• Mon. Mar 10th, 2025


…bringing our past into the future

History of Delaware County Pennsylvania – Chapter 12


Apr 12, 2011



In a work such as this it is not to be expected that space can be given to a discussion of the causes which led the Congress of the United States, on June 18, 1812, to a declaration of war against Great Britain, but it is sufficient to say that the act was looked upon as largely a political measure,  the Democratic party, which was then in power, declaring for a vigorous prosecution of the war, while the Federalists opposed the contest as unnecessary, injudicious, and destructive of our commercial prosperity. In the city of Baltimore to such an extent was party spirit aroused that serious breaches of the peace and riotous attacks were manifested between the opposing political factions.

In the county of Delaware, as elsewhere, there was a division of sentiment, but the preponderance of opinion was adverse to the war, and was outspoken in its disapproval. On Aug. 5, 1812, in the Chester and Delaware Federalist (now Village Record),* appeared the following advertisement:
     “COUNTY MEETING. THE FEDERAL REPUBLICANS and all others friendly to PEACE and COMMERCE in Delaware county are requested to meet at the house of Isaac Cochran, in the township of Upper Providence, on Saturday, the 8th of August, at 2 o’clock P.M., on business preparatory to the ensuing ELECTION in October and November next.”

The county meeting thus called was largely attended. Thomas Smith was appointed chairman, and Maskell Ewing secretary, and the following preamble and resolution were unanimously adopted:
     “The Congress of the United States having on the 18th of June last passed an act declaring war against Great Britain and her dependencies, which has thrown this heretofore happy and prosperous country into a hostile attitude, at a time, too, when we are unprepared by land or sea, our territory and citizens exposed to invasion and plunder, our commerce unprotected, a prey to an enemy whose ships have power to control the ocean,—
     “Resolved, That we view the proceedings as hostile to the happiness and interest of this country, and consider the men who sanctioned it by their votes as unworthy of our confidence, that we will exercise every constitutional right to displace them and put those at the head of our affairs whom we deem capable of honestly representing us.”

The resolution met with such general approval that a meeting of the young men of the county was called in the court-house at Chester, and on Aug. 22, 1812, the building was crowded, many persons who attended being unable to enter the doors. Samuel Edwards, Esq., then a rising young lawyer who had been admitted a few years previous, was called to preside, and Zedekiah W. Flower was appointed secretary. A lengthy address, evidently carefully prepared, was read, in which it was argued that no good reason, excepting the impressing of American seamen by English vessels, had been advanced by the advocates of the war, and even that cause should and could be removed by negotiation between the two nations. The following resolutions were adopted:
     “Resolved, That we are determined to employ all our exertions to produce a speedy and honorable peace, and that we will obey all constitutional acts of our government.
     “Resolved, That, feeling confident that nothing but a change of men and measures will produce the blessings of peace and National prosperity, we consider it a solemn duty imposed on every citizen by true and genuine patriotism to use all honorable means in the exercise of the right of suffrage to procure an immediate change in the administration of the National Government, and thereby save us from the dreadful consequences of a protracted war.
     “Resolved, That at a time like the present, when one of our most flourishing and commercial cities has been subjected by an infuriated mob,** we consider it the duty of every citizen to aid and assist in suppressing all riots, tumults, and mobs, believing that they are tending to overthrow the only Republican government on earth.
     “Resolved, That although we do not apprehend any disturbance of the kind in this quarter, yet should any outrages be attempted we pledge ourselves to each other and to society to use our utmost exertions to support the laws and defend the lives and property of our fellow-citizens against such proceedings.”

Little of interest can be gleaned, at this late day, from our annals respecting the progress of the war. That there were a number of soldiers enlisted from our county is fully ascertained, but the names of such persons have been forgotten in the lapse of time, and because they were recruited into organizations not strictly local. We know that the two sons of Elisha Price, of Chester; both died in the service, one from diseases contracted, and the other killed in action on the Canadian frontier.

