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…bringing our past into the future

Clearfield Republican, 1858 Issues


Apr 1, 2009

Clearfield Republican
Clearfield, Pa

April 7, 1858

Married on the 1st inst., by the Rev. Thos. Barnhart.  Mr. A. B. Tate to Miss Mary J. McDowell, both of this county.

Died at his residence in Pike township, on the 3d inst., John Jordan, Sr., aged 67 years 4 months.

Died in Bradford township, on the 14th ult., Cambridge Graham, aged 5 years, 11 months and 5 days.

Died on the 20th ult., Tabitha Graham, aged 4 years 11 months and 9 days.

Letters of administration on the estate of John Heichel, late of Carthaus township, deceased, having been granted to B. D. Hall.

Letters Testamentary on the estate of John Smith, late of Bell township, deceased, have been granted to Geo. Smith and Lewis Smith.

April 28, 1858

Caution – All persons are hereby cautioned against trusting any of the members of my family on my account, as I will pay no debts of their contracting.  Jonathan Weiser, Bradford, April 28, 1858.

The dwelling house of Mr. James Irwin of Lawrence Township, three miles below this place, caught fire yesterday afternoon, but fortunately it was extinguished before any serious damage was done. Mr. Irwin was not at home, being down the river.  

Married at Ogle, Ill., on the 31st ult., by the Rev. Rice, Mr. Jacob Williams, of Ogle, to Miss Fannie Pottartt, formerly of this place.

Married in Philipsburg, April 20th by Rev. E. W. Kerby, Mathias Blank to Charlotte Deny all of Philipsburg.

Died in Lawrence township, on Thursday, 22d inst., of typhoid fever, after three weeks of severe suffering, Clarance Augustus Tate, youngest son of Joshua J. Tate, aged eight years, nine months and three days.

Died on Tuesday 27th inst., Theodore Mitchell, eldest son of Mr. Wm. Mitchell, of Lawrence township.

May 5, 1858

Caution. My wife Maryette, having left my bed and board without any just cause or provocations there forbid any person harboring or trusting her on my account.  E. Merrifield.

May 12, 1858

As a son of Mr. M. Owens near Lumber City was driving a two horse team between that place and Curwensville, the horses became frightened and ran off down a very steep hill breaking the wagon to pieces, injuring themselves, and nearly killing young Owens.  We are happy to learn however that he is recovering.

Post Office Changed. – The Post Office in this county hitherto known as Pennfield, has been removed to the residence of D. Tyler, Esq., and the name changed to “Tylers.”  The change will go into effect in a few days.

Two Hotels one at Corsica and the other at Troy, Jefferson county were burned a few days ago.  All the household furniture was consumed in both instanced.

Francis McCoy, for 30 years a merchant at Lewistown, Pa., died on Thursday last.

Miss Mary Culp, a beautiful and accomplished young lady, who was much beloved by a large circle of acquaintances, was drowned last week in the Little Chiques at Mount Joy, Lancaster county, Pa.  She, in company with Miss Mary McNeel, ventured out upon the stream in a skiff.  The boat, unfortunately, upset, precipitating them both into the creek, which, at the time, owing to the recent rains, was quite swollen and rapid.  Miss McNeel caught a limb and supported herself until she was rescued by Mr. Albert Jackson, the Associate Principle in the Seminary.  After dredging the stream for some time, Miss Culp’s body was found with her arms clasped firmly around a floating log, and was loosened with the greatest difficulty.

May 19, 1858

Married on the 16th inst., by Rev. E. W. Kirby, Mr. Samuel R. Mitchell to Miss Anna M. Hill, all of Grahamton.

Married on the 5th inst., by the Rev. J. M. Galloway, Mr. Alexander Levingston and Miss Sophia daughter of Mr. Jas. Irwin.

May 26, 1858

The Burning Mountain.
    As it is generally known, there is a vein of coal located above water level in the Broad Mountain, about seven miles from this borough and near Heckscherville, which for twenty-one years has been on fire.  The vein, which contains excellent white ash coal, is some forty feet in thickness.  The origin of the fire is attributed to a couple of miners who having some work to perform in the drift in the depth of winter, built a fire – they being cold – in the gangway.  The flames destroyed the top timber, were carried by a strong current, rapidly along the passage, and the fire communicated to the coal, all subsequent efforts to extinguish it were ineffectual.  The men were cut off from escape, and were, undoubtedly, suffocated to death.  Their remains were never found.  A few days since we ascended the mountain at the spot of the fire, and were much interested in examining the effect of the fire on the surface.  The course of it is from west to east, and were the vein is nearest the surface hundred feet sunken into deep pits, and while the stones exhibit evidence of having been exposed to the action of intense heat, every vestige of vegetation has been blasted.  It is a desert trace in the midst of smiling fertility.  The ground in some places was almost too warm for the hand to rest upon it, while steam, heated by the internal fire, rose from every pore.  The fire has evidently extended several hundred yards from the place it originated, and finds vent and air to continue its progress, at the pits to which we have alluded.  A score of years has passed, still it burns, and it will burn until further fuel is denied the element.
    Thousands of tons of coal have undoubtedly been consumed, and thousands of tons may feed the fire, before it is checked. – Miners Journal, Pottsville, Pa.

Married on the 20th inst., by Rev. E. W. Kirby, Mr. Owen Hancock and Miss Rachel Foster, all of Philipsburg.

Died in Boggs township, on last Monday of apoplexy, Mr. Abraham Hess, Sr., aged about 75 years.

