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Clearfield Republican, 1853 Issues


Jan 31, 2009

Clearfield Republican1853

January 1, 1853

Married in Union township, on the 22nd ult., by D. Dressler, Esq., Mr. Daniel Mann, of Union township, to Miss Hannah Hays, of Elk county.

Died in this place, after an illness of several weeks, on Sunday last, Hugh Leavy, aged about 50 years.
Our town and community in the death of Mr. L., loses one of its most useful, enterprising and exemplary citizens.  But few men discharge all their obligations as citizens and as Christians more worthily than he discharged his.  Though long afflicted with disease, he yet attended faithfully to all the requirements of a good neighbor, a kind husband and a worthy parent, and was seldom heard to complain or repine.  If a fellow creature was in want, his hand and his purse was ever ready to relieve, and this he would do without first inquiring into his place of nativity, the color of his skin, or the shrine at which he kneeled.
Mr. Leavy was a native of Ireland, emigrated to this county, and after spending several years in the city of N. York, came to this place where he has resided for upwards of twenty years.  Possessed of fair talents, good business habits and remarkable industry, he gradually became possessed of fine property.  But as he was about to enjoy this hard earned reward of his earlier and healthier life, disease laid fast hold upon him, and after weeks of suffering and anguish the monster death claimed his victim.
The deceased was an exemplary member of the Catholic church, and his mortal remains were consigned to their home in the burying ground of that church, in this place, followed by a very large number of our citizens.

January 7, 1853

Married on the 30th ult., by the Rev. J. Hildebrand, Mr. Isaac Souther, of this place, to Miss Mary Ann Leonard, of Woodward township.

Married on the 30th ult., by S. C. Thompson, Esq., Mr. Thomas McPenington, of Centre county, to Miss Mary E. Brown, of Morris township, Clearfield county.

Married on the 31st ult., by the Rev. Dr. A. McLeod, Mr. Joseph Baird, to Miss Mary Merrell, all of this place.

Died in Lawrence township, on the 28th ult., Sarah Levillia, daughter of Soloman M. and Mary Ann Baily, aged two years 3 months and 22 days.

Died in this place, on the morning of the 3d instant, James Irwin, youngest son of Ellis and Hannah Irwin, aged eleven years two months and fifteen days.

January 14, 1853

Daring Robbery.  The house of John Beaumont, some two or three miles west of this place, was entered through a window on Sunday the 26th of December, when the family were all absent, and a truck broken open and rifled of near $400, chiefly in gold, belonging to a young man named Isaac Goon.  No trace of the thief has been discovered.
This is only one among the many similar transactions we have heard of lately.

January 21, 1853

Accidents. Some three weeks ago, a citizen of Jordan township of the name of Strothers, was instantly killed by the falling of a bank of earth, which he and a Mr. Bodell, were undermining.  Leaving a wife and a large family of children.
About the same time a little son of John Smith of the same township, died in a few hours after receiving a kick from a horse.

Married on the 13th inst., by the Rev. Wm. Champion, Mr. John H. Gearheart, to Miss Elizabeth Cowder, both of Bradford township, Clearfield county.

Died in this place, on last Saturday evening, of Scarlet fever, Melissa Watson, daughter of C. D. Watson, aged about 8 years.
Her remains were followed to the tomb on Sunday afternoon by a large procession.

January 28, 1853

Died on Tuesday morning last, in this place, of Scarlet Fever,  —- son of David and Phoebe Sacket, aged 22 months. [no name given]

February 4, 1853

Died in Morris township, on the 28th of December, Sarah, daughter of David and Mary Ann Dale, aged 14 years 9 months and 26 days.
The deceased attached herself to the M. E. church in the autumn of the year 1851, and whilst in health has not had the mark of absence on the class-book from the time of her joining the church until she died.

Died in Morris township, on the 20th ult., Mary Ann, wife of David Dale, aged 31 years.
The deceased was also a member of the M. E. church, having attached herself to it some 22 or 23 years ago.

Died in Morris township, on the 23d ult., Joseph B., son of David and Mary Ann Dale, in the 17th year of his age.

Railroad Accident.  The downward train of cars run off the track, near Christiana, Lancaster county, on Sunday morning last, and seriously injured several of the passengers, and among the number Judge Wright, of this place, who, though badly bruised, was doing well at last accounts.
From further particulars, we learn that there was but one car (the hindmost) thrown off the track, containing only eight passengers, and after running thus about 150 yards, breaking the stove and scattering the fire all through the car, broke the coupling and was thrown down a bank a distance of about 16 feet.  The car was crushed to pieces.  All the passengers were more or less injured, and two of them so seriously as to endanger their lives.

February 18, 1853

Sad Affair.
    An unfortunate case of stabbing occurred in this place on last Monday night, soon after dark, but as it will probably be the subject of Judicial investigation, we shall not attempt to give particulars.  It seems that J. S. Radebach and a young man named Carlile, met at the Widow Dunlaps, where they had a trifling dispute, and agreed to go out of town and take a fight, and accordingly they started to cross the bridge, alone, a they thought.  In a short time Carlile returned to his boarding house (Lanichs) with a frightful cut inflicted in the left side, immediately above the hip.  The wound was there dressed by Dr. Lorain.  Carlile has since been confined to his bed.  Thought not out of danger, we understand that his Physician has good hopes of his speedy recovery.
    Carlile is a stranger in this part of the country, having come here last summer, and from what we can learn of him he bears a good name as to character, disposition, &c.

Married on the 12th instant, by Jas. Wrigley, Esq., Mr. John Q. A. Johnson, to Miss Charity Mitchell, both of Goshen township, Clearfield county.

Married on the 13th instant, by S. C. Thompson, Esq., Mr. Samuel Hoover to Miss Margaret Beams, all of Morris township, Clearfield county.

Died on Thursday the 10th instant, at the residence of his son, in Lawrence township, Mr. John Owens, at the advanced age of 93 years.
The deceased was among the early settlers in this county, and raised a large family of children.  He has been blind for the last sixteen years.

February 25, 1853

Married on the 10th instant, by Wm. M. Bloom, Esq., Mr. James Norris, to Miss Joannah Rowles, all of Lawrence township, Clearfield county.

Married on the 10th instant, by Wm. M. Bloom, Esq., Mr.Samuel Bloom to Miss Elizabeth Aughenbaugh, all of Pike township, Clearfield county.

Married at Hollidaysburg, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. John M. Kinsey, Mr. James G. Bailey to Miss S. M. Wallace, all of that place.

Died on the 2d instant, in Penn township, Alfred, son of John H. and Mary J. Newpher, aged 1 year, 8 months and 7 days.

Died in this place, on Tuesday morning last, of Scarlet Fever, William son of R. F. and Margaret Ward, aged about 6 years.

Died in Beccaria township on Tuesday last, of Scarlet Fever, Ira, infant son of J. W. and Mary Shugart of this place, aged about 18 months.

