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Clearfield Republican, 1864 Issues


Jan 31, 2009

Clearfield Republican

Clearfield, Pa

January 6, 1864

Married on the 24th of December, 1863, by Rev. J. H. Bratton, Mr. Wm. E. Reams, of Lawrence township, to Miss Henrietta C. Smell of Morris township, Clearfield co, Pa.

Married on the 24th December 1863, by Wm. Porter, Esq., Mr. Lewis Owens, of Cayuga county, N. Y., to Miss Mary A. Hall, of Bradford twp., Clearfield co., Pa.

Married on the 31st ult., by C. Sloan, Esq., Mr. Vincent Smeal, of Boggs township, to Miss Mary Ann, daughter of Dr. D. D. Kline, of Decatur twp.

Caution. – The public are hereby cautioned not to purchase, or in any way meddle with, a promissory note given by me to Jacob Yons, of Brady township, dated some time in the month of November, 1863, for the sum of Fourteen Dollars, as I have not received value for, and am determined not to pay the same, unless compelled to do so by due course of law.  John H. Larrimer., Lawrence township, Jan. 6, 1864.

Caution. – The public are hereby cautioned against buying or taking an assignment of a certain note for $75, dated on or about the 28th day of November last, payable in two weeks thereafter, given by me to James Zeigler, of Brady township, in Clearfield county, Pa., as I did not receive value therefore and will not pay it unless compelled by due course of law.  Peter Eshenfelter, Brady township, Dec. 10, 1863.

January 13, 1864

Married at Marron, on the 7th inst., by J. D. Miller, Mr. William J. Scott, to Miss Mary E. Campbell, both of Ferguson township, this County.

Married on the 31st inst., by Rev. W. Linn, Mr. Henry Yeager to Miss Sarah A. Spincer, both of the vicinity of Lumber City.

Married on the 31st inst., by Rev. W. Linn, Mr. J. H. Hinkle to Miss Anna M. Van Dyke, both of Glen Hope.

Died in Mitchell, Mitchell county, Iowa, on the 30th November last, of lung fever, Henry S. Bamford formerly of this place, in the 53d year of his age, leaving a wife and four children.

Died on the 29th December, 1863, Alexander Peters, son of John and Sarah Peters, of Bradford township, aged 3 years 10 months and 18 days.

January 20, 1864

Court Proceedings
The January term commenced on the 11th, and closed on the 14th inst., President Judge Linn, and his Associates Bloom and Thompson, were present.  The following is a synopsis of the proceedings:
Quarter Session – January Term, 1864.
Commonwealth vs. John Bell
Fornication, Bastardy and Seduction, True Bill.  Settled.

Commonwealth vs. A. A. Kelly
Passing counterfeit money.  Defendant having been drafted into the army, the Court ordered his sureties to be released.

Commonwealth vs. Ignatius Thompson and Mason Bloom.
Assault  Tired. – Guilty. Sentenced to pay $5 each and costs.  Test, R. J. Wallace and Swoope for Com., Wallace for Defendants.

Commonwealth vs. Edward H. Patton
Fornication and Bastardy.  True bill

Commonwealth vs. Jos. M. Commings
Assault and Battery.  Ignoramus & David Michael Prosecutor to pay costs.

Commonwealth vs. J. S. Radebach
Selling liquor on Sunday.  True Bill

Commonwealth vs. J. Westbrook
Forgery. True Bill.

Commonwealth vs. Solomon J. Pyles
Malicious mischief.  True Bill

Commonwealth vs. Thomas Fife
Larceny. Recognisance Forfeited.

Commonwealth vs. Peter Bloom
Assault and Battery.  Bill ignored and Jno. Mays Pros. To pay costs.

Commonwealth vs. James Bias
Riot. Recognisances forfeited of those taken.

Commonwealth vs. W. Henderson, G. Peltz & Levi Goss
Assault and Battery.  True Bill

Married on the 7th inst., by Isaac Lemon, Esq., Mr. Marion Hockenberry to Miss Susan Robison, both of Fergason township.

Married on January 1st, 1864, by the Rev. — —-, Mr. Geo. Newson of this place, to Miss Mary A. Evans, of Huntingdon, Pa.

January 27, 1864

Married on the 13th December last, by Daniel Goodlander, Esq., Mr. Edward Heberling, to Miss Susannah Smouse, all of Brady twp.

Died in Lawrence township, on the 22d inst., Margaret, daughter of Geo. P., and Ellen Tate, aged 7 years and 6 months.

Died at the residence of her son in Glen Hope, on the evening of the 17th inst., of Parylesis, Mrs. Julia Dickinson, wife of Abel Dickinson, aged 66 years and 9 months.

Died at his residence in Curwensville, on Tuesday, the 12th inst., Thomas Ross, Esq., aged – years.

