• Fri. Mar 28th, 2025


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Daily Pittsburgh Gazette, 1854 Cholera Outbreak


Feb 8, 2009

The Daily Pittsburgh Gazette

September 15, 1854

Cholera. – This disease broke out with great virulence in the city on Monday night, and continued to rage with a violence unusual for this locality, during the greater part of Thursday.  Up to ten o’clock last evening, there were fifty-three authenticated cases of Asiatic Cholera reported, thirty-eight of which terminated fatally.  The majority of the victims died after a sickness varying from ten to six hours.  Two of the cases reported occurred among the prisoners in the County Jail, and a third in the watch house.  A member of the night police, named McLaughlin, was also among those who were carried off.  The Fifth and Sixth wards appear to suffer more from the disease than any other part of the city, as nearly all the deaths which have been reported, occurred in those districts.  The Guardians of the Poor were very active in procuring medical aid for those whose limited means rendered them unable to call in a physician.  They have also entered into arrangements with the Mercy Hospital, by virtue of which, patients unable to procure proper attendance, will on application, be sent to this institution, where they will be properly cared for.  A large portion of those who died yesterday, were Germans who had been but a short time in the country, and whose manner of living was calculated to superinduce the disease.
    But very few of our native-born citizens have as yet been attacked, and in their case the disease does not often terminate fatally.  The weather was close and sultry yesterday; but in the evening we were visited by a heavy shower of rain accompanied by severe thunder and lightning, which, we hope, may have a salutary effect in checking the progress of the disease.
    Among those reported as dead are:
Alexander McLaughlin
Patrick Seanor
P. M. Brook, a lumberman from up the Allegheny river
Samuel Phillips, a clerk in a grocery store
Mrs. Pitchler, Decatur street
A lad named Early, who resided with his parents’ on Wylie street
J. Donahue, of Wylie street, near Tunnel
A man named Fitzgerald, also a resident of Wylie street
John Glunt, of Pine street, in the Fifth Ward.
Mr. Milligan, corner of Penn and Locust streets
A Child of Mrs. Black, of Prospect street.
Among those reported as beyond a hope of recovery is Mr. John Callan, a member of the Pittsburgh bar and a gentleman well known in this city.

September 16, 1854 Saturday

It is with unfeigned pleasure that we announce a sensible decrease in the ravages of this fearful disease.  There were some forty-six deaths in the city yesterday, but a very large majority of those who fell victims to the disease took ill on Thursday, and died before noon on Friday.  At seven o’clock last evening, we could hear of but very few new cases in the city, and the disease had almost altogether disappeared from Allegheny, no deaths having occurred there during the day.
    The weather was cool and clear lat night, and it was the general opinion among the physicians of the city that the disease had passed its worst stage, and that it would claim but few more victims in the neighborhood.  In addition to the names published in Friday’s Gazette, the following persons died from cholera on Thursday.

Robert Moore, Leacock street, Allegheny city
James Walls, South Pittsburgh
Frederick Koening, South Canal street, Allegheny city
Mrs. Anderson, Allegheny city.
Charles O’Meally, Sixth street
Mrs. Hall, Marbury street.
Isaac Trovilio, Fifth street
C. H. Slade, Fourth street.
Miss M’Fadden
Mrs. Julia Anderson, Eighth Ward
T. Donahue, Wylie street ( the deceased was a brother of the person who was assassinated on Hay street, some time ago.)
Mrs. Geo. Walker, Wilkinson’s court.
Mrs. Elizabeth Ogden, Exchange alley
Mrs. Mary Anne M’Donough, Irwin street
T. Bayanrd, Fourth street, near Ferry
Mrs. Stockdale, Third Ward, Allegheny
Alfred Micklish, Market street
John A. Seibert, upholsterer, Grantham street, Allegheny city.
James Callen, Esq., attorney at law, Beaver street.
Mrs. Patterson, Pennsylvania Avenue
John Jobes, Marbury street
Mrs. Dume, Diamond alley.
George Wilson, Sixth street
Henry Zimmerly, Voeghtly’s Hollow
A..Ziegler, Virgin alley.
Mrs. M’Gonnigle, Fifth street, and Mrs. Morrison, Colwall street

The following persons died from the disease on Friday. [September 15, 1854]
James W. Buchanan, a member of the Pittsburgh bar, and a resident of Bluff street
Major Thomas Wynne, Red Lion Hotel, St. Clair street
Mrs. Nancy Robb, Miltenberger’s alley
Mrs. Jordan, O’Hara street
Mrs. Lewis, colored, Clark street
E. Palmer, colored, Webster street
Joseph W. Roberts, jeweler, Federal street, 3d ward.
Hugh M’Clelland, formerly a dry goods merchant on Market street, and late a resident of Logan street.
Mrs. Margaretta Bradley, Virgin alley.
Mrs. Koster, Third street below Market.
Mrs. Morris, Decatur street.
Mrs. Sullivan, Tunnel street.
Joseph Hammet, St. Clair street.
Jacob Norton, Liberty street.
Jas. Thoburn, Fry street.
Mrs. Geblin, Fry street.
—-Briley, sexton of colored church on Wylie street
Christopher Gans, Penn street
Mrs. Shreimer, Washington street.
Gotleib Longbine, Strawberry alley.
Mrs. Harkin, Pennsylvania Avenue.
Mrs. Jackson, Liberty street.
A lad named Tagg, whose parents reside in the second ward.
Samuel Caldwell, Fifth Ward.
Mrs. Phebus, Third street.
—- Brown, Marbury street.
John M’Clure, Colwell street.
Mrs. Golding, Clay alley.
J. Crawford, Washington street.
Martha Karns, Washington street.
—- Riley, High Street.
—– Donahon, Tunnel street.
Mrs. Sullivan, Webster street.
Mrs. Findley, Cherry alley.
Catherine Haney, infant.
Geo. McGonnigle
Elizabeth Sullivan, Webster street.
Agustus Fullerton, Wayne street.
J. Jones, Duquesne Borough
J. A. Smith, Duquesne Borough.
Mary Walker, Fifth street.
Margaret Bippus, Fifth street.
G. Jackson, Fifth street.
Thomas Tin, Fifth street.
Robert Wallace, Washington street.
And some half a dozen others whose names we could not ascertain.
    In summing up the whole, we find that there were two deaths from cholera reported in the city on Wednesday, fifty-one on Thursday and forty-six on Friday, making a total of ninety-nine cases in the city and its environs for the three days ending yesterday.