Penoch Carlile, the young man who was stabbed by J. S. Radebach on the night of the 14th instant, we are glad to learn, is in a fair way to recover.

March 4, 1853

Married on the 23d December, by B. F. Sterling, Esq., Mr. Thomas McCracken to Miss Elizabeth Henry, both of Ferguson township, Clearfield county.

Married on the 30th January, by  J. W. Wright, Esq., Mr. Allen Hunter of Blair County, to Miss Mary Creswell of Beccaria township, Clearfield county.

Married on the 17th February, by J. W. Wright, Esq., Mr. John Beyer to Miss Rebecca Keagy, all of Beccaria township, Clearfield county.

Married on the 1st instant, by the Rev. C. Diehl, Mr. Abraham Laborde to Miss Frances Kesigle, both of Union township, Clearfield county.

Died in this place on Friday morning last, Mrs. Mary Ellen, wife of James H. Adams.

March 11, 1853

Died in Lawrence township, on the 8th instant, of Scarlet Fever, Thomas L. Thompson, son of John and Agnes Coder, aged 2 years and 6 months.

March 18, 1853

Married on the 15th instant, by the Rev. J. R. Morris, Mr. David S. Platner of New Washington, to Miss Jane Cross, of Curwensville, Clearfield county.

Died in Bradford township on the 10th instant, Lovinah, wife of Joseph Winnery, aged 32 years.

One thousand laboring men are wanted on the line of the Susquehanna Railroad, between Bridgeport (opposite Harrisburg,) and Sunbury in the State of Pennsylvania.  This road is fifty-four miles in length, runs through a highly improved country, and will furnish employment for Stone Masons, Carpenters and laborers, for the next twelve months.  A large portion of the line is heavy work excavation – laborers that are familiar with work of that kind will find certain employment and liberal wages.  Here is a chance.

Notice & Caution.  The public are hereby cautioned against trusting my wife Hannah on my account, as she has left my bed and board without just cause and I am therefore determined to pay no more debts of her contracting.  Rudolph Litch, sen., Boggs township, March 14, 1853

Singular Circumstance.
    Two or three weeks ago a respectable married woman residing in the eastern end of this county, gave birth to twin children, which addition increased the little responsibilities of the household to nine.  Some five or six nights after the event, the husband, who occupied a bed in the same room was awakened by her, when she complained bitterly of her hard lot in having such a large household to care for.  The husband soothed her as well as he could and then fell asleep.  In about an hour he awoke, and found that his wife had left her bed.  Immediate search was made in and around the house, but the woman was not to be found.  The alarmed man fearing that in her weak condition she must perish before she could go far, summoned his neighbors to aid in searching for her. The party soon discovered foot prints in the snow, and they followed the track to a creek where she had crossed and re-crossed the stream three times, in water to the depth of three feet.  From there they tracked her along the creek, through fields and woods for a distance of nearly three miles, and at length found her sitting in a fence corner, with a piece of rope and nail in her hand.  When interrogated as to her motive for leaving her home, she declared it was her intention to commit suicide.  It was then suggested that she was laboring under aberration of mind, which she undoubtedly was, but this she stoutly denied.  The strange part of this occurrence is, that the woman, after walking bare-footed, and with nothing on her but thin cotton night clothes, a distance of three or four miles through snow, slush and cold water, and that too only six days after giving birth to two children, is now as well as ever she was in her life!  This may appear strange – especially to medical men – nevertheless it is true. – Hollidaysburg Standard.

April 1, 1853

A Child Scalded to Death.
    A child of Mr. John Dixon’s, aged about three years, was scalded to death one day last week, at the house of Rudolph Litch, in Boggs township.  Its mother had been washing, and the child fell backwards into a bucket of scalding soap-suds, from the effects of which it died the next day.

April 21, 1853

Died in this place, this evening, after a lingering illness, Alexander B. Reed, aged 67 years.
The deceased was an early settler in this county, and one of its most respected and influential citizens.

April 28, 1853

Died on the 6th instant, at Clearfield, Pa., Mrs. Mary Shaw, widow of Archibald Shaw, formerly for many years an elder in the Presbyterian church in that place.
Mrs. Shaw attained to the advanced age of 78 years.  For several years past her health has been failing; yet on no occasion, when circumstances would permit, was she absent from the house of God on the Sabbath.   She was a woman of great humility, and of unwavering faith in the promises of God.  She was noted for her sound, and candid, and cautious judgment.  She was remarkably amiable, and tender, and affectionate in her disposition.
Her maiden name was Mary Campbell, of the county of Derry, Ireland.  She and her husband came over to this country in 1800, and stayed a while in Chester county.  From thence they removed to and lived four years in Mifflin county.
In the year 1810 they came out and settled in Clearfield, and were among its early pioneers and settlers.
She was the mother of nine children.  Eight of whom are now living – four sons and four daughters – all of them with numerous descendants.
Her family has been bereaved of a fond and praying mother.  Society has lost one of its best members, and the Presbyterian Church a faithful and devoted mother in Isreal.

Died in Huston township, on the 27th instant, Mrs. Aurelia, consort of Mr. Freeman Lamb, in the fifty seventh year of her age.

Married on the 25th instant, by M. Nichols, Esq., Mr. James Baily of Elk county, to Miss Mary M’Mullen of Clearfield county.

Serious Loss by Fire. – We regret to learn that the residence of David Winslow, in Bennezette, Elk county, in which there was a store room containing a large quantity of goods, was destroyed by fire a few days since.  Nothing was saved from the store except the books, and but few articles from the house.

Horse Thieves About.  A valuable horse, saddle and bridle, was stolen from George Cowen, at Altona, Blair county, on last Tuesday night.  The horse is a brown, 16 or 17 hands high, and has 2 lumps on his forehead, as if horns were about to grow out.  Two men were in company, and were traced as far as Neling’s mill, in this county.  They should be caught.  $50 reward is offered.

Accident. – We forgot to mention in our last, the very serious accident that happened to Richard Glennan, an industrious mechanic of our town, on the river, one day week before last.  The accident happened at the eddy at the foot of Buttermilk Falls, in this, and not in Clinton co., as stated in the Clinton papers.  Mr. G. was assisting to land a raft, and being thrown into the water was crushed between two rafts.  Though both legs were badly bruised, we believe no bones were broken.  He was taken to Lock Haven, where we understand he is doing well.
    This is a very ready way to get hurt.  In fact it is a most dangerous business and when we consider the vast number of rafts that are sent down the river, and the number of times that each raft must be landed, the greatest wonder is, that so few such accidents happen.

May 6, 1853

Died on the 25th ult., in Penn township, J. W., son of William and Harriet Wood, aged 15 years, 9 months and 17 days.

May 13, 1853

Died at his residence in Lawrence township, on last Saturday evening, of consumption, David Hoover, aged about 57 years.

