• Fri. Mar 28th, 2025


…bringing our past into the future

Clearfield Republican, 1865 Issues


Jan 31, 2009

Clearfield Republican, 1865 [the entire year was not available for transcribing]

January 18, 1865

Married on the 5th instant, by J. R. Caldwell, Esq., Frampton McCracken to Miss Mary Jane Ferguson, both of Ferguson township.

Died at his residence, in Bell township, on the 4th instant, of conjestion of the lungs, Thos. Campbell, in the 79th year of his age.
The deceased was a native of Chester county, in this State.  In early life he located in Union county, and in 1830 removed to Clearfield and settled on the banks of the Susquehanna, in Bell township, where, after a long and well spent life, and raising a family of ten children, his spirit has taken its flight.  He was well known throughout the county, and wherever known respected.

Died in Lawrence township, on the night of the 10th instant, of dyptherea, James Calvin, son of Amos and Sarah Read, aged 26 years.
In death of this young man his family have lost an affectionate son and brother, and the community a much esteemed and worthy member.

Died on the 15th instant, in Lawrence township, Mrs. Sophia, wife of John Orr, in the ?1st year of her age.

Died suddenly, of diptherea, on the 25th December last, in Graham township, George W. Spitler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Spitler, aged 15 years 4 months and 21 days.

February 1, 1865

Died of congestion of the brain, on Sabbath, January 23d, Loretta, eldest daughter of John D., and Mary F. McGirk, in the 3rd year of her age.

Fire at Curwensville.
The late residence of Wm. Irvin, Esq., at Curwensville, was entirely consumed by fire on last Saturday night.  It has been occupied by Capt. Kerr, and the company under his command, as their quarters.  The fire originated in the attic, having caught from a flue, and was not discovered until it had progressed so far as to be beyond reach.    
    The next day Capt. Kerr removed his quarters to this place, and now occupies the Court House and one room in Shaw’s Row and one in Graham’s Row.

Death From Fright.
A little daughter of Daniel Bowman of Knox township, in this county, of some ten years of age, died on Saturday the 20th inst., under the following melancholy circumstances.  About 3 o’clock in the morning of Friday the 19th, a squad of soldiers visited the house of Daniel Bowman, arrested and carried him off.  The child was then, to all appearances, in perfect health.  Soon after her father was taken away, however, she began to manifest indisposition, such as is occasioned by a high state of nervous derangement, which continued, but without causing any alarm, until Saturday morning, when the soldiers were seen approaching from the direction of the residence of Jonathan Bowman, (son of Daniel) having the son and brother as a prisoner.  Immediately when told by her mother that “Jonathan was also a prisoner,” the child went into convulsions, which continued without cessation until about ten o’clock the same evening when she expired.

February 8, 1865

Married on February 1st, by J. W. Shugart, Esq., Mr. Wm. McKnight to Miss Martha Passmore, both of this place.

Died in Lawrence township, of Consumption, on February 3d, Ruth Adaline, daughter of Wm. J. and Mary Ann Lumadue, aged 22 years, 9 months and 7 days.

February 15, 1865

Married February 9th, 1865 by S. P. Wilson, Esq., Mr. Scott Flegal of Goshen Township to Miss Margaret Shaw of Bradford township.

Died at his residence in Bradford township, on Sunday last, of disease of the heart, Matthew Forcey, jr., aged about 56 years.

Died at Bloomville, January 18th, Irvin, third son of Wm. M. and Matilda Bloom, in the 18th year of his age.

March 1, 1865

It is reported that there has been an oil spring discovered on the farm of Wm. L. Shaw, in Goshen township, adjoining the Shirey property on Lick Run.

Caution. All persons are hereby cautioned against trusting my wife Lavina Burns on my account, as she has left my home, and by a settlement between us released me from dower and maintenance.  Elijah Burns.

Caution. The public are hereby cautioned against trusting or harboring Wm. Hollingsworth, an indentured apprentice, on my account, as he left my employ without just cause or provocation, and I will pay no debts of his contracting, unless compelled by law.  Jno. Wilson, Jordan Township.

