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Star and Republican Banner, 1845 Editions


Mar 26, 2009

Star and Republican Banner
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

September 20, 1845

Married on the 16th inst., by the Rev. Benjamin Keller, Mr. Benjamin Galbreath, to Miss Mary Ann Reed, both of Adams county.

Married on the 18th inst., by the Rev. Benjamin Keller, Mr. Nicholas Stahner, to Miss Catharine Slosser, both of Franklin township.

Married on Thursday week, by the Rev. Jacob Albert, Mr. Geo. Flickinger to Miss Ann Maria Weigert, both of this county.

Died on the 8th inst., in Hamilton township, George, son of Mr. Peter Yoe, in the 5th year of his age.

Died on the 12th inst., Mr. David Demaree, aged 53 years, 9 months and 24 days.

September 26, 1845

Married on the 23d inst., by the Rev. B. Keller, Mr. Samuel Keefer, to Miss Sophia Chilly, both of Frederick county, Md.

Married on the 17th inst., by the Rev. H. L. Baugher, Mr. John Souers, to Miss Maria Haines, both of this county.

Married on the 15th inst., by the Rev. J. Ulrich, Mr. George Wagoner, to Miss Hannah Maria Little, both of Huntington township, Adams county.

Married on the 11th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Albert, Mr. George Flickinger, of Berwick township, to Miss Anna Maria Weikert, of Mountpleasant township.

Married on the 10th inst., at Mount Holly, N. J., by the Rev. Mr. Moorehouse, Hon. Alexander Ramsey of Dauphin county, to Anna Earl, daughter of Hon. Michael H. Jenks, of Bucks county.

Married on Thursday week, by the Rev. Jacob Albert, Mr. Isaac Bream, to Miss Anna Reck, both of Adams county.

Died on Monday evening last, Mrs. Sarah Donaldson, of this place, in the 61st year of her age.

Died on Wednesday last, Mr. Frederick Boyer, of Straban township, in the 81st year of his age.  The deceased was one of our oldest and most respectable citizens.

October 3, 1845

Notice, the subscriber, appointed Trustee for Elizabeth Cross, of Straban township, Adams county, hereby gives notice to all persons not to trust the said Elizabeth Cross on his account, as no debt of her contracting will be paid by him.  Wm. Vanorsdel.  Trustee for Elizabeth Cross.

Married on the 2d inst., by the Rev. B. Keller, Mr. Jacob Mickley, to Miss Eliza Jane, daughter of Mr. Joseph Pitzer, both of Franklin Township.

Married on the 14th inst., by the Rev. E. V. Gearhart, Mr. John Wisler, to Miss Mary Ann Stevens, both of Strahan township.

Married on the 16th inst., at Conowago Chapel, by the Rev. Mr. Stonebacher, Mr. Andrew Foller of Hanover, to Miss Juliana F., daughter of Capt. Jacob Baumgardner, of Mountjoy township.

Died on the 18th inst., Miss Nancy G. M’Gaughy, daughter of Mr. James M’Gaughy, of Franklin township, aged about 20 years.

Died on the 20th inst., Mr. Abraham Kellar, of Littlestown, aged 75 years and 10 months.

Died on the 22 inst., Mrs. Elizabeth Dick, widow of Mr. Christian Dick, of Abbottstown, in the 78th year of her age.

Died in Emmitsburg, on Friday last, after an illness of but a few days, Miss Ann Frances Motter, in the 19th year of her age.

October 10, 1845

Letters testamentary on the Estate of Elizabeth Sternbergen, late of Adams county, deceased, have been granted to Samuel S. Schmucker, Executor.

Married on Thursday evening, by the Rev. H. L. Baugher, the Rev. J. P. B. Sadtler, of Pine Grove, Schuylkill county, (late of the Theological Seminary, Gettysburg) to Miss Caroline Elizabeth, daughter of the Rev. Dr. Schmucker, of this place.

Married on Tuesday last, by the Rev. Mr. Sechler, Mr. Emanuel Karn, to Miss Sarah Ann Fink, both of this county.

Married on the 2d inst., by the Rev. D. Harlman, Mr. Jacob Bender to Miss Isabella, daughter of Richard and Rebecca Saddler, of Huntingdon township.

Died on Saturday last, after a short illness, Mrs. Anna Hays, of this borough, widow of Mr. Jehu Hays, formerly of Millerstown, aged about 40 years.