September 18, 1854

This mysterious disease, it gives us pleasure to state, is fast disappearing from among us.  There were but some twenty deaths in the city; from cholera, on Saturday, and but very few new cases were reported.  Below we give a list of those who died since our last report:

Miss Mary Gallagher, Clark street.
David Thomas, Second street.
Mrs. Hall, wife of R. Hall, plow maker, Liberty street.
Wm. Davidson, St. Clair street.
Michael McDonald, brass founder, Tunnel street.
Rose Sidel, Grant street.
David Edwards, “Bull’s Head” Tavern, Second street.
Ellen Hoyle, Webster street.
Child of Ed. M’Cartney, 5th ward.
Mrs. F. Stinebrink, Locust street.
J. Hamilton, 5th ward.
Geo. Craig, a prisoner confined in jail for larceny.
James Roe, High street.
Joseph Adams, Jr., Sixth street.
Mrs. Elizabeth Kinney, St. Clair street.
Wm. Scott, Virgin alley.
A woman from South Pittsburgh died at James Calhoun’s, Jackson street, Allegheny city.
John Scott, Decatur street.
D. Reed, near the Tack Factory, Birmingham.
Conrad Rineman, Fifth street.
Mrs. Evans, Fry street.
Mrs. Smith, 9th ward.
A larger majority of those whose deaths are above noted took sick on Friday, and died early on Saturday morning.  Of the new cases reported on Saturday nearly all yielded to medical skill, the disease exhibiting none of that deadly virulence which characterized it when it first broke out in the city.  The weather continues cool and clear, and unless some unlooked for change occurs, it is probable that before our next issue the cholera will have disappeared from this district altogether.

September 20, 1854  Wednesday

The new cases reported from this disease, yesterday, (Tuesday) were few in number, and in most instances they yielded easily to medical treatment.  During the day, however, a number of deaths occurred, but they were principally confined to those who took ill on Monday.  We conversed with numerous physicians, yesterday, some of whom have a very extensive practice, and without exception they assured us the disease had lost that virulence which characterized it when it first broke out, and was fast abating.  We have reason to believe this to be the case ourselves, and unless the rain which fell last night helps to increase the mortality, there is every reason to hope for a speedy abatement of the disease.  We give below a list of the fatal cases which occurred yesterday.

Charles Boyle, Pennsylvania Avenue.
Mary Barnes, Prospect street.
Richard Brankson, Liberty street, Fifth ward.
Mrs. Adams, Mercy Hospital.
Isaac Bumbaugh, Pike street.
Father of D. Boswell, Fifth Ward.
Alexander Bothwell, Factory street.
Mrs. Bancroft, Pennsylvania Avenue.
Mrs. Clark, Kings alley.
Joseph Cuppler, Strawberry alley.
Edward Cassiday, Eighth Ward.
—Colwell, printer at Journal office, 3d street.
Sarah McLaughlin, Merker street.
John Davis, Pipetown.
John Hales, boy, Mulberry alley.
A boy named Dunn, Pike street.
James Ewing, sr., Tunnel street.
Henry Gotzman, Diamond.
John Gross, Agnews court, Locust street.
Wm. Hale, Pride street.
C. C. Heller, a prisoner in the jail from Indiana township, died at Mercy Hospital, whither he had been sent on Monday.
Child of Johnson’s, tobacconist in the Fifth Ward.
Child of Leon, hatter, on Liberty street, near Cherry alley.
A woman at Bernard McGinnis’, Second street.
—- McKee, Prospect street.
Mrs. Moore, wife of Robert Moore, merchant, Smithfield street.
—- Moore, known as “Curly” Moore, Byerly’s court.
Mrs. Murphy, Marshall’s row, Carson street.
James McManeman, Seventh Ward.
—- Monge, Liberty street.
daughter of Miller, locksmith, 498 Penn street.
Child of M. Bailey, Wayne street.
Adam Metzar, between Ross and Fry streets.
David McVey, laborer at Dalzells & Co’s.
Benjamin O’Halleran, Byerly’s court.
Mrs. Pope, Bryan’s court, Fayette street.
Sam’l Patterson, chandler at Mr. Wilsons, 4th street.
Wife of —- Story, bricklayer, Virgin alley.
J. Stark, piano maker, 5th street.
Charles Strobel, Cherry alley.
—- Saunders, Congress street.
Mrs. Smith, Congress street.
Mrs. :John Tieson, Quarry street.
Eliza Jane Turner, 2d street.
German woman at the foot of Ross street.
—- Welden, at the foot of 5th street.
Child at Wilkinson’s, 4th street.
A German tailor at Donnelly’s court, Penn street.
Child of Mrs. Cody, High street.

