalry, Col. Williams, now at Nashville, Tenn., writes, “I am sorry to say we lost by death, on the 15th of this month, two as fine men as we have in our company, by fever in the hospital in this city.  Charles Parks, a young man from Spruce Creek, a brave soldier and always ready for duty.  The other, Frances Schoening, a married man from Ansonville, Clearfield county, a fine and good soldier.”

May 7, 1862

The Methodist Episcopal Church, at Centre, will be dedicated on Sunday, May 11th.

Drowned. – A young man, named Shaffer, was drowned in Little Moravian run, in Morris township near the Mushannon creek, on Friday the 25th ult.  He was in the act of riding a sawlog in a dam, near the mouth of the run, when the log turned, throwing him in, and, from the fact that a pole was reached to him by some boys who were there, and that he made no effort to —- himself, it is supposed that in falling, his head struck the log, causing insensibility.

Married on Thursday the 1st instant, by Rev. T. D. Gotwalt, Dr. Jefferson Litz of Grahamton to Miss Sallie J. McEnally of this place.

Died at her residence in Fox township, Elk County, Mrs. Sarah A. Wheling, wife of John Wheling, aged 26 years.

May 14, 1862

The Working Men. – A speck of civil war made its appearance last week at Pottsville, Pa.  The miners, feeling the pressure of times – caused by the advanced price of everything they had to buy for the maintenance of themselves and families, without any increase of their pay, ceased operations because their employers refused to accede to their demands for higher wages.  Some twelve hundred are said to have thus united.  The consequence was that the pumping engines being stopped, may of the mines filled with water, and serious apprehensions were entertained that violence would be committed.  At all events the strong arm of the military was appealed to, and Governor Curtin sent up several military Companies from Philadelphia, but whether to compel these hard-working men to accept the terms offered, or a few rounds of cold lead, is not stated.  The result, however was, that the employers agreed to give the advance demanded, and at last accounts all was quiet.
    When we got our full quota of contrabands, under the Aboliton progamme, this affair at Pottsville will be an insignificant trifle compared to the “strikes” of the laboring portions of other branches of industry.
    The miners, as a class, are perhaps the hardest worked, poorest paid and fed, and the most profitable to their employers, of any other laboring class.  For the want of means, their families are half starved, and never know what it is to enjoy a luxury either to eat or wear, and yet the last Legislature deliberately refused to secure him in the wages of his hire against the villainy of his employer.

Fire. – We regret to learn that the dwelling house of Jacob Kuntz, jr., of Brady township, with all its contents, was consumed by fire one day last week.  The house was large, comfortable, and nearly new.

Married on the 4th inst., by James R. Caldwell, Esq., Mr. Fred S. Bloom to Miss Elvina Bloom, both of Pike township.

Died on the 4th inst., at Lumber City, Delilah Iddings aged about 19 years.

Died in Brady township, on Friday last, R. B. Bonsall, aged about 28 years.

Died in Pike township, on Friday last, Mrs. Susannah, wife of J. Harvey Fleming, aged about 38 years.

Died in Penn township on the 15th ult., Hannah Mary, daughter of David and Martha Lee, aged 1 year, 7 months and 8 days.

May 21, 1862

Dead. – Lieut. R. Coburn Winslow of the U. S. Army, late of Elk County, died very suddenly at Lock Haven on the 11th inst.  He had been engaged in the recruiting service for several months.  The deceased was well and favorably known in this county.

Married on the 15th inst., by S. C. Thompson, Esq., Mr. John A. Nairhood to Miss Mary Ann Davidson, both of Graham township.

Married on the 15th inst., by Wm. A. Read, Esq., Mr. S. M. Rowles of Lawrence township, to Miss Catharine Bowman of Knox township.

Died in Brady township, on the 12th inst., very suddenly, Elias Long, aged 64 years.

May 28, 1862

Married on the 15th inst., by the Rev. T. Van Scoyoe, Mr. Geo. W. Stitt, to Miss Sarah H. Shoff both of Beccaria township.

Married on the 4th inst., by James R. Caldwell, Esq., Mr. Frederic S. Bloom to Miss Elvina Bloom, both of Pike township.

Died in Brady township, on the 21st inst., Eli Shugart, aged 22 years and 8 months.

Died on the 11th inst., of Scarlet Fever and Diptheria, John W. Snyder, aged 3 years, 10 months and 26 days.

Died on the 14th inst., of Scarlet Fever and Diptheria, Sarah Snyder, aged 1 year, 4 months and 11 days. – Children of M. W. and Francis Snyder of Lawrence township.