Caution.  All persons are hereby cautioned against harboring or trusting my wife, Sarah Elizabeth, on my account, as she has left my bed and board without just cause, and I will pay no more debts of her contracting.  John Kline, junior.

March 8, 1865

Died on the 23d of February, at the residence of his mother in Bloom township, of Pulmonary Consumption, Mr. Wm. George, aged 22 years, 9 months and 6 days.
The deceased was among the first to enlist in the service.  He passed through three years of battles unharmed, when he re-enlisted, but was discharged on account of his disease.  He came home and gradually sank away to that “Bourne from whence no traveler returns.”  May he rest in peace. Rachel.

March 15, 1865

Died in Ferguson township, on the 24th, instant, of Hooping Cough, Ettie May, daughter of John and Martha Read, aged two weeks and two days.

Died on the 27th ult., of Typhoid Fever, at Point of Rocks Hospital, Va., James C. Fleming, of Co. I, 58th P. V., in his 19th year, son of J. H. Fleming, Curwensville.

Died at McGee’s Mills, Bell township, Martha Ann Matilda, daughter of Philip and Martha McGee, aged 5 months and 21 days.

Death from Hydrophobia.
Henry C. Thompson, (son of Mr. H. A. Thompson of Indiana county,) a new recruit, enlisted at Harrisburg, Penna., last week, for the 78th Penna. Vols, on his way to join his regiment, while stopping at Tod Barracks, was seized with hydrophobia, and after lingering about forty hours in extreme physical suffering, and in mental horrors wholly indescribable, died at a few minutes past twelve o’clock, on Wednesday night.  The circumstances, as far as we could gather them, are as follows:
    About three months since the deceased, in picking up a young pup on the street, was bitten on the knuckle of the right hand.  The wound was a mere scratch, but it was followed by rather severe inflammation so as to disable him from his work – type setting – about two weeks, but beyond this no attention was paid to the wound, and the hand being restored the casuality was forgotten.  Having enlisted, was going to his regiment, but feeling unwell stopped off at Blairsville, Pa., and after visiting his sister residing there he came to this city and reported at Tod Barracks on Tuesday morning last.  Soon after his arrival he began to experience pain in the knuckle that had been bitten; and from thence the pain passed to the elbow, thence to the right shoulder, and just before noon the pain passed to the region of the heart, occasioning great difficulty of breathing, he supposing it to be severe cold, applied to Dr. Warner, Surgeon at the Barracks, for relief.  After receiving a prescription he went to the pump for water, and in the act of drinking was seized with convulsions.  This peculiar circumstance awakened apprehensions in the mind of the Surgeon, and in answer to his inquiries the foregoing facts were developed.
    From this time everything was human sympathy could suggest, or medical skill devise, was resorted to, but all in vain.
    The deceased was a printer by trade, about 21 years of age, and possessed of more than ordinary intelligence.  He from the time that the disease clearly developed itself, was fully conscious of its necessary fatality, and during the lucid intervals talked of death as the only hope of relief.
    The paroxyams of the disease were marked with fearful violence, accompanied with the most fearful apprehensions of danger.  The secretion of saliva was excessive, and while his strength lasted he would rid his mouth by violent spitting.
    It will be a source of some comfort to the parents and friends of the deceased to know that every attention possible was bestowed upon him.  Major Skiles, with characteristic kindness, promptly telegraphed to the father and we understand his arrival is anticipated.

The above account of the melancholy death of Mr. Thompson, we copy from the Columbus (Ohio) State Journal, of March 3d.  His father Mr. H. A. Thompson, formerly of this county, but at present residing in Harrisburg, brought the remains of his son home and they were interred at Blairsville on Sabbath last.

