• Fri. Mar 28th, 2025


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Clearfield Republican, 1852 Issues


Jan 31, 2009

Clearfield Republican

January  9, 1852

Married on the 1st inst., by S. C. Thompson, Esq., at Morrisdale, Mr. Wm. S. Wiggin, late of the State of Maine, to Mrs. Catharine Graham, late of Centre county.

Married on Tuesday last by John Shirey, Esq., Mr. Henry Graffius, of Bradford township, to Miss Sophia Faust of Girard township.

Died very suddenly of Apoplexy, on the 19th ult., Sarah, wife of David S. Platner of New Washington, aged about forty.

Some of the Businesses of Clearfield County
Leonard & Moore, merchants and lumber dealers, Clearfield
J. H. Jones, shoe and boot maker, Clearfield
Jas. B. Graham, post master, merchant and lumber dealer, Grahamton, Bradford township
C. Kratzer, merchant and lumber dealer, Clearfield.
Jas Alexender, saddler and harness maker, Clearfield.
Wallace & Hills, retailers of foreign and domestic merchandise, Clearfield.
Isaac Johnson, boot and shoemaker, Clearfield.
J L Hunter, retailer of foreign and domestic merchandise, Clearfield.
Thomas Shea, tailor, Clearfield.
A K Wright, dealer in lumber, Clearfield.
G C Passmore, blacksmith, Curwensville
Richard Mossop, retailer of foreign and domestic merchandise, Clearfield.
Geo Richards, tailor, Clearfield.
Richard Glennan, boot and shoemaker, Clearfield.
Mrs. Eliza Irvin, retailer of foreign and domestic merchandise, Curwensville.
Isaac Smith, lumber dealer, Curwensville.
G W Turner, tailor
Geo W Rheem, saddler, harness & trunk manufacturer
I L Barrett, merchant, lumberman and general produce dealer, Clearfield
D S Plattmer, tailor, New Washington, Burnside Township.
John Flegal, blacksmith, Luthersburg
Geo B Goodlander, wagon maker, Luthersburg
A L Schnell, tailor, Luthersburg
John Carlile, blacksmith and justice of the peace, Luthersburg.
Peter Seyler, iron founder, near Luthersburg.
Thompsons, Hartsock & Co., iron founders, Curwensville.
Chambers & Klepfer, wheelwright & chairmakers, Bridgport, Pike township.
B F Sterling, saddle & harness maker, and justice of the peace, Curwensville
Robert McNaul, tanner, Curwensville
H P Thompson, physician, Curwensville
Samuel Way, boot and shoemaker, Curwensville.
Wm W Fleming, Oyster saloon, eating house, & confectionary, Curwensville
Edw B Patton, cabinetmaker, Curwensville.
Samuel B Taylor, tanner and boot and shoe manufacturer, Curwensville.
Wm P Chamber, wheelwright, chairmaker, house & sign painter, Curwensville
M E Wood, physician, Curwensville.
Laport & Lewellin, coach and sleighmakers, Curwensville.
J D Thompson, blacksmith, Curwensville.
John C Richards, physician, Curwensville.
Wm McBride, lumber dealer, Curwensville.
Miss Mary Jane Forth, milliner
Mrs. Glennan, dressmaker
Meshick Thomas, barber and hairdresser
Wing & Getchel, general merchandise, Morris township
Robert Welch, watch and clock maker
L Jackson Cran, attorney, Curwensville
J B McEnally, attorney, Clearfield

Notice, whereas my wife Ann Eliza, has left my bed and board without any just cause.  I, therefore, hereby warn all persons against harboring or trusting her on my account, as I will not be liable for any debts of her contracting.  John Hicks.

January 16, 1852

Married at Clearfield, on Thursday evening, the 15th inst., by the Rev. Miles T. Merwin, Mr. John F. Weaver, to Miss Rebecca, daughter of A. B. Reed, Esq.

Married on Thursday, Dec. 11th, by Rev. C. Jeffries, Mr. Philip Miller to Miss Elizabeth Stott, all of this county.

Married on Thursday, Dec. 25th, by Rev. C. Jeffries, Mr. Thomas V. Wainright to Miss Elizabeth Lamour, all of this county.

Married on Monday, Jan. 5th, by Rev. C. Jeffries, Mr. John Low to Miss Lydia Beck, all of this county.

