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…bringing our past into the future

Chapter 16 – Companies of the Fifty-Seventh Regiment – Militia of 1863


Apr 11, 2011



Company D: Recruiting – Service in the Field – Roll. Company H: Enlistment – Service – Roll. Company I: Recruiting – Familiar Names – Roll of Company. Company K: Where Recruited – Service – Roll of Company.


IN obedience to the call of the president for fifty thousand Pennsylvania volunteers, Captain B.J. Reid recruited Company D at Clarion in the latter part of June, 1863, for the “emergency” service, to repel Lee’s invasion of Pennsylvania. It numbered fifty-eight men. On the 7th of July it marched for Pittsburgh, officered as follows: captain, B.J. Reid; first lieutenant, B.B. Dunkle; second lieutenant, J.M. Alexander. At Pittsburgh Company D joined the Fifty-seventh Regiment of three months volunteers, commanded by Colonel J.R. Porter, of Indiana. Cyrus Butler, of Brookville, was lieutenant – colonel, and on the 8th of July Captain Reid was elected major, Lieutenant Dunkle became captain of the company, J.M. Alexander, first lieutenant, and Albert J. Goble second lieutenant. Meantime Lee had been defeated at Gettysburg and had retreated into Virginia. The company was armed and drilled, but the only active service it performed was in assisting to head off and capture the rebel General Morgan and his raiders, which was accomplished, after several days of watching and chasing near New Lisbon, P., Sunday, July 26, 1863. The company returned to camp at Pittsburgh and was mustered out on the 17th of August, 1863. The regiment was in the department of the Monongahela, commanded by Major-General William T.H. Brooks, whose head-quarters were at Pittsburgh. The following company roster is copied from Bates. Captain Dunkle has been mentioned under Company H, of the Eighth Reserve, as having been honored by being elected sheriff. Joseph H. Patrick is a leading attorney at the Clarion bar, and Frank Ross one of the most popular physicians in. Clarion county; both reside in Clarion.

A number of the company afterward enlisted and saw hard service in the army.


Mustered in at Pittsburgh July 8, 1863; discharged August 17, 1863.

Bernard J. Reid, captain, promoted to major July 8, 1863 ; Bartlett B. Dunkle, captain; James M. Alexander, first lieutenant; Albert J. Goble, second lieutenant; Landis T. Duff, first sergeant; Joseph H. Patrick, James W. McClune, Robert Shippen, and Bordley S. Black, sergeants; Marion Whitehill, Jacob W. Kahle, James M. Potter, Herbert A.T. Loomis, Thomas Callen, Frank Ross, James T. Arnold, and Daniel A. Delo, corporals; John F. Porter, and Thomas M. Alexander, musicians; and privates, Miles Brenneman, Wm. Brenneman, Josiah B. Black, John Dolby, Andrew J. Donaldson, Benjamin Evans, Wm. Flack, Hiram S. Goble, Lewis Gathers, Wm. Hagan, John W. Hagan, Henry Hight, Jeremiah Harkles, George W. Haun, Charles Jones, Wm. Kirkwood, Abner Kelly, Benjamin S. Long, Joseph C. Long, Edward Marlin, George Magnus, Thomas Mills, Leonard Mong, Samuel W. McCamant, James McEntire, Thomas McCoy, Daniel McElvy, Samuel B. McLane, Jeremiah Phipps, John Randolph, Gideon F. Richardson, Frank Smith, Moses Stickler, David Sheets, John F. Wedekin, James H. Wentling, John T. Wilson, and Samuel Young.


When the president called for volunteers to protect the border States, Captain John C. McNutt recruited a company of sixty-two men in the eastern part of Clarion county. This company was assigned to the Fifty-seventh Regiment under Colonel Porter. It took part in the capture of Morgan near New Lisbon, in Ohio. The company was recruited between the 3d and 8th of July, 1863, and the men were discharged August 17, 1863.

First Lieutenant Martin H. Shannon was promoted quartermaster of the regiment July 18, 1863. Rev. Wm. J. Wilson, of Callensburg, was a member of this company. , A number of these men afterward enlisted in the regular service and had some hard experience.


John C. McNutt, captain; Martin H. Shannon first lieutenant; James E. Long, first lieutenant; J.N. Garrison, second lieutenant; Henry Keihl, first sergeant; David Milliron, George Richards, and Daniel Hoy, sergeants; John W. Alcorn, Joseph Heazley, John J. Fisher, Elijah H. Clark, Joseph Gloutz, Alvin Startzel, Jacob Smith, and Hiram McAninch, corporals; Samuel Gearhart and Amos Lerch, musicians; and privates, Wm. W. Alcorn, James G. Averell, Silas R. Anderson, Louis A. Brady, Amos Cailor, A.H. Divines, Franklin Dubels, John B. Farr, P.H. Freas, Robert Geist, James Geist, Wm. J. Geist, G.M. Gibson, Edward Henderson, George B. Hane, Wm. Jenkins, C.N. Jackson, Thomas Jones, Israel Johnston, Elijah Keller, John Lash, James Lang, Wm. R. Loder, George Mauk, J.J. Montgomery, G.S. Montgomery, Wm. Milliron, John McFarland, Joseph Neal, J.G. Porterfield, Amos Rabuck, John Ross, George J. Reitz, F. S. Spankie, Henry Shilling, M. Smith, Wm. R. Shafer, Henry Snyder, Wm. Swaub, Abraham Thomas, Wm. Wonderling, Wm. J. Wilson and James Walmer.


