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…bringing our past into the future

Clearfield Republican, 1863 Issues


Jan 31, 2009

Clearfield Republican

January 7, 1863

Married on 1st instant, by the Rev. S. Creighton, Mr. John B. Albert to Miss M. G. Rothrock, both of Clearfield county.

Married on the 1st instant, by the Rev. S. Creighten Mr. T. G. Moore to Miss Mary A. Moore, both of Centre county, Pa.

Married on the 1st instant, by the Rev. J. S. Lee, Mr. J. W. Wertz of Blair county, to Miss Edith Ann Wright of Clearfield county.

Married on the 31st ult., by the Rev. T. D. Gotwalt, Mr. T. W. Fleming of Curwensville, to Miss Mary Caldwell of Pike township.

Married on the 1st instant, by the Rev. T. D. Gotwalt, Mr. Amos Hiles to Miss Martha E. Mullen, both of Pike township.

Married on the 29th ult., by the Rev. J. D. Coady, Mr. Hugh Daugherty to Miss Mary Morgan, both of Clearfield county.

Married on the 6th inst., by the Rev. T. D. Gotwalt, Mr. Joshua J. Tate of Lawrence township, to Mrs. Matilda Mc(E)nally of Clearfield.

January 14, 1863

Another Soldier Dead. – Woodward Ross, son of Robert Ross, Esq., of Pike township, member of company K, First Rifles, (Capt. Irvin’s company) who was wounded at the battle of Fredericksburg, died in the hospital, and his corpse reached home on Monday evening last.  We are informed that Ross was wounded in the knee by the premature discharge of a gun in the hands of a comrade during the action, that amputation became necessary, and he then bled to death.  He was a young man of much promise, and an only son.

Died at his residence in Bradford township, 27th December last, of pulmonary consumption, Alexander M. Forcey, aged 29 years, 7 months and 9 days.

Died in Lawrence township, on the 14th inst., of diptheria, Maria Jane, daughter of Solomon M. and Mary Ann Baily, aged 14 years and 5 days.

January 28, 1863

Died in Boggs township, on the 8th instant, Washington, infant son of Mary and William Turner, aged 5 months and 17 days.

February 4, 1863

Married on the 29th ult., by Rev. T. D. Gotwalt, Mr. John Starr to Miss Mary J. Norris, both of Pike township.

Married on the same day, by J. W. Shugart, Esq., Mr. William Dale of Lawrence township, to Miss Rebecca J. Thompson of Clearfield borough.

Leg Broken. – John, son of Isaac Johnson, had his leg badly fractured on Monday evening last, whilst engaged, with Young America in general, in sliding down hill.  This, we believe, is the first serious accident of the season, and the wonder is that they don’t average about one a day.

February 11, 1863

Married in Brookville, Pa., January 25th, by Rev. A. N. Coons, Mr. C. M. Garrison of that place, to Miss Matilda Magee of Clearfield.

Married on the 29th ult., by Rev. W. M. Burchfield, Mr. Isaac Mays to Miss Sarah Hy, both of Jordan township.

Married on the 1st instant, by L. Flegal, Esq., Mr. S. H. Place of Huston township, to Mrs. Matilda Irvin of Bloom township.

Died in Pike township, on Friday the 6th inst. Lavenia, youngest daughter of Jonathan and Rachael Hartshorn, aged 13 years.
When told by her mother, a few hours before her death, that she would have to die, she called the family to her bed and bid them all farewell.

February 18, 1863

Married on the 8th inst., by E. Hiltebrand, Esq., Mr. Andrew Roles to Miss Mary Bannal, both of Clearfield county.

Six Cents Reward. – A reward of Six Cents – but no charges – will be paid for the delivery to the subscriber of a certain Joseph Alsbach, School-teacher, who escaped from the employ of the School Directors of Lawrence township (employed at Wolf Run) about the 16th isn’t., thereby violating his contract with said School Directors.  School Directors are warned against being imposed upon by him.
Milton McBride, School Director.

Leg Amputated. – Dr. J. W. Potter, assisted by Dr. Rothrock, of Clinton county, amputated the leg of John Myers, below the knee.  The operation was performed at the house of Mr. Haynes, at Salt Lick and was quite successful.  Mr. Myers had been suffering for years with disease of the bones of the leg.

February 25, 1863

Married on the 13th inst., by J. K. Caldwell, Esq., Mr. Henry S. (Colgrove) to Miss Mary Ann Morgan, both of this county. [print is faint]

Died at Cherry Valley, Illinois, on the 11th or 14th inst., Hugh Riddle, aged about -3 years. [ print faded hard to read, age might be 33yrs.]
The deceased had left his home in Burnside township, but one week —-to his death.  On Sunday, the ? inst., his remains were followed to their last resting place at Mt. Zion, near New Washington, by a large — of people, also by the members of the Cherry Tree and New Washington Lodges of Odd Fellows, clothed in full regalia.

The Honored Dead. – the body of Lieut. David C. Dale, son of George B. Dale of Pike township, and member of Company K, First Penna. Rifles, reached home on Saturday last in charge of two of his late comrades.  Lieut. Dale was a true soldier, having performed a gallant part in almost every one of the many battles that the Bucktails took part in.  He died on the 17th inst., of chronic diarrhea.
The body of James Jordan, son of Joseph Jordan of Lawrence township, member of Company K, 84th Regiment – and whose death of fever near Fredericksburg we noticed some time ago – reached home on Friday last.

March 4, 1863

Death of Jesse Broomall, Esq. – This gentleman, County Superintendent of the Common Schools, and who has been sick for several weeks, died at his residence near Curwensville on Monday evening last.  He was much respected as a citizen, neighbor and public officer.

