• Mon. Mar 10th, 2025


…bringing our past into the future

Chapter 18 – Company E, Sixty-Second Regiment


Apr 11, 2011



When Recruited – Captain Kerr’s Dismissal – Service in the Field – Roll

Company E was recruited at Rimersburg, July 4, 1861, by Captain Thomas Kerr. The organization proceeded by wagons to Kittanning, thence by rail to Pittsburgh, where it was mustered into the United States service July 25, 1861.

The movements of the company, in common with the regiment, are detailed under the title “Company C, Sixty-second Regiment,” which chapter immediately precedes this. On account of some trouble relative to the rent of recruiting office at Rimersburg Captain Kerr* was dismissed April 5, 1862, and Sergeant Franklin Sweet succeeded to the command of the company. The first loss in battle which the company suffered was at Gaines’s Mill, June 27, 1862. In that struggle James Frier (or Friar), and Joseph McCray were killed; Wilson Crick and James E. Elder were missing. Both are supposed to have been killed. Bates says, Thomas Irvin was discharged March 19, 1862. Some surviving members of the company say he was killed in this battle.

Samuel W. Lobaugh was wounded in the head, being shot through from the back of his head when the regiment was beaten back at the time when Colonel Black was killed. (See preceding chapter.) John B. Fox was wounded in the foot, Neal Lawson in the thigh, Thomas Gatings in the neck, Henry Buchanan in both legs; Lot M. Anderson, George O. Carson, Henry Beer, John A. McKee, and David Mortimer also were wounded; Thomas Gatings, Samuel W. Lobaugh, and Henry Buchanan were captured.

At Malvern Hill, July 1, 1862, Lawson D. Reed was mortally wounded. Samuel Benn, William. Boyd, Thomas Baker, Jonathan Buzzard, Samuel L. Mortimer, and Daniel Punkhard were also wounded; James H. Thomas was missing.

In the attack on Fredericksburg, December 13, William H. Hillis and Robert P. McFadden were wounded. George W. Devore died at Sharpsburg, Md., December 26, 1862. The company did some hard fighting at Gettysburg, July 2 and 3, 1863. James McKinley was mortally wounded. The others wounded were Captain Franklin Sweet, First Sergeant Martin Hartzell; Sergeant William Ransel; and Privates William F. Ferguson, Eli Hastings, Samuel Hours, Alexander Mohney, John Miller, Daniel Punkhard, Samuel Varner, and Thomas A. Work; Corporal John W. Paine was taken prisoner; George McCoy was accidentally shot in the foot by a comrade in camp; he was sent to the hospital. His wound took a serious turn, causing his foot to be amputated, from the effects of which he died February 25, 1864. Punkhard (or Prunkhard) returned to the company June 6, 1864. During the Wilderness campaign Robert T. Barr and Samuel Carson were killed at Spottsylvania Court House, May 12, 1864. William Storey was wounded May 5, Henry Buchanan May 8, Francis Cook, Samuel L. Mortimer, and D.L. McGregor, at Spottsylvania, May 12. Thomas Gatings, James Probasco, and James F. Stewart were wounded at North Anna River. On the 2d of June Martin V. Hartzel was wounded at Bethesda Church; Hugh Fackender was killed at Cold Harbor June 3, 1864. In addition to those already m1entioned, the company took part in the battles of Chancellorsville, Funkstown, Rappahannock Station, New Hope Church, and Mine Run. The original members of the company, with the original enlistment of the other companies, were ordered to City Point at four P.M., July 2, 1864. Before eight.P.M. the remaining twenty-three men of Company E, Sixty-second Pennsylvania Volunteers were turned over to Company D, of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers.

In a well written diary of Private Joseph W. Graham, is found the following entry:
     “Tuesday, May 10, 1864. – Weather hot. Skirmishing again this morning. About eight A.M. Corporal Thomas Barr, of Company E, killed in front of the works. Ten A.M. our skirmishers advanced in force and drove the enemy out of their rifle pits and took possession of them. When this advance was made we got the body of Corporal Barr and consigned it to its long home. Heavy artillery and infantry firing in front, and the enemy held in check. 7:15 P.M. the enemy made an advance, and our artillery and infantry drove them back.”