March 22, 1865

Two Men Drowned.
It is our painful duty to record the death of two of our citizens by drowning during the high water on Friday last.  John W. Graham, of Graham township, in company with his brother-in-law, E. C. Dale, was proceeding to the river at an early hour to look after his timber.  When they reached the lower crossing of Moravian Run the bridge was gone, and in attempting to cross on one of the remaining timbers, it broke, throwing him into the boiling and foaming current.  No aid could reach him, and he perished.  His body was found the next day about 20 rods below the spot where he fell in, and on Monday it was consigned to mother earth, followed by a large train of weeping relatives and friends.  The deceased was one of the most worthy men of our county, aged about 45 years, leaving a large family of children.  Of quiet, unpretending habits, he was not extensively known.  But within the circle of his acquaintances, we doubt whether more could be said in the praise of any man in the county than is said of him, as a Christian, as a neighbor, as a friend.
    The other case was that of a young man named Israel Graham, son of James Graham, of Bradford township, who was standing on a raft lying above the mouth of Millstone Run, when he fell into the stream.  He passed under and came out at the lower end of the raft, and was seen to make one or two motions to swim, but the strong current from the Run carried him out, and he soon disappeared.

The Great Flood.
Immense Loss of Property.
    Last Thursday the people of this county, interested in the lumber business – and there are very few who are not – felt that all danger from high water was past.  The weather had been warm for a day or so, with some rain, and Thursday morning found the river a foot or so above a good flood; with every indication that the weather was about to clear up.  So there had scarcely a stick of timber gone adrift above this place.  It was known that much snow still remained in the woods, but without rain no one entertained any fears of high water.  But about 3 o’clock on Thursday afternoon the rain began to pour down in torrents, which continued until a late hour in the night.  At dark the river at this place was rising at the rate of a foot an hour, and by daylight it was within about six inches of the highest mark known.  But a small portion of the timber was “rafted in,” and in consequence was a very large amount abated off.  It is said that the surface of the river was literally covered with loose timber, boards, and shingles, before daylight.  In the afternoon a splendid raft went past this place, without oars, but apparently in good condition.  All efforts to – it were unavailing, and it continued onward, and is most likely a total loss to its owner.  It is said to belong to a Mr. Star, and ran off from Bell’s landing a mile or two below Lumber city, where it was rafted in.
    It is difficult to estimate the quantity of timber lost.  One gentleman estimated that enough to make forty rafts passed Lumber city.  We have heard of enough to make ten or twelve between that point and this – to say nothing of the immense piles of shingles and boards in Irvin’s meadow and other places in the vicinity of Curwensville.  Below this the loss seems to have been much greater, although no reliable information has been received.  The loss appears to be chiefly confined to loose timber.  The rafts that were rafted in, were principally saved.
    Clearfield creek, it is believed, was not as high in proportion, as the river, yet we hear that the destruction of property was more serious.
    So far we have heard of no serious damage to any of the bridges across the principal streams; but nearly all the smaller bridges across the smaller streams emptying into the river are carried off, which will seriously interrupt travel for some time to come.
    This is a sore calamity.  Coming, as it has, along with the inexorable draft, it still have a crushing effect on many a brave heart.  We have heard of several of our fellow citizens who are drafted, the result of whose winter’s toil was a raft of square timber ready to run to market, with the proceeds of the sale of which they expected to buy a substitute.  Now that their raft is lost their hope of procuring a substitute is also gone.
    The loss to our log men, it is feared, will be most serious.  The booms are said to be town out, or in such a damaged condition at Lock Haven, Williamsport, &c., as not to hold the logs that get there.  The Messrs. Blanchards, and others operating at Anderson’s creek, succeeded in holding back their logs; but it is reported that they were pouring out of Clearfield creek by the thousand.  If the booms are out there will be an immense loss.
    From below, we hear that Clark’s Ferry Bridge is gone, that the schutes at Columbia and Lock Haven dams, were seriously damaged, and that on Thursday the water was within four feet of the bridge at Lock Haven, and level with the banks, if this report is correct we may prepare for sad news, as the water would most probably be several feet higher on Friday.