Died on Friday last, in Frenchville, very suddenly, Michael Schnell, aged 78 years.
A correct sketch of the life of the deceased would fill a volume of stirring interest.  He was among the number who sought our inviting shores as a refuge from the wrongs and oppressions of the old world, during the first few years of the present century.  We believe he was a native of the city of Hamburg, and served in the wars of Europe, first against the French, but being made prisoner, afterwards espoused the cause of Napoleon, and served through several campaigns up to the battle of Austerlitz, at which place, we believe it was, he was severely wounded.  He then returned to France, and married a wife in the city of Lyons.  He has resided in this county for twenty-three or four years.

January 30, 1852

Married in Bradford township, on Thursday, Jan. 22, by Rev. M. T. Merwin, Robert Wrigley to Miss Mary, daughter of John Stewart, of Bradford.

February 6, 1852

Died on Tuesday, January 27, 1852, David Shaffer, in the 27th year of his age.
Mr. Shaffer was a native of Union County, Pa., and became a resident of Pike township, Clearfield Co., in 1845.  At the time of his death he was engaged in getting out timber on the premises of his Father-in-law, George Ross, in company with three other men.  He was standing on the top end of a timber stick, cutting it off, while two other men were engaged near by in felling a tree, when the tree began to fall one of the hands ran near to where Mr. Sheaffer stood, and stuck his double bitted axe into the timber stick upon which Mr. Sheaffer stood, and when the tree fell it struck across the top of the tree upon which Mr. Shaffer stood, and as the tree lay across a log, it broke where the tree struck it and that threw Mr. Sheaffer into the air, and as he fell his arm struck across the edge of his axe stuck in the stick, which cut his arm severely, separating the artery of the arm, (the Humerial Artery,) causing his death from the loss of blood, in about three hours from the time he received the wound.  Mr. Sheaffer was a prominent member of the Baptist church of Curwensville.  Modest and retiring in his disposition, but faithful in the discharge of his duty, both as a husband, father and member of the church of Jesus Christ, and universally beloved by all his acquaintances – and he died as he lived full of faith and the Holy Ghost.  He expressed no desire to live, but was wholly, resigned to the will of his Divine Lord, and died rejoicing in the hope of eternal life.  In his death the wife has been bereaved of a kind and affectionate companion; the children of a kind father, and the church of one of its brightest ornaments.  The funeral took place on Thursday the 29th inst., and was attended by a very large concourse of people; the services were conducted by Rev. S. Miles and J. R. Morris.  Mr. Miles preached an excellent sermon on the occasion from Matthew 26th chapter and 44th verse.  “Therefore be ye also ready; for in such an hour as you think not the son of man cometh.”

Accidents – Breaking Legs.
Two accidents, by which two persons have had each a leg badly fractured, have occurred in this vicinity, within the present week.  The first was that of Philip Mullen, whilst drawing a stick of timber to the river on Monday last, it come in contact with his leg and broke it below the knee.
    The other was that of Clarence, son of Col. Barrett, on Tuesday evening whilst employed in the common sport of sliding down hill on a sled.  The sled was loaded with little lads and ran against a stump, breaking his leg above the knee.

February 13, 1852

Married on January 8th, by the Rev. Henry Lucus, Dr. James M. Bunn, of New Washington, to Miss Athelia S. Byers, of Burnside township, Clearfield county.

Married on January 8th, by the Rev. Henry Hoffman, Mr. William M. Michaels, of New Washington, to Miss Florinda J. Hum, of Punxsutawney, Jefferson county.

Died of scarlet fever, on Wednesday night last, —- the youngest child of Amos Read’s, sen., of Lawrence township, aged between four and five years. [no name given]

February 20, 1852

Married on the 22d ult., by the Rev. Geo. Berkstresser, Mr. Joseph Baily to Miss Sarah E. Boal, both of Pike township.

Died on Thursday the 5th instant, of the Typhoid Fever, Mary R. daughter of John and Elizabeth Dale, of Bradford township, in the 18th year of her age.
The deceased had but a few days to mourn the loss of a little brother, who died Jan. 3d., until she was taken suddenly and violently ill, from which she never recovered.  Her disease was sore and very hard to endure; frequently removing her, as it were, from time into eternity; and yet, it was borne with that patience and resignation which is seldom endured by one so greviously afflicted.  During a sickness of almost twenty one days, and suffering most of that time more than she did on the day of her death, there was not a murmuring word or complaining look; and although as much attached to life perhaps as any one, did not expect or yet express a desire to live; and when speech failed her, she would cast her eyes and raise her head towards heaven, as an evidence that it was her final resting place, and shortly, very shortly to be obtained; and as the hour of her dissolution drew near, when she was about to be ushered into a purer state of existence, her mind was calm and undisturbed.
She was speedily and unexpectedly called away from her relatives and young friends – cut down in the flower of her age, and in the vigor of life.  Few perhaps, promising so fair for long life, are so suddenly called from their connections; but disease had taken hold of her, for which there appeared to be no remedy, and ushered her into eternity.

