• Mon. Mar 10th, 2025


…bringing our past into the future

June 2010 – Friends of PA-Roots Newsletter


Jun 17, 2010

Friends of PA-Roots Newsletter


June 2010


PA-Roots – Bringing our Past into the Future


Wow, it’s been a busy 12 months or so since our last Newsletter.  It has been a time of year of many changes for PA-Roots!


IN MEMORIUM: In February of this year Shirley Pierce a founding Director of PA-Roots, Inc passed away after a valiant fight with cancer.  She was very involved in researching old newspapers and abstracting genealogical data that was found in them.  She was a very willing to help researchers in their quest for finding information about their ancestors.  She is greatly missed.


PA-ROOTS EXPANDS: As PA-Roots has continued to grow we’ve had requests for hosting other states.  To facilitate the hosting we’ve registered the domain, http://www.us-roots.org  which we’ll use to host non-Pennsylvania related websites.  We’re excited to announce that we are now hosting websites for:








New Jersey

New York

North Dakota

Washington D.C.

West Virginia


Stop by http://www.us-roots.org and check out the new family of websites.


Nan Gray has been working on several projects recently: Fulton County Biographies She continues to develop the Somerset County Genealogy Project and in her spare time she has taken on the development of the new Fulton County Genealogy Project.


PROJECTS AT COUNTY BOARDS: Transcription of the book History of Clarion County by A.J. Davis started http://www.pa-roots.com/index.php/clarion-county/


A number of new items added to Forest County – Census and Cemetery records –




Transcription of the book History of Lycoming County Pennsylvania Vol 1 by Col. Thomas W. Lloyd has begun


New website for Montour County placed on-line – check it out at http://www.pa-roots.com/montour/


Will abstracts from Westmoreland County Will Books 1 & 2 http://www.pa-roots.com/westmoreland/data/willabstracts.html 


New cemetery listing for Rehoboth Cemetery in Rostraver Township Westmoreland County http://www.pa-roots.com/westmoreland/


Several new cemetery additions for Westmoreland County, click the What’s New button http://www.pa-roots.com/westmoreland/ 


New cemetery listings for South Huntingdon Township, Westmoreland County http://www.pa-roots.com/westmoreland/cemeteries/index.html


Added transcription of the Moses Smith Cemetery in Pike County – http://www.pa-roots.com/pike/cemetery/mosessmithcemetery.html


Added History of Pike County to website – http://www.pa-roots.com/pike/


[Do any of you have the time and/or talent to help develop a county?  You may have resources on hand and only need a helping hand from us to develop a Genealogy Project.]


PA-DATABOARDS GROW, ALSO: On the DataBoards we now have the full set of DataBoards for New Jersey, New York and West Virginia in addition to our DataBoards for Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania.


During the past year over 54,100 new individual pieces of data have been added to the DataBoards.

http://www.pa-roots.org/data/   Some of the people who contribute greatly to

this effort are:


Terry Ruth (Birth Records from Lower Bermudian Church, Adams Co., Pa. (226 entries), Eastern Pennsylvania Births: Snyder Co. and vicinity (3,102 entries), Marriage Records: Chester Monthly Meeting of Friends, Delaware Co., Pa., Rev. Adolf B. Casper’s Marriage records 1839-1882, Snyder Co.,

Pa.) with over 13,363 entries in the last year.


Martha Sargent (Warrington Monthly Meeting of Friends, York County, Pa., Birth and Death Records; Census of Pensioners for Revolutionary and Military Services as Returned Under the Act for Taking the Sixth Census in 1840:

Pennsylvania, by county (Martha = 243); Pennsylvania Archives, Series 3, Vol. 2, Caveat Book No. 2: Land Office Records –18th Century: Various Counties; Rosemont Cemetery, East of Rogersville, Greene County, Pa.; Early Westmoreland County, Pa. Records: Deed Abstracts, Will Abstracts, Court Records, Naturalization Records, Cemetery Records; Miscreant Deeds of Women from the Philadelphia newspaper, The Pennsylvania Gazette, 18th century) with over 8,513 records total for last 12 months.


Carol Eddleman (Newspaper articles from Potter County Journal; Bedford County Obituary Abstracts; Biographies from the History of Cumberland and Adams Counties, Pennsylvania, Chicago: Warner and Beers and Co. 1886 (partial); Biographies of Pennsylvania natives from The History of Coshocton County, Ohio: its past and present 1740-1881, by Hill and Graham, Newark, Ohio, 1881. (partial); Mortality Census of Potter County for the year ending June 1, 1850; Westmoreland County, Will Book #1 (partial); Talbot Co., Md.

Quaker Records) over 10,139 records.


Millie Mowry has been extracting Pennsylvania native biographies from the book Kansas Biography, Vol. III Part 2, 1912 and putting them into the appropriate county databoards.


Joan Christopher has done 526 records mostly from Fulton County News, McConnellsburg, PA.


A. H. O’Neal has done 597 records, mostly extracted from newspapers.


Denise Strickland has posted over 1,100 mainly marriage records for Luzerne County.


Lila Baier  has done 709 records, obituaries of Allegheny Co., Md.


New Recruit Kristina Aldred has been working on Bedford County to include:

Records of Mt. Pleasant Evangelical Lutheran Church, East Providence Twp., Bedford Co., Pa. (375) Records of Bedford Memorial Cemetery, Bedford, Pa.


Ongoing project of abstracting Blair Co. Obituaries from Archie Claar Obituary Collection by Frank Bobak. (658).  He has done almost 2,000 in total.


Another new start, Erich Stroschein, has done over 552 entries.


Nan Gray (December) has entered 225 entries mostly for Somerset and Fulton Counties this past year.


ADDENDA: Over 2,220 photographs have been added to our Photo Gallery.



PA-Roots is now on Twitter – we can now quickly post notices of updates and additions to our family of websites. http://twitter.com/paroots


If you’ve got an idea for a project or if you’ve got some data that you’d like to donate (large or small amount) please contact us.  You’ll find our contact form at  http://www.pa-roots.com/index.php/contact-us



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