June 4, 1862

Turned Up Alive. – Some time since Mr. David Yohe, of  Pigeon Creek, Washington country, went to the battlefield of Fort Donelson and had disinterred (as he supposed) the body of his son, who had received a wound during the fight, of which he afterwards died and was buried.  The body was conveyed home and re-interred in the family burial ground, at Pigeon Creek all the family being satisfied of the deceased.  Last week Mr. Y. was astonished at receiving a letter from his son, whom he supposed dead and buried, stating that, after some weeks’ treatment in the hospital, he had recovered, so far as to be able to rejoin his company, had expected to take part in the next battle.  The joy of the family can better be imagined than described.

Married on the 9th of May, by Rev. Galloway, Mr. R. K. Flegal of Goshen, to Miss Katurah, daughter of Henry Irwis of Lawrence township.

Married on the 9th day of May, by Rev. Gallowary, Mr. Robert Boyd to Miss Tillie Ralston of Kylertown.

Married on Sabbath last, by Rev. Peter Engers, Mr. Henry Bantz of Clearfield county, to Miss Susannah Bieghly of Jefferson county.

Died in Lawrence township, on Monday evening last, Mrs. Priscilla, wife of Jacob Irwin, aged about 55 years.  The funeral will take place to-day at 2 o’clock, at Owen’s Cemetery.

Died in Chest township, on the 27th ult., Elias Hurd, aged about 76 years.

June 11, 1862

Married on the 3d instant, by J. R. Caldwell, Esq., Mr. David A. Wise, of Ferguson township, to Miss Ruth H. McCracken, of Jordan twp.

June 18, 1862

Severe Fall. – A little child of C. D. Watson, Esq., of this place, fell down stairs on Sunday last, being severely, but not permanently injured.

Another. – At the raising of a new barn, on the premises of A. C. Tate, Esq., in Lawrence township, on Saturday, Wm. P. Read, fell to the ground, a distance of some 18 or 20 feet, escaping, very luckily, with a slight contusion of the left arm.

Married on the 10th instant, by Joseph H. Breth, Esq., Mr. William S. Kitchen of Burnside, to Miss Hester Pennington of Chest township.

Married on the 12th inst., at Dairy Hill, Woodward township, by J. W. Wright, Esq., Mr. H. P. Williams to Miss Mary I. Erhard.

Married on the 15th inst., by A. Breath, Esq., Mr. H. L. Henderson to Miss Rebecca Smith, both of Bell township.

Married on Sunday last, by John Holt, Esq., Mr. James Lytle to Miss Sarah McDowell, all of Graham township.

Married on the 27th ult., by Josiah Evans, Esq., Mr. Thomas Waln to Miss Eliza Nickelson of Penn township.

Died in Brady township on the 3d instant, Mrs. Sarah Dressler, aged 39 years 2 months and 7 days.

June 25, 1862

Convicted of Forgery. – B. D. Schoonover, of Graham township, this county was tried and convicted of forgery, at our Quarter Sessions last week.

Death of Judge Bonsall. – Judge Bonsall, late an associate Judge of this country, died at his residence in Brady township, on last Monday evening, aged unwards of 70 years.  He has been in declining health for some months, and the sad event of his death was not altogether unexpected.

The New Court House. – The new court house was the subject of the universal admiration of the hundreds of citizens of the county, as well as the strangers, who were in attendance at court last week and this week.  Its general appearance, and the beauty and convenience of its internal arrangements, meets with universal approbation.
    There is some difficulty in hearing distinctly – caused by a singular detonation of sound, making it very difficult for the Attorneys to speak.
    This difficulty may disappear, or be remedied by some simple operation which may be developed.
    The bell, however, is a total failure, and we learn the Commissioners have determined to take it down.
    Who knows but that the removal of its grating, cracked, kettic sound, from the tower, will also remove the difficulty in the court room.

Married on the 14th instant, by Rev. Mr. Cleary, Mr. David Johnson to Miss Martha Lee of Penn township. [also see July 9th issue for correction]

Married on the 22d inst., by J. R. Caldwell, Esq., Mr. Jas. Ferguson to Miss Levina Wise, both of Ferguson township.

Died in Lawrence township, on the 10th inst., of Diptheria, Clara, aged five years nine months and five days; also on the 20th inst., of the same disease, Hannah, aged four years three months and fifteen days, only daughters of Samuel and Jane Brown.[Clara’s death date might be the 18th]

Died in this borough, on Saturday morning last, Mrs. Jane, wife of Charles Hules, and youngest daughter of John Irwin, sen., of Lawrence township, aged about 22 years.

