• Mon. Mar 10th, 2025


…bringing our past into the future

Chapter 27 – Company C 105th Regiment PV


Apr 11, 2011



Recruiting – To the Front – Services – Severe Losses – Distinguished Names – Roll

CAPTAIN Calvin A. Craig recruited a company at Greenville, Clarion county, Pa., in July and August, 1861. The company enrolled, during its term of service, two hundred and nineteen men, principally of Clarion county. A few of the men were from Clearfield county. Several others were from the vicinity of Oil City.

The regiment was organized at Pittsburgh September 9, 1861, and immediately proceeded to Washington City, and encamped at Kalorama Heights, where the troops were provided with blankets, tents, etc. Here the regiment received its full complement of companies, and, by order of General McClellan, it crossed the Potomac and encamped on the farm of one Hon. George Mason, their camp being named Camp Jameson, in honor of their brigade commander, General Charles D. Jameson. At Camp Jameson the regiment went into winter quarters, being supplied with Sibley tents and sheet iron stoves. Here it was drilled constantly.

On the 18th of December, 1861, the regiment was hastily marched to Pohick Church, expecting to engage the enemy, who had raised his flag over the church. When the Union troops reached the church they found that the enemy had retired across Ocquoquon Creek, and the church was left alone with its memories of the Washingtons, the Lees, and the Fairfaxes, who had erected it, and who had worshiped there. The soldiers who made that march, and those who watched there on picket, will remember that spot with feelings of veneration.

On the 18th of February, 1862, the regiment was ordered out on picket. Prior to this date, on the 5th of January, 1862, the regiment received, by the hand of Colonel J.K. Moorhead, on behalf of the State, a beautiful stand of colors, which was accepted by Colonel McKnight, on behalf of the regiment.

The troops moved on the 17th of March, 1862, and proceeded by steamer to Fortress Monroe. Here the regiment entered upon its first field duty. The regiment lay before Yorktown until it was evacuated. It advanced on the afternoon of May 4, and encamped on the other side of Yorktown. The regiment took part in the battle near Williamsburg.

The One Hundred and Fifth was the first to move on the 6th. Company C and two other companies were deployed as skirmishers to enter Williamsburg. Company C occupied the center of the advance. General Jameson and Colonel McKnight accompanied these three companies. Company C was the first to enter the town, and the regimental flag was hoisted over the courthouse by Sergeant William McNutt. Sergeant Joseph Craig, of Company C, captured a rebel cavalryman, himself, taking man, horse, carbine, and revolver. Other prisoners were taken.

The company was constantly on the move now, and on the 31st of May, when the regiment went into the battle of Fair Oaks, it was on fatigue duty with Company I.

Coming up to the scene of battle as soon as possible, they were formed by order of General Heintzelman on the right of the Fifty-seventh Pennsylvania. In the severe fighting that followed, Company C had four men wounded. The company joined the survivors of the other companies during the night. The regiment won its first laurels at a fearful price at Fair Oaks, having lost two officers and forty-one men killed, one hundred and seventeen wounded, and seventeen missing. It was engaged on the 25th of June, losing two men killed and six wounded. On the 30th of June it was engaged at Charles City Cross Roads, with a loss of fifty-six killed and wounded. That night it retired to Malvern Hill and was hotly engaged there July 1, 1862. The regiment went in with two hundred men, and lost one hundred and three in killed, wounded, and missing. This severe loss was caused by the regiment being under a constant fire of musketry and artillery for four hours, with no protection but a rail fence.

Colonel McKnight resigned July 25, and in the absence of Lieutenant-Colonel Corbet, Captain Craig, of Company C, assumed command of the regiment. From Harrison’s Landing the regiment went to Alexandria, arriving there August 22.

On the night of the 28th of August the little force under Captain Craig was attacked by a superior force of confederates under General Gordon, and after a brave struggle Captain Craig and about one-half his men were captured, the others escaped in the darkness. Captain Craig was found in the hospital at Manassas the following Friday. The captured men were returned to our lines the next day, August 29. The One Hundred and Fifth at the Second Bull Run was commanded by Captain Craig, who was wounded in the ankle.

