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Altoona Tribune – 1860 Editions – through January 12


Mar 16, 2009

Altoona Tribune 1860

Altoona, Pa

January 5, 1860

The Fayette Railroad was opened to Uniontown, on Monday last.

The Methodist congregation of Johnstown has added a fine toned organ to their choir.

Two men, named Francis Singer and Andrew Maxwell, were run over by the Express Train, and killed, at Blairsville Intersection, on Saturday evening last.

The Negro Hulsinger, executed at Harrisburg, on Friday week, confessed that he killed his wife with a club, as charged in the indictment on which he was convicted.

Married on Wednesday, the 4th instant, by John Griffin, Esq., Mr. John H. White to Miss Mary M. Ross, both of Cambria county, Pa.

Married in the Baptist Church of Johnstown, on Thursday evening, Dec. 22nd, by Rev. G. W. Young, of Logan’s Valley, Blair county, Rev. A. H. Sembower, of Altoona, to Miss Helene Knowlton, of Johnstown.

Married on Thursday, the 23d ult., by Rev. Dr. Junkin, Mr. Benjamin Elliott to Mrs. Susan Redman, both of Frankstown.

Married on the 19th ult., by Isaac Yingling, Esq., Mr. Martin Fleck, of Scotch Valley, to Miss Mary Stewart, of Centre county.

Married on the 29th ult., by the Rev. John H. C. Dosh, Mr. Jas. T. Magee to Miss Sarah Snyder, both of Huntingdon.

Died in Tyrone, on the 21st ult., of scarlet fever, John A. Collins, son of James and Mary Hazelet, aged 3 years, 1 month and 3 days.

Caution Whereas my wife, Mary, has left my bed and board without any just cause or provocation, this is to warn all persons from harboring or trusting her on my account, as I am determined to pay no debts of her contracting after this date. Michael Scanlan, Altoona, Jan. 5, 1860

On Saturday afternoon last, say the Pottsville Journal, during the prevalence of a severe snow storm, a young man who had been sent from St. Clair to Hazleton with a team, for the purpose of removing the family of Mr. Valentine Frantz, to the former place, found it necessary to unhitch his horses, and leave the wagon, which contained the family, on the mountain, to go home and have his horses’ shoes sharpened. – The persons composing the family, left in that dangerous position, were Mrs. Frantz, five small children, and an elder daughter and her husband. After the driver had been absent some time, the family left the wagon, for the purpose, if possible, of reaching home; but the rain falling fast, and freezing as rapidly as it fell, impeded their progress. Mrs. Frantz sank to the ground a dozen times in a distance of between one and two miles, yet she clung to and protected her babe with the fervor which characterizes a mother’s love. At last, Mrs. Frantz, overcome by cold and fatigue, could proceed no further. The young man placed her and four of the children on the ground, in as sheltered a position as he could find, picked up the remaining child, a boy, in his arms, and with his wife proceeded home as rapidly as possible.
On reaching home he informed his friends of the occurrence, and they started in search of the unfortunate sufferers. When discovered, Mrs. Frantz and the children were insensible. The mother was lying on her back, with the babe pressed tightly to her bosom, while her clothing was frozen to the ground. One of the children, a little girl, while attempting evidently to crawl up the hill, had slipped; her clothing was stripped from her person, and she was found exposed and frozen to the ground. The children were taken to a place of shelter; but Mrs. Frantz was not removed until a wagon had been procured. The first inquiry from her lips, when restored to consciousness, was for her children. The boy first taken home, had died. It is thought that Mrs. Frantz will recover. The babe is well. There is, however, some doubt of the recovery of the other children.