Died on Friday last, Perry R., son of Mr. Daniel Gilbert, of this borough, aged 4 years 3 months and 17 days.

Died on Saturday the 30th day of August, of dysentery, Sussana Christ, daughter of Mr. Lewis Christ, of Menallen township, aged 11 years 7 months and 2 days.

Died on Sunday evening last, after an illness of but a few days, Mary Rebecca Gilbert, daughter of Mr. Samuel Gilberl, of this borough, aged 4 years 6 months and 19 days.

October 17, 1845

Married on the 14th inst., by the Rev. B. Keller, Mr. John Delap, to Miss Anna Maria, daughter of Mr. William Yeatts, both of Tyrone township.

Married on the 6th inst., by the Rev. B. Keller, Mr. Isaac Hyder, to Miss Catharine Rodkey, both of Maryland.

Married on the 9th inst., by the Rev. E. V. Gerhart, Mr. Lebright E. Hartzell, to Miss Lydia Ann Fidler, both of this county.

Married on the 8th inst., in Hagerstown, Md., by the Rev. F. Conrad, Rev. Lloyd Knight, of Bloomfield, Perry county, (late of Gettysburg Seminary) to Miss Helen, daughter of John Kealhoffer, of Hagerstown.

Died near Bendersville, on the 8th of September, after a long protracted pulmonary disease, Mrs. Catharine Hewitt, wife of Mr. George Hewitt, of Menallen township, aged about 23 years.

Died on the [13th or 18th] inst., after a lingering and painful illness, which he bore with much patience and Christian resignation, Mr. Jacob Bishop, of Cumberland township, aged 25 years.

Died on Friday the 3d inst., near Littlestown, in Mountjoy township, Mr. Jacob Wolf, (blacksmith) aged 27 years.

Died in Littlestown, on Thursday last, after a few days illness, Mr. Ephriam Davis, aged 24 years.

Died on the 12th inst., Anna Salome, daughter of Mr. George Myers, of this borough, aged 22 months.

Died on the 7th inst., Maria, daughter of Wm. Hoffman, of Abbottstown, aged 5 years and 17 days.

Died at Randolph, Tennessee, on the 14th of September, Mr. Robert B. Clarkson, formerly of Lancaster, Pa. (brother of Col. M. C. Clarkson, of this borough), aged 43 years.

Died in London, on the 7th ult., William Penn, Esq., great grandson of the celebrated William Penn, founder of the Province of Pennsylvania, in his 70th year.

Death by Hydrophobia.  A young lad by the name of Howard Yohn, died from an attack of this dreadful malady, in Reading, Pa., on Friday last.  He had been bitten in the cheek about two months ago, by a dog supposed at the time to be rabid, but all uneasiness was allayed by the opinion of the physician to the effect that the dog was not “mad.”  The wound in the cheek soon healed, and all fears or even thoughts of the circumstances were forgotten, until Wednesday evening week, when, as we learn from the Reading Journal, the boy was taken ill, and very soon exhibited symptoms of this dreadful disease.  Physicians were immediately called in, who at once pronounced the case one of hydrophobia, but were unable to afford relief.  The poor little sufferer was visited with frequent fits or spasms on Thursday and Thursday night, during which he raved and writhed in all the agony of confirmed madness, tearing his clothes and bed clothes to tatters and rendering it sometimes dangerous for persons to be in the same room.  Yesterday morning his sufferings terminated by his death.
    A great deal of excitement and uneasiness existed in the community, as several other individuals were bitten at the same time by the same dog.

October 24, 1845

Frightful Case of Hydrophobia. Last Sunday morning, says the Pottsville Emporium, a laborer in the employ of Mr. Hallet, a farmer of Cuckfield, took three horses from the stable and turned them into the field.  Shortly afterwards one of the animals began to evince symptoms of hydrophobia, tearing up the earth, dashing wildly about the field, biting the other horses most fearfully, and gnawing the gate post and rails, seizing the stones in the path with his teeth, and throwing them in the air with great violence.  Whilst the fit was on, a boy accidentally passed through the field, and had a most miraculous escape.  He was attacked by the infuriated animal, and he may attribute his fortunate escape to his umbrella, which the horse seized with great violence, tossed in the air, and then bounded off, leaving the poor boy an opportunity to escape, of which he speedily availed himself.  The fit was on him several hours, during which time he had lacerated himself in a shocking manner.  At length he became exhausted, and dropped dead in the field.  The other horses have since been destroyed.