Serious Railroad Accident – Twenty-six Person Injured.
    The Philadelphia Express train, west, on the Pennsylvania railroad, on Sunday morning, was thrown from the track by the breaking of an axle under the tender of the engine, just as the train was going on bridge No. 8, two and a half miles east of Tyrone.  The express, baggage and four passenger cars ran off the side of the bridge and fell into the Little Juniata river.  Before relief could be obtained, the cars took fire from the coals of the upset stoves, and, with one span of the bridge, were consumed.  None of the passengers were killed.  Twenty-six were injured, one seriously.  The injured passengers were all conveyed to the Logan House, Altoona, where everything is being done to make them comfortable.  The conductor of the train, Mr. Leisingring, Mr. W. H. Wise, express messenger, and Baggage Master McGreggor, were seriously, but not dangerously injured.
    All the mails and part of the passengers’ baggage and express goods were saved before the flames reached them.
    A number of the wounded are re-enlisted soldiers belonging to the Forty-eighth Pennsylvania and First Pennsylvania Artillery regiments.  The following is a correct
List of the Wounded:
A.    Steinmeyer, leather merchant of Pittsburg, injured in back and internally
Frederick Mose, of Blair county, member of 1st Pennsylvania Artillery, shoulder dislocated.
Samuel Hilans, 1st Penna. Artillery, right arm broken.
James F. Kennedy, of Blair county, slightly.
Wm. Coulter, of Blair county, slightly.
W. H. Wise, express messenger, injured in head.
Robert D. Brown, of Pottsville, 48th Penna. Regiment, hip sprained.
Gilmure Shirey, Clearfield, thigh broken.
John A. Denning, Yellow Springs, Pa., head cut.
William Hall, Fayette county, Pa., face cut.
Samuel Regler, Blair county, Pa., shoulder and leg injured.
Levi F. Bowers, Blair county, cut in head and shoulder bruised.
John Moffit, Allegheny City, 1st Penna. Artillery, leg injured.
A.    D. Harrison, 1st Penna. Artillery, of Butler county, Pa., arm broken and leg bruised.
Benjamin Crosby, of Westmoreland county, Pa., arm and leg bruised.
John Showley, Westmoreland county, Pa., bruised in head.
Michael Bohemah, 48th Pennsylvania volunteers, leg broken.
Philip Matthew, 1011 North third street, Philadelphia, right leg broken.
Andrew Pratt, soldier, bruised in back.
Soldier named Heisler, belonging to the 45th Pennsylvania volunteers was bruised in back.
Thomas light, soldier, leg injured.
T. J. Howard, of Lawrenceville, was slightly wounded in back, but was able to take the train home.
All of the above persons are now at the Logan House, Altoona, where they are receiving the proper medical attention.  Mr. Steinmeyer is the only person that is considered dangerously injured, and it is feared that he will not live.
    The bridge over the Little Juniata has already been repaired, so that there will be no detention to the trains.
P. S. – Since the above has been written, we have learned that Mr. Steinmeyer died last night. – Harrisburg Telegraph.

February 3, 1864

Married on the 28th ult., by Lever Flegal, Esq., Mr. Nicholas Fers to Miss Caroline Shaffer, all of Brady township.

Died at her residence in Curwensville, on the 28th ult., Mrs. Ann Kerns, aged 47 years.

February 10, 1864

Curious and Fatal Disease. – The Clarion (Pa.) Banner states that a fatal disease had broken out in that neighborhood, from which four children of Mr. Wm. Bell had died.  That paper says:  The first indications of the presence of the disease is noted by a sudden trembling of the body and arms, which is followed, by slight symptoms of fever and paralysis of an arm and lower limbs with severe pains in the back, and finally the vision becomes affected.  Several physicians have been called in, but are unable to determine the diagnosis of the disease.  It is neither typhoid nor spotted fever, and they are unable to arrive at any definite conclusion as to its nature.  Its action throughout resembles the effect of some powerful narcotic poison in the system.

Married on the 7th inst., by Rev. G. Leidy, Sergaent R. H. Walk, Co. D. 5th Reg., P. R. C., to Miss Emeline A. Kephart, of Decatur township, Clearfield co., Pa.

Caution. – Whereas my wife Hannah, has, without any just cause or provocation, left my bed and board, the public are therefore warned against harboring or trusting her on my account, as I am determined to pay no debts of her contracting after this date.  Edward Heberling.

Elizabeth Neff, by her next friend, Ephraim Fulmer, vs. A. P. Neff
In the Court of Common Pleas of Clearfield county, “Setting in Equity.”  No. 42 March term, A. D. 1864.
The undersigned, who was duly appointed by the Court, Commissioner to take testimony in the above case, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in the borough of Clearfield, on Friday the 11th day of March, A. D., 1864, at 10 o’clock, A.M., of said day, when and where all persons interested may attend and cross-examine, &c., if they see proper.  T. J. McCullough, Commissioner.

February 17, 1864

Died in this place, on Friday last, Mrs. — Em-a-ret, aged about — years.

Died on Saturday last, in Lawrence township, Kate, daughter of John and Mary Dougherty, aged about 13 years.

Died of purpura, at Woodland, Bradford township, Clearfield county, R. Greely Albert, only son of Wm. and Nancy M. Albert, aged 4 years and 17 days.

February 24, 1864
(this issue of newsprint is very light, so hard to read)

Married on the 18th inst., by ?. ?, Esq., Mr. Isaiah G. Merrell, to Miss Maggie Heatherling, both of Morris twp., Clearfield co, Pa.

Married on the 18th inst., at New Washington, by Jos. H. B—-, Esq., Mr. James O—-, to Miss Sarah (?Patton), all of Burnside twp., Clearfield co., Pa.

Died in Lawrence township, on the 17th inst., Margaret Ellen, youngest daughter of E-isha and Mary W. Ardrey, aged 1 year 9 months and 19 days.

March 2, 1864

Married on the 25th of February, 1864, at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. Sam’l Miles, Mr. Henry Albert, of Woodland, and Miss Celesta M. Nichols, of Lawrence twp., all of Clearfield county, Pa.

Died in Bradford township, on Thursday the 25th of February, Nancy Elizabeth, wife of Jerome Robison, aged – years. (no age given)

March 9, 1864

Married on the 25th of February, by the Rev. W. M. Burchfield, Mr. James Ferguson of Lumber City, and Miss Maggie McCracken of Jordan township, Clearfield co., Pa.

Died on the 4th inst., at Glen Hope, Rev. Jos. S. Lee, of the East Baltimore Conference, of Tympanites, aged 55 years.

Died on Thursday last, in Jordan township, Mrs. —-, wife of John Patterson, aged about 45 years. (no name given)

March 16, 1864

Died at his residence in Lawrence township, on Wednesday last ( the 9th inst.,) Joshua J. Tate, aged 62 years 7 months and 8 days.