January 12, 1860

Arm Broken.
John McCoy, aged about 12 years, son of Daniel McCoy, of this place, had his arm broken on Friday evening last, while riding down Julia street, on a sled. He was riding with his breast on the sled, and his hands holding on to the front of the runners, at a speed of a mile in two minutes, when he struck a sled which was ascending the hill, breaking his arm just above the wrist. He held on until he came to the foot of the hill when he was picked up and carried into Dr. Finley’s office, close by. Dr. Finley not being at home, Dr. Christy was called and soon reduced the fracture, and the boy is now getting along very well. The boy was also somewhat scratched and cut about the face, but not seriously injured.

Married on the 27th ult., by Rev. J. A. Melick, Mr. Alfred A. Smith and Miss Amelia Turnbaugh, both of Antis township, Blair county.

Married on the 27th ult., by Samuel Jones, Esq., Mr. William Myers, of Cumberland, to Mrs. Sarah W. Gingerich, of Tyrone, this county.

Married on the 29th ult., by Samuel Jones, Esq., Mr. Wm. Rogers to Miss Mary J. Gardner, both of Snyder township, Blair County.

Married on Thursday last, by Rev. Geo. W. Young, Mr. Edward Bell and Miss Sarah E. Reigh, both of Antis township.

Died at Tyrone, on the 30th ult., of Scarlet Fever, Rebecca Jane, daughter of Wm. and Margaret Stoke, aged 3 years and 3 months.

Died in Sinking Valley, on the 30th ult., Mr. Joseph Bridenbaugh, aged 27 years and 15 days.

Died in Duncansville, on the 2d instant, Mr. Michael Stover, aged 72 years, 9 months and 27 days.

January 19, 1860

Fire at Duncannon.
The extensive Nail Factory connected with the Duncannon Iron Works was destroyed by fire on Monday night, 9th inst. The main building and sixty machines are a total wreck. Loss $25,000; insured in Philadelphia. The rolling mill on the north side of the creek is safe, together with the water-wheels, dams, &c. The Pennsylvania railroad bridge spanning Sherman’s creek at the works is safe. The property is owned and conducted by Fisher, Morgan & Co., of Philadelphia, and arrangements have already been made for the reconstruction of the burnt factory. The origin of the fire is so far unknown. It throws some three hundred workers out of employment.

Robbery. – On Sunday night, or rather Monday morning last, some gentleman in search of broadcloth, entered the store of Mr. Thos. Elway, in the Brant House, and helped himself to some eight or ten pieces of cloth. He effected an entrance through the front door, by means of a false key, and after getting in locked the door again. He then made his selections, taking all the best pieces of cloth on the shelves, and a pattern of a blue cloth coat, partly cut out. His pack made up, he removed an iron bar, with which the back door was secured, and passed out the back way, leaving the door of the work shop open. One of the workmen in the shop did not leave it until 12 o’clock on Sunday night, so that it is evident the robbery did not take place until after that hour, and the robber must have been watching his opportunity. Joe Ely was fitted out with a search-warrant as speedily as possible, but has not yet succeeded in discovering the whereabouts of the missing articles. Mr. Elway estimates his loss at about $130.

Married on January 10, 1860, by the Rev. C. Graham, Mr. H. C. Nicodemus to Miss Hattie Wishart, both of Martinsburg, Pa.

Married on the 29th ult., at the Lutheran Parsonage, by Rev. Lloyd Knight, Mr. John R. Robison to Miss Maria Robison, both of Collinsville, Blair county.

Married on the 5th inst., by Rev. Lloyd Knight, Mr. Philip Harpster, of Frankstown township to Miss Anna Maria Beach, of Allegheny township.

Married on the 6th ult., by Levi Evans, Esq., in Hopewell township, William Enyart, Esq., of Huntingdon county, to Miss Rebecca Camrer, of Blair county.

Died in Harrisburg, on Sunday last, Elmer Irvine, only son of Col. Irvine J. and Kate Crane, aged 1 year, 1 month and 10 days.

Died on the 15th ult., with Croup, Franklin, son of Andrew J. and Margaret Biddle, of Taylor township, aged 2 years and 22 days.

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