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1850 Highland Township, Clarion County Census, page 205


Mar 28, 2011

1850 Census of Clarion County, PA
Page 205

LN = Line Number Family appeared on
HN = Dwelling houses numbered in the order of visitation
FN = Families numbered in the order of visitation
LAST NAME, FIRST NAME = The Name of every Person whose usual place of abode on the 1st day of June, 1850, was in this family
RACE = Color (white, black or mulatto)
OCCUP. = Profession, Occupation,or Trade of each Male over 15 years of age
VAL. = Value of Real Estate owned
BIRTHPLACE = Place of Birth, Naming the State, Territory, or Country
MRD. = Married within the year
SCH. = Attended School within the year
R/W = Persons over 21 yrs of age who cannot read & write
DDB = Whether deaf & dumb, blind, insane, idiotic, pauper, or convict.

CENSUS YR: 1850 STATE or TERRITORY: PA COUNTY: Clarion DIVISION: Highland tonwship REEL NO: 767 PAGE NO: 205
1 464 470 Murphy John 2 M PA
2 464 470 Murphy Mary A 1 F PA
3 465 471 McGurley Daniel 47 M Ireland X
REMARKS: occupation appears to be Emp????
4 465 471 McGurley Margaret 44 F Ireland X
5 465 471 McGurley Margaret 11 F PA X
6 465 471 McGurley Mary Jane 9 F PA X
7 465 471 McGurley William 7 M PA
8 465 471 McGurley Daniel 4 M PA
9 466 472 Smarn Christian 55 M Laborer
REMARKS: bith place appears to start with a "T"
10 466 472 Smarn Susannah 50 F PA X
11 466 472 Smarn Joseph 20 M Laborer PA X
12 466 472 Smarn Joshua 17 M Laborer PA
13 466 472 Smarn Aaron 13 M PA
14 466 472 Smarn Polly 18 F PA
15 466 472 Smarn Betsey 5 F PA
16 467 473 Culbertson Andrew 26 M Farmer 100 PA
17 467 473 Culbertson Amanda 24 F Kentucky
18 467 473 Culbertson Emily J 2 F PA
19 467 473 Culbertson Samuel 8/12 M PA
20 467 473 Culbertson Matilda 20 F PA
21 468 474 Johnson John 39 M Blacksmith PA
22 468 474 Johnson Jane 34 F PA
23 468 474 Johnson Catheran E 12 F PA X
24 468 474 Johnson Jeremiah 10 F PA X
REMARKS: Sex is incorrect based on the name
25 468 474 Johnson David 8 F PA X
REMARKS: Sex is incorrect based on the name
26 468 474 Johnson Andrew 5 M PA
27 468 474 Johnson William 8/12 M PA
28 468 474 Kelly William 7 M PA X
29 468 474 Sith John 19 M PA
30 469 475 Wells James 56 M Laborer PA
31 469 475 Wells Polly 54 F PA X
32 469 475 Wells Samuel 30 M Laborer PA X
33 469 475 Wells Sarah 12 F PA X
34 469 476 Bell Jacob 25 M Wagonmaker PA
35 469 476 Bell Mary Ann 19 F PA
36 469 476 Bell James 11/12 M PA
37 470 477 Matthew Elisabeth 50 F PA
38 470 477 Matthew Susanna 24 F PA
39 470 477 Matthew Eliza 19 F PA
40 470 477 Matthew William 14 M PA X
41 470 477 Matthew John 19 M X
42 470 477 Loyd Thomas 48 M Miner 3,000 Wales

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