Colonel McKnight returned to the regiment on the 20th of September and was recommissioned Colonel.

On the 13th of December the regiment crossed the river at Fredericksburg and remained under fire forty-two hours, losing two officers and eleven men.

At Chancellorsville, May 3, the regiment played an honorable part. In that terrible battle Colonel McKnight was shot through the head and killed. Colonel Craig then took command. The regiment went into the Chancellorsville fight with twenty-seven officers and three hundred and twenty men. It came out with sixteen officers and two hundred and twenty men. Lieutenant Colonel Craig was commissioned Colonel on the 21st of May. On the 27th of May General Sickles presented the “Kearney Badge of Honor” to those of the regiment who by bravery and good conduct had merited it. The members of Company C who received the “Cross of Honor” were Corporal Andrew A. Harley, and privates Charles C. Weaver, and Samuel H. Mays.

In the battle of Gettysburg the regiment lost one officer and fourteen killed, thirteen officers and one hundred and eleven men wounded, and nine missing, a total of one hundred and sixty-eight out of two hundred and forty-seven who went in. Colonel Craig was here again wounded.

The regiment was engaged at Auburn, at Kelly’s Ford, at Locust Grove, at Mine Run, and in the Wilderness campaign, in which Colonel Craig was again seriously wounded and was only saved from death by his devoted men holding the artery so that it could not bleed. At Spottsylvania Sergeant Harley of Company C, color bearer, was wounded and the colors passed to Company F.

On the 16th of August, at Deep Bottom, Colonel Craig was mortally wounded and died on the 17th.

At the battle of Boydton Plank Road Captain Patton, of Company C, was killed while fighting against superior numbers. Lieutenant Joseph B. Brown then took command of Company C and was mustered out with the company July 11, 1865. The company participated in the campaign which terminated at Appomattox.

The regiment of which this company was a part  – the One Hundred and Fifth Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers – is one of which Pennsylvania is justly proud. Space would not permit as full an account of their trials and triumphs as they deserve.


Calvin A. Craig, captain, August 28, 1861, three years; wounded at Bull Run, Va., August 29, 1862; promoted to lieutenant-colonel April 20, 1863.

Charles E. Patton, captain, August 28, 1861, three years; promoted from first lieutenant April 20, 1863; killed at Boydton Plank Road, Va., October 27, 1864.

Joseph B. Brown, captain, October 21, 1861, three years; promoted to corporal December 1, 1861; to sergeant January 1, 1862; to first sergeant October 3, 1863; to first lieutenant March 1, 1864; to captain November 7, 1864; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Joseph Craig, first lieutenant, September 15, 1861, three years; promoted from first sergeant to first lieutenant July 29, 1862; to adjutant March 28, 1863.

William H. Hewitt, first lieutenant, August 31, 1861, three years; promoted to first lieutenant May 14, 1863; discharged by general order May 19, 1865.

Richard G. Warden, first lieutenant, August 26, 1861, three years; promoted from sergeant to first sergeant November 1, 1864; to first lieutenant June 8, 1865; mustered out with company July 11, 1865; veteran.

Isaac A. Dunston, second lieutenant, October 25, 1861, three years; promoted from first sergeant July 29, 1862; to second lieutenant May 1, 1863; died August 2d of wounds received at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863.

Henry H. Micheals, second lieutenant, October 25, 1861, three years; promoted to corporal April 1, 1864; to sergeant November 1, 1864; to second lieutenant June 8, 1865; mustered out with company July 11, 1865; veteran.

John R. Osborn, first sergeant, January 4, 1864, three years; promoted to corporal January 1, 1865; to first sergeant June 8, 1865; mustered out with company July 11, 1865; veteran.

Addison Law, first sergeant, September 12, 1861, three years; died June 17th of wounds received at North Anna River, Va., May 23, 1864; veteran.

George Laing, first sergeant, December 24, 1863, three years; promoted from sergeant September 15, 1864; commissioned second lieutenant October 22, 1864; not mustered; discharged by general order May 17, 1865; veteran.

David H. McCauley, first sergeant, December 24, 1863, three years; promoted from sergeant March 1, 1864; discharged February 22, 1865; veteran.

