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Clearfield Republican, 1854 Issues


Feb 8, 2009

Clearfield Republican  1854

January 11, 1854

Married on the 25th ult., by J. W. Wright, Esq., Mr. James Hains, to Miss Matilda Lythe, all of Glen Hope, Beccaria township.

Married on the 6th inst., by B. F. Sterling, Esq., Mr. G. W. Hoover of Pike township, to Miss Ann Neeper of Brady township.

Died in Lawrence township, on Sunday the 8th instant, an infant son of John and Mary Hancock, aged about 1 year.

February 8, 1854

Married on Tuesday the 31st of Jan. by M. Nichols, Jr., Esq., Mr. Leonard Ogden to Miss Maria S. Holly, all of Lawrence township, Clearfield county.

Married by Rev. J. R. Morris, on Thursday, the 2d inst., Mr. John Blair, formerly of Lewisburg, Union county, to Miss T. Jane Stone, of Stoneville, Clearfield county.

February 25, 1854

Married on the 27th ult., by the Rev. J. R. Morris, Mr. Roland C. Richards to Miss Massey E. Stewart all of Centre county, Pa.

Married in Union township, on Thursday the 29th ult., by D. Dressler, Esq., Mr. Henry Baily, to Miss Catharine Clauser.

Married by the Rev. Wm. A. M’Kee, Mr. Martin Watts, to Miss Elizabeth M. Hoyt, daughter of Dr. Hoyt, all of Clearfield county.

February 28, 1854

Married on Sunday the 19th day of February, by Josiah Evans, Esq., Mr. Calvin Baily, to Miss Louiza Ellinger, all of Pike township.

Died in this place, on Friday the 17th of February 1854, Mr. David Sackett, aged about 35 years.
The deceased had for many years been a resident of this place, was one of our most industrious and enterprising citizens, and was highly respected by all who knew him.  He leaves a wife and several small children to morn his loss.

Horrible Attempt at Suicide.
    About half-past nine o’clock this morning, a white woman named Margaret Feeny, residing in a dirty, dark and dismal celler, among the colored population of St. Mary’s street, above Seventh, attempted to commit suicide by chopping her head off with a hatchet.  The woman is an appalling spectacle of the effects of excessive rum drinking and other dissipation.  She laid herself down on the filthy floor, and cut two severe gashes in her neck.  In the wildness of despair, she commenced beating herself on the head with the pole of the hatchet, and inflicted a number of contused wounds.  She became exhausted, and her groans attracted the inmates of the upper part of the house.  Several officers of the police had her conveyed to the alms house. – Phila. Bulletin.

March 8, 1854

Married on Thursday the 2d inst., by the Rev. Samuel M. Cooper, Mr. Wm. Irwin to Miss Rebecca Hartman, all of Lawrence township.

Married on Thursday the 2d inst., by the Rev. Samuel M. Cooper, Mr. Edward Albert to Miss Cross, all of Boggs township.

Died in Allegheny city, on the 1st inst., Mrs. Mary J. Purviance, wife of H. A. Purviance, in the 24th year of her age.
The deceased was the eldest daughter of Mrs. Margaret W. Purviance, and granddaughter of the late Judge Hamilton of Washington county.

Died, George Lippard, author of the Quaker City, died in Philadelphia, on Thursday week last, in his 31st year.  He was the author of many novels, the last of which is now in course of publication in the Sunday Mercury of that city.

March 15, 1854

Married on the 14th inst., by the Rev. Hauchenberry, Mr. Chas. Cadwallader, to Miss Mary Ann Runk, both of Clearfield county.

Death of T. Devin Riley, Esq.,
We regret to be called upon to announce the sudden decease of this accomplished young gentleman.  He died at his residence in this city, on Sunday evening, having retired to his bed in good health and spirits.  It is supposed that the cause was apoplexy.  Mr. Riley was one of those able and courageous spirits who were compelled to fly from the wrath of the British Government owing to the part he took in the Irish troubles in 1848.  He was one of the most fearless and forcible speakers and writers of the day, and was endeared to a large circle of friends.  He leaves behind a wife and child, almost without protection.  Let them not be forgotten by those who know the worth, the genius, the courage, and the manly qualities of her gifted husband.