An interesting scrap of local history is furnished in the following extract from the Freeman’s Journal, published in Philadelphia, March 12, 1813, for it not only shows the means used to convey intelligence of important events in those days, but it indicates that the ancient borough of Chester was proud to have an opportunity to send forth to the public the news of the great victory achieved by the gallant captain who made that town his home:
     “Postscript. Another Naval Victory.—The following important note was endorsed on the way-bill from Chester, Penna., received at the Post-office last night: ‘”Essex” frigate captured the British frigate “Castor,” and killed one hundred and fifty of her men.’ The report adds that the ‘Essex,’ Capt. Porter, had arrived in the Delaware, March 10, 1813.”

The safe arrival of the “Essex,” thus reported, was only six days previous to the active blockade of the Delaware River and Bay by the British vessels of war “Poictiers,” “Belvidere,” and several smaller crafts under the command of Commodore Beresford. On March 16th, when the former vessel lay off the village of Lewes, near Cape Henlopen, and threatened to open fire on the hamlet unless twenty-five bullocks and a proportionate quantity of vegetables should be contributed to the support of the English fleet, the news of the outrage was carried by couriers to arouse the people to resistance, and Delaware County promptly responded. That organization was effected within our county previous to Admiral Cockburn’s attack on and spoliation of Havre de Grace, and even before the latter’s forces applied the torch to the village of Fredericktown, on May 6th, is evident from the official correspondence. Under date of April 7, 1813, James Trimble, deputy secretary of the commonwealth, wrote to William Brooke, brigadier-general of the Third Division of militia, stating that on the application of Samuel Edwards and Thomas D. Anderson, of Chester, Governor Snyder had consented to furnish sixty muskets with bayonets, and, if possible, as many cartridge-boxes, for the purpose of arming the Chester Company of Infantry, on condition that Messrs. Edwards and Anderson, with two other gentlemen to be approved by Gen. Brooke, should enter bonds to return the arms and accoutrements in good order in six months after they received them. On May 12, 1813, Secretary of State Boileau wrote to Thomas S. Anderson that Governor Snyder was prepared to forward as early as practicable five or six hundred stands of arms and cartridge-boxes, and orders had been forwarded to Deputy Quartermaster-General Foering to furnish whatever ammunition might be required, but that there were no tents or other camp equipments belonging to the State, fit for use, that could be had. He suggested that in the then season of the year, and in a country so thickly settled, the men in service might find shelter from any inclement weather in houses, barns, or temporary huts. He further stated that in 1793 Governor Mifflin had loaned one hundred and sixty tents to the Board of Health in Philadelphia, and Gen. Foering would be instructed to ascertain their condition, and, if found fit for use, they would be delivered to Gen. Brooke, the brigade inspector for the district including Delaware County. Under date of May 15, 1813, Secretary Boileau wrote to Joseph Engle that three hundred and fifty stands of arms, with other articles, had that day been forwarded to Chester, and as Gen. Brooke lived some distance from the latter place, the arms had been sent in Mr. Engle’s care, and he should receipt to the wagoner for them. In a postscript he adds that after the muskets were loaded in the wagon it was found it would not carry more than three hundred boxes, and as it was thought the other articles were not as necessary as the guns, they had not been forwarded.

The muskets mentioned in the letter to Anderson of May 12th, and those that were forwarded to Engle on May 15th, were doubtless intended to arm the emergency men, when the intelligence of the destruction of Fredericktown was received, together with the report that a large force of English troops, accompanied by Indians, who spared neither women nor children, had landed there, doubtless intending serious mischief. The latter part of this rumor was without foundation.

Nothing of interest appertaining to the war occurred in Delaware County for fifteen months, although the militia must have been held in readiness to move at short notice. In the early part of March, 1814, Secretary Boileau wrote to Gen. Brooke that a thousand muskets had been sent by the United States to the State arsenal in Philadelphia to arm the militia, and the quota of Delaware County would be delivered when it became necessary. The cartridge-boxes which had been sent to Chester must have been sadly out of order, for in the same letter the Secretary says in respect to them, “Although not of the best quality, (they) will at least serve for a short campaign. Any man who receives a box can easily put a few more tacks to secure the belts.” On the same day Secretary Boileau wrote to Deputy Quartermaster-General Foering, “That in case of a threatened invasion of the shores of the Delaware, and you should be called upon by Brig.-Gen. Brooke, of the Third Division, or Maj.-Gen. Steele, of the said division, for arms, equipments, and ammunition, that you furnish them with what may be deemed necessary.”