Narrow Escape.
During the high water on last Friday a little boy of R. J. Wallace, Esq., about four years of age, fell into the water at one of the street crossings of the “swamp,” and had it not been for the heroic conduct of a Miss Morgan, who jumped into the flood at the risk of life, and rescued him, he would have drowned.

Died in Lawrence township, 28th ult., Melissa E. daughter of Joseph H. & Ruth E. Rowles, aged about 2 years.

Died in Clearfield Borough, on March 14th, Ida Elva, daughter of John and Hannah Guelich, aged 5 years, 1 month and 6 days.

March 29, 1865

Married in Cambria county, on December 3d, 1864, by J. J. Burns, Esq., John C. Merrell, of Morris township, to Miss Jennie Ellinger of Bloom township.

Died in Kylertown, on the 16th of February last, Mary E., wife of Jeremiah Kline, aged 26 years.

Died in this place, on last Saturday night, of disease of the lungs, Jacob Hessenthaler, aged about 46 years.

April 5, 1865

Married on the 30th ult., by J. C. Barrett, Esq., Mr. G. H. Ribling to Miss Catharine Emerick, all of Brady township.

Died in Lawrence township, suddenly, of scarlet fever, on the 9th March, Carrie May, daughter of Richard and Henrietta Shaw, aged two years and eight months.

Died in Lawrence township, on the 30th ult., Elizabeth E., wife of David Woods, aged 25 years 11 months and 4 days.

Died at the Presbyterian Parsonage in this place, yesterday morning, after a lingering illness of consumption, the Rev. James M. Galloway, late pastor of the Presbyterian congregation of this place, aged about 50 years.  His remains leave to-marrow morning for Steubenville, Ohio.

April 12, 1865

Died on the 12th of March, 1865, in front of Richmond, James McCoy, of Beccaria township, member of Company A, 58th Regiment, P. V. aged (10) years, 8 months and 18 days. [has to be a typo in the paper]

April 19, 1865

Died on the 15th of April, 1865, of Erysipolas, Titus H. Rowles, aged 51 years, 10 months and 23 days.  He leaves a wife and nine small children to mourn his loss.

Died at the residence of B. Hartshorns, Esq., in Curwensville, on Friday last, of Pneumonia, Manning Stevenson, in the 66th year of his age.
The deceased was originally, we believe from Lycoming county.  Many years ago he removed to this county, and engaged extensively in the lumber business.  A few years before the breaking out of the war he removed to North Carolina, from whence he returned a few weeks before his death.  It is a remarkable circumstance that he was the third brother who died since the 4th of March last.

Died on the 8th inst., Aaron R., youngest son of A. T. and M. Hickock, aged 9 years, 3 months and 24 days.

$10 Reward will be paid for the arrest of James Price, who escaped from the custody of the constable of Karthaus township, on Sunday the 2d instant.  Said Price is about 5 foot 8 inches high, dark complexion, with blue marks in the face; or fifteen dollars will be paid for his delivery in the jail at Clearfield.   Daniel Moore, Constable, Karthaus township.

April 26, 1865

Married on the 18th instant, by the Rev. W. M. Burchfield, Mr. Wm. P. Mays, of Knox township, to Miss Sarah Graham, of Lawrence township.

Married on the 25th instant, by the Rev. G. Dunlap, Mr. G. W. Snyder, of this borough, to Miss Ellen Irvin of Lawrence township.

Married on the 13th instant, by the Rev. John A. Nuner, Mr. W. A. Lansberry, to Miss Sophia Woolridge, both of Clearfield county.

Died on the 16th instant, Miss Lucy Draucker, of Brady township, aged 13 years, 7 months and 24 days.

Died in Brady township, on the 17th instant, H. Sterns, son of Jesse and Lavina Lines, aged 18 years and 5 months.