On Saturday evening a young man named Charles Simmons, was killed on the Reading Railroad, near Pottsville.  He was employed as conductor on the road, and was coming down with a train of loaded coal cars, when the iron bar connecting two of the cars broke.  He was in the act of fixing it, with his head between the ends of the cars, when the engine was backed, crushing his head and killing him instantly.

Married on Thursday the 9th inst., by the Rev. D. Hartman, Mr. Calvin M Knight, to Miss Isabell Wank, all of Adams county.

Married on the 9th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Sechler, Mr. Ephraim Heagy, to Miss Elizabeth Lingenfelter all of this county.

Married on the 16th inst., by the Rev. John Ulrich, Mr. Jacob F. Shull, to Miss Mary Galt, all of this county.

Married on the 9th inst., in Philadelphia, by the Rev. Dr. Mayer, the Rev. George Neff, (formerly of Gettysburg Theological Seminary) to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of George Rugan, Esq., of that city.

Died on the 15th inst., Mr. William Grayson, of Liberty township.

Died on the 19th inst., Charles Edward, son of Mr. David Heagy, of this borough, aged 2 years 2 months and 20 days.

Died in Harrisburg, on the 16th inst., General Joel Rilley, in the 67th year of his age.  The deceased had been afflicted with a disease of the chest for several years previous to his death.

October 31, 1845

Removal. – The citizens of Columbia county have decided by a majority of 1200, to remove their Seat of Justice from Danville to Bloomsburg.  The question has been agitated in that county for the last 23 years.

Married on the 7th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Sentman, Mr. Jesse Sharrets, to Miss Rachel Eyler, both of this county.

Married on Thursday last, in Fendersville, by Thomas Blocher, Esq., Mr. Geo. N. Andlews, to Miss Magdalene Chrismore, both of Cumberland county.

Died on the 10th inst., in Abbottstown, Joseph William,  son of the Rev. P. Scheurer, aged 2 years and 11 days.

November 7, 1845

Married on Tuesday last, by the Rev. J. Ulrich, Mr. Henry Augustus Henning, of Gettysburg, to Miss Rachel Bnicker, of Tyrone township.

Married on the 8th October, in Iowa city, (I T) by the Rev. W. W. Woods, Hugh D. Downey, Esq., (graduate of Pennsylvania College) to Miss Jane Murray, daughter of Bernard Murray, all of that city.

Died in this borough, on Wednesday morning last, of Hydrocephalus, (dropsy of the head) William Ranson, son of Alexander R. and Margaret Stevenson, aged 4 months and 27 days.

Died in Bendersville, on the 9th of October, Francis Boogs, infant child of John and Nancy M Knight, aged 6 months and 3 days.

November 14, 1845

Dreadful Accident. – Mr. Joseph Myers, residing near Mercersburg, Franklin county, met his death on the 20th ult., in a distressing manner.  He was throwing down hay in the barn, and when he was done he dropped the fork, the handle of which retained an upright position.  He then let himself drop, and fell upon the handle of the fork, which penetrated about two feet through his body.  He survived about 20 hours.

Married on Tuesday last, by Rev. J. C. Watson, Franklin W. Denwiddie to Miss Jane Robinette, both of this place.

Married on the 28th ult., by the Rev. John Ulrich, Henry Deardorf to Miss Elizabeth Brimler, both of this county.

Died on the 6th inst., by the Rev. John Ulrich, Samuel Latshaw, of York Springs, to Miss Susan Shank, of Menallen township.

Married in St. Paul’s Church, Alexandria, (D. C.) on Thursday last, by the Rev. Mr. Johnson, the Rev. Ovid A. Kinsolving, of Clarksburg, Va. To Miss Julia Heiskell, daughter of the Rev. Dr. Krauth, of this place.

Married on the 30th ult., by Wm. B. Mullen, Esq., John Boyer, of Bendersville, Adams county, to Miss Mary Griffy, of Cumberland county.

Married on the 2d inst., by the Rev. Dr. Musgrave, John Hartzell, of Baltimore county, (formerly of this county) to Mrs. Susan Robinson, of Baltimore county.