Died in Bell township, in this county, on the 30th of April, of pleurisy, Asaph Ellis, Esq., aged 67 years, 7 months and 20 days.
Tioga papers will please notice.

A Car full of passengers entirely submerged in water ! – Two others completely shattered to pieces ! – Forty-nine killed !  Twenty-one dangerously wounded.
Norwalk, CT., May 6, – A terrible accident has taken place on the New York and New Haven Railroad.
    The train which left New York at 8 o’clock this morning, ran off the drawbridge at this place.
    It is supposed that at least fifty persons were killed.  One car full of passengers is now entirely submerged in the water. – I will send the particulars as soon as I can collect them.

SECOND DESPEATCH. – The submerged car is still in the same position, though a large force is engaged in endeavoring to extricate it.  The most intense excitement prevails at the scene of disaster.
    Two cars of the train are completely shattered to pieces.  The cries of the wounded and dying are agonizing.
    All that human skill can do to alleviate their sufferings is being done.  The excitement and confusion is so great that it is impossible almost to obtain the names of the dead and wounded.
    From what I can see and learn, there are not less than forty or fifty killed and drowned.  Some of the unfortunate victims are mangled in the most shocking manner.
    Among those badly injured is Mr. Comstock, of New York.
THIRD DESPATCH. – The submerged car has been raised, and forty dead bodies recovered – among then six females.  Twenty persons are injured – fifteen it is feared fatally.  The blame is said to rest with the engineer. The train at the time of approaching the drawbridge was running at the rate of fifteen miles per hour.
FOURTH DESPATCH. – It is now ascertained that the number of persons injured will reach seventy – many of them seriously.  It is believed that not less than 60 lives have been lost.  The most painful excitement prevails at the scene of the disaster.  Mr. Mitchell, of Philadelphia, and Messrs. E. and W. Dunbare, of Montgomery county, are among those who were saved.  It is almost impossible to get an accurate list of the dead.
STILL LATER. – Norwalk, May 6, 7 P.M. – A feeling of deep melancholy pervades the community on account of the dreadful railroad accident.  Thus far forty-nine dead bodies have been discovered.  Two of those who were injured have since died.  Eighteen others are seriously injured, and three dangerously.
    Among the lost is the daughter of the Rev. Dr. Giswold.
The following dead bodies have been recognized:
Dr. A. Welch, of Hartford.
Dr. Beach, of Bridgport
Mrs. Fluent, of Lancaster city, Pa.
Rev. Mr. Sehor, of Williamsburg.
Dr. Smith, of Springfield.
John Moss of Gardiner, Maine.
David B. Newell, of Newport.
John L. Gray, of Springfield.
Walter French, of Manchester.
Norman Woodbury, of Woodbury, Con.
There are probably ten or more bodies still in the wreck.
    An express agent, who was sitting on a trunk, in the baggage car, escaped by forcing his body through the roof of the car, but is badly wounded.
    A newsboy, who was in the car, made a very miraculous escape unhurt.
    An infant in the care of its aunt, on her way to its parents in Springfield was saved, but the aunt was killed.
    The bodies of many of the dead are much disfigured, and their recognition in many cases is very difficult.
    The scene is dreadful, and heart-rending to witness.
    Ample medical attendance was soon on the spot, and all possible assistance to the sufferers is being rendered by the ladies of Norwalk and the citizens generally.
The mails and most of the baggage has been saved in a damaged state.
[For the information of our readers it may be proper to say that Norwalk is 45 miles from New York.  The river is of considerable depth, sufficient for vessels drawing six feet to reach the bridge.]

May 21, 1853

Brow-beating a man out of a horse.
    We have all heard of lawyers brow-beating the truth, and sometimes more than the truth, out of witnesses; but we presume few have ever heard of a lawyer bro-beating a man out of a horse.  Yet such a circumstance occurred the other day at Caledonia, as a certain lawyer of Elk county, was on his way to this place.  A very suspicious looking man rode up to the door and called for breakfast.  He had a sheep skin for a saddle, and a halter strap for a bridle.  S. fixed his eyes upon him saying, “Mr. that looks like a stolen horse, and you look like a horse thief, and I’ll be d-d if you ain’t a horse thief.”   The fellow became very indignant and made loud threats.  But S. saw that he had him nailed, and after a few moments parleying, and whilst S. was about getting ready to take the fellow before a neighboring Justice of the Peace, he vamoosed into the woods, minus the horse, and when last seen was making a straight coat tail for the horse thief district.
    When S. reached this place he learned that one of our honest farmers, living some six miles from town, had sold a horse the day before for some 80 dollars counterfieit money,  on the State Bank of Indiana.

Married on the 17th of March last, by G. W. Shoff, Esq., Mr. William Kline, to Miss Jane Askey, all of Woodward township, Clearfield county.

Married on the 5th instant, by Rev. D. C. Worts, Mr. Wm. J. Patterson, of Lancaster county, to Miss Isabella Yothers, of Clearfield county.

Married on the 2d instant, by John Byers, Esq., Mr. John Teeple, to Miss Malinda Aders, both of Chess township, Clearfield county.

Married on Tuesday morning last, by the Rev. Thos. H. W. Monroe, Dr. Hardman P. Thompson to Miss Martha Irvin, both of Curwensville.

Married on the 17th instant, by the Rev. J. R. Morris, Mr. Wm. Chambers, of Curwensville, Clearfield county, to Mrs. Mary Ann Holt, of Unionville, Centre county.

Died on the 10th instant, Mr. George Fye, aged 60 years, leaving a wife and 6 children, and a large number of relations to mourn his loss.

May 27, 1853

Married on Monday the 24th instant, by the Rev. J. H. Hamilton, Mr. Hugh Mullen to Miss Elizabeth Ogden, all of Lawrence township, Clearfield county.

We are informed that on Wednesday last, a heavy shower took place a short distance south of Bedford, and on several persons going out of their houses, the ground was observed to be covered with a species of lizard, about three inches long, of a purple and green color, with four natural feet, and one in the middle of its body, with nails on like those of a human being, it also has but one eye, of a dull, heavy lead color, in the middle of its head, between the ears and from which it sees sharply in every direction.  Several living specimens have been preserved, by a gentleman, in the neighborhood of the shower.  It feeds on bark, roots and grass.  This gentleman intends sending a pair of them to a distinguished naturalist in Philadelphia.

June 3, 1853

Another Death From Chloroform.  – A man named Lewis Fritch, cut his leg very badly near Pittsburg, some week ago, and not having it properly dressed, mortification began to take place.  On Monday two physicians undertook to amputate the leg, with the use of chloroform, but unfortunately the dose proved too large for his debilitated and nervous system, an he died about a minute after its application.  The coroner’s jury in their verdict, recommended “that the medical faculty be extremely careful how they administer chloroform, believing that they should never use it unless in extreme cases, and then only with the greatest caution.