The idea of gathering the militia into camps of instruction seems to have been the suggestion of President Monroe, for April 6, 1814, he wrote to Gen. Joseph Bloomfield, stating that the military organizations “ought to be assembled and a camp formed,” suggesting that such cantonment should be on “some commanding, healthy ground between the Schuylkill and the heights of the Brandywine.” The President urged the gathering of this force at once, as “we must keep together a nucleus at least of an army, with every necessary equipment, sufficiently strong to oppose the enemy on his landing until you can get the whole together to overwhelm him.”***

In the early summer of 1814 the inhabitants of the Middle and Southern seaboard States were fully aware that England, now that peace in Europe had apparently released a large force of veteran soldiers from service there, and that they were under orders to America, meditated a decisive movement against the United States, and, being uncertain where the blow would be struck, made every effort to place all exposed situations on our coast in a position of defense. Hence when the city of Washington fell before the British army under Ross, on the 18th of August, when the incendiary Cockburn had applied the torch to the unfinished capitol, the library of Congress, the President’s house, and other pub1ic buildings, and Baltimore was menaced, Governor Snyder promptly, on Aug. 27, 1814, issued a general order, setting forth that “the recent destruction of the capital of the United States, the threatened and probable conflagration of the metropolis of a sister State, and the general threatening aspect of affairs, warranted the opinion that an attack is meditated by the enemy on the shores of the Delaware.” To repel the foe and to guard against surprise, he deemed it necessary to have a sufficient force “of freemen” ready for every emergency, and therefore required that the militia generally of the counties of Philadelphia, Bucks, Montgomery, Delaware, Chester, Lancaster, Dauphin, Lebanon, Berks, Schuylkill, Lehigh, Northampton, and Pike, in addition to those drafted for the service of the United States, under orders of July 22d, who were already subject to the orders of Gen. Bloomfield, “be held in readiness to march at a moment’s warning.”

The militia of Pennsylvania having been ordered to assemble at the town of York to the number of five thousand, on Sept. 8, 1814, Governor Snyder wrote to Gen. Bloomfield that he proposed asking the Secretary of War to transfer the troops to the shores of the Delaware for the defense of the city of Philadelphia and the country along the river. In his letter to President Monroe dated September 9th, the Governor advocated this movement, adding that the authorities “must at present rely upon the patriotic feeling which pervades Pennsylvania, rather than on coercing obedience to our militia laws, and before that feeling can have an effect, the enemy, by rapid movements, may have effected his depredatory incursions.” He suggested a locality for the camp should be selected so that the troops would be marched in a few days either to the Delaware River or Chesapeake Bay. On the 10th, Governor Snyder wrote to the President that about six thousand volunteers had arrived in Philadelphia, and many others were on the march to that city; that Gen. Bloomfield thought a camp should be formed at Marcus Hook, where the volunteers should be organized under United States regulations, and Gen. Bloomfield would himself take command of the forces. The Governor was of the opinion that inasmuch as the militia had selected their own company officers, they would be unwilling to be consolidated into other bodies and have strange commanders placed over them. He, therefore, suggested that they should be organized in accordance with the laws of the State, in battalions and regiments, under which they would willingly serve the term of three months for which they had enlisted.

Immediately below Marcus Hook, to command the river, extensive earth works were hastily constructed and mounted with cannon, while between Ridley and Crum Creeks earthworks were erected to control the Queen’s Highway to Philadelphia. So intense was the alarm in the borough of Chester and county of Delaware that the records were packed ready to be transported, if necessary, at a moment’s notice to the interior of the State.

On Sept. 18, 1814, Secretary Boileau wrote to Gen. Brooke that, during the alarm at Elkton the preceding summer, three hundred stands of arms had been sent to Chester for the use of the militia. These muskets Gen. Brooke was ordered to have delivered to him, and if any repairs to them were needed, to have them mended in the neighborhood, if possible, but if that could not be done, to send them to the State arsenal at Philadelphia for that purpose. He also required Gen. Brooke to inquire for and take into his possession the cartridge-boxes which had been forwarded to Chester at the same time the muskets were sent.