Charles C. Weaver, sergeant, October 25, 1861, three years; promoted to corporal April 1, 1864; to sergeant August 28, 1864; mustered out with company July 11, 1865; veteran.

Samuel H. Mays, sergeant, October 25, 1861, three years; promoted to corporal August 28, 1864; to sergeant May 17, 1865; mustered out with company July 11, 1865; veteran.

James E. Lafferty, sergeant, October 25, 1861, three years; promoted to corporal August 28, 1864; to sergeant May 29, 1865; mustered out, with company July 11, 1865; veteran.

Charles Rodgers, sergeant, September 9, 1863, three years; drafted; promoted to corporal January 1, 1865; to sergeant June 8, 1865; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Samuel Lattimore, sergeant, December 24, 1863, three years; wounded at Petersburg, Va., June 21, 1864; discharged February 22, 1865; veteran.

Horace H. Ferman, sergeant, December 24, 1863, three years; promoted from corporal June 1, 1864; discharged February, 22, 1865; veteran.

John H. Peirsall, sergeant, December 24, 1863, three years; promoted from private June 1, 1864; discharged February 22, 1865; veteran.

William D. Lytle, sergeant, December 24, 1863, three years; promoted from private January 24, 1864; discharged February 22, 1865; veteran.

Stewart Orr, sergeant, October 25, 1861, three years; promoted to corporal April 1, 1864; to sergeant August 28, 1864; discharged by general order May 29, 1865; veteran.

William McNutt, sergeant, October 24, 1861, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate February 4, 1863.

John Clary, sergeant, August 28, 1861, three years; promoted from corporal April 1, 1863;

discharged August 28, 1864 – expiration of term.

Andrew A. Harley, sergeant, August 28, 1861, three years; promoted to corporal April

1, 1863; to sergeant May 1, 1863; discharged August 28, 1864 – expiration of term.

James H. Craig, sergeant, October 24, 1861, three years; promoted to principal musician August 28, 1864; veteran.

William P. Lowry, sergeant, October 24, 1861, three years; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps December 1, 1864; veteran.

Isaac G. Miller, corporal, October 21, 1861, three years; promoted to corporal June, 1864; mustered out with company July 11, 1865; veteran.

John Ashbaugh, corporal, July 17, 1863, three years; drafted; promoted to corporal January 1, 1865; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Eli H. Chilson, corporal, October 21, 1861, three years; promoted to corporal June 1, 1864; mustered out with company July 11, 1865; veteran.

Isaac Lyle, corporal, October 16, 1861, three years; promoted to corporal May 29, 1865; mustered out with company July 11, 1865; veteran.

Aaron Young, corporal, February 12, 1864, three years; promoted to corporal June 8, 1865; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

James W. Watkins; corporal, February 18, 1864, three years; promoted to corporal June 8, 1865; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

John Hager, corporal, July 16, 1863, three years; drafted; promoted to corporal June 8, 1865; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

James B. Allison, corporal, October 24, 1861, three years; died at White Oak Swamp, Va., June 28, 1862.

Richard M. Rockey, corporal, October 24, 1861, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate June 16, 1862.

Samuel James, corporal, October 24, 1861, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate August 7, 1862.

Edward Keefer, corporal, October 24, 1861, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate September 26, 1862.

James W. Spears, corporal, October 24, 1861, three years; surgeon’s certificate September 1, 1862.

Andrew G. Fager, corporal, October 24, 1861, three years; promoted to corporal August 28, 1864; discharged by general order June 6, 1865; veteran.

George Warden, corporal, January 4, 1864, three years; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps December 28, 1864; veteran.

William Nipple, corporal, August 18, 1861, three years; not on muster-out roll.

Andrew Stedham, musician, December 25, 1863, three years; mustered out with company July 11, 1865; veteran.

Charles F. Cross, musician, December 25, 1863, three years; mustered out with company July 11, 1865; veteran.

Allen, Robert, private, April 22, 1864, three years; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Armagost, T.T., private, October 24, 1861, three years; died at Savage Station, Va., July 1, 1862.

Ardery, James A., private, October 24, 1861, three years; deserted December 15, 1862.