March 23, 1854

Married on the 19th instant, by the Rev. J. R. Morris, Mr. James Brown, to Miss Catharine Piles, all of Curwensville, Clearfield county, Pa.

Married on Tuesday morning last, in this borough, by Rev. Cooper, Mr. Charles Larimer to Miss Mary Sensor.

Run Away
All persons are herby cautioned against harboring Patrick Gorman, as he is a lawful indented Apprentice to the Boot and Shoe trade.  Any person harboring him will be held responsible for his time, which will not expire for two years and three months hence.  R. Glennan, March 25, 1854

April 5, 1854

On Monday of last week, the dwelling house of Mr. Christian Pottorff, of this place, was discovered to be on fire.  The alarm was given when the citizens assembled in large numbers, who were not long in extinguishing the flames.  No serious damage was sustained.  The fire originated by a spark falling from the flue upon the roof, which was fanned into a blaze by the passing breeze.

A fatal accident, resulting in the death of a man named Fredrick Knepper, occurred on the level, on the Portage Road, on Monday of last week.  The unfortunate man, it appears, got on the locomotive at Johnstown, and, when turning Coyles’ Curve, the place where he wished to stop, attempted to jump off, in doing which he missed his footing and fell back with his head upon the tract, the whole train running across his head and shoulders, crushing them to atoms.  The unfortunate man is said to have been a dissipated character, and was considerably intoxicated when the accident occurred. – Hollidaysburg Standard.

Sad and Fatal Accident. – Yesterday morning about 9 o’clock, says  the Pennsylvania Inquirer of the 9th instant, Mr. Jos. Blackwood, well digger, descended into a well at Eleventh and Lombard streets, for the purpose of walling it up.  The earth near the surface was very loose, and commenced to fall into the well.  It soon became evident that the ground was caving in, and Mr. Blackwood seized the rope, and had ascended about half way to the top, when a general caving in took place, the unfortunate man was precipitated to the bottom of the well, and was buried alive.  A number of workmen immediately engaged, with commendable zeal and energy, in the effort to dig his out, but did not succeed in reaching the body until an hour and a half had elapsed, when life was extinct.  When the body was drawn out the mouth was wide open, but it soon closed.  The deceased resided in the neighborhood of Fourth and Christian streets, and was a very estimable man.  One of the workmen narrowly escaped being buried in his efforts to recover the body.

Died in Lawrence township, on the 28th ult., infant child of Mitchell and Mrs. Kline.

Died in Penn township, Clearfield county, on the 17th ult., Mrs. Catharine Wriglesworth, aged 66 years 6 months and 27 days.  She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
She was the wife of William Wriglesworth, dec’d, and the mother of the Rev. J. Wriglesworth.  The funeral sermon was preached by John Flegal, from Rev. xxi 4.

April 12, 1854

The steam saw mill of Geo. Leech & Co., in Pike township, was destroyed by fire on Monday night last.  Our informant could give no particulars, further than that as he passed the premises yesterday, he saw the smoking ruins.  The mill was in excellent condition, and doing a good business.

Died in Curwensville, pa., on Friday the 7th inst., Harry P. Hipple, aged one year, 3 months and 16 days.

Died in Jordan township, on Friday morning last, David Wise, Sen., at the advanced age of 81 years.  The deceased was formerly a resident of Penns Valley, Centre county.
Centre co., papers please copy.

April 19, 1854

Married on Thursday, the 30th of March, by W. M. Bloom, Esq., Mr. Isaac C. Carson, to Miss Reachel Dunlap, all of Pike township, Clearfield co., Pa.

Married on Sunday the 16th day of April, by James Wrigley, Esq., Mr. John P. Condo to Miss Mary Ann London, all of Boggs township.

Death from Drinking a Pint of Liquor.  James Marshall, residing in Philadelphia county, drank a pint of liquor on Thursday last, on a wager of $500, and in three hours became insensible and died the same evening.