February 27, 1852

Mr. Isaac Scofield, of our town, went into the woods the other day prospecting, as they would say in California.  Towards evening, when he had turned homewards, he fell in with a whole family of bears – an old one and three cubs.  A battle ensued, which resulted in Mr. S. bringing his whole four victims safely home.  The first engagement was anything but a pleasant one.

Died on the 14th instant, Malissa, daughter of Sarah and Joseph Stites, aged three months and fifteen days

Died on the 5th instant, after a short but very severe illness, Hannah Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Dr. A. L. and E. Chesnutwood, of New Washington, aged 10 years and 15 days.

Died in Boggs township, on the 23d instant, Reuben Manning, aged within a few days of 86 years.  Blindness and other infirmities of age had been the lot of the dec’d for a number of years.

Died on the 5th instant, at his residence, near Luthersburg, Brady township, Clearfield county, Mr. Isaac Draucker, aged 45 years.
The deceased was born in Lancaster county, Pa., Dec. 15, 1806, in 1824 he came to Clearfield; on the 28th of April 1829 was married to Miss Mary Bloom; they had fifteen children, eleven still live to mourn the loss of a very kind and affectionate father; the widow mourns for her kind and beloved companion.  He died of a fever, about the 9th day during his sickness we had the privilege of conversing with him on the subject of religion;  he was deeply engaged for the salvation of his precious soul; we prayed with him, and when we had left the room he remarked to his wife, that he felt as much refreshed as if he had taken a cooling drink of water.

March 5, 1852

We understand that the contract for carrying the U.S. Mail, daily, from Spruce Creek to Curwensville, thro this place, has been awarded to Mr. Eder.  It is to carried in four horse coaches.  This is something like treating us as being within the limits of the United States, and after the contract goes into operation, we may expect to hear the news of what is going on in the world with some regularity, and before it has become too stale to possess interest.

Married at Luthersburg, December 19, 1851, by the Rev. John Flegal, Mr. John M’Clain, to Miss Nancy Clayton, both of Jefferson co., Pa.

Married at Luthersburg, December 29th, by the Rev. John Flegal, Mr. Samuel Nealy, to Miss Mary Ann Hamilton, of Brady township.

Runaway, from the subscriber on the 16th of February, in Covington Township, George St. Clair, aged 18.  All persons are hereby cautioned against trusting him on my account, as I will pay no debts of his contracting unless compelled by law.  David P. St. Clair.

March 12, 1852

Died in the borough of Clearfield, on Tuesday last, Esther Henney, aged 87 years 3 months and 29 days.  The deceased was one of the first settlers of the county.

Died on yesterday morning, in this place, of consumption, Miss Jane Ann Collins, aged about 20 years.

March 25, 1852

Fire!  We regret to learn that the dwelling of Wm. Fullerton, on the rive about two miles above this place, was entirely destroyed by fire, on last Friday morning.  A number of watermen were at the house over night, and the morning being very cold, a large fire was kept up from an early hour.  The fire was not discovered until about daylight, when the watermen had all left, and had progressed so far that but few articles of furniture could be rescued from the devouring agent.

April 1, 1852

Married on Thursday, March 25, by Rev. M. T. Merwin, Mr. Valentine Gearhart to Miss Mary Cadwallader, both of Morris township, Clearfield county.

April 8, 1852

Died very suddenly, at the residence of her son-in-law, Thos. Shea, in this place, on Saturday last, Sarah Herd, aged about 77 years, and formerly of Clinton county.

Mary Ann Hicks vs John Hicks, In the Common Pleas of Clearfield county, No. 38 May Term 1852. Alias subpoena sur divorce.

April 26, 1852

Married on Friday 23, 1852, by B. F. Sterling, Mr. John Wall, to Miss Sarah Ellinger both of Brady township.

Married on Thursday the 22nd instant, by B. F. Sterling, Mr. Wm. Moore, to Miss Catharine M’Cracken, both of Ferguson township.

Caution. All persons are hereby cautioned against harboring or trusting my wife Mary, who has left my bed and board without any just cause or reason, and hereafter I am determined to pay no debts of her contracting.  Samuel Ardray.