We learn, from a letter written by Secretary Boileau, Sept. 28, 1814, that the drafted men at that date, who were stationed at Marcus Hook, were destitute of tents and other camp equipments, while the volunteers had good quarters and were well supplied with all necessary camp furniture. The cantonment was located just back of Marcus Hook cross-roads, was called Camp Gaines (subsequently Fort Snyder), and was under the command of Maj.-Gen. Worrall. Col. William Duane, Adjt.-Gen. and Maj. Hunter, both of the United States army, had the care of the camp and superintended its discipline.

Dr. Smith states, respecting the drafted troops from Delaware County, that “the first company was convened at the ‘Three Tuns,’ now the Lamb Tavern, in Springfield, on the 14th of October, and marched to Chester that day. Its officers were Capt. William Morgan, 1st Lieut. Aaron Johnson, 2d Lieut. Charles Carr, and Ensign Samuel Hayes. This company remained at Chester two weeks waiting for camp equipage, before repairing to the encampment at Marcus Hook. During this time the men occupied meeting-houses and other public buildings.”(4*)

From the manuscript Orderly Book of the Mifflin Guards of Delaware County, commanded by Capt. Samuel Anderson, we learn that on Sept. 15, 1814, that body of volunteer infantry was at Camp Bloomfield, Kennett Square, Chester Co. That on the 17th of the same month they broke camp, and the troops marched to Gregg’s Tavern, three and a half miles from Wilmington, while the following day they were in cantonment at Camp Brandywine, and on the 29th they were at Camp Dupont. This cantonment was located in the neighborhood of Wilmington, Del., and was under the command of Brig.-Gen. Thomas Cadwalader. Governor Snyder, on October 5th, visited the camp and was received with a Federal salute, fired under direction of Maj. Provost, as soon as the head of the escort entered the main grounds, the troops presenting arms and “the drums giving the ruffles.” Gen. Bloomfield was superseded in control of the Fourth Military District, Oct. 7, 1814, on which date Maj.-Gen. Gaines assumed the command and reviewed the troops at Marcus Hook on the 12th of the same month.

The discipline of the troops of course was very lax, and the desertions from camp numerous; therefore, October 19th, Gen. Gaines issued a general order, in which he stated that he had received the finding of a court-martial, to which he had refused his approval, because the sentence imposed on certain soldiers found guilty of desertion, in his opinion, “has no adequate proportion to the offence committed by them. Slight punishments for high military offences are worse than useless. The infamous crime of desertion particularly calls aloud for the highest punishment. Deserters must be shot.”

A general order was issued on Oct. 14, 1814, dated at Marcus Hook, commanding that the Pennsylvania volunteers called into service under the order of Governor Snyder, Aug. 27, 1814, should be immediately organized under the act of Assembly of March 28, 1814. On Oct. 29, 1814, the Delaware County Fencibles, Capt. Serrill, was attached to the First Brigade Pennsylvania Volunteers till further orders.

On Nov. 15, 1814, Lieut.-Col. Raquet was ordered to march the next day with Capt. Leonard’s company of artillery, and Capts. Mifflin’s, Swift’s, Brown’s, Serill’s, and Murray’s companies of infantry, and take a position to cover New Castle. The artillery was to consist of two six-pounders and two howitzers. On the same day, Gen. Gaines issued an order approving the finding of the court-martial which sat at Fort Clemson, November 1st, for the trial of David Jefferies, a private in Capt. Patterson’s company, Thirty-second Regiment, United States Infantry, charged with desertion, who was found guilty, sentenced to be shot to death, and the execution ordered to take place the next day, November 16th, between twelve and four o’clock, at such place as Col. Irwin, or the officer in command at Camp Clemson, near New Castle, should appoint.

The dread of an immediate invasion or attack on the Middle Atlantic States having subsided, on Nov. 28, 1814, the artillery companies commanded by Capts. Rodney and Reed, of Delaware Volunteers, were ordered to take post at New Castle for the defense of that town, and Gen. Cadwalader was instructed to put the whole of the Advance Light Brigade in march for the city of Philadelphia, there to await further orders.