Allshouse, William, private, August 28, 1861, three years; discharged August 27, 1864 – expiration of term.

Allison, David, private, October 24, 1861, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate August 13, 1862.

Allshouse, Levi, private, July 17, 1863, three years; drafted; discharged on surgeon’s certificate May 24, 1865.

Alexander, Robert E., private, February 29, 1864, three years; absent, sick, at muster out.

Bookwalter, T.M., private, February 15, 1864, three years; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Brown, George A., private, July 16, 1863, three years; drafted; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Bush, Levi, private, September 7, 1863, three years; drafted; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Biggins, James, private, March 31, 1864, three years; wounded in action June 6, 1864; absent at muster out.

Bennett, George W., private, December 31, 1861, three years; died at Chester, Pa., August 5, of wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads, Va., June 30, 1862.

Burton, John, private, July 30, 1864, three years; drafted; missing in action near Hatcher’s Run, Va., March 29, 1865.

Bookwalter, Wm. H., private, April 8, 1862, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate December 20, 1862.

Bookwalter, Frs. O., private, April 8, 1862, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate January 6, 1863.

Bunnell, William, private, October 24, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate March 28, 1863.

Brooks, Charles L., private, September 9, 1863, three years; drafted; discharged January 21, 1865, for wounds received in action September 4, 1864.

Bowser, Hezekiah, private; February 1, 1864, three years; discharged by general order June 5, 1865.

Bannister, Benn, private, September 5, 1861, three years; deserted, returned; discharged by general order May 17, 1865.

Crick, William J., private, October 25, 1861, three years; deserted, returned; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Crandall, Simon, private, March 29, 1864, three years; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Cochran, E.P., private, February 22, 1864, three years; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Carnery, Craig, private, July 13, 1863, three years; drafted; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Church, John C., private, July 11, 1863, three years; drafted; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Coursin, Benj. F., private, July 18, 1863, three years; drafted; discharged by general order July 27, 1865.

Cyphert, A.J., private, April 12, 1862, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate November 25, 1862.

Craig, Jesse R., private, October 24, 1861, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate January 29, 1863.

Clinger, George, private, April 8, 1862, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate March 28, 1863.

Cyphert, David K., private, April 8, 1862, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate August 17, 1863.

Cyphert, George G., October 24, three years; discharged May 27, 1864, for wounds received at Chancellorsville, Va., May 2, 1863.

Cyphert, James K., private, April 12, 1862, three years; discharged April 18, 1865  – expiration of term.

Camp, George, private, July 10, 1864, three years; drafted; discharged by general order June 13, 1865.

De Vallance, M.G., private, April 9, 1864, three years; wounded in action June 16, 1864; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Dugan, George, private, October 25, 1861, three years; mustered out with company July 11, 1865; veteran.

Divinne, John, private, July 14, 1864, three years; drafted; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Davis, George W., private, October 24, 1861, three years; died at Camp Franklin, Va., December 5, 1861.

Day, James, private, September 8, 1863, three years; drafted; deserted May 3, 1864.

Divine, John, private, April 14, 1864, three years; discharged by general order May 29, 1865.

Dugan, David, private, August 28, 1861, three years; discharged May 1, 1865, for wounds received at Deep Bottom, Va., August 16, 1864; veteran.

Devanny, James, private, July 16, 1863, three years; drafted; transferred to company D February 26, 1864.

Dougan, Andrew, private, February 29, 1864, three years; not on muster-out roll.

Easton, William O., private, March 1, 1864; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Eicher, Andrew, private, July 16, 1863, three years; drafted; transferred to company D February 26, 1864.

Floyd, Edward, private, April 13, 1864, three years; wounded at Opequan, Va., September 19, 1864; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Felt, Alanson R., private, April 9, 1864, three years; mustered out with company July 11, 1865; veteran.

Funkhouser, George D., private, January 4, 1864, three years; mustered out with company July 11, 1865; veteran.

Fetter, William H., private, February 27, 1864, three years; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Fry, Jacob, private, October 24, 1861; three years; killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, 1863; buried in National Cemetery, sec. C, grave 90.