Mr. Abraham Hess, Sr., of Boggs township, died very suddenly while at work in his corn field on last Monday forenoon.  His disease was apoplexy.  Mr. Hess was about seventy five years of age and was one of the early pioneers of the county.  He was a man of iron constitution, powerful frame and great personal strength; and in the days when pugilistic encounters were more fashionable and consequently less disreputable than at present, had been the hero of many a hard fought battle, in which he was uniformly conqueror.

June 2, 1858

Distressing Event. – Two Men Drowned.
A Fatal occurrence, which took place at Chest falls this Wednesday morning.  a large spar had lodged in the river at that place and obstructed about one half of the channel.  A raft belonging to a Mr. Summerville having six men on board, came along and ran under the spar, sweeping four of the men into the stream.  Two of them were rescued by the two remaining, on the raft, but before they could reach the other two, they were swept under it and drowned.  Their names were Summerville and Conner.

Died in Pike township, on Tuesday the 1st inst., John Borst aged about 54 years.

Caution.  All persons are hereby cautioned against giving or selling intoxicating liquors of any kind to Jonathan Weisor at their peril, either in Clearfield or the adjoining counties, as they will be prosecuted for so doing.

June 9, 1858

The largest raft ever brought down the Susquehanna river, was brot’ to Wrightsville, Pa., on Tuesday.  It was floated out of the Sinnemahoning creek in sections, and rafted at Lock Haven.  It is 348 feet long and 22 feet in width.

June 16, 1858

Died in Graham township, April 7, Mr. Jas. Curley, aged about 28 years.

Died on the 7th of March, Lavina, wife of Patrick Curley, Esq., aged 32 years, 11 months and 7 days.

June 23, 1858

Death of a Revolutionary Heroine.
    We have read the following from the Honesdale Democrat, published in Wayne county, Pennsylvania, with the most lively interest, and we give it to our readers entire:
    In February last we chronicled the death of Mr. Michael Grennell, of Clinton township, at the advanced age of one hundred and six years.  To day we have to record the decease of Mrs. Sarah S. Benjamin, in Mount Pleasant township, on the 20th ultimo, at the still greater longevity of one hundred and fourteen years, five months and three days.
    Her maiden name was Sarah Matthews, and she was born in Goshen, Orange county, New York, on the 17th of November, 1743.  She was thrice married.  Her first husband was Mr. William Reed.  He served in the Revolutionary army in the early part of the struggle, and died of a wound received in Virginia.  Her second husband was Mr. Aaron Osburn, of Goshen, New York.  He also was in the army of the Revolution, but survived the war.  Her last husband was Mr. John Benjamin, with whom she settled in Mount Pleasant in 1812.  He died four years afterwards.  She had five children, the youngest of whom is seventy years old.  She has left four generations of descendants.  From her youth – until past – forty years of age she was in the midst of the rough and stirring scenes of border warfare or of the revolutionary struggle.  Her temperament was such that she could not be an idle spectator of events.  She entered very deeply into all these vicissitudes.
    Up to the latest period of her life she distinctly recollected the family of Mr. Broadhead, whose sons, in 1755, boldly resisted a body of 200 Indians, making a fort of their house.  She was in the vicinity of Minisink, when Brant, the Indian chief, led a party of Indians and tories through that settlement, scalping the inhabitants and burning the houses.  After the second marriage she accompanied her husband in the army.  During marches she made herself useful in preparing food, and when in quarters engaged in sewing for the officers and men.  She was, however, ready for any service which circumstances seemed to require.  When the army was engaged in embarking some heavy ordnace at Kingsbridge, on the Hudson, ostensibly to attack New York, then in the hands of the enemy, it was necessary to do it in the night, and to place sentries around, lest they should be observed or taken by surprise.  Her husband having been placed as a sentinel, she took his station, with overcoat and gun, that he might help to load the heavy artillery.  Soon Washington came round to examine the outposts, and detecting something unusual in her appearance, asked. “Who placed her here?”  She promptly replied in her characteristic way; “Them who had a right to, sir.”  He, apparently pleased with her independent and manly spirit, passed on.  She accompanied the army, with her husband, to the South, and was present at the siege of Yorktown and the surrender of Cornwallis.  During the battle she was busy in carrying water to the thirsty, and relieving the wants of the suffering.  When passing where the bullets of the enemy were flying, she met Washington, who said, “Young woman are you not afraid of the bullets?”  She pleasantly answered. “The bullets will never cheat the gallows.”
    She poseecessed extraordinary energy, even in her extreme age, and would relate the events of her early days with all the vivacity of youth.  Up almost to the period of her death she exercised herself in carding and spinning.  The fineness and uniformity of her yarn was a wonder and an admiration.  She visited her friends on foot, making long walks, and when she used a carriage, disdained to be helped to enter it.  Two or three years ago she remarked that she had never been sick but once.  She then sent for a physician, who left her some medicines.  After he had gone, she not liking the smell of it, “threw the dirty stuff in the fire, and then had to pay for it.”  The simplicity of her life was peculiar. For some years past she has been regarded as a sort of curiosity on account of her great age and vivid recollection of events long past.  Many visitors called upon her, and were always received with cheerfulness, and went away surprised and delighted with her flow of genial humor, combined with rare physical activity.  She was indeed, a link connecting the present age with ages past and gone.  For a long period she was ready and cheerfully waiting to depart, and her end was calm and peaceful.

The jewelry store of Wm. Bush, at Easton, Pa., was entered on Saturday night last, and robbed of about seven hundred dollars of watches and jewelry.  The store was entered through the back door, the scoundrel or scoundrels who perpetrated the robbery having bored twenty-one holes around the lock, which enabled them to push the door open with little difficulty.