July 2, 1862

Sad Accident. – On the 25th ultimo John Klob of Goshen township, while attempting to climb a tree with a gun in his hand for the purpose of watching a deer-tick the gun went off, the whole charge, an ounce ball, five buckshot and a piece of ramrod, entering his hip passing up about 15 inches and lodged in his left side just below the ribs.
    Dr. Potter was immediately summoned, and succeeded in taking out the contents above mentioned, besides a large wad. – The wound is a very severe one but it is thought Mr. Klob will survive it.

Married on the 26th day of June last, by P. Curley, Esq., Mr. David B. Mains of Bradford township, to Miss Louise Russet of Karthaus township.

Married on the 26th  ult., by the Rev. T. D. Gotwalt, J. L. Cook, of New Washington, to Miss M. J. Fullerton of Lawrence township.

Married on the 1st inst., by Rev. T. D. Gotwalt, Mr. Wm. V. Wright to Miss Mary Foley, both of Clearfield.

Died on the 28th inst., in Pike township, David Bloom, aged 45 years.

July 9, 1862

Married on the 3d inst., by Rev. T. D. Gotwalt, Henry J. Sloppy to Miss Patience Curdy, both of New Millport.

Died on Sunday last, of Diptheria, Mrs. Nancy B. wife of J. Ross Bloom of Pike township, aged about 33 years.

Correction. – the marriage notice of Mr. David Johnson to Miss Martha Lee, which we inserted on the 25th ult., turns out, as we are advised, to have been a base imposition.  We received the notice by letter postmarked Lumber City, and had no reason to doubt its genuineness.  All we now complain of is, that the injured parties did not inform us immediately, in order that we might have detected and properly punished the author.

July 16, 1862

Married on the 10th inst., by Gainer P. Bloom, Esq., Mr. William Porter to Miss Louisa W. Cleaver, both of Penn twp.

Died in Brady tp., on the 12th inst., Mrs. Bonsall relict of Judge Bonsall, aged 68 years.
In a very short period of time, this family have lost Father, Mother, and their youngest brother.

July 23, 1862

We learn from a private letter, that John Hoy, a member of the Cadets, who was wounded at the battle before Richmond, has since died.  The writer also states that several others have died, but gives no names.

Accident. – As Mr. Samuel Shaw was driving through our town on Sunday evening last, his buggy struck a post in front of Fizweiler’s store, badly breaking the buggy, and throwing out the lady who accompanied him.  Fortunately, no one was injured.

Died in Pike township, on Friday the 18th inst., of diptheria, Mary, daughter of J. Ross and (the late) Nancy B. Bloom, aged 9 years.

The body of Jackson Potter of Brady township, a member of Capt. Kirby’s company, was sent home by his company on Friday last.  Mr. Potter was one of the halest men belonging to the 84th, always ready for duty, until the arrival of the Regiment near Alexandria, when he was suddenly attacked by the fever, which ended his earthly career in a few days. – He was followed to his grave near Luthersburg by a large concourse of people.

Another Accident. – As G. L. Read of this place was returning home on Monday last on the Erie turnpike in the neighborhood of Robisons, one of his horses became factious, occasioned by some derangement of the harness, and after a few jumps and fearful kicks the front wheels of the carriage began “melting” away, throwing Mr. Reed out.  By good management, however, and the tractability of the other horse, he succeeded in stopping them without further injury, excepting a pretty considerable frightening of his lady companions.

July 30, 1862

Died on the 27th inst., after two days sickness, Ann, wife of Bernard McFarren, of Knox township, aged about 22 years.

August 6, 1862

Laying of a Corner Stone. – The corner stone of the new Lutherian Church at Bloomsville, will be laid on Saturday the 16th inst., at 10 o’clock.  D. D. Ritter, Moses Wise, A. A. Long, Building Committee.

Died on the 22nd ult., George, infant son of Samuel and Jane Brown.

Fires. Several fires one barn & three dwelling houses – have taken place within the last week, in different parts of the county.
    The first was the barn of Jas. S. Conway of Karthaus township, together with his crop of hay, a wagon, &c.  It was a well constructed log barn.
    The second was the dwelling house of Mr. Ths. Waple, in Boggs township, which was consumed with all its contents – leaving nothing but what the members of the family had on their backs at the time.
    The third was that of the dwelling house of B. Spackman, Esq., of this place, in Lawrence township.  It was occupied by Daniel Welsh.
    The fire was discovered about noon on Sunday last, and is supposed to have originated from a spark falling upon the roof.  Nearly all the furniture was saved together with most of the doors and window sash.  Loss not less than $800.
Another – The house of Calvin Baily, of Pike township, was also destroyed by fire one day last week.  We have heard no particulars.

August 13, 1862

Married on the 7th inst., by the Rev. J. A. Nuner, Mr. James White to Miss Sophia J. Rubley, all of Karthaus township.