May 1, 1852

Died on Saturday last, very suddenly, Jesse Wilson, a highly respected citizen of Huston township, aged about sixty years.
The deceased had been in poor health for some months, but on last Saturday morning he seemed rather better than usual, and the day being pleasant, he proposed taking a ride in the air.  When returning home, in his buggy, in company with his wife, without showing any symptom of sudden illness, the wheel striking a small stump, though not violently, he was thrown on to the forward part of the buggy, and then slid slowly down to the ground, and was not seen even to breathe.

May 20, 1852

Married on the 8th April, by the Rev. C. Jeffries, Mr. George Byers, to Mrs. Frances Ann McKisick, both of Clearfield County.

Married on the 6th May, by the Rev. C. Jeffries, Mr. Abraham Crowl, to Miss Mary Kephart, all of Clearfield county.

Died at the residence of John Ferguson, in Ferguson township, on Sunday last, Margaret Read, widow of the late Thomas Read, deceased, aged about 60 years.

May 28, 1852

A Narrow Escape. – A most daring attempt on the life of the boy that carries the mail from Bellefonte to this place, was made the other day, with the intention no doubt, of robbing the mail.  A shot was fired from a gun in the hands of a man standing a few rods from the road, the ball taking effect on his hat, scraping it two or three inches.  This is the story told by the boy; who also says, that he had met with the same individual on two or three occasions previously, and always having a gun with him.

From the Bellefonte Whig
Died in this place on the 7th day of May, David Dick McLeod – only son of the Rev. Dr. Alexander McLeod, of Clearfield – in the sixteenth year of his age.
Thus are we called with sorrow, and yet with rejoicing to record the departure of another beloved friend – struck down while yet the dew of his youth was upon him, like the early and tender flower nipped ere it was fully blown by the untimely an chilling frost.  He was truly the son of many sorrows, as from his early years he was afflicted with disease of the heart which affected his entire constitution and eventually brought him to a premature grave.

Died in Brady township, on the 14th instant, Abraham Rishel, aged 24 years.

Died on Friday last, in Lawrence township, Major Matthew Ogden, at an advanced age.  The deceased was among the first settlers of this part of our county.

Caution. The public are hereby cautioned against harboring or trusting my son Otto Christopher, as I will pay no debts of his contracting after this date.  And notice if further hereby given to all persons employing said boy that I will look to them for his wages, and that at the rate of One Dollar per day.  Hartwig Buck.  Bradford township, May 10, 1852.

June 4, 1852

Married on the 3d ult., by A. Wilder, Mr. Jacob C. Smith and Martha E. Taylor, all of Clearfield County, Pa.

Died at her residence on Clearfield Creek, May 26, Mrs. Elleanor Ardery, widow of the late James Ardery, deceased.  Her maiden name was Coulter, and her family resided in Franklin county, where she was married.  She and her husband lived a few years in that county, and then moved to Centre county and lived some time, nine miles west of Bellefonte, towards Half Moon.  About forty years ago, they moved to this county, and settled on the place where she lived until her death.  She was in the eighty-fourth year of her age.  For nearly two years and a half she has been confined to the house and most of this time to her bed – her mind and feelings, during this long and tedious weakness and pain, were such as gave clear and comforting evidence that her hope and foundation were upon the Rock of Ages, Jesus Christ.  On Him, alone, she relied for pardon and justification from the demands of God’s broken law.  She bore with much patience and resignation the wearisome days and nights, that were appointed her.  She went down the hill of life gradually and slowly, until the powers of nature gave away, and the freed spirit escaped from its fearful load and burden.  She sleeps in Jesus, and with the firm and glorious hope of immortality in his presence, where there is fullness of joy and pleasure without pain.
She was a consistent and regular member of the Presbyterian Church to which she united herself when she was young.

Died on Sunday morning last, Miss Elizabeth Ann, daughter of Ross and Mary Read, aged about 18 years.

June 11, 1852

Married on the 27th ult., by Jas. Gill, Esq., Mr. John McCord to Miss Susan Shoff, of Beccaria township.

June 18, 1852

A horrible and fatal accident happened on Sunday afternoon last, by which Mr. Samuel F. Lockert, an enterprising and worthy citizen of Columbia, was instantly killed.  He was driving his horse and sulky about 2 ½ miles from Columbia, when his horse suddenly took fright, near Bachman’s mill, and commenced running, crossing the railroad, where it is supposed he fell from the sulky.  The horse did not stop until he got to Mann’s tavern, on the road leading from this city to Washington, a distance of about three miles, dragging Mr. Lockert, along with his head on the ground and his feet fast between the axle-tree and the shaft of the sulky.  The back part of his scull was broken and his brain escaped freely.  Mr. Lockert was a single man, about 28 years of age, and highly respected by a large number of friends and acquaintances. – Lancaster Whig.