Dr. Charles T. Whippo, one of the oldest citizens of New Castle, Pa., is dead.  He expired on Monday morning last, after a lingering illness.  The deceased was one of the first associate judges after the formation of Lawrence county, and was president of the late unfortunate Bank of New Castle.

Married on the 17th June, at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. E. W. Kirby, Mr. Oscar Adams, of Clearfield Bridge, to Miss Isabella Holt. Eldest daughter of Vincient Holt, Esq., of Bradford township.

Died Wednesday morning, 23d June, William Mitchell, of Lawrence township, aged about 49 years.

June 30, 1858

Drowing. –  Williamsport, June 23, 1858.
Emory Poisal, youngest son of the Rev. John Poisal, of New York, formerly of your city, was drowned in the river, near this place, on the 21st inst.  He, in company with other boys, went in to bathe, and venturing beyond his depth, was unable to return.  His companions were too much alarmed to render him any assistance.  His body was recovered during the evening, and kept till his sorrow-stricken parents arrived to convey his remains to New York.  Religious services were conducted in the chapel of Dickinson Seminary by Rev. Thos. Bowman, D. D. P. Rescook, J. H. Torrence, G. Chenowith.

July 7, 1858

Married on the 27th ult., by Rev. L. L. Still; Mr. George W. Fink an Miss Mary J. Miles, both of Ferguson township.

Died on the 30th of June, 1858, at his late residence in Lawrence township, JOHN R> REED, in the 69th year of his age, of typhoid fever.
    More than an ordinary notice should accompany the above announcement.   Deaths are always startling, but some more than others.  In this instance not only wife and children, and relations, but a whole community feel the loss.  A good, pious, and exemplary citizen has gone, one whose place cannot be easily filled. – To review his life and imitate his bright example, is to pay the highest tribute to his memory.
    John R. Reed was born in Cecil county, Maryland, on the 11th of July, 1789.  His father removed to Pennsylvania in April, 1794, and settled in Penn’s Valley, in Centre county, near Potter’s Fort, where he resided until the year 1803, when he removed to Clearfield county, and settled upon the farm now owned by Allen Mitchell, almost in sight of the late residence of the deceased.  In 1815 the subject of this notice, being in his 26th year, commenced an improvement on the very spot where he died.  In December, 1816, he was married and moved upon his land where he had stuck his stake and commenced to improve his farm.  There he continued to contend with the hardships and privations incident to a new country, until he accomplished all his heart could desire.  For a time poverty and misfortune seemed to attend his best efforts, but he never became discouraged.  He was always cheerful and happy, and with an uncomplaining voice persevered to the end, and a bright and glorious end it was.  Many changes have occurred there since that first small commencement.  The humble log house in which his first family altar was erected, has long since given place to a stately mansion worthy of the man.  For forty two years he continued to reside there; To him the place had many hallowed associations.  The green spot of his early choice, of his manhood and riper years, he was permitted in the evening of his life to breath his last upon it.  He has left it a priceless legacy to the partner of his bosom, and the children who had blessed him and loved him while on earth.  To them every tree, and vine, and shrub, will remain a precious monument to his sacred memory.  The fruit of his labor, and the product of his toil, the freshest affections of their hearts will ever linger round it for the sake of him they so much loved.
    The deceased was among the early settlers of Clearfield county, and engaging as he did in agriculture, he cleared up one of the finest farms in the county, and spent a long, happy, and in every respect, a successful life upon it.  Living in the midst of a large circle of relatives who soon clustered round him, he was looked up to as a most exemplary man in all the relations of life.  He lived to raise his large family of children, and see them situated on farms around him, and almost in sight of his own residence!  In life they gave him great comfort and pleasure, and in the hour of death they were found gathered around his bedside, to minister to his wants, and to cheer him on his journey to a brighter and better world.
    When death came he was ready; fully prepared to meet the grim messenger. – There was no pleading for more time – no delay was enough for him.  Resigned to whatever fate awaited hi, he patiently suffered under his afflictions.  He had not postponed the important work of preparation.  His peace had been made with his God for many years, and that reconciliation was kept up by a life of piety and constant prayer.
    Naturally of a mild, gentle and amiable disposition, his temper was always within his control.  Easy and conciliating in his manner, he gave no cause for enmity or hard feeling to any one.  Generous and kind hearted, he was always ready to do good.  benevolent and charitable, his hand was ever open to relieve the wants of the suffering.  These prominent traits in his character exerted an influence on the whole community around him, and which will live in the hearts of his neighbors and friends to perpetuate his memory.
    As a business man he was industrious and energetic.  His farm was a model farm, and his buildings displayed a neatness and care that bespoke for him the character of a frugal husbandman.  Scrupulously honest in all his transactions with his fellow man, he lived without the censure of a human being.  No one questioned his integrity.  He was so far above reproach that the breath of slander never reached him.  Years ago he had succeeded in impressing upon all who knew him the full conviction that he was “an honest man.”  He lived for that character; earned it by a well spent life, and died leaving it as a proud legacy to his children.
    As a Christian, he set an example worthy of imitation.  In 1834 or ’35, he connected himself with the Presbyterian church, and for the last eighteen years occupied a seat in the board of elders in that congregation.  He attended punctually to all of his duties connected with it.  He always had time to meet his brother elders, and look after its temporal affairs; he contributed liberally out of his means towards its support, and was always found in his pew an attentive listener to the preaching of the Gospel.  No weather, however inclement kept him away from the place he was accustomed to worship his Maker.  If his place was vacant the whole congregation knew the cause of his absence. – While he was a strict believer in the doctrines of the church of his choice, and ardently attached to the form and mode of its public worship, he displayed the largest charity towards those who differed with him.  He had a mind above prejudice, and that would tolerate any mode of worship, and any denomination of Christians whose piety and religion commended them to his fellowship.  The Sabbath day was to him a day of rest, and he deemed it a high privilege to devote it to the service of his God.
    In his family he was kind and confiding.  His children, nurtured by his care, and raised under his parental admonitions, loved him with a tenderness of affection that smoothed his pillow in the hour of death.  His wife, at the same moment stretched upon a bed of sickness, bid him a long adieu in the confident hope that “her loss was his eternal gain.  Without an apparent regret, in the midst of kind and sympathizing friends, and with his family watching round his bedside, he breathed his last in the spirit of Christian triumph.
    Relatives and friends will mourn their loss.  Feelings of sorrow and anguish gush forth on such occasions.  No human power can stay the tide of grief, and yet how weak and foolish!  He had lived his allotted time, and, like “ripe fruit” was ready to be gathered home.  He has only been taken from a world of trouble, to dwell with the redeemed in heaven.  Having done his master’s will, he has gone to reap his reward.  As a citizen, a husband and a father, he faithfully discharged his whole duty.  It should, on the contrary, be a matter of rejoicing that his toil has ended, and that his labor is over.
    How few are prepared to follow him, and how sad a reflection!  For the living tears of sorrow may be shed, but not for those like John R. Reed, who died in the bright hope of a happy resurrection, and with the full promise of a blissful never ending eternity.    