A citizen of  our county, a few miles from this place, succeeded some few days since, in capturing a full grown bear, in the following singular manner:  it appears that the hero of our story, whose name, we have forgotten, was wandering in the woods, when in the course of his travels he came across bruin.  Having no fire arms in his possession, and not being scared at a trifle, he resolved to try what virtue there was in the stones that were laying around in great profusion, he gathered up an armful and commenced the attack, and actually succeeded in capturing the animal.

June 10, 1853

Information Wanted.
    A man named Charles W. Darby, or Charles W. Terpe, disappeared from Brady township, in this county, about the 21st of February last, and has not since been heard of.  He was traced eastward as far as Curwensville.  Said Darby alias Terpe was a German, and had been about one year in this country at that time.  He is about 35 years of age, 5 feet 4 or 5 inches high, heavy set, dark complexion, blue eyes, auburn hair, and was much addicted to smoking and drinking.  When he left he wore a brown frock coat with outside side pockets, dark grey pants, black jacket, and black silk neck handkerchief, black Kossuth hat, and boots.
    Any person knowing the whereabouts of the said Darby alias Terpe, and giving any information of him since the 21st of February last, will confer a favor on the relatives of the missing man and the citizens of that vicinity generally.  The sudden and mysterious manner in which he disappeared, connected with the fact that a portion of a man’s wearing apparel have been found in the woods in that neighborhood, which, however, have not been identified as belonging to him, has created the belief in the minds of some, that he has been murdered, and suspicion has already fastened upon those who are doubtless innocent of any such crime.
    Persons having any information to convey, will address Julius A. Turpe, Luthersburg, Clearfield county, Pa.

Married on the 22d of ult., by Wm. L. Rishel, Esq., Mr. Peter Heister of Clarion county, Pa., to Miss Elizabeth Kylar of Girard township, Clearfield county.

Died at his residence in Bell township very suddenly, on Monday last, Wm. Haslet, aged about 70 years.

Died on the 30 of May last, at her residence in Gibson township, Elk county, Mrs. Sevilla Baily, aged 59 years 1 month and 26 days.

June 17, 1853

An old man of some 70 winters, named Terpe, was committed to our jail the other day, on the awful charge of having murdered his own son, some months ago, in Brady township.  He is a German, and cannot talk or understand a word of English, although he has been in this country for several years.  We have made much inquiry concerning this affair, and have heard quite different statements; but upon the whole, we think there are but slight, very slight grounds for suspecting that this venerable looking old man could be guilty of such a crime.  The missing son is the same whose absence was noticed in our paper last week.  It was in February when he was last seen, and was traced to this place, but no further.  He was of intemperate, worthless habits, and had only been in the country for a little over a year.  We hope that before many days his whereabouts may be made known, and thus the certain destruction of this hitherto peaceful and apparently happy family averted, and the excitement and suspicion of that neighborhood put to rest.
    It a appears that the absence of the son had not been remarked until after the finding of a portion of a man’s clothing in the woods in the vicinity.  But we have been credibly informed that the clothes were not identified as young Terpe’s, nor do they correspond with any that he left behind.
    Many other circumstances have been mentioned in connection with the affair, but for obvious reasons we shall not notice them.  We understand that an effort is making to have the old man restored to his family for the present, on a writ of habeas corpus.

Laying of a Corner Stone. The ceremony of the laying of a Corner Stone of the German Reformed Church, on the road leading from Luthersburg to Punxsutawney, will take place on Saturday the 2d of July next, commencing at 10 o’clock.  The public are respectfully invited to attend.

Died on the 11th of June, at Luthersburg, Mrs. Clerissa Carlile, aged 20 years 11 months and 10 days.
She has left behind a husband, infant child, and a large connection of relatives and friends to mourn her early death.

Notice & Caution.  Whereas on the 22d day of June, 1853, my wife Sarah left my bed and board without any just cause or provocation, and therefore I hereby caution and forewarn all persons from boarding, harboring or trusting her any amount whatever on my account, as I am determined to pay no debts of her contracting after this date unless compelled by law.  Isaiah H. Warrick, Beccaria township.

June 24, 1853

Charles Terpe, who our readers will remember, we noticed in our last paper,  had been arrested and lodged in the jail of this county, on suspicion of having murdered his son, Charles W. Terpe, who disappeared from Brady township, some months since, was released from jail on Tuesday last on a writ of habeas corpus,  and had a hearing before Judge Shaw, was acquitted and permitted to return to his family.
    We were not present at the examination of the witnesses, but are informed that the grounds for suspecting this old man as the perpetrator of so horrible a crime, were slight, very slight indeed.  Nothing however, has been heard of the whereabouts of the missing man.

Armstrong County. – There were, say the Armstrong Democrat, two bodies found in the river about two miles below Kittanning, on Sunday the 14th instant.  The first was found embedded in the sand in a sitting position, and so much decayed as to preclude all possibility of identification. – An old pen knife and a piece of red chalk were found in one pocket.  The other was the body of a man named Brewer. A Coroners inquest was held on both bodies.  Verdict upon each, accidental drowning.

Married on the 16th instant, by Friends Ceremony, Mr. George W. Waiters, to Miss Elizabeth E. Moore, all of Penn township, Clearfield county.

Married on Tuesday evening the 22d instant, by the Rev. Dr. McLeod, Mr. Lewis Irwin, to Miss Amelia Smith, all of this place.

Died on the 22nd instant, at the residence of his son, at Clearfield Bridge, Mr. John Devine in the 70th year of his age.  The deceased was a native of the county of Tryone, Ireland, and emigrated from there in 1800.

July 1, 1853

The Hollidaysburg Standard contains an account of an inhuman outrage committed in that place.  On Friday last, a little daughter of Rev. D. J. Yerkes, while playing in front of the house, in Gaysport, was decoyed away, and taken to the privy of the public school house, where it was stripped, and beaten in the most shameful manner, with a thorn bush and a piece of hoop, the marks of both of which were plainly visible on the child’s back.  She was found wandering through the streets by a neighbor, who took her home, and it was found that she was so much injured that a physician had to be called in.  the author or authors of the outrage are unknown, nor can it be surmised what actuated the perpetrator in the commission of so foul a crime.  The child is not yet two years old!

We regret to learn that while Mr. Thomas Shea, an industrious mechanic of our town, was in Philadelphia, last week, some one of the long fingered gentry who infest some portions of that city, succeeded in getting hold of his pocket book, and extracted therefrom the sum of two hundred dollars.

Died in Pike township on the 17th ult., Anthony Kratzer, aged abut 46 years.

Died in this place on Wednesday last, the 29th ult., Amelia Fullerton, aged about 18 years.

Died in this place on Friday morning the 1st instant, Sophia, youngest daughter of R. F. and Margaret Ward, aged about one year and 6 months.

