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…bringing our past into the future

The Mariettian, August – December 1864


Apr 12, 2009

The Mariettian

August 6, 1864

Suicide of an Aged Man. – Mr. Ezra Davol, an aged and respectable citizen, was found, yesterday afternoon, lying near the grave of his wife, in the old burying ground, with blood flowing from his nose and mouth.  He was immediately conveyed to his residence, and on examination it was found that he had shot himself, the ball passing up through the roof of his mouth into or near the brain.  He remained in an unconscious state last night and during the day, and at the time of our going to press he was still alive.  Mr. Davol was in his eighty-first year, and has of late, we understand, exhibited some symptoms of mental aberration.  He was undoubtedly laboring under some derangement of mind when he committed the sad act. – Full River News.

In Germantown, Penna., the other day, some small boys were sitting on the sidewalk near the railroad depot, making a kite, and as they were shaping the paper for it, a citizen passing along that way saw among the covering intended for the sticks a five hundred dollar United States five-twenty bond.  He took the bond and went with the boys to their home, and there learned that a woman belonging to the house had found it in the street.  She did not know its character, and picked it up because there were pretty pictures upon it.  The owner of the bond, living in the neighborhood, had lost it from his pocket, and had returned to the city after it.  He recovered his property.

James Bennett, of Mercersburg, Pa., is now in his ninety-first year.  He is a cooper, hale and healthy, and has lived in Mercersburg for sixty years.  He has harvested on the same place for thirty-two successive years, and has missed but one harvest since he was twelve years old.  This year he worked for ten days as a field hand.

Mrs. Patrick Martin, of Alleghany city, died on Monday from the effects of chloroform, which had been administered to her at her own request, for the purpose of having some teeth extricated.

In the burial register of Lymington Hants, there is the following entry:
“12 August, 1722.  This forenoon the body of Samuel Baldwin, late inhabitant of this parish, was conveyed in a vessel off to sea, and was committed to the deep off the Needle rocks, near the Isle of Wight.”  “This appears to have been done,” says a Hampshire paper, “in accordance with the wish of the deceased, to prevent his wife dancing over his grave, which she threatened to do.”

Married on Sunday evening last, by Rev. G. M. Clawges, Mr. George Horning, to Miss Mary Dewire, all of Marietta.

Died on Tuesday morning last, Miss Ann Boggs, of this borough, aged 74 years.

Died on Thursday night, Sidney K., son of Frederick L., and Jeannie Baker, aged 8 months and 19 days.
The funeral will take place this (Saturday) afternoon, at 3 o’clock.  The friends of the family are requested to attend without further notice.

Public Notice.  Whereas my wife, Betsy Harman, has, without any just cause, left my bed and board.  I hereby warn all personas against harboring or trusting her as I will pay no debts of her contracting.   George Harman, Marietta, August 6, 1864

Amos Gottshall, a son of Peter Gottshall, of this place, aged about ten years and small for his age, but exceeding pert and knowing for his age – sharp features, black eyes and hair, left his home on Monday afternoon last, for the circus at Columbia, since which time his parents have heard nothing of him.  The father followed the circus to Strasburg but could learn nothing of him.  Any information touching his whereabouts will be most thankfully received by his distressed parents.  Papers are requested to notice the loss of the boy.

August 13, 1864

Brutal Outrage.  On Monday afternoon, Mrs. Henry Paff, residing in Cumru, came to town to get her husband’s bounty, who is in Captain Ketrer’s Co. E, 46th Regiment.  She applied to M. B. Boyer, Esq., and received the bounty; but on her way home, on the Morgantown road, between the Lancaster bridge and Yost’s Island, she was waylaid by two brutes in human form, who dragged her into an adjoining field, where they ravished her.  The parties are known to the woman.  On Tuesday the police attempted to arrest them, but could not find them.  So brutal, an occurrence has not disgraced our county for a long series of years. – Reading Times.

John Mitchell, an industrious, respectable colored man, who lived in Mount Joy for many years, died on the 31st ult., at the advanced age of one hundred and two years.

Matthew McGanu, of Lancaster city, a Sergeant of Company A, 99th Pennsylvania volunteers, was killed in battle at Deep Bottom, Virginia, July 27, 1864.