Married on the 26th ult., by Wm. A. Reed, Esq., Mr. Michael Knaup of Indiana county, to Miss Sophia Bowman of Clearfield county.

Married on the 23d ult., by E. Hiltebrand, Esq., Mr. Geo. Roles to Miss Elizabeth Bunnal or Runnal, both of Clearfield county.

Married on the 26th ult., by the Rev. W. M. Birchfield, Mr. Isaac Goon to Miss Angeline Owens, both of Clearfield county.

Died on the 18th ult., Lavina J. Ferguson, aged 21 years, 6 months and 16 days.

Railroad Accident. – The Express train west was thrown off the track into the river near Millerstown, on Monday morning last, killing the Engineer, Fireman, Conductor and Express Agent – so says report brought by Monday evening mail to this place.

March 11, 1863

New County. – A new county, to be called “Lackawana,” has been erected out of the upper part of Luzerne, the county seat to be at Scranton.  Ex-Governor Bigler, Ex-Governor Pollock, and Col. H. S. Mott, are named as the Commissioners to fix the boundaries, &c.

The Accident on the Pennsylvania railroad noticed in our last, was nothing like so serious as then reported.  The Engineer was severely scalded, but all the other employees of the company were uninjured.  One passenger was killed, and several more or less injured.

Married on the 25th ult, by the Rev. ? H. Bratten, Mr. Daniel W. A-to Miss (Amanda) Wartzel, both of Blair county.[print is faded]

Married on the 26th ult., by J. H. Breth, Esq., Mr. Christopher Neff of New Washington to Miss Margaret Pennington of Chest townshp.

Died on the 18th ult, Lavinah J. ?, aged 21 years 6months and 16 days.
[printed faded, hard to read]

March 18, 1863

Married on the 5th day of March, by W. A. Read, Esq., to Mr. John M. Hickok, of Pike township, to Miss Martha McKee, of Knox township.

Married on the 12th inst., by J. W. Shugart, Esq., Mr. W. F. Shaw to Miss Sarah J. Trump, both of Lawrence township.

Died at her residence, near Glen Hope, on Thursday, Feb. 19th, in the eighty-first year of her age, Mrs. Anna Wright, in possession of a lively and strong faith in the Redeemer, producing a buoyant hope of future glory.  Also, on the 28th ult., in the eighty-third year of his age, with entire resignation to his approaching dissolution, and firm reliance in the stonement, William Wright, Sr., consort of the first named subject of this notice.

Died at Janesville, Clearfield county, on the 10th inst., of whooping cough, Ada, only daughter of Capt. J. S. and Sarah McKiernan, aged 2 years and 8 months.

Died at his late residence in Curwensville, Daniel M. Weaver, aged about 45 years.
The deceased was born in Centre county; but resided for many years in Clearfield, to most of whose citizens he was favorably known as the obliging landlord of the Mansion House in this place, and latterly of the Susquehanna House in Curwensville.

March 25, 1863

Married on the 1?th inst., by J. W. S-gert, Esq., Wm. Evans McCullough to Miss Hannah Thomas, both of Huston tp.

Married on the 19th inst., by the J. W. S-gert, M. V. B. Owens to Miss Margaret Ellen Coskiln, both of Lawrence tp.

Married on the 19th, by Wm. McKee, Esq., Mr. George Bauman to Miss Hannah Swaisworth.

Died at his residence in Bradford township of paralytic disease, John Shirey, sen., aged 64 years, 1 month and 23 days.
The deceased was among the early settlers of the county, and one of our most — and respected citizens.

April 1, 1863

Married on the 26th ult., by Thomas Halston, Esq., Mr. E. H. McNeal, formerly of Harrisburg, to Mrs. Barbary Reams.

Died in Kylertown, on the 17th ult., Mary C. Thompson, aged 3 years 8 months and 4 days.

April 8, 1863

Married yesterday morning, by Rev. J. Coady, William Hoffma, to Miss Lizzie Nissel, both of this place.

Died at Philipsburg, of Pneumonia, on the 2nd inst., Austin, son of Pius Sneringer, Esq., of Tryone, aged about 19 years.

Died in Brady tp., on Wednesday the 1st instant, Thomas Carson, aged about 70 years.  The deceased was one of the first settlers of Brady township.

Fire. – The Kitchen, and Smoke-house adjoining, of Allen Mitchell, of Lawrence township, were discovered to be on fire about two o’clock on last Friday morning – the work, no doubt of an incendiary.  Nothing, we believe, was saved of the contents of the buildings destroyed – and it was only with the almost superhuman efforts of Mr. M., assisted by two or three of his neighbors, that the main building was saved.
    We have heard various rumors connected with this incendiary act, but forbear to repeat them at present.

April 15, 1863

Married on Tuesday, March 31st, by the Rev. W. M. Showalter, Mr. J. S. Gray, of Half Moon, Centre county, to Miss Emmo, daughter of J. J. Tate, Esq., of this county.

Married on the 29th of March, by L. Flegal, Esq., Mr. Elias Lines to Miss Margaret Bogle, both of Brady township.

Died on Sunday, March 28th, 1863, of typhoid fever, Mrs. Mary A. Gallagher, aged 21 years 2 months and 11 days.  She leaves a husband and child, besides a large circle of friends to mourn her death.

Died on the 5th inst., Amanda Elizabeth, daughter of George Hoover, of Graham twp., aged ? years and 18 days., of catarrh fever.

Died on March 26th, Vertia Martha, daughter of Alexander and Angeline Forcee, of Bradford tp., aged 5 years, 10 months and 18 days.

Died on Thursday morning last, of consumption, in the borough of Cherry Tree, David Kinport, Esq., aged about 45 years.