Died in Pike township, of Whooping cough, on the 10th inst., William Richard, son of Joseph and Elenor McMullin, aged 5 months and 2 days.

Died on Sunday last, in Lawrence township, of whooping cough, Wm. Bigler, son of George Kline, aged about 9 or 10 years.

Died in Brady township, Clearfield Co., March 8th 1864, Martin Luther, son of Amos and Catharin Bonsell, aged 1 month and 16 days.

Died on the 7th inst., in Lawrence township, Clearfield county, Pa., of diptherea, James Howard, son of Lewis C. and Sarah C. Bloom, aged 4 years and 3 months. (Lancaster papers please copy.)

March 23, 1864

Died in Brady township, on the 13th inst., Anna Maria wife of John Hoover, aged 59 years, 8 months and 20 days.

Died on the 14th, also in Brady township, John W—, son of Elias and Mary Rishel, aged 19 years, 10 months and 1 day.

Died on the 14th, also in Brady township, infant son of Jacob W. and Mary A. Carp.

Died on the 14th, also in Brady township, infant son of Levi and Mary A. Draucker.

Died at the residence of Samuel Brown, in Lawrence township, on Thursday last, Miss Elizabeth Clark, aged about 62 years.

Died at her residence in this borough, on last Monday night, after a lingering illness of consumption, Mrs. Leonora, wife of John Adams, Esq., aged about 38 years – leaving a family of five small children, and a large circle of relatives and friends.

March 30, 1864

Caution. – The public are hereby cautioned not to purchase or in any way meddle with a certain promissory note, given by me to S. M. Dickerman of Beccaria township, dated about the 1st of April, 1863, for the sum of $45, as I have not received value for and am determined not to pay the same, unless compelled to do so by due course of law.  William Hammond.

The dwelling of Wilson Hoover at “the Point” two miles below this place, was totally consumed by fire on last Friday forenoon.  The family were all absent except Mrs. H., who did not discover the fire until the upper part of the building was in flames, and only succeeded in saving one bed, two tables, a book-case, and a few chairs.  Mr. Hoover’s loss is very severe.  The house belonged to J. F. Weaver, Esq.

April 6, 1864

Sudden death. Our young friend, John W. Bigler, was found dead in his bed, at the hotel kept by his father-in-law Mr. Colburn, in this place, on the morning of the 30th ult.  Mr. Bigler had been up the river for several days, attending to some business, and returned on Tuesday evening, the 29th, and complaining of indisposition; retired to a room, and went to bed, locking the door.  This was in the early part of the evening.  About 9 or 10 o’clock his brother, and father-in-law, rapped at the door, and were answered.  Not appearing in the morning, the door was forced open, and life was exstinct.
    The sad news flew from lip to lip, with the swiftness of the wind, spreading surprise, sorrow, and grief throughout the community.
    The deceased was aged about 25 years, being the second son of Ex-Governor Bigler, on whom, and his family, the blow, so sudden and unexpected, fell with crushing force.
Married at the house of R. Stewart, in Girard township, by W. L. Shaw, Esq., James Gormly to Miss Barbara E. Bomgardner, both of Goshen township, Clearfield county.

Married on the same day, at the same place, by the same, George Wilson of Goshen to Miss Sophia H. Buck, of Bradford township, Clearfield county.

April 13, 1864

Andrew Marks vs Sarah J. Marks.   In Common Pleas of Clearfield County.  Subpoena sur Divorce.   The undersigned commissioner appointed by the Court to take testimony in this case, will attend to the duties of his appointment on Thursday, April 28th, 1864, between the hours of 9 a.m., and 9 p.m., at the office of R. J. Wallace, Esq., in Clearfield, when and where all parties interested may attend.
Wm. M. McCullough, Commissioner, March 30, 1864.

Hannah Elder by her next friend Ebenezer Thompson vs William Elder.
In Common Pleas of Clearfield county, Subpoena sur Divorce.  The undersigned commissioner appointed by the Court to take testimony in this case, will attend to the duties of his appointment, at his office in Clearfield on Friday, April 29th, 1864, between the hours of 9 a.m., and 9 p.m., when and where all parties interested may attend.
R. J. Wallace, Commissioner.

Married on the 7th inst., by J. H. Bratten, at the house of the bride’s father, in Brady township, Mr. Joseph Snyder, of Lycoming county, to Miss Catharine R. Goodlander.

April 20, 1864

Two Men Drowned. – We learn from the Lewisburg Argus of Saturday last, that two men were drowned on the 13th inst., in attempting to land a raft about two miles below that place, in “snubbing” on some trees standing on the high and rocky bank, the surge of the cable – the river being high and the current very strong – it is supposed was so sudden as to fling them into the water, and they both disappeared together.  One of them was a student in the Lewisburg University from Armstrong county named G. W. Truitt; and the other was an industrious colored man from this vicinity, named Reuben Magintee, leaving a wife and several small children.  Their bodies were recovered.

Married on the 10th inst., at the residence of Frederick Shaffer, by D. Goodlander, Esq., Mr. Joseph Hand to Miss Sarah Risinger, all of Brady township.

Died at his residence in Lawrence township, on the morning of the 13th instant, Joseph Irwin, aged 65 years 11 months and 17 days.  The funeral will take place this morning at ten o’clock.

Died in this place, on Saturday last, Maggie, daughter of Henry and Louisa Snyder, aged about two years.

Died at the residence of R. Mossop, in this place, yesterday morning, after a brief illness of pneumonia, Charles M., son of John C. and Diana Reed of Brady township, aged about 18 years.

Died in Lawrence township, on the 16th inst., of lung fever, Maggie Blanch, daughter of M. S. and B. A. Bottorff, aged 1 year and six months.