That this was done appears from an affidavit of Abel Green, of Edgmont, on file in the prothonotary’s office, Media, who, under date of April 7, 1855, states that he was a private in the company of Capt. Benjamin Weatherby, which was drafted for the term of three months, and “was honorably discharged at Philadelphia on the 2d day of December, 1814.” That the Mifflin Guards were ordered to Chester we know beyond dispute, because at the latter place, under date of Dec. 10, 1814, Capt. Samuel Anderson issued the following order:
     “The company will assemble for drill in Chester on every Wednesday and Saturday at ten o’clock until further orders. The orderly or a sergeant acting as orderly will attend at my headquarters every morning at nine o’clock to receive and execute such orders as may be given. All knapsacks, haversacks, and canteens in possession of the members will be delivered at my quarters on the next company day. It is expected that the members will pay the same attention to the cleanliness of their arms as they did while in camp. As a reward for industry, the four persons having the cleanest muskets on each day of parade will be excused from duty for one week. The company will bear in remembrance that they are still in the service of the government, consequently that they are subjected to the penalties and punishments prescribed by the articles of war for the neglect of duty, disobedience of orders, or any other violation of the rules and regulations laid down for the government of the armies of the United States. It is therefore expected that all orders from your commander will be respected and punctually obeyed. Defaulters must and will be punished.
     “Those persons who formerly considered themselves as members of this company, but had not patriotism and fortitude sufficient to encounter the difficulties and endure the hardships and privations of the campaign, are ordered to deliver up their arms and accoutrements, being no longer considered members of the company.”

On Dec. 21, 1814, Capt. Anderson issued this order:
     “Company drills are dispensed with until further orders. For the conveniences of members the company will be divided into three classes. The first class will include all the members residing in Chester and its vicinity, to be under the immediate command of the captain. The second class will include those who reside in the neighborhood of Marcus Hook, and all others who may find it most convenient to meet at that place, to be commanded by Lieutenant Marshall. The third class will be under the command of Lieutenant Evans, to include all those who may find it most convenient to meet at the Black Horse Tavern in Middletown. The members of each class, respectively, will assemble at the quarters of the officer commanding on every Wednesday at 11 o’clock, A,M., with arms, except in wet weather. The officers commanding the second and third class will report to the Captain on every Thursday. The names of absentees to be inserted in their reports, also the names of those who neglect to keep their muskets in order. All such as neglect to comply with this order will he considered deserters and reported as such to the commanding General. Those who obtained leave of absence before the troops left camp, on account of sickness, and have not since reported themselves, will report forthwith, otherwise they will be reported as unfit for the service of the U. S. and discharged accordingly. The Quarter-Master will report to Philad. in order to procure the rations due to the company.”

I have not learned when the volunteers were mustered out of the service of the United States. Martin says it was Dec. 6, 1814. The foregoing orders show that that date is inaccurate.

In 1863, when the bill was before Congress providing for pensions to the soldiers of the war of 1812, a meeting of the survivors of that struggle in Delaware County was called at the Columbia House, in Chester, on December 6th, and organized by the appointment of Hon. George G. Leiper chairman, and Capt. John Martin secretary. The object of the meeting being stated, it was
     “Resolved, That we approve of the convention of soldiers of the war of 1812, which is to assemble at Philadelphia, on the Ninth of January next, and that the following persons are hereby appointed delegates to said convention from this county, viz.: James Serrill, George G. Leiper, Levi Reynolds, Henry Myers, David Hayes, George Litzenberg, and Aaron Johnson.
     “Resolved, That the soldiers of the war of 1812, poorly clad, poorly fed, subjected to great exposure in defending the Coasts and a long line of Northern frontier, after a tardy delay, should not be stinted in the bestowment of Government bounty, and that any discrimination against the soldiers of 1812 is manifestly unjust.
     “Resolved, That the above proceedings be published in the papers of this county, and that the Secretary be requested to forward a copy of them to Dr. J. B. Sutherland, of Philadelphia.
     “GEORGE G. LEIPER, Chairman.
     “JOHN MARTIN, Secretary.”

The following is the roll of the soldiers of the volunteer and drafted companies from Delaware County:


Commanded by Col. Clement C. Biddle.

Samuel Anderson, captain; Frederick Shull, first lieutenant; David A. Marshall, second lieutenant; William Biggart, ensign. (At an election held at Camp Dupont Oct. 21, 1814, John Caldwell was elected first lieutenant.)

Sergeants.  John Caldwell, Benjamin Haskins, William Evans, Henry Horne.

Corporals.  John Thomson, George Hawkins, John Marshall, Joseph Derrick, John Rowan.