Fry, John M., private, October 24, 1861, three years; died at Alexandria, Va., December 1861; burial record, died at Alexandria, Va., December 11, 1863; grave 1164.

Fleck, David, private, October 24, 1861, three years; died at Camp Jameson, Va., January 18, 1862; burial record, Alexander, Va., December 9, 1863; grave 1139.

Fox, Perry C., private, April 9, 1861, three years; missing in action near Petersburg, Va., June 22, 1864.

Girt, David, private, February 4, 1864, three years; mustered out with company July 11, 1865; veteran.

George, William, private, July 18, 1863, three years; drafted; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

George, Archibald, private, October 25, 1861, three years; absent on furlough at muster out; veteran.

Gooderham, E.A., private, October 24, 1861, three years; killed at Malvern Hill, Va., July 1, 1862.

Goodman, John, private, October 24, 1861, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate February 11, 1863.

Gould, John, private, June 17, 1864, three years; drafted; discharged on surgeon’s certificate May 18, 1865.

Gordon, Albert, private, July 28, 1864, three years; discharged by general order May 22, 1865.

Holland, Richard, private, July 29, 1864, three years; substitute; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Hileman, Lee, private, September 16, 1863, three years; drafted; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Harrison, Samuel, Sr., private, July 10, 1863, three years; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Haden, Miles, private, February 24, 1864, three years; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Hetrick, Lebanah H., private, July 18, 1863, three years; drafted; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Harley, James A., private, October 25, 1861, three years; deserted; returned; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Hammond, Charles, private, June 10, 1864, three years; substitute; absent, sick, at muster out.

Hilbert, George, private, October 25, 1861, three years; wounded at Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864; absent at muster out; veteran.

Hamma, Henry, private, January 4, 1864, three years; wounded at Boydton Plank Road, Va., October 27, 1864; absent at muster out; veteran.

Harrison, Edward, private, October 24, 1861, three years; died at Philadelphia, Pa., December 12, 1862.

Harley, Joseph L., private, August 28, 1861, three years; discharged August 28, 1864 – expiration of term.

Hollopiter, J.W.T., private, August 28, 1861, three years; discharged August 28, 1864—expiration of term.

Hetrick, David, private, April 8, 1862, three years; discharged April 8, 1864 – expiration of term.

Hager, Ami, private, July 16, 1863, three years; drafted; discharged by general order May 28, 1865.

Hamma, William, private, October 9, 1861, three years; transferred to Company D February 26, 1864; veteran.

Hunter, Robert, private, August 1, 1861, three years; transferred to Company D February 26, 1864; veteran.

Isaman, John, private, July 18, 1863, three years; drafted; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Ingham, John, private, May 10, 1864, three years; wounded at Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864; absent at muster out.

Johnson, John C., private, April 9, 1864, three years; wounded at Wilderness, Va., May 6, 1864; absent at muster out.

Kearnighan, Jesse, private, May 29, 1864, three years; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Kiddie, David, private, July 11, 1863, three years; drafted; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Keifer, Samuel, private, October 25, 1861, three years; absent on furlough at muster out; veteran.

Kirkpatrick, M.S., private, April 8, 1862, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate February 11, 1863.

Long, Patrick, private, March 9, 1864, three years; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Linas, Thomas B., private, March 16, 1864, three years; missing in action at Wilderness, Va., May 6, 1864.

Mott, John, private, October 16, 1861, three years; mustered out with company July 11, 1865; veteran.

Moore, Robert, private, March 24, 1864, three years; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Mattis, William, private, March 20, 1865, one year; substitute; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Mays, John, private, October 24, 1861, three years; died September 8 of wounds received at Bull Run, Va., August 29, 1862.

Michael, David, private, October 24, 1861, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate August 10, 1862.

Mills, John, private, February 26, 1864, three years; discharged by general order May 29, 1865.

Miles, Obediah, private, October 24, 1861, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate January 19, 1862.

Mitchell, Thomas M., private, August 28, 1861, three years; discharged August 28, 1864—expiration of term.

Mitchell, David, private, October 24, 1861, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate April 11, 1863.

Marquis, Edwin, private, July 24, 1863, three years; drafted; transferred to Company D February 26, 1864.