Died on Saturday last, James Harvey, son of Israel and Julia Test, of this place, aged 1 year 8 months and 7 days.

Died at Bellefonte, on the 6th inst., Mrs. Hester, wife of Col. Robert Cummings, aged about 39 years.

The New Bell was elevated to its position in the tower of the new court house, on Monday last.  It weighs 909 pounds – has a fine clear tone, and gives general satisfaction.
    The old one was broken to pieces and cast piece meal to the ground – the metal having very much the appearance of a honey comb.  It was a grand cheat.

August 20, 1862

Married on the 14th inst., by James R. Caldwell, Esq., Mr. Milton Read, of Lawrence township, to Miss Eliza Askey, of Pike township.

Married on Sunday last by Rev. Mr. Clark, Mr. George Beams of Morris township, to Mrs. Katherman of Philipsburg.

Married on the 14th inst., by Jas. H. Breth, Esq., Mr. John Worrell, to Miss Melissa Tozer, all of Chest township.

August 27, 1862

Fatal Accident. – We regret to learn that Lewis Read, son of Ex-Sheriff Read, was instantly killed on last Monday morning, while at work in a clearing on his father’s farm in Lawrence township.  As related to us, he was drawing fence-logs (ground chunks) off the clearing with a span of horses – that the team was descending a hill, with the log-chain dragging behind, he walking a short distance from them – that the hook at the end of the chain fastened to a long pole that lay across the way, the butt-end of which was fast, bringing the top-end with tremendous force, striking him on the side of the face and head, breaking both jaws, and causing instant death.  He was a industrious promising youth of some 16 or 17 summers.

Married on the 14th inst., at Philipsburg, by the Rev. J. P. Clarke, Mr. H. Records to Miss Lucinda Eiselman, both of Kylertown.

Married on the 19th, in Luthersburg, by L. Flegal, Esq., Mr. Augustus Weitman of Clearfield, to Miss Elizabeth Knaup of Jefferson county.

Married on the 19th, by Rev. J. M. Galloway, Mr. Merritt Sauster to Miss Emily Forrest, both of Clearfield county.

Married on the 21st, at New Washington, by J. H. Breth, Esq., Mr. Alexander Thompson to Miss Hannah Fulton, all of Burnside township.

Married on the same day, by J. D. Miller, Esq., Mr. David McCracken of Ferguson township, to Miss Margaret Bloom of Pike township.

Died on the 7th instant, of typhoid fever and dysentery, Henrietta, daughter of Samuel and Sibley George, of Bloom township, aged 3 years 6 months and 15 days.  A sweet little family rose – just a bloom of youth.

Died in this place on Thursday last, Maggy, infant daughter of Alex. I. and Emily Southard.

Died in this place, on Thursday last, Lee, infant son of Oscar B. and Candis Merrell.

September 3, 1862

Leg Broken. – John McLaughlin, Sr., of Lawrence township, had his leg badly fractured one day last week, whilst working with a young and fractious horse, in the stable.  It is supposed that the horse first threw, or knocked him down, and then tramped upon his leg below the knee, breaking it so bad that one of the bones protruded through the flesh.  He was promptly attended by Drs. Wilson and Hartswick.

Married on the 18th ult., by the Rev. J. F. Brown, Mr. James S. M. Bradley to Miss Mary E. Soult, both of Clearfield.

Died at his late residence in New Washington, Dr. G. W. Stewart, formerly of Lycoming county, on the morning of the 12th instant, aged – years.

September 10, 1862

Died in Luthersburg, on Friday night the 29th ult., J. Harvey, son of Harrison and Mary Passmore, aged 3 years and 23 days.

September 17, 1862

Married in Bellefonte, on Tuesday the 10th instant, by Rev. Mr. Field, Mr. David Holt to Miss Catharine Allport, both of Clearfield county.

Died on the 30th July last, at the residence of her son Benjamin, in Lawrence township, Clearfield county, Alice Dale, at the advanced age of 96 years.
    The deceased was a native of England, born near Manchester, was the mother of 13 children, one of whom resides near Phillipsburg, Centre county, another as above stated, and the rest in England.  Her husband died in Philadelphia some 36 years ago, after which she came with her two children to this section.   She retained full possession of her mental faculties up to her death.  She also retained a vivid recollection of the American Revolution, and many were the interesting incidents she was went to relate in connection therewith.

Died on the 29th of August, Margaret H. Pentall, wife of John R. Pentall, and daughter of James and Elizabeth Mehaffey, of Howard, Centre county, Pa., aged 20 years 11 months and 29 days.
She leaves a husband and an infant boy, parents, sisters and a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn her loss.