The deaths, as published, and we have spared no pains to render our daily notices as accurate as possible, show a total of 328 fatal cases of cholera for the last six days.  Of these 300 occurred within the city proper, and the remainder in Allegheny and the neighboring borough of Birmingham.

September 21, 1854

The list of deaths which we publish below scarcely justifies the warm hopes entertained on Tuesday evening that the disease was abating.  Shortly after the rain, which fell on Tuesday night, a number of new cases broke out, many of which terminated fatally.  Yesterday, however, the atmosphere was clear and cook with a sharp breeze blowing, and no new cases, that we could hear of, were reported.

Following is a list of the deaths which came to our knowledge yesterday.
Thomas Burns, city watchman, 8th ward.
—- Brooks, colored, Arthurs street.
Mrs. Margaret Bailey, corner of Fayette and Garrison alley.
Patrick Connor, Webster street.
Cornelius Crowley
Mrs. Hass, Mulberry alley.
Mrs. Donahue, Pennsylvania Avenue.
Child of Mrs. L. Dary.
Child of Henry Diamond, 8th ward.
Mrs. Catharine Evans, Hardscrabble.
Patrick Fahy, buried at St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Child of Frederick Graff, Pennsylvania Avenue.
Mrs. E. Graff, 3d street.
Mrs. Goise, Federal street, near Wylie.
Mrs. Gallagher, Wayne street.
John Higgins, Green street, 7th ward.
Capt. Hardings, 488 Liberty street.
Child of Mr. Hanan, Liberty street.
Benjamin Jones, Prospect street.
Child of Mrs. Kraft, 9th ward.
Mrs. Lewis, Try street.
Child of Mr. Lowry, Pennsylvania Avenue.
Jas. McLane, Penn street near O’Hara.
Child of Thomas Malvahill, opposite the Gas Works, 8th ward.
Sarah McLaughlin
Anne McManus
Mrs. M. Moody, Pike street.
Patrick O’Connor, Webster street.
Mrs. Rineman, died on Troy Hill.
Adam Rodenbaugh, Duquesne street.
Joseph Reisman, near Factory street, Fifth ward.
Child of Mr. Riley, High street.
Mrs. Smidt, Congress street.
Henry M. Smith, corner of Grant and Third streets.
Mary Splane, wife of the late Wm. Splane, toll collector at the Aqueduct.
—- Strubbe, Washington street.
Mrs. John Taylor, Carson street.
Tridele Walters, child, 505 Penn street.
Child at some house, aged 4 years.
Henry Watkins, Hardscrabble.
J. M. White, clothier, Irwin street.
George Wilson, jr., aged 8 years, son of Mr. Wilson, tobacconist, Smithfield street.
Mrs. Welsh, Quarry street.
Anne Walker, colored
Jacob Zabsugh, East Lane, Allegheny city.
Child on Federal street, Sixth ward.
A man near Baileys mill, Fayette street.
Peter Fink, near M’Culley’s glass house, Fifth ward.
John Martin, 488 Liberty street.
Mr. O’Brien, Center Avenue.

September 23, 1854

This fearful disease, it pains us to state, still continues to ravage our city.  The deaths on Thursday, were very numerous, and there was but little, if any, abatement in the mortality yesterday.
Following is a list of the deaths which occurred on Thursday.