Morrison, Allen, private, October 24, 1861, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate January 11, 1863.

Maloy, James, private, October 24, 1861, three years; discharged October 24 for wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads, Va., June 30, 1862.

McCormick, John W., private, October 24, 1861, three years; killed at Spottsylvania, C.H., Va., May 12, 1864.

McCormick, Henry, private, October 24, 1861, three years; died of wounds received at Bull Run, Va., August 29, 1862.

McGlaughlin, George, private, October 24, 1861, three years; died July 11 of wounds received at Fair Oaks, Va., May 31, 1862.

McGlaughlin, Abraham, private, October 24, 1861, three years; died at Philadelphia, Pa., June 25, 1862; burial record, September 28, 1862.

McFadden, Robert, private, October 24, 1861, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate October 4, 1862.

McKown, David, private, July 17, 1863, three years; drafted; discharged by general order May 29, 1865.

McCoy, Ross, private, October 24, 1861, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate November 8, 1862.

McKown, Hillis, private, October 24, 186t, three years; promoted to sergeant-major February 10, 1863.

McCullough, Isaac, private, September 9, 1861, three years; not on muster-out roll.

Nall, David P., private, October 24, 1861, three years; killed at Auburn, Va., October 13, 1863.

Nulf Adam, private, April 8, 1862, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate October 22, 1862.

Neugant, William J., private, September 9, 1861, three years; not on muster-out roll.

Oburn, Jacob S., private, July 29, 1864, three years; substitute; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Ogden, Joseph R., private, February 26, 1864, three years; absent, sick, at muster out.

Owens, Robert, private, October 24, 1861, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate January 20, 1865; veteran.

Potter, David, private, October 23, 1861, three years; mustered out with company July 11, 1865; veteran.

Peck, George W., private, March 29, 1864, three years; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Phillips, Michael, private, March 29, 1864, three years; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Parris, Coleman E., private, April 9, 1864, three years; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Pike, William, private, April 29, 1864, three years; wounded at Petersburg, Va., June 15, 1864; absent at muster out.

Peters, Frederick, private, December 24, 1863, three years; killed at Hatcher’s Run, Va., May 25, 1865.

Pierce, Jonathan, private, October 24, three years; died June 23 of wounds received at Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864; veteran.

Powell, Oliver N., private, October 24, 1861, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate August 6, 1862.

Phillips, Jacob F., private, October 24, 1861, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate February 20, 1863.

Palmer, John, private, September 9, 1863, three years; drafted; transferred to Company D February 26, 1864.

Phelps, Lewis M., private, July 29, 1864, three years; substitute; discharged by general order May 29, 1865.

Rumbarger, F., private, December 24, 1863, three years; deserted; returned; mustered out with company July 11, 1865; veteran.

Riggles, Abraham J., private, July 27, 1863, three years; drafted; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Riddell, Edgar E., private, September 30, 1861, three years; wounded at Wilderness, Va., May 6, 1864; absent at muster out; veteran.

Richards, David, private, March 10, 1864, three years; wounded at Spottsylvania C.H., Va., May 10, 1864; absent at muster out.

Reich, George, private, April 18, 1862, three years; wounded at Mine Run, Va., November 27, 1863; discharged April 10, 1865.

Rhodes, Jeremiah, private, October 24, 1861, three years; died July 16 of wounds received at Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, 1863; buried in National Cemetery, sec. A, grave 67.

Rocky, William, private, August 28, 1861, three years; discharged August 27, 1864—expiration of term.

Rainey, Isaac N., private, October 24, 1861, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate January 24, 1863.

Rockey, John S., private, October 24, 1861, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate August 20, 1863.

Reich, David P., private, October 24, 1861, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate November 3, 1862.

Reinsel, Joseph, private, March 23, 1864, three years; transferred to Company D February 26, 1865.

Scott, John, private, October 25, 1861, three years; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Stitt, Emery E., private, July 17, 1863, three years; drafted; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Smith, William C., private, July 17, 1863, three years; drafted; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Saunders, Geo. W., private, September 30, 1861, three years; mustered out with company July 11, 1865; veteran.

Shartraw, Michael, private, September 30, 1861, three years; mustered out with company July 11, 1865; veteran.