April 26, 1854

Two Men Drowned.
    We regret exceedingly to learn, that a Mr. William Watson, of Bradford township, this county, was drowned at Birch Point, a short distance above the foot of Buttermilk Falls, on Friday last.
    Mr. Watson it appears had been assisting in running a raft, and having passed the most dangerous and difficult portion of the river, he and two other hands attempted to jump off the raft that was afloat on to another that was tied to shore, for the purpose of returning home.  The two first it appears jumped safe, but Mr. W. being too late, or from some cause or other, in attempting to jump merely reached the edge of the raft with his foot, and fell back into the water, and was drowned.
    The deceased we understand leaves a wife and six small children to mourn his untimely death.
    We also learn that a young man by the name of Peter Bartlett, or Peter Bartan, a Frenchman, and miller by profession, engaged in the service of J. P. Hoyt, in the upper end of this county, was drowned at or near Lumberville, some twelve or fourteen miles above this place, on Saturday last.
    It appears that Mr. B. had been assisting in running a raft, and in attempting to jump on to one tied to shore for the purpose of landing, jumped too far, not far enough, or missed his calculation in some way or other, and got into the water immediately behind the raft, when the current carried him underneath the same, and nothing farther was seen of him
    Mr. B., we understand, was a highly estimable young man.
    Neither the bodies of Mr. Watsen or Mr. B have yet been found, and search is deemed almost useless in the present and rapid stage of the water.

Married on the 24th inst., by the Rev. C. Diehl, Mr. Henry E. Snyder, to Miss Louisa McPherson, both of this place.

Narrow Escape.
    On Thursday last as Mr. Wm. Barr of this place, was assisting to run a raft through Bigler & Co’s schute, some twelve or fourteen miles below this place, the forward oar catching in a swirl, threw him off the raft into the reaction water below the dam or schute.  Mr. B. being a swimmer, succeeded in keeping himself above water until the hind end of the raft came along, when one of the hands on the same grappled him by the hair, and a third person taking hold of the second succeeded  in bringing him on to the raft without his having sustained any very serious damage other than a thorough ducking, and having his hair pulled rather severely, which operation he no doubt submitted to more cheerfully than he would have done under other and more different circumstances.

May 10, 1854

Extraordinary Birth
Mrs. Ellen Sarver, wife of Mr. John Sarver, residing on a farm near Shippensburg, Cumberland county, presented her husband on Friday week, with four sons.  The mother and children are doing as well as could be expected.  The Chambersburg Repository moves that Congress pass a bill giving to each a section of land.

Married on the 20th of April, by Charles Sloan, Esq., Mr.Samuel Bell, of Armstrong county, to Miss Catharine Kline, of this county.

Married on the 30th of April, by D. Dressler, Esq., Mr. Morris F. Farley, of Huston township, to Miss Rebecca W. Dunlap, of Brady township.

Married on the 2nd instant, by Wm. M. Bloom, Esq., Mr. D. E. Mochel, formerly of Aaronsburgh, Centre county, to Mrs. Alice Jane Shafer, of Pike township, Clearfield county, Pa.

May 17, 1854

Married on the 11th instant, by the Rev. John Flegal, Mr. Wm. W. Dunlap, to Miss Adaline Luther, both of Brady township, this county. [date might be the 14th]

Died in this place on Friday the 11th inst., at the residence of her son-in-law, Isaac Scofield, Mrs. Ann Collins, consort of Robert Collins, in the 94th year of her age.

May 24, 1854

Died in Lawrence township, on Tuesday evening, the 23d inst., Mr. John K. Hicks, aged about 25 years.  The deceased leaves a wife and one child to mourn his loss.

Caution.  Whereas, my wife Catherine left my bed and board without just cause or provocation, all persons are therefore cautioned against harboring or trusting her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting, after this date, unless compelled by law.  Samuel Jordan, Bradford township, May 24, 1854

May 31, 1854

Married on the 20th inst., by Wm. Martin, Esq., Mr. John L. Smith to Mrs. Mary Ann Curts, all of Canoe township, Indiana county.

Notice.  All persons are hereby cautioned against harboring or trusting my wife Loretta, who has left my house and premises without just cause.  Lewis F. Dodd, Union Township, May 31, 1854

We regret to learn that on Saturday last, Mr. William Addleman, Sr., of Pike township, this county, when at or near Curwensville, with a team and wagon, the horses became frightened and run off with the wagon, throwing Mr. Addleman out, breaking both his legs and otherwise injuring him, so that his recovery is considered doubtful.