Died at his residence in Woodward tp., this county, on the 30th day of June, Reed Alexander, in the 53d year of his age.
    The deceased was the eldest son of Wm. Alexander, who fifty years ago, emigrated to this county from Kishocoquillas Valley, Mifflin county, with his son, then a child, and settled on the Clearfield creek where he still lives, surrounded by his children, of whom he raised twelve, the subject of this notice being the eldest.  His early life was identified with all the hardships and romance of the early settlements of this county.  He was a man of rare moral worth.  His industry, benevolence, honesty and many virtues made him friends wherever he was known, for enemies he had none.  In him society has lost one of its choicest members, and his friends are left to mourn an irreparable loss.
*Lewistown papers please copy.

Ready for Roofing. – The brick work of the new residence of Wm. A. Wallace, Esq., now in process of erection on the corner of Second and Locust streets is completed, and the building ready for roofing.  This will be, when completed, one of the handsomest dwellings within our knowledge, and will add greatly to the appearance of our town.  Great credit is due to Mr. Smith, the contractor, for the energetic manner in which he pushed the work to completion, during the unfavorable weather in the early part of the spring. – Smart Robert is now ready to undertake another job.

July 14, 1858

Fatal Accident. – We are pained to learn that a little daughter of Mr. Nathan -rude who resides at Logans mill four miles above this place was drowned last Sunday, by falling from the saw mill into the water beneath.  She had started to return to the house from the mill; and was not missed until some time after; when search was made, and her lifeless body was found below the mill, her neck was broken in the fall.  She was about seven years old.

Distressing Accident. – We have just been informed of a most melancholy occurrence by which a worthy young man very narrowly escaped, if indeed he has escaped, losing his life.  Mr. George Boal, son of a widow lady of that name, living on the Ridge near this place, as he was going to the funeral of Mr. Baily’s child, on last Thursday, was thrown from the carriage and very dangerously injured.  At last accounts he was alive, but it is not known whether he can recover or not. – Another young man was in with him, but was not seriously injured.

Married in Danville, on Tuesday the 6th of July, 1858, by Rev. J. W. Yoman, D. D.; Mr. James May Thornton and Miss Anna Mary Tate, eldest daughter of Col. L. L. Tate, Editor of the Columbia Democrat, both parties of Bloomsburg.

Married in Philadelphia, on Tuesday, the 6th inst., by Rev. H. S. Clarke, Samuel H. Wallace, to Miss Carrie L. T., daughter of the late Aaron Ross of that city.

Fatal Mistake. – A little son of Mr. John Motley of Decature township, in this county, met his death on last Sunday morning, by drinking a bottle of Laudanum which had been carelessly left within his reach.  He was about three years old and was an only son.

July 28, 1858

Serious Accident.  An incident occurred on last Monday about noon in this place which might have been very serious in its results; but fortunately no one was dangerously injured.  Two boys one a son of J. Boynton, Esq., and the other a son of I. Jackson Crans, Esq., were upon the river bank, playing with the contents of a powder horn which they had become possessed of in some way, by imprudently pouring it on lighted paper.  By some means it became ignited while the stream was flowing from the horn, and a general explosion took place.  Master Ira Boynton about 11 years old who had the powder was severely burnt about the face and Master Willie Crans about 9 years old who was close by, was burned considerably, also about the face.  They are however, both doing well.

Died at Keylertown on the 9th inst, Elizabeth, infant daughter of Annie and Dr. G. F. Hoop, aged one year.

August 4, 1858

A son of Mr. Speedy living near this place, had his hand severely gashed last Thursday by a mowing scythe falling upon it.  He had the wound sewed up and dressed shortly after he received the injury, an operation which the young man endured like a hero.  We understand the cut is healing rapidly.

Remarkable Escape. – As Mr. Wm. Welker of Graham township, while mowing on last Friday, was standing near a tree with his scythe in the position for whetting, it and the tree were both struck by lightning; the electric fluid passing down the back of the scythe, and at the same splintering the tree and scattering the fragments in every direction.  Mr. Welker although he fortunately escaped injury, was considerable electrified by the circumstance, and made a hasty exit from the vicinity, not knowing what might next occur.  This was certainly one of the most remarkable escapes from death by lightning on record.