Lieut. Col. David Miles, of the 79th Penn’a. Regiment, lately a prisoner at Charleston, has been exchanged, and may be expected home in a few days.

Child Burned to Death.  The dwelling of Mr. J. Eyerson, of Bradford township, Clearfield county, caught fire on Friday, the 15th inst., and was burned to the ground.  A small child of Mr. E. was burned to death in the house – the body, however, was taken from the building before it was consumed.  The fire occurred during short absence of Mrs. Eyerson.  Mr. E. was from home at the time.

August 20, 1864

Jacob Gorner died at his residence at Maytown, this county, on the 24th ult., in the 73d year of his age.  He was a soldier in the war of 1812-14, and marched to the defence of Baltimore during the attack of the British on that city.

August 27, 1864

The Harrisburg Telegraph says that several citizens of Chambersburg have become insane on account of the loss of their entire effects by the late rebel fire in that town.  one of the number, a gentleman who had been engaged in business for years, was taken through this city, a day or two ago, for one of the eastern asylums.

Mr. Henry M. Engle’s fruit gardens, at the west end of this Borough, are well worth a visit.  Mr. E. has everything in the fruit line in fine condition.  His Peach and Pear orchards, numbering between three and four thousand trees, are in particularly fine order.  He will have at least one thousand bushels of Peaches, a large portion of which he is sending to Pittsburg market, where they are regarded as the finest sent, and command the highest price paid.  In addition to Mr. E’s fruit sights, it is a treat to be entertained as Mr. E. and his estimable lady alone can entertain seekers after Horticultural information; but they not only gratify the sight, but the palate too, and that profusely.  Mr. Daniel Engle, on the adjoining farm west, his son Hiram, and John Musser all are largely engaged in the fruit culture.  These farms almost all adjoining, present a beautiful horticultural sight.  Lancaster county has long since been styled the “Garden of the State,” and we think East Donegal township may as justly be called the Garden spot of the County.  Whilst in this connection we may mention that the “Farmer’s and Gardener’s Society, of East Donogal” is making preparations to have, very shortly, a fruit exhibition that will eclipse anything this society has yet had, which is saying a vast deal.  Timely public notice will be given on the day.

Quiet a relic, in the coin way, was found a few days since, by Randolph Armold, on General Glatz’s farm, on the opposite side of the river.  A silver dollar, bearing date 1743, one hundred and twenty-one years old.  It was found on the hill where the old “Anderson Ferry House” stood, which was torn down over sixty years since.  It is in fine condition and was evidently a new piece at the time lost, as the face is hardly any worn.

Married on the 21st instant, by the Rev. B. F. Apple, Mr. Levi H. Mullen, of West Fairview, Cumberland county, Pa., and Mrs. Anna C. Kohl, of Convoy township, Lancaster county.

Married on the 24th instant, by Rev. Geo. M. Clawges, Henry Snow, to Rebecca Hoffmaster, both of Marietta.

Died on the 14th instant, Mr. Samuel Redsecker, of East Donegal township, aged 61 years.

The old bell in the First Presbyterian Church of Morristown, N. J. was cracked a few days since, and has been thrown into the furnace to be re-cast.  It came from England some time during the reign of Queen Ann and must therefore be a century and a half old, as the Queen died in 1714.  the first church organization in Morristown took place in 1714.

September 3, 1864

We regret to learn from the Harrisburg papers that Michael Burke, a wealthy and much esteemed citizen of that city, met with an accident recently, which resulted in his death.  He was crossing the railroad near the canal bridge, when a locomotive struck the buggy in which he was seated, causing him to fall heavily upon his head, and in a few hours he breathed his last.  Mr. B. was an Irishman, and was some 70 years of age.

An engine explosion took place on the Philadelphia and Erie railroad, on Wednesday last, by which five or six lives were lost, amongst whom was Mr. Joseph McConnell, the engineer.  Mr. McConnell was a Mariettian and leaves a wife and three or four children in this place.  Mr. McC., was always regarded as an excellent engineer, but for some time had abandoned railroading.  We, in conversation with Mr. McC., only a couple of weeks since, remarked to him how he could resist the good prices paid for engineers.  He replied that he had seen so many terrible accidents already, but had escaped injury so far, and now being off, he believed he would never again taken an engine.  We had scarcely missed him from town until we heard of his sudden death.  His remains will reach his home here to-day.