June 14, 1854

The Grave Yard, – We perceive that the Grave Yard on the hill above town, has recently been enclosed by a permanent and handsome post and board fence.  A very necessary improvement indeed.  A good coat or two of paint would greatly improve its appearance and render it more durable.

Maj. I. L. Barrett, left this place on Tuesday last, for Philadelphia.  Mr. B. intends to take charge of the Mt. Vernon House, and will at all times be pleased with a visit from him Clearfield friends.

Married on the 4th instant, by David Dressler, Esq., Mr. Hiram Dodd, to Miss Matilda Gelnett, all of Union township, Clearfield county, Pa.

Married on Thursday the 8th, by Wm. M. Bloom, Esq., Mr. Jacob Bloom, of Jordan township, to Miss Rachael B’Ferron of Chest township, all of this county.

Married on the 11th instant, by the Rev. John Flegal, Mr. George Mann, to Miss Ann Taylor, all of Brady township, Clearfield county, Pa.[See next issue, paper made a correction]

The barn of Abraham Bloom of Pike twp., this county, was entirely consumed by fire on the 30th ult.  The barn was nearly new, having been built last summer – valued at seven or eight hundred dollars.  How the fire originated is unknown.  There not being any fire convenient, nor any of the family about the barn, it is supposed that some other person had either accidentally or intentionally set it on fire.
About three hundred dollars worth of Carpenter’s Tools, belonging to John L. Rex, together with a several bushels of grain and a barrel of Rice belonging to Mr. Bloom, were also destroyed by the flames.

Proposals will be received up to the 20th June, 1854, for building a Methodist Episcopal Church in Phillpsburg, Centre county, the materials are all to be furnished on the ground by the building committee, who are prepared at any time to show plans and specifications for said church.  John Geerhart, Jesse L. Test, Charles R. Foster, Joseph Showalter, B. C. Bowman, Committee, Phillipsburg, May 31, 1864

June 22, 1854

Married on Thursday the 8th day of June by B. F. Sterling, Esq., Mr. Greenwood Bell to Miss Amanda Dale, all of Pike township, this county.

Married on the 11th inst., by the Rev. John Flegal. Mr. George Mann to Miss Ann Seyler, all of Brady tp. The above notice was erroneously published in our last, Mr. George Mann to Miss Ann Taylor.

Died on Friday the 9th instant, in Jordan township, of Dropesy.  Fredrick  W. Shoening, Esq., in the 39th year of his age, leaving a widow and five children to mourn his loss.  The deceased was a worthy member of the Lutheran Church, and was highly esteemed.  

Died in Goshen township, this county, on Saturday the 25th instant, Jemima Kline, wife of George Kline, aged about 35 years.

July 3, 1854

Destructive Fire. – The steam saw mill of Covade & Co., in this county, together with from 5 to 800,000 feet of dry lumber was totally consumed by fire on the 15th ult.  Mr. Jacob Covade was seriously injured by the falling timber.

A fire broke out in Hollidaysburg on the night of the 20th ult., which was not stayed until nine stores, two stables and several out buildings were destroyed.  How the fire originated is not known- but is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary.

Married on Thursday the 29th ult., by the Rev. S. M. Cooper, Mr. Thomas Reed, to Miss Jane Irwin, all of this county.

Married on Thursday the 29th ult., by the Rev. S. M. Cooper, Mr. Jonathan Spackman, to Miss E. Leonard, all of this county.

Married on the 29th ult., by G. W. Shoff, Esq., Mr. Robert Alexander, of Woodward township, to Miss Ann Hegarty of Beccaria township, all of Clearfield county.

July 11, 1854

Desecration of the Sabbath and its Consequences.  On Sabbath, July 2d the next day after the Sabbath Convention was held in Curwensville, a young man named Andrew Clover, of Pike tp., went to bathe in the mill dam of Elisha Fenton, and was drowned.  This should be a warning to those who disregard the sacredness of this holy day.  He was about 20 years of age.

Married on the 29th ult., by “Friends’ Ceremony,” Thomas Waln to Hannah Davis, all of Penn township, Clearfield county.