April 22, 1863

Robbery. – The Drug Store of C. D. Watson, in this place, was entered on Saturday night last and robbed of some four or five hundred cents (nickels.)  The entrances was effected by boring a hole, and then sliding back the bolt in the back door.

Married on the 16th inst., by J. G. Groenmiller, Mr. Jacob Schwem to Miss Caroline Kuntz, both of Brady township, Clearfield county.

Died in Pike township, on the 11th instant, Daniel Harrison Anspach, eldest son of Jacob and Ann Anspach, aged 13 years 11 months and 17 days.

Died Also, on the 18th inst., Hiram Alonza, son of the same parents, aged 7 years 1 month and 24 days – both of Diptheria.

Died on Friday morning last, at the residence of her son, in Ferguson township, Mrs. Jane Moore, widow of John Moore, at the advanced age of 83 years.

April 29, 1863

Died in Pike township, on the 19th instant, of Consumption, Flauretta, daughter of Elam and Mary Passmore, aged 1 year and 1 month.

Died in this place, at an early hour yesterday morning, at her sister’s, after a lingering illness, Miss Henrietta, daughter of Major V. B. Holt, of Bradford township, aged about 18 years.

Not Exactly “Dog Cheap.” – We learn that one of our enterprising watermen returned from a trip down the river a short time ago, bringing with him a very pretty little dog.  About the same time a gentleman in Harrisburg was minus his dog, and setting the famous Barney Campbell, Chief of police, on the scent, the little whiffed was traced to our county, and a warrant duly forwarded to hunt him up.  The result was, the dog was found, and for aught we know it now with his legal master, at a cost of some $25 to our raftman for his “doggish” propensity.

Melancholy Case of Drowning. – A little boy, aged about three years, named Thomas McGhee, son of Robert Mehaffy, Esq., of Bell township, was drowned on the 18th inst., under the most distressing circumstances.  The child, and a little girl, a few years older, a cousin, were playing in the saw-mill, when the little girl, in her fright, ran to the house to give the alarm, whereas, had she called upon some men, who were at work but a short distance below, he might, in all probability, have been rescued before the vital spark had fled.
    Mr. M. had left home that morning for the east, via Tyrone, and a messenger was dispatched for him; but he was not reached; and after waiting three days the remains of this little household idol were committed to mother earth, followed by an almost heart-broken mother, and many sympathizing friends.

An Outrage in a Church. – a Deserter shot at his Sister’s Funeral by a Provost Guard. – Last Saturday the citizens of New Berlin, Union county, were compelled to witness a scene, the like of which never happened in this country.  It appears that one Jas. Hummel, a deserter from the Army, was attending the funeral of his deceased sister.  Supposing this to be a favorable opportunity to capture Hummel, a provost guard by the name of Gephart [should be Kephart, of Centre county] conceived the idea of doing so in the church.  He entered the church with the rest of the people assembled, and after the singing of the first hymn, and before the sermon was commenced, he stepped up to Hummel with a revolver in his hand and arrested him.  Upon this Hummel also drew forth a revolver.  Gephart snapped his pistol, but the caps failed the first two attempts.  Gephart fired a shot and Smith, his assistant fired one.  Hummel fired three times.  He hit Gephart on the breast, but his balls did not penetrate.  Hummel was hit twice, one shot in the arm and the other through the lungs.  Gephart was severely handled by the women, who seemed to have much more pluck than the men.  He ran to the mountain and made his escape.  The affair produced an awful excitement and confusion, and, of course, there was no funeral sermon preached.  These are all the particulars of the affair we have yet learned. – Selinsgrove Times.

May 6, 1863

Strong Whirlwind. – On Thursday the 30th ult., a whirlwind struck the barn of George Narehood in Graham township, completely demolishing the roof ad weather boarding upon the sides and ends of the barn.  Persons who were in the immediate vicinity at the time say that the crash was equal to a loud peal of thunder.  What is most remarkable, is the fact of the day being so bright and clear as could be imagined.

Married on the 23d, ultimo, by J. R. Caldwell, Esq., John McCracken, of Ferguson township, to Miss Caroline Bloom, of Jordan township.

Died on Tuesday evening, April 21st ultimo, of inflammation of the brain, David Wilson eldest son of Isaac and Susannah Caldwell of Pike township, aged 19 years 11 months and 1 day.

May 13, 1863

Saw-mill Burned. – On yesterday morning, the saw-mill known as “Ringgold Mill” situate on Clearfield creek, two miles east of this place, and owned by Wilson Hoover, was entirely consumed by fire, occasioned by the work of an incendiary.  The loss to Mr. Hoover is considerable.  Suspicion rests upon a certain party, and if guilty it is to be hoped he will be brought to justice.

Died in Lawrence township, on the 10th inst., of Consumption, Mr. Theodore Watt, in the 29yh year of his age.  The deceased was a resident of Allegheny City, Ohio St., No. 211.  Pittsburg papers will please copy.

6 Cents Reward. – Escaped from the premises of the subscriber in Lawrence township, on the 3d instant, without just cause, Augustus Cornmesser, an indentured apprentice, aged about 15 years, and having on his working clothes.  The public are cautioned against harboring or trusting him on my account, as I will pay no debts of his contracting after this date.  John Powell, Lawrence Township, May 13, 1863.

May 20, 1863

Married on the 10th inst., by Wm. McKee, Esq., Mr. John Sloss to Miss Sarah Ann Smith, all of Knox township.

Died on the 10th instant, in New Millport, Christian Erhard, in the 54th year of his age.