Relative to the disappearance of Jonathan Buzzard, the same soldier notes on the 9th of May:
     “Jonathan M. Buzzard, brigade pioneer of Company E, 62d P.V., is missing. Supposed to be killed. He was out digging rifle pits for the pickets.”

And again, “May 12. – This day wet all day. At nine A.M., after a short cannonading, the 9th and 32d Regt’s, Mass. Vols. and the 62d P.V. made a charge on the enemy’s works in our front but were repulsed. The 62d P.V. had their Lieut.-Col. J.C. Hull and Adjutant John E. Myers severely wounded, and Co. E had privates Samuel Carson, Sam Mortimer, Daniel McGregor, and Francis Cook wounded.”

On the 14th of May Graham noted: “Adjt. John Myers, and Samuel Carson dead from wounds.”

On the 25th of May he notes: “Hugh Pastorius, of Co. E, wounded in the foot.”

In the following roll under “remarks,” the transfers to the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth are noted January 3, 1864. This seems to be an error, but in deference to Bates we leave it unchanged, and give below memorandum in full made by J.W. Graham in his diary:

“Saturday, July 2, 1864. – This day, as, usual, hot. Six o’clock A.M. some shelling done on our part from the mortars, but when it got hot there was a cessation till evening, when it was again resumed. After dark there was some picket firing done. The old men of the 62d P.V. are getting ready to go home. Four P.M. they are relieved and ordered to City Point, and by 8 P.M. the remaining men of Co. E, 62d P.V., are turned over to Co. D. 155th P.V., twenty-three being present; 11:30 the old company regiment leave for City Point.”

On Sunday the orderly sergeant of Company D, of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, assisted by Mr. Graham, made a return of the men which had been transferred, and this return probably gave the date to the record of the transfer. It is with pleasure the writer acknowledges the courtesy and valuable assistance extended to him by Corporal Thomas Gatings and Private William M. Pollock, who have been the means of presenting a comparatively correct roll of the company. The diary of Private Graham, now dead, is indeed valuable, but lack of space prevents expansion on topics therein carefully noted. The company saw hard service. Some of its members were not the most constant, but the great majority were earnest, loyal, and courageous men.


Thomas Kerr,** captain, July 25, 1861, three years; dismissed April 5, 1862.

Franklin Sweet, captain, July 25, 1861, three years; promoted from first sergeant December 22, 1863; wounded at Gettysburg July 2, 1863; mustered out with company July 13, 1864.

W.B. Montgomery, first lieutenant, July 25, 1861, three years; discharged August 3, 1863, by order of Major-General Sykes.

Philip Arner, first lieutenant, July 25, 1861, three years; promoted from sergeant September 30, 1863; mustered out with company July 13, 1864.

Daniel Rivers, second lieutenant, July 25, 1861, three years; discharged August 8, 1863, by order of Major-General Sykes.

Martin V. Hartzel, first sergeant, July 25, 1861, three years; promoted, to sergeant December 22, 1863; wounded at Gettysburg July 2, 1863, and at Bethesda Church June 2, 1864; mustered out with company July 13, 1864.

Wilson Crick, first sergeant, July 25, 186z, three years; missing at Gaines’s Mill, Va., June 27, 1862.

William H. Hillis, sergeant, July 25, 1861, three years; promoted to sergeant August 1, 1862; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862; mustered out with company July 13, 1864.

William Ransel, sergeant, July 25, 1861, three years; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863; mustered out with company July 13, 1864.

George Miller, sergeant, July 25, 1861, three years; appointed sergeant November 1, 1863; mustered out with company July 13. 1864.

William F. Furgeson, sergeant, July 25, 1861, three years; appointed corporal July 1, 1862; sergeant December 22, 1863; wounded at Gettysburg;, mustered out with company.