Died on the 6th inst., Martha Jane, daughter of I. C. and Elizabeth Jane McCloskey, of Karthaus township, aged 11 months and 26 days.

Died in Kylertown on the evening of the 12th inst., Elmer Ellsworth, son of James and Sarah J. Thompson, aged 1 year and 24 days.

Died in this place on last Saturday night, at the Mansion House, Miss M. E. Bates, daughter of Wm. Bates, aged about 20 years.

Died in Pike township, on the 10th inst., William, son of John B. and Abigail Garrison, aged 3 years and 7 months.

September 24, 1862

Explosion at Pittsburgh – 75 or 80 Lives Lost. – A series of explosions took place at the Arsenal of Pittsburgh on Thursday last, by which some 75 or 80 human beings – mostly girls and women – were suddenly cast into eternity.  The explosion – or rather three separate and distinct explosions – took place in the Laboratory, which was filled with women and girls employed in filling cartridges and other implements of war.  The building was completely torn to pieces, and fragments of human limbs, flesh, &c., were blown in every direction.  The first explosion is supposed to have been occasioned by a cart passing over the pavement where powder had been spilled, striking fire.  This communicated with an open barrel.  The other two explosions followed in quick succession.

Married on the 18th inst., by J. R. Caldwell, Esq., Mr. James Bloom of Jordan township to Miss Maggie E. Wise of Ferguson tp.

Died in Lawrence township, on the 18th instant, of Dysentary, Mary Samantha, daughter of Wm. S. and Mary Read, aged 3 years 3 months and 17days.

October 1, 1862

Mr. F. K. Arnold, of Luthersburg, informs us that he planted a Grape vine one year ago, which grew to the height of nearly seven feet, the first season, and this year yielded nearly six pounds of grapes.  The vine is of the Isabella species.

Married on the 25th ult., by Chas. Sloan, Esq., Mr. James H. Waple to Miss Sarah M. Mease, all of Boggs township.

Died at Tyrone on Friday last, Ellis I. Hoover, in the 21st year of his age.
The deceased was a member of the band belonging to the 105th Regiment, and was taken down with typhoid fever on the peninsula in May last, from which he never recovered.  His uncle, Judge Leonard went to Fortress Monroe a short time since, and brought him to Harrisburg, and thence to Tyrone; but he was too much exhausted to reach home.  He was extensively known in this community, and highly esteemed.

October 8, 1862

Died on the 25th ult., of diptheria, Thomas infant son of Robert and Martha Haynes, of Karthaus township.

Distressing Calamity.
To the Editors of the Clearfield Republican.
    On last Friday morning, Sept. 29th, Edward King, family and friends, left his residence, the Eagle Hotel, in Cherry Tree Borough, between the hours of 10 and 11 o’clock a.m., to convey to the tomb a beloved child, the funeral cortege had left the house but a few minutes, and was just out of sight of the building, when the house was discovered to be in flames – some of the inmates of the building barely escaping with their lives.  The house with all its contents excepting a Bureau, Stand, Settee, 7 Chairs, 4 pieces of Carpet, and a few cans of fruit, was swept away in a few minutes by the devouring flames, and left Mr. King’s family destitute, excepting the clothing they had on.  Mr. King was just about finished the house, and had it well furnished for a public house; his loss is heavy.  William Langden, late of Philadelphia, had his family, a wife and three children, boarding at Mr. Kings , until he had a house finished that he was building, they also lost all they had.  Notwithstanding the exertions of the citizens, a stable of Mr. John Knecdler took fire and was burned with its contents.  Esquire Hughes and Joshua Davis’ houses were on fire from the burning building, but were saved without damage.   Cherry Tree, Sept. 29, 1862.

October 15, 1862

Died at Anapolis, Md., Sept. 24, 1861 of cholera morbis, Martin H. Livergood, aged 27 years 4 months and 18 days.
The deceased was a member of the Cadets 5th Reg. P.R. C., and was wounded in the battle before Richmond, and fell into the hands of the enemy.  He was confined in Richmond 34 days, when he was exchanged.  He was nearly well of his wound, when he was seized with the above disease, and died very suddenly.  He was a brave soldier and good citizen of Goshen township.