Privates.  Samuel Edwards, Edward. Minshall, Thomas Kille, John Garrett, John Lambert, John Lloyd, Joseph Hall, David Fisher, Joseph Martin, Jr., John Hawkins, Levi B. Martin, Thomas Parsons, Lazarus Martin, Daniel Broomall, Robert Beatty, Thomas Pedrick, James Burns, Jeremiah Brown, Samuel Palmer, Evan Bonsall, Thomas Merion, John Lutkin, Joseph Hooper, Jacob Duey, Robert Clark, Jonathan S. Bonsall, William Kinsey, William Helms, John McLain, Thomas Ash, Peter Long, Cornelius Macky, David Smart, Nathan Hayes, David Bonsall, Isaac Brooks, Daniel McGineley, John McGilton, Samuel Bunting, Philip Painter, George Myers, Davis Smith, Thomas P. Ash, Jonathan Quicksall, Thomas Fleming, Thomas Painter, William Beatty, James Evans, Thomas P. Smith, Charles Lear, John Stevenson, John Pyewell, William Geary, William H. Marshall, James Lock, Daniel Mitchell, John McKee, John Martin (Hook), Joseph Wilkinson, Leonard Cole, William Cummins, Thomas D. Barnard, Thomas Bowers, John Statton, John Hahn, George Ross, Thomas Williams, Moses Wells, Jr., Thomas McCullough, William Smith, Andrew Rively, John McCleaster, William Glover, Joshua Bonsall, Samuel Bonsall, Jr., Thomas Bonsall, Clement Smith, William Cox, John Shaw, George W. Johnson, William Jones, William Humphreys, John Frazier, John Meyers, John Wetherill.


Entered service Sept. 21, 1814. October 14th encamped at Marcus Hook. James Serrill, captain; George G. Leiper, first lieutenant; James Serrill, Jr., second lieutenant; George Serrill, ensign; Moses Adams, sergeant-major.

Sergeants.  John B. Pearson, Richard R. Jones, David Rose, Jr., Joseph Oakford.

Corporals.  Henry Wood, Joseph Shallcross, Andrew Urian, John C. Farrell.

Musicians.  James Warner, Robert Holmes.

Privates.—John Stroop, Enoch Bonsall, Thomas J. Martin, Ellwood Ormsby, Mathew McNulty, Casper Trites, Jesse Z. Paschall, John Rively, Daniel Smith, John Dobbins, George Williamson, William Fines, Reuben Bonsall, Charles Justis, James Cleary, John Dunant, Richard G. Martin, Charles G. Snowden, Joseph Pyle, William Lindsay, George Caldwell, David Cummins, James Brattin, Aaron Martin, Joseph Hibbert, Lewis B. Stannard, Clement Hanse, Charles Bonsall, Charles Gibson, Charles Attmore, Miles McSweeny, Aaron Helms, Cadwalader M. Helms, Andrew Noblit, Andrew Enberg, Marshall Siddons, Thomas Bonsall, William McCormick, Samuel Bonsall, John Brown, John Hansell, Joseph T. Jones, William Torrance, John Dermont, William Grubb, John Bradford, John Martin (Chester), Townsend T. Johns, William Torrence, John McDermott.


Encamped at Marcus Hook Oct. 10, 1814.

Sergeants. – James Morgan, Caleb Smith, John Mather, Lewis Brook, Charles Crozer.

Corporals. – David Trainer, William Urain, George Davis, Isaac Smith. Quartermaster-Sergeant. – -Isaac Atmore.