6 Cents Reward.
Runaway from the subscriber on or about the 1st of March last, my son Jacob Hess, aged about 18 years.  Said Jacob is stout built, 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high.  The above reward but no thanks will be given for this return, and the public are cautioned against harboring or trusting him on my account, as I will pay no debts of his contracting after this date unless compelled by law.  Isaac Hess, Boggs township, May 20, 1853.

July 8, 1853

Married on the 9th of June by Rev. Joel J. Wood, Mr. Benjamin Lankford of New York, to Miss Elizabeth Rothrock, of Clearfield county, Pa.

Married on the 27th of June, by Rev. Joel J. Wood, Mr. Benjamin Lounsberry, to Miss Margaret Barger, all of Clearfield county.

Married on the 28th of June by Rev. C. Diehl, Mr. Adam Schieler to Miss Elizabeth Spoerls, both of Karthaus township, Clearfield county, Pa.

Caution.  Whereas my wife Jane, has left my bed and board without any just cause, I therefore, hereby warn all persons from harboring or trusting her on my account, as I will not be liable for any debts of her contracting.  Timothy Lee.

July 15, 1853

New Post Office.  We are glad to learn that the Post Master General has established a new Post Office at Lumberville, in this county, to be called Lumberville City, and D. W. Robbins, has been appointed Post Master.

Married on Thursday the 30th of June, by the Rev. J. J. Hamilton, Mr. John Thompson to Miss Mary Lynch.

Married on the 7th instant, by the Rev. J. J. Hamilton, Mr. John Frederick, to Miss Anna Barbara Verse.

Married on the 2d instant, by the Rev. Hauchenberry, Mr. Aaron C. Tate to Miss Martha J. Brown, all of Lawrence township.

Died in Marietta, on the 19th ult., after a lingering illness of two years, Maj. Francis Flury, in the 62d year of his age.

Died in Boggs township, this county, on the 26th ult., Joshua A. Tate, aged about thirty-five years.

Died in this borough, on Saturday the 16th instant, Isaiah Fullerton, aged about 50 years.
The deceased had long been a citizen of this county, and a useful and industrious member of society, and was highly esteemed by all who knew him.  He leaves a family of small children to regret his loss.  His remains were conveyed to the tomb on Sunday evening last, followed by about 400 citizens of the borough and neighborhood.  The funeral services were attended to by the Rev. Mr. Diehl of the Lutheran Church.

Died in Lawrence Township, on Monday the 18th instant, after a lingering illness, Sarah, daughter of Samuel and Ellen Jordan, aged about 11 years.

July 23, 1853

The Tomb of Franklin.
    A dilapidated dark slab of stone, at the southwest corner of Fifth and Arch streets, Philadelphia, marke (or did a few years ago) the spot where rests the remain of Benjamin and Deborah Franklin; but you cannot see their grave nor read the inscription without scaling a high brick wall, in violation of the law, or securing a good opportunity and the favor of the sextion, each of which is said to be attended with difficulty.  So well hidden is this grave, and so little frequented, that we have known many native Philadelphians, of men’s and women’s estate, who could not direct one to the locality where it may be found.  Yet Franklin was a man whose equal is not the product of every century – a patriot whom his country should forever revere – a philosopher whose name will live so long as science shall endure; and the wife of his heart was to him more than the woman always proves to the husband of her love – a companion, counseller, and self sacrificing friend.  They should forever repose beneath the old gray stone that canopies their bed – a monument beautiful in its appropriate simplicity; but around them should be constructed a beautiful iron fence, through which we might behold their quiet abode; and the choicest of flowers and evergreens should richly adorn it.

July 29, 1853

An Unwelcome Visitor.  On Tuesday night of last week a number of men residing at Holliday’s Saw Mill, in Clearfield, prepared themselves for gigging fish.  When they reached the stream and had their torches lighted, they were suddenly surprised by the screams of a large panther, standing on the opposite bank of the creek.  Of course the alarmed men dropped their gigs an torches and made time for the shantee, which they had scarcely reached and barricaded before the vermint made his appearance at the house.  He continued prowling about all night making the woods echo with the most terrific screams, and only deserted when the day dawned.  The men could see him walking to and from before the shantee, lashing his sides with his tail, and showing his frightful tushes, but they had neither dogs or guns, and were consequently compelled to let the monarch roar with impunity and depart in peace. – Hollidaysburg Standard.

Married on the 7th instant, by Wm. M. Bloom, Esq., Mr. Denton Bedman, of Bradford county, Pa., to Miss Louisa Jane McKee, of Jordan township, this county.

Married on the 14th, by Wm. M. Bloom, Esq., in Ferguson township, Mr. Amos Tubbs, to Miss Margaret Jane Wiley, all of this county.

Married in Morris township, on the 19th instant, by Samuel C. Thompson, Esq., Mr. Samuel Cramer, to Miss Elizabeth Golman, all of that township.

Some of our exchanges, we notice are sometimes in the habit of boasting of the advanced age of some of their citizens.  We have lately learned however, that there are persons residing in this county who are as old, if not older than any elsewhere in the state. Mr. James Gallagher of Burnside township, who has reached the advanced age of 95 years, paid a visit to our town last week, and those unacquainted with him, who beheld him traveling our streets would not have supposed him to be so far advanced in life.  Nor is Mr. Gallagher the oldest person living in our county. – We are credibly informed, that there is residing in the same township, a Mr. Ludwick Snyder, who has reached the extreme age of 107.  He still remains quite active, his mind is sound and unimpaired, and being a gun-smith by trade, continues to work some little at the business – and it is said that he can yet, or could a few years ago beat most of the young men of the neighborhood shooting at mark.

August 5, 1853

Married on the 3d instant, at the Catholic Church, in Clearfield, by the Rev. F. Ledwith, Mr. Owen Campbell, of Harrisburg, to Miss Onney Bury of Clearfield.  Harrisburg papers copy.

Died in Brady township, on the 23d instant, Mr. David Dunlap, aged about 76 years.

Died on the 27th ult., Thos. Fenton, aged 54 years, 11 months and 25 days.
The deceased leaves a widow and numerous friends to mourn his departure.  But they mourn not as those who have no hope, for they expect to meet him in the kingdom of immortal glory, where friends will never part.  As a moralist, I never heard anything bad to the charge of Thos. Fenton.  And as a philanthropist he had few rivals.  It appears to be his paramount desire, to do to others as he desired them to do to him.

Another new Post Office has just been established at Trout Run, in this county, and Wm. L. Rishel, Esq., appointed Post Master.

August 12, 1853

Died on the 2d instant, in Lawrence township, Isabella Viola, daughter of Allen and Susanna J. Mitchell, aged eleven months.

Died in Goshen township, on the 8th inst., Mrs. Mary Rishel, consort of Lewis Rishel, aged about 36 years.