May 27, 1863

More Incendiaries in Karthaus Township. –  The barn of James White, of Karthaus township, was destroyed by fire together with the granary a few nights ago.  Another barn of Mr. White’s and the barn of Mr. Wiggins of the same township were set on fire the same night, but the fire was discovered and extinguished before any serious damage was done.  James Curley, whom our readers will remember was sent to the penitentiary from this county a few years ago is supposed to be the author of these fiendish acts; it fact we are told that he was actually discovered on this occasion, but made his escape, and has thus far eluded the authorities.

Married in this place yesterday morning, by the – Galloway, Mr. John W. Bigler, to Miss Ma-ia Ge—-, all of this place. [print read dark so hard to read]

Married on the 21st inst., in Bloom township, by Gainer P. Bloom, Esq., Mr. Phillip Bloom, of Curwensville, to Miss Martha Gill, of Centre county.

June 3, 1863

Married on the 21st ult., by Wm. A. —ad, Esq., Mr. John Orr to Miss Sophia Armstrong, all of Lawrence township.

Married on the 14th ult., by Rev. H. Shannon, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. Gideon D. Neff and Miss Susannah Troxel, both of Burnside township, Clearfield county.

Died on Thursday last, at his residence in Goshen township, John Selfridge, sen., aged some 60 years.

6 Cents Reward.  – Ranaway from the subscriber, residing in Lawrence township, on or about the 24th of April last, an indentured apprentice named John Austin, alias John Ross, said to be about nine years of age, having light colored hair, &c.  All person are cautioned not to harbor or trust said boy on my account, as I will pay no debts of his contracting after this date.  Milton McBride, Lawrence tp., May 20, 1863.

June 10, 1863

Fatal Accident. – As one of the advance wagons belonging to the circus, was entering our town on Monday morning last, one of the men, in attempting to get out of the wagon, just as it was in front of Dr. Hartswick’s drug store, fell to the ground, the hind wheel passing over his body diagonally, and crushing the back part of his skull.  He was taken immediately into the drug store, but died in a few minutes.
    From all accounts, he has been with the company only a few weeks.  A letter was found on his person, purporting to have been written by his wife, signed “Rosannah Smith,” living in New York, and from it, it would appear that he had a family of children.
    An inquest was held over the body by Justice Shugert, after which it was decently buried, some of the members of the company generously paying the expenses.

Married on Tuesday, the 2nd instant, by Cyrenius Howe, Esq., Mr. Isaiah G. Barger to Miss Lavina Crowell.

Married on the 28th instant, at the residence of the bride’s father, by the Rev. Gardner, Mr. Robert Elder, of Bower, Pa., to Miss Nettie, daughter of Isaac Bloom, Curwensville.

Married on the 31st of May, by Isaac Lemon, Esq., Mr. George McCracken, to Miss Agnes Hollihan, all of Ferguson township.

Married on the 7th instant, by Levi Spiece, Esq., Mr. George F. Miller to Mary Jane McMullen, both of Pike township.

Died in Clearfield, on Friday the 5th of June, Kate, daughter of J. M. Kettlebarger, aged five years.

Died in this place, last evening, Mrs. June, wife of Jacob Shunkweiler, aged about 29 years.

June 17, 1863

Married on the 2nd instant, at the residence of the bride’s father, near McVeytown, Mifflin county, Pa., by the Rev. W. M. Buschfield, Mr. John H. Hunter, of Jordan township, to Miss Jennie M. VanDyke.

Married on the 11sth instant, by the same, Mr. Levi Rowles, of Lawrence township, to Miss Mary E. Dunlap, of Knox township.

Caution. – Whereas my wife, Sarah Jane, left my bed and board without any just cause or provocation.  I, therefore, warn all persons against trusting her on my account, as I am determined to pay no debts of her contracting after this date.  Andrew N. Marks, June 15th, 1863.

July 1, 1863

Caution. – Whereas, Wm. Hollingsworth, an indentured Apprentice to the Farming business, having ran away, I therefore caution all persons against harboring or trusting him on my account.  The said boy is 14 years of age, and when he left, wore a black wool hat, black and grey striped roundabout, and blue pants.  John Wilson, Jordan township.

Married on the 11th ult., by Rev. J. W. Owen, Isaac N. R—y to Miss Eveline Rorabough, all of Clearfield county.

Married on the 18th ult., by Gainer P. Bloom, Esq., John Bridge to Miss Jane Irwin, all of Bloom township.

Married on the 22d ult., by J. B. Go—t, Esq., Adoph Perrot, to Miss Sophia Gotte, both of Covington township.

Married on the 26th ult., by William Porter, Esq., Sylvester Williams to Miss Melvina Hall, both of Bradford township.

July 8, 1863

Horse Drowned – Narrow Escape. – Mr. A. T. Bradley, residing some three miles west of this place, made a narrow escape from drowning, as he was returning home in his dearborn wagon, after the rain on last Saturday evening.  When he reached Black run, after leaving the pike, he found it over its banks, but not until it was too late to turn his horse.  After some considerable effort he escaped himself, but his horse was drowned.  The next morning the waters had subsided, and the dead horse was found upon ground usually dry.

Married on the 2d inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, by F. F. Couteret, Esq., C. Louis Plubell and Miss Ann M. Thompson, all of Covington township.

Died on Thursday morning, July 2d, at the residence of Dr. Gobhard, 816 Race Street, Philadelphia, Carrie T., wife of Samuel H. Wallace, Esq., of Harrisburg.

Died on the evening of the 3d instant, Edward Irvin, aged 2 years and 8 months, and on the morning of the 4th inst., Emma Graham, aged about 5 years, both children of the late D. M. Weaver, of Curwensville.