Joseph Snyder, Jr., a Mariettian, was taken to Lancaster a few days since as a substitute, but not passing the medical examination, was refused, when, it is said, he became intoxicated and was caught by a train of cars on the Conestoga bridge and killed.

September 10, 1864

Dr. John Kitzmiller, of Pinegrove, Schuylkill county, a successful coal operator in the Lorberry region, met with an accidental death on Wednesday last.  While attempting to adjust some of the harness he fell, and the horse starting, Mr. K., was dragged a considerable distance with his head down.  He leaves a fortune estimated at a quarter of a million of dollars.

Capt. E. D. Roath, Co. E, 107th P.V. Vols, was taken prisoner at the Weldon railroad engagement.  We are told that his wife, who resides in this borough, received a letter from him, a few days since, from Libby Prison.  He writes that thus far he is well treated.

Died on Thursday morning last, Annie, youngest child of Susan and the late Peter Baker, of this borough, in the 11th year of her age.
The funeral will take place from the residence of Mrs. Baker, at 2 o’clock, this (Saturday) afternoon.

September 17, 1864

Sergeant Major Sigmund E. Wisner, of the 79th Regiment, was severely wounded at the battle of Atlanta.

Public Notice is hereby given that my wife, Mary Gruel, has left my bed and board without any cause or provocation whatever, therefore, I caution all persons against trusting her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting.  J. Gruel, Marietta, September 3, 1864.

September 24, 1864

Married on Tuesday, August 23d, 1864, at Waverly, Iowa, by Rev. Mr. Berlinson, Mr. Alvin F. Pomeroy, of Vermont, to Miss Emma V. Child, of Marietta, Pa.

A frightful railroad accident occurred on the morning of Tuesday last, near Thompsontown, above Harrisburg, by the fast line running into a coal train lying on the main track.  The collision occurred about 4 o’clock in the morning.  The stoves were upset and two cars burned up.  Upwards of thirty persons are supposed to have been burned to death.  John Mullison, formerly of Columbia, was the conductor of the train, and was instantly killed.  The cause was altogether with the coal train.

We learn from Mr. Anderson, the Adams Express Agent at this station, that the Messrs. Engle shipped, during this season, to Pittsburg and elsewhere westward, between thirteen and fourteen hundred boxes of Peaches.  This is what we would call a large trade for several farmers.

October 1, 1864

A correspondent who was in the terrible railroad catastrophe at Thompsontown, a few days since, says:  The gas suddenly escaped took fire, which immediately communicated with the rubbish and consumed everything together.  Some forty human beings were consumed with the baggage or otherwise injured.  The charred remains were gathered up the next morning and filled seven boxes.  One lady got half out of the rubbish, when her clothes took fire and she fell back suffocated.  One gentleman lost a wife and five children, and a lady lost an aunt and three children.  Of the vast number burned to ashes with their baggage, the names will probably never be known.  Military buttons, watch cases and wheels, breastpins, copper and silver coin, hairpins, pen knives, with melted gold, and bundles of half-burned greenbacks, were found in the rubbish.

Died at Salunga, Lancaster county, on the -th of September, Sarah, wife of Captain S. G. Miller, and daughter of the late Jacob Bigler, formerly of this borough, in the 40th year of her age. [no date given]

Scipio Richardson, of New Garden township, Chester county, died on the 7th instant, at the advanced age of 104 years, 5 months and 22 days.  He was born in Maryland, and was 40 years old before his mistress, Mrs. McCrackin, manumitted him.

A few days ago an engine on the Pennsylvania railroad at West Philadelphia, which had been supplied with fuel and water preparatory to taking a train west, got loose from the hostler and ran off up the south track like a streak, snorting and puffing as if giving challenge for a race, Engineer Edward R. Black, formerly of Columbia, with an engine of the fast line, was dispatched at once on the north track in pursuit of the fugitive, and she being the faster animal, caught up with the runaway at Athensville, and, running, alongside, the engineer stepped over and reined in the flying steed.  The Superintendent at West Philadelphia took the precaution to telegraph to White Hall, and had the switch turned so as to throw her off the track, in case she reached that point. – Columbia Spy.