    The annexed affidavit of Mr. Samuel H. Hindman, a worthy citizen of Beccaria township, in this county, exposes the most vile and desperate attempt to corrupt the purity of the election ever brought to light, we venture to say, in this or any other State; and which too clearly shows the base, reckless and unlawful means to which the leaders of the opposition are resorting, to defeat Mr. Wallace, the Democratic candidate for Senator.  We say the leaders, for we know that there are hundreds of the rank and file of the Republican party who will abhor such means, and who, we doubt not, will rebuke the authors of this vile scheme in the most effectual manner.
    Mr. Hindman is a man of character and responsibility, upon whose statements, without the sanction of an oath, the public can implicityly rely.  But we have heard of other corroborating facts and cirmustances.  In the township of Bell, a like attempt was made to corrupt the vote of Mr. James Fullmer, who repelled the offer.  Three other electors – citizens of Beccaria township – were also approached by this man Crissman, with his offers of place and money.  He usually proposed to hire men to work on the Railroad, at very high wages, but would state that unless Mr. Hall was elected to the Senate, the work could not go on, and of course men could not be employed, and the high wages could not be paid.  In the township of Jordan a similar attempt was made; and it is plainly demonstrated that Crissman was vile enough to boast that he had accomplished his work of corruption with a least one citizen of Clearfield county.  Even in this town he was seen handing over money.  We have no terms sufficiently significant to characterize this infamous attempt to corrupt the very fountain of political authority, and the very palladium of our liberties; nor will it be easy for its authors, prior to the election, to imagine the depth of the indignation, contempt and scorn with which the people will repel the attempted outrage upon their rights, dignity and peace.  We have supposed that the law of 1860, which imposes a fine of $500 and imprisonment for two years “upon any person corruptly influencing an election,” would have been sufficient to restrain even a very bad man.  But this man Crissman seems to have proceeded as if he had the fear of neither God nor man, nor the law of 1860 before his eyes.
    Fellow citizens:  this is no ordinary affair and we ask you to read and reflect upon the inevitable consequences of such wicked practices, and, then deal with the case as your sense of honor, duty and patriotism may dictate and we shall be content.
    Samuel H. Hindman, millwright, of the township of Beccaria, Clearfield county, Pennsylvania, being duly sworn, saith, That he was, during the past week, engaged in repairing a saw-mill for Hon. John P. Hoyt, in Penn township, some four miles from Lumberville; that on Tuesday night, (7th inst.,) he was awakened at his boarding-house by one John Dickinson, who desired him to go along with him to Lumberville; that he accompanied him supposing the purpose was for social enjoyment; that when he arrived at Lumberville he there found one Thomas Crissman, an agent of the Pennsylvania railroad Company at Sandy Ridge; that the said Crissman had been an acquaintance of his previously; that a conversation occurred between them, the substance of which was as follows: Crissman said he could get me (Hindman) a situation in the Navy Yard at Philadelphia, worth from $2 ½ to $3 per day, if I would do him a favor, and he knew I could do it; he said if I would exercise influence in Beccaria township I could change some fourteen votes; that I could promise each of these men, if they would vote for Louis W. Hall for Senator, a lucrative position on the Rail Road, and could explain this to them; he also said that HE WAS ARRANGING IT THROUGH THE COUNTY SO AS TO HAVE A DEMOCRAT AT EACH POLL, who could exercise his influence, and would also slip the ticket of L. W. Hall for Senator into the hands of all Democrats who were not watching it; he also told me that he had seen one Mr.—-, and had talk with him; that —-was from the county of Clearfield, and had seen him either at Sandy Ridge or Tyrone; that —-had told him that for the consideration of TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS he could change FIFTEEN VOTES in his district, that there were half a dozen votes in the family he could control; he said either that he had paid him TEN dollars, or was to pay him TEN dollars in hand and the remainder after this was effected; he said he was then going to look for —, he said he despised the man but wanted the votes.  I assented to Crissman’s proposition, and we parted.  He also told me that he had effected an arrangement with two other men, whom he named – one of them in Beccaria township, the other in Jordan township and that they were all right.
Sworn and subscribed 11th Sept. 1862, before me, James Wrigley, Rec. of Deeds.         SAMUEL H. HINDMAN.

October 22, 1862

Married on the 11th ult., at the residence of the Bride’s father, by Rev. S. Creighton, Mr. J. Kline of Clearfield county, to Miss Marietta Hetherlin of Centre county.

Died at the residence of her son-in-law Jonathan Spackman, in Girard township, very suddenly of apoplexy, on Monday, 13th ult., Mrs. Barbary, relict of William Leonard, deceased, aged 68 years.

Died in Goshen township on the 17th inst., of Dysentery, Scott youngest son of James E. & Susan Graham, aged 5 years 1 month and 21 days.

Died in the Military Hospital at Philadelphia, on the 14th Aug. last, Henry Lorain Merrell, of Morris township, Clearfield county, aged 25 years 11 months and 9 days.
The deceased was a member of the Washington Cadets, Company C, 9th Regiment P. R. C.  His brother William reached him a few hours before he breathed his last.  He was entirely sensible, was perfectly willing to die, and spoke familiarly and calmly of his situation, and of his worldly affairs and spiritual welfare.