Wm. Brown, carpenter, Penn street, between O’Hara and Factory, 5th ward.
Rudolph Beecker, Beck’s beerhouse, No. 16 Diamond, 1st ward.
—– Barks, German, Hardscrabble.
Michael Canon, hackster, Diamond alley, below Smithfield.
George Carroll, engineer on Central R.R. at Thos. Edwards, sr., Carson street, Spring alley, 9th ward.
Mrs. Davis, widow, No. 227, 2d street, 2d ward.
Nicholas Deegan, aged 42, M’Kelvy’s row, Penn street, 5th ward.
Wife of Thos. Edwards, jr., Carson street, 9th ward.
Mrs. Evans, Hardscrabble, 2d ward, her mother died on Sunday.
Wife of Wm. Floyd, merchant, Wylie, above Logan street, 6th ward.
Wife of John Kraft (or Graff) beerhouse, Penn street, above Carson, 9th ward.
Wife of Gotleib Herr, Marion street, 8th ward.
Child of P. E. Hinds, butcher, 9th ward.
Geo. Ingram, member of the Allegheny Engine company, 5th street, 3d ward.
Wife of Michael Klinefelter, pilot, Colwell street, near Reis’, 6th ward.
Mrs. Kranz, No. 59 Penn street, 1st ward.
Wife of Michael Keenan, glass presser, Try street, Second ward.
P. L. Lesse, aged piano maker, No. 49 Hand street, Fourth Ward.
Col. Joshua Logan, late of Rochester, Pa., Pitt street, Fourth ward.
Wm. M’Elroy, member of Fairmount engine company, Pike street, near Walnut, Fifth ward.
Mary Jane, wife of James G. Mustin, clerk at Logan & Wilson’s, Marion street, Eighth ward.
Son of Robert Morrow, Bluff street, Eighth ward.
—- Montgomery, worked at Lippincott’s shovel factory, corner of Roberts and Duncan streets, Seventh ward.
Wife of same.
Mrs. Murray, aged 35, Spring alley, Ninth ward.
Wife of Hugh Mackey, late watchman, McKelvey’s rown, Penn street, Fifth ward.
Joseph McQuade, aged 30, Bailey’s court, near iron works, Wayne street, Fourth ward.
Mrs. M’Ilwain, widow of Andrew M’Ilwain, Logan street, near Decatur, Sixth ward.
Mrs. Martha Norton, aged 41, widow of Jacob Norton, recently deceased, late foreman in Shoenberger’s mills, No. 641 Liberty street, near Mechanic, Fifth ward.
Mrs. Margaret O’Connor, No. 25, Webster street, Third ward.
Mrs. Jane Pew, Burnet House Market street, Fifth ward.
Mrs. Margaret Rice, No. 508 Liberty street, Fifth ward.
Mary Roch, aged 45, Hoevler’s court, near schoolhouse, Eighth Ward.
Miss Mary Robertshaw, Fifth street, near Tyan’s buildings, Third ward.
Charles Raising, Allegheny city.
Mrs. Mary Anne Fox, mother-in-law of James Robb, shoe dealer, Hand street, Fourth ward.
—- Tenser, fireman at city mills, No. 38, Pike street near water works, Fifth ward.
Child of George Walter, German, Miltenberger’s alley, Third ward.
Wife of —- Weaver, watchman, Krauss’ court, between Penn street and Spring alley, Ninth ward.
John Wheeler (or Beeler) aged 60, No. 505 Penn street, Fifth ward.
Henry Watkins, Hardscrabble, Eighth ward.
Lewis Zerkle, Hoevler’s court, near school house, Eighth ward.
Child at No. 12 High street, Third ward.
Man in Mulberry alley, between O’Hara street and canal, Fifth ward.
German woman, Snyder’s court, near Carrol street, Ninth ward.
Young man, German, Pearson’s Row, Diamond alley.
Mrs. Armstrong, Crawford street, 6th ward, husband drays for B. C. Sawyer.
Peter Glenn, tavern, High and Webstreet, Third ward.
Girl named Kennedy, on Pennsylvania Avenue, in the Third ward.
Mary Ann Hanmar, aged sixteen, Miner’s Home, Grant street, Second ward.
Catharine Hideman, fifty-four, Water street, opposite Bakewell’s glass house, Second ward.
Wife of William Lampemire, cabinet maker, Penna. Avenue, corner of Tunnel street.
Mrs. Mary Magee, aged thirty-one, Rafferty’s alley, near Penn. Avenue, Eighth ward.
Wife of James Moore, clerk at Lindsay, Zugg & co’s, corner Decatur street and Carpenter’s alley, Sixth ward.
Mrs. Richard Noble, widow of Henry Nobel, hatter, Diamond ally, Second ward.
Mary Briner, at Riley House, corner of Grant and fourth street.
Thomas Rogers, coal digger, Hardscrabble, Eighth ward.
Ross Walker, corner Bedford and Mercer streets, Seventh ward.
Wife of Wm. Sibert, shoemaker, 501 Penn street, between Walnut and Factory, Fifth ward.
Wife of A. Beuhler, Walnut street, above Penn, Fifth ward.
Joseph M. Bingham, (clerk at Kennedy’s, Fourth and Wood), at McMillins, corner of Third and Grant, Second ward.
Child at Kraft’s beerhouse, Penn street, Fifth ward.
—– Gumbart, German woman aged thirty-five, at No. 45 Pine street, Fifth ward.
Mathew Coward, brickmaker, Boyd’s Hill, Eighth ward.
Wife of Mathew Coward.
James Brown, Allegheny House, Irwin street, Fourth ward.
Mrs. Martha Dorsey, colored, employed at Wm. J. Morrison’s, Wylie street, near Washington, 6th ward.
Wife of Samuel Lee, saddler, removed from St. Clair street to Mercy Hospital, where she died (he is at the same Hospital, recovering.)
Child of B. F. Shope, tailor, Ann street, near Cory, Allegheny city.
—- Walker, painter, of Allegheny city, died at Sewickly.
—- Anger, German, butcher, Cherry alley, Allegheny city.
Mrs. Thomas Erskine, Etna street, 5th ward.
John Hall, hatter, Penn street, 4th ward.
John Holmes, Snowden twp.
—– Harclay, Strawberry alley, 3d ward.
Catharine Kreutzer, Penna. Abenue.
Dr. Mackert, physician, 529 Penn street.
Mary Owens, Cherry alley.
Child of John O’Flaherty, Spring alley.
Girl aged ten years.
Isaac Riddle, at Mercy Hospital.
John Schaffer, Penna. Avenue.
James Tibby, South Canal street, Allegheny city.
Daughter of Daniel Zimmerman. Liberty street, 5th ward.
Richard Wood, corner of Walnut and Quarry streets.