Man Drowned. – On Saturday the 22d instant, a young man named Wm. Byers, was drowned in Pearce’s dam on Chest creek, in Chest township, this county.  He was engaged in floating some logs to the mill for the purpose of having them sawed.  While standing upon them, they turned, throwing him into the water.  His body was recovered about one half hour after.  He was about 22 years of age.

May 3, 1865

Married on the 27th of April by the Rev. J. M. Smith, Mr. Wm. E. Forcee to Miss Susan Shirey, both of Bradford township.

Married in this place, on Thursday, the 27th day of April, by the Rev. Monroe, Mr. David H. Gearhart, to Miss Mary C. Shugart.

Died in Goshen township, on the 25th of April, Rebecca Bell, only child of J. W. and Mary Jane Wallace, aged 4 years, 2 months and 18 days.

May 10, 1865

Married on the 27th instant, by the Rev. W. M. Burchfield, Mr. Peter Beal to Miss Frances J. Smith, both of Glen Hope.

Married on the 27th instant, by the Rev. W. M. Burchfield, Mr. J. F. Hall, of Indiana county, to Miss Margaret McCracken, of Cush township this county.

Captured. – James Price, who escaped from the custody of the constable of Karthaus township, a few weeks ago was captured last week a few miles north of Ridgway, by Mr. G. B. Hoover, and is now in jail in this place.  It is said that he shot the constable through the leg and then escaped.  We believe he was arrested on the charge of arson.

May 17, 1865

The seat of justice of Snyder Co., has been removed from Middleburg to Selingsgrove.

Married at the residence of the bride’s father, on the 11th instant, by the Rev. Alexander McLeod, Chaplain U.S.A., formerly Rector of St. Andrew’s Church, Clearfield, Pa., John S. King, Esq., of Brookville, to Sophie, oldest daughter of Hon. G. R. Barrett, of this place.

Married at he “Clearfield House,” on the 14th instant, by the Rev. Alexander McLeod, Chaplain U.S.A., formerly Rector of St. Andrew’s Church, Clearfield, Pa., John A. Brubaker to Miss Maggie E. Schofield, both of Union township.

Married at Tyrone, on the 4th instant, by S. Jones, Esq., G. M. Watson, of Philipsburg, formerly of Lawrence township, this county, to Miss Lizzie Rider, of Halfmoon township, Centre county.

Married on the 7th instant, by Jas. B. Clark, Esq., Mr. Newton Spencer to Miss Sarah Reager, both of Lumber City.

May 24, 1865

Subpoena sur Divorce. No. 50, January term, 1865
Rachel E. Kern by her next friend John Smeal vs Matthias Kern.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned having been appointed a Commissioner to take testimony in the above case has set apart Saturday the 17th June next, at his office in the borough of Clearfield, for that purpose, when and where all persons interested can attend if they see proper.  R. J. Wallace, Commissioner.

May 31, 1865

Married in this place on Monday lat, by the Rev. Simbower, Lieutenant Thomas Liddle, to Miss Sophronia Swan.

Married on the 8th instant, by J. R. Caldwell, Esq., Mr. Abraham Farewell, to Miss Annie E. Wykoff, both of Lumber City.

Married on the 27th instant, by W. A. Read, Esq., Mr. Leolard Spaulding, of Parkman, Piscataquis county, Maine, to Miss Martha Read, of Lawrence township, this county.

Died in Ferguson township, on the 17th instant, David Ferguson, Esq., well advanced in years.

Died in Lawrence township, on last Sunday evening, after a lingering illness, Moses Fulton, aged about 52 years.

Died in Lawrence township, on the 27th instant, Harry, son of Jacob and Hannah Gulich, aged 7 months.

Burglars About. – That there is a gang of burglars prowling about admits of no doubt.  The residence of Milton McBride, two miles east of this place was entered on Wednesday night of last week and robbed of numerous articles of wearing apparel both male and female, including some money.  The thieves entered from the cellar.
    The same night Robert Stewart, in Girard township, was relieved of a lot of choice bacon.
    A night or two previous the house of J. S. Radebaugh, who keeps the Blue Ball hotel four miles this side of Philipsburg, was robbed of several articles, the thieves not sparing the Post-office, rifling a large number of letters.
    A little vigilance on the part of our citizens we should think, might break up this arrangement.