Died on the 11th inst., Florence Wilson, daughter of Abraham Wilson, of Hamiltonban township, in the 12th year of her age.

Died at Mummasburg, on the 31st ult., Mary, infant daughter of Jacob Hartman, jr., aged 1 year 1 month and 26 days.

Died near Arendtsville, Catharine, infant daughter of Joseph Deardorff, aged 6 months and 16 days.

November 21, 1845

Married on Tuesday the 11th inst., by the Rev. E. V. Gerhart, James C. Duttcroto to Miss Rebecca C. Weikert, both of this county.

Married on Thursday the 13th inst., by the Rev. E. V. Gerhart, Joseph Rebert, to Miss Magdalena Augusta, youngest daughter of Peter Mickley, sen., both of Franklin township.

Married on the 23d ult., by the Rev. Mr. Heilig, Walter Galbreath, of Mountpleasant township, to Miss Susannah Wolff, daughter of Mr. John Wolff, of Hamilton township.

Married on the 21st ult, by the Rev. Mr. Heilig, Daniel Zipling to Miss Henrietta Leinert, daughter of Mr. Jacob Leinert, all of Berwick township.

Married on the 21st ult, by the Rev. Mr. Steinbacker, Michael Strubinger, of Abbottstown, to Miss Matilda Dellone, daughter of Mr. Peter Dellone, of York county.

Married on the 26th ult, by the Rev. Mr. Steinbacker, John Weaver, to Mrs. Matilda Bundee, both of this county.

Married on the 28th ult., by the Rev. Mr. Dietz, Jacob Gurtler, to Miss Catharine Bundee, both of Conowago township.

Married on the 13th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Sechler, Henry Mayer, of York county, to Miss Catharine Heagy, of Adams county.

Married on Sunday last, by the Rev. Mr. Sechler, Edward Riffle to Miss Lydia Steffy, both of Adams county.

Died on Wednesday last, Henry Clay, son of Mr. Solomon Weldy, of Cumberland township, in the 2d year of his age.

Died on Sunday last, at Bruceville, Md., Mrs. Margaret Swope, consort of Mr. D. H. Swope, lately of this place, in the 31st year of her age.

Died on the 12th ult., Mrs. Elizabeth Lockert, consort of Mr. Moses Lockert, of Mountpleasant township, aged 20 years.

Died on the 15th inst., Miss Maria Anna, daughter of Mr. Charles Grant, of Abbottstown, aged 23.

Died on the 17th inst., Alexander, son of Mr. Geo. Hoffer, of Berwick township, in the 13th year of his age.

Died at his residence in Dickinson township, Cumberland county, Mr. Leonard Marsden, lately of this county.

Died in York, Pa., on Sunday evening last, James Lewis, Esq., President of the York Bank, in the 50th year of his age.

November 28, 1845

Married on Thursday morning the 20th inst., at Petersburg, (Y.S.) by Friends ceremony, Benjamin W. Van Scoyer, to Priscilla Allen, both of that place, the latter formerly of Baltimore, Md.

Married on the 20th inst., by the Rev. B. Keller, Mr. William Hewitt, to Miss Leah Carson, both of Menallen township.

Married on the 20th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Sechler, Mr. Edwin Study to Miss Georgiana M Ilvain, both of Littlestown, Adams county.

Married on Tuesday last, by the Rev. Mr. Sechler, Mr. Isaac Hanner, of Adams county, to Miss Louisa Lambert, of Carroll county, Md.

Married in Millersburg, Holmes county, Ohio, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. S. Diefendorff, Mr. R. W. Tibdall, to Miss Jane Pentecost, formerly of this place.

Died on Friday last, Mr. Jacob Fickes, of Huntington township, in the 56th year of his age.  The deceased had risen in the morning with a view of leaving home to attend to an engagement, but shortly after, feeling unwell, he retired to his bed again, and in a few hours his body was a corpse!

Died in Hanover, on the 19th inst., Mrs. Mary Yingling, consort of Mr. Henry Yingling, aged 38 years, 5 months and 9 days.

Died on the 21st inst., Catharine Klinepeter, of Adams county, in the 82d year of her age.

The Lutheran Observer states Mr. Stephen Wible, deceased, of Cumberland township, in this county, willed the proceeds of the sale of his personal property, amounting to between ten and twelve hundred dollars, to the Parent Education Society of the Lutheran Church and the Theological Seminary in this place, Also $175 to the Foreign Missionary Society of the same denomination, and $100 to the Methodist Episcopal Church.