Married on the 4th of July, by Wm. M. Bloom, Esq., Mr. Lanson Roods to Miss Lydia McNeal, both of Jordan township, Clearfield county.

Married on the 6th inst., by the Rev. James J. Hamilton, Mr. Conrad Baker to Miss Adeline C. Hunter, both of Jordan township, Clearfield county.

Married on the 6th inst., by the Rev. S. M. Cooper, Mr. Amos Hile, to Miss Amanda L. Iewin, both of Clearfield county.

We learn by the Elk Advocate, that the residence of James C. Parkhurst, in Jay township, was totally destroyed by fire on the 22d ult., together with its contents, including a lot of storegoods, and 600 or $700 in cash.  The fire originated from a spark from one of the chimneys passing through a hoisted window and igniting a straw bed.

July 19, 1854

Married on the 15th June, last, by J. W. Wright, Esq., Mr. George Miles, to Miss Elizabeth Leonard, both of Jordan township.

Died on Saturday evening last, at Bald Hills Mill, in this county, after an illness of about 12 days of typhoid fever, Thomas H. Fulton, aged about 30 years.
His remains were followed to their last resting place, in the family cemetery, at the old homestead, on Monday last, by a large concourse of efflicted relatives and friends.

July 24, 1854

Our townsman, C. D. Watson, brought to our office the other day, a well-ripened, full sized Fig, taken from a tree in his possession, and which, we presume, is the first of this delicious fruit ever matured in this region.

Married on the 13th instant, by the Rev. S. M. Cooper, Mr. Martin French, to Miss Fiees Schoonover, all of Clearfield county.

Married on the 19th instant, by the Rev. S. M. Cooper, Mr. Alfred M. Smith, to Miss Caroline Forrest, all of Lawrence tp., this county.

Died in this place, on Saturday evening last, infant daughter of W. J. and Jane Hemphill, aged about 8 months.

July 28, 1854

Married on the 22d inst., by the Rev. P. S. Nellis, Mr. Wm. Carr to Miss Mary Jane Luzier, both of Girard township.

August 2, 1854

Died in Ferguson township, this county, on the 10th of June last, Sarah Frances daughter of T. B. and Hannah Davis, aged 21 years and 6 months.

Died in Stevenson county, Illinois, on the 28th of June, at the residence of his son-in-law, J. Hunter, Mr. Moses Thompson, aged 73 years, 4 months and 15 days, formerly a citizen of Morris township, Clearfield county.  His sickness and death was occasioned, it is believed by over exertion of traveling on foot through a cold rain, change of climate &c.
The deceased had been a member of the Baptist Church for over 20 years.  He died with that hope that buoys up the soul in death which reaches beyond this world of pain, sorrow and disappointment. He talked more or less every day he was with us of dying.  The first remark he made after he arrived on the 19th day of June was, “I have come out here to die with you.”  He had bought a farm prior to his taking ill.

August 9, 1854

Serious accident.  We regret to learn that, as John Stewart and his wife, of Bradford township, were returning from a visit to relatives in an adjoining county, on last Monday week, Mrs. S. was severely injured by the horse taking fright and throwing her out of the buggy, at or near the hotel of Alex Cook, 6 miles west of Curwensville.  At last account, she was mending.

Married on the 3d inst., by Rev. J. Flegal, Mr. Wm. Dale to Miss Phebe Grist, both of Pike township, Clearfield county.

Married on the 4th inst., by W. M. Bloom, Esq. Mr. Theodore Phelpes to Miss Jane Owens, all of this county.

Died in Lawrence township, on Monday evening the 8th inst., after a lingering illness, Mr. D. W. Ogden, aged about ?6 years.

Died in Lawrence township, on Monday evening the 8th inst., Emaline, third daughter of Samuel Clyde, aged about 18 years.

Killed by Lightning. – A gentleman by the name of Vanmetre was struck by lightning, at his residence, in Rostraver township, Westmoreland co., on the 19th inst., and instantly killed.  He was sitting in a room, reading a newspaper.  The lightning came down the ceiling of the room, immediately over where he was sitting.  Several other member of the family, who were sitting near him, were also knocked down, but soon recovered. Pitts. Union.