Severe Fall. – We regret to learn that our young friend Mr. Joseph Irwin son of Ellis Irwin, Esq., of Lick Run mills, was considerably injured on last Friday by falling from the bay loft of his father’s stable.  In the fall he came down upon his neck and shoulders, and the shock was so severe that he remained for some time speechless, his whole system continuing  paralyzed for twelve hours afterwards.  We understand that he is recovering slowly.

Married on Sunday evening Aug. 1st., by Joseph Peters, Esq., Mr. Wm. Tuttle to Miss Ellen Lang, all of Curwensville.

August 11, 1858

Married on the 10th August, by the Rev. E. W. Kirby, Mr. Isaac Kline, of Bradford township, to Mrs. Sarah Sheller, of this borough.

Mr. George Young of Goshen township, met with a serious accident on last Thursday while working on Mr. Ellis Irwin’s clearing, by the limb of a tree which he was cutting down falling upon his head.  The blow knocked him senseless for a considerable time, and cut a large gash on his head.  From the size of the limb and the distance it fell, his escape from having his skull mashed is almost miraculous.  As soon as assistance arrived he was taken to Mr. Irwin’s house and a physician sent for immediately, who upon his arrival dressed his wounds and rendered him every service.  We have since learned that the young man is recovering rapidly.

Dr. John B. Otto, one of the oldest citizens of Reading, Pa, died a few days ago.

August 18, 1858

Died in Jordan township on Friday the 13th inst., of dysentery, Mrs. Nancy Jordan consort of Samuel Jordan, in the 68th year of her age.

Caution, whereas my wife Louisa F. Argood has refused to live with me on agreeable terms, I hereby warn all persons from trusting her on my account, as I am determined not to pay any debts of her contracting after this date unless compelled by law.  JOHN ARGOOD.

September 1, 1858

Married at St. Mary’s Elk county, on Monday, Aug. 16th, by the Rev. E. Christoff, Michael Brunner, and Miss Caroline, daughter of Geo. Wise, Esq., of that place.

Married in Philadelphia, on Tuesday evening, the 10th inst., by Rev. Henry B. Mauger, Benjamin R. Hall, Esq., of  Milesburg, Centre co., and Miss Sallie H. Gardner, of the former city.

Married in Luthersburg, on Saturday July 31st., by P. W. Barrett, Esq., Mr. Henry Shaffer of Jefferson county, to Miss Molly Hann of Clearfield county.

Died in Bradford tp., on Thursday Aug. 19th, Dorcas, wife of James M. Dickson, in the 68th year of her age.

September 8, 1858

Married in Curwensville, Sunday the 29th Aug. 1858, by Jos. Peters, Esq., Mr. W. Smael, to Miss Catherine Richner, all of Bradford township.

Married on Thursday. 26th ult., by Levi Spiece, Esq., Mr. Abram Hoyt, of Lawrence township, to Miss Nancy J. Smith, of Curwensville Borough.

Married by Rev. J. M. Galloway, on the 7th inst., at the house of the bride’s father, near Clearfield, Mr. Samuel B. Taylor, of Centre Co., to Miss Mary J. daughter of Mr. James Irwin, Sr.

Died in Philipsburg, on Saturday the 4th, of Sept. James Andrews of Maine, aged about 24 years.

Borough of Lumber City.
Our Court at its sitting last week, after due petitioning, and application being made, and the matter having been submitted to the Grand Jury of Clearfield county at the last term, did in accordance with the power vested in them by law, and the act of assembly on the subject, proceeded to, and did incorporate the town of LUMBER CITY, in this county into a borough, and appointed the fourth Tuesday of September 1858, as the time and the school house in said borough as the place, for holding the first election for officers of said borough, and appointed Amos W. Hyle to give notice of the election, James Hagerty to be Judge, and Thomas McCracken and James Crossley inspectors of the same.
    Lumber City, is located on the Northwest side, of the west branch of the river Susquehanna, at which place the river is about one hundred feet wide, with a substantial wooden bridge over the same, and extends parellel to said river about two hundred and sixty-two perches; and from said river, at right angles at each end, about one half mile or 160 perches; there are two streets in said town parallel to the river, on the one of which nearest to the river, the greater number of buildings in the town, are now erected; there are also three or four cross streets running at right angles from the river.  Across the river near the upper end of the town the Hon. A. K. Wright is erecting a large dam and is about to erect a large Grist mill, at the place for the accommodation of the town and vicinity.  Immediately opposite the town, on the South and Eastern banks of the river, a hill or rather mountain, rises most majestically, in an abrupt ascent to the height of between six and seven hundred feet.  The face of the hill is covered with trees of every description, presenting to the eyes of the beholder, from the streets of the town in summer, the appearance of a beautiful and ascending sheet of living green, and in the fall when the leaves assume a different hue, presenting a beautifully variegated scene of green, orange, red and yellow.  Lumber City is distant from Clearfield about 12 miles, Curwensville 6 miles, Ansonville 6 miles, Cherrytree 20 miles, and from Pennville 4 miles.  Its population is not very large, not exceeding perhaps 150 souls; but its sons, like the sons of the Forest elsewhere, are stout hardy and energetic, and no men can more ably wield the axe, or handle the oar, when the floods pour their rapid streams down this rough part of the Susquehanna.  Burns has said that no town surpassed Old Ayr, for “hones men and bonny lasses” but had he seen and been acquainted in our city in Penn township, he would have conceded that amongst our Quaker, country born, and a little sprinkling of Dutch and Irish population, he would have found as honest and patriotic men as old “Scotia” ever produced, and as to his “bonny lasses” I am sure that old Caledonia could scarcely produce a daughter, who for rosy checks, bewitching eyes and amiable dispositions would excel the daughters of the humble village of Lumber City.