Married on Thursday afternoon June 10th, by the Rev. J. Hildebrand, Mr. John Flegal, to Miss Margaret Jane Fulton, daughter of James Fulton all of Clearfield county.

Married on the 10th instant, at Luthersburg, by the Rev. John Flegal, Mr. James Crossby to Miss Clarinda Hoover, all of Clearfield county.

June 25, 1852

Married yesterday, by Rev. M. T. Merwin, Mr. Joseph B. M’Eally, Esq., to Miss Amelia Wright, all of this place.

Died on Tuesday, June 1, in Ferguson township, after a short illness, Mrs. Sarah Jane, wife of George W. Davis, in the 23d year of her age.
The subject of the above notice was the daughter of Mr. Wim. Wiley, formerly of this county and had been married less than a year when she was called to “that bourne whence no traveler returns.”

Died at Montgomery’s Mill, Brady township, on the 15th instant, Mr. Adam Groff of Berks county, in the 5?th year of his age.
The deceased was a member of the Luthern Church – was on his way home with a drove of sheep, from the west – took his bed at Mr. M’s., an din five day’s sickness, left this world to try the localities of the world of Spirits, leaving a wife and friends to weep.  The funeral services were attended to by the Rev. John Flegal.  His faithful partner in business remained with him; helped the find family to take care of him; saw him close his eyes in death, and made every necessary arrangement for the occasion.

Died in this place, on Wednesday morning last, Catharine, wife of Joseph H. J-es, leaving a number of small children the youngest about ten days old.

July 2, 1852

Married on Thursday the 24th ult., by M. Nicholas, Esq., Mr. William C. Duff, to Miss Ann Amelia Conklin, all of Lawrence township Clearfield county.

Married on Thursday the 24th ult., by B. F. Sterling, Esq., Mr. Thomas Strong of Jordan township, to Miss Elizabeth Caldwell of Pike township, Clearfield county.

Married on the 26th ult., by Jas. Wrigley, Esq., Mr. John Falls, to Miss Mary Ann Maines, all of Bradford township, Clearfield county.

July 9, 1852

Dreadful Accident.
On Wednesday inst., the family of Rev. A. G. Osborne, of George township was visited by the severest dispensation it has ever been our lot to record.  We are indebted to Dr. Walker, the attending physician, for the following facts respecting the terrible accident.  A son of Mr. Osborne was engaged in reading in the dwelling of his father on Wednesday evening, the 16th inst., surrounded by his brothers and sisters, and the oil in the lamp being exhausted, he attempted to replenish it without putting out the light, when the oil in the can from which he was pouring, took fire, enveloping the whole room in a flame, and exploding produced a scene of horror and destruction.  Two children, a boy and girl, were so badly burned and otherwise injured, that they died, one in about twenty, and the other in about twenty-seven hours after the accident occurred.  The young man who was pouring the oil into the lamp aged 21 years, was so badly injured that serious apprehensions are entertained for his recovery.  The whole family were more or less injured.  Mr. Osborne himself was in the room at the time, but taking the precaution to lie down beneath the influence of the flames, made his escape from the room without serious injury.  He, however, immediately returned, and went to work to suppress the flames, and preserve his children from the ruin of the scene, and sustained severe injury in his efforts.  Mrs. Osborne ran frantic through the flames, with all the energies of an agonized mother, to rescue her children from destruction.  She escaped without personal injury.  We sympathize deeply with Mr. and Mrs. Osborne in their sad bereavement.  This terrible accident will serve as a solemn caution to all who are in the habit of using ethereal oil. – Uniontown G. of L.

Simon Drum.  The venerable Simon Drum, a well known citizen of the State, and for upwards of 45 years postmaster at Greensburg, Westmoreland County, died suddenly on the 14th ult.

Married on the 26th ultimo, by J. W. Wright, Esq., Mr. H. Lafayette Bloom, to Miss Rachel Jordan, all of Jordan township, Clearfield county.

Married on the 26th ult., by Star Dennison, Esq., Wm. L. Shipman to Miss Charlotte Farley, all of Jay township, Elk co.

Married on Sunday last, by Star Dennison, Esq., Josiah W. Mead, to Miss Nancy H. Weed, all of Jay township, Elk county.

Died in this place, on the 8th instant, after a lingering illness, Mrs. Jane, wife of Thos. Hemphill, Esq., aged about 55.

July 16, 1852

Married in Morris township, on the 8th instant, by S. C. Thompson, Esq., Mr. Austin S. Randall, to Miss Mary J. Rouch all of this place.