On Thursday the 20th inst., the Barn of Mr. Henry Hemler, of Mountpleasant township, was consumed by fire, with all its contents.  The fire originated from shooting a steer in the barn, and the flames spread so rapidly that nothing could be saved, not even the bullock just shot. – Sentinel.

Leake vs Leake.  Subpoena in Divorce.  Take notice that an Order of the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county has been made, fixing Tuesday the 30th of  December next, for the hearing and determination of the said cause, and that the said Respondent is hereby required to appear on said day, and answer the complaint of the Libellant.  Benj. Schriver, Sheriff.

December 5, 1845

Married on Wednesday last, by the Rev. Mr. Gracy, the Rev. Mr. Jones, of York county, to Miss Laura, daughter of John Garvin, Esq., of this place.

Died on Friday last, in Cashtown, Franklin township, Capt. Peter Mark, aged 71 years.

December 12, 1845

JACOB F. MARKLEY,  vs. ABRAHAM ZOOK,  Exec. Of Mrs. May, deceased
In the District Court for the city and county of Lancaster.
Debt on a bond executed by testatrix in May 1839, in her lifetime, for $2,000 with interest.
    The defence was set up that the bond was given without consideration, but merely as a loan to plaintiff to enable him to borrow money.  The bond was witnessed by George C. Lloyd and Francis X. Ziegler.
    Defendant called Francis X. Ziegler, who testified – I am witness to this bond – I was the clerk of Mr. Markley and wrote the bond according to his directions – I heard both him and Mrs. May say what it was for – no money was given for it, nor did Mrs. May owe plaintiff any thing – she gave him this bond to use as collateral security for money which he wished to borrow to carry on his business; it was a way to go security for him if he could borrow money any where.  George Gohn, who married Mrs. May’s grand-daughter, was in partnership with plaintiff; and she wished to help them along. (After some other evidence.)
    M. Stevens, attorney for defendant, asked witness – Have you not heard Markley say something about this bond lately – since you were subpoened in this suit? – If so, state it.
    Witness. – Yes, about two weeks ago Markley was down with me, and we had some private conversation, but it was private.
    Mr. Stevens – No matter – state it.
    Witness. – It was private.
    The Court. – (Judge Hayes) – If it related to this bond, state it.
    Witness. – He said he wanted justice – nothing but justice, and said some other things.
    Mr. Stevens. – State those other things exactly as they took place.
    Witness. – He said he wanted justice in this suit, and he wished me to come into Lancaster and speak to his friends and -.
    Mr. Stevens. – Was friends the word he used, sir?
    Witness. – It was not just the word –
    The Court – Remember you are on oath.
    Witness. – He said he wished I would come into Lancaster and speak to the Brethren, and get them to interest themselves for him, and they would influence the jury in his favor.
    Mr. Stevens. – Who did he mean by the BRETHREN?
    Witness. – He is an Odd Fellow, and he meant his BROTHER ODD FELLOWS!
    Mr. Stevens. – Did he call on you as an Odd Fellow to do this?
    Witness – He said he would have been proud to hail me as a brother – I am an Odd Fellow, but do not meet with them for some time.
    Mr. Ford (for the plaintiff) – Is there any thing in the obligations of the Odd Fellows which requires one brother to help another contrary to justice?
    Mr. Stevens. – I object to that form of the question, because it gives the inference of witness, which, with members of the Lodge, is always in their own favor. – Sate the oath or obligation of the Odd Fellows which requires them to aid each other, and the jury will judge of its tendency.
    Mr. Ford (to the Court) – That cannot be done, as the obligations are numerous.
    The Court – Let him give the clause of the obligation by which he was called on by the defendant.
    Mr. Stevens. – Now, Sir, state the obligation truly.
    Witness. – That is one of the SECRETS of the Lodge which I never will disclose.
    Mr. Stevens. – You are sworn to tell the whole truth – proceed as the Court have directed you.
    Witness – I will not disclose it.  I claim it as a privilege from the Court not to disclose the SECRETS of the Order!
    The Court. – There are no privileges here.
    The counsel then conversed together, and said they would not pursue it any further, as Mr. Ford did not press his question.
    Verdict for the defendant.