Shocking Death of a Young Lady.
    Hollidaysburg, Sept. 2. – Miss Matilda Caldwell, daughter of Judge Caldwell, met with a shocking death last night.  She had been at a wedding at the Rev. Lloyd Knight, and was returning home about 11 o’clock in a vehicle driven by a young man named Wertz.  The horse took fright at a light in front of Confer’s tavern, in this place, and ran off.  The rein broke in the effort to stop him, and Mr. Wertz then jumped out to arrest his progress.  The horse wheeled suddenly and ran down the street about two hundred yards.  Miss Caldwell leaped out, and fell with violence upon her head.  She was taken insensible and carried to her home, where she expired at two o’clock this morning, having never spoken a word from the time the accident occurred.  She was a beautiful and amiable girl of about twenty years of age, and her shocking death has caused the greatest grief among her large circle of friends.

September 15, 1858

Caution. All persons are hereby cautioned against trusting my wife Sophia on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting.  AUG. WEITMAN.

A Cruel Hoax. – The citizens of this community were made the victims of a cruel hoax on last Monday evening by the reported death of our esteemed young townsman, Wm. W. Betts, on last Friday, by being thrown from a carriage near Meadville where he is now on a visit.
    Mr. Betts is a general favorite with the community and his supposed fate cast a deep gloom over it until the next mail brought strong evidence of the story being a hoax.  We do not know who could be the author of such a heartless piece of folly, but we certainly can not envy his triumph at the, too great, success of his joke.

September 22, 1858

Married August 15th by G. B. Goodlander, Mr. Thomas Booth, to Miss Caroline Carson, daughter of Thos. Carson, all of Brady township.

Married September 19th by G. B. Goodlander, Mr. James Adams Dixon, to Miss Eve Heberling, daughter of David Heberling, Esq., all of the same place.

Married September 5th inst., by P. Curley, Mr. Hamlin, to Miss Susannah Lyttle, both of Graham township.

Died in Morris township, on September 9th of Dysentery, Abraham, son of John B. and Elizabeth Kyler, aged 22 years and 5 months.

Died in Kylertown, on September 8th, Charles, son of Jacob and Catherine Mock, aged 2 year and 7 months.

Letters of Administration have been granted to Lewis Smith, on the Estate of George Smith, late of Bell township, Clearfield county, deceased.

September 29, 1858

Surgical Operation.  Drs. Wilson and Hartwick of this place, with their assistants, performed yesterday with complete success, a most difficult surgical operation upon the person of Mr. Thomas Wood of Lawrence township.  This operation consisted in the removal of a large tumor from the back of the patient, which when detached weighed between three and four pounds.  The patient bore the operation with much fortitude, and was able to go home, a distance of about two miles, on foot after it was over.

October 6, 1858

Married on the 20th inst., by George Erhart, Esq., Mr. William G. McCrauken and Miss Elizabeth Star all of this county.

Married on the 20th inst., by Isaac Lemon, Esq., Mr. William Reed of Ferguson township, and Miss Amelia Shoening, of Jordan township, Clearfield county, Pa.

Legal Notice
    In the matter of the Estate of Abraham Hess, late of Boggs township, deceased.
To Mary Hess, widow of said decedent, Sarah (intermarried with Manly C. London), Isaac Hess, Rebecca (intermarried with John Hany now dec’d), Martha (intermarried with Joseph London), George Hess, Sarah (only child of Abraham Hess jun., dec’d), Abraham Hess, Sophia (intermarried with David Askey), Alexander Hess and Rosanna Hess, child and grandchildren of said decedent, and to all others interested:
    You will take notice that at an Orphan’s Court held at Clearfield in and for Clearfield County, on the 20th day of August last past, the petition of George Hess was read, whereupon on motion of his Attoryney, L. J. Crans, Esq., a writ of partition issued, whereby I was commanded that taking twelve good and lawful men, I should go upon the premises in said petition mentioned, viz: two certain tracts or pieces of land situate and lying in Boggs township Clearfield County, and having respect to the valuation thereof, upon their oaths and affirmations to make partition of said real estate to and among the heirs and legal representatives of the said decedent, if the same can be parted and divided without prejudice to or spoiling the whole, otherwise to make a valuation and appraisement thereof.  In accordance with the command of said writ, I will on Thursday the Twenty-first day of October, A.D., 1858, on the premises in Boggs township, part and divide, or value and appraise the same.  JOSIAH R. REED,  Sheriff.

October 20, 1858

Fatal Accident. – Under our obituary head will be found a notice, in the usual brief form, of the death of Mr. John Kephart of Decatur township, but it does not tell all the story.  The deceased met his death in a most shocking and unexpected manner.  He had gone out on the day indicated by the obituary for the purpose of cutting down a tree supposed to contain, in a cavity in its trunk, a hoard of chestnuts deposited there by the squirrels for their winter’s subsistence.  While chopping at the tree, a rotten limb became detached from it, and falling upon his head crushed his skull.  He lived but a short time after receiving the blow.  He was a young man, in the flush of health and the full vigor of manhood, but the relentless hand of death would not be stayed, and with scarcely a moment’s warning he was hurried into Eternity.  His relatives and friends will the more deeply lament his untimely death, for its sudden startling cause.

Died in Lawrence township, on the 13th Oct., of croup, George Franklin, son of Zebulon and Esther Lawhead, aged 1 year, 6 months and 3 days.