Public Notice.  Whereas my wife, Mary Ann Gladacker, has left my bed and board without any just cause or provocation, I hereby give public notice that I will pay no debts of her contracting.  John G. Gladacker, Marietta, September 24, 1864

October 8, 1864

Married Oct. 4th, at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. J. M. Wheeler, Jacob Garretson, of Philadelphia, to Kate, eldest daughter of John Haldeman, of Lancaster county.

Died on the 6th instant, Mr. Henry Cassel, of this borough, aged 88 years and 10 months.

Mr. Henry Cassel, the oldest citizen of this borough, died on last Thursday morning, at the advanced age of eighty-nine years.  Mr. Cassel, at one time, was one of the leading merchants of our place, and in speculating times, long gone by, he was the head of what was then called “Henry Cassel’s Bank.”  He erected some of the finest houses then built in the place – a number of which yet stand – but in the financial crisis which soon after followed, he went under, and passed the balance of his long life in retirement.  He will be buried this afternoon at one o’clock.

October 15, 1864

Married at Maytown, on the 18th ultimo, by Rev. B. F. Apple, Mr. Henry Krenblot, of York county, and Miss Martha U. Minnich, of West Donegal, Lancaster county.

Married on the 9th instant, by Rev. B. F. Apple, Mr. Henry R. Schaeffer, and Miss Lucinda Fahs, both of Bainbridge, Lancaster county.

Died at Bainbridge, on the 30th of August, Mrs. Hannah Fahs, aged 56 years, 5 months and 4 days.

Died at Bainbridge, on the 1st ultimo, Henry Bachman, aged 4 years 4 months and 24 days.

October 29, 1864

A brakesman of the Philadelphia and Columbia railroad named G. R. Harrison, was found dead on the tope of a burden car, as the train passed into the Lancaster freight depot, a few mornings since.  The train passed through the bridge near Parkesburg at about half-past two o’clock in the morning, and the deceased must have been struck by this structure and killed instantly.  He was about twenty-three years of age, an exemplary young man, and resided with his parents in Lancaster.  When the war broke out, he entered the three months service under Capt. D. W. Patterson, and, after the expiration of that term, he enlisted under Captain Herr, in Co. I, 11th Pennsylvania Cavalry for three years, serving to the end of the term.  On the 29th of last month he was appointed a brakesman on the Pennsylvania Railroad.

November 5, 1864

Mrs. Maria Mock died in Reading, a few days ago, at the advanced age of 103 years, 2 months and 8 days.

We observe by the Philadelphia Inquirer of a few days since, that Mrs. Sarah Haines, widow of the late Major Frederick Haines, formerly of this borough, died in that city, a few days since.

November 12, 1864

A most distressing and fatal accident occurred at Harrisburg on Tuesday morning last.  A young man named Levi Macken, son of the late Henry D. Macken, formerly of this borough, who had just been mustered out of a three year service in an Illinois regiment was on the down passenger train, on his way to see his mother, who resides in this borough, the car being very crowded the young man was on the bumper and was crowded off, the car passing over his body, literally cutting him in two.  His remains were brought to this place and buried from the residence of his mother.  “The Hundred Days Men” here, turned out and attended his funeral in a body.

On Saturday afternoon last while Jacob K. Goodman and wife were returning home from Lancaster in a dear born wagon, were caught by the engine of a Passenger train and the wagon literally broken up.  Mrs. G. was pitched on the cowcatcher and dragged a distance of 200 yards before the train could be stopped.  One of her arms was cut off, and one of her legs and one of her feet badly injured.  She was taken to the residence of John Hiestand, close by, where she died at 11 o’clock the same evening.  Several physicians were in attendance, but could render her no relief.  Mr. Goodman fell alongside the railroad track, and was hurt, about his head and other parts of his body.  The accident happened about mid-way between Dillersville and Landisville.  Although the usual signal was given, Mr. G. did not hear it, and the formation of the road obstructing the view, he did not see the train until within fifteen yards of it, when his horse at once put off and ran across the railroad track.  The horse broke loose and got off and was not hurt.