Shannon, David R., private, February 13, 1864, three years; wounded at Wilderness, Va., May 6, 1864; absent at muster out.

Shagel, David, private, July 18, 1863, three years; drafted; wounded at Wilderness, Va., May 6, 1864; discharged by general order July 19, 1865.

Sibly, Ami, private, April 7, 1864, three years; wounded at Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864; absent at muster out.

Smith, Barnard, private, March 10, 1864, three years; wounded at Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864; absent at muster out.

Smith, Philip, private, October 24, 1861, three years; killed at Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864; veteran.

Sayers, Templeton, private, October 24, 1861, three years; died at Camp Jameson, Va., November 30, 1861.

Sollinger, James, private, October 24, 1861, three years; died at Harrison’s Landing, Va., July 8, 1862.

Schofield, James E., private, October 24, 1861, three years; died near Alexandria, Va., October 7, 1862.

Sealor, Jacob, private, October 24, 1861, three years; died at Point Lookout, Md., August 16, 1862.

Shields, John, private, April 27, 1864, three years; missing in action near Petersburg, Va., June 22, 1864.

Stephenson, James, private, July 2, 1863, three years; drafted; deserted January 10, 1865.

Speady, William, private, August 28, 1861, three years; discharged August 27, 1864—expiration of term.

Sarver, Daniel, private, August 22, 1862, three years; discharged by general order May 29, 1865.

Snyder, Francis, private, July 16, 1863, three years; drafted; discharged January 2, 1865, for wounds received at Wilderness, Va., May 6, 1864.

Smith, Francis, private, April 8, 1862, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate August 7, 1862.

Settlemoyer, George, private, December 31, 1861, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate August 7, 1862.

Sollinger, John, private, October 24, 1861, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate December 18, 1862.

Stephens, Palmer J., private, October 24, 1861, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate January 15, 1863.

Spears, Jackson, private, October 24, 1861, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate May 29, 1863.

Shreckengost, H., private, October 24, 1861, three years; discharged December 22 for wounds received at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863.

Stokes, George, private, February 29, 1864, three years; transferred to Company D February 26, 1864; veteran.

Smith, John, private, July 11, 1863, three years; drafted; transferred to Company D February 26, 1864.

Stedham, John, private, August 1, 1861, three years; transferred to Company D February 26, 1864.

Smith, Peter L., private, September 9, 1861, three years; not on muster-out roll.

Tantlinger, Thomas M., private, August 2, 1864, three years; substitute; died at Washington, D.C., April 4, 1865; burial record March 27, 1865; buried in National Cemetery, Arlington Va.

Twining, John H., private, March 26, 1864, three years; missing in action at Wilderness, Va., May 6, 1864.

Turner, Isaac, private, June 7, 1864, three years; substitute, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps September 25, 1864.

Vaneps, Wm. W., private, March 11, 1864, three years; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Welch, Philip,W., private, June 22, 1864, three years; substitute; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Walker, Alexander, private, September 9, 1863, three years; drafted; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Williams, Samuel F., private, September 30, 1861, three years; mustered out with company July 11, 1865.

Wilson, William C., private, June 30, 1864, three years; substitute; killed at Deep Bottom, Va., August 16, 1864; burial record, died at Philadelphia, Pa., September 16, 1864.

Wilson, John A.L., private, March 25, 1864, three years; died at City Point, Va., January 24, 1865.

Woods, James, private, October 24, 1861, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate September 26, 1863.

Walker, Samuel, private, October 24, 1861, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate April 4, 1862.

Westover, William, private, October 24, 1861, three years; discharged on surgeon’s certificate February 17, 1863.

Witherow, John, private, August 28, 1861, three years; discharged August 27, 1864—expiration of term.

Wilson, Thomas F., private, February 29, 1864, three years; transferred to Company D, February 26, 1865.

Young, Abraham, private, August 28, 1861, three years; discharged August 27, 1864 – expiration of term.

* Copied from Bates.

SOURCE:  Page(s) 264-277, History of Clarion County, A.J. Davis, A.J.; Syracuse, N.Y.: D. Mason & Co. 1887

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