August 16, 1854

Died at the residence of his son, Col. Geo. C. Passmore, in Pike township, on last Thursday, Mr. Abraham Passmore, at the advanced age of 89 years and 364 days.
Mr. Passmore was among the first white settlers in this county.  We are not certain as to the precise year, but it was about 1800.  He was a blacksmith by trade, and previous to his coming the settlers had to go all the way to Great Island, Old Fort, &c., to have their ploughshares sharpened, axes and grubbing-hoes mended.

Died in Milesburg, Centre county, recently, Jacob Hoover, in the 76th year of his age.  The deceased was for many years a respected citizen of this county.

Died on Friday last, in Pike township, Hannah, aged about 2 years, daughter of Benjamin and Eliza Moore.

Died on Monday last, in Boggs township, Edward, son of Alexander and Lenora Adams, aged about six years.

Pass Him Round. – The Bedford Chronicle gives an account of an attempt made by a scoundrel named Ryan, from Pittsburg, to abduct and seduce a young girl of sixteen, who had recently come to Bedford.  He enticed her away with the promise that he would take her to some relatives in Huntingdon county, and started for Hollidaysburg; but his villany was discovered and pursuit made, and his intended victim rescued at Amick’s, in St. Clairsville.  Pass him round.

August 25, 1854

Married on the 22d instant, by Rev. S. M. Cooper, Mr. Enoch Grey to Miss Jane —–, all of Clearfield county.

Married on the 22d inst., by D. Bell, Esq., Mr. Andrew Si–, formerly of Luzerne co., to Miss Margaret Ann S-ggart, of Lancaster co., Pa.

Died on Saturday last, in Ferguson township, after a protracted illness, Miss Hort—- J. Bell, aged 1(6) years, daughter of ? Bell, Esq.

September 6, 1854

Died at Phillpsburg, Centre county, of Dysentery on Wednesday last, Dr. John D-ross, about 28 years of age.

Died at Erie, Pa., on the 2?th ult., Matthew Taylor, Esq., formerly of Indiana county, and several years ago a teacher in our Academy.

September 13, 1854

The house of Mr. Samuel Jordan, about a mile above town, was struck by lightning on Wednesday last.  The family were in the house at the time, but no one was injured; nor was any damage done the house further than the shattering of one or two weather boards.

Died in Union township, on the 5th instant, Mr. Jacob Burns, better known to our citizens as the “Whortleberry Farmer,” aged about 50 years.

Died in Lawrence township, on Friday the 8th inst., Albert, son of Clark and Elizabeth Brown, aged one year six months and eight days.

September 16, 1854

The Cholera at Columbia, Pa.
September 12, The Cholera still rages here with great virulence.  Up to this morning there were seventy-two deaths, and forty new cases to-day.  All business is suspended.  Not a store is to be found open.  A large proportion of the citizens have left for various places in the country, and others are leaving every hour.  Two thirds of the population have gone, leaving, probably, not over two thousand inhabitants in the place; and with these we have forty new cases to report to-day, showing an unprecedeated virulence.  The mortality and distress are appaling.  There is great difficulty in burying the dead.  A perfect panic exists.  Many of the best citizens are falling victims.

Married on the 7th inst., by Isaac Haines, Esq., Mr. Gilbert B. McMasters, to Miss Rachael Woods, both of Chest township.

Died in Jordan township, on the 30th August, Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of Isaac and Eveline Haines, aged one year and 17 days.

Died in Lawrence township, this county, on Friday the 8th, Albert, infant son of Clark and Eliza Brown, aged one year, six months and eight days.

September 23, 1854

[this issue of newspaper has very light print, making it hard to read]

married on the ?d of August last, by John H. Byers, Esq., John Hanel—berry to Miss Elizabeth Frady, all of Chest township.

Married on the ?th of August last, by Wm. M. ?, Esq., Mr. John J. Bloom to Miss Mary France, all of Clearfield county.

Married on the ?st of August last, by the Rev. Mr. Warren, Mr. J. J. Mider, of Morris township, Clearfield county to Miss Rebecca B. Herr, of Sa—, Clinton county.

Married on the (3)?d inst., by D. Dressler, Esq., Mr. Wm. Henry of Brady township, Clearfield county, to Miss Mary Jane Russler of West township, Huntingdon county.