July 15, 1863

Married on the 5th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, in Pike township, by Wm. A. Bloom, Esq., Mr. Robert High, of Ferguson township, to Miss Margaret E. Bloom, all of this county.

Married on the 30th of June last, by the Rev. Foster, Mr. A. I. F. Boynton, of this place, to Miss Emma Showers, of Newbury, Lycoming county, Pa.

Married on the 25th June last, by Rev. J. H. Bratton, Mr. John Dressler to Mrs. Esther M. Shaffer, both of Union township.

Married on the 9th inst., by the Rev. J. H. Bratton, Mr. Samuel Tobias to Miss Eliza Erhard of Knox township.

Died on Friday the 26th of June last, at his residence in Burnside township, Reeder King, aged 74 years, 2 months and 2 days – one of the earliest settlers in that part of our county.

July 22, 1863

Married on the 30th ult., by S. K. Hegarty, Esq., Mr. William Osborne Richards to Miss Rebecca Jordan, all of Beccaria township.

Married on the 9th inst., by S. K. Hegarty, Esq., Mr. John H. Smith of Beccaria to Miss Phebe Patterson of Jordan township.

Died on Saturday evening last, at his residence in Lawrence township, Orris Hoyt, aged 70 years 2 months and -days. [days not given]

July 29, 1863

Fatal Affray in Northumberland. – Reports of a fatal affray in Northumberland were in circulation on Saturday and Sunday last.  It appears that a Mrs. Hantzleman, having some ill will at a neighbor, Mrs. Brautigam, challenged her to come across the street to fight.  Mrs. Brautigam went over, when Mrs. Hantzleman struck her, knocking her down, report says a couple of times, in doing which Mrs. Hantzleman ruptured a blood vessel in herself from which she died a short time after. – Sunbury Dem.

Married on the 7th instant, by H. D. ?, Esq., Mr. Jacob Hartlein to Miss Chri— Heickel, all of Karthaus township.

Married on the 24th inst., by Wm. McKee, Esq., Mr. David Barto to Miss Rachael Carson, both of Woodward township.

Died on the 13th inst., Mrs. Ann —- Hoover, wife of Garey B. Hoover, aged ?yrs and 26 days.

August 5, 1863

Married on the 21st of July, by Wm. Porter, Esq., Mr. Reuben Hackman, and Miss Philipene Korb, the former of Snyder co., and the latter of Brady township, Clearfield county, all of Pennsylvania.

Married on the 16th ultimo, at the residence of the bride’s father, by Wm. L. Shaw, Esq., Mr. John Seltridge, to Miss Mary Graham, all of Goshen township, this co.

Murder. – The dead body of Bartley Eagan, an industrious citizen of Karthaus township, in this county, was found in the road leading from Karthaus to the settlement on the hill, on last Saturday evening about sundown.  An inquest was held upon the body on Sunday, under the auspices of Esquire Hall, the evidence eliciting the fact that he had been shot by a large ball (perhaps from a musket) from behind, the ball passing entirely through the region of the heart.  These are about the facts.  We forbear to mention any of the rumors, further than that it is suspected that the murderer (who is still at large) mistook his victim.  The deceased leaves a wife and one child.

August 12, 1863

Died in Clearfield, on the 6th inst., of Dysentery, Edith ? , daughter of ? and Nancy  ?, aged 4 years and 21days.  [print from other page bled through onto this page, so names unreadable]

Died in Curwensville, on Saturday last, Oscar M., son of T. B. and E. H. Segner, aged 2 years 8 months and 5 days.

Snakes. – Josiah W. Smith, Esq., while walking along the board walk between his residence and that of judge Leonard, had his attention attracted by an ominous sound, and forbidding looking object laying coiled in the grass, which upon closer inspection was found to be a clever sized yellow rattlesnake.  Mr. Smith spent no time in dispatching the monster.

August 19, 1863

Married on the 6th inst., at Tyrone City, Blair county, Pa., by Samuel Jones, Esq., Mr. Essington Kephart, and Miss Mary Elizabeth Miller, all of Decatur township, Clearfield co.

Married on the 11th inst., at Broadway, by J. D. Miller, Esq., Mr. Jas. B. Caldwell, of Pike township, to Miss Jane McCandless, of Ferguson township.

Died in this place, yesterday morning, Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton, relict of the late James Hamilton, of Lawrence township, in the 78th year of her age.  The funeral will take place at 2 o’clock, p.m.

Died in this place, yesterday morning, James Birchfield, aged about 22 years.  Funeral at 4 o’clock, p.m.

Died in this place, on the 11th inst., of Dysentery, Elmer, son of John and Caroline McGaughey, aged 3 years and 2 months.

August 26, 1863

Died on the 18th instant, of Chronic Diarrhea, contracted in the army, James son of Joseph and Nancy Jane Birchfield, aged 23 years and 2 months.
The youth called away so early in his manhood, a sacrifice to the good cause of his country, became a volunteer soldier in Company E, 149th Regiment; P. V., about a year before his death.
    During five tedious months he suffered under disease in the camp and the hospital.  He was then brought to his father’s house, where he lingered about seven weeks longer, he then passed away, we trust to a better home.

Died in Lawrence township, Clearfield county, Penn’a., of Consumption, on the 19th inst., George Mullen, aged 26 years, and 7 months.
The deceased was a man of many noble and generous traits of character.  He was converted about six weeks ago; since then he has been faithful to religion.  In his death his friends have sustained an irreparable loss.  As a man, he was amiable generous and agreeable.  As a friend, he was constant and true.  As a husband, he was affectionate and kind.  As a Christian, he was ardent and faithful; and his dying testimony was too clear to doubt for one moment his acceptance with God.  Well may it be said of him, “that religion which he had so lately before possessed, was sufficient to sustain him in a dying hour.”  His last words were – after giving them all an affectionate farewell – “I’m going home to glory.”  His sudden and untimely end is deeply mourned by an affectionate wife and two children.