Married at the residence of the Bride’s parents, on the 8th inst., by Rev. J. Gregg, G. W. Caracher, to Miss Annie E. Boughter, all of Marietta.

November 19, 1864

James Moss, of Columbia, who had a wager with Bowery Erisman of the same place, on the result of the late Presidential election, sawed, on Tuesday morning last, in front of Erisman’s restaurant, a cord of wood, surrounded by a large and mirth-provoking crowd.

Henry Mussleman, esq., of the “Marietta Furnaces” purchased the Rhoads farm, formerly the Dr. Hershey place, containing over 126 acres, adjoining this borough, a few days since, at $263 per acre.

Professor Simon S. Rathvon, formerly of Marietta, but for the past ten years a resident of Lancaster, has been elected to the chair of Etymology in the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society.

November 26, 1864

Nearly 108 Years Old.  – Schuylkill county beats Sturbridge, Mass., and Conneaut township, Crawford county, Pa.,  places noted for the great age of two citizens who voted at the late election.  On the 8th of November, Bernard Eisenhuth, a resident of New Castle township, this county, aged one hundred and seven years five months and twenty three days, voted for Abraham Lincoln.  Mr. Eisenhuth voted for Washington, and at every Presidential election from that period to this.  It seems that before the late election he always voted the Democratic ticket, but since the commencement of the present war one of his daughters has read the papers pretty regularly to him; he judged Mr. Lincoln’s Administration, and declared that Mr. Lincoln was just like Washington, and that he would vote for him.  Mr. Eisenhuth was born in Lebanon, Pa., and was a member of the Lutheran Church of that place.  He has lived in the woods of Schuylkill county during the last fifty years.  He has had eleven children, six sons and five daughters.  His youngest living daughter is fifty years of age.  He has been a very hard working man.  Up to the time of experiencing an accident some three years since, which dislocated his hip-joint, he could walk thirty miles a day.  If he lives until the 16th day of next May, Mr. Eisenhuth will be 108 years old.  If any section of the country can produce a parallel to this case, we should like to hear of it.

At the late Presidential election, Mr. Samuel Wenger, aged 88 years, residing in West Earl township, this county, voted for Abraham Lincoln, and handing in his ticket remarked that he considered his ballot for Lincoln of as much service in suppressing the rebel lion as if he had killed a rebel.  The same old gentleman, when two years ago an appeal was made for linen for hospital purposes, having no linen rags to contribute, gave his “wedding shirt,” which he had preserved for over half a century, with the observation that it could not be put to better use.

The great Catholic Cathedral of St. Peters and St. Paul, in Philadelphia, was dedicated on Sunday last.  It has been eighteen years in course of erection and cost over one million of dollars, which was raised from amongst the poorest of the catholic denominations if Philadelphia.  It has a brown stone front of 136 feet on Logan Square, and is the shape of a cross.  It is the largest church in America.

December 3, 1864

The Baltimore Sun of Saturday says that Mr. Frederick Gast, of Lancaster, Pa., formerly in the army, was relieved last Thursday evening of his pocket-book, containing about $750, while standing on the pavement near the northwest corner of Baltimore and North streets, Baltimore.  The thief cut open his pantaloons pocket in front, and obtained his pocket-book without his being aware of the precise time of the robbery.

Abraham B. Hess of Conestoga, has been prosecuted for refusing – he was one of the tally clerks – to enter the name of a voter on the tally list.

H. R. Knotwell, Esq., formerly of the Shawnee Furnaces, Columbia, has purchased the large and handsome residence of John Black, on the corner of East Orange and Lime streets, Lancaster, for $11,000.  This is one of the finest residence in that city.

U. J. Jones, at one time connected with the Lancaster Express, as local reporter was killed at Harrisburg on the 18th ultimo by being run over by the Baltimore accommodation train.  He was rolled up into an almost shapeless mass, and so terribly crushed that he was almost beyond recognition.

John Souders, son of Samuel Souders, of this place, a young man of 16 or 17 years returned with the “Hundred Days Men” with what was, at the time, thought to be a bad cold; he grew worse, however, and died with typhoid fever.  He was buried on Sunday last.