The deaths on Friday were as follows:
Mrs. Brown, widow, boarding house, Grant street, near Second, 2d ward.
Mrs. Mary Beatty, Carpenter’s alley, 6th ward.
Mrs. Haines, Fulton street, two doors above Webster street, 6th ward.
Mrs. James M’mahon, Webster street, above Fountain Inn, 7th ward.
Robt. Montooth, Pusey’s court, Hand street, 4th ward.
Fred. Mast, cabinet maker, Penna. Avenue, near Tunnel, 3d ward.
Child of Mrs. Robinson, Decatur street, 6th ward.
Mrs. Simpson, boarding-house, Third street, below Ferry, First ward.
—- Stroheffer, tailor, Overhill street, Seventh ward.
German, name unknown, at Shaler’s beer-house, Pennsylvania avenue, Eighth ward.
Wife of Lewis Ochner, shoemaker, corner of Chatham and Wylie streets, Third ward.
Mrs. Kearns, Fountain street, Third ward.
Mrs. James Morrison, Linton street, Seventh ward.
Joseph Evans, aged 58 years, Miller street, Seventh ward.
Miss C. E. Gerguson, aged seventeen, No. 820, Penn street, Ninth ward.
John Brown, roller, near Lightner’s lumber yard, Ninth ward.
James Mason, aged twenty-six, Logan street, Sixth ward.
Wife of B. Colder, Barber, Grant street, near Sixth, Third ward.
A man in Stewart’s house, Washington street, Sixth ward.
Mrs. Johnston, wife of a ship carpenter, Paint street, near Bunton’s planing mill, First ward.
A German girl in Hamilton’s Court, near Washington street, Third ward.
Mrs. Bumber, Pine street.
—- Bulsman, laborer, Washington street.
Mrs. Bishop, Virgin alley, near East Lane, Allegheny.
Widow Carnahan, Chatham street.
Henry Chignell, member of Council, died at McSherry’s, head of 7th street.
—- Doke, corner of Poplar alley and Logan street.
Mrs. Dickey, 175 Smithfield street.
Wife of David Eastern, Ross street.
Child of Joseph Ewing, corner of Penn and Adams street.
Mr. Evan’s child, Tunnel street.
Mrs. Evans, Hand street.
Harrison Graham, St. Clair street.
Mrs. Holmes, Mercy Hospital.
Child of John Hutchinson, Cherry alley.
Mrs. Harris, Fulton street.
Daughter of Mrs. Hutchinson, Liberty street.
Mary Hopkins, colored, Webster street.
Mrs. Hines, Spring alley.
Harvey Camper, workman at Lippencott’s.
Frank Orlando, son of James Lowry, jr., Congress street.
Lampart’s child, 583 Penn street.
—- Murphy, late of California, Tunnel street.
James Marion, Fulton street.
Mrs. Morrison, Franklin street.
Andrew Moffit, High street.
Philomena Milbaugh, Vine street.
Anne M’Bane, Webster street.
Mrs. McClosky, Irwin street.
Jas. Murphy, Penn above Hand street.
Arthur Merkline, opposite Catholic church, 5th ward.
Henry Myer’s child, Forler’s alley, near Sixth st.
Wm. Nolan, High street.
Child of —- Neeson, Spring alley.
Mrs. Owens, Cherry alley.
Christian Fifer, Passavant’s Hospital.
Anne Raitigan, Penn street, near Walnut.
—- Raymond, Marshal’s row.
Miss Reichtenberger, Liberty street, 5th ward.
A German at John Shaler’s, Penn’a Avenue.
Mary M. Stantler, Snyder’s row, 9th ward.
Philip Sherdan, near Mohan’s Shovel Factory, Ninth ward.
John Sprinkler, near Fifth ward Market House.
Geo. Schenehofen, Centre avenue.
Wife of —- Baggs, Kane’s court, between Penn street and Spring alley.
Sister of D. Ramaley, Wylie street.
Ed. Williamson, Penn street near Marbury.
Wife of Ed. Wagner, Tunnel street.
Child of Mrs. Walsh, corner of Crawford and Webster streets.
Charles Walton’s child, Miltenberger’s alley.
Catharine Walters, 505 Penn street.
A child found on Third street, died at Mrs. Weekham’s.
—- Warner, Liberty street.
a son of John E. Phillips, 66 Crawford street.
Albert Miller, Third street.

The total number of deaths from cholera since the 14th when the disease first manifested itself in a virulent form is 560.  the fatal cases reported on Thursday, reached the alarming number of eighty-eight, and on yesterday (Friday) they amounted to eighty.  The weather was clear and rather warm on Thursday night, and the city seemed enveloped in a cloud of smoke.  Whether this will have any effect on the progress of the disease remains to be seen.

