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…bringing our past into the future

History of Clarion County – Preface


Mar 24, 2010


JOSEPHUS says, “Those who undertake to write histories, do not, I perceive, take that trouble on one and the same account; but for many and various reasons. For some apply themselves to this part of learning to show their great skill in composition; and that they may therein acquire a reputation. Others write histories in order to gratify those who happen to be concerned in them; But there are others who of necessity are driven to write history, because they are concerned in the facts, and so cannot excuse themselves from committing them to writing, for the advantage of posterity.”

The editor of the following pages can not profess any of these motives, but in analyzing his own emotions he finds that he must have been impelled to this “labor of love” by a desire to wrest from oblivion the annals of a people unpretentious in their manners, simple in their habits, but strong in manly virtues.

Not many thrilling adventures are related in this narrative of the doings of the people of Clarion county, but here and there we are afforded glimpses of the sterling patriotism, the noble daring, and the lofty courage of those whom occasion afforded the opportunity to display these virtues.

The record of the settlement and development of Clarion county contains few startling incidents. Peaceful and quiet has been the history of this people, and while our fathers and brothers bear a record of loyal devotion to their country in at least two wars, no spot within the borders of our county can be pointed out with certainty as the scene of sanguinary battle. So may it be evermore.

Owing to many pressing duties the editor has been able to write but a small portion of this work, and he is indebted to George J. Reid, Esq., of Clarion, for the preparation of all of the county history, excepting the annals of the civil war, which were compiled and written by Hon. W.A. Beer, of Callensburg. Besides these gentlemen the following persons each wrote the local history of one or more townships or boroughs: C.E. Rugh, Benton Price, L.L. Himes, Miss Clara Campbell, S.C. Hepler, W.W. Deatrick, M.E. Hess, C.F. McNutt, David Bryner, John Beer, Miss Alice Allen, and John Graham.

The compiler of the general part of the county history desires the editor to make his acknowledgments to the many who lent him their assistance; but he is particularly indebted for kind aid and co-operation to Samuel D. Irwin, Esq., of Tionesta, Hon. J.B. Lawson, Hon. D. McClay, Hon. James Campbell, B.J. Reid, Esq., C.A. Rankin, Benjamin Gardner. For the history of the Clarion township settlements, Mr. Joseph M. Owens rendered valuable assistance. Reynolds Laughlin, Esq., furnished useful data concerning the early military affairs, as well as other subjects; and to the courtesy of Mr. M.E. Hess the compiler is indebted for many of the facts of the oil development in our county. Mr. Joseph W. Long furnished a list of county officials, which was valuable in making up the political history.

In a work so comprehensive, a few omissions and inaccuracies are unavoidable. In spite of great caution and diligent research, some errors have found their way into the work. To obtain accurate data of long-past local events is one of the most difficult among the labors of the historian; and it will not be surprising if some mistakes are found in this volume, which, with all its imperfections, as well as such merits as it may possess, is respectfully dedicated to the people of Clarion county.


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