Sylvester D. Hamler, sergeant, July 25, 1861, three years; discharged January 21, 1862.

Jackson McPherson, sergeant, July 25, 1861, three years; discharged.

Johnson C. Gardner, corporal, July 25, 1861, three years; appointed corporal July 1, 1862, color guard; mustered out with company July 13, 1864.

Thomas J. Springer, corporal, July 25, 1861, three years; appointed corporal September 4, 1862; mustered out with company July 13, 1864.

C.R. Armstrong, corporal, July 25, 1861, three years; appointed corporal September 4, 1862; mustered out with company July 13, 1864.

John W. Paine, corporal, July 25, 1861, three years; appointed corporal December 1, 1862; prisoner at Gettysburg July 2, 1863; mustered out with company July 13, 1864.

William Hays, corporal, July 25, 1861, three years; appointed corporal, November 1, 1863; mustered out with company July 13, 1864.

John L. Gilbert, corporal, July 25, 1861, three years; appointed corporal August 12, 1861; discharged to accept promotion February 22, 1862.

Neal Lawson, corporal, July 25, 1861, three years; promoted to corporal October 25, 1863; discharged November 17, 1862, for wounds received at Gaines’s Mill June 27, 1862.

Thomas Gatings, corporal, August 30, 1861, three years; wounded and prisoner at Gaines’s Mill,. June 27, 1862; also at North Anna in May, 1864; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864, veteran.

John M. Shaffer, corporal, February 1, 1864, three years; promoted to corporal December 22, 1863; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth. Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864, veteran.

Robert T. Barr, corporal, July 25, 1861, three years; promoted to corporal March 12, 1863; killed at Spottsylvania Court House May 10,1864.

Henry W. Mahey, corporal, July 25, 1861, three years; promoted to corporal October 25, 1861; died at Philadelphia, Pa., March 24, 1862.

Lawson D. Reed, corporal, July 25, 1861, three years; captured; died at Richmond, Va., July, 1862, of wounds received at Malvern Hill, July 1, 1862.

James McKinley, corporal, July 25, 1861, three years; promoted to corporal July 1, 1862; died July 15, of wounds received at Gettysburg July 2, 1862.

Daniel Mitchell, corporal, July 25, 1861, three years; deserted July 30, 1861.

William J. Gifford, corporal, July 25, 1861, three years; appointed corporal April 15, 1862; deserted June 20, 1862.

Anderson, Lot M., private, July 25, 1861, three years; wounded at Gaines’s Mill June 27, 1862; discharged November 17, 1862.

Addleman, Eph. W., private, July 25, 1861, three years; died at Minor’s Hill, Va., March 17, 1862.

Buchanan, Henry, private, July 25, 1861, three years; wounded and prisoner at Gaines’s Mill June 27, 1862; wounded at Wilderness May 8, 1864; mustered out with company July 13, 1864.

Benn, Samuel, private, July 25, 1861, three years; wounded at Malvern Hill July 1, 1862; mustered out with company July 13, 1864.

Boyd, Levi, private, July 25, 1861, three years; discharged September 5, 1861.

Boyd, William, private, July 25, 1861, three years; discharged February 20, 1863, on account of wounds received at Malvern Hill July 1, 1862.

Barr, Thomas, private, July 25, 1861, three years; discharged July 30, 1862.

Baxter, John, private, September 2, 1862, three years; substitute; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864; burial record – died at Alexandria, Va., June 24, 1864; grave 2,233.

Beer, Henry, private, July 25, 1861, three years; wounded at Gaines’s Mill June 27, 1862; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps September 1, 1863.

Baker, Thomas, private, July 25, 1861, three years; wounded at Malvern Hill July 1, 1862; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps September 1, 1863.

Barrett, John T., private, July 25, 1861, three years; died at Minor’s Hill, Va., February 12, 1862.

Buzzard, Jonathan, private, July 25, 1861, three years; wounded at Malvern Hill, Va., July 1, 1862; missing at the Wilderness Va., May 9, 1864; supposed to be killed.