August 19, 1853

Hannah Winternitz, by her next friend, David Winternitz vs. Joseph Winternitz.  In the Court of Common Pleas of Clearfield County, No 85, Feb. Term 1853.
September 17th 1853 testimony will be heard in this case by John L. Cuttle, Attorney.

Married on the 2d of June, by the Rev. Wm. M’Kee, Mr. Wm. Decker of Clearfield county, to Miss Mary Ghance, of Huntingdon county.

Died in this place, on the 6th instant, Mr. Thomas Hemphill, aged about 75 years.

August 26, 1853

Married on the 7th of July last, by the Rev. C. Jeffries, Mr. Samuel Henderson, to Miss Sarah Goss, all of Clearfield county.

Gold in Blair County.  The Hollidaysburg Standard says that an intelligent German exhibited to its editor “a specimen of gold bearing quartz, which he found in one of the gulches of the Allegheny mountain.”  “It was” continues that paper, “a soft sand stone, which could readily be crushed between the fingers and contained about 10 per cent of gold.”

September 2, 1853

Information Wanted. – William Nott left his home in Mt. Solon, Augusta Co., Va., in July last, and when last seen was in Chambersburg, Pa., on his way toward Canada.  He was for the last twenty-five years previous a useful minister of the gospel.  He is a man of about 50 or 60 years of age and probably a little over six feet high; stoop-shouldered; hair very gray; shabbily dressed, and apparently much broken down in body by age and mental affliction.  He images himself pursued by enemies seeking his life for his heretofore fearless opposition to Slavery, and said he would only be safe in Canada.  He left a respectable family and connection of relatives who are totally unacquainted with his whereabouts.  If the above person is taken and confined, he will be sent for and all necessary expenses paid upon receipt of the intelligence of his whereabouts.  Address, Daniel Funkhouser, Chambersburg, Franklin co., Pa.

Married at New Washington, on the18th ult., by the Rev. Wm. A. M’Kee, Mr. Malen Hoover to Miss Hannah Jane Greer, all of Clearfield county.

Numerous Progeny. – Mr. John Cox, who emigrated from Adams county, Pa., to the West, 1850, is now living in Bristol township, Trumbull county, Ohio, at the advanced age of 82 years, but still a very hale, active man.  It is said he has 12 children, 88 grand-children and 33 great grand-children – making 133 in all.  One of his grand sons, a lad of 14 years of age, weighs 185 ½ pounds.  His wife is still living, aged about 83.

September 9, 1853

Married on the 4th instant, by the Rev. John Flegal, Mr. Isaac Wainright, of Jefferson county, to Miss Catharine Rishel, of Clearfield county, Pa.

Died on the 30th ult., in Penn township, Clearfield county, Pa., Mr. Lewis Roberts, aged 54 years.

September 15, 1853

The Baptist Meeting House in Curwensville, will be dedicated to the worship of Almighty God, Providence permitting, on Sabbath the 25th instant.

Married on Thursday the 8th instant, by the Rev. C. Diehl, Mr. Daniel Goodlander, to Miss L. Draucker, all of Brady township, Clearfield county.

Married on Thursday the 8th instant, by the Rev. C. Diehl, Mr. Christopher Smith, to Miss Catharine Draucker, all of Brady township.

Died in Bradford township, on the 26th ult., Mary Ellen Bouse, aged 19 years 5 months and 18 days.

Died in Lawrence township on Saturday the 10th instant, Lebeus Luther, infant child of Isaac M. and Lavina Kline, aged 1 year and 8 days.

That a guilty conscience does not always prevent sleep, is to be inferred from the following case:
On the night of the 13th instant, Mrs. Walters, who keeps the Bridge gate, in our village (Sallisbury, Indiana county) was awakened by some noise in the basement of the house; she rose from her bed, but hearing nothing further retired again.  After some time she heard a person snoring in the lower part of the house.  She arose cautiously and went down, and there in the front apartment of the house saw a man lying asleep.  Passing quietly out the back way, she soon collected a sufficient number of men to secure the sleeper.  They found him to be a colored man named Edward Howard, he was entirely naked, and held a dirk knife grasped in his hand.  He was disarmed and secured before he was waked.  He had crawled through the window for the sake of plunder, and stripped himself so that if there would be a necessity of shedding blood, his clothes would be unstained.  On hearing Mrs. W. when she first rose, he laid down to wait until all would be quiet again and fell asleep himself in the mean time.  He was taken by the police to the county jail, and will doubtless be sentenced to Sallsbury.

September 22, 1853

Married on the 15th instant, by the Rev. John Flegal, Mr. Israel Zantman, to Miss Sarah Dunlap, both of Brady township, Clearfield county.

Married in Morris township, on Sunday the 11th instant, by S. E. Thompson, Esq., Mr. Archibald N. Campbell, to Miss Catherin Angeline Treziyulny formerly of Centre county, Pa.

Died in Boggs township, on Sunday the 1st instant, of dysentery, John Henny, aged 38 years, leaving a wife and six children.

Died on the 14th instant, in Bell township, Mrs. Martha, wife of William Bell, and daughter of Joseph Hoover of Pike township, aged 30 years 7 months and 11 days.
Member of the Curwensville Baptist Church. She leave a husband and two small children to mourn her departure.

Died on the morning of the 18th instant, at Glen Hope, Hannah, wife of Jeremiah Moore.
Her remains were deposited in “Friends” burial ground at west Branch.

Mr. Jacob English, a son of Mr. John English, of Benezetter township, Elk county, had the misfortune to get his leg broken just below the knee, on the 31st ult.  He was engaged in hauling a log near his father’s house, when from some cause it slid round against him and broke his leg.  It is thought he will recover.  He is a young man, some twenty-one or two years old.

Runaway.  Whereas my son Jacob, aged about 17 years, left my premises, on or about the 30th of April last, all persons are hereby cautioned against harboring or trusting him on my account, as I am determined not to pay any debts of his contracting.  John L. Gearhart, Boggs township, Sept. 23, 1853

September 29, 1853

Railroad Accident.
The little locomotive “Ariel” says the Reading Gazette, of Saturday, in coming down from Pottsville, yesterday morning, about 11 o’clock, with J. D. Gullen and H. M. Walker, Esqs., two officers of the Railroad, as passengers, ran off the track a short distance below Pottsville, in consequence of the displacement of a switch, and was precipitated over the embankment, at that point some ten feet high.  The fireman, a boy named Henry Schroder, who belongs to this city, was seriously injured by jumping off the engine, and was brought home on a settee by the afternoon train.  The engineer, Robert Holmes, and his two passengers, fortunately escaped with a few slight bruises and scratches.  The damage to the “Ariel” was trifling.

Married by the Rev. Jas. J. Hamilton, on the 30th of June, Mr. John W. Thompson to Miss Nancy Lynch, both of Jordan township.