Privates. – George Delainey, James Lee, William Gill, Samuel Brown,

Vernon Lewis, Jeremiah Maul, William McClelin, Aaron Hibberd, Henry Handly, Adam Litzenburg, John Schringer, Benjamin Arment, William Fraim, Hezekiah Kamp, Isaac Jones, James Wright, Israel Jones, Philip Trites, William Wright, John Forsyth, Isaac Cox, William Armstrong, John Stewart, George Yoecome, Alexander Garey, Jacob Byers, William Stewart, John Tree, John Heppelfinger, John O’Harrah, Joseph Davis, Robert Low, John Smith, Isaac Burns, Jonathan Davis, William Mace, Robert Valentine, Jones Jone, William Eppright, Joseph Rhudolph (2), James Lindsay, Jr., John Latch, Enoch Ramsey, Evan Pennell, John Hoven, John Kerns, John Gare, Jr., Samuel Humphrey, William Orr, James Price, Hugh McDade, John Little, George Wells, John Hoff, Elias Worrell, Jonathan Vernon, Joshua Hardey, Joseph Green, Robert Lithgaw, James McDougal, Enoch Dickason, William Palmer, Thomas Taylor, Jonathan Morgan, George Dunn, Davis Smith, Joseph Rhudolph, John Gore, Samuel Wright, Thomas Rhudolph, Jacob Grim, David Smith, James Fraim, John Fraim, Samuel Lindsey, Lewis Williamson, John Crozer, William Trites, John Ewing, Michael Flahady, John Morton, John McDonnal, James Holdt, George Ely, John Cozens, Edward Waters, Septamus Flounders, John Green, Isaac Sharpless, John H. Worrell.


Commanded by Lieut.-Col. John L. Pierson, of Ridley.

Captain, John Hall; First Lieutenant, Matthew Dunbar; Second Lieutenant, William Scofield; Third Lieutenant, Thomas Olly; Ensign, Robert Dunn.

Sergeants  – Jacob Wise, John Bowers, Jr., Joseph Dunwoody, Jabez Lewis.

Privates.  Joseph Bittle, Isaac Davis, Robert Corker, Moses Newlin,

Joseph Fulton, Bennett Lewis, Thomas J. Miles, Isaac Richards,

John Daver, John Reyner, Joshua Lainhoff, Samuel Taylor, John Ormsby, Benjamin Serril, John Mann, John Engle, John McGahey, John Cray, Peter King, Joseph Evens, Samuel Lynch, Abraham Miller, Philip Rap, Thomas Car, Armet Rossiter, William Phillips, Jacob Kulp, Ezekiel Shur, Jesse Shauer or Shawer, Jacob Root, Daniel Root, John Job, Frederick Hough, Isaac Zebar, John McKealher, George Hough, Daniel Rice, Thomas Scot, Jabez Nice, Samuel Lindsey, William Rudabaugh, Samuel Rudolph, James Blundat, William Field, Peter Burns, William Evens, Lewis Pennell, John Alexander, Edward McLary, Thomas C. Pearce, Eli Roberts, Samuel Lindsey, John Standley, John Humphreys, Jacob Wiley, John Fergurson, John Hoofstickler, Benjamin Worrell, Thomas E. Downs, James Everheart, Samuel Miller, Ston, Samuel Miller, Wht, John Shaffener, John White, David Royer, Adam Poley, Jacob Donahower, Samuel Walker, Peter Defrain, Conrad Baker, Jesse Boyer, David Shuteman, John Rap, Nathan Brook, Mittle Hause, Andrew Laird, Jacob Haven, Martain Sheater, John Walker, Alexander Clemans, Malen Rossiter, Miles Beaty, Francis Enos, William Fox, James McFagen, William McNeal, Marcus Boon, Charles Bugle, Mifflin Lewis, John Hoops, Jacob Jones, Able Lodge, Daniel Davis, Samuel Jenet, Philip Litzenburg, Benjamin Urian, John Hoiser, Denis Sheridan, George Brannan, James Hughs, Isaac Garrison, Mordecai Thomas, Philip Miller, Jacob Stoneback, Henry Longacker, Abiza Rossiter, Able Williams, Jacob Smith, John Shinkle, Jacob King, Michael King, George Geger, Jacob Defrain, James Lundy, Jacob Longaker, James Adrikens, Henry Stophelbine, William Danafelser, Isaac Jones, Henry Sheet, John Possey, Daniel Young, George Litzenburg, John Saylor, Amos Griffith, Andrew Rively.