Buzzard, Thomas, private, three years; not on muster-out roll.

Bell, James, private, three years; not on muster-out roll.

Curry, Jacob P., private, July 25, 1861, three years; mustered out with company July 13, 1864.

Cooper, John H., private, July 25, 1861, three years; mustered out with company July 13, 1864.

Culberson, William, private, July 25, 1861, three years; mustered out with company July 13, 1864.

Cribbs, John L., private, July 25, 1861, three years; mustered out with company July 13, 1864.

Cunningham, M., private, July 25, 1861, three years; discharged June 1, 1862.

Cowan, Robert, private, July 25, 1861, three years; discharged November 21, 1862.

Cook, Francis, private, July 10, 1861, three years; drafted; wounded at Spottsylvania Court House May 12, 1864; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

Clark, Wm. M., private, February 29, 1864, three years; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

Curle, James, private, July 25, 1861, three years; died on steamer Commodore August, 1862.

Carson, Geo. O., private, July 25, 1861, three years; died at Philadelphia, Pa., August 4, 1862, of wounds received at Gaines’s Mill, Va., June 27, 1862.

Carson, Samuel, private, September or August, 1862, three years; killed at Spottsylvania C.H., May 12, 1864.

Cowan, John, private, three years; deserted August, 1861.

Delistatious, Walter, private, July 25, 1861, three years; discharged January 27, 1863.

Dougherty, John O., private, July 16, 1863, three years; drafted; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1863.

Devore, Geo. W., private, July 25, 1861, three years; died at Sharpsburg, Md., December 26, 1862.

Davidson, Samuel, private, July 25, 1861, three years; died at Philadelphia, Pa., July 8, 1862.

Elder, William, private, July 25, 1861, three years; discharged February 10, 1863.

Erbaugh, Francis M., private, December 27, 1863, three years; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864; veteran; re-enlisted December 27, 1863.

Elder, James E., private, July 25, 1861, three years; missing at Gaines’s Mill, Va., June 27, 1862.

Elliot, William, private, three years; not on muster-out roll.

Fox, John B., private, July 25, 1861, three years; wounded at Gaines’s Mill, Va., June 27, 1862; discharged November 17, 1862.

Flack, Henry, private, three years; discharged, date unknown.

Freeman, George W., private, August 30, 1861, three years; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

Ford, John P., private, July 10, 1863, three years; drafted; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

Foster, Robert, private, July 25, 1861, three years; died December 26, 1861; buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, D.C.

Fackender, Hugh R., private, July 25, 1861, three years; killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864.

Frier, James, private, July 25, 1861 ; three years, killed at Gaines’s Mill, Va., June 27, 1862.

Fair, Isaac, private, July 25, 1861, three years; deserted at Chancellorsville, Va.

Galbraith, John W., private, July 25, 1861, three years; discharged September 5, 1861.

Graham, Joseph W., private, September 13, 1862, three years; promoted to corporal June 28, 1864; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

Guntrum, David, private, February 29, 1864, three years; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

Guntrum, Martin, private, March 29, 1864, three years; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

Girts, William H., private, February 24, 1864, three years; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

Garvin, George, private, three years; not on muster-out roll.

Himes, John A., private, three years; re-enlisted December 27, 1863 ; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864, veteran.

Hastings, Eli, private, August 20, 1862, three years; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

Hull, Isaac A., private, August 20, 1862, three years; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

Hours, Samuel, private, September 13, 1862, three years; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

Harden, Bonaparte, private, September i6, 1863, three years; substitute; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

Hoffman, Sylvester H., private, February 24, 1864, three years; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

Harringer, Robert, private, July 25, 1861, three years; deserted August, 1861.

Huey, William, private, July 25, 1861, three years; not on muster-out roll.

Irvin, Thomas, private, July 25, 1861, three years; discharged March 19, 1862.

Jones, Thomas, private, August 30, 1861, three years; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

Jellison, Robert, private, 1863, three years; deserted August 14, 1864; returned; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

Kratzer, Reuben, private, February 29, 1864, three years; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

Kerr, Samuel L., private, July 25, 1861, three years; deserted September 12, 1862.