Married by the Rev. Jas. J. Hamilton, on the 15th instant, Mr. James McNeel to Miss Mary Jane Lynch, both of Jordan township.

Married by the Rev. Jas. J. Hamilton, on the 15th instant, Mr. Jacob Flegal, of Morris Township, to Miss Margaret Jane Robertson of Clearfield.

Married by the Rev. Jas. J. Hamilton, on the 27th instant, Mr. T. J. McCullough, to Miss Agnes E. Moore, both of Clearfield.

Married on the 21st instant, by the Rev. D. C. Worts, Mr. Lemuel Farewell, of Curwensville,  Clearfield county, to Miss Nancy Burney, of Youngwoman’s town, Clinton county, Pa.

Died in Morris township, on the 23d day of Sept. 1853, Mrs. Mary Cadwallader, wife of Joseph Cadwallader, of a painful and severe illness, which she bore for a long time, with Christian humility and resignation to the will of the Supreme Being.  She was a member of the Presbyterian Church, and in full communion with the same – and has left a numerous family of children to mourn their irreparable loss.

October 6, 1853

Married at Glen Hope on the 23d ult., by the Rev. Wm. A. McKee, Mr. Parker Strong to Miss Fanny Reagy, all of Clearfield county.

Died in Lawrence township, on the 24th ult., Thomas, child of Wm. Fullerton, aged about 2 years.

October 13, 1853

Married on the 6th instant, by the Rev. James J. Hamilton, Mr. Lewis W. Ten Eyck to Miss Isabella Hartshorn, all of Curwensville.

Married on the 6th instant, by the Rev. James J. Hamilton, Mr. Jos. L. M’Neal of Clearfield county to Miss J. M’Creight of Jefferson county.

Married at the Hon. E. Heath’s in Pittsburgh, on Saturday, October 2d, by the Rev. I. N. Baird, John Hastings, Esq., to Miss Anna W., daughter of Chas. C. Gaskill, Esq., of Philadelphia.

Married on the 3d of September, by the Rev. W. M. Bloom, Esq., Mr. Jacob S. Gearhart, to Miss Susannah Roles, all of this county.

Centre County.
We learn, says the Bellefonte whig, that on Wednesday morning, 28th ult., a young man by the name of Clark, residing near Beech Creek, left home with his rifle, stating that he was going to hunt squirrels.  In the evening he was discovered in a barn not far from his home, a horrid spectacle – lying upon his back, the rifle was beside him and the ramrod between his legs – the ball had entered near the eye, and passing upward tore away a large part of the skull, literally blowing his brains out.
On Saturday night last three horses were stolen in this county – one each from John Musser and John Gehret, near Pinegrove Mills, and one from Benjamin Everhart, near Boalsburg.  About four o’clock on Sunday morning the thieves passed thro’ the turnpike gate between this and Karthaus, kept by Mr. George Ross, not liking the looks of the party, Mr. Ross with two of his neighbors pursued and overtook them on the other side of the river.  On finding that they were pursued, the thieves forsook the horses, threw of their overcoats and fled.

October 20, 1853

Married on Tuesday the 18th day of Oct. by Josiah Evans, Esq., Mr. Reuben Hall, to Miss Charlotte Sunderlin, all of this county.

Married on the 6th inst., by Josiah Evans, Esq., Mr. Thomas J. Moore, to Miss Sarah Norris all of Pike township, Clearfield county.

Married on the 29th Sept., 1853, by the Rev. Wm. A. M’Kee, Mr. Joseph Braid, to Miss Mary M. Ritchen, all of Clearfield county.

Died in this place, on the 17th inst., Joseph Alexander, son of George W., and Mary Orr, aged about 2 years and seven months.

October 27, 1853

Married on Thursday last, by the Rev. J. R. Morris, Mr. Wellington Nees, to Mrs. Margaret Hartsock, widow of the late Miles Hartsock, all of Curwensville.

Died in this place, on Saturday last, Mrs. Cornelia Betts, wife of the Rev. Mr. Betts, late of this place dec’d, aged about 37 years.

Destructive fire at Lewisburg, Pa.
Oct. 17 – A fire broke out in this place on Saturday night, at eleven o’clock, in the steam saw mill and boat yard of Frick, Slifer & Co., which destroyed a great deal of property.  The new county bridge over Buffalo creek was burnt also three or four boats just finished for the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, together with a large quantity of boat stuff and sawed timber.
    The loss of Frick Slifer & Co., is about $20,000, with an insurance of only $2,500.  The loss of the county on the bridge is about 4,000 – no insurance.  Eleven boats were saved uninjured.
    The fire was doubtless the work of an incendiary.  A discharged foreman, named Benjamin F. Stone, was arrested on suspicion, yesterday, at Northumberland, and committed to jail at New Berlin, and others are suspected.
    The Milton Engine and Hose Company were promptly on the ground, and did effective service.  On their return the editor of the Miltonian and another fireman were accidentally run over by an engine, and badly injured.  Their recovery is said to be doubtful.
    About thirty workmen lost each a chest of tools by the fire.

November 3, 1853

Married on the 16th ult., by the Rev. John Flegal, Mr. Benjamin Rishel, to Miss Sidney Ellinger, both of Brady Township, Clearfield County, Pa.

Died in Covington township, on the 12th of September last, Mr. Samuel Bradford, aged 65 years 3 months and twelve days.
Montgomery papers, please copy.

Laughable Adventure.
During the past winter, a reverend clergyman in Vermont, being apprehensive that the accumulated weight of the snow upon the roof of his barn might do some damage, resolved to prevent it by seasonably shoveling it off.  He therefore ascended it, having first, for fear the snow might all slide off at once, and himself with it, fastened to himself one end of a rope, and giving the other to his wife, he went to work; but, fearing still for his safety, “My dear,” said he, “tie the rope around your waist.”  No sooner had she done this, than off went the snow, poor minister and all, and up went his wife.  Thus on one side of the barn the astonished and confounded clergyman hung, but on the other side hung his wife, high and dry, in majesty sublime, dangling at the other end of the rope.  At that moment, however, a gentleman luckily passed by, and delivered them from their perilous situation.

Improved Wagon Brake.
Perry Dickson, of Blooming Valley, Pa., has taken measures to secure a patent for a very simple and excellent brake for wagons and carriages.  It simply consists in connecting double cranks to the inner end of the pole or shaft of a carriage or wagon, and connecting the cranks to a friction brake for the face of each wheel, in such a manner that the least backing up of the draft animals bring the brakes up against the face of the wheel, and so presses them that the cease to revolve, and merely slide.  It is a useful improvement for hilly countries, and cannot fail to commend itself to all whom it may concern.

November 10, 1853

Married on the third instant by the Rev. James J. Hamilton, Mr. John L. Rex, of Bloomington, Clearfield co., to Miss Mary Jane McClure of Pike Township.