Married on the 11 or 14th inst., by the Rev. Jas, J. Hamilton, B. F. Da-e, of Bloomington, to Miss Mary Smith, daughter of John Smith, of Pike township.

Married on the 21st inst., by Rev. P. S. Nellis, Mr. Geo. —erick to Miss Lovina Re-ter, all of Covington township, Clearfield county.

Died on the 15th inst., in Decatur township, Henretta, daughter of R. D. and ? Showalter, aged 3 years, 3 months and 3 days.

Died on Wednesday the 13th inst., Matilda, aged about ? years – and on Sunday the 17th Clamy, aged -9 years – daughters of the late Jacob Burns, of Union township – both of dysentery.

Died on Wednesday last, Cyrus, son of Jackson and Sarah Bonsail, of Brady township, aged about three years.

September 30, 1854

The new M. E. Church at Lumberville, will be dedicated on the 8th of October.

The M. E. Church, at Glen Hope, will be dedicated on the 22d October.

Died on Sunday the 17th inst., in Lawrence township, of bilious fever, Simon Lynch, aged about 35 years, leaving a wife and two small children.

Died on Saturday the 23d inst., in Union township, Luther, son of the late Jacob Burns, aged about 18 years.

October 7, 1854

Married on the 1st instant, by the Rev. John Flegal, Mr. Jeremiah M. Rishel, to Miss Sarah Matilda Hamilton, all of Brady township, this county.

Married on Tuesday morning the 5th instant, by James Wrigley, Esq., Mr. Henry Evans of this Borough to Miss Lydia Tate of Lawrence township this county.

Died on Sunday the 1st instant, at the residence of his son-in-law, Reuben Winslow, in Elk county, Robert Collins, aged about 86 years.
The deceased was a native of the county Denegaly in Ireland, where he learned the trade of House-Carpenter.  He afterwards moved to the city of Dublin, where he resided eleven or twelve years, and emigrated to Philadelphia in the year 1800.  From Philadelphia he removed to Lycoming county and in 1807 removed to this county, and located on what is now the cite of our town, he being the only inhabitant.  In his death we have emphatically lost our eldest inhabitant.  He was a man of rigorous health and constitution, which he retained until within the last six or eight years.  Generally respected as he was for his kindness of heart, for he regarded the great family of mankind as one universal brotherhood, yet he no doubt had his faults, but among them was not to be found a mean or dishonest act.
He was the head of a large family of children, and lived to behold his descendents even unto the fourth generation.
His remains were brought to this place on Monday last, and interred in the Catholic Cemetery.

October 14, 1854

Married on Thursday the 5th of October, by D. Dressler, Esq., Mr. Samuel Hollopeter, to Miss Susannah Brubaker, both of Union township, this county.

Married on Thursday the 5th of October, by D. Dressler, Esq., Mr. Daniel Brubaker to Miss Ann Eliza Moore all of Union township, Clearfield county.

Died on the 7th instant in Lawrence township, this county, Clarence Augustus, infant son of Jordan and Sarah Reed, aged 10 months and 22 days.

Died in Morris township, on the 3d instant, James Allport, Esq., aged 55 years.
The deceased was a native of England, and had been a resident of Clearfield county for the last 28 years.  He leaves a wife and five children besides a host of friends to mourn his loss.  He was a man of liberal education, and although bodily afflictions have pressed hard upon him for many years, yet his mind was unclouded to the fast, and his reasoning powers have seldom been surpassed.  He was a strict and consistent member of the Prot. Episcopal Church.

A Greek Block for the Washington Monument.  The government of Greece has forwarded to Washington a block of marble, taken from the Parthenon, in order “that it may serve to adorn, however humbly, the monument destined to perpetuate the remembrance of the great founder of American Independence.”
    “As a proof of the gratitude of the nation toward the United States, we order that this stone, with the advise of the Superintendent of the Antiquities, be taken from the ancient ruins of the Parthenon, and that on it be engraved a suitable inscription, which the Faculty of the University shall propose.

October 21, 1854

Married on Monday, the 16th instant, at Centre Parsonage, by the Rev. S. P. Bollman, Mr. G. W. Davis, of Clearfield county, to Mrs. Margaret Stanard, of Kellysburg, Indiana county, Pa.