Carlisle, May 26. – A fire occurred last night about five miles west of Carlisle, by which seven children, the oldest fifteen years and the youngest six months, were burned to death.  Mrs. And Mr. Mayberry, the parents, were also severely burned.  The fire was accidental.

June 7, 1865

Married on the 28th ultimo, by D. S. Moore, Esq., Mr. Elias H. Spencer, of Penn township, to Miss Ju—-da Labkey, formerly of Centre county.

Married on the 4th instant, by J. R. Caldwell, Esq., Mr. A. Forister Bloom, to Miss Sarah E. Davis, both of Pike township.

Married on the 16th of April, by S. P. Wilson, Esq., Mr. Harrison Dollaas to Miss Elizabeth Graham, both of Bradford township.

Married on the 4th instant, by S. P. Wilson, Mr. David S. Smith, of Girard township, to Miss Caroline Graham, of Bradford township.

Died on the 21st ultimo, in Morris township, Sarah Elphena, only child of Jeremiah and Mary E. Kline, aged 1 year 10 months and 27 days.

June 14, 1865

Sad Affair at Columbia. – Last night (Sunday), a few minutes before 8 o’clock, the report of a gun was heard in the neighborhood of Erisman’s saloon corner of Front and Locust Streets, Columbia, followed soon after by screams of distress.  It appears that a number of small boys, two of them sons of Mr. Erisman proprietor of the saloon and the others children of Mrs. Felix, Mrs. Dickinson and Mr. Charles Rawlings, were playing in Mr. Erisman’s yard, when Mr. E’s eldest son, a lad of ten or eleven years went into the saloon and came to the back door with a gun in his hand.  He told the boys he was going to shoot them, and immediately drew up the gun and fired, the load taking effect upon four of the boys.  Mr. E’s second son was killed almost instantly, receiving some sixty-seven shot in different parts of the body.  The son of Mrs. Dickinson’s aged 6 years, was shot in the abdomen and lingered until this morning at 7 o’clock when death put an end to his sufferings.  The son of Mrs. Dickinson was not seriously hurt, and Mr. Rawling’s son received but a slight wound but one shot penetrating his breast.  The gun was kept loaded for the purpose of killing rats, and the lad who fired it was not aware of its being loaded.  Deputy Coroner Hunter held an inquest on the bodies of young Erisman and Felix this morning.  The affair has caused a general gloom in Columbia. – Lancaster Intelligencer.
[copied as printed in paper, was it a misprint stating that Dickinson son died, when the inquest was on the bodies of Erisman and Felix]

Married on the 6th instant, by the Rev. George P. Hays, at the Second Presbyterian Church, Baltimore, Mr. J. Blake Walters, of Clearfield, to Miss S. Lou Clark, of Baltimore.

Married on the 5th instant, by Rev. A. H. Sembower, Martin Braughler, of Jefferson county, to Miss Hannah M. daughter of Jonathan Hartshorn, Esq., of Pike township, this county.

Married on the 2d instant, by Rev. W. M. Burchfield, Mr. David N. Johnston to Miss Martha Patterson, both of Jordan township, Clearfield county.

Married on the 7th instant, by D. S. Moore, Esq., Mr. Chas. Thorp, of Bell township, to Miss Hannah Johnston, of Penn township.

Died on Sunday, June 4th, of whooping cough, Hannah Catharine, daughter of Arthur O. and Alma Groom, of Beccaria township, aged 1 year, 2 months and 2 days.

Died in Lawrence township, 22d inst., Ira, eldest son of David and Deborah Brown, aged 19 years, 7 months and 14 days.

Died on the 1st instant, at the Army Hospital, Washington, D. C., John Woodle, Co. B., 57th Reg’t, aged about 45 years.
The deceased entered the army from this county last fall, and fell a victim to that terrible scourge of our army, Typhoid Fever.  He leaves a wife and several children.