Married on the third instant, by the Rev. James J. Hamilton, Mr. Robert M. Johnson, to Miss Priscilla S. Wise, both of Jordan Township, Clearfield county.

Died on Sunday evening the 10th ult., near New Washington, in this county, Elizabeth Jane, wife of Simon Stewart, and daughter of William Feath, Esq., formerly of Centre county, aged about 21 years.

November 16, 1853

Caution.  Whereas, my wife Mary, has left my bed and board without just cause or provocation, all persons are hereby cautioned against harboring or trusting her on my account, as I am determined to pay no debts of her contracting after this date.  George Goss, November 17, 1853

Married on the 10th instant, by the Rev. S. M. Cooper, Mr. James W. Childs and Miss Jane E. Irwin, both of Clearfield county.

Married on the 13th instant, by the Rev. H. Moore, Mr. G. W. Miller and Miss Sarah Jane Lamar, all of Clearfield county, Pa.

Fire and Loss of Life in the Coal Region.
The Pottsville Emporium says that on Sunday night the dwelling of Mr. Mulligan, at New Mines, some eight miles west of Pottsville, took fire and was entirely consumed, together with his wife and four children.
    On Tuesday a frame house near Pottsville was burned down, and its occupant, a widow of intemperate habits, named Reed, was so badly burned that she died soon after being taken out.
    James Nagle, a son of Sheriff Nagle, of Pottsville, was killed on Sunday by being thrown from a horse.

November 23, 1853

Married on the 10th instant, by William M. Bloom, Esq., Mr. William M. Price, of Pike township, to Miss Elizabeth Bloom, of Jordan township.

Married on the 10th instant, by William M. Bloom, Esq., Mr. John Cathcart, of Jordan township, to Miss Martha Miles, of Woodward township, all of Clearfield county, Pa.

Married on Thursday November 17th, by James Wrigley, Esq., Mr. William M. McKee, to Miss Mary L. Little, both of Morris township, Clearfield county, Pa.

Married in Union township, on the 20th of November, by D. Dressler, Esq., Mr. Lewis S. Dodd to Miss Loretta Munn all of Union township.

Died in Eldred township, Jefferson county, on Friday the 18th instant, John Wilson, Esq., aged 75 years 9 months and 3 days.

December 1, 1853

    We understand that Mr. Thomas Asky, of Snow Shoe, Centre county, was killed last week by the falling of a tree.
    A child of Mr. Solomon Baily, of this county, aged about two years, was so badly scalded one day last week, by falling into a vessel of boiling water that it died in a short time afterwards.
    Mr. James Jackson, being engaged on Saturday evening last, in hauling the goods and chattels of some person or persons to a point up the river, attempted to make his way along the road being made this side of the new Bridge across the Susquchannah, when the wagon slipped off the track, taking the horses and load down a bank of some twenty-five or thirty feet into the river.  There was no very serious damage sustained by the operation.  The horses escaped uninjured.

Died at Fort Smith, Arkansas, on the 5th of August last, of Typhoid Fever, Mrs. Nancy Clark, consort of Hon. James Clark, deceased, formerly of this county.

December 6, 1853

Married at New Washington, on the 24th ult., by the Rev. Wm. M’Kee, Mr. Hezekiah Bowser to Miss Sarah June Orr, all of Clearfield county.

We learn by the Washington Weekly Sun, that D. S. Dunham, formerly of this place, but now in Daviess county, Indiana, recently lost two hundred and thirty dollars.  The money was principally in five dollar bills on the Springfield, Illinois Bank.

Shocking Accident.  
    It again becomes our painful duty to record another shocking accident which resulted in the death of Mr. John Bowers, of this borough.  It appears that on Saturday last several persons left town for the purpose of testing the speed of a couple of horses.  The test ground was between the residence of Wm. Baird, jr., Esq., and Valentines’ & Thomas’ old Furnace, on the turnpike leading from this place to Lewistown.  After having reached the allotted point, the horses were arranged for the test with their riders seated upon them, and started upon the course amid the anxiety of those who were witnesses of the affair.  After proceeding some distance, the horse upon which the deceased sat, sprang off the course, and continued to run along side of the road until he reached the, wood pile in front of Mr. H. H. Poorman’s residence, when the courser fell over against a couple of logs – throwing the rider upon the ground with tremendous force – his head and face striking against the end of one of the sticks of wood – bruising and cutting it in a most horrible manner.  Whether an attempt was made to jump off the beast, when he found that it was likely to come in contect with the sticks of wood or whether he fell is not known certainly.
    The deceased survived the accident about a half an hour when he expired.  He was about 25 years of age, and leaves a bereaved wife to lament his sudden and unexpected end.  Centre Democrat.

December 16, 1853

Married in this place on the 15th instant, by the Rev. Hauchenbury, Mr. Wm. R. Barr, to Miss Maria Jane Jones, all of this place.

December 24, 1853

Ancient Silver Mines.
    The Lancaster (Pa.) Whig gives a long and interesting account of the recent opening and exploration of a mine of argentiferous galena in Pequea valley, Lancaster county, which was known and worked prior to the revolutionary war.  The old shafts have been cleaned out by direction of some Philadelphia capitalists, and the ore assayed by Dr. Fahnestock, of Lancaster, who pronounces it to contain upwards of five hundred dollars worth of silver to the ton of lead.  Professor Booth and other chemists have also made assays, it is stated, and with similar results.  The ore yields about eighty per cent of lead.  Copper and zinc ores also found in the same place, which contains a considerable amount of silver, though the exact quantity has not yet been ascertained.  At the breaking out of the revolutionary war the shafts and tunnels were carefully closed up, and all operations ceased; and subsequently all traces of the mine were lost and forgotten.

Married on Thursday the 13th instant, by Wm. Bloom, Esq., Mr. Elimeleck Alexander of Woodward township, to Miss Mary L. Miles of Beccaria township.

Married on Thursday the 22d instant, by Martin Nichols, Jr., Esq., Mr. D. W. Ogden of Lawrence township, to Miss Emily Hess, of Boggs township, all of this county.

Died in this place on the 19th inst., child of Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Harxthal, aged about 8 months.

Died on Saturday, the 17th inst., Mrs. Helen Evans, wife of Samuel Evans, of this place, aged about 35 years.

December 30, 1853

A gentleman had five daughters, all of whom he brought up to some useful and respectable occupation in life.  These daughters married one after the other, with the consent of their father.  The first married a gentleman by the name of Poor; the second, a Mr. Little; the third, a Mr. Short; the fourth a Mr. Brown and the fifth, a Mr. Hogg.  After the wedding of the latter, her sisters, with their husbands were present.  After the ceremonies of the wedding were over, the old gentleman said to his guests.
    “I have taken great pains to educate my five daughters, that they might act well their part in life; and from their advantages and improvements, I fondly hoped that they would do honor to my family; and now I find that all my pains have turned out nothing a Poor, Little, Short, Brown, Hogg.

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