Fire. – The old tavern stand at Morrisdale, occupied by D. W. Holt, was entirely destroyed by fire on Wednesday night.  Part of the furniture was saved, but some valuables, the personal effects of Mrs. Allport, and all of the kitchen furniture, was destroyed.
    Our citizens were aroused by the cry of fire about two o’clock last Monday morning.  The flames proceeded from a small building occupied by C. Haut as a lager-beer saloon, situated on Market street, opposite the jail.  It was entirely consumed and was no doubt the work of an incendiary.

September 2, 1863

Married on the 23d of August last, by B. D. Hall, Esq., Mr. James Wiggins, to Mrs. Margaret White, all of Karthaus township.

Died in Goshen township, on the 25th of August last, Louis J., son of John A. L. and Margaret J. Flegal, aged 7 years.

Died August 1st, Nannie, aged 8 months and 21 days. On the 19th August, Frances, aged 2 years, 3 months and 7 days.  Also on the 29th August, Martha A., aged 19 years, 6 months and 8 days, – all of dysentery, and all daughters of James and Catherine Thompson, of Curwensville.

Died on August 25th, at the residence of Jas. Thompson, Martha Hepburn, aged 76 years.

Died on the 27th August, Richard, son of Henry and Martha Ann McKim, of Curwensville, aged 8 years, 5 months and 11 days.

September 9, 1863

A Deputy Provost Marshal Shoots A Woman. – A report reaches us that Deputy Provost Marshal McLain, of Jefferson and Elk counties, shot and killed a woman in the latter county one evening last week.  Our informant states that McLain, with a posse, repaired to the house of one Smith, at or near Portland Mills, one evening last week, for the purpose of arresting Smith, as a supposed deserter – that the arrest was made without any resistance and that afterwards a pistol in the hands of McLain was accidentally discharged, instantly killing the wife of the prisoner.

Married on the 3d instant, by W. L. Shaw, Esq., at the residence of the bride’s mother in Lawrence township, Mr. Henry E. Kyler of Goshen, to Miss Margaret J. Welsh.

Married on the 3d instant, by Rev. J. M. Galloway, J. H. Fullford, Esq., to Miss Nannie Smith, all of this place.

Caution. – The public are hereby cautioned against harboring or trusting my son Andrew, – a minor – who left his house sometime in May last without any just cause, as I will pay no more debts of his contracting.
Jacob Hisaman. Karathaus tp., Sept. 9, 1863

$500 Reward!
The Commissioners of Clearfield county, Pennsylvania, offer the above reward for the arrest and conviction of James Curley, the supposed murderer of Barltey Eagan, of Karthaus township, who was found dead on the evening of the 1st day of August, in the public high-way in said township, or $250, will be paid for the arrest and delivery of the said James Curley, in the jail of Clearfield county.
    The said Curley, is about 5 feet 11 inches in height, of erect figure, light complexion, blue eyes, roman nose, sandy whiskers, and light hair, a scar on the lower lip, caused by a piece being bitten out in a fight.
Sam’l C. Thompson, Jacob Kutz, Tho’s Dougherty,: Commissioners, Clearfield, Pa. Aug. 29, 1863

September 16, 1863

Married on the 10th inst., by Rev. Wm. T. Richey, Mr. Nicholas T. Wilson to Miss Margaret R. Hoover, all of Bradford township.

Died in Lawrence township, on the 7th inst., Harry, and on the 11th, Miles, both children of James S. and Joanna Norris, aged respectively 4 years 5 months and 18 days, and 2 years 5 months and 8 days.

Caution. – The public, and especially merchants, are hereby cautioned against selling any person goods, or any other article, on my credit, whether with or without orders.  John Owens, Pike tp., Sept. 16, 1863

Caution. – Whereas, my son Edward, having left his home without just cause or provocation, the public are hereby cautioned against harboring or trusting him on my account, as I will pay no debts of his contracting after this date.  Rudolph Swatsworth, Lawrence tp., Sept. 17.

Caution. – All persons are herby warned against trusting or harboring either of my two sons, Augustus and Joseph, aged respectively, 20 and 18 years, as I am determined to pay no debts of their contracting after this date.  John B. Mulson, Frenchville, Sept. 9, 1863

September 23, 1863

Married on the 17th inst., by J. R. Caldwell, Mr. David R. Rowles, of Lawrence twp., to Miss Caroline Bloom, of Pike township.

Died on the 28th ultimo, in Grant county, Illinois, Samuel Johnson, in the 84th year of his age.
The deceased was a native of York county, Pennsylvania, removed to Half Moon, in Centre county, in 1800, and to Clearfield county in 1808, where he resided until 1851, when he removed to the State of Indiana.
    He was among the first settlers of this county, and one of its most worthy and highly esteemed citizens – the father of a large family most of whom still reside here.  His natural talents were of the highest order, which were very much improved by much reading and close observation.  He was born and raised in the Society of Friends, and we believe lived and died a faithful believer in the doctrines of the founders of that peculiar sect.
    The deceased was much respected in this county; was elected County Commissioner in 1848 by the Democratic party, of which he was a most active and intelligent member – and discharged his official duties with the utmost credit to himself and friends.

September 30, 1863

Sudden Death. – Wm. Graham, senior, of Bradford township, was found dead in one of his fields on last Friday evening.  Our informant states that on the 23d two or three of Mr. Graham’s neighbors, having a jug of whiskey, stopped and spent the day with him – that the whole party imbibed freely – that Mr. Graham, who was quite an old man, left the party, and was seen no more until found as above stated.