Miss Melinda Coryt, aged seventeen, died at Pittsburg, Pa., on Friday, from the effects of chloric ether, which she had inhaled preparatory to a dental operation.

December 17, 1864

A little child of Mr. David Fox, of Boyertown, Berks county, accidentally poisoned itself by eating arsenic, which had been mixed up in molasses and placed on the sill for the purpose of destroying flies.

Samuel J. Rea, for a long time Harrisburg correspondent of the Philadelphia and Pittsburg papers, died at the residence of his brother-in-law, in Beaver county, on Friday of last week.  He was at one time a member of the legislature from Philadelphia.  Mr. Rea spoke in the town hall, in this borough, during the late October campaign.  He leaves a wife and family.

December 24, 1864

Major John Jones, formerly of this borough, who volunteered in Capt. Jacob Grosh’s company in 1812, and who now resides in the state of Delaware, at the ripe old age of over three-score-years and ten, has sent up, through Col. John W. Clark, [who is also about to become a resident of the “land of the Blue Hen’s chicken” – having purchased several farms there] the muster roll of Capt. Grosh’s company.  It will appear in our next.

December 31, 1864

Married on Wednesday last, by Rev. George M. Clawges, John F. Rote, of Clearfield county, to Sallie Beidler, daughter of Isaac Reisinger, of Marietta.

A son of Mr. John P. Graybill, farmer, aged about 14 years, living two or three miles from this borough, was triflingly bitten on his index finger, by a strolling and harmless looking dog, about three weeks since, and no attention taken of the matter until Wednesday last, when it became evident to the family that the boy was likely to be attacked with hydrophobia.  He suffered for two days with violent spasms and died on Thursday morning.  Another warning of the danger of keeping that intolerable nuisance – a dog.  We believe this town has a greater number, in proportion to its size, than any town in the sate.  We are in favor of a law exterminating the canine nuisance.


Please see the March 11, 1865 Issue

Mr. Editor: – The accompanying list I received from Major Jones, of Middletown, New Castle county, Delaware; you will find his name, number 11; he was then 24 years old, and is now at the ripe old age of 71 years, nevertheless, was the first man, under Cassius M. Clay, to cross Mason & Dixon’s line for the defence of Washington, at the breaking out of the present rebellion.  It gives me much pleasure to add, that this noble old patriot receives the hearty welcome and cordial esteem of the whole neighborhood in which he now resides.  He also furnished me with a few data of those times, which I hop will be interesting to the friends and descendants of the worthy men composing that roll.
    More than fifty years have elapsed since those men, patriots of our borough and vicinity, formed themselves into a company, with the view, of marching to the defence of Baltimore, (Washington, the capital of our country, having fallen into the hands of the British vandals, who burned it,) but by — extra order of Governor Simon Snyder, were ordered to the defence of Philadelphia and afterwards sent to Camp Marcus Hook.
    It would be gratifying to Major Jones, and no doubt to the others, if any, to know how many of that gallant band still survive, and their present whereabouts.
    Of the 99 men of the list or roll, who served out their term, and were honorably discharged on the 6th day of December, 1814, the oldest man, Calvin Chamberlain, was aged 55 years, and the youngest man, David Rinehart, was aged 20 years; and taking those men as data, the average age of the company, if now living, would be 87 years.
    It is evident that if Congress ever intends to acknowledge the service of these men, by granting pensions to them or their survivors, it is time it were done.
    To the credit of our Borough and vicinity, be it remembered, that two other companies had been made up and went to the defence of Baltimore, within the same week.  One under the command of Capt. Brooklyn Terry, an active house-carpenter of the place, and the other, under Thomas Buchanan, a young merchant.
    Governor Snyder in his next message after the war, announced that in the emergency – of the destruction of the Capital – 17,000 men volunteered at the call of the President, from Pennsylvania, and were in the tented field at one time, although no enemy had trod her soil.
    Hoping the above will be read with as much pleasure as I listened to the narration, it is respectfully submitted.
J. W. Clark.
Marietta, December 26, 1864.

Regimental Officers.
    Officers of the Second Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteer Light Infantry, at Camp Marcus Hook, October, 1814; together with a list or “Muster Roll” of the 9th Company, from Marietta, commanded by Captain Jacob Grosh.

