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Columbian Star and Christian Index – 1830 Issues


Nov 7, 2009

Articles from the Columbian Star, and Christian Index
By W. T. Brantly; Philadelphia, Printed by Martin & Boden, No. 204 Market Street; 1830

Vol. II

January 23, 1830  

Died on Sunday morning, 17th inst., in the 87th year of her age, Mrs. Elizabeth Powel, relict of Samuel Powel, Esq., of Philadelphia.

February 20, 1830

Died on the 11th inst., in this city, Mrs. Elizabeth Cook, in the 79th year of her age, for many years a worthy member of the First Baptist Church.

Died in this city, in the 27th year of her age, Miss Maria Jones Heath, daughter of the late Robert Jones Heath, esq., of Virginia.

Died in this city, on the 12th inst., Ennion Williams, in the 78th year of his age.

February 27, 1830

Married in Holmesburg, Pa., on Tuesday evening the 23d inst., by the Rev. David Jones, Dr. Wm. M. Fahnestock, of Harrisburg, to Miss Sarah Ann, daughter of the late Wm. Maghee, Esq., of Holmesburg.

March 13, 1830

Married on Wednesday evening, 3d inst., by the Rev. Francis L. Hawks, William Henry Newbold, to Calebina, daughter of the late Caleb Emlen, all of this city.

March 20, 1830

Died in Lancaster, Pa., on the 8th inst., General Jeremiah Mosher, in the 77th years of his age.  General Mosher was one of the few remaining veterans of the Revolution.

Died in this City, on the 9th inst., after a lingering illness, in the 50th year of his age, Mr. John Owen, teacher.

April 10, 1830  

Died on Sunday morning, March 28, at his residence in Bedford, Hon. John Tod, on e of the Associate Judges of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.

Died on the 21st March, 1830, after a long and painful illness, Mr. James Berry, a native of Pennsylvania, but several years a respectable citizen of Milledgeville, Ga., aged 55 years.

May 8, 1830

Singular Death. – In Indiana township, Pennsylvania, a young woman named Myers who had been recently married and was in ill health, was on a visit in company with her brother.  The latter was suddenly seized with a fit of epilepsy, and as it went off, he sprang in a state of insanity at his sister, and attempted to kill her.  She escaped and locked herself in a room, where she was soon after found dead from agitation.

Married in this city, on the 25th ult., by W. T. Brantly, Mr. James Conly to Miss An McCurdy, both of this city.

Married in this city, on the 28th ult., by W. T. Brantly, Mr. John C. Deimling, to Christiana E., second daughter of John How, of the Northern Liberties.

Died on the 6th ult., the venerable and learned John Anderson, D.D., minister of the Associate (Scotch) Church of Service, near Pittsburgh, Penn.  He had attended the meeting of Presbytery of North Buffalo, and in the evening, after having taken his supper, as usual, he retired to rest, and died suddenly, after being a few hours in bed.

May 15, 1830

Death by Lightning. – A man and his wife, by the name of Starr, were killed by lightning on the evening of the twenty-third ult., at their residence in Pine Grove Township, Schuylkill county, Pa.  the Reading Chronicle thus narrates the melancholy occurrence: – “About 8 or 9 o’clock of that evening, there was a heavy gust of rain, accompanied with lightning, and from the best information we can collect, they ere considerably frightened, and deferred getting their supper, in consequence.  The next morning  Mr. Starr was found extended on the floor behind the door, a lifeless corpse, and his wife also dead, lying across the cradle, which contained an infant.  The infant was uninjured, and also three children that were in bed in the same room.

May 29, 1830

Married recently, by W. T. Brantly, John H. Bradley, Esq., of West Chester, Pa., to Lydia Hendricks, daughter of the late James Fuller, of Philadelphia.

Married in Richmond, Va., on the 10th inst., the Rev. Robert B. Cross, of Troy, N.Y., to Miss Helen, daughter of James Robertson, Esq., of Philadelphia.

June 12, 1830

Married at Philadelphia, the 3d instant, by the Rev. R. Compton, Jacob W. Ludlam, M. D. of Camden, N.J., to Miss Mary Dennis of the former place.

Died on Friday, June 4th, Samuel Coates of this city.

Died on Friday, June 4th, Mrs. John Hall, only daughter of Levi Garrett of this city.

Died of a consumption, at her father’s residence, Mr. Joseph Vincent, near Germantown, Pa., Mrs. D. Pumroy, wife of Rev. Samuel Pumroy.

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