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…bringing our past into the future

July 2010 – Newsletter


Sep 4, 2010

Friends of PA-Roots Newsletter

July 2010

PA-Roots – Bringing our Past into the Future

PA-Roots Continues to Grow: We have had continued requests for
hosting of other states. We are pleased to announce the addition of
the following states:

North Carolina
South Carolina

We are currently working on a few other states that we’ll annouce
when they are ready. If you’d like to get involved in one of these
new state websites please let us know we have data that needs to be
transcribed. Stop by http://www.us-roots.org and check out the new
family of websites.


Did you know that PA-Roots has a collection of old photos and
tombstone pictures? There are over 9,850 photos online at
http://www.pa-roots.org/gallery/main.php Do you have some photos
that you’d be willing to share? Please contact us and we’ll show you
how easy it is to share them.

We’re excited to showcase our new photo gallery for states other
than Pennsylvania. It’s found at
http://www.us-roots.org/gallery/index.php/ It just went on-line a
few days ago and we’ve got 131 old photos and tombstone pictures
posted already. If you’ve got some photos that you’d be willing to
share please contact us.


Carol has entered about 600 records for Hancock Co., Maine and
another 300 or so for Washington Co., Maine. These counties are in
the extended area of Bar Harbor, Maine..


Martha Sargent is hard at work entering Pennsylvania Marriages for
all Pa. counties from the Pennsylvania Archives website. She has
finished the D bridgegrooms and is starting on the Es. Terry Ruth
has worked on this project in the past, entering the R’s and Millie
Mowery has worked at entering the Ms. Carol Eddleman has worked on
the As and the Ps. Anyone interested in getting in on the action go
to (Source: Records of the Department of Internal Affairs, RECORD OF
MARRIAGES, 1885-1891. {series #14.25} Pennsylvania Historical and
Museum Commission, Bureau of Archives and History, Pennsylvania State
Archives. For original record see [www.phmc.state.pa.us]) and let
Carol E. know which letter you are working on, so we don’t duplicate

Kristed Aldred has been working on entering cemetery records for the
Bedford Cemetery and recently donated “1904 Bedford Fulton Phone
Directory” to be used at the Bedford County page.

Our team of Frank Bobak, Bob McKinley, Mona, Linda Pazics Kleback,
Mike Milliken, Jamie Danker, A. H. O’Neal, and other friends have
continued their efforts to enter obituaries and obituary abstracts
for all counties of Pennsylvania.


A transcription of the biographies contained in the book “History of
Washington and Kent counties, Rhode Island,” by Cole, J. R, 1889.
Over 670 biographies and been abstracted and are now on-line at


A transcription of the book “A History of Randolph County West
Virginia” by Dr. A.S. Bosworth has begun. A unique portion of the
book is a listing of the marriage licenses issued in Randolph County
between the years of 1787 and 1817.

Roane County updated – a number of of new cemetery transcriptions
and some pictures of tombstones havee been added. Stop by and check
it out at http://www.us-roots.org/wvroane/


PA-Roots is on Twitter – we can now quickly post notices of
updates and additions to our family of websites.

If you’ve got an idea for a project or if you’ve got some data that
you’d like to donate (large or small amount) please contact us. You’ll
find our contact form at http://www.pa-roots.com/index.php/contact-us

Help us enter this valuable information. It’s easy, fun and is a
valuable volunteer project for you or your organization! Contact
Carol at deddle@ix.netcom.com for training, stuff to enter
or encouragement.

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