In response to the call for troops to enter the service to repel the invasion of the Border States in, 1863, Captain Wilbur Orr recruited a company early in July, 1863, principally from the southern and southeastern townships of Clarion county. The men assembled at Kittanning and proceeded to Pittsburgh, where the company was designated Company I, and assigned to the Fifty-seventh Regiment. It took part in the campaign which resulted in the capture of Morgan, and was discharged August 17, 1863.

George W. Parker was promoted to hospital steward July 8. The company numbered sixty-six men. Many of the readers of this note will recognize many familiar names on the roll of this company. For instance, Wilbur. Orr, F.A. Detrich, Neal Lawson, Thomas A. Brinkley, Rev. O.A. Elliott, Joseph F. Lobaugh, John H. Craig, and O.E. Nail, are names well known to most of the people of Clarion county.


Robert W. Orr, captain; F.A. Detrich, first lieutenant; Neal Lawson, second lieutenant; Samuel C. Lawson, first sergeant; George W. Parker, John Snyder, Joseph M. Foster and Samuel B. Gray, sergeants; John Reed, C.J. Blair, Henry Dougherty, T.A. Brinkley, Joseph McGregor, Orin A. Elliott, George W. Yingling, and David McKibben, corporals; Joseph F. Lobaugh and Matthew H. Dunkle, musicians; privates, J.W. Armstrong, J.H. Albert, D.R. Blair, Alfred, Bitters, C. Benninger, J.D. Burns, Emery Boyles, John Campbell, John H. Craig, James E. Craig, John Crissman, Jacob Detwiler, M.L. Eshbaugh, W.G. Elder, J.A. Fox, J.S. Ferguson, John Hawk, J.C. Jackson, John Livermore, Wallace Mortimer, L.A. Mortimer, Samuel Maize, Wm. McCauley, S.W. McCalmont, O.E. Nail, Wm. Wolf, J.H. Patton, Wm. W. Patton, George W. Perry, H.C. Platt, J.W. Risher, W.P. Rupert, John Rider, Wm. Smathers, James Simpson, Abram Sampsell, R.A. Stewart, M.S. Stewart, James Summerville, Wm. Stewart, Wm. Snyder, Wm. Travis, John A. Wise, Casander Wise, H.H. Wilson, Abram C. Wiant, and Wm. Wolf.


Captain Jacob Shick, of Redbank township, was one of the leading citizens of Clarion county, ready to respond to the call of our president in 1863. He recruited a company of sixty-five men in the vicinity of New Bethlehem, which was designated Company K, and attached to the department of the Monongahela in the Fifty-seventh Regiment, and shared in the campaign against Morgan. The company was mustered between the 3d and 8th of July, and mustered out of service August 17, 1863. This company, like others of the Fifty-seventh Regiment, which were recruited in Clarion county, was composed of the best citizens of the respective communities from which they went. Their readiness to serve their country, though some were young and some old, is a noble expression of their patriotism and devotion to their country and their homes.


Jacob Shick, captain; James McWilliams, first lieutenant; J.F. McNutt, second lieutenant; Joseph T. Shoemaker, first sergeant; R.G. Heiner, J.S. Sloan, J.E. Hamilton, and J.R. Sarvey, sergeants; Joseph Shick, John Coleman, M. Hankey, D.S. Paine, George Renard, S. Sherman, Joseph Himes, and Jacob Coleman, corporals; privates, Daniel Baughman, Wm. Bradley, H. Case, Wm. Copenheifer, H. Coleman, T. Clark, Wm. Drain, S. Evans, W. Farringer, D.F. Ferden, G.W. Ferden, C.C. Gibson, J.E. Gruber, J.F. Gruber, George Hilliard, John Harriger, G.W. Hankey, A.G. Hartzell, J.F. Himes, S.H. Hoffman, T.S. Johnston, I.J. Keck, D. Lankert, Wm. Long, John May, D. Mercer, H. Myers, Lewis Mohney, James McClain, A. McKee, G.W. Painter, J.M. Paine, James Peoples, L. Reed, Jacob Reynard, John Retinger, Wm. D. Rites, James Reynolds, V. Shingledecker, J. Shreckenghost, George Shick, D. Shick, J.C. Shafer, John H. Snyder, J.P. Smith, L.C. Shaffer, J. Watterson, Charles White and Wm. Yost.

* Copied from Bates

** Ib.

*** Copied from Bates

(4*) Copied from Bates

SOURCE:  Page(s) 164-167, History of Clarion County, A.J. Davis, A.J.; Syracuse, N.Y.: D. Mason & Co. 1887

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