• Fri. Mar 7th, 2025


…bringing our past into the future

Chapter 14 – Company H, Thirty-Seventh Regiment – Eighth Reserve


Mar 25, 2010



Organization – Service in the Field – Roll of the Company.

COMPANY H, of the Eighth Reserve, was the first company recruited in Clarion county with a view to entering the war. It was recruited at Strattanville April 30, 1861, by Captain William Lemon, at which time fifty-four men joined the company.* Before being mustered into the State service at Pittsburgh, about the 28th of June, the company was increased to seventy-five men, and when mustered into the United States service at Washington on Meridian Hill, July 27, 1861, it numbered eighty-four men.

Company H was recruited for the three months service and proceeded from Clarion to Camp Wilkins near Pittsburgh. It was not accepted. It removed from Camp Wilkins to Camp Wright, twelve miles above Pittsburgh on the Allegheny River. Here it remained with forty-two other companies, which had been recruited for three months service, but not accepted. None of the companies, except those belonging to the Erie Regiment, had any regimental organization. Colonel John W. McClane was in command of the camp. Early in June General McCall visited the camp and selected the companies to form the Eighth Regiment. Captain Lemon’s company was designated as Company H of this regiment, and on the 28th of June it was organized and officered as follows: George S. Hays, M.D., of Allegheny county, colonel; S.D. Oliphant, lieutenant-colonel, and J.B. Gardner, major.

The regiment having been armed and uniformed at Camp Wright, it was ordered to Washington on the 20th of July. By rail it went to Harrisburg; there it received other equipments, and proceeded thence to Baltimore. At Baltimore it received tents, and then went on to Washington, where it arrived July 23, and went into camp on Meridian Hill, where it was mustered into the service of the United States, July 27.

It remained here till August 2, when it was ordered to the Reserve Camp at Tenallytown. At Tenallytown the Eighth was assigned to the First Brigade, commanded by Brigadier General John F. Reynolds. At this time the Eighth numbered eight hundred and ninety men, armed with muskets of improved pattern and with rifles. Company H numbered eighty-two men; it had eighty-four when mustered in July 27, but two had deserted July 29, leaving the number stated. Soon after being assigned to the First Brigade the regiment was ordered to support the Seventh, which was on picket duty at Great Falls, and was being shelled vigorously by the enemy. The Eighth remained on duty in that vicinity several days, and during that time Company H was initiated into the hardships, but not into the horrors of war; that ordeal was reserved for it till after having experienced the vicissitudes of a winter in camp, as a part of a mighty invading army; an army destined to be a triumphant and magnanimous army, in the achievements of which Company H, with the other twenty-five companies recruited wholly or in part in Clarion county, was to bear such a part as could only be borne by an efficient organization of patriotic men.

On the 9th of October the regiment crossed the Potomac to Langley, Va., and took position, with the division, in line with the Army of the Potomac. Here it went into winter quarters. While in its winter camp the Eighth was thoroughly drilled and instructed by its officers. On the 20th of December, the regiment, with the brigade, marched five miles to Difficult Creek, but hearing the guns of the enemy who had engaged the Third Brigade at Dranesville, General Reynolds started with his brigade on a double quick to assist General Ord. He reached the field in time to see the steady fire of Ord’s victorious troops scatter the rebels and drive them from the field.

After breaking up winter quarters the regiment moved to Hunter’s Mills, and, under orders to concentrate to embark for the Peninsula, thence to Alexandria. While encamped at Alexandria the division was attached to McDowell’s First Corps, and remained in front of Washington, going from Alexandria to Manassas, thence to Warrenton Junction, and thence to Falmouth. From Falmouth, Reynolds moved across the river and occupied Fredericksburg, and then commenced an advance on the Richmond and Potomac Railroad. The brigade was then recalled, and sent by water to the Peninsula. The regiment landed at White House, and joined McClellan’s army at Gaines’s Mill.

Meantime on the 20th of May, 1862, before embarking, Lieutenant Wetter, of Company H, was promoted to adjutant. Adjutant Wetter was well known throughout Clarion county as Major Wetter.

June 26, 1862, at Mechanicsville, the Eighth entered upon its stern work of offering human life upon its country’s altar. On that day began the terrible experience of guard, and march, and struggle, and bivouac for Company H.