Lookabaugh, Jacob, private, July 25, 1861, three years; discharged September 5, 1861.

Lobaugh, Samuel W., private, July 25, 1861, three years; discharged January 29, 1863, for wounds received at Gaines’s Mill June 27, 1862.

Lancaster, James H., private, July 16, 1863, three years; drafted; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

Mohney, Alexander, private, July 25, 1861, three years; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863; mustered out with company July 13, 1864.

Miller, John, private, July 25, 1861, three years; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa,, July 3, 1863; mustered out with company July 13, 1864.

Monigan, Dennis, private, July 25, 1861, three years; absent, sick, at muster out.

Mohney, Gibson, private, July 25, 1861, three years; discharged October 22, 1862.

Mortimer, David, private, July 25, 1861, three years; discharged November 17, 1862, for wounds received at Gaines’s Mill, Va., June 27, 1862.

Mortimer, David B., private, July 25, 1861, three years; discharged February 9, 1863.

Mohney, Isaac, private, February 29, 1864, three years; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

Mortimer, Samuel L., private, December 28, 1863, three years; wounded at Malvern Hill, Va., July 1, 1862; re-enlisted December 13, 1863; wounded at Spottsylvania Court House May 12, 1864; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

Mossburg, Thomas D., private, July 16, 1863, three years; drafted; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

McGregor, Daniel, private, July 25, 1861, three years; wounded at Spottsylvania Court House May 12, 1864; mustered out with company July 13, 1864.

McKee, John M.E., private, July 25, 1861, three years; mustered out with company July 13, 1864,

McCoy, William H., private, July 25, 1861, three years; discharged July 6, 1862; burial record – died at Philadelphia, Pa., July 19, 1862.

McFadden, Robert P., private, August 28, 1862, three years; discharged February 28, 1863, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862.

McKee, John A., private, July 25, 1861, three years; discharged October 25, 1862, for wounds received at Gaines’s Mill, Va., June 27, 1862.

McLeary, James, private, July i6, 1863, three years; drafted; discharged November 18, 1863.

McKisson, John D., private, August 31, 1863, three years; substitute; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

McCauly, Thomas, private, July 16, 1863, three years; drafted; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

McCormick, James, private, August 29, 1863, three years; substitute; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

McCool, Thomas, private, March 29, 1864, three years; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

McCoy, James, private, July 25, 1861, three years; died at Minor’s Hill, Va., October 21, 1861.

McCoy, George, private, July 25, 1861, three years; died February 25, 1864, of wounds received in camp; buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, D.C.; veteran.

McElroy, Joseph, private, July 25, 1861, three years; died July 1, 1862, of wounds received at Gaines’s Mill, June 27, 1862.

McCoy, Thomas, private, July 25, 1861, three years; not on muster-out roll.

Nicklow, John, private, July 16, 1863, three years; drafted; discharged November 19, 1863.

Newell, William M., private, July 25, 1861, three years; discharged January 9, 1864.

Nail, Levi, private, March 29, 1864, three years; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

Neal, Henry W., private, July 25, 1861, three years; died at Minor’s Hill, Va., November 4, 1861.

Punkhard, Daniel, private, July 25, 1861, three years; wounded at Malvern Hill, Va., July 1, 1862; wounded at Gettysburg July 2, 1863; mustered out with company July 13, 1864.

Pollock, William M., private, July 25, 1861, three years; wounded at Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864; mustered out with company July 13, 1864.

Pinks, Samuel B., private, July 25, 1861, three years; discharged September 5, 1861.

Palmer, Valentine, private, July 25, 1861, three years; discharged July 11, 1863.

Peaden, James F., private, July 25, 1861, three years; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps; date unknown.

Probasco, James, private, December 28, 1863, three years; re-enlisted December 27, 1863; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864; veteran; wounded at North Anna River in May, 1864.