Died in Lawrence township, on the 6th inst., Mary, daughter of John and Maria Butler, aged one year eight months and fifteen days.

April 27, 1864

Married on the 21st inst., by J. D. Miller, Esq., Mr. Henry D. Straw to Miss Emeline Bloom, both of Ferguson township.

Died at the Hotel of David S. Plotner, in the Borough of New Washington, Wednesday the 16th day of March, 1864, after a short illness, Halsey Patchan.

A Hint. – If the person who took a Wheelbarrow from Philip Heissey’s Brickyard last fall, desires to avoid a very unpleasant exposure, the said person will see that said wheelbarrow is returned forthwith.

May 4, 1864

Married on the 21st ultimo, by J. W. Shugert, Esq., Mr. John L. Goss, of Decatur twp., to Miss Sarah Smith, of Gulich township.

Married on the 18th March, by B. D. Hall, Esq., Mr. Samuel Perry of Boggs tp., Centre county, to Miss Rachel Eisenman of Karthaus tp.

Died in Philadelphia, on the 26th day of April last, Marcelline, daughter of Wm. V. & H. A. McKean in her 17th year.

Died in Brady township, Clearfield county, on Thursday last, Hettie, wife of R. W. Moore, aged about 60 years.

We learn that the mill of Mr. A. H. Shaw was entered on Friday night last by some thief or thieves, who on obtaining access to the office in the mill, forced open a desk and took therefrom $50, belonging to Mr. Kreamer, the miller.

We learn that the store of James Forest, of Lawrence township, was entered on Friday night last, and some goods, amounting to a considerable sum of money, carried off.
    There is evidently a gang of freebooters prowling about the neighborhood.  The spring-houses of several of the farmers in the lower end of Lawrence township were visited a few nights ago, and in another instance a horse, saddle and bridle taken from separate stables, but were all recovered the next day.  It would be well for our citizens to be a little more vigilant than heretofore; or perhaps a vigilance committee would not be out of place.

May 11, 1864

House Burnt. – The dwelling house occupied by Rev. John A. Nuner, at Grampton, together with most of its contents, were extinguished by fire on Friday the 6th inst.  The high wind at the time greatly endangered a large barn and the dwelling of Mr. Stewart.

$100 Reward.  Some unknown person or persons having feloniously broken into the house of the undersigned about the 25th of April, 1864, and stolen therefrom three webs of muslins, several blankets, pillow cases, table-cloths, two coats, one bonnet, a lot of sugar, soap and other articles, the above reward will be paid for the apprehension and conviction of the thief or thieves, or for such information as will lead to their conviction.  
M. O. Stirk, New Millport.

Married on the 1st inst., by G. P. Bloom, Esq., Mr. G. B. Hoover, of Lawrence township, to Miss Anna McMahon, of Penn township.

Married on the 1st inst., by D. S. Moore, Esq., Mr. N. C. Farrell to Miss Lydia Addleman, both of Lumber City, Pa.

Died in Brady twp., on the 4th inst., Col. R. Smiley, aged about 63 years.

Died in Lawrence twp., on Monday morning last, after a protracted illness, Amelia, daughter of Samuel and —–Clyde, aged about 18 years. [name not given]

Stop Thief !  $50 Reward.
The store of the subscriber, at Frenchville, was entered on the night of the 27th ultimo, and the following, among other articles, taken therefrom, to wit:
3 black frock coats;  2 fine cassimere frock coats;  3 pairs striped fine cassimere pants;  3 plain black alpaca vests;  one satin vest;  2 plain black Florence silk vests;  3 pair fine calf double ½ soled boots;  1 lot of gold finger and ear-rings;  1 lot of gold breastpins;  1 lot of low priced finger-rings, &c, &c.
Store keepers, and the public generally are requested to give immediate information to the undersigned, should either of the above articles be offered to them, when all expenses and the above reward will be paid for the conviction of the thieves and the recovery of the goods.   F. Coudriet.

May 18, 1864

Man Drowned. – A man, believed to be a Mr. Weaver, of Brady township, was drowned on Sunday last, at Tinker, below Karthaus.  He was on shore, and attempted to jump from the rock on to the hind end of a raft, but fell into the water.  His body was soon afterwards recovered, an inquest held, &c., eliciting facts in accordance with the above.

Died on the 12th inst., Mary A., infant daughter of Benjamin and Mary Brownlee, of Graham township, aged 4 years, 11 months and 27 days.  

Died on Saturday last, in this place, J. Melville, son of John and Leonora Adams, aged 7 months and 22 days.

Died on Saturday last, in this place, Boyd Deloin, son of Bernard and Anna Shope, aged 1 year, 2 months and 16 days.

Another old and much respected citizen of Centre county is now numbered with the dead.  On last Friday Dr. Berry of Ferguson township fell a victim to the same disease that terminated the life of Dr. Pugh.  Dr. Henry was known and respected all over Centre county, and by his death we have lost a good citizen and an able physician.  He attended Dr. Pugh, through his illness, and was present at his funeral in apparently good health; his death was as sudden as it was unexpected. – Central Press.  

May 25, 1864

Married on the 8th inst., by J. W. Shugert, Mr. Wm. Hurd to Mrs. Margaret  Odgen, both of Lawrence township.

Died on the 18th inst., John H., infant son of George and Margaret Owens of Lawrence township, aged 1 month.

Died in Bell township, on the 22d of April, Mrs. Hannah Ann Macmanus, wife of John Macmanus, in the 57th year of her age.

Died on the 18th inst., Harvey Larrimer, son of John and Hannah Gulich, of this place, aged 6 months and two days.

3 Cents Reward.   Whereas my husband, Thomas J. Dunlap, having left my bed and board without any just cause, all parties are hereby cautioned against harboring or trusting him on my account, as I will pay no debts of his contracting.
Mary Ann Dunlap, Lawrence township, May 25, 1864.