Isaac Wayne, of Chester co., Colonel, [ Having declined to serve]
Louis Bache, of Bucks co., Lieut-Col., [Took command].
Major, First Battallion, William Darlington, of Chester county.
Major, Second Battallion, John Pedan, of Lancaster county.
Adjutant, Isaac Darlington, of Chester county.
Quartermaster, John Fox, of Bucks co.,
Paymaster, Jonathan Wynkoop, of Bucks county.
Surgeon, Richard D. Corson, of Bucks county.
Surgeon’s Mate, Thomas B. Evans, of Chester county.
Sergeant Major, John Duer, of Chester.
Quartermaster’s Sergeant, Charles Shippen, of Bucks county.

Muster Roll of “Marietta Greys.”
Captain, Jacob Grosh,
First Lieutenant, John Pedan, (Elected Major)
Second Lieutenant, John Huss,
Ensign, Jessie P. Albright,
First Sergeant, George Wolfley,
Second Sergeant, William Pierce,
Third Sergeant, John Heckroth,
Fourth Sergeant, Edward Williams,
First Corporal, John J. Cottringer,
Second Corporal, John Myers,
Third Corporal, William J. Parker,
Fourth Corporal, Nathaniel Chamberlaine,
Drummer, Joel Keller,
Fifer, George Steddings.

1.    Zachariah Moore,
2.    J. Wm. Eberle,
3.    John Porter,
4.    Jacob Nicholas,
5.    Peter Nagles,
6.    Mathias Rauk,
7.    John Ehler,
8.    Abraham Bellows,
9.    Henry Fetter,
10.    Henry Leibhart,
11.    John Jones,
12.    Edward Bell,
13.    Joseph Robinson,
14.    Mahlen Gregg,
15.    John Searcross,
16.    James Griffin,
17.    Moses Ingles,
18.    Stephen St. John,
19.    William Temple,
20.    William D. Miller,
21.    Stephen Fetterer,
22.    Joseph Bucher,
23.    James Black,
24.    Joshua Amos,
25.    James Gorrell,
26.    Augustus S. Kuaitz,
27.    William Foulk,
28.    Louis Lehman,
29.    John Law,
30.    Timothy Caldwell,
31.    John Sherer,
32.    John Foltz,
33.    John Teatsorth,
34.    Abraham Gregg,
35.    Francis Hager,
36.    John Cramer,
37.    William McCormick,
38.    Calvin Chamberlaine,
39.    David Rinehart,
40.    Richard Robinson,
41.    John Curry,
42.    William Davis, jr.
43.    William Brandt,
44.    John Greider,
45.    Christian Shirk,
46.    Henry Lanius,
47.    Wm. Leonard,
48.    Samuel Cather,
49.    John Leader,
50.    Joel Henry,
51.    John Wyatt,
52.    Andrew Boner,
53.    John Shanks,
54.    Joseph McFall,
55.    John McFall,
56.    Peter Hiestand,
57.    Edward Toehill,
58.    Richard Olwine,
59.    James Gribben, jr.
60.    Andrew Brooks,
61.    Wm. Frazier,
62.    Jacob Goshet,
63.    Jacob Clarnen,
64.    Roger Sweeney,
65.    Daniel Mullen,
66.    James Campbell,
67.    Henry Forringer,
68.    Horatio Cushman,
69.    Charles Manwaring,
70.    Jacob Cummuius,
71.    John Heck,
72.    James Ossman,
73.    William Dinman,
74.    Jacob Johnson,
75.    Francis Hughes,
76.    Alexander Black,
77.    James McCarry,
78.    Henry Diffenderfer,
79.    Daniel Toland,
80.    Mark Gillespie, [drummed out of camp at Derby, Oct. 4th, 1814]
81.    Felix Hughes,
82.    Henry Donnelly,
83.    Daniel Lorry,
84.    Samuel Mann,
85.    James P. Ringgold.
The foregoing list copied from the orderly book kept by William Darlington, Major of the First Battallion, Second Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteer Light Infantry, for his old friend and fellow soldier, John Jones, a member of Captain Jacob Grosh’s company, now of Delaware.
West Chester, Pennsylvania,
January 6, 1854.

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