Pastorius, Hugh, private, July 16, 1863, three years; drafted; wounded May 25, 1864; transferred to Company D, One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment, July 3, 1864.

Payne, George, private, July 25, 1861, three years; died May 1, 1862; buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, D.C.

Pollock, John C., private, July 25, 1861, three years; died at Philadelphia, Pa, December 2, 1862.

Rusk, John, private, July 25, 1861, three years; mustered out with company July 13, 1864.

Robins, George, private, July 25, 1861, three years; captured; date unknown; died at Andersonville, Ga., August 30, 1864; grave 7293.

Reddick, Quincy A., private, July 16, 1863, three years; drafted; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

Rossenberger, John B., private, July 12, 1863, three years; drafted; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

Rankin, James L., private, August 28, 1862, three years; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

Steward, James F., private, July 25, 1861, three years; wounded at North Anna, May, 1864; mustered out with company July 13, 1864.

Shirk, Daniel, private July 25, 1861, three years; mustered out with company July 13, 1864.

Sharp, Evelyn D., private, July 25, 1861, three years; mustered out with company July 13, 1864.

Saggerser, William R., private, July 25, 1861, three years; mustered out with company July 13, 1864.

Sloan, John S., private, July 25, 1861, three years; discharged November 27, 1861.

Stewart, Robert A., private, July 25, 1861, three years; discharged July 30, 1862.

Smathers, Jacob, private, July 25, 1861, three years; discharged February 19, 1863.

Shirk, John M., private, September 13, 1862, three years; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

Sharp, Hanford R., private, August 28, 1862, three years; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

Stewart, Robert A., private, March 29, 1864, three years; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

Shyrock, John O., private, July 16, 1863, three years; drafted; transferred to One Hundred and Ffty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

Story, William, private, July 16, 1863, three years; drafted; wounded at the Wilderness May 5, 1864; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

Thomas, Mathew, private; July 25, 1861, three years; discharged April 22, 1862.

Thompson, Henderson, private, July 25, 1861, three years; not on muster-out roll.

Truby, Andrew J., private, September 13, 1862, three years; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

Thomas, James H., private, July 25, 1861, three years; missing at Malvern Hill, Va., July 1, 1862.

Varner, Samuel, private, July 25, 1861, three years; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863; discharged March 3, 1864.

Work, Thomas A., private, July 25, 1861, three years; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863; mustered out with company July 13, 1864.

White, Robert, private, July 25, 1861, three years; discharged July 30, 1862.

Warner, Sylvester, private, July 25, 1861, three years; discharged September 11, 1862; re-enlisted March 31, 1864; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

Watson, James H., private, July 25, 1861, three years; discharged April 18, 1863.

Whipkey, William, private, July 16, 1863, three years; substitute; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

Wilson, John B., private, February 24, 1864, three years; transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment P.V., July 3, 1864.

Work, Joseph, private, July 25, 1861, three years; died at Licking Run, Va., January 1, 1864.

Winters, John, private, March 31, 1864, three years; not on muster-out roll.

* Captain Kerr had rented a room from Mr. Henry Fox at Rimersburg, which he used as a recruiting office. Not knowing how much the government allowed for rent of office, he negotiated with Mr. Fox to pay a certain sum. When the captain submitted his report his superior officer informed him that the government paid more than the amount agreed upon with Mr. Fox. Accordingly the larger amount was inserted in the report, with the intention to pay Mr. Fox the full amount allowed. Captain Kerr reported to his regiment for duty, after forwarding the account to the Adjutant-General’s office in Harrisburg. Meanwhile Mr. Fox, learning that the captain had submitted a larger amount of rent than he (Mr. Fox) had received, at once reported the matter, while Captain Kerr was on duty at the front, all unconscious of having committed any wrong act, the case was made up against him. Military law is relentless, and he had to suffer its penalties.

** See foot-note at the beginning of this chapter

SOURCE:  Page(s) 178-189, History of Clarion County, A.J. Davis, A.J.; Syracuse, N.Y.: D. Mason & Co. 1887

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