September 25, 1854

It is with feelings of deep pleasure that we announce a decrease of nearly fifty per cent in the mortality of Saturday, or compared with that of the two preceding days.  The deaths for Thursday and Friday, when all told, fall, but little if anything short of one hundred and ninety, while those of Saturday are under fifty!  This is indeed gratifying intelligence, the more so as the heavy mortality of Friday led many to anticipate is far different result.  What this great change is to be attributed to no one pretends to determine; the atmosphere, on Friday night, was, to all appearance, less pure than at any time since the disease broke out, and Saturday was several degrees warmer than Thursday or Friday, yet but very few cases occurred during the day, and only forty five deaths were reported.  And it is scarcely even fair to judge the abatement of the disease by the deaths of Saturday, two thirds of those who died on that day were seized with the epidemic on Friday, and their deaths should be charged to the mortality of that day rather than to that of Saturday.  Taking all this into consideration we are full of hope that the disease has passed its climax, and that Sunday’s mortality will show a still farther abatement of the epidemic.  
Following is a list of those who died on Saturday:
Mrs. Irwin, mother-in-law of W. H. Whitney, Smithfield street, near Virgin alley, Third ward.
Mrs. Polly Burrell, Cherry alley, 3d ward.
Morris Briarton, Franklin street, opposite Sixth Presbyterian Church, 6th ward.
Ellen, wife of W. McCowan, shoemaker, No. 8 Wood street, 2d ward.
Anna Barbara Fastian, 62 years, Centre avenue, 7th ward.
John Gohs, Franklin street, 6th ward.
Isaiah Gore, railroad engineer, from Charleston, Mass, Mercy Hospital.
Wife of David Gorman, Centre avenue, 7th ward.
Mrs. Hartnett, 25 years, corner of Wylie and Washington streets. Third ward.
Daughter of Daniel Hagerty, alley, between Webster and Prospect streets, 6th ward.
George Jackson, Squirrel Hill.
Mrs. Johnson, Point alley, first ward.
A. J. Kemp, 25 years, bricklayer, Curling’s court, Shore’s alley, Washington street near Wylie, Sixth ward.
Ann Kemp, daughter of Wm. Kemp, bricklayer, Washington street, near Webster, Third ward.
Mrs. Laufman, No. 57 Chatham street, Third ward.
German named Moorhead, Minersville road.
Wife of Samuel M’Lenn, leather dealer, Penn street, between Irwin, Fourth ward.
Mrs. Marron, Elm street, Sixth ward.
James H. Neal, (formerly in Campbell’s feed store) Penn Street near Adams, Fifth ward.
Bryan, Ship carpenter, South Pittsburgh.
John Schaad, Pine street, 5th ward.
Henry Staffort, 18 Hay street, 4th ward.
—- Whiteworth,  40 years, Butcher’s Run, Allegheny.
John Wise (of Lippencott’s axe factory) Center avenue, 7th ward.
Wife of Wm. Cooper, grocer, died at Mr. Frisbie’s below Wood’s run, when on a visit.
—– Calhoun, Chestnut and Forbes street, 7th ward.
Child of James Dunlop, Boyd’s Hill, 8th ward.
Mary Dobbs,  64 years, Cherry alley, 3d ward.
Child of Fred. Dachrauti, Penn near Factory street, 3d ward.
Mrs. Boiset, Clark street.
Child of Mrs. Dawson, Tunnel street, 6th ward.
German, corner of Chestnut and Forbes streets, Eighth ward.
Child of Edmund Greer, Second street, near Grant, Second ward.
Child of N. Gallinger,  Spring alley, Fifth ward.
Francis Luther’s child, Spring alley, Fifth ward.
Jane Lowry,  opposite the school house, Eighth ward.
Elizabeth Morgachanan, Penn street, near the Fifth ward market house.
Mrs. Myers, Foster’s alley, Third ward.
William, son of Fred Dachraut, aged two years, Penn street, near Factory, Fifth ward.
William Powlman, German baker, No. 34 Wylie street, aged 21 years.
Wm. Gurigham, No. 32, Overhill street, Eighth ward.
P. W. Breman, Point street, First ward.

Error – Matthew Coward, brick maker, Boyd’s Hill is not dead, as reported in our paper of Saturday last.

September 26, 1854 Tuesday

    The epidemic has abated so materially that all the alarm has vanished, and our citizens again wear a look of cheerfulness.  The reports from all parts of the city were exceeding favorable, no new cases being heard of, and the disease has probably run its course.  
Below we give the deaths on Sunday and yesterday.

Benj. Armstrong, aged 48, Union alley, between Chatham and Federal streets, third ward.
Mrs. Mary, wife of Peter Blackson, carter, colored, aged 32, No. 78 Wylie street, third ward.
—–Beck, beerhouse, Diamond, first ward.
Arthur Brennan, Dequesne street, first ward.
George Burrel, colored. Sixth street, third ward.
Mrs. Wm. Burk, (foundryman) High street, opposite Ross, third ward.
Adelia, daughter of Cheny, coal dealer, Penn street, opposite Locust, fifth ward.
Child of George Cotleprest,
Louis V. Carron, teacher of French, Center avenue, head of Dinwiddle street, Seventh ward.
Francis Flavid, Berry’s court, Second ward.
Wife of Dr. Ford, Penn’a avenue, Second ward.
William Gurrigan, No. 32 Overhill street, Seventh ward.
Dr. Robert Hazlett, Penn street, Fifth ward.
Benjamin Freelove Johnson, aged 5, son of Thomas Johnson, buried in M. E. cemetery.
Ann Miller, aged 28, Passavant’s Infirmery.
James Mercer, aged 29, (Common Councilman) painter, Congress street, Sixth ward.
Mary H. wife of Henry Bobbock, aged 40, No. 199, Third street, Second ward.
Mrs. Pharis, buried at St. Mary’s.
Mrs. Elizabeth Popp, Fosters alley, Third ward.
Child of Lewis Roll, near Clark street, 7th ward.
—– Brown, Mercy Hospital.
Jacob Kosh, German, tavern keeper, No. 104 Water street, First ward.
Child of — Sweitzer, Market street near Fourth, First ward.
Christian Hight, from Philadelphia, aged 64, father-in-law of George Schneck, Wylie street near 5th, Third ward.
Mrs. Shannon, late of Allegheny, mother-in-law of —-Burker, Third street, below Ferry, First ward.
John Spencer, tailor, sixth street, Third ward.
John Smith, stone mason, No. 40, Congress street, near Franklin 6th ward.
Alonzo Smith, aged 8, Third street above Wood, Second ward.
Mrs. John Wise, aged 35, Overhill street, Seventh ward. (husband died recently)
Mrs. Young, aged 86, corner of Bedford and Crawford streets, Sixth ward.
Ellen Ross, Prospect street, above Washington, Sixth ward.
Charles Glenn, late of Duquesne Greys, at Mercy Hospital.
Child of Thomas Crail, Bebford street.
Henry Spenser, Passavant’s Hospital.
Child of A. Ludwig Still, Fifth ward.
Child of Thomas Wilson.
German woman at Schmidts tavern, Fifth ward.