During the Seven Days’ fight Company H had some severe fighting at Mechanicsville, Gaines’s Mill, White Oak Swamp, and Charles City Cross Roads, Colonel Lemon, Adjutant Wetter, and Lieutenant A.H. Beck were wounded at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Adjutant Wetter was subsequently wounded, with loss of leg, at Thoroughfare Gap, August 18, 1862, and he resigned December 28, 1863. Colonel Lemon was mustered out with the regiment, May 24, 1864.

At Bull Run, Hiram McKendree was killed August 29. At South Mountain the company was engaged, and Wolfgang Heppinger was killed September 14. At Antietam the Eighth occupied the center, being with General Meade. The artillery fire of the enemy beat back the Reserve with severe loss. Company H had Daniel Barr killed, and Jacob Noll and William A. Sipler wounded, September 17.

At Fredericksburg, December 13, the loss of the company was as follows: Colonel Lemon, Captain Keatley, Wilson M. Dorey, Joseph Owen, and Joseph Hoover, all wounded. Owen lost a leg, and Hover died from his wounds.

During the battle of the Wilderness Company H had the following wounded: Stephen D. Myers, William Crooks, Daniel McNany, William O’Brien, and Warren Whitehill. George W. Stover was wounded at Spottsylvania Court House, May 12, 1864.

During the time the company was in service the following died from wounds received in battle. The dates and names of the battles are unknown to the writer: Robert Cunningham, John Peters, and William B. Showers. The following were discharged for wounds; date and battle not known: A.J. Galloway, A.M. Brenneman, Carson R. Crisman, Calvin Basim, loss of leg; Albert J. Goble, J.W. Henderson, William Maloney, John M. Ross, John H. Sweeney, John H. Vensil, Daniel Walters, and John Young.

The company went out with eighty-four men. It received six recruits. Captain William Lemon and Lieutenant Wetter were promoted to field officers. Twenty-nine were wounded, four were killed- one accidentally and three in battle; four died from wounds; eleven died of disease; twelve were discharged for wounds, and seven for other causes; twenty-five were transferred; one was taken prisoner; one was not on the muster-out roll; five resigned; three deserted; and twenty-one, including the one prisoner, were mustered out with the regiment May 12, 1864. Lieutenant Beck and Lieutenant Dunkle have both been sheriff of Clarion county.

The following roll of Company H is from Vol. I of Bates’s “Pennsylvania Volunteers”:**


William Lemon, captain, April 30, 1861, three years; wounded at Charles City Cross Roads and Fredericksburg; promoted to lieutenant-colonel March 10, 1863.

James Keatley, captain, April 30, ‘61, three years; promoted from private to sergeant August 20, 1861; to captain March 10, 1863; wounded at Fredericksburg December 13, 1862; mustered out with the company May 24, 1864.

J.N. Hetherington, first lieutenant, April 30, 1861, three years; resigned October 10, 1861.

Alfred T. Clark, jr., first lieutenant, April 30, 1861, three years; promoted from sergeant-major October 10, 1861; resigned October 10, 1862.

Anthony H. Beck, first lieutenant April 30, 1861, three years; promoted to sergeant May 2, 1861, to first lieutenant March 1, 1863; wounded at Charles City Cross Roads June 30, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1864.

B.B. Dunkle, second lieutenant, April 30, 1861, three years; resigned November 16, 1861.

Henry Wetter, second lieutenant, April 30, 1861, three years; promoted from first sergeant to second lieutenant November 16, 1861, to adjutant May 20, 1862.

Joseph M. Owens, second lieutenant, April 30, 1861, three years; promoted from private to sergeant July 29, 1861; to second lieutenant August 1, 1862; wounded, with loss of leg, at Fredericksburg December 13, 1862; resigned April 14, 1863.

H.R. Brenneman, second lieutenant, April 30, 1861, three years; promoted from sergeant, July 1, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1864.

George E. Cowan, first sergeant, April 30, 1861, three years; promoted to first sergeant, transferred to One Hundred and Ninety-first Regiment P.V., May 15, 1864, veteran.

A.J. Galloway, sergeant, April 30, 1861, three years; discharged January 15, 1863, for wounds received in action.

John Monace, sergeant, April 30, 1861, three years; promoted to sergeant, transferred to the One Hundred and Ninety-first Regiment P.V., May 15, 1864, veteran.

J.M. Rankin, sergeant, June 24, 1861, three years; promoted to sergeant, transferred to the One Hundred and Ninety-first Regiment, P.V., May 15, 1864, veteran.

Stephen D. Myers, sergeant, April 30, 1861, three years; wounded at Wilderness May 8, 1864; mustered out with company May 24, 1864.