October 29, 1862

Married on the 21st instant, by Rev. Mr. Ash, Mr. Wm. T. Schryver of Lawrence township, to Miss Margaret Tyler of Huston twp.

Married on Sunday the 19th inst., in St. Francis Catholic Church in Clearfield, by Rev. J. D. Cordy, Mr. James McKeon to Miss Elizabeth Flynn, both of Grampian Mills, Clearfield county.

Married in St. Francis Catholic Church, in Clearfield, on Sunday the 16th instant, by the Rev. Father Geeson, Mr. James McDevitt to Miss Ellen McLaughlin, both of Clearfield county.

November 5, 1862

Married on the 30th ult., by the Rev. J. M. Galloway, Capt. E. A. Irvin of Curwensville, to Miss Emma A. Graham, of Clearfield.

Married on the 28th ult., by the Rev. T. D. Gotwalt, William W. Betts of Clearfield, to Miss Maggie Irvin of Curwensville.

Married on the 28th ult., by Rev. W. M. Burchfield, Mr. John Erhard, to Miss Lizzie Patterson, both of Clearfield county.

Caution. – All persons are hereby cautioned against harboring or trusting my wife Rosannah, on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting after this date, she having left my bed and board without just cause.  J. Nicholas Longin, Covington twp., Nov. 5, 1862.

November 12, 1862

Married at the residence of the bride’s father, on Tuesday (yesterday) morning, 11th inst., by the Rev. T. H. Robinson, Mr. Thomas L. Wallace, to Miss Annie M. Wallace, both of Harrisburg, Pa.

Died on Thursday, October 23d of dysentery, Mary Ellen, aged 3 years. – On Sunday, October 26th, of same disease, Ashley Hills, aged 10 years – On Monday, October 27th, of same disease, Daniel B., aged 6 years – Wednesday, October 29th, of same disease, Tabitha, aged about 6 months – all children of Rudolph and Mary Ann ? of Bradford township.[last name is either Beck or Buck, hard to read]

Died on October 25th, of diptherea, Rebecca, aged 2 years 4 months and 11 days – On November 3d, of same disease, James Anderson, aged 9 years 4 months and 1 day – both children of Thompson and Susannah J. Read, of Goshen township.

Died on Sunday last, suddenly, at New Millport, Catharine, daughter of Abraham Hawn, of Penn township, aged 19 years.

Killed by the Indians. – James G. Bailey, formerly a resident of this place, but for some years past residing in Kansas, was killed by the Indians on the 15th of August last.  The Kansas Journal says that Mr. Bailey, together with a company of emigrants to which he was attached, on their way to Salmon River Gold Mines, encamped on Greene river, some 80 miles north of Salt Lake city, when he, with another man, went two or three miles from camp to fish. – While absent the Indians attempted to stampede the cattle and mules belonging to the train, but were driven off by the guards.  In their retreat the Indians came upon the fishing party and attacked them with bows and arrows, killing Mr. Bailey instantly – one arrow wounding him in the head, and another passing through his heart.  He leaves a large family, who reside at Rising Sun, opposite Lecompton, Kansas. – Hollidaysburg Standard.
The deceased was a native of Centre Co., and the widow left to mourn the loss is the eldest daughter of Robert Wallace, sen., Esq., of this place.

November 19, 1862

Married on the 6th instant, by Rev. S. Creighton, Mr. L. R. Merrell, of Clearfield, and Miss Sallie A. Gearhart, of Bradford township.

Married on the 9th inst., by Emanuel Hiltebrand, Esq., Mr. Isaiah Rorabaugh, of Chest township, Clearfield county, to Miss Mary Coalter of Indiana county.

Married on the 16th inst., by C. Sloan, Esq., Mr. James H. Conklin to Miss Sarah Ann Goss, both of Decatur township.

Married on the 15th instant, by Wm. A. Read, Esq., Mr. Isaac Goss, of Decatur township, to Miss. Jane Elizabeth Logan, of Boggs township.

Died in Karthaus township, on the 10th inst., of croup, Sarah, daughter of Roland and Media Kanady, aged 2 years 11 months and 10 days.

Died in Lawrence township, on the 13th inst., William W., infant son of J. W. and A. B. Thompson, aged 2 days.

November 26, 1862

Married on the 16th instant, by Lever Flegal, Esq., Mr. Robert W. Bogle, to Miss Harriet Brooks, all of Brady township.

Married on the 18th inst., by the Rev. S. Creighton, Mr. John G. Shoff, to Miss Rachel Goss, both of Clearfield county.

Married on the 6th instant, by the Rev. J. P. Clark, Mr. John Woleslagel, of Graham township, to Miss Mary D. Irvin, of Morris township.