John Adrian, died at Passavant’s Infirmary.
Robert Alexander’s child, Sharings alley near the Penna. Railroad depot, in the Ninth ward.
Mrs. Elizabeth Beck, aged 78 years, Passavant’s Infirmary.
Thomas Conway, Penn street, near the Fair Grounds, Ninth ward.
Mrs. Esdy, wife of Adam Esdy, Liberty street, near the outer depot, Ninth ward.
Mrs. Feeny, mother-in-law of Wm. P. Gallagher, of Fifth street, died at Latrobe.  The deceased was taken sick on Saturday night, and left the city for Latrobe, where she died at 4 P.M. on Thursday.
Amelia Grant, near the outer depot, Ninth ward.
Margaret Kugel, Pine street, Fifth ward.
Mrs. Lindsay, Mulberry alley, Fifth ward.
John Moody, 68 Prospect street, Sixth ward.
Wife of James McDonald, watchman, Colwell street, Sixth ward.
Henry Ochs, German, Passavant’s Infirmary.
Wm. Barlow, tailor, Red Lion Hotel, St. Clair street, Fourth ward.
Michael Reelingwalt, aged 3 years, Adams street, near Liberty, 5th ward.
Elizabeth Fitter, 614, Liberty street, Ninth ward.
John Riddall, (proprietor of West Point forge, Water street) died on Front street, near the First ward schoolhouse.
Gasper Stiles, Liberty street, near the outer depot, Ninth ward.
James Simpson, Passavant’s Infirmary.
Elizabeth Sullivan, 31, Webster street, Third ward.
Mary Wright, wife of John Wright, Pitt tp.
Mary Ann, daughter of David Hutchison, aged 4 years, Gibson street, between Magee and Chestnut, Eighth ward.
A German woman, No. 400, Penn street, Fifth ward.
Mary Graff, sister of L. G. Graff, Third street, between Wood and Smithfield, second ward.
Margaret Gaus, child 5 years old, 492 Penn street, Fifth ward.
Child of Hugh Kelly, 97 Wylie street, Third ward.
Mrs. Agness Parry, wife of J. G. Parry, Second street, 2d ward.
Another child of Lewis Roll, Clark street, 2d ward.

September 27, 1854

    The deaths yesterday were about the same as the day before.  We annex the list, but premise that as we have to hunt up the cases ourselves under many difficulties we are unable in many instances to get anything than intelligence of the death and the name of the individual deceased.  In this way we succeed in getting the total deaths of the day, but it may often happen, and doubtless does, that many thus published have died from other diseases than cholera.  Quite a number of such instances have come to our knowledge, when it was too late to correct it.  Eighty-six were reported by the Board of Health last week, and we have no doubt that several of the deaths in the list below are attributable to the ordinary causes of mortality.  Had the Board of Health taken proper measures to ensure daily reports, this would have been avoided.
    The deaths from Cholera yesterday were mostly those originating on preceding days.  We could hear of but few new cases, and the general impression seemed to be that danger from it, as an epidemic, was about over.

Died on Monday.
Wife of Patrick McGraw, Spring alley.
Child of Daniel Ruberlin, Pine street.
Mrs. Reau, corner Factory and Liberty streets.
Mrs. Schrumehart, Quarry street, Third ward.
Wife of George Shuttinger, Webster street, Third ward.
Child of David Hutchinson, Magee street, Eighth ward.
Mrs. Little, Virgin alley.
D. Williams, Arthurs court, near Grant street.