George W. Stover, sergeant, April 30, 1860, three years; wounded at Spottsylvania Court House; mustered out with company May 24, 1864.

A.M. Brenneman, corporal, April 30, 1861, three years; discharged February 4, 1863, for wounds received in action.

S.R. Stratton, corporal, April 30, 1861, three years; transferred to Regimental Band, July 20, 1861.

Joseph Dolby, corporal, April 30, 1861, three years; accidentally killed October 10, 1861.

J.R. Whitman, corporal, April 30, 1861, three years; discharged July 11, 1862.

Jasper N. Maxwell, corporal, April 30, 1861, three years; discharged July 11, 1862.

Carson R. Crisman, corporal, April 30, 1861, three years; discharged March 30, 1863, for wounds received in action.

William Crooks, corporal, April 30, 1861, three years; wounded at Wilderness May 6, 1864; mustered out with company May 24, 1864.

James Greer, corporal, April 30, 1861, three years; mustered out with company May 24, 1864.

Anderson, Robert, private, April 30, 1861, three years; transferred to One Hundred and Ninety-first Regiment P.V., May 15, 1864, veteran.

Agnew, John, private, July 21, 1861, three years; deserted, date unknown.

Bender, Henry, private, July 1, 1861, three years; mustered out with company May 24, 1864.

Burns, Samuel R., private, July 24, 1861, three years; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, December 14, 1863.

Brua, Henry W., private, April 30, 1861, three years; transferred to the One Hundred and Ninety-first Regiment P.V., May 15, 1864, veteran.

Boyles, Irwin, private, February 26, 1864, three years; transferred to the One Hundred and Ninety-first Regiment, P.V., May 15, 1864.

Basim, Calvin, private, April 30, 1861, three years; discharged December 6, 1862, for wounds received in action.

Beck, John H., private, April 1, 1861, three years; died August 7, 1862. Barr, Daniel, private, July 1, 1861, three years; killed at Antietam September 17, 1862.

Callihan, Harvey, private, April 30, 1861, three years; died October 10, 1861; buried in the Military Asylum Cemetery at D.C.

Cunningham, Robert, private, June 14, 1861, three years; died September 17, 1862, from wounds received in action.

Davis, Andrew J., private, June 24, 1861, three years; mustered out with company May 24, 1864.

Dorey, Wilson M., private, May 18, 1861, three years; wounded at Fredericksburg December 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1864.

Dolby, Charles, private, April 30, 1861, three years; died October 8, 1861.

Furman, W.W., private, April 20, 1861, three years; transferred to One Hundred and Ninety-first Regiment P.V., May 15, 1864, veteran.

Frazier, George W., private, June 24, 1861, three years; transferred to One Hundred and Ninety-first Regiment P.V., May 15, 1864, veteran.

Frazier, Philip, private, July 21, 1861, three years; transferred to One Hundred and Ninety-first Regiment, P.V., May 15, 1864, veteran.

Free, Benjamin, private, July 1, 1861, three years; transferred to One Hundred and Ninety-first Regiment, P.V., May 15, 1864, veteran.

Fox, Jacob D., private, April 30, 1861, three years; transferred to One Hundred and Ninety-first Regiment, P.V., May 15, 1864, veteran.

Fulton, Reed W., private, March 4, 1864, three years; transferred to One Hundred and Ninety-first Regiment, P.V., May 15, 1864.

Fulton, Wm. T., private, March 4, 1864, three years; transferred to One Hundred and Ninety-first Regiment, P.V., May 15, 1864.

Goble, Albert J., private, April 30, 1861, three years; discharged April 22, 1863, for wounds received in action.

Girt, David, private, June 22, 1861, three years; deserted July 29, 1861.

Hall, James, private, April 30, 1861, three years; mustered out with company May 24, 1864.

Henderson, J.W., private, April 30, 1861, three years; discharged February7, 1863, for wounds received in action.

Henderson, John W., private, May 6, 1864, three years; not on muster out roll.

Horton, James, private, April 30, 1861, three years; transferred to Battery E, Fourth U.S. Artillery, September 1, 1862.

Hepinger, Wolfgang, private, April 30, 1861, three years; killed at South Mountain September 14, 1862.

Hoover, Joseph, private, April 30, 1861, three years; died January 4, 1863, from wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1861.

Kilgore, Hugh L., private, April 30, 1861, three years; mustered out with company May 24, 1864.

Kelly, Thomas, private, July 1,1861, three years; transferred to One Hundred and Ninty-first Regiment P.V., May 15, 1864, veteran.