June 1, 1864

Married on the 26th inst., at Tyrone, by Samuel Jones, Esq., Mr. Jackson Hoover, of this county, to Miss Nancy B. Williams of Centre county.

Married on the 9th of May last, by Rev. M. L. Drum.  Mr. Blake Baird to Miss Mary J. Campbell both of Bell twp., this county.

Married on the 19th of May, by Rev. M. L. Drum, Mr. D. Russell Rose to Miss Lorinda Byers, both of New Washington.

Married on the 26th ultimo, by J. W. Shugert, Esq., Mr. Joseph Shirk to Miss Amelia Miller, both of this borough.

Died on the 26th ultimo, Mary Ella, youngest daughter of A. L. and M. Odgen, aged 2 years.

June 8, 1864

Married in this place, on Tuesday evening last, by Rev. James M. Galloway, Mr. J. C. Worth, of Oxford, Chester county, Pa., to Miss Mary A. Galloway, of this place.

Died on the 2nd inst., Victoria L., daughter of David and Louisa Bilger, aged 15 years.

Primary Election.
Candidates for the office of sheriff. Democratic party
Jacob A. Faust, of Curwensville; B. D. Hall, of Karthus township; Wm. M. Bloom, of Pike township;  Gideon D. Goodfellow, of Lawrence township; and Abraham Ogden of Lawrence township; Wm. A. Read, of Lawrence township.

Candidates for District Attorney, Democratic party
Wm. M. McCullough of Clearfield; John L. Cuttle of Clearfield.

Candidate for County Auditor
John J Miller, of Morris township; and M. L. C. Evans, of Pike township
(John J. Miller in June 22, issue, said he was named without his assent.)

Candidate for Coroner, Democratic party
Henry W. Park, of Clearfield.

Candidate for County Commissioner Democratic party.
Angus Gill, of Bradford township;  Wm. L. Rishel, of Lawrence township;  Conrad Baker of Knox township;  John Gillizanl of Karthaus township.

June 15, 1864

Fatal Accident. – A young man named Washington Hegarty, son of the late Joseph Hegarty, of Lumber City, was fatally injured on Wednesday last by the falling of a tree.  The deceased and Harry Davis were engaged in making timber in Jordan township, and in the felling of a tree, Mr. Hegarty was struck on the head in some manner – the particulars of which we were unable to learn – and so severely injured that he expired that night.  He was aged about twenty years, and a youth of much promise.

Thieves About. – Scarcely a day passes that we do not hear of a case of robbery, or attempts at robbery.  Our country merchants have been pretty generally visited, and last Saturday night the store of Judge Wright & Sons, in this place, was entered and relieved of goods to the amount of perhaps a hundred dollars.  The exercise of a little vigilance, upon the part of the victims of these freebooters might have a very satisfactory effect.

Married on the 8th inst., by the Rev. Henry R. Smith, Mr. Samuel Huston to Miss Helen H. Cuttle, both of this place.

Married on the 9th inst., by the Rev. W. M. Burchfield, Mr. Abram Bloom to Miss Mary Patterson, both of Jordan township.

Married on the 16th ultimo, by J. R. Caldwell, Esq., Mr. Henry M. Hickok, of Knox, to Miss Mary A. Straley of Ferguson township.

Married on the 5th instant, by J. R. Caldwell, Esq., Mr. Ross Dunlap to Miss Hannah M’Kee, both of Knox township.

Married on the 5th instant, by J. R. Caldwell, Esq., Mr. David A. Sloppy, formerly of Bloomingville, this county, to Miss Maggie Wortman, of Davidsville, Indiana county, Pa.

Died at his residence in Ansonville, of consumption, on last Sabbath afternoon, H. F. Schoening, in the 36th year of his age.

June 22, 1864

Died at his residence in this place, on Monday morning last, after an illness of many months, of Paralysis, Hon. Wm. Moore, in the ?5th year of his age.
The deceased was born in Bellefonte, learned the printing business in the office of the Bellefonte Patriot.  About the year 1833 he came to this place and became a partner in the publication of the Clearfield Banner – the only paper then published in the county.  From that day, until within a few years, when his health suddenly failed, he took an active part in all business transactions of a public character, and in all the relations of life was a man of the strictest integrity.

Died at Orange Court House, Virginia, Alexander W. Stambaugh, aged 30 years.
The deceased was a member of Company B, 149th Regiment, P. V.  He was wounded at the battle of the Wilderness, May 5th, and died on the 6th.  Mr. Stambaugh leaves a wife and one child to mourn his sad death;  he was an affectionate and indulgent husband, a tender father, and an excellent soldier, ever ready and willing to do his duty, whatever the circumstances might be.  Peace to his ashes.

Died in the borough of New Washington, on Thursday the 16th inst., of typhoid pneumonia, Joseph H., son of William and Mary Feath, aged 20 years and 11 months.

July 6, 1864

Married on the 28th ult., by Rev. W. A. Burchfield, at the residence of the brides father in Beccaria township, Mr. S. Bigler Dunlap, to Miss Rebecca Shoff.

Married on the 3d instant, at the residence of the bride’s father, in Pike township, Mr. Maning S. Dun, to Miss Corra Horn, by Rev. J. H. Bratten.

Married on the 29th ult., by John B. Garmount, Esq., in Mulsonburg, Mr. James Conway, to Miss Helen Michael, both of Karthaus township.

Died in Lawrence township, June 21st, 1864, Richard Flemming, son of Samuel and Sarah Ritter, aged 1 year and 3 days.

July 13, 1864

Married on the 20th inst., by Rev. Thomas Tracy, Mr. Daniel Conley, of this place, to Miss Maria C. Dougherty, of Lawrence township.