Died on Tuesday.
Child of Mrs. Jones, near Kensington rolling mill, 8th ward.
Child of Mrs. Bell, Pike street, 5th ward.
Child of Jared M. Brush, 6th ward.
Wm. Coyle, shoemaker, Tunnel street, 6th ward.
Mrs. Digg, Hardscrabble, 2d ward.
Mrs. Duffenbancker, Liberty street, 9th ward.
Mrs. Ellis, Liberty street, near O’Hara, 5th ward.
German child, 534 Penn street, 5th ward.
Fanny Lee, nurse at Jos. Foster’s, Smithfield street.
Child of George Green, Penn street 5th ward.
Samuel Gilson, axe maker at Lippencott’s, 7th ward.
Solomon Gretzner, corner of Bedford and Fulton streets, 6th ward.
Mrs. Jones, Chestnut street, 8th ward.
Wm. Mason, a resident of Mifflin tp., died on Prospect street, 6th ward.
Mrs. McAdams, Quarry street, 5th ward.
Peter Mathews’ wife, Spring alley.
Mortimer Ryan, ship carpenter, South Pittsburgh.
Child of Geo. Scott, Faber street, 6th ward.
Child of George Shuttinger, Webster street, 3d ward.
Henry Slimple, tanner, Pride street, 6th ward.
John Sweeney, Mattock’s alley, 4th ward.
John Vineyard, —lan’s court, 9th ward.
Miss Mary Woods, Passavant’s Hospital.
George Whitesell, Ryan’s court, 3d ward.
Francis Winghart, Mechanic street, 5th ward.
Mrs. Bealy, opposite Simpson’s glass house, 9th ward.
Charles Koder, near Market house, 5th ward.
Mrs. Mary Evans, Boyd’s Hill.
German woman, 400 Penn street, 5th ward.
Charles Henser, Federal street, 6th ward.
—–Kibler, of Beaver, on a visit to his friends, died in Jail alley.
Alexander Ryan, Washington street, near Quarry, 3d ward.
Child of Conrad Tyson,  75 Magee street, 6th ward.
Mrs. M’Clatchey, Elm street, 6th ward.

The total number of deaths from Cholera up to 10 o’clock last night was 754.  Of these 751 occurred in the city and the remaining 53 in Allegheny, Birmingham, West Pittsburgh, South Pittsburgh and Pitt township.

September 28, 1854

    The reports from all parts of the city yesterday (Wednesday) were extremely cheering, and prove conclusively that the disease is rapidly disappearing from among us.  The best evidence we can give of its decline is the fact that but a dozen deaths occurred in the city yesterday, while the fatal cases on Tuesday amounted to over thirty.  We could hear of but one or two new cases yesterday, though we traversed the city from one extreme to the other, so that there is every reason to hope that the deaths to-day will be even less than those of Wednesday.  Believing that all danger from the disease is now over, and that there is no further necessity for publishing the fatal cases, our list of deaths shall, from this day, be discontinued.  While the disease lasted we gave, as far as lay in our power, a faithful and full account of its ravages, and now when we say that it is no longer here as an epidemic, and that our city wears its usual lively and pleasant aspect, we are confident the public will rely upon our statement.
We hope then those who fled from the epidemic will speedily return, and that henceforward the disease will only exit in the memory of our citizens.  We continue below the list of fatal cases, commencing with those who died after our notice for Wednesday’s paper was written:

Deaths on Tuesday.
Three deaths reported in Tinkersville, names not known.
Clemens, 57 Seventh street
John Roth, beer house keeper, 5th ward.
Mrs. Anne Vashon, relict of J. B. Vashon, deceased, Grant street.
Mrs. Brooze, Allegheny street, 9th ward.
George Stropher, child, Minersville.
A. Williams, Pike street.

Died on Wednesday.
Jacob Bryant, Webster street.
Mrs. Duncan, Roberts street.
Child of Peter Engle, Splanes’ court, 5th ward.
Wife of Robert Johnson.
Wm. Little, Van Braam street.
John Lawton, Prospect street.
Child of Peter McDermit, 6th ward.
Harriet Wickham, No. 20, Third street.
Mary Nugent,  No. 234 Spring alley.
Child of Wm. Robinson, Pike street.
Mrs. Van Tassel, 5th street, died at Passavant’s Infirmary.

Disturbance at a Burial.
    Albert Roessing, a member of William Tell Lodge of Odd Fellows, instituted a suit before Mayor Voix, on Monday, against the Rev. Francis Zelmer, of the German Lutheran Church, on the corner of High and Wylie streets, for an alleged disturbance of the burial service of one of the members of the above named lodge, at the burying ground, on Dinwiddle street.
    We gather from the complaint made by the deponent.  Roessing, that the members of the lodge had entered the grounds, and on approaching the grave prepared for their deceased member, the pastor, Zelmer, was performing the burial service of a member of his church close by.  The Odd Fellows waited until he had got through, when they sent a messenger to the pastor, inviting him to say something over the grave of their departed brother.  The reverend gentleman, it seems, gave some short answer, and turned and went to another part of the ground, to bury another of his own church members.  During his absence, the Odd Fellows went on with their ceremonies, and while in the midst of them, the minister returned, violently pushing his way through their midst, and uttering threatening and abusive language, upbraiding them for what he termed their heathenish ceremonies.
    It was for this abrupt behaviour that the suit was brought.  The defendant was held to bail in the sum of $500 for his appearance at Court.

September 29, 1854

The deaths from Cholera yesterday, as far as we could ascertain, numbered twelve.  Some of them who died were sick for several days, and a majority of them were children, or persons far advanced in years.  We heard of but six new cases, and they were all yielding to medical treatment, with no appearance of their terminating fatally.  We believe the disease has nearly run its course, and feel confident that with an ordinary degree of caution no danger need be apprehended form it.

September 30, 1854

We are happy to announce the almost entire cessation of Cholera in the city.  All danger from this source is over, and our citizens who are abroad may safely venture home.  The people again wear a pleasant look, business is assuming an active aspect, and strangers desiring to visit the city may do so with entire security against harm from any epidemic.  We hope to see them in crowds during the succeeding week.

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