Death of Isaac Kline. – It is with sincere regret we have to announce the death of Isaac Kline, the Democratic candidate for County Treasurer.  The deceased was one of our most respected and worthy citizens – a native of the county – and one of God’s noblest works – “an honest man.”

$5 Reward. – The public are hereby cautioned against harboring an individual by the name of Isaac S. Gibbony, alias Logan, a journeyman Shoemaker, having stolen a lot of tools from the subscriber on the night of the 13th instant.  The above reward will be paid for his capture and return to the undersigned at Clearfield, Pa.  Isaac Johnson.  Sept. 23, 1863.

Married on the 17th inst., by F. H. Schoening, Mr. Thomas Tubbs to Miss Margaret J. Ross, of Ferguson township.

Married on the 17th inst., by Wm. A. Bloom, Esq., Mr. Abraham F. Bloom, of Jordan township, to Miss Margaret Kuhn, of Knox township, Pa.

Died on Saturday the 12th inst., Alice Cornelia, daughter of Isaac and Sarah A. Kline, of Bradford township, aged 1 year and 25 days.

Died on Wednesday night, 23d inst., Frederick Wilson, son of Isaac and Sarah A Kline, of Bradford township, aged 2 months and 19 days.

Died on the morning of the 24th instant, Isaac Kline, father of the children above named, aged 51 years 4 months and 9 days.

October 7, 1863

Died at his residence in Boggs township, on Friday the 2d inst., Rudolph Litz, in the 77th year of his age.

October 12, 1863

Married in this place, on the 8th inst., by Rev. J. M. Galloway, Mr. Lewis T. Ross, to Miss Emma Gertrude Robinson, both of Curwensville, Clearfield county.

Died at the residence of Michael Fegan, in Jordan township, Arthur O. Conner, in the 29th year of his age.

October 19, 1863

Married on the 1st instant, by the Rev. Wm. T. Richey, Mr. Matthew O Wilson, to Miss Balinda Wrigley, both of Bradford tp., this county.

Married on the 15th instant, by the Rev. Wm. T. Richey, Mr. Alex. M. Hoover, to Miss Martha Wo-bidge, both of Bradford tp., this county.

Died in Girard township, Clearfield county, on the 8th inst., Elizabeth Irwin, aged 46 years 4 months and 24 days.

Died in Graham Township, on Thursday the 15th inst., Emeline, wife of Francis Graham, aged about 29 years.

Died in Lawrence twp., on the 26th ult., Margaret A. wife of W— Hemphill, aged 32 years, 10 months and ? day. [print bad]

Died the children of John and Mary A Falls who died recently of dysentery, were as follows:
On the 3d instant, Mary A., aged 1 year, 10 mos. and 17 days.
On the 4th instant, —uel A., aged 3 years 2 months and ? days.
On the 4th instant, ?, aged 5 years, 7 months and 7 days.
On the 11th instant, Daniel M., aged 9 years, 11 months and 28 days.
On the 18th instant, another child of same parents with the same disease.

Died on the 10th inst., of dysentery, Jane M., daughter of William and Margaret Phenix, in her sixth year.
Died also in the 2nd year of his age, John, infant son of the same, who died on the 16th instant.

October 28, 1863

Death of William F. Logan. – William F. Logan, son of George B. Logan, of Lawrence tp., a member of the 12th Penn’a. Cavalry.  Died about the 1st instant, at Martinsburg, Virginia, from the effects of wounds received in a skirmish with rebel pickets.

Death of George Young, a member of Co. C, (Cadets) 5th Pa. Res. Corps, son of John Young of Lawrence township, it is reported, was killed in the recent fight at Bristow Station.

Died in Curwensville, of Dysentery, on the 21st inst., son of Wm. P. and Annie W. Chambers, aged 16 years, 4 months and 20 days.

Died in Allegheny county, on Wednesday the 22d inst., Dr. Aquilla Hurford, in the  52d year of his age.

November11, 1863

Died on the 28th of Oct., at the home of its foster parents, George and Margaret Bowersox, Lilby Langford, 7 months and 22 days.
Mr. Bowersox took this infant to raise, after the death of its mother.  The whole family treated the little motherless babe with the utmost kindness.  May the Lord reward them richly for all their care.

November 18, 1863

Married on the 1st instant, by Joseph H. Jones, Esq., Mr. James Wilson, to Mrs. Susan Gleason, all of Morris township.

Married on the 12th inst., by Rev. W. M. Burchfield, Mr. George Sloss, of Knox township, to Miss Mina Jane Bloom, of Pike twp., all of this county.

Died in New Washington, on the 3d instant, Joseph, son of Reuben and Rachel Neiman, aged 3 years, 8 months, and 28 days.

Mammoth Beets. – Mr. Aaron C. Tate, of Lawrence township, has our thanks for a couple of beets, that are, in our opinion, hard to beat – one of which weighs over 10 pounds – the largest that we have seen or heard tell of this season.

Court news, January Term, 1863, No 8
C. C. Mitchell vs Amelia Mitchell.  Divorce.  Verdict for Plaintiff

November 25, 1863

Married on the 3d instant, by Rev. W. M. Burchfield, Mr. James M. Johnston, to Miss Mary J. Witherow, both of Clearfield county.

Married on the 4th inst., by Rev. J. H. Bratton, at the residence of the bride’s father in Pike township, Mr. Philip C. Heisey, of Lawrence township, to Miss Bertha Caldwell.

Died in Brady township, on Sunday last, John E., son of William and Barbara Kirk, aged 16 years 5 months and 9 days.