Died on the 14th Oct., Rebecca, wife of James Brown, of Lawrence township, aged about 36 years.

Died in Decatur township, on Sunday the 9th inst., Mr. John Kephart, aged about 25 years.

Died in Ferguson township, on 21st inst., of Typhoid fever, Eli H. Moore, son of Mr. Joseph Moore, in the 24th year of his age.

Married on Tuesday the 19th inst., by Rev. J. M. Galloway, Mr. John MaGahey to Miss Caroline, daughter of James Wrigley, Esq., all of this borough.

Married on Sunday, the 17th inst., by George B. Goodlander, Esq., Mr. Wm. T. Hamilton to Miss Jane E., daughter of Andrew Wilson, all of Brady township.

To all Persons to whom these presents shall come, I RUDOLPH LITZ,  the subscriber, having some years ago given David Litz of Clearfield borough and John Litz of Beccaria township, a power of Attorney, constituting them my agents to transact my business, in making settlement, collecting my debts, taking notes and receiving monies, and renting and managing my farm in Boggs township, do hereby NOTIFY ALL PERSON that I have and do, this day annul and revoke said power of Attorney, and that I have assumed the control and management of my own affairs, and that I will henceforth manage my own estate, make my own contracts, and collect and pay my own debts; and further, I hereby notify all persons indebted to me, either by contract with the said David Litz and John Litz or myself or make payment to me and not to the said David Litz or John Litz, as I will not recognize their acts from and after this date. RUDOLPH LITZ, Clearfield, October 16th, 1858

October 27, 1858

Married at Lumber City on the 23rd inst., by Isaac Lemon, Esq., Mr. Wm. Jordan to Miss Hannah Winn both of that place.

Died on Tuesday the 12th, inst., at 3 o’clock P.M., John H., the eldest son of Thos. A. and Mary McGhee, aged 16 years 5 months and 18 days.

November 3, 1858

Married on the 14th Oct., by J. W. Wright, Esq., Mr. Alexander B. Irwin, to Miss Kate Byer, all of this county.

Black Wolf Killed. – Mr. Isaac Graham, of Goshen township, we learn, shot a black wolf in the “green woods” on last Saturday.  The “varmint” is said to be a very large one. – Journal.

Surgical Operation. – Dr. Wilson, assisted by Drs. McLeod and Hartswick, performed a surgical operation, for ‘hare lip’ on a little daughter of Mr. David Miller of Lawrence township.  The operation, we learn, was skillfully performed.  The patient submitted to it with much fortitude for one so young.

Severe Fall. – We met that excellent fellow citizen William Alexander, Esq., the other day with his head bound up, and bearing other marks of having received severe personal injuries.  Upon making inquiry, we learned that he had fallen from the steps of the porch in the rear of the house on last Thursday evening, after dark, by which he received a severe contusion on the head, besides discoloring one of his eyes and lacerating his hand very much.  We are happy to state, however, that none of his injuries are serious; and from the cheerful, and even facetious manner in which the genial tempored old gentleman relates his mishap, we infer he bore it with a great deal of philosophy.

November 10, 1858

Brutal Outrage. – We extract the following account of an atrocious crime committed in an adjoining county, from the McKean County Democrat.  The date is not given:
    “We glean the following particulars of a brutal outrage committed near the Second Fork of the Sinnamahoning, from a letter addressed to us from Shippen: – A girl living with Dr. Boyer, – an adopted daughter- about 13 years of age, was found  in a barn in an insensible condition, showing marks of having been violated.  The house of Dr. Boyer had been recently burned, and himself and family were staying at the house of a neighbor, about a mile from his old residence, where the girl was sent to milk.  One day, the fore part of the present week, she did not return as usual, which caused some uneasiness on the part of Mrs. B.  The Dr. not being at home, no search was made until evening, when the alarm was given, and the neighbors turned out and searched all night without success.  The next day, attracted by the barking of Dr. Boyer’s dog, around the barn, they searched it, for the third time, when they found her secreted in the hay, in the condition above stated.  It is supposed chloroform was used to render her helpless.  The utmost excitement prevails in the neighborhood.  Two persons have been arrested but had not been examined.
    We have not yet learned the results of the examination of the person arrested, but we hope that the officers of justice will leave no means untried to discover and bring to punishment, the perpetrators, who ever they may be, of this fiendish outrage.

Married in Portland, Me., on the 25th of October 1858, by Rev. Dr. J. W. Chickering, D. S. Dunham, Esq., Editor of the Clinton Watchman, to Miss Mary A. S. Blake, daughter of Capt. Nathaniel Blake, of the former place.

Died in Pike township, on Saturday, the 6th instant, of Typhoid fever, Jane, consort of Mr. George B. Dale, aged about 55 years.

Died on Monday following of the same disease, John Dale, son of the above named, aged about 20 years.

November 17, 1858

A Man Shot. – On Saturday 16th ultimo says the Warren Mail, three men named Morrow and a man named Sutton, went around a hill and started a deer.  Following along on the track he saw what he supposed to be the deer and fired, killing one of the brothers named James Morrow, almost instantly.  He was a resident of Crawford county and about 18 years of age.

Death of Kimber Cleaver.  Kimber Cleaver, Esq., expired at the residence of Mr. B. Taylor, in Pottsville, on Tuesday morning last, aged 44 years.  For some years Mr. Cleaver has been prominently known to the citizens of Pennsylvania as a leader of the American party, and has been placed in nomination at various times for high and responsible offices by that political organization.

Died in Lawrence township, this county, on Wednesday, Nov. 10th, Chester B. W., son of Frederick and Martha J. Gulich, aged 5 years and 11 days.