Linegrover, James, private, May 18, 1861, three years; mustered out with company May 24, 1864.

Laughner, Nathan, private, June 14, 1861, three years; transferred to One Hundred and Ninety-first Regiment P.V., May 15, 1864, veteran.

McNany, Daniel, private, June 14, 1861, three years; wounded at Wilderness May 8, 1864; mustered out with company May 24, 1864.

McKibbens, John, private, April 30, 1861, three years; mustered out with company May 24, 1864.

McNaughton, Dun, private, July 21, 1861, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate November 26, 1862.

Maloney, William, private, June 24, 1861, three years; discharged December 1, 1862, for wounds received in action.

Mortimer, John R., private, June 24, 1861, three years; transferred to One Hundred and Ninety-first Regiment P.V., May 15, 1864, veteran.

Moody, Silas D., private, June 24, 1861, three years; transferred to One Hundred and Ninety-first Regiment P.V., May 15, 1864, veteran.

McKendree, Hiram, private, April 30, 1861, three years; killed at Bull Run August 30, 1862.

Noll, Jacob, private, April 30, 1861, three years; wounded at Antietam September, 17, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1864.

Noll, George, private, September 26, 1861, three years; transferred to One Hundred and Ninety-first Regiment P.V., May 15, 1864, veteran.

O’Brien, William, private, June 1, 1861, three years; wounded at Wilderness May 8, 1864; mustered out with company May 24, 1864.

Potter, George, private, April 30, 1861, three years; transferred to regimental band July 12, 1861.

Potter Henry, private, April 30, 1861, three years; died at Camp Pierpont, Va., November 9, 1861.

Pritner, Camden A., private, April 30, 1861, three years; died at Camp Pierpont, Va., February 1, 1862.

Peters, John, private, July 1, 1861, three years; died October 3, 1862, of wounds received in action; buried in National Cemetery, Antietam, sec. 26, lot F, grave 568.

Ross, James, private, June 1, 1861, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate September 24, 1862.

Ross, John M., private, June 20, 1861, three years; discharged January 22, 163, for wounds received in action.

Rheese, Samuel H., private, March 3, 1864, three years; transferred to One Hundred and Ninety-first Regiment P.V., May 15, 1864, veteran.

Sipler, William A., private, June 14, 1861, three years; wounded at Antietam September 17, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1864.

Showers, Lewis, private, April 30, 1861, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate October 9, 1861.

Sweeny, John H., private, April 30, 1861, three years; discharged January 27, 1863, for wounds received in action.

Shaner, Leander, private, April 30, 1861, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate February 16, 1863.

Shull, John, private, April 30, 1861, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate February 14, 1863.

Stroup, James, private, April 30, 1861, three years; transferred to Company B, Sixth U.S. Cavalry. September 1, 1862.

Sample, James, private, June 14, 1861, three years; died at Camp Pierpont, Va., December 21, 1861.

Showers, William B., private, April 30, 1861, three years; died July 5, 1862, of wounds received in action.

Stover, Thomas, private, June 29, 1861.

Templeton, William, private, July 21, 1861, three years; prisoner from May 8, to May 12, 1864; mustered out with company May 24, 1864.

Vensel, John H., private, April 30, 1861, three years; discharged February 20, 1863, for wounds received in action.

Wilson, Harrison B., private, April 30, 1861, three years; mustered out with company May 24, 1864.

Whitehill, Warren, private, April 30, 1861, three years; wounded at Wilderness May 8, 1864; mustered out with company May 24, 1864.

Walters, Daniel, private, April 30, 1861, three years; discharged January 15, 1863, for wounds received in action.

Wilson, Sylvester, private, April 30, 1861, three years; died at Camp Pierpont, Va., December 14, 1861.

Young, John, private, April 30, 1861, three years; discharged December 22, 1862, for wounds received in action.

Yingling, John, private, January 5, 1864, three years; transferred to One Hundred and Ninety-first Regiment P.V., May 15, 1864.

* Bates says in roster of Company H, on page 778 that John H. Beck was recruited April 1. This seems to be an error; however, it is not important, and if correct the company numbered fifty-five on the 30th of April.

** In these rolls of the companies the name is followed by a brief record which gives rank, date of muster, term of service, promotion, wounds, &c.

*** Copied from Bates.

SOURCE:  Page(s) 145-152, History of Clarion County, A.J. Davis, A.J.; Syracuse, N.Y.: D. Mason & Co. 1887

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