Died near Luthersburg, on the 19th inst., Mary Ann daughter of John H. and Sarah Seyler, aged 17 years and 7 months.

Died near Glen Hope, on the 16th instant, Lavara daughter of Wm. R. and Maggie A. Dickinson, aged seven months and twenty days.

Died in the Eruptive Hospital, Washington, D.C., of small pox, on the 17th October last, Joseph Martin Merrell, of Morris township, Clearfield county, aged 32 years 10 months and 14 days.
The deceased was a member of the Second Pennsylvania Cavalry, Company F.

December 3, 1862

Fire in Karthaus Township – The residence of James White was entirely consumed – with all its contents, including about $50 in money – on last Sunday evening, while the family were at church.  Thro’ the active efforts of the neighbors the barn and surrounding buildings were saved.  The fire was no doubt the work of an incendiary.

Military funeral. – The body of James T. Jones, member of Capt. McCullough’s company, 149th regiment, reached his friends in this place on last Saturday evening, and was buried with military honors on Sunday.  He died of fever in one of the military hospitals at Washington.

Married on the 25th ult., by J. B. Gormont, Esq., Mr. Francis Billott of Girard township, to Miss Mary Elizabeth Conoway of Karthaus township.

Married on the 27th ult., by the Rev. T. D. Gotwalt, Pastor of the M. E. Church, W. M. McCullough, Esq., to Miss Will. Southard, both of this place.

Died at his residence in Decatur township, on the 2d November last, Jacob F. Runk, aged 62 years and 6 months.  The deceased was a resident of Clearfield county nearly forty years.

Died on the 26th ult., at the home of her mother in Jordan township, Miss Mary Ann Smith, in the 24th year of her age.

December 10, 1862

Married on the 4th inst., by W. McKe–, Esq., Jonathan Walker of Knox township, to Miss Elizabeth Reary formerly of Indiana county.

Married on the 30th ult., by Gainer P. Bloom, Esq., Samuel Irwin to Miss Filenah Sianson, both of Bloom township.

Died in Beccaria township, on the 29th ult., Hannah Frances, infant daughter of Sarah E. and George F. Haslett, aged two months and one day.

December 17, 1862

Married at the residence of Judge Shaw, on Thursday last, by Rev. J. M. Galloway, Mr. John Dale to Miss Mary Ann Swan, both of Lawrence township.

Died at Chilecothe, Mo., on the 5th inst., Lewis R. Carter, aged about 48 years.
The deceased formerly resided in this vicinity, and removed to Missouri some four years ago.  He was seized with brain fever, and died on the fourth day.
It was but two weeks previous that his second son, Watson Carter, was buried, having died in Camp near St. Louis, a member of the late Capt. J. W. Baird’s company second Missouri Cavalry.

Died in Woodward township, on the 14th inst., Tasear Mills, aged about 33 years.
The deceased was engaged in chopping timber on Friday the 12th, and was suddenly stricken down by a stroke of Palsy.  After having been conveyed to his home he lingered a day and then sank into a sleep which knows no waking.

Died at the residence of her father in Goshen township, on last Friday evening, after a lingering illness, Miss Melissa, youngest daughter of Ellis Irwin, Esq.

December 24, 1862

Died in Pike township, on Thursday the 18th instant, Mary, consort of William Bloom, sen., in the 80th year of her age.

December 31, 1862

Married on the 25th inst., by Rev. T. D. Gotwalt, Mr. Matthew Spackman to Miss Sallie A. Birchfield, both of Clearfield.

Married on the 25th inst., by Rev. T. D. Gotwalt, Mr. George W. Rheem to Miss Lide B. Stone, both of Clearfield.

Died on the 11th instant, James Jordan, son of Joseph Jordan of Lawrence township, a member of the 84th Pa Reg’t, aged 26 years, 6 months and 12 days.

Died in Beccaria township on the 21st inst., Frank Elizabeth, wife of George F. Haslett, aged 23 years 3 months and 27 days.
The deceased was the daughter of Thos. S. Washburn a resident of this township, and in former years was a very healthy girl, but she could not retain her health, no, the Fates had decreed it otherwise, for about two years prior to her death, that direful disease Consumption in its terrifying and revengeful appearance, began slowly and gradually to lead her down a painful path into the grave.  She leave a husband, a daughter only fifteen months old, and a number of near relatives, to mourn her untimely death.  She suffered great anguish during her illness.  A few minutes before her death she called her friends to her bedside and said, ” I will be in heaven before two o’clock.”  In her is lost an obedient daughter, an affectionate sister, a kind wife and tender mother.
Venango papers will please copy the above.

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