Privates.  Reuben Taylor, George Roberts, Jacob Goodwin, James Degraut, Kenith McKinzy, John Smith, George Hersh, Hezekiah Jackson, Lawrence Wilson, Edward Salyards, Henry Garman, Jacob Forwood, William Hoskins, Joseph Conway, Thompson Hunter, Samuel Sinquet, Jacob Howell, John McDonald, Levi Waldravin, Davis Morgan, David Rider, David Egee, William Town, John Frame, Joseph Rogers, John Cross, John Archer, Benjamin Torton, Samuel Eppright, William Thompson, William Sill, Matthew Scott, Thomas McKeown, Charles Rowland, John King, James Day, William White, William Bowers, Joseph H. Lawrence, George Wells, Powell Clayton, Charles Griffith, John Burk, Benjamin Clare, Evan Griffith, John Walker, Richard Ford, William Bucknell, Hugh Love, David Williamson, Thomas Trimble, James Cummings, John Farrow, Samuel Griffith, John Gallino, Francis Himes, John Funterwise, Thomas Hutcheson, Henry Pearson, Peter Pearson, Thomas Llewellyn, George L. Davis, Joseph Farrow, Thomas Everson, Jonathan Crozier, James Brothers, Isaac White, John Kitts, William Martin, Jacob Essex, George Hannum, Benjamin Work, Edward May, Edward W. Robeson, William Dempsey, Samuel Pennell, John Petterson, Timothy Pierce, William Hodge, Benjamin Thompson, William McCray, Abram Peck, John Gilmore, Thomas Kelly, Martin Bryan, Thomas Chaffin, John Nickles, William Sharp, Peter Young, Aaron Carter, Jeremiah Murry, Jesse Sharpless, Oswald Sill, John Bane, Isaac Eaches, John Heck, Bartholomew Shimer, Samuel Sullivan, John Haycock, Jacob Stanley, Thomas Cochran, Henry Carr, Atlee Porter, Samuel Cozens, Emmor Davis, Charles Rowland, George Farrow, John Wizer, Lazarus Weidner.


Entered United States service Sept. 20, 1814; encamped at Camp Snyder, Marcus Hook, Oct. 17, 1814.

Sergeants.  James McGuigan, John Taylor, George Peters, Thomas Ash, Patrick McGuigan.

Corporals.  Samuel Roberts, Barney McGuigan, Benjamin Yarnall.

Privates.  Samuel Bittle, Eli Ratteu, James Mitchel, William Davis, James Huff, Jehu Griffith, John Henthorn, John Gorby, Aaron Beale, Giliad Burns, William McLaughlin, Sr., Jacob Stewart, John Varly, Thomas Marshall, Aaron Smith, John Davis, William Turner, John Kelly, Samuel Burnet, Jesse Green, James McCoy, Joseph Griffith, Henry Bean, Jesse McKinstry, Woodward Hampton, Nicholas Marrow, Daniel Likens, George McBride, Frederick Stimel, Alexander Torbert, Peter Harper, Richard Baker, Abel Green, Francis Harbinson, William Rauzel (or Raugel),. David Cornog, Robert Valentine, William Graff, George Russell, Frederick Close, Curtis Barlow, Cornelius Wright, William Odenheimer, William Weare, John B. Price, Archibald Dougherty, William Smith, Jacob Riser, William Mace, Levan Bernard, Andrew Black, James Weare, Samuel Russell, Charles Smith, Thomas Mercer, Benjamin Allison, Isaac Tompkins, Richard Clayton, Aaron Lawrence, Jeremiah Dutton, John Smith, William McLaughlin, David Torton, John H. Craig, John Barlow, Vincent Jester, Charles McGarraty, John Alcot, John S. Hannum, Robert Steel, Thomas Brown, James Hodge, George Hine, Peter Smith, John Burnet, Joseph Murphy, Jacob Young, Valentine Dick, David Jay, Abel Smedley, John S. Travis, Richard Warnick, John Wheeling, James Taylor, John Hoops, Felix Fields, Henry Collins, Joseph Edworthy, Matthew Hopkins, James Weare, Jr., Alexander Parks, Baldwin Weaver, Thomas Jones, Anthony N. Still, Andrew Hunter, Reuben Miles, John Hook, Jonathan Gibson, John King, Joel Scott, Nehemiah Baker, David Broomell, John Pyle.

*No newspaper was then published in Delaware County.

**Riots had occurred in Baltimore.

***Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. vii. p. 735.

(4*) History of Delaware County, p. 31. There is a slight error in the dates given by Dr. Smith, since the official records at Harrisburg show that the company was in camp at Marcus Hook on Oct. 10, 1814.

Source:  Page(s) 86-91, History of Delaware County, Pennsylvania, by Henry Graham Ashmead, Philadelphia: L.H. Everts & Co. 1884

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