July 23, 1852

Died at Mifflin, Pa., on Sunday last of Cholera, Andrew Jackson Hemphill, Printer, son of Thomas Hemphill, Esq., of this place.

July 30, 1852

Death From The Bite Of A Snake.
    On Tuesday last a little girl, aged some 8 or 9 years, named Livingston, living with her Brother, in Bradford township, died very suddenly from the bite of a snake, as is conjectured.  The men were cutting grain, and the little girl was heard to cry in a distant part of the field.  No further attention was paid to her for some ten minutes; but when found she was in convulsions, and the blood oozing from her nose, mouth, &c.  After being carried to the house she revived enough to tell that she had been bitten by a snake, but could give no description of it, and ceased to breathe in about two hours after she was supposed to have received the wound. – the bite was on the top of the foot, and supposed to have been inflicted by a hoop, or horn snake.

Fatal Disease at Mifflintown.
    The Juniata Sentinal, received last evening, gives the following account of the disease and its progress:
    “Our town has been visited by some disease as singular in its symptoms as it is fatal in its result, and which from its malignancy extent and indifference to treatment, caused the utmost consternation and alarm.  Two or three sudden deaths in Patterson had excited the fears of our citizens, but the interval of a week had somewhat calmed them, when on Friday evening the epidemic reappeared with the utmost virulence, and in the course of forty eight hours, hurried off seven persons, which to our small place, was a dreadful mortality.  No cases occurred from Saturday till Tuesday, when a child which had imprudently eaten some green fruit, was violently attacked.  Prompt remedies, however, seemed to check the disease, and though dangerously ill, is now in a fair way to recover.  No cases have since occurred. This was the first case which yielded to medicine, and from the fact that the latter attacks were much less malignant than the first, we believe and hope that the disease has spent its force, and that our town will now regain its usual health.”
    The same paper enumerates the deaths as follows:
On the 17th inst., Frederick B. Kohler, aged 25 years.
On the 17th inst., Robert Barnard, aged 54 years.
On the 17th inst., Mrs. Margaret R. Fasick, aged 80 years.
On the 17th inst., Andrew J. Hemphill, formerly of Clearfield county, aged about 25 years.
On the 18th inst., Mary, daughter of David and Catharine Stouffer, aged 5 years.
On the 18th inst., Miss Jane H. Bryson, aged 62 years.
On the 20th inst., Michael Shirk, of Walker township, aged 25 years.

August 7, 1852

Died on Wednesday morning last, Sophia Ellen, aged 2 years and 6 months, daughter of Samuel P. and Hannah Wilson, of Bradford township.

Married at Luthersburg, on the 29th ult., by the Rev. John Flegal, Mr. John Cansor, to Miss Mary Sprague, all of Jefferson county.

Married in this place, on Tuesday morning last, by Rev. Dr. A. M’Leod, Dr. R. V. Wilson to Miss Caroline Smith, daughter of Josiah W. Smith, Esq., all of this place.

August 13, 1852

Married on the 1st inst., by Francis Pearce, Esq., Mr. George W. Shimel, to Miss Mary Jane Bush, of Boggs township, Clearfield county.

August 20, 1852

Died on Monday morning last, in this place, Margaret, wife of John McPherson, aged 37 years, 2 months and 3 days, leaving a large family of small children, and taking from our midst one of the most dutiful wives and mothers.

Narrow Escape. – An accident of rather a ludicrous character occurred on last Saturday, with one of our citizens, which was serious enough as it was, but was well-nigh being much worse. Wm. Fullerton, residing about two miles from town, was hauling a load of hay through a clearing, himself and little boy on the load.  As the horses were passing a log-head, or tree, that was yet burning, they sheared to the one side, running the wheel over a stump, upsetting the wagon and hay on the fire.  Of course, Mr. F. and his boy went with it, and both were quite severely burnt.  The father endeavored to save his wagon and hay but failed, and was glad to get his horses released from their perilous situation.

Another Accident. – On Sunday evening last, as Mr. Samuel Speedy, wife and two or three children were returning home in a buggy, (Mr. Speedy walking a few rods behind) and when descending the hill near Henry Irwin’s the horse became fractious, kicked and broke the fore part of the vehicle, run off the road, throwing all out and seriously injuring Mrs. S.  The children escaped without serious harm.

August 27, 1852

Married on yesterday, by Rev. M. T. Merwin, Benj. Spackman, to Miss Mary Jane Flannigan, both of Bradford township.

Died in this place on Sunday evening last, Charles, son of Robert and Louisa Manly, aged about nine years.