The following note is also said to have been written in consequence of testimony given in the above trial:
    SUSQUEHANNA LODGE,     No 80, I. O. of O. F.
Monday evening, Nov 17, 1845.
Mr. F. X. Ziegler:
    Dear Sir: – I hereby notify you that for conduct totally unworthy of an Odd Fellow (of which you are aware) you were on Monday evening, Nov. 10th, by an unanimous vote, expelled from this Lodge.  Yours, in haste.  H. H. Houston, Sec’y.

Married on the 3d inst., at the residence of Dr. Jefferson Shields, in Frederick, Md., by the Rev. Dr. Zacharias, Maxwell Shields, Esq., to Miss Mary Witherow, both of this county.

Married on Tuesday the 11th of November, by the Rev. Mr. Steinbacher, Mr. Jacob Bolin, to Miss Elizabeth Echenrode, both of Tyrone township.

Married on Thursday the 27th ult., at the Conowago Chapel, by the Rev. Mr. Dietz, Mr. Joseph Lilly, to Miss Catharine Riley, both of Mountpleasant township.

Died on Monday last, near M’Sherrystown, Susanna Juliet, daughter of Mr. Isaac Reiff, aged 2 years 25 days.

Died on Tuesday the 25th ult., at the residence of his son-in-law, Daniel Comfort, Mr. John Brough, sen., of Straban township, aged about 72 years.

Died on Thursday last, at the residence of her father, in Franklin township, Miss Susan, daughter of Mr. Robert Shakely, aged about 20 years.

December 19, 1845

Married on the 11th inst., by the Rev. B. Keller, Mr. Elias Hartman, to Miss Elizabeth Bear, both of Adams county.

Married on the 1st inst., by the Rev. B. Keller, Mr. George Weismantle, to Miss Margaret Thum, both of this place.

Married on the 8th inst., by the Rev. J. Albert,  Mr. Christian Reck, to Miss Mary Kuhn, both of Germany township.

Married at Frederick, Md, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Zacharias, Rev. Philip Schaf, Professor in the Theological Seminary at Mercersburg, Pa., to Miss Mary Elizabeth, eldest daughter of David Schley, Esq., of Frederick.

Died on the 5th inst., Mrs. Rachel Wanner, wife of Mr. James Wanner, of this county, in the 28th year of her age.

Died at Columbia, on the 7th inst., Mrs. —- Cox, mother of Dr. J. Cox, of this place. [no first name given]

The Estate of Frederick Berlin, deceased, of Adams County, Pennsylvania.
Heirs and legal representatives of Frederick Berlin, late of Hamilton township.
John Berlin, Henry Berlin, George Berlin, Loretta intermarried with John Sheffer, Eli Berlin, Joel Berlin, Polly Berlin, and Frederick Berlin.

December 26, 1845

Married on Thursday last by the Rev. John Ulrich, Mr. Richard Craighead, of Dickinson township, Cumberland county, to Miss Augusta L., youngest daughter of the Hon. Daniel Sheffer, of York Springs in this county.

Married on Thursday last, by the Rev. John Ulrich, Mr. Moses Starner, of this county, to Miss Elizabeth Davis, of Cumberland county.

Married on Thursday morning last, by the Rev. S. McMullin, Mr. Levi Gilbert, of Franklin county, to Miss Ann Gray Chamberlain, daughter of Mr. David Chamberlain, of Franklin township.

Married in East Berlin, on the 22d of October, by the Rev. Levi T. Williams, Dr. Joseph A. Wolf, to Miss Hannah C. Weeks, both of that place.

Married in East Berlin, on the 14th inst., by the Rev. A. G. Deininger, E. P. Hildebrand, Esq., to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Maj. Joseph Woods, both of that place.

Died on the 11th inst., Daniel, son of Mr. Jacob Doll, of Abbottstown, in the 16th year of his age.

Died on the 24th ult., Mrs. Mary Huber, wife of Mr. Frederick Huber, of East Berlin, in the 79th year of her age.

Died at Chambersburg, on Tuesday morning last, Rev. David Denny, aged about 78 years.

Died in Richland County, Ohio, on the 27th of Sept. last, Mr. Wm. Ross, formerly of this county, aged about 60 years.

Died on the 22d inst., at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. John Stallsmith, Mrs. Maria Elizabeth Knop, aged 83 years 7 months and 14 days.

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