A Singular Case. – Mr. Frederick Grier, a highly respectable citizen of Richland township, Bucks county, from some unknown cause, lost his reason and became insane.  He imagined his stomach had become diseased and wasted away, and positively declined taking any thing to eat and no persuasion would induce him to eat anything.  He lived twenty-two days without taking any nourishment or drinking anything until about thirty-six hours before his death, when he sipped a little water.  He died on the 27th of May, and the remains were buried at the Friends’ graveyard.  He was a kind hearted neighbor and highly esteemed by all who knew him.

Boy Killed. – We are informed that a small boy belonging to a Mr. Smith, of Union township, was recently killed in his father’s clearing, by a log rolling over him.  He had been sent to the spring for a bucket of water, and it was sometime before he was missed.

Another Burglary. – The store of the Messrs. Albert’s about six miles east of this place, was entered on Sunday night last, and goods to the amount of four or five hundred dollars carried off.  The thieves entered through a back window.

Two young girls, named Hamilton and Plummer, were instantly killed by lightning in the suburbs of Altoona one day last week.  They were in an out-house at the time.

The Madera Oil Company
Clearfield County, Pennsylvania
The properties of this Company are situated in Clearfield county, Pennsylvania and consist of the following Tracts, viz:
No. 1.  The Wm. Hegarty farm, in Fee simple containing Eighty Acres, situate in Beccaria Township, at he junction of Clearfield Creek and Muddy Run.  About one-half the tract is Bottom land, and has a front on the —- —- —– mile.  There are several veins of excellent Coal in the hill on the rear of the tract which is easy of access.  A considerable amount of Timber is on the tract, and the farm in a high state of cultivation, with good Buildings, Orchard, &c.
No. 2.  A lease for Twenty Years from Wm. Hegarty on Forty Acres on Muddy Run, with a front on both sides of said stream, and nearly all bottom land.
No. 3.  A lease for Twenty Years from Robt. Whiteside on One Hundred Acres of land, adjoining No. 1.  A considerable portion of it is bottom land.
No. 4.  A lease for Twenty Years from John Beyers on Two Hundred and Fifty Acres, on the waters of Muddy Run, close by No. 2.  There is a front on both sides of the stream of about one mile.  A large portion of it is bottom land.
No. 5.  A lease for Twenty Years from John Beyers on One Hundred Acres on the waters of Muddy Run, adjoining No. 4.  A large portion of this is also bottom land.
No. 6.  A lease for Twenty Years on Fifty Acres from John L. McCully, a short distance above No. ?  All of this tract is bottom land, and located at the forks of Muddy Run.
No. 7.  A lease for Twenty Years from Samuel Shoff on One Hundred and Five Acres, on the waters of Clearfield Creek, opposite No. 1, with a front on said stream of about half a mile.
No. 8. A lease for Twenty Years from Robert Whiteside on One Hundred Acres, adjoining No. 7, with a front on each side of  Clearfield Creek of over one mile.  A large portion of this is bottom land.
No. 9.  A lease for Twenty Years from Samuel Shoff on Seventy-five Acres on Clearfield Creek, a short distance below Madera.  About one-third is bottom land.  With a front on the creek of near half a mile.
No. 10.  A lease for Twenty Years from Wm. B. Alexander on One Hundred and Ten Acres on Clearfield Creek, opposite No. 9, a large portion of which is bottom land.
Nos. 11 and 12.  Leases for Twenty Years from Samuel Mitchell on Ninety-Six and forty Acres, lying on the waters of Alexander’s Run, one-fourth of a mile from Madera, about one-half of which is bottom land.
No. 13.  A lease for Twenty Years from W. B. Alexander on Forty Acres on Alexander’s Run, all of which is good boring territory.
No. 14.  A lease for Twenty Years from Wm. B. Whiteside on Two Hundred and Five Acres on the Beaver Dam Branch of Moshannon Creek.  The principal part of this tract is good boring territory.
    These lands, without exception, are most admirably located, and have been examined by practical oil men and pronounced the best on Clearfield Creek, abounding in all the surface indications of oil, they being the same as those in the celebrated oil region of Venango.  Salt and Oil Springs abound in the neighborhood. The lands were selected with great care on the most advantageous leases, there being only one-eighth of the oil reserved by the lessors.  So great has been the excitement in this region within the last few months, that all the lands of any value are leased.  Quite a number of wells will undoubtedly be sunk during the coming summer.
    It is the intention of this Company to commence boring as early in the season as possible, and to develop the lands fast as the means at the disposal of the Company will admit.  The large amount of Oil Territory held by this company makes it one of the most valuable in the market, as practical oil men who have examined the lands say there is no doubt whatever of the presence of oil.  June 14, 1865.