Died in this place on Sunday night last, infant daughter of Ashley M. and Jane Hills.

Died on Wednesday last, Edward, son of Samuel Fullerton, of Lawrence township, aged about 7 years.

New Post Office. We are glad to learn that a new post office has been established, or rather an old one restored, at Pennfield, in Huston township, Clearfield county, and Valentine Hevener, appointed Post Master.

September 3, 1852

Married on the 8th ult., by David Dressler, Esq., Mr. James M. Armagost to Miss Rebecca Emerick, both of Brady township.

Married on the 26th ult., by Rev. W. Champion, Mason Garrison, Esq., to Elizabeth Templeton, both of Curwensville.

Married on the 29th ult., by Rev. John Flegal, Mr. William Lines to Miss Mary Ann Bloom.

September 10, 1852

Died in Rush township, Centre County, on the 30th ult., Hannah, consort of Jas. Antes, aged about 30 years.

Died in Bellefonte, on the 31st ult., after a lingering illness, Margaret, consort of D. M. Weaver, formerly of this place, aged 34 years, 5 months and 21 days.

September 17, 1852

Married on Tuesday evening August 31st., by the Rev. J. Hildebrand, Mr. Adam Jury, to Mrs. Sarah Ann Carr, all of Clearfield county.

Married on the 2d September, by Rev. M. T. Merwin, Mr. Geo. Reams, to Miss Elizabeth Irvine, both of Morris township, Clearfield county.

September 30, 1852

Married on the 16th inst., by F. Pearce, Esq., Mr. Francis Graham of Bradford, to Mrs. Emeline Undercoffin.

Married on the 16th inst., at Masseysburg, Huntingdon county, by the Rev. R. A. Curran, Mr. William P. Read of Lawrence township, Clearfield county, to Miss Mary Margaret McCrum of Masseysburg.

Married on Thursday the 25th, by the Rev. C. Diehl, Mr. Robert Bause to Miss Mary Ellen Scott, both of Bradford township, Clearfield County, Pa.

Married on the 16th inst., by Rev. W. A. McKee, Mr. Simon Stewart to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Wm. Feith of Burnside township.

Married on Tuesday last by Rev. Wm. Champion, Mr. John Graham to Miss G. H. Dale, both of Bradford township.

Died in Bradford township, at the house of James Flanigan, on the 15th inst., a woman supposed to be about 40 years of age – with sandy complexion and with a large wart on her right cheek, and supposed to be deranged in her mind.  She gave her name as Sullivan.
Exchange papers will please copy.

Died on the 15th inst., of Scarlet fever Henrietta Virginia, daughter of Philip and Mary Antes, of Lawrence township aged 8 years 2 months and 25 days.

Died in this place, on Sunday the 19th inst., after a short illness, Miss Julia Brady formerly of Marietta, aged about 17 years.

October 8, 1852

Melancholy and Fatal Accident.
It is our painful duty, this week, to record one of the most melancholy accidents that has ever occurred in this community, an accident that has robbed our town of one of the most distinguished, cherished, and useful citizens; society of one of its brightest ornaments; and a happy family of a kind and indulgent parent.  On Monday morning last, between 8 and 9 o’clock, whilst the workmen employed at the Hollidaysburg Foundry were engaged in hoisting a casting weighing some 2500 pounds, the chain attached to the crane with which they were raising it gave way, and terrible to relate, the proprietor of the establishment, Hon. Geo. R. McFarlane, who was superintending the job, was struck by, and caught beneath, the descending mass.  He was released from his frightful situation as soon as possible and conveyed to his residence and a physician called in.  everything that skill and kindness could suggest was done to prolong his valuable life.  But alas! it was of no avail.  Death had marked him for his victim, and at a quarter before ten o’clock he expired.  He retained his senses up to the last moment, and a few minutes before dying called his family around him, told them his hour had come, and he was not afraid to die, blessed them and bade them good bye, and calmly yielded up his spirit to that God who gave it. – Hollidaysburg Standard.

Married on the 9th ult., by Rev. Wm. A. M’Kee, Mr. Adam Spackman to Miss Jane Pachin, all of Clearfield county.

Married on Monday, the 27th ult., by Rev. J. Hildebrand, Vorice Clark, to Miss Rachael McClosky, both of Karthause township.

Married on the 3d inst., by the Rev. C. Diel, Mr. John Heiges of Luthersburg, to Miss Talitha Rishel of Brady township, Clearfield county, Pa.

Died on Tuesday last, near this place, of Scarlet Fever, Alexander B., son of Geo. L. and Sarah E. Reed, aged about 3 years.