Died in this Borough, on the 16th inst., Samuel J. Newson, aged 22 years.

October 28, 1854

Married in this place, on Thursday, the 26th inst., by the Rev. S. M. Cooper, Mr. William M. Shaw, and Miss Martha Irvin, all of Lawrence township.

Married on Thursday, the 26th inst., by the Rev. S. M. Cooper, Mr. A. H. Shaw, of this borough, to Miss Mary Irvin of Curwensville.

Died at East Hampton, Mass., on Sabbath morning, the 1st of October, Charles T. Hutchison, youngest son of Mrs. Nancy Hutchison, of Jacksonville, Centre county, Pa., in the 17th year of his age.
The death of this youth is peculiarly distressing to his Mother and other friends.  Only four weeks before, he had left home in full health to attend the Seminary at East Hampton, where he had formerly spent a Session.  Scarcely had he and his companion commenced their studies till they were both seized with typhoid fever, Charles violently, and within two weeks it terminated fatally.  He was a very interesting youth, of amiable temper, and moral habits.  His remains were brought home, and interred beside those of his Father Grandfather and oldest Brother on Wednesday last.

Died in Lawrence township, on the 25th instant, Robert Leonard aged about 42 years.

November 2, 1854

In the Common Pleas of Clearfield County.  Divorce, No 26, December Term, 1854
Hannah Winternitz vs Joseph Winternitz.

Married on the 29th ult., by D. Dressler, Esq., Mr. H. Scholl, to Miss Catharine Long, all of Union township, Clearfield county.

Died on the 25th ult., at his residence in Covington township, this county, John Reiter, Sr., at the advanced age of 80 years 6 months and 2 days.

November 8, 1854

Married on Thursday the 26th of October, by William Bloom, Esq., Mr. James Leech, to Mrs. Sophia Hoover, all of Pike township, Clearfield county, Pa.

Married on Thursday the 2nd instant, by William Bloom, Esq., Mr. Truman Roots, formerly of Tioga county, Pa., to Miss Eileonor Cathcart, of Clearfield county, Pa.

November 15, 1854

Married on the 25th of October last, by the Rev. Barnetts, Mr. Isaac C. McCloskey, of Karthaus township, to Miss Elizabeth Jane M’Clure, of Pike township, Clearfield county, Pa.

Died in Lawrence township, on Friday evening the 10th instant, Mr. James Arderey, aged about 63 years.

November 22, 1854

Married on the —- instant, by the Rev. J. J. Hamilton, Mr. Freeman Hill, of Jordan township, to Miss Jane Ren, of Knox township, Clearfield county. [no date given]

Died in Lawrence township, on the 21st inst., Jefferson, infant son of Wm. and Abbina Mapes, aged 2 years 6 months and 14 days.

Died at his residence in Lawrence township, this county, on Tuesday, the 21st instant, Mr. Solomon Kline, aged about 65 years.

November 29, 1854

Married on Thursday, the 23d inst., by Wm. M. Bloom, Esq., Mr. Thomas Robinson to Miss Maria Coozer, all of Jordan township, this county.

December 4, 1854

In the Common Pleas of Clearfield County. In the matter of the incorporation of the Mt. Carmel Evangelical Lutheran Church.  Notice is hereby given that an application has been made to the said court, by the Congregation of said “Mt Carmel Evangelical Lutheran Church” for incorporation.

December 11, 1854

We learn that on Thursday night, the 14th instant, the barn of Mr. James Gunsalus, of Karthaus township, this county, together with a considerable quantity of hay and grain, nine sheep, and everything else contained therein, except the horses and cattle, were entirely destroyed by fire.  Mr. Henry Yeathers had some thirty dollars worth of grain in the barn which was also destroyed.  The loss is estimated at about one thousand dollars.  The fire is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary.  No pains should be spared to ferret out the guilty person, as outrages of this description are becoming a little too common, the perpetrator or perpetrators of which should not be permitted to escape unpunished.

An Eagle was killed in Union township, this county, in the neighborhood of Moore’s Mills one day last week, which measured eight feet across the wings from tip to tip.

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