Died on the 16th inst., at the residence of his father, in Lawrence township, Matthew O. Tate, aged 19 years 9 months and 8 days – from the effects of a wound received at the battle of Chancollorsville in May last.  He was a member of company K, 84th regiment, and a brave soldier.

Raised. – The frame work of the new Machine Shop of Messrs. Burchfield, Spackman & Souther, has been raised and is being enclosed as fast as the season will permit, and when finished will present a very imposing appearance, and worthy of this enterprising firm.  A large new boiler is already upon the ground, to be used in propelling this intricate and useful machinery, so much needed in our town.

December 2, 1863

Sentence of a Physician. – Dr. A. L. Alstead, convicted in Dauphin county, Pa., of causing the death of Louisa Hultzberger, some time last fall, by the operation of abortion, has been sentenced to a fine of one hundred dollars, the costs of the prosecution and three years and four months at hard labor and solitary confinement in the eastern penitentiary, at Philadelphia.  Great interest was manifested in this case, as the family connections of Dr. Alstead are in high standing and respectability.

Married on the 19th ultimo, by S. P. Wilson, Esq., Mr. Peter Graffis, to Miss Alvina Mains, all of Bradford township.

Died near Bloomville, on the 19th ult., Edward Elmer, son of Moses and Elmira Wise, aged 2 years, 5 months and 4 days.

December 9, 1863

Fire. – Serious Loss. – We regret to learn that John Welch of Pike township, suffered a serious loss by fire on the 1st inst.  He had recently built and moved into a new house – appropriating his old one for the storing of grain, meat, &c.  This, with all its contents, was entirely consumed, and as he had just butchered the day before, he of course, lost all his winter’s meat.  The loss, at this season of the year is really severe.

Married at the Mansion House in Clearfield, on the 1st inst., by Rev. Jas. H. Bratton, Mr. Albert F. Denning of Morris township, to Miss Josephine V. Hethesline of Rush twp., the former of Clearfield and the latter of Centre county.

Married by Rev. W. M. Burchfield, on the 26th ult., Mr. Peter Patterson, to Miss Maggie Hunter, both of Knox township.

Died at his residence in Lawrence township, on the 1st instant, after an illness of about two weeks, William Wallace, in the 67th year of his age.
The deceased was, we believe, a native of Perry county, Pa., and removed to this county some thirty years ago, and was universally esteemed for his uprightness and integrity by all who knew him.  He was elected Assessor of Lawrence township last Spring, and was engaged in the performance of his official duties when taken ill.

One day last week, as William, son of Mrs. Flanigan, was engaged in cutting straw, the ends of the first and second fingers were drawn under the knife, cutting them off between the first joint and the second.

December 16, 1863

Married on the 10th inst., at the Lutheran Parsonage, by Rev. A. R. Height, Mr. James McKeeghan, of Jordan township, Clearfield county, to Miss Mary Jane Glasgow, of Roselane, Cambria county.

December 23, 1863

Three Cents Reward.  – Run away from the subscriber residing in Decatur twp., Clearfield co., Pa., William Edward Wagner.  All persons are hereby cautioned against harboring, trusting, or in any way, manner or form of crediting the said William Edward Wagner, on my account, as I will pay no debts or anything whatever of his contracting.  The above reward will be paid for his return to me.  J. R. Steiner, Steiner’s Mills, Decatur twp., Dec. 19, 1863.

Captured. – Our young and gallant friend Maj. W. Ross Hartshorn, of Curwensville, after passing through nearly every battle in which the army of the Potomac has participated with but a single casualty, has at last been taken, captured bodily – not by the enemy, oh no ! but by a blooming bride.  Success to him.

Married on the 15th inst., by Rev. W. M. Burchfield, Mr. George Mays of Knox and Miss Eliza Patterson of Jordan township, all of this county.

Married on the 15th inst., at Academia, Juniata county, Pa., by Rev. G. W. Thompson, Major Ross Hartshorn of Curwensville, Clearfield co., to Miss Alice Breezee of the former place.

Died in Boggs township, on the 15th ult., Henrietta, daughter of Francis V. and Rosanna Campbell, aged 3 years 10 months and 15 days.

December 30, 1863

Married on Thursday the 24th day of Dec. 1863, by John W. Shugert, Esq., Mr. Eugene Carter, and Miss Georgianna Haley, both of Lawrence township, Clearfield co., Pa.

Married on the 24th inst., at the residence of the bride’s mother, by the Rev. L. M. Gardner, Dr. W. W. Shaw, of Shawsville, to Miss Carrie J. Smith, of Clearfield, Pa.

Married on the 15th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. J. S. Lee, Mr. Lewis A. Stoneroad, of Lewistown, Pa. to Miss Fannie H. Shoff, of Beccaria twp., Clearfield county.

Died in Boggs township, Clearfield county, Pa., on the 27th inst., after a lingering illness of paralysis, Sarah, wife of Jas. M. Shaw, Esq., aged 56 years.  Bellefonte papers are requested to copy.

Died in Burnside township, on the 21st inst., after a lingering illness, John Patchin, at the advanced age of 85 years.

Departed this life at his residence in Karthaus township, on Wednesday 23d inst., J. F. W. Schnars, in the 79th year of his age.
The deceased was one of the oldest settlers of Karthaus township.  He was born in the Free city of Hamburg, on the 1st of March, 1785 – consequently, had he lived to the 1st of March next, he would have completed his 79th years.  As agent for the Keating lands, he was known to every citizen of the lower end of our county; and among the older citizens, no man was better known, and certainly no one was more universally esteemed.  He was a man of more than ordinary intelligence, possessing good business capacity, and scrupulously honest in every sense of the word.

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