Died on Wednesday last, at the residence of her son, Robert Ownes, Mrs. Nancy Ann Ownes, aged about 92 years.

Died on the 17th ult., in Bradford township, Elizabeth, wife of Benjamin Smeal aged 62 years, 7 months and 23 days.

October 14, 1852

Married on the 30th of September, by John H. Byers, Esq., Mr. Simon Pennington to Miss Catharine Markle of Harris township, Centre county.

Married on the 7th inst., by Rev. John Flegal, Mr. Henry Aiman to Miss Mary Emily Stebbens, both of Jefferson county, Pa.

Married on Wednesday, the 13th inst., by Rev. George Guyer, Mr. William McBride to Miss Lavenia Ross, all of Pike township, Clearfield county.

Died in this place on last Friday morning, of Scarlet Fever, Clara Jane, daughter of William and Susan M. Powell, aged about five years.

Died in this place, on last Friday, of Scarlet Fever, Ferdinand Smith, son of F. P. and Helena Hurxthal, aged about four years and six months.

October 29, 1852

Caution. All persons are hereby cautioned against trusting my wife Catharine on my account.  She is now living in a state of separation from me, and I will not be responsible in any way for her maintainance, nor pay any debts of her contracting.  At a proper time I will show that I have no right to make any provision even for her support.  David W. Hoyt, Ferguson township, Aug. 9, 1852.

November 19, 1852

Married by the Rev. John Flegal on the 9th inst., Mr. Samuel Rishel to Miss Lydia Ann Arnold.

November 26, 1852

Married at Warriors Mark, on Thursday, Nov. 18th, by the Rev. George Guyer, Mr. John Lever of Phillipsburg, to Miss Mary Burkett of Half-Moon, Centre county.

Died on the 17th inst., in Brookville, Jefferson County, the Rev. Dr. Gary Bishop, formerly of this place, aged 64 years 1 month and 2 days.

Died on the 18th inst., John D., son of Wm. and Margaret Daniels, of this county, aged 16 years and 11 months.

December 3, 1852

Married on the 28th of October, by Rev. Wm. A. M’Kee, Mr. George Bennet to Mrs. Amanda Seeley, all of Clearfield county.

Married on the 23d ult., by Rev. John Flegal, Mr. Henry Criner, to Miss Sarah Ann Kuntz, all of Brady township, Clearfield county, Pa.

Married in this place, on Sunday Nov. 21st, by Rev. G. Guyer, Mr. Warren Starkey to Miss Elizabeth Hunter, both of Bellefonte, Pa.

Died on the 20th ult., Margaret Burley, aged 22 years 11 months and 15 days.

Died in Jordan township, on the 23d ultimo, Mrs. Sarah High, consort of Mr. John High, after an illness of eight days, aged 60 years 4 months and 26 days.
The deceased leaves her husband, ten children and a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn her departure.  The early part of her life she spent in Centre county, and was a zealous and devoted member of the German Reformed Church.  During the last twenty-six years she was a resident of this county, and a member of the E. Lutheran Church.  On the 24th her remains were conveyed to the burying ground in connection with the Lutheran church, (Salem Church) followed by the large train of mourners and friends.

December 10, 1852

Married on Saturday, the 29th ult., by Benj. F. Sterling, Esq., Mr. James D. McCracken of the borough of Curwensville, to Miss Susannah France, of Pike township.

Married on Wednesday, 3d inst., by D. Dressler, Esq., Mr. Henry Runson, late of Saddleworth, England, to Miss Maria L. Montgomery, of Brady township.

Married on Sunday, 7th inst., by the Rev. John Flegel, Mr. James A. Woods, to Miss Hannah Horn, all of Brady township.

Died in Lawrence township, on the 26th ult., Martha, wife of Jackson Lanich, in the hope of a blessed immortality.

Died in Lawrence township, on the 24th ult., David, infant son of William Haires of Centre county, Pa.

December 17, 1852

Married on Thursday the 25th of November, by the Rev. J. J. Hamilton, Mr. Joseph M. Marshall to Miss Eliza B. Welch, of Lawrence township.

Married on the 21st October last, by the Rev. M. T. Merwin, Mr. Nathaniel Rishel, of Brady township, to Miss Isabella Daniels, of Lawrence township.

Died at Grahamton, on Saturday the 11th inst., Mrs. Jane Graham, consort of Francis Graham, in the 66th year of her age.

December 24, 1852

Died on the 5th inst., in Brady township, after a lingering illness, Benjamin Carson, sen.

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