June 21, 1865

Notice. – I hereby warn all person from harboring or trusting my wife, Mary Ann, on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting, as she left my bed and board without just cause or provocation.  Thos. Ross, June 21st, 1865.

Married on the 15th instant, by the Rev. C. W. Knauff, at St. Paul’s Church, in Lock Haven, John G. Hall, Esq., to Miss E. A. Hyde, both of Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. No cards.

Died at his residence in Bell township, Clearfield county, Pa., on the 13th of June, 1865, James Elder, Esq., in the 70th year of his age.
The deceased was born at Mifflinburg, Union County, Pa., and in early life removed to what is now Clinton county; from there he came, in 1832, with his family, to the place of his residence and death.
At the time that portion of Clearfield county was comparatively a wilderness, and he was one of those who have devoted a life of perservering toil and energy to its advancement and prosperity.  In 1847, he was elected to the office of County Commissioner for a term of three years, and performed its duties with credit to himself and profit to the people.
    Genial in his manners, prompt and upright in his business relations and pure in his morals, he obtained and preserved the respect of all who knew him.
    As a warm-hearted friend, and affectionate father, a devoted husband, an honest man, and a firm believer, in the bright hopes of a Christian’s future, he has passed from our midst.    X.

Died in this place, on Tuesday evening last, at the residence of her son-in-law, Wm. Powell, Esq., Mrs. Elizabeth Sterrett, in the 73d year of her age.
The deceased was born in Centre county.  Her maiden name was Moore.  In early life she married to George Weaver, of Bellefonte. – In 1827 she became a widow, with three small children to shield and protect.  Surrounded with many kind friends, and blessed with a spirit of patience and perseverance which nothing but the firmest faith of the meekest Christian could sustain, she kept her little family together, carefully educating and fitting them for the cares of the world.  She then married Mr. James Sterrett who afterwards removed to Clarion, where he died some eight or ten years ago – since when this amiable lady has spent most of her time with her children in this place.

Died on the 12th instant, at Dix Hospital, 9th Corps, Washington, D. C., John M. Ogden, aged about twenty-two years.
His remains were brought to this place and interred on Wednesday last.  He leaves a wife and two children.

June 28, 1865

On Thursday the 15th instant, a son of Mr. John Stewart, of Spring Run, Franklin county, aged two years, was found drowned in a stream running through that village.

Married on the 25th inst., by B. D. Hall, Esq., Mr. Jno. Steinger to Miss Esther Nickerhecker, all of Karthaus township, this county.

July 5, 1865

Married on the 29th instant, at the residence of the bride’s father, by the Rev. W. M. Burchfield, Dr. R. V. Spackman, of Luthersburg, to Miss Gertrude Alexander of this place.

Married on the 27th inst., by Wm. Potter, Esq., at the residence of the bride’s father, in Clearfield, Mr. Adolphus Scholpp to Miss Sophia C. Liepoldt, both of this place.

Married on the 13th ultimo, by the Rev. T. H. Sweltzer, W. R. Hemphill, of this place, to Miss Mary Ann Hudson, of Philipsburg.

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