Died on the Friday following, Mary C., infant daughter of the above parents, aged 1 year 5 months and 22 days.

On Wednesday evening of this week, Mr. Terence Behan, of Lawrence township, was standing in the Court House during the evening session, he suddenly fell to the floor, apparently lifeless.  He was immediately taken to the “Mansion House” and a physician called, but it was some time before animation was restored.  We saw Mr. B. the same evening, shortly after his recovery, and he informed us that he felt as well as usual both before and after his sudden illness and knew nothing of the incidents of it, except as they had been related to him by others.

Notice whereas my wife, Sarah Wedsworth, has left my bed and board without just cause or provocation.  I therefore caution all persons from trusting her on my account, as I will not pay any debts of her contracting, from and after this date.  JASON WEDSWORTH. Fox township, Nov. 17, 1858

November 24, 1858

Death of a Noted Colored Man.
Frederick Jacques, a colored man, aged about 75 years, died at Reading, Pa., last week.  The deceased, it is stated, was a slave in Maryland until about his 40th year having belonged to the celebrated Wm. Pinckney whom he accompanied on his mission to St. Petersburg at the close of the war of 1812.  He was also with him when minister to Naples.  Mr. Pinckney died in 1822, and for the faithful services of his servant manumitted Fred., and bequeathed him funds to purchase a home in Pennsylvania.  He lived several years in Harrisburg and subsequently he moved to Reading.

December 1, 1858

The following letter from H. L. Henderson formerly of this county, who met with a most unfortunate accident, since his arrival in California, will be read with interest by Mr. H’s friends.  His accident has proven much more serious than was at first supposed here.

Downieville, Cal., Oct. 27, 1858.
To John M’Gaughey.
Dear Sir:  After a long delay, I fulfil my promise of writing to you.  I had intended to write some five or six weeks ago, but just then I met with a severe accident getting my left leg from the knee to the ankle all mashed to pieces, so that it had to be amputated above the knee.  I was hurt on the 15th of Sept., which now lacks only one day of six weeks, and I have not been out of my bed yet.  My leg is not near healed up yet; I have suffered very much, I cannot explain to you how I got injured but if I get home again I will tell you all about it.  I intend to start for home as soon as I get able, as I can do nothing here.  I am notable to write much, as I am very weak.  I am sitting up in bed with a board across in front of me for a writing desk.
    I had mined just two months when I got hurt, and was about buying a claim at that time which has since paid pretty well.  We have had considerable rain and snow during the last two weeks.  Four miles from here the snow is three feet deep, and 10 miles north of this, on the mountains it is five feet deep.
    I have not written to any of my friends yet, as I did not want them to know my situation until I was out of danger.  Nearly every person who saw me said I could not get well; the doctor himself had but little hope of my recover.  I had promised to write to a good many, especially on Chest creek, but am not able to do so.  If they see this note, they will know the reason.  I should like very much to hear from my friends, but do not know that I shall be here long enough to receive an answer.
Yours, &c.    H. L. Henderson.

Married on Sunday the 21st ult., by G. B. Goodlander, Esq., Mr. James B. Smith of Pike township to Miss Adaline F., daughter of Samuel Way, Esq., of Curwensville.

Frozen to Death. – On last Saturday night a week ago, a man named William Ellis a blacksmith on O’Conner’s division of the Tyrone & Clearfield rail road, was frozen to death between the top of the mountain and Philipsburg.  He had started for the latter place in company with an Irishman, from whom by some means he became separated, and was not heard of until found dead on the following Friday.  His face was partly eaten off by a Skunk which was engaged at the horrid feast at the time, and led to the discovery.  An inquest was held upon the body and the facts found as above.

December 8, 1858

Information Wanted.
Concerning Mr. Geo. W. Jack, who left Mercer two years ago last May.  Mr. Jack was 43 years of age on the 29th of last June, tall, of light complexion, spare face sandy whisker, light hair.  He was a carpenter by trade, and was very much deranged in his mind when he left.  Any information concerning his whereabouts, if living, or any circumstances relating to him since he left whether living or dead, would be gladly received by his wife, Mrs. Sarah Jack, of Emlenton, Venango county, Pa.  He was last heard of in Cleveland, a short time after he left.  He has a brother Charleston, Lee county, Iowa.
    Mr. Jack was formerly a very intelligent energetic, and efficient business man; but on account of some misfortunes, was rendered penniless and bereft of his reason.
*Papers friendly to the cause of humanity, will please copy.

December 15, 1858

On last Monday, James Burchfield, eldest son of Mr. Joseph Burchfield, of this place, as he was hauling a heavy drag of timber, something occurred with his horses, in attempting to arrange which, he was thrown upon an axe sticking in the timber and one of his thighs severely cut.  We understand he is recovering.

December 22, 1858

Died on the 13th ult., Milton Wayne son of John & Mary Nueper aged 2 years and 6 months.

Frozen to Death. A man named Atherton was frozen to death some two weeks since on the Allegheny, between Philipsburg and Port Matilda.  This is the second person that has met such a fate in that vicinity since the cold weather commenced.

December 29, 1858

Married at the residence of the Bride’s mother in Lawrence township, on Thursday the 16th inst., by the Rev. J. M. Galloway, Mr. Henry Kerns of Curwensville, to Miss Mary Ann H. Welsh.

Died in Unionville, Centre Co., Pa., of Scarlet fever, on the morning of November 29th Samuel Andrew, son of Samuel and Elizabeth M’Kean, aged two years and ten months.

Married on the 23rd inst., by the Rev. I. J. Stine, Mr. Eli Harman and Miss Mary R. Rishel, both of Brady township.

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