Married on Sunday, the 17th instant, at the house of John Erhart, in Beccaria township, by G. W. Shoff, Esq., Mr. Milton Sloppy, of Knox township, and Miss Mary Jane Richards, of Ferguson township.

July 20, 1864

Married at the residence of the bride’s mother, in Clearfield, on the evening of the 15th inst., by Rev. L. M. Gardner, Mr. Henry Ross to Miss Maggie Flanegan, all of this place.

Died in Bell township, near Lumber City, on Thursday, June 23d, Lewis Hoover, son of J. A. and C. Passmore, aged eleven months.

Died in this place, on Sunday last, Alice Mary, daughter of Abram and Lucinda Humphrey, aged 3 years 6 months and 15 days.

An Esteemed Citizen Gone.  We learn that William Sloss died at his residence in Knox township on Sunday last, in the 66th year of his age.  He was a native of Scotland, and came to this county from the Schuylkill coal region many years ago.  He was intelligent, upwright, honest and by industry, and frugal management, gathered a liberal share of the world’s goods.

Destructive Fires.  An Unlucky Friday.  Last Friday will be long remembered for the destructive fires that occurred in various sections of our county.
    About 8 o’clock in the morning the citizens of our village were startled with the cry of “Fire ! Fire !” and the shrill notes of the steam whistle at the machine shop.  Told where the fire was, and our population – old, young, male and female, – in a very few minutes were collected on the spot.  The fire proved to be in the steam-drying board-kiln.  Four different lines were immediately formed to as many different wells in the vicinity, along which water was conveyed and thrown upon the smoking, steaming mass, for four long and weary hours in the vain effort to put out the fire.  Finally the idea and plan of removing the boards being put in practice, the whole trouble was ended in a few minutes, and nearly all the boards saved, and very little loss sustained by the proprietors, Spackman & Co.  Too much cannot be said in praise of the ladies of our town for their efforts and patience on the occasion.

Fire In Bradford – Loss of Life.
    On Friday last a house belonging to Parlee Graham, in Bradford tp., was occupied by John Eyerson, was consumed by fire, burning to death a child of Mr. Eyerson, aged about eight months.  Mr. Eyerson was absent from home harvesting and Mrs. Eyerson had left the house for a short time to go to the house of a neighbor, leaving the infant and another child at home.  In a very short time the home was discovered to be on fire, but when entrance was effected, and the body of the child taken from the burning building, life was extinct, both arms and both legs being entirely consumed.

Fire in Girard.  Heavy Loss.
    The steam shingle factory of Mr. H. Burgett, on Deer Creek, was totally destroyed by fire on Thursday last, together with about 1,200,000 shingles, some saw-logs, square timber, &c.  The loss is estimated at over $12,000.

We learn that a severe and destructive fire also raged on Friday last in Morris tp., in the woods, destroying and damaging much square timber, and also injuring the standing timber.
    On the same day, another fire in the woods raged on ‘the Ridges,’ doing some damage, and causing much excitement.

July 27, 1864

Died in this place, yesterday morning, of dysentery, Herbert, son of Augustus and S— Goodrich, aged about two years.

Died in Luthersburg, on the 10th inst., William Arnold, son of Geo. M. and Catharine P—-, aged one year and seven months.

Died in Bradford tp., on the morning of the 1?th, S. Francis Ellen, daughter of Austin and —- Shirey, aged 4 months and 8 days.

August 3, 1864

Died at the residence of her grand-parents, at Glen Hope, July 22d, Fanny R. Cooper, daughter of Edwin and Isabel R. Cooper, of this place, aged 12 years 9 months and 22 days.

August 10, 1864

Married on the 26th of July, at Fairview, this county, by Jas B. Clark, Esq., Mr. Samuel Gardner, of Westmoreland county, to Miss Hannah Wall, of this county.

Married on the 31st of July, at the Susquehanna House, Curwensville, by Rev. L. M. Gardner, James McCullough to Miss Elizabeth Carr, both of Lawrence township.

Died near New Millport, on the 15th ult., Catharine, daughter of George and Susannah Erhart, aged 21 years, 5 months and 10 days.

Died in this place on Monday morning last, Mary L., daughter of Alex. L. and Emily Southard, aged 1 year 8 months and 10 days.

August 17, 1864

Married on the 4th instant by Amos Hile, Esq., Mr. David S. Moore to Miss Martha Derrick, all of Penn township.

Married on Friday last, by Rev. L. M. Gardner, Mr. Jospeh Showers to Miss Martha Moore, both of this place.

Died in Goshen township, on the 6th inst., of dysentery, Robert Leonard, son of Leonard and Elizabeth Bumgarner, aged 9 years 4 mos. 3 weeks and 2 days.

Died in this borough on the 4th inst., of dysentery, Eunice J. daughter of Augustus and Sarah Goodrich, aged 3 years and 16 days

August 24, 1864

Married on the 18th inst., by Daniel Goodlander, Esq., Mr. Jonathan Shaffer to Miss M. E. Horn, both of Brady township.

Married on the 17th, by Wm. A. Read, Esq, Mr. Royal Sutton of Toronto, Canada, to Miss Rachel E. Askey, of Penn township, this county.

Died in Clearfield borough on Sunday, the 21st instant, of Dysentery, Mrs. Catharine Jones, aged 69 years.

August 31, 1864

Married in Tyrone, August 23, 1864, by Rev. John Stine, Mr. Wm. Gunsaluz, and Miss Ida Pick, of Karthaus township, this county.

Died on Sunday morning last, Zenos B. Leonard, in this place, of Consumption, aged 20 years, 11 months and 14 days.

September 7, 1864

Married on Thursday, Sept. 1st, 1864, by J. W. Shugarts, Esq., Mr. William A. Ogden, of Lawrence township, and Miss Henrietta Williams of Bradford township.

Married on Saturday, the 27th day of August, 1864, by Isaac Leomon, Esq., Mr. Alexander M’Donald and Miss Elizabeth Murphy, both of Penn township, Clearfield county.

Died with dysentery, August 20th, 1864, Churam, aged 3 years, 10 months and 20days;  August 21st, George M’C., aged 1 year, 4 months and 20 days;  August 28th, Amanda I, aged 7 years and 5 months – all children of Samuel and Mary Launsberry, of Graham township.  [Sept. 14th issue list Amanda Jane, aged 11 years and 5 months.]

Died in Curwensville, on the 30th ultimo, Richard Edwin, son of Daniel and Louisa Faust; aged 1 year, 9 months and 23 days.

Died on Sunday, August 21, 1864, of Dysentery, Mary Ann, only daughter of R. J. and J. Stone, aged four months.

September 14, 1864

Caution. – All person are hereby cautioned against trusting or harboring my wife Catharine, as she has left my bed and board without any just cause or provocation; and I am determined not to pay any debts of her contracting after this date.  John Everhart, Kylertown, Aug. 19, 1864.

Married on the 1st inst., by Rev. W. Burchfield, Mr. John C. Johnston, of Jordan township, to Miss C. W. A. Curry, of Knox.

Married on the 8th inst., by Isaac Lemon, Esq., D— McCracken to Elizabeth Jane Lewis, both of Ferguson township.

Died in Frenchville, on the 2d inst., of dysentery, Mary, wife of P. T. Hegarty, aged – years 11 months and 17 day.s

Died in Union township, August 25th, of dysentery, Blanchard, aged 2 years 7 months and 22 days.  On the 4th instant, Adella, aged 6 years ? months and 4 days.  On the 10th inst., M—, aged 4 years 7 months and 12 days – all children of W. J. and S. A. Caldwell.

September 21, 1864

Married on the 8th August last, by B. D. Hall, Francis Tierney, of Girard township, to Miss Sarah Reiter, of Covington township, all of Clearfield county.

Married on the 30th August, by B. D. Hall, Justin Heigel, of the U. S. Army, to Miss Caroline Shaffer, of Karthaus township, Clearfield county.

October 5, 1864

Married on the 27th of July, by Joseph H. Jones, Esq., Mr. D. F. Williams, to Miss Annie Lewis, both of Centre county, Pa.

Married on the 8th inst., by Joseph H. Jones, Esq., Mr. Fredrick Maurer to Miss Ursulla Shriver, both of Morris twp., this county.

October 19, 1864

Married on the 4th inst., by the Rev. W. M. Burchfield, Mr. H. W. Smith, of this place to Miss Josephine Hartshorne, of Curwensville.

Died at Harrisburg, on the 28th of September last, Miss Kate Brown, aged 23 years and 4 months.
The circumstances pertaining to the final illness and death of this young lady were of a peculiarly sad and painful character.  About four months since, in the midst of apparent health, she was stricken down by that fearful disease, typhoid fever.  Every effort was made by her affectionate parents and attentive physicians to restore her to health – but all in vain.  After lingering for weeks in pain it was discovered that the disease had seriously affected her mental powers, and in the fond hope that more practiced skill might yet save her, she was sent away from home.  For a time there was a prospect of returning health – but every hope of this kind was blasted by the sudden announcement of her death.  Her remains were sent home and attended by a large number of relatives and sympathizing friends – were deposited in the cemetery of the Centre M. E. Church, on Sabbath, Oct. 1st.

Died in Brady township, Benjamin Franklin, son of Amos and Catharine Bonsall, aged 2 years, 9 months and 24 days.

Died in Kylertown, on the 5th inst., Le Roy, son of Dr. Jefferson and Sarah Litz, aged 1 year, 7 months and 25 days.

November 2, 1864

Died in Lawrence township, of consumption, October 26, 1864, Frances Marien, daughter of Wm. J. Lumadue, aged 17 years.

November 9, 1864

Death from Scalding.  A little boy, son of Christopher and Mary Stafford of Lawrence township, between two and three years of age, fell into a pail of scalding water on Saturday the 29th October, scalding him so severely that he died on the following Saturday morning.

Married in Bloom tp., on the 30th Oct., Mr. Addison Weaver to Miss Elmire Dunell, both of Penn township.

Died on the 1st inst., in Half-Moon, Centre county, Harold Stanfield, infant son of John S. and Emma T. Gray, aged 7 months and 21 days.

Died on the 24th October last, of Consumption, Jacob Henney, of Boggs township, aged 58 years, 8 months and 10 days.

November 16, 1864

House Burned.  A new, but unoccupied house of Mr. Fox, of Lawrence township was entirely consumed by fire, recently.  The loss is a very severe one, as Mr. Fox is a poor man, and had spent nearly his entire summer’s labor in preparing this building for his family for the winter.  His neighbors, we understand, are generously contributing to his immediate wants, in which all should lend them aid.

Died on the 1st inst., at the residence of her son Samuel, in Lumber City, Mrs. Anna McCracken, aged 77 years and 10 months.

Died in Philipsburg, on Monday evening last, Mrs. Martha, wife of Samuel Carlisle, (daughter of the late Dr. H. Lorain, of this place) aged about 29 years.

November 23, 1864

Married at Tyrone, November 16th, by Samuel Jones, Esq., Mr. Walter B. Morgan to Miss Celiva Reece, both of Clearfield county.

Died in Lawrence township, on the 8th inst., of Diptheria, Jerome Mack, of Centre county, aged about 23 years.

Died at his residence in this borough, on lat Sunday night, John McPherson, Esq., in the 57th year of his age.
Many years ago the deceased was afflicted with a cancerous affection on the face.  He then repaired to Philadelphia, where a cure, as was supposed, was effected.  But it again made its appearance within the last year or so, and in such a character as to preclude all hope of permanent relief.  His sufferings were of a painfully distressing character, all of which were borne with that uncomplaining patience which so beautifully adorns the faithful and undoubting Christian.  In his death our community loses one of its brightest ornaments.

November 30, 1864

Died in this place, on Sunday evening last, at the residence of her son, Wm. Porter, Esq., Mrs. Elizabeth Porter, in the 85th year of her age.

December 7, 1864

Married on the 1st inst., in Bloom township, by Gainer P. Bloom, Esq., Mr. David Elinger to Miss Sarah Osborne, both of Brady township.

Died in Guelich on the 27th ult., Mrs. Sarah, wife of James Morgan, in the 41st year of her age.

Infanticide. – A case of infanticide has been reported to us as having occurred in Woodward township on the 30th ultimo.  An unfortunate female being delivered of a bastard child, to conceal her shame, buried it while yet living in a field convenient to the place where she was living.  An inquest was held upon the body of the child by G. W. Shoff, Esq., acting coroner, which resulted in the issuing of a warrant for the arrest of the mother.  We understand she has been arrested, but her health will not permit her being removed to jail at present.

December 14, 1864

Bigamy. There has been quite an excitement raised among the gossiping portion of the community, recently, by the arrest and imprisonment of a man in our county jail, charged with the crime of bigamy.  Several weeks ago a man made his appearance at several places in this county, calling himself Royal Sutton, or Dr. Sutton, attending to the business of extracting or curing corns and bunions.  He became generally known as the “Corn Doctor.”  At Reidsburg, some three or four weeks ago, he made the acquaintance of a young lady, attending the Seminary at that place, and after a couple of week’s courtship, married her.  They visited among their friends – the lady being very respectively connected – and were spending their honeymoon quite pleasantly, when the new bride was horrified by the appearance of another wife of the corn doctor’s, hailing from Clearfield county and accompanied with a constable, who had a warrant for the arrest of the gay Lothario.  This wife, who was married but a few months ago, had along with her a child, several years old, which the Dr. had brought her a short time since, representing it to be the child of his first wife, who he said had died a year and a half ago.  The Dr. was arrested and is now in jail awaiting his trial.  He is no doubt a regular knave, and there is no telling but what he may have a half dozen more wives over the country. – Clarion Democrat.

Died in this place, on Monday last, Mrs. Louisa, wife of Barthol Stumph, aged about 28 years – leaving a family of several small children.

Death of John Bonoel.  John Bronoel, a former citizen of Covington township, in this county, where he sold his property and purchased a farm on Bald Eagle, a mile or two above Milesburg, was so severely injured by the locomotive a few days ago, near the junction of the Bald Eagle Valley and Snow Shoe roads, as to cause his death in a few days.  He was driving his team at the time, and was attempting to cross the track, when the horses (one of which was killed) became fractious.  The deceased was much respected in the community where he was well known.

December 21, 1864

Badly Injured.  Dr. Isaac Z. Coffman, of Phoenixville was badly injured on Wednesday last while passing along the State Road near Elijah Stewarts residence.  The strap which held the swingletree to the sulky in which he was riding, gave way, letting the shafts fall to the ground from which the horse took fright and started to run throwing the Doctor out, dislocating his shoulder, spraining his ankle, and bruising him considerably about the face,  he was found by Mr. James C. Robinson, shortly after the accident, in a senseless condition, and brought by him to his residence, where his injuries were cared for and we are pleased to announce that he is now recovering rapidly. – Weekly Phoenix.

Married on the 4th instant, by T. V. Hiatt, Esq., Mr. James C. Reams, formerly of Lawrence township, Clearfield county, Pa., to Miss Lucinda T. Graham, formerly of Bradford township, Clearfield county, Pa., now residing in Richland township, Tama county, Iowa.

In Search of Her Parents. – A few days since a letter was received in this city by the Postmaster, from Monmouth, Warren county, Illinois, inclosing the photograph of a young sturdy, good-looking country lass.  In connection with that lassee is a tale that is “owre true, but owre strange.”  Years ago, a boatman on the Pennsylvania canal lived at Newton Hamilton with his wife.  He visited this city frequently on his business tours, and by economy and hard work became the possessor of a little lot of ground, a house, and a large canal boat, which constantly plied between this city and his home on the Juniata.  About twenty years ago, he went home from Philadelphia, sold his lot and house, sacrificed his canal boat, and left for Illinois.  He settled about ten miles from the Mississippi river, and soon became a promident and ———–[fold in paper unreadable]……was a young girl about two years old, whom he raised and educated.  This girl is the original of the photograph referred to, and she is not the daughter of the couple with whom she resides.
    From conversation which she overheard between her reputed parents, she has found out they are not her father and mother, and that she is not related to them, or if so, not in the near kinship which they claim.  She has often desired to return to Philadelphia in the hope of ascertaining her parents, but her pretended parents has opposed her plan with bitter vehemence.  She must have been stolen when a child of two years, and is now a good-looking, healthy woman of twenty-two, unmarried and intelligent, a fit subject for a romance.  Her hair is curly, and her eyes of a deep nut brown.  Her parents may be living, an the memories of the happy days of the daughter’s infancy may be recalled by this paragraph.  We hope it will be circulated and commented by our readers, that if the true parents of the girl are living it may restore their daughter to them.  The photograph is now on exhibition in a store window on Chestnut street. – Age.

December 28, 1864

Killed By The Indians.  It is reported here that N. K. McMullin, who left the vicinity of this place last summer and located in Nebraska, was recently killed by the Indians.  It is known that the Indians claimed the land he purchased, and the story is that they first took him prisoner, and afterwards killed him.

Died in Lawrence township, on Thursday morning the 22d inst., Mrs. Eveline H. wife of Wm. L